Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ In Dreams ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: In Dreams

But in dreams,

I still hear your name.

And in dreams,

We will meet again.

© Edward Ross, The Breaking of the Fellowship

Garnet awoke to lying on a soft bed. She was in a small loft that appeared to be outside Alexandria. It was on top of a hill and it overlooked the immense town and the grand castle. The birds were chirping. She was finally at peace. She rested her head back and closed her eyes. She didn't know what was going on, but she didn't seem to care at the moment. Soon, she felt soft lips pressing against hers. She opened her eyes to see a familiar looking blonde overtop of her, with his eyes closed. Their lips separated as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"This is a dream." Garnet stated softly, smiling at