Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight tram ride ❯ First fight for him. ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This is My story Any one who wishes to dissagy can contackt transwestern publishing

For the copy rigt info.

But I do own any FF VII people so don't sue me ok.

"You can't even hold your own in a fight, you really think he likes such a weak-" Tifa yelled, interrupted by her adversary.

"I can fight! Besides, my strength is magic. And how do you think he likes you? He can't even get close enough to your face to kiss you because of those huge things!" Aerith shouted back, pointing to Tifa's chest.

"I beg your pardon; at least I'm not flat like you! You think just because you're a Cetra that all men will fall for you?"

"No, but it's obvious Cloud is looking for a more feminine girl. He'd never go for a brute like you."

"First off, you're not feminine, you're childish. Second, Cloud respects me because I can hold my own."

Yuffie had taken as much as she could. Slipping out of her bed, she casually made her way out of the girl's room, unnoticed by the bickering women. She wandered down the hall, bored and unable to sleep from the torrent raging in her room.

'I wonder if Vincent would mind if I slept on his floor?' Silently she pushed open the door to his room just a crack, peeking in through the slit. Her eyes widened upon seeing the sight that lied before her.

'Vincent is...weird.' She stared at him dangling from the ceiling, suspended by wires hooked into his chest. She quietly pulled the door shut, and rambled on down the hall.

'Maybe Cid would let me crash there,' she thought, carefully easing his door open. Choking smoke billowed out, inciting uncontrollable coughing from her. 'Nope.'

"Hey, What's the problem?" Cid asked, hearing her coughing.

"It's nothing, Cid. I'm just a little bored that's all," Yuffie managed to say between gags.

"Well, c'mon in, we'll play some poker!" He roared. Just about everything Cid said was fifteen decibels too loud.

"No, that's okay, I get in too much trouble gambling." Being the quick-thinker she is, she ducked her head and backed away from the door, leaving the pilot with that excuse.

"Well, if you change your mind," Cid shrugged, leaving the offer open. She hustled away from his door as fast as she could without actually looking like she was fleeing.

'Maybe Barret--NO!' She quickly dismissed the very thought of it. Barret had spent most of his time hitting on her, ever since she'd joined the entourage. 'Damned pedophile,' she thought, shuddering at the memory of him 'trying to get cozy wit her.' She had to do everything she could to wiggle her way out of his arms. Quietly she tiptoed past his room, toward the end of the hall.

"That leaves Cait Sith and Cloud...I don't trust that big stuffed turd." She thought aloud, stopping at Cloud's door. She turned the knob, pushed the door open and invited herself in.

"Hey Cloud, I can't sleep." The boy in question was standing by the window, staring out over the desert as the ninja announced her presence.

'Probably thinking about Sephiroth.' She sighed, trotting up to him. In her usual way, she greeted him with a smile, then a quick blow to the stomache, which always connected. He bent forward, clutching his gut as usual.

"I haven't gotten a good look around this place. How bout you give me a tour?" She had to hold back a giggle as she spoke, then quickly sobered. 'What am I doing? I just wanted some sleep.'

"Yuffie, we have a lot ahead of us tomorrow, we should all get some rest." Cloud could only protest meekly as Yuffie tugged on his hand.

"This place is too noisy and flashy to sleep in. I keep looking out the window." She said, a big grin plastered onto her face. Cloud sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright." He agreed, letting her drag him out of the room by his hand. As they made their way to the lobby, the PA system kicked in loud and clear with an announcement that made all who were still awake cheer with happiness.

"Tonight is lover's night at the Gold Saucer; All rides are free!"

"Did you hear that!? I'm up for anything that's free! Let's go to the Shooting Coaster first!" Yuffie yelled excitedly over the rest of the shouting, running towards the portal with Cloud in tow.

~Shooting coaster~

Yuffie shouted in a mix of fear and excitement as the coaster dropped down the twenty story drop, then quickly jolting to the left. She waved her arms over her head as the car rocketed over the tracks. Cloud was busy shooting at the targets, smiling with pleasure every so often when he'd hit a big score. The coaster rolled back into the starting shed, and the patrons began their departure.

