Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Mine. ❯ Chosen ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warnings: This fic is just one big warning, and if you're still reading it, you're not bothered by anything I write.
Disclaimer: I do not own Zell or Irvine or any of the FF8 characters, for that matter. However, Whipcrack, Jirrah, Ahshey, and my personal favourite, Krerah. -huggles him- Also any other random characters not from FF8 are belong to me!
Pairings: …Ahshey/Krerah? -snort-
Author's Notes: My Nanna's last scan came out non-malignant and the scan she had is 90% accurate. All jump for joy now! Although I never did put all that stuff that was going on in author's notes, I feel that the good news deserves to be broadcast. Nanna is just about the only one of my family these days who wants to read my writing - not, mind you, the writing you're reading right now. -grins- I think she would die of embarrassment if she read this. Anyway! It's great news! Now, on with the fic!
Mine - KittyMeowMaxwell.
Chapter Fifteen - Chosen.
Zell could see the nervousness and almost-fear in the lines of his taken's body and he wished he could go to him and assure him it would be alright. He must feel vulnerable, standing there alone in nothing but his own skin and the intricate work of his hair. He looked beautiful, the perfect taken, and the native dearly wished to go to him.
But the Old Law prevailed.
Ah! How perfect it would be to take his beautiful cowboy once the Marking was complete and he was truly Zell's! The very thought stirred him. Ahshey and Krerah seemed to take an age, but eventually they and the Seer reappeared, her hand atop their joined ones. The crowd cheered and the pair smiled, coming together for a tender kiss. Then, they left her and went to the men by the pot of black, but Zell paid no attention.
“/The Seer calls Zell of the Snake, SilentFoot, Malboro's Bane. The Seer calls in the name of the Old Law, which we all obey, and in the name of the Heart, who is in agreement./”
Zell stepped forward and offered his hand, watching with a slight smile as Irvine padded gracefully towards him and took his hand, swallowing visibly. He squeezed in silent encouragement.
“/The Seer…/” She paused, tossing her head. “/The Seer does not recognise Irvine of the Outsiders, Land Stealer, Son of Murderers./”
Zell tensed and he heard the softest sound from Irvine's throat, but the Seer went on.
“/Zell of the Snake calls in the name of the Old Law, which we all obey, and in his own name. The Heart recogises Irvine of the Wild Bird, SkyEyes, Calmer of the Chocobo… The Heart is in agreement./”
His heart thudded as she turned away and they went after her.
- - - - - - -
Irvine grew impossibly more nervous at the Seer's declaration and he clung to Zell as they entered the large teepi. What did it mean? If she said Zell couldn't Mark him, would the native take him home and leave him there? The idea didn't hold remotely as much appeal as it had before he realised how good the man made him feel.
The woman lead them to a pile of furs and a pile of soft cushions, upon which someone already sat. He was as gentle and delicate as she was hard. His blue eyes and full mouth smiled at Irvine as they sat and his hair fell in soft waves about his face. He was naked as well, his chocolate skin a stark contrast to his pale hair. Just his presence relaxed the cowboy a little. He indicated that they should be seated, and they did so, Irvine refusing to release his death-grip on Zell's hand.
“/I will state from the outset I do not like this one bit,/” the Seer said harshly as she sat beside the Heart. “/However, I am but one half of a greater whole, and the Heart believes otherwise. Think yourself lucky, Snake./”
Zell bowed his head politely, while Irvine entertained thoughts of hitting her.
“/Now, now, Sister. We both know this Snake has always been different,/” the Heart said, his voice soft like a lullaby of rippling water of pebbles.
“/Different, yes. Strange. His choice is a rash one. A stupid one. I do not accept this./”
“/Yet, it does not fall only to you to decide./” He turned his attention fully to Irvine and Zell and the cowboy almost said something. “/We are two halves of the same whole. My sister is adamant about being logic, but love is not always logical./”
The Seer sneered at her brother, hands tight fists against her thighs. It was a shame, Irvine thought. If she relaxed, if she smiled, she would be more beautiful, even, than the Heart.
“/Love. This is not about love, it is about lust. About ownership. The Snake wishes to possess the Outsider as a demon possesses the unwary soul./”
Irvine felt Zell go rigid beside him, and knew the effort it was taking him not to argue with her. He knew it wasn't true - the native wanted him, yes, but not like that. The things he did were beautiful.
