Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Mine. ❯ Discovered. ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warnings: Sex! Drugs! Lies! Video tape! Well… maybe not. But if you're still reading at chapter twenty, you don't care what I put here anyway.
Pairings: Kiros needs to get laid…
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the FF8 characters… well, I kinda do because I have Kiros figurine… *snuggles it* But aside from that, I don't. But I do own what's mine and believe me, with this fic, I'd know if you took it! DX So don't.
Author's Notes: I realised it's been over a month since I last updated. -_- I'm so slack with this, aren't I? Lucky for me you all keep checking for updates! XD I love you all, really! And so does Native-Zell!
NZ: *glares*
Yeah, he's just pissed off because you all get to see his Irvy naked too. XD
Chapter Twenty - Discovered.
Zell growled under his breath, three heartbeats, at the outside, away from killing one of the takers behind him. He could tell by the lines of Ahshey's body that he was feeling much the same. They were, all of them, men who only took women and as a result, they were all irritated and squabbling due to the tensions built up within them.
“/Remind me,/” Zell growled. “/Never to go on extended hunting trips with only male takers of women again…/”
Ahshey growled his agreement right back.
They, evidently, had no such tension built up. Of course, they both missed their taken, and the pleasure of each other's company couldn't make up for that, but it was better by far than going without entirely. It had been a long time since Zell could stand to go without entirely for any length of time. His restraint with Irvine had been a stretch as it was.
Ah! Irvine…
Zell smirked. He had many a plan for the elegant cowboy before the day was out. He would writhe and sob and beg before Zell was done.
A dark hand waved before his eyes and he blinked, turning his eyes to Ahshey, who was grinning devilishly.
“/I know what you think of, brother…/” he said in a low, sing-song voice.
“/Aye, and tell me you do not think the same!/” Zell retorted.
“/Can you blame me? Such a beautiful, willing taken waits for me that I couldn't help but imagine what I'll do to him now I'm home./”
“/In that case, can you blame me?/” Zell wondered.
“/No, indeed. I would make your taken whine were I given the chance…/”
“/You never will be,/” Zell said, chuckling. “/Only I shall ever take my cowboy…/”
“/Likewise, you shall never take Krerah!/”
“/Keep your bird in a straight line!/” came a snap from behind them, and Zell growled. He was about to turn on his chocobo's back and kill someone, but they broke cover and Ahshey made a sound of relief as the teepis came into sight.
“/Home…/” the native sighed and Zell grinned fiercely at him.
“/Taken!/” one of the men behind them cried, and their birds were suddenly thundering past Ahshey and Zell's.
Zell grinned again and kicked Shir'nis into a trot, licking his lips as they skirted around the edge of the camp to take their chocobos back to the flock. Ah! How his taken must have missed him. He was surprised, in fact, that neither Irvine or Krerah seemed to have responded to the cry going up of their return. Perhaps they were out gathering…
He hoped not.
When he and Ahshey had returned their chocobos to the flock and taken their kills to the storehouse, they headed for their teepis. They reached Ahshey's first and, after a quick hug, parted. Zell was making his way across camp, fingers flexing at the mere thought of the things he was going to do to Irvine, when Ahshey called his name, and came dashing over.
“/My taken is not there,/” he said simply and Zell laughed.
“/You think he's likely with mine?/”
“/I don't doubt it!/”
They both laughed and Ahshey threw an arm around Zell's shoulders as they swaggered arrogantly across the camp, broad-shouldered, well-muscled, strong-legged and exuding an almost animal sense of sexuality. They were watched as they passed, and they knew they were watched. After all, it was only what was due them.
Zell paused at the entrance to his teepi, licking his lower lip and savouring the anticipation while Ahshey rolled his eyes, arms folded and making a great show of impatience. Finally, Zell grinned and threw open the flap, ducking inside.
“/Irvine! Your taker- oh…/”
Ahshey stuck his head in to see what had halted Zell's dramatic entrance and a smirk curved his full lips.
“/My, my…/” he purred.
“Z-Zell!” Irvine squeaked, struggling to catch his breath, while between his legs, Krerah rested on his elbows, head lifted to look at the pair who'd entered. At the look on Ahshey's face, he smirked and stroked his tongue over the tip of Irvine's length, making the cowboy shudder and arch, head dropping back to the furs.
“/Welcome home…/” he murmured silkily.
“/I see you've kept yourself busy…/” Ahshey remarked.
“/I was only keeping your brother's taken from dying of tension…/” Krerah replied easily.
“/Oh, so it was entirely selfless…?/” Zell put in, a smirk tugging at his lips. To come home to the sight of Irvine so desperately needy was definitely a treat.