"Awesome! That was great...How did you do?" She gasped, still overwhelmed with adrenaline as Cloud helped her out of the coaster. He only smiled and headed for the prize counter. "Hey, wait up!" Yuffie bounced over, eyes widening as she heard his score.

"Seven thousand points! Take your pick of any prize." The attendant behind the counter smiled, a bit of shock in his voice as obviously this was the first time he'd seen a person score so high.

"Alright Cloud!!!" The ninja shouted, throwing her arms around his neck and hopping a few times. "What're you going to get?" She stepped back so she was standing beside him instead of hanging from him.

"Take your pick, Yuffie." He answered, the girl immediately blushing from the generosity.

"Really!?" Her face was glowing. Aside from Barret, Cloud was the only one who really treated her kindly. "Okay, I'll take...Um..." She pondered for a moment, panning a gaze about the prizes hanging from the wall. "...That!" She said, finally pointing to a gigantic plush chocobo.

"One Chocobo stuffed toy for the young miss!" The attendant said, pulling it down and handing it to her, the thing just about equalling her height. "You still have three thousand points left." She looked to Cloud for his approval to pick another prize. He held his hand out toward the counter, gesturing her to make her choice. She grinned, perusing the selection once again.

"That one, that one!"

The attendee smiled, glancing back at the multi-colored, mini-materia necklace. He reached under the counter, pulled out a small case and handed it to her. Yuffie absolutely glowed as she pulled the glittering jewelry out of its box.

"Cloud, would you?" She asked, handing it to him and turning around. He gently draped it around her neck, fastening it in the back. She turned around with a huge smile on her face as she felt the cool feel of compressed mako, even through her thick turtleneck.

"So, where to next?"

"I want to see the play." Yuffie grinned as her eyes diverted towards the portal, then back at Cloud. Being a gentleman, he offered his arm in escort for her. She took hold of his arm, wrestling the huge Chocobo plushie over to her other side, and they headed for the Event portal.

~The play, beginning of a fairy tale~

"Congratulations, you're our one hundredth couple! Please come this way." The doorman smiled as they walked in.

"Oh, well, we're not-" Yuffie started.

"The one hundredth couple gets to play the parts of the hero and the heroine in the play tonight. Follow me please." The man was quite zealous, the excitement in his voice as he spoke, and he began heading away before Yuffie could finish her sentence. She glanced up at Cloud.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt." The blonde hesitated for a moment before moving to follow the man.

"But I don't know anything about acting." Yuffie admitted. It was quite evident she was afraid of performing infront of a room full of people.

"Neither do I," Cloud smiled, "It'll be alright."


"Long, long ago, an evil shadow appeared over the peaceful kingdom of Galdia...The Princess Rosa was just kidnapped by the evil dragon king, Valvados! What will become of her? Just then, the legendary hero Alfred appears!!" The narrator overacted, trying to psyche up the crowd for the play.

"Hey, that's your cue, get out there!" The stagehand said quietly, shoving Cloud out onto the platform. The crowd cheered as the new actor appeared, his glowing red face giving away his nervousness moreso than anything else.

"Oh! You must be the legendary hero...Alfred!" The actor playing the knight said, the fake emotions bleeding heavily though his lines. He waited for a moment, and then nudged Cloud. "Hey, it's your line." Cloud flinched and pointed at himself, a questioning look in his eyes.

"Yeah, you. Ahem! Oh! You must be the legendary hero...Alfred! I know in my soul. Please... please save Princess Rosa!" The actor said with even more cheesiness than the first time.

"I vow to save Princess Rosa." Cloud shouted, unaware of his terrible acting.

"Now...Please talk to the King!" The knight said. Another actor entered the stage, elaborate costume and plastic jewelry littering his body, making it apparent that he was playing mentioned emperor.

"Oh...legendary hero, Alfred. You have come to save my beloved Rosa..."

"Yes, your majesty." Cloud shouted again.