“/Sister!/” The Heart's voice was angry for the first time. “/This Snake may be different, but he is not evil. You have not liked him from the outset, and this is why you are being even more difficult than your usual self. Zell?/”
“/Yes?/” was the short, polite reply.
“/Do you wish to hurt this one of the Wild Bird? To claim him, and take him as my sister says you do?/”
Zell glanced at Irvine and gave a soft smile that made his heart flip-flop and his cheeks turn pink.
“/I can't lie to you. I wish to claim him, and take him, but not as the Seer describes it. I want him for my own, so I can be assured no taker will ever hurt him, or force him, or take him from me. So I can watch over him, and wake up with him every morning for the rest of our lives./”
“/You see? This is love, my sister. The Heart sees more than the Seer./”
“/You think so? What is to say this Outsider will not turn on us? They are a scar on the face of the land and he will become a scar on the face of our people./”
Irvine couldn't meet her gaze. His heart thudded in his chest and his eyes and cheeks burned. He shivered slightly.
“/Can you not see you terrify him? The thought of losing his taker hurts him. Is this not true, Irvine?/” the Heart asked.
Another shiver ran under Irvine's skin.
“/Answer,/” Zell said reassuringly.
“/He does not even follow the Old Law correct-/”
The Heart cut his sister off.
“/Silence! He is afraid. You are not helping./”
“/Yes…/” Irvine said suddenly. “/Yes, it hurts to… think of losing him./”
“/Even though he stole you from your home? Your family?/”
He hesitated. That had bothered him to begin with, but it had left his mind. Zell made him happy. Happier than he'd ever been at home. He loved his family and his home, but Zell was becoming more important than all of that.
“/I was… upset… to start with, but… the way he touches me, and looks at me… the things he says… I've forgiven him for taking me from my home, because being his taken is… wonderful./”
“/This is enough for me. The Heart smiles upon the Marking of the Wild Bird by the Snake./”
“/The Heart is foolish. The Outsider does not even bear the sign of Choice. He must have this before he can bear the Snake's Mark./”
- - - - - - -
Zell flinched. He hadn't thought of that. It was true, no Unchosen could be Marked. Technically, Irvine was underage. Technically, he'd been breaking the Old Law every time he touched his cowboy. He cursed mentally and saw the Heart's smile waver.
“/You speak truly this time, my sister. But the problem is easy to remedy. He will be allowed the four season's time to experiment and make his Choice./”
The native's jaw twitched. No one, no one, touched his taken. In the four season's time, anyone was free to have him, and he free to have anyone. Zell could not allow that. He would not see another's hands on that ivory skin!
Ti would be the first, and Zell would have no ability to stop him.
“/I don't need time,/” Irvine said, and Zell flinched again. Another rule broken.
“/You do not speak unless spoken to!/” the Seer snarled, and her hand flashed out, knuckles cracking across Irvine's cheek with enough force to send him to the floor of the teepi.
That, Zell would not stand. Even from her. He surged to his feet and snatched at her wrist, foot coming up to her shoulder and pushing. He let go of her and she fell hard, giving a grunt. He moved to Irvine, crouching over him protectively. He still said nothing, as was ritual, but he glared venomously at the Seer.
“/For shame, Sister!/” the Heart cried. “/To strike a taken, thus!/”
She struggled back into a sitting position and Zell crouched lower as Irvine, too, sat up, arms going around his waist and face pressing against his chest.
“/Unacceptable!/” she growled. “/They have broken-/”
“/Yes, it is unacceptable. I do not accept your behaviour. You are not rational or subjective about this, and I will make the decision alone,/” the Heart growled, and glared her to silence when she tried to speak again. “/Irvine…/” he said, and his voice was softer, gentle.
Zell wrapped an arm around Irvine's shoulders, pressing butterfly kisses to his hairline. His heart ached for his taken, and he wondered if he should have never returned, but gone with the cowboy somewhere safe and isolated.
“/Irvine of the Wild Bird… Come to me, please… I am sorry for my sister's behaviour.”
Zell gave Irvine a slight nudge, and he shuddered, but turned and stood, going over to where the Heart sat. He reached up to take Irvine's wrist and guided him to kneel. Zell watched in silence, ready to defend his taken should he have to.
