Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“What do I do now that you're gone? No back-up plan, no second chance, and no one else to blame. All I can hear in the silence that remains are the words I couldn't say…”
-Rascal Flatts
Disclaimer: Don't own it. Any of it. Don't sue. I have no money.
Tifa knelt on the soft grass, placing a single red rose before a head stone. She looked up at it, her fingers softly grazing the surface as tears blurred her eyes.
“It's been a while,” she whispered, brushing a lock of dark hair from her eyes. She let the tears roll down her cheeks, falling onto the grass.
She looked away, sniffling. “You know,” she whispered, “Cloud asked me why I keep coming back today.” She smiled softly. “He says I'm wasting my time, sitting here, talking to this stone.” She sighed. “I suppose he's right, but I know you're listening to me.”
She blinked, fresh tears on her cheeks. “You always did,” she said, her voice choked. “And you always knew what to say to make me feel better.” She traced the name on the stone. “I remember the way you used to laugh at me. When I was worried or upset you would always tell me, `Don't be dramatic, Tifa. Things will do as they will.' I miss hearing that.”
Her hazel eye narrowed in concentration as she stared at the stone. “I miss hearing your laughter,” she whispered. “Sometimes I think I hear you, though. It's like you're there, laughing and telling me not to worry.” She swallowed, more tears on her cheeks. “And I miss feeling your touch.” She paused, her throat constricting. “I miss your kisses.” She brushed at her cheeks.
“It seems like everywhere I go, something reminds me of you,” she said softly. “Sometimes I wake up at night, hearing you calling my name, or I'll pause on the street, thinking you're right behind me like you used to be.”
She gazed at the grass. “I saw Barrett several days ago,” she said. “It looks like he's doing well, and he says he's sending Marlene to school in the fall. Says he wants her to be educated and quick-witted like you were.” She glanced over her shoulder, seeing Cloud leaning against Fenrir, waiting for her.
“And I know Cloud misses you, too,” she said quietly, smiling a little. “He'd never say anything, but sometimes I catch him up at night, staring at the moon or cleaning Cerberus. He says it's because he can't sleep, but I know he's thinking of you.”
She closed her eyes, trying to think of anything else she had to say. She brushed at more tears, realizing their time together was ending once more. It always seemed as if the clock sped up on this day every year, robbing her of time.
She drew a deep breath, then opened her eyes.
“Tifa, we need to get going!” Cloud called, just as she knew he would.
She lifted her gaze from the rose to the head stone, swallowing more tears. “I'm sorry, darling,” she whispered, feeling a wave of grief wash her. “I have to go.” The tears fell faster as she leaned forward, pressing her lips to the stone.
She drew back, gazing at it one last time, before standing. She turned and walked back to Cloud, wiping the tears from her eyes.
“How'd it go?” Cloud asked, catching her shoulders.
She nodded, unable to keep from crying once more.
Cloud pulled her into his arms, kissing her hair. “It'll be alright,” he whispered softly.
She nodded into his chest. “I know,” she whispered, stepping back. Sadness and love shone deeply in her hazel eyes. “I'm ready.”
Cloud nodded, mounting Fenrir. He started it up as Tifa climbed on behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his back. She glanced back once more as they drove away.
She gasped. There, on the hill, under the willow where he was buried, Vincent stood, watching them. The wind tossed his raven hair across his face, his cloak billowing behind him. He glanced to his left, Aerith appearing beside him. She smiled up at him, before turning and disappearing into the shadow of the willow.
He turned to follow her, but paused, looking back at Tifa. `I'm always with you, my love,' he whispered, smiling softly.
Tifa watched him vanish behind Aerith, and she turned away, smiling through her tears. `I know, darling,' she thought. `I've always known.'