"On the peak of a dangerous mountain... dwells the evil dragon king, Valvados, who's kidnapped Princess Rosa. But..." The King said, pausing dramatically. "You can't beat the Evil Dragon King now! Talk to one who can help you." He finished. A third actor danced onto the stage dressed as a wizard, complete with pointy hat and floppy robes. Cloud looked off-stage to the stagehand, who excitedly motioned him to continue.

"Talk to the wizard." He whispered as loudly as he could, without the audience hearing. Cloud glanced back to the wizard, shrugged his shoulders and ran over to him.

"I am the great wizard, Vorman. What do you wish to know?" The older actor said, brilliantly speaking his lines.

"I am on a journey to save Princess Rosa; I must know the Evil Dragon King's weakness."

"Ahh, the weakness of the Evil Dragon King. It must must be..." He spoke slyly, walking circles around the Hero. "Yes, it must be..." Dramatic pause.

"True love!"

The audience cheered.

"The power of love is the only weapon that can withstand the fangs of the Evil Dragon King!" The Wizard finished.

"Oh what is going to happen next?!" The narrorator nearly jumped out of his seat as he read, pumped up with excitement himself.

"Oh...Legendary hero...look!" The Wizard shouted. An actor in costume as Valvados entered the stage, carrying Yuffie in his arms. She was wearing an incredibly silly-looking, frilly pink dress that didn't suit her at all.

"Gwaaaaaaaaah! I am the evil Dragon King, Valvados! I have been expecting you!" The actor shouted through the large, green foam costume.

"Please help me legendary hero!" Yuffie shouted over-dramatically. She paused before asking if it she read her line decently, half-whispering to the actor in the suit. She got no reply.

"Gwaaaaaah! Here I come, legendary hero, Alfred! Yes, I already know your name!"

"And now, Legendary hero! To save your beloved," The wizard started, pausing again. "A kiss! The power of true love!" Cloud dodged the Evil Dragon King, and rushed over to Yuffie. Taking her hand in his, he bends on one knee and kisses her hand.

"Cloud-- I mean, Alfred..." Yuffie said, blushing lightly and softly biting at her bottom lip

"Arrggaahhh!! Curses. The power of love!" The Dragon King shouted, rushing off the stage.

"Oh... look! Love has triumphed! Now let's all return...and celebrate." The emperor proclaimed.

"Yes, lets." The wizard and knight said in unison. With that, all the actors make their exit.

"Oh, how profound the power of love. And so the legendary hero Alfred and our story live on happily ever after." The narrator finished, the lights dimming as the curtain fell.

~Midnight tram ride~

"Watch your step miss." The tram operator said, helping Yuffie into the tramcar. "It's nearly time for the midnight fireworks display. You two are in luck. Seeing it from thirty five feet above the launch platform is a spectacle!" He spoke with a hint of envy as he pushed the door closed and latched it securely. Yuffie sat her choco-plushie beside her on the tram seat and seated herself next to the window.

"You kids have fun." The operator chuckled, pulling the start lever back. The car jolted and began its slow ascent up the tramline.

"One of my childhood friends was afraid of heights. I've never understood that... I can't imagine not being able to climb up atop the Daicho statues of my birthplace and look out over the land. From up there, you can see the clear to the ocean..." She rambled, gawking out the window.

"The fireworks should be starting soon." Cloud noted, glancing at his watch. "When I was little, a carnival used to come to Nibelheim every year. They had clowns, acrobats, chocobo rides... At the end of the night, they'd shoot off fireworks." His eyes glazed slightly as he reminisced.

"You know, Wutai makes almost all fireworks used in the world?" Yuffie said, looking back at Cloud. He smiled and nodded.

"You ever set any off there?"

"I nearly set the roof on fire! Godo grounded me for a month, that son of a..." She growled, balling up a fist. The car had reached what was probably the highest point of the trip, then it jolted again and screeched to a stop.

"...Did the car break down?" Cloud asked no one in particular, standing and peering out the window.

