Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Happy Ending ❯ My Happy Ending ( Chapter 39 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 39: My Happy Ending
“I pulled the burden
From off my back
And tossed it into the wind
And stretched my arms
Toward the sky
And let my life begin.”
-Avril Lavigne “Touch the Sky”
The stack of invoices had diminished for now, and only a few work orders and parts deliveries remained. Raye leaned back in her chair at the desk of the office and let out a sigh of relief as Cid came in wiping a socket wrench with a shop rag.
“Brad just went out to make the last o' the deliveries and I just finished rebuilding that transmission. Hopefully, I'll be ready to put it in after lunch,” he explained.
Raye smiled satisfyingly. “Man…we're finally caught up.”
“Heh…yeah,” Cid remarked as he leaned in the doorframe. “You gunna help me with that transmission out there?”
“Yeah, sure,” she said. “Brad and Shera will probably be gone the rest of the afternoon making those last deliveries. Maybe Dad can help us out with that, in case we need a third pair of hands.” She paused for a moment. “You know Shera's a really good mechanic. I had no idea how good she was until I saw her at work…and I like that she doesn't rush anything. She thinks about what she's doing.”
Cid scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “You know, that's what I hated about her for the longest time…'s what drove us apart, I guess…well that and blamin' her for not getting up to space…”
“Well, that's all in the past, Cid…” Raye trailed. “No need to rehash it now. Besides, I can see why she likes to take her time. Some of this crap you really need to think about or you'll fuck everything up for sure if you try to hurry.”
“Yeah, well, I respect her work a whole lot more now than I did…I mean she saved my life in outer space an' all when that oxygen tank blew up,” he remarked. “I actually…owe Shera a lot…shoulda done better by her.”
“Hey…you know you fucked up, and you learned from it. Maybe both of you are better people from it, but at least she doesn't hate you. She's pretty forgiving, you know - a lot more than I would have been considering.”
“Yeah…but…I got you now, and, well, maybe me an' Shera's paths were only meant to intertwine but never connect…ya know?” Cid asked.
Raye tossed a shop rag at him amusedly. “Don't be getting all philosophical on me now. Thinking like this doesn't suit you. You might break something.”
Cid frowned. “Oi! I think all the time!”
“Yeah and I'm amazed it hasn't given you an aneurism yet!”
“Why you...!” he growled playfully.
He reached out and grabbed Raye who grabbed at his arms to fight him off. Cid pulled her to him, and she laughed hysterically as he lifted her up over his shoulder. She laughed even more, beating her fists on his backside. They were completely oblivious to the figure that had appeared in the doorway with a briefcase and was watching them amusedly. He cleared his throat, startling the pair.
Cid's expression changed from one of amusement to that of a deer being caught in headlights. “Hey…what are you doing here?”
Raye, whose butt was to the door, shifted in Cid's grasp as she tried to look in his line of direction. “Who's here, Cid? What's going on?”
Cid put Raye down as he reached to shake Reeve's hand. “This…is an acquaintance of mine…used to travel with him back when we were…savin' the world.”
Raye turned around and was standing in front of a man with black hair and clean, neatly trimmed facial hair. He wore the suit of a businessman, but he smiled pleasantly down at Raye. He was hard to read, though she did not sense any animosity from him.
“Hello. You must be Raye,” he said, extending a hand toward her. “I'm Reeve Tuesti, President of the W.R.O.”
“W.R.O.?” Raye trailed. “The World Restoration Organization? What on earth would ya want with me?”
“Well, I'll explain that as soon as I can see your…father, is it? The owner of this business?”
“Uhh…yeah? Let me…go find him.”
Raye went inside the house to find Rick. For once in her life, she was completely thrown and hadn't a clue what was going on or why some high and mighty businessman would be showing up at her place to talk to her father.
Meanwhile, Cid and Reeve waited patiently out in the office for Raye to return.
“Wow, Highwind, she's quite a looker,” Reeve remarked. He smirked. “And a redhead, too. I hear they can be pretty volatile.”