The Heart leaned close, fingers going into Irvine's hair and lips brushing kisses across his high cheekbones. Zell showed his teeth and started to stand, but the ice-blue eyes stopped him.
“/Peace, taker. I am no threat./”
Zell subsided and did feel peaceful.
- - - - - - -
Irvine relaxed under the Heart's gentle gaze and his own eyes slipped shut. The man cupped his face in both hands and smoothed his thumbs over his cheek bones, and the stinging went out of the one the Seer had struck.
“/The Heart smiles upon the Marking of the Wild Bird by the Snake. However…/”
Irvine opened his eyes as the Heart released him and saw he was looking at Zell.
“/Your taken says he needs no time to make his Choice, so he will make it now. But he cannot be Marked in the same day. You know why this is./”
“/Yes. I know. The sleep. When, then?/”
“/In three day's time. Today, he will Choose. Tomorrow, and the next day you will rest with him and take care of him. The day following, you and he will receive the Marking./”
Zell bowed his head and Irvine blinked. Sleep? What sleep?
“/What is your choice, Irvine of the Wild Bird?/”
“/I… I…/” he stammered, then cleared his throat and tried again. “/Taker… of women…/” He saw Zell twitch and couldn't help a little smile. “/Taken of men./”
“/Very well. Here. Drink this./”
Irvine took the little cup and glanced warily at Zell, but when he nodded, the cowboy downed the contents in one mouthful. It was vile and he coughed, making Zell laugh. An increadible weariness swiftly overcame him, and he felt Zell's arms around him before darkness took him.
- - - - - - -
The scent of Zell's teepi was the first thing Irvine became aware of, the soft, thick fur of the snow-lion pelt across his hips, stomach and chest. His thighs burned like a slow-creeping fire and he shifted a little, hissing lowly. He heard movement and opened one eye to see Zell laying aside wooden shafts he was carefully smoothing for arrows.
His eyes turned to his legs, and widened, and he couldn't help the masochistic urge that lead him to reach out and touch the black points that now flowed up his right leg and down his left. That made him hiss again. (1)
“/That's what you get for not keeping your hands to yourself,/” Zell said and he looked up to the native, who came over to him and knelt, a clay bowl in his hands. “/This will help./” He dipped his fingers in the concoction and spread it gently across the red, slightly swollen skin. The burning receded and faded completely and Irvine absently lifted a hand to scratch between Jirrah's eye-stalks as the Gayla floated over to him, making soothing, cooing sounds.
“/What is it?/” Irvine asked of Zell.
“/Ground snow-lion fang and fastitocalon scales. Made especially to take the heat out./”
Irvine wasn't exactly listening, too busy studying his new tattoos. He wasn't altogether sure what to think of them. It was very final - there was no removing them if he got tired of them later. It had slipped his mind that his Choice would be marked like this.
“/I like them,/” Zell said, as though reading his mind.
- - - - - - -
And he did like them. They emphasised the length of his taken's legs - one of Irvine's best features. More than that, they brought him closer to Zell and his people, bringing him one step further along the road to belonging. The native ushered Jirrah away and moved closer, nosing at his cowboy's jawline. He ran his fingers through the auburn hair, dislodging flowers and ribbons, and gave his Gayla a warning look that sent him the rest of the way out of the teepi.
“/Hey! That took all morning,/” Irvine complained teasingly, a grin curving his mouth.
“/And you looked beautiful…/” Zell murmured, opening his mouth against Irvine's skin and pressing wet kisses there. His taken sighed and lay back on the furs, letting his eyes flicker shut and Zell kissed his way down to the pale navel. Irvine gave a low cry as he dipped his tongue in, teasing and playing there.
The native looked up with a growl at the cry, glaring at the man who had given it as he threw aside the teepi flap and ducked inside. Ahshey grinned, pulling Krerah in behind him, and Zell wasn't surprised that Jirrah took the opportunity to re-enter as well.
“/If you were anyone else, I'd gut you like a fastitocalon…/” Zell muttered, sitting up with an apologetic stroke to Irvine's stomach. His taken gave a little whine and Zell patted his thigh with a soft laugh.
“/Come, my taken. Our brothers are here to show off their new tattoos, instead of rightly going back to Ahshey's teepi and worshipping one another properly./”
“/We've done that already!/” Ahshey said. “/It's been hours since the Marking./”
“/Irvine only just woke,/” Zell said.