"Maybe the operator just wanted to let us see the fireworks better..." Cloud turned to her and nodded, gazing at her strangely. The tone in her voice seemed different...almost romantic. And he couldn't help but notice her odd breathing as he took his seat.

"Cloud?" She asked hesitantly, biting subconsciously at her bottom lip.


"Are you angry with me for taking all your materia back then?" Yuffie spoke slowly, toying with one finger at her new mini-materia necklace. Cloud thought for a moment, looking into her eyes.

"Not really. I mean, I understand why you wanted so much materia."

"But, do you hold it against me that I left you guys stranded?" An even longer pause. "You do, don't you?"

"No," Cloud quickly dismissed her assumption. "No one got hurt, and you returned everything."

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to take it's just..." She hesitated once more. "Once I started to swipe it, I got carried away and ended up taking it all. I felt terrible about it...but then you guys came looking for your materia, and you started chasing me, and you were all pissed at me, so I couldn't-"

"Yuffie, it's alright." Cloud interrupted, leaning forward and resting his hand on her shoulder. She smiled, sniffing back her tears.

"During the play, when you kissed my hand...I wondered if you were really still angry with me. I want to be part of the team, not just to beat Shinra, but I wanted to be friends with all of you." She paused, nibbling on her bottom lip a little more. "Cloud?"


"Do you like Tifa, or is it Aerith?"

Cloud was dumbfounded. He really hadn't given it much thought. They both had their good qualities, and their shortcomings. Most of all, their almost constant bickering over who was going to 'get' him had begun to drive him up the wall. Being honest with himself, Yuffie's theft of their materia was almost like a blessing. Aerith and Tifa had, at least for a day or two, stopped arguing over him and shifted attention to bitching about Yuffie. The mere memory of that brought a chuckle to him.

"What's so funny? I asked you a serious question."

"Sorry...I was just remembering something...I don't know, Yuffie. If you were me, who would you choose?" He held back morphing his smile into a grin, turning her question back on her. Her eyes widened with surprise.

"Damn if I know, they're both annoying." At her quick remark, Cloud threw his head back and erupted into laughter. Yuffie watched with a smile until he slowly brought himself to a stop, chuckling a little bit herself.

"I'm glad you let me drag you out tonight." She sighed. "Tifa and Aerith both wanted to take you out...They were throwing a fit! To be honest, I really just wanted to crash in your room on the floor--"

"But you decided to get them both back for keeping you awake?" Cloud asked rhetorically, finishing her sentence.

"...Yeah, I guess." She agreed half-heartedly. Was that really why? Just to get back at Tifa and Aerith? All she wanted to do was sleep, but when she walked in... She thought for a moment, replaying the scene in her mind. She looked at Cloud, and then...wanted to go on the date with him...But how can she tell him? A blush made its way onto the ninja's face as she noticed he was still staring at her.

"...You wanted to go on a date tonight, didn't you?" The crack of his mouth twitched, wanting to pull back into a grin again.

"What makes you say that?" She stuttered a little bit, trying to figure out a way to deny it without actually denying it.

"That look on your face...and the look on your face when you re-joined the group. And the fact that you were so concerned that I believe you when you said you were sorry about taking our materia." By this time a smirk had crept up his face, if only just a little bit.

"It wasn't that obvious!..Was it?"

"I'm good at observing people. I don't think anyone else ever had a clue, especially not Tifa or Aerith." Cloud leaned forward towards his date, who, to avoid eye contact, glanced out the window just in time to see a rocket burst in mid-air. Glittering red flames showered down through the cool night air and withered, a short silence before it was followed by an explosion of blue sparkles, then a green one, the loud blasts and whistles streaming through the entire park.

"...So I like you." Yuffie spoke softly, pretending to be focused more on the fireworks.

"Just like?" Cloud spoke equally as soft, with what seemed to be sincere curiousity in his voice. She looked back at him, flinching a little bit as she began to talk before thinking.

"Alright fine, I'm in love with you. But I'm not gay enough to bicker and fight over you like Tifa and Aerith." She sneered at the mention of their names, standing up before him and balling up a fist. He immediately burst into laughter.