Cid chuckled. “Oh, she's that, alright. A real firecracker, but damn, she's smart. She deserves to do better with her life than what she is…her whole family does.”
“And…you said she has five brothers?”
Cid nodded. “Ayup. Never a dull moment `round here. One's real sick, though…they found out he's got it.
Reeve's face clouded pensively. “Geostigma…what a shame. I hope what I have to offer them can help.”
The door opened and Raye came out, motioning for the men to come in. Rick sat at the dining room table with a stern look on his face, and he motioned for Cid and Raye to leave while he talked to this stranger.
Cid paused as Reeve sat down, somewhat intimidated by Rick's appearance. Still he kept his head, and Raye tugged on Cid's arm to go upstairs with her. They climbed the steps, and as soon as they were on the second floor, Raye turned and faced the pilot.
“Cid, what's this about? Who is that guy?”
Cid stared down at Raye who looked at him contemplatively. He cleared his throat and shuffled. “Well, I told ya…I knew him back when I was travelin' with Avalanche…”
“Yeah, I got that, but…what does he want with my dad?”
“He's gonna offer your dad a little help…”
Raye's face instantly went into a scowl. “Help? Cid, we don't need help! We're fine!” She crossed her arms and turned her back. “How dare you bring some guy up into our place to offer us `help' and not even talk to me about it first! If that's your way of trying to get into my pants, that sure as hell ain't the way to do it!”
“Raye! Would ya just shut the fuck up for a change and hear me out? Christ, you're so damn difficult sometimes…” She paused so he could focus his train of thought. Ya know how ya told me you always wanted to go to school an' do something you loved but ya felt like you couldn't because you were worried about leavin' your dad on his own? And…about how Brad wanted to go to cooking school…an' you wanted your dad to be able to retire…or at least not have to work so hard?”
“Yeah…?” Raye trailed.
Cid put his hands on her shoulders. “Reeve's offerin' a way to do that. He's…gonna offer to buy yer business and put yer dad in charge.”
Raye's eyes widened and she whirled around. “What?” she trailed in shock. “Cid, this business was started by my grandfather. There's no way that Dad would sell out.”
“He might if the offer was good enough…and if he knew he could have more time an' money to take care o' your brother…”
Raye was frozen and in shock. She had always figured she would be the one to be taking care of Mark. And the idea of her father selling something that was so...sentimental to him… She rubbed her temples.
“I dunno, Cid…”
“And you…” Cid began. He swallowed. “You could come to the shipyard with me permanently. You could go to school while ya work…an' your schoolin' would be paid for…” He paused to watch Raye ponder this. “An' Brad…he could go to cookin' school like he wanted…an' open up that restaurant.”
Raye paused thoughtfully. “But…what about the rest of my brothers…I'm so used to taking care of things for everyone…what will they do without me?”
Cid smiled sincerely. “Yer brothers are a lot more independent than ya think…they're getting' all grown up…”
“I think you should do it, Sis,” a weak voice said from a bedroom door.
Raye turned her head to see Mark standing in the doorway in his pajamas and clinging his blanket. She went to him immediately and pulled him toward his bed.
“You should be in bed resting,” she said as he climbed back in under the covers. “You've had a bad morning and I'm not taking any chances.”
“Didn't you hear what I said?” Mark asked.
“Yeah…I heard you.”
“I don't know, Mark,” Raye said as she sat at the edge of his bed and smoothed down the blankets.
“I know I'm just a kid, but…that sounds like an offer that would be too good for you to refuse,” he pressed. “And…” Mark looked down at his lap. “…I know we've been a really big burden to you over the years. I'm sure everyone would agree that we just want you to be happy.”
Raye's face contorted into that of shock. “A burden…to me? Mark…h-how could you think that? I love you all and I just did what I had to do. You guys are not a burden.”