“/Well… not entirely… He does have such a pretty mouth… I commend you, taker. His tongue is well-taught./”
Zell preened. Ahshey rolled his eyes and shoved the other taker out of the way, walking over to curl his fingers around Krerah's chin and guide him to his feet. Irvine whimpered and Zell's smirk grew as Ahshey wrapped a commanding hand around Krerah's length.
“/Time to go home,/” the taker growled and Krerah's eyes slid shut, a shiver running down his body.
“/Yes, my taker…/”
Ahshey grinned and scooped Krerah into his arms, walking out of the teepi with his taken licking at his neck.
They were almost instantly gone from Zell's mind. He had better things to worry about…
Irvine shifted a little when Zell's weight came atop him and a smile curved his lips, a long-fingered hand slipping into the native's hair. Then his eyes opened and Zell's stomach dropped all over again as he fell into their perfect blue.
“/Missed you…/” Irvine whispered, then the smile fell and his voice grew stuttery. “/I-I hope you're… you're not mad. I-I wasn't… going to… to d-do anything… It was Krerah he said… it would be alright and I-/”
- - - - - - -
Zell cut him off with a fierce kiss, tongue plunging deep into his mouth in a way Krerah's never had. He shuddered, eyes falling shut again as the native tasted all of him, making it clear that it didn't matter what he'd done with Krerah. Zell was his taker, and nothing could compare to that.
“/He would never dare take you…/” Zell murmured when he drew back from the kiss. Irvine melted at the stroke of his taker's fingers through his hair. “/And I would never dare expect you to remain without touch for so long, when I can't. But nor did I take Ahshey, or he me. Nevertheless, it's difficult to pay attention to anything else when all you can think about is how much you miss your lover…/”
Irvine made an agreeable sound, and was only too glad to let Zell remove all trace of Krerah from his body.
- - - - - - -
“Squall, would you please just go to Madam Quistis and pay some woman to let you fuck her?!”
Squall looked up from the fly he was dismembering, blinking at Seifer.
“Oh, don't play innocent with me! You've been fucking unbearable for the last three weeks! I bet you haven't slept with anyone since you gave Rinoa the boot. Mind you, if it were me, I would have been in another bed as soon as possible…”
Squall snorted theatrically and shook his head, turning his attention back to the fly.
“How do you know I haven't?”
It was Seifer's turn to snort as he put his feet against the edge of his desk and rocked his chair back onto two legs, lacing his fingers together behind his blonde head. He eyed Squall, but as usual, the Deputy's expression remained infuriatingly still.
“Because you're taking apart a fly that's still alive, you snap at me more than usual and you actually hit Dot with the whip yesterday.”
Squall's clear blue eyes snapped up to the calm green regarding him, widening slightly and Seifer was just pleased he'd finally manage to at least crack the expressionless façade.
“Please. You don't think she squealed like that just from fear, do you? I checked her after you came inside. She's got a lash mark behind her right wing. Some feathers are even missing. You caught her a good one.”
Though it wasn't considered at all wrong to go about lashing chocobos to wring speed from them, Seifer knew he and his Deputy agreed it wasn't necessary, as it only ended up wearing out the bird faster. Both their birds were Eli Kinneas thoroughbreds, hatched specifically for the rough terrain the town was situated in the middle of, and they knew if Eli didn't make a habit of keeping the town Sheriff and Deputy on chocobo back, they never would have had the gil or anything even near equivalent to the price of the birds to trade. But even had they been the most inexpensive, ugly nags in creation, neither was in the habit of actually making contact with the whip.
“Is she alright?” Squall asked.
“She's fine. I put a little ointment on it. I'm more worried about you. I can't have you so volatile I have to worry about your behaviour as well as whatever we're trying to deal with.”
“Right, because there's so much to deal with in this gods-forsaken town…”
“See what I mean? Total bitch…”
“Fuck you…”
Seifer snickered.
“You know I'd love to, but you keep saying I ain't your type.”
Squall glared at him and opened his mouth to speak, but there was the sound of a chocobo's feet in the dust outside the jail and he closed it again.
“Sheriff! Sheriff!”
The cry was hysterical enough to draw both their eyes and they left the poor fly twitching its way to death to go and find out what the commotion was.
- - - - - - -
Seifer crouched lower in the bushes, eyeing the creature that was snacking on no less than four cockatrice carcasses. It was young, so it was small, for a Malbora. It was still taller than Seifer. Easily. He slowly cocked his rifle. The little bastard had been picking off sheep and cattle for four months now, ever since the sudden and hysterical arrival of a local farmer at the jailhouse. That day, it had picked off his son. Since, no people had died, but no people were willing to leave their houses unless they had to either.