"What's your problem?!"

"You're cute when you're mad." He grinned. Yuffie's cheeks flushed a brilliant pink. "And when you blush."

"Knock it off!" She shouted, turning away from him. 'I knew it...I shouldn't have told him. He'd just make fun of me...'

"Hey," He stood up, a warm touch in his voice, and he turned her around to face him. "...Maybe... I like you, too..." He leaned closer to her. "Maybe...I'm in love with you, too." His Mako eyes glowed a little brighter as usual, inching his lips closer to hers. She let her bottom lip slide out from between her teeth, wanting to speak but not having enough will to do so.

"Cloud, I..." Her words disappeared into his lips. She could barely think. All she could do was feel his mouth on hers, his lips slowly caressing hers. His smell was rich, thick with Mako, giving him an almost materia-like scent. Tingles ran through her body as his warm tongue invaded her mouth, roaming the orifice as if foraging for sustenance. All she could think to do was welcome him, letting her own tongue guide him through the corners of the damp cavity. She closed her arms around him, drawing his body closer to hers.

Slowly their passionate kiss faded as their lips parted. Yuffie slowly opened her eyes, gazing at her new beau.



The glassy black eyes of the Chocobo plushy glared lifelessly from its place on the car seat, seemingly watching the two forms mingle on the floor of the tramcar. Yuffie's faint cries of pleasure filled the car, echoing around the roof, and dissipating with the thundering fireworks. She lay on the floor, eyes closed, feeling as if there were no tramcar at all, like she and Cloud were floating in mid air amongst the fireworks.

Her smooth, slender legs were wrapped tightly around his hips, her arms under his shoulders. His muscular legs were pushing toward her, driving his sex into her. With each inward push, her shoulders pushed back against the floor, forcing an arch in her back. A single drop of sweat fell from the tip of his nose, landing on her warm cheek. She opened her eyes and gazed up into his, a smile forming on her face as she reached up to touch his beautiful face.

His lips caught her fingers before they reached their destination, kissing lightly at the beautiful digits. He made a leisurely withdraw from her and stood, coaxing her to rise as well. Thoughts almost in unison, she turned and faced the back window. Holding onto the back ledge, she spread her legs apart, looking over her shoulder in anticipation.

Cloud ran his hands slowly up her thighs, letting them come to rest on her hips. His stiff member slid up the inside of one of her thighs to where it met the other. With one hand he guided the erect piece back into the damp warmth of her flower, catching his rhythm again as he continued to drive himself into her, intensifying her soft moans.

Her whole body rocked in time with his, each inward thrust lurching her forward and forcing an aroused sigh out of her. Only her mini-materia necklace is out of time, bouncing off her chest each time her body shifted. One hand left its post on her hip, tickling a path up her side, and to her breast, gently massaging the small mammary. The fugitive hand pinched gingerly at the swollen bud, a yelp escaping her lips as it did. The soft gentle caressing and the slow, arousing penetration were pushing her past any limit of passion she'd ever dreamed.

The thundering of the fireworks long since drowned out by the beating of her heart. She heaved for each breath, feeling hot and cold at the same time, her body now dripping with sweat. Her mind raced through memories of the love she'd seen, but could never have for herself. Now it belonged to her. The lover whose body crashed against her firm buttocks again and again, like relentless waves hammering the glistening shore.

Once again, he removed himself from her, pulling her up from her leaning position. He sat back on the floor, pulling her into his lap. With one hand, he guided himself inside her once again, letting her body sink down around his swollen manhood. She loosed a long deep moan as her body slid down over his shank, until she came to rest on the tops of his thighs. She gasped for each hot breath as he closed his arms around her, each hand cupping a small breast. In full ecstasy, she sat there, limp, either unable, or unwilling to move. His hands feeling and massaging her peaks, his sex filling hers, she could do little more than mewl in pleasure.