- - - - - - -
“/That's the way with a sleeping draught,/” Ahshey agreed as Krerah let go of his hand and went over to sit by Irvine who was just sitting up and tugging a fur over his naked - and more than a little aroused - body.
“/Sorry,/” Krerah said with a grin that plainly said he was amused rather than sorry.
“/You will be,/” Irvine grumbled. “/When I walk in on you just after Ahshey's laid you down./”
Krerah laughed and patted his thigh, then showed him the tattoo on his left bicep. It was a skylark.
“/Ahshey says he chose this Marking because I give him wings to fly,/” Krerah said. “/I think he chose well. He helps me fly as well./”
Irvine was amazed by the detail and he smiled, studying the tattoo.
“/It's beautiful,/” he said, then curled a hand around his own bicep, where his Mark would go. Ahshey's was on his right, and so too would Zell's be. Irvine wondered what it would be, but he doubted the native would be anymore inclined to show it to him than he had been previously.
“/So will yours be,/” Krerah assured him, touching his hand where it was curled.
“/I know,/” Irvine replied, smiling. “/I have these ones…/” He drew the fur up his thighs to show the bands around his legs, making both the visiting natives exclaim, Ahshey breaking off whatever conversation he'd been having with Zell.
“/They suit him beautifully. His legs are stunning,/” Ahshey said approvingly.
Irvine had the same chocobo feeling of being assessed, and it amused him that Ahshey directed compliments on him to Zell, as though the native were solely responsible. It certainly seemed to please him, for he smiled and thrust out his chest.
“/They're even more stunning wrapped around my waist when I take him,/” he purred, eyes sliding to Irvine and a smirk touching his lips.
“/I should like to see that sometime, brother,/” Ahshey said with a laugh.
“/And you shall!/” Zell said, slapping Ahshey's thigh.
“/No he shall not!/” Irvine protested, clutching at the fur as though Zell were about to pin him down right then. Although, he reflected, that wasn't so impossible a happening…
Krerah laughed.
“/You don't like an audience?/” he wondered, while Ahshey fairly rolled around with mirth at Irvine's continued disobedience and Zell scowled at the other native.
“/I… can't, like… think of a time when I had one…/” Irvine replied, flushing.
“/Then how do you know you won't like it?/”
“/Because… because sex is private!/”
“/Actually…/” Krerah murmured. “/Sometimes it's better when it isn't…/”
Irvine looked away, turning the colour of a tomato.
“/I see some things can still make him blush. A lot,/” Ahshey said, finally recovering enough wit to speak.
That made Irvine blush harder, embarrassed simply at the fact that he was embarrassed, when nothing at all seemed to embarrass these men.
“/Oh, don't tease him,/” Krerah said, stroking Irvine's hair.
“/You had better watch your taken, Ahshey,/” Zell remarked wryly. “/He rather likes mine./”
“/Ha,/” Ahshey scoffed. “/He likes me inside of him more./”
Zell grinned his unique grin and stood, walking over to and putting his head out the teepi.
“/Who makes the meal tonight?/” he wondered. “/I forgot lunch, and as you know, none of us ate breakfast./”
“/Not our taken,/” Ahshey replied, and didn't really seem to care who it was.
“/Irvine…/” Zell said, coming back inside. “/Be wary of the woman at the fire closest us. She has swift hands./”
Ahshey looked out, then laughed.
“/We have all fallen victim to Koko's wandering hands,/” he said, teeth flashing white in amusement.
“/Why she doesn't just find herself a taker is beyond me,/” Zell muttered. “/There are enough willing men./”
“/She does. Haven't you seen the feathers? She has several. She just likes to keep her options open,/” Krerah said with a grin.
Zell snorted, then hugged Ahshey tight, patting his back.
“/I'm glad for you, brother. Very glad./”
“/As I am for you… Or will be when you Mark him!/”
“/That will be very soon. Three days' time,/” Zell murmured.
Irvine smiled.
- - - - - - -
(1) I haven't had a tattoo, therefore I have no idea at what level the after-pain is. I am making this up! Woot!
Author's Notes: I hope everyone is still enjoying this fic. I'm sure still enjoying the writing of.