No one knew why it had moved out of usual Malbora territory, but Seifer had a theory it had been chased off. Probably the runt of a spawn. It was likely amazing it had even survived, but Seifer had no intention of letting its lucky streak continue. The Sheriff lifted the rifle, sighting along the barrel and slipping his finger against the trigger in preparation to fire.
There was a cry and he twitched, looking up in time to see three feathered arrows thunk one after the other into the Malbora's soft belly area. It roared and three more went into its wide mouth, the roar morphed into a low, keening sound, then the creature fell to the side and thrashed.
Two savages broke cover, leaping nimbly up onto the thrashing beast to thrust two very long serrated knives each straight through the top of its head. They held them there, freakishly sure-footed on the spiked surface, until the Malbora lay still.
Seifer blinked and blinked again, certain he had to be seeing things. One of the savages had typical chocolate skin and long black hair, but the other was pale. And his hair was auburn.
They slowly released the knives, then straightened and grinned at one another before leaping to the ground and throwing their arms around one another, laughing and dancing.
There was no mistaking it. One of the tattooed, feathered-haired, loin-cloth-wearing savages was none other than Irvine Kinneas.
- - - - - - -
“/Our takers are going to kill us!/” Krerah cried against Irvine's ear, laughing madly.
“/Oh, they'll get over it. Who says they should have all the fun? Anyway, we're lucky the Malbora didn't kill us. Your draw is getting slower, my brother! One arrow in the space of my two?! Taken living is making you soft!/”
“/It is of no use to shoot off two arrows if neither strikes true,/” Krerah said sedately, then planted his bare foot against the Malbora's head, clamped both hands around a knife handle, and strained to pull out the weapon, grunting as the serrations pulled free with a wet sucking sound.
Irvine went to help him, and when they'd freed all four knives, they took out sharper carving ones and began to harvest what was edible, putting it all in oiled mesmerize-skin bags, When they were done with the meat, Irvine lit a torch and held it inside the massive mouth, his head and shoulders almost disappearing. Krerah leaned in beside him, reaching right to the back of the mouth to harvest the poison-sacks.
When they retreated with the sacks Krerah pierced one gently and let it drip on a leaf, then resealed the hole with a stronger form of Zell's gel. The poison on the leaf hissed and after several moments, it started to eat away the leaf.
“/Not fully potent…/” Krerah mused, packing the sacks in a thick hexadragon-skin bag.
“/I'm sure someone will find some use for it, even if it won't kill instantly,/” Irvine replied. He turned, intending to call Whipcrack,then stilled, eyes going wide.
Seifer had stepped out of the bushes.
They stared at one another for what seemed like an eternity.
“Irvine…?” Seifer said in disbelief and Krerah whirled at the sound of his voice.
“Seifer…” Irvine said in much the same tone. Then Krerah grabbed his arm and he twitched, looking back to the native.
“/Irvine,/” he said, obviously terrified. “/Come! He'll kill us!/”
Irvine started to protest, but then he realised he couldn't. It was unlikely Seifer would kill him, but the sheriff likely thought he was being held captive and wouldn't hesitate to shoot Krerah. They both turned and ran, whistling for their chocobos.
Whipcrack and Cedarii (1) drew up alongside their masters, keeping pace with them easily, and they offered their wings. The men easily vaulted onto the backs of their birds, bending low over their necks and letting them have their heads. The chocobos sped off through the trees.
- - - - - - -
Seifer stared at the place they'd disappeared from almost too long before he ran to where Knightly was tethered, untied him and leapt into the saddle, kicking the bird into a run almost in the same movement. Knightly soon found the other chocobos' scent and followed it at a flat-out run.
- - - - - - -
(1) I had the crappiest name for Krerah's chocobo in the handwritten version of this that I'd been working on, and I was typing it up at nearly one in the morning. I spoke to Misty and said “I need a name for a chocobo…” she replies with “Obocohc.” Who knew that “chocobo” backward was “oboe-cock”…? *giggles madly*
- - - - - - -
Author's Notes: Ack! What's going to happen?! O.o o.O Well, I have a bit more hand-written, but it's getting close to where I don't have anything! …I really better start writing some more of this… ^^' Anyway! If I don't update again before, have a great Christmas! I'll try to do a one-shot for Christmas, but I'm working on some actual Christmas present ficcies for people, so they're the highest priority. Anyway! I say again, hope you have a great Christmas, and that Santa brings you everything you ask for! If you feel like giving me gifts, just e-mail me and I'll send you my details. ;) Be safe! Don't drink and drive! Make sure you have plenty of rest before traveling, especially if you're driving yourself! *waves* Baibai!