He brought a hand to her mouth, feeling her dry lips with its fingers. Diving down past her breasts, past her belly button, to the wet petals in which he was so deeply buried. Dragging a finger across the edge, he returned to her lips, covering them with the warm liquid. Two fingers circled her lips, pulling her passion along behind them. She opened her mouth, inviting those two exploring fingers to enter. The rambling digits played precariously along the rim of her mouth, finally giving in and sliding into the warm interior. Closing her lips around them, she began to lick the still warm juices from them, wanting more of the salty liquid.

As she suckled deeply at his fingers, Cloud leaned forward, letting his cheek rest against her head. He drew in a deep breath, pulling with it the scent of her hair. Clean, but not perfumy like Aerith or Tifa. He seemed to purr as he rested his chin on her shoulder, tentatively nibbling and licking at the edge of her ear. She responded involuntarily, tightening her muscles around him, in waves up the length of her canal, beckoning him further into her. Each spasm she made drove him a little further over the edge, until he moved his hand away from her breast to raise her body.

He slowly lifted her, raising her steadily until he was almost out of her, then he gradually let her descend back down his rod. Repeating this again and again, she soon was forced to open her mouth, letting her moans escape, her body quivering with exhilaration and ecstasy. He began to increase his speed, pulling his other hand down to join its mate. She could feel a wave building up inside her, filling her genitals, then her torso.

He rocked himself against her back as he pulled her down. Her skin was so smooth, her tiny shoulder blades shifting with each move she made. The sensation flowing through her flooded into her limbs, threatening to invade her mind. He continued, holding back his own climax, determined not reach the end without her. Her mind slowly gave way to the overwhelming sensation and in a shriek of passion the wave within her crashed, launching her boy into a quick fit of spasms.

For what seemed like eternity, she remained there, slumped back against Cloud, staring at the car ceiling. Gradually she became aware that she was more than a little damp. A large puddle of glistening liquid, mixed with a few smears of blood, lay on the floor between their legs. And the strange mixture of juices was still gurgling from her man-filled cavity.

"Cloud...I...that was..."

"My little Yuffie. The thief who heart." A shiver ran up her spine as he breathed into her ear, turning her to face him if not just to hold her in his arms. He prayed for just a few more minutes of this paradise, just a few more minutes to be with her. Alas, the car jolted again and started to move, bringing them back to reality.


"I'm sorry, boss, there was this really cute couple and I wanted to give them a better view of the fireworks." The tram operator apologized to his supervisor, keeping an eye on the tramcar as it descended back down to the shed.

"Did it ever occur to you that perhaps they didn't want to be stuck up there for thirty minutes?" The older man snarled as the car slowly ground to a halt at the boarding shed. He stepped to the door and opened, plastering a grin on his face in hopes to make up for the supposed offense.

"Sorry for the wait, folks." His speech slowed in the middle of the sentence, a slight look of astonishment on his face as he saw the smiles of the patrons.

"That's alright, the fireworks were beautiful." Yuffie wheezed, hopping off the tramcar. The operator nodded to her, noticing her flushed cheeks and awkward walk.

"Yeah, that should be mandatory to stop right there every time." Cloud waved and flashed a grin at the two, following Yuffie down the gangplank toward the landing.

"See, they loved it." The operator said in an 'I-told-you-so' voice to the older man. "You two kids have a nice night!" He chuckled, the realization of what most likely (and did) happen in that half hour not hitting either of the workers until a few minutes after their guests had disappeared down the main lobby portal.

"So Cloud, where to now?" Yuffie walked like a drunk, her sore waist hindering her movement, and she practically hung from his arm for support. But the grin on her face could be seen from Sephiroth's crater, and it was quite apparent she didn't want the night to be over just yet.

Where ever you'd like to go. That's what Cloud wanted to say. Before he could say it, however, something caught his eye. Two young ladies standing by the Haunted House portal, one in a miniskirt and a tank top, the other in a pink dress.

"Cloud! There you are!" Tifa announced, storming toward him. Yuffie spun around just in time to see them both headed their way.