The boy shrugged as he scratched a spot on his arm that was covered in bandages. “Well…I dunno. I guess maybe it's how your face looks when I see you thinking about something really hard. You have…this sad look every time you think about the things you've always wanted to do, so…I just thought…”
Raye shook her head. “It's not what you thought it was…it wasn't a burdensome look.” She sighed. “Look, Mark, you know how you have dreams? Like…you want to be an animal doctor someday?”
“Well…I've always had dreams of my own, but sometimes…sometimes those dreams just seem…so far away…so far that you think you'll never have a chance to attain them. Do you see what I mean?”
He nodded. “You feel like your dreams are too far away to reach, right? And…that makes you sad.”
Raye gave a nod. “Something like that…yes.”
She pushed back on him so he could lay down on the pillow, and he spoke. “So you should do it, Sis. Don't worry about me or the rest of us brothers. We'll be fine.”
Raye sighed. “Well…it all depends on what Dad decides.” She stood up. “But I appreciate your thoughts, kiddo.” She paused at the door. “Do you need anything?”
He shook his head. “Nah, I'm good.”
Raye closed the door and went out into the hall where Cid waited.
He nodded toward the door. “Yer brother's got a good head on his shoulders.”
“That he does.”
“An' he really cares about you, so you probably shouldn't disappoint him.”
Raye glared at him. “Don't play that card with me, Cid.”
“Hey, never said I wouldn't try…”
Suddenly, a voice boomed from downstairs. “Raye! Get down here!”
Raye jogged down the stairs with Cid not far behind. Out on the table were a set of papers, and an empty chair where Reeve had been sitting. Rick held a serious look on his face, and he gestured to the chair. Cid was about to excuse himself when Rick gestured to him.
“You might as well have a seat, too, Highwind.”
The pilot frowned, but he figured he was in line for a good ass chewing that Raye had already delivered. But…knowing Rick, this would be even worse.
Rick stared at the documents for a moment and laces his fingers together before he spoke. “You know, Highwind, I ought to be chewing your ass for this because it was way out of line, but…given the fact that I know why ya did it…I'll save it. In fact…the offer your friend has brought before me…I find I'm actually considering it.”
“What?” Raye asked in complete shock. “But, Dad, we've had this business for…”
“I know, Raye, but…times are changing and there's a lot going on in the world. You both have seen for yourselves how much of a sorry state the planet is in.” He turned to Raye and spoke to her directly. “And I've been burdening you long enough. It's time, Raye.”
“Time? Time for what?”
“For you to find your own path in this world. I've been unfair to you - and Brad - by making you both stay here and take care of everything. I guess…after your mom died I was just too afraid of letting you go…well that and I needed the help. I meant to only have you help this family for a short time, but…I came to rely on you two way too much.”
“But, Dad…we did it because we love this family,” Raye protested.
“I know, but it's time I start repaying you two for everything you've done.” He glanced at the papers. “So here's the deal…Reeve's offered to buy up the business so I can retire and focus on taking care of Mark and the rest of the boys, but…retiring isn't something that I can see myself doing. So…he offered to buy my business and make it a whole branch of the W.R.O. that's dedicated to working on the vehicles they use for the military. I would be the head of that branch…just oversee the operation, but there would be someone under me who would make sure the work orders get done. It works out for you, Raye, because you'll get to go and work on the airships full time and go to school for it. Brad can leave here and go to culinary school like he wanted, and…who knows? He and Shera will probably get married in the near future. And as for me…even though I'd be the head of the whole operation, I would be able to have less hours at the job. All I would have to do is paperwork, inspect everything, and make sure everyone else is doing their jobs. It would mean more time with the boys, especially Mark. And the healthcare they would provide for him…”
“Wait…they're offering health care for him?” Raye asked.
“Well…the scientists want to research the disease more so they can try to find a cure, and they could use Mark to help them -“
He was cut off by a sudden outburst from Raye. “I am not sending my brother to be a guinea pig for experiments! Fuck a bunch of that!”
Rick shook his head. “It's nothing like that, Raye. Reeve assured me Mark wouldn't be going anywhere for questionable treatment, but the researchers just want to see him so they can keep track of how often he has pain and…well, basically keep a record on him. The lab rats get all the experimentation on them.”
“They better not or people are gonna die,” Raye said darkly. She was quiet for a moment. “So…is that it?”
Rick shrugged. “Pretty much. Raye, this is an offer that I'd be stupid not to take, and if it means that your brother would benefit from it and you and Brad would benefit…it's worth it to me to sell the business. Plus, I'd be getting paid more…a lot more.”
Raye sat back in the chair and crossed her arms. “Well…I dunno, Dad. I guess in the end it's up to you.”
“That's true, but…I wanted to talk to you to see what you had to say,” he told her. “Besides, haven't you always wanted to do something like this? Haven't you put off your own desires long enough?”
“Well…yeah, but…”
“There are no buts, kid. Not this time,” Rick told her with a slight smile. “Either you do or you don't.”
Raye thought for a moment. Oh, how tempting it was, but she agonized over her brothers and how selfish she would be for doing this. But…it was such a tempting offer, and if her father didn't seem to be for it, she wouldn't even be considering it. But if she held off one more time, Raye knew she may never get a chance to do this with her life ever again. She glanced at Cid who held a hopeful look on his face.
“Well?” Cid pressed.
Raye sighed as she glanced at her father reluctantly. “Considering Mark's health and the fact that you put yourself into the hospital, too, Dad, I think…I think maybe we should go ahead. I may never get an opportunity like this ever again.”
Rick nodded. “Then it's settled.” He looked down at the contracts, took hold of an ink pen lying next to them, and signed everything Rick had worked so hard to maintain. He sat back in the chair and glanced at Raye. “God, I hope we made the right decision.”
“Yeah, me too,” Raye said as she stood from her chair. There was a long pause. “Well, I guess lunch ain't going to make itself.”
She went into the kitchen and Cid began to stand up to follow, but Rick called him back.
The pilot turned around. “Yeah?”
Rick stood from his chair and approached him. “You did this with Raye in mind…didn't you?”
Cid reluctantly nodded. “She ain't happy doin' what she's doin', but damn it, she loves her family. It's what's most important to her. Even a dummy like me kin see that.”
“I knew it.” He paused. “She's…always been like that,” Rick reflected. Then he crossed his arms. “Do ya really care about her that much?”
Cid blinked and shuffled. He knew what Rick was getting at, but he didn't dare say anything.
“She's the only girl I've got,” Rick continued. “And I've tried so hard to protect her…” He eyed Cid. “Now it's your turn to take those reins. Don't jack it up.”
Cid stared after Rick as he left the room. The pilot knew what was meant by that last statement. Had he…just given him permission to be with Raye? Cid scratched his head and went into the kitchen where Raye was making a ham sandwich for her brother. She was oddly quiet, and Cid could sense that she was still struggling with this decision, even after it had been made.
“Hey, Raye…don't do anything you think you'll regret,” Cid said.
Raye looked up at him and paused holding the butter knife in her hand. “It's…a hard decision, Cid.” She blinked. “My grandpa started it and Dad continued it. We hoped it would be in the family for years to come. And plus…I just feel so selfish for doing this, despite what Mark says.”
Cid approached her. “But ain't it what you've wanted? Ain't it what you wished for? Something to happen that would make everyone happy?”
“Well, yeah, I always wished for it, and I always thought that if something ever did happen, I would be totally okay with it. But…I'm just…so used to being the one giving up things that I guess I don't know what it's like to have an opportunity to do something for myself for a change.”
“You're sure dedicated, but…” Cid placed his hands on her shoulders and gave her a reassuring squeeze. “…I think this would pro'lly be for the best.” He sighed. “You just…that night, you just sounded so damn depressed and helpless. For what it's worth, I'm sorry I stepped outta line, but…I couldn't stand ta see ya so unhappy.”
