Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother, My Blood ❯ Alexandria II ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5
I strode back into the east tower, muttering to myself.
/What is it/ Shiva asked drowsily. I was shaking slightly, furious that they hadn't bothered to look at the towers.
“I found this at the top of the west tower” I brandished the piece of mythril and she glanced at it, and then shrugged.
/Mythril from some sort of weapon. What's so special about that? /
“It's exactly the same as Zidane's dagger. Down to the individual carving on it” Shiva materialised next to me, taking the daggers from me. Her fingers left frost on my skin where she had touched my hand. She turned it over, tracing the carvings. She nodded.
“Well done, child” She handed it to me “What do you see?”
“What does...”As soon as I took the metal a vision similar to the one I saw in Lindblum hit me. The Red Moon loomed over head, partially blocking the other Moon. The eerie, blood coloured light bathed Alexandria. I only saw flashes of gold and laughter, which I should have recognised but didn't. I started when Shiva rested her hand on my forehead, her cold skin startling me out of my trance.
/What did you see? /I explained, confused and frustrated.
“How did that happen?” I asked, rubbing my head.
“Sometimes you can put small thoughts or feelings into a thing. He must have done that before he disappeared. But the way you describe it suggests...that his `disappearance' was not intentional” I raised an eyebrow.
“You think somebody kidnapped Zidane?” I thought for a moment “It is possible”
I walked up the stairs to Eiko's room. I tapped on the door and she answered, eyes bright and wide awake.
“What is it Kuja?” She noticed the dagger in my hand. “Is that...?”
“I found part of his other dagger at the top of the other tower”
“They didn't look up there, I don't think” She said, tapping her horn thoughtfully.
“Come on” She blinked at me.
“Where are we going?” She asked as we went up steps in the west tower. At the top I showed her where I had found the bit of mythril.
“I need you to cast Scan on there” I said, indicating the spot. She nodded, horn glowing as the spell swept the area. She flinched.
“What is it?” I asked. She shook her head.
“There was...a struggle here...a fight...I can't get anything more than that” She said, turning to me “It's all mixed up and confused”
“Well at least I know that he didn't leave willingly then” I told her what I had found. She frowned.
“Why would anyone kidnap Zidane? I can't recall anyone who has any reason to”
“Unless...” I shook my head “That couldn't happen” Eiko hadn't heard me, however. She was leaning over the edge, looking at something below. A harsh screech of metal told me that Steiner was coming up the stairs. He leapt through the doorway, sword out and ready.
“What are you doing out here?”
“You really ought to do something about that armour, Steiner. It's hideous and noisy” He glared at me.
“I didn't ask your opinion”
“You asked me a question and I answered. It just wasn't the answer you wanted, obviously” I said “But you should still do something about that armour”
“Shut up” He snapped. Eiko told Steiner what we had found, explaining what I thought it meant.
“What were you doing up here anyway?” He asked.
“I came up here to get outside for awhile” I said. He nodded slowly.
“Any idea who would want to do this?” We both shook our heads. He sighed and turned, jogging down the stairs. I followed him, not noticing that Eiko was standing still, horn glowing fiercely. I reached the bottom of the stairs then looked back for the young summoner.
“Eiko?” I called. No answer. I frowned; I couldn't hear any noise from the top. Then heavy footsteps were heard. Eiko stepped out and I tensed. Something was wrong...Eiko looked at me, and I realised what. Her eyes were blank. It was like someone had wiped everything from her eyes and face. It was like a painted porcelain doll, free of any emotion.
“Well, Kuja. It's been a while” She said. It was not her voice. This time I knew whose it was without any trouble at all.
It is short but I had to stop it there. It can be argued that you can paint expressions on dolls but you know what I mean.....