"We've been looking everywhere for you! You have to finish this once and for all!!" Aerith stated. For a moment, Yuffie's insecurity got the best of her, and she began to quiver from her wanting to run. Cloud's solid hand coming to rest on her shoulder brought her out of it, and gathering what was once a sleeping mix of jealousy and protectiveness, she snapped at the two women before anyone had a chance to say one more word.

"He's mine!" She turned towards him, almost childishly embracing him. Tifa and Aerith stopped dead in their tracks as the ninja's usually quiet voice hit them like a slap to the face. "Cloud is with me tonight." She resisted sticking her tongue out at them, pushing her face into his chest. He didn't even look at them as he closed his arms around her.

"" Tifa was bewildered.

"Yeah! So just go back to your rooms, because..." She hesitated, unsure of what she started. Cloud rested his cheek on her head and breathed in the scent of her hair. "...Because Cloud is mine! And you can't have any of him." Silence. Both of them stood there at a loss for what to say, Aerith beginning to slowly shake her head.

"You little...backstabbing...thief! Thief!!" She took a step to close the distance between herself and Yuffie. "You knew we-"

"C'mon Aerith, lets go." Tifa growled half-heartedly, literally jerking Aerith away by her sleeve.

"Hey!! Let go of me, I wasn't finished-"

"Yes you were. It's like she said-- Cloud is hers." Tifa sighed conclusively, almost trying to convince herself more than her rival.

"I can't believe you could give up so easily. Aren't you pissed that...that little brat went under our noses and stole the guy we both wanted?!" Aerith shouted, wrestling to get free. The sight of them began to draw attention before Tifa stopped and jerked Aerith in front of her.

"I am pissed. But not at her -- I'm pissed at me. She's the smart one. While we were busy arguing over who was going to get Cloud, she went out and took him herself, which is what we should've been doing all along."

"Yeah but-"

"No ands, ifs or buts. We lost, Aerith. Didn't you see how he was holding her? Didn't you see the look on her face?" Tifa bit her lip as she realized Aerith didn't quite comprehend. "...They know each other better than they did this morning." The Cetra remained quiet, a puzzled look on her face as she tried to read Tifa's face for any signs of what was unspoken. Gears turned, and Aerith snapped back, her eyes shot wide with shock and slight disgust.

"You mean they-?!"

"Yep." Tifa sighed, resuming her now-sluggish walk back toward the haunted house portal.

"No way! No way!!" Aerith gasped dismissingly, following close behind. "She's too young."

"She's sixteen."

"Yeah, but...Cloud is twenty."

"That's only four years." Their conversation echoed into the distance as they faded out of sight. The mercenary and the thief had watched the whole ordeal, the latter of the duo giggling as she saw Aerith's myriad of faces. It was like a slide show; one _expression quickly and unpredictably switching to the next. It was reassuring.

"That was easier than I thought." Yuffie grinned, stepping back from her boy and gazing down the portal. Cloud chuckled as she verbally noted the difference between Aerith and Tifa's amount of expressions.

"Tifa isn't as naive as Aerith. It was too embarrassing for her to be beaten by a sixteen year old with A-cup breasts and a knack for robbing people blind..." A smile graced his face as Yuffie stuck out her tongue. "So, where were we?"

"Well..." Yuffie glanced at each portal, having forgotten for that brief moment that her date wasn't over. "...I can't decide. You pick."

"Alright," He shrugged, taking her hand. "I say we go back to the hotel."

"Awr! Okay fine, let's go to the--" She started, heading away from the portal. He tugged her back, only to receive a frustrated pout. "I dun wanna go to sleep yet!"

"Who said anything about going to sleep? There's more to do in a bed than sleep you know." Yuffie blushed deeply as he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.

"Again? I mean, you're up to it? I mean--" She stuttered, immediately laughing. "No pun intended, but..."

"Anything for my little Miss Materia." He ran her hands through her hair as they headed toward the haunted house portal.

"Is that a promise?"

"That depends."

"On what?"

"Well..." Cloud trailed off, scratching his head sheepishly as the two slowly disappeared into the portal.


Chapter 1 end!