Raye said nothing but she squeezed the mayonnaise-globbed butter knife in her hand tightly. She put it down and looked up at Cid, her face a mixture of different emotions: relief, excitement, and uncertainty. She chewed her lower lip, but a nagging feeling inside of her told her that everything would somehow be just fine. She brought a hand up to her neck, knowing not whether it was the voice of her own conscious or that of her late mother speaking to her.
“I didn't expect things to change like this, and so quickly, but…I suppose time will tell whether what Dad and I have done will be okay,” she told him honestly. “What's done is done.”
Brad returned to the Sheilds' house later that evening, and Raye and Rick broke the news to Brad. He had gone through the same motions as Raye: shock, bewilderment, and uncertainty, but in the end, he seemed to be okay with the decision. Rick called a meeting with the entire family after telling Brad the news, and as the family met, Shera and Cid waited down in the Sheilds' garage.
Shera sat on a stool and organized tools while Cid stood in the open doorway smoking a cigarette and enjoying the weather that the late spring had to offer. He looked up at the bleak, polluted skies of Edge and flicked a butt onto the ground outside.
“Well, I guess this ain't the happy endin' you quite expected, is it?” Cid said.
“What do you mean?” Shera asked.
“Well…I dunno. I was thinkin' a long time ago, right after you left, about how much I had gotten used to you living with me. I guess maybe I thought we would always be together.”
Shera shrugged. “I had thought the same for the longest time.”
Cid came in and leaned against a car someone was working on. “Well…I kinda fucked that one up, didn't I?”
“Would you be offended if I said yes?”
“No, I wouldn't.” He paused. “I never deserved you in the first place. I treated you like shit, and it'll be something I'll always regret. But damn, I have a lot of respect for you, puttin' up with me for so long.”
“I loved you, Cid,” Shera admitted. “It's why I forgave you for everything you ever did and said to me…even now.”
“I never told you this, but I think yer a saint. Any woman would have to be to put up with me.”
Shera smirked. “Well, you're Raye's problem, now.”
Cid's face fell. “Please tell me you were kidding.”
She grinned a little more. “Mostly.” She stood up from the stool and closed a drawer before moving off to clean up the area around the car. “But honestly…maybe this is for the better. I love Brad very much, but I will always still care for you.”
Cid nodded. “I'm glad you still have room in there for me,” he softly said. “I mean, dun get me wrong…I'm pretty crazy about Raye, but…I have to admit this isn't the `happy ending' I expected, either.”
Shera snorted softly and picked up a broom to sweep the floor. She paused and eyed Cid admiringly. “I think what you did for Raye and her family was a very noble thing. I know it must have been hard knowing that she would probably be angry with you, and so would Rick for that matter, but you cared enough about her to take the risk. But it seemed to turn out for the better.”
Cid rubbed the back of his head nervously. “Yeah…it was kinder risky, but…I knew Raye didn't have the heart to do something like that herself.”
“Brad is the same way,” Shera pointed. “I admire the dedication they have to their family.” She placed a hand over her abdomen and glanced down. “He is going to make a wonderful father.”
Cid looked at her for a moment, not knowing what she meant by this gesture, but suddenly, it hit him like an oncoming train. “Shera, are you…?”
She nodded and adjusted her glasses. “I'm one month along. I just found out the other day, and I've been trying to figure out how to tell him.”
Cid's jaw fell to the floor. “Holy shit…you a mother? Man…I just…can't believe it…” He shook his head at the thought, but honestly, he'd always known Shera would be a fantastic mom. He looked up at her. “Well, I guess you'll just have to sit down and tell him, but honestly, I think he'll be excited. He just strikes that chord with me…bein' the fatherly type.”
Shera smiled. “I suppose you're right, Cid.” She went to the door and stared out. “Well, I guess this is my happy ending, even if it isn't what I expected. I'm sure yours isn't far behind, Cid.”
Cid came and leaned in the doorway with arms crossed over his chest. He smiled satisfyingly. “No…I think I already found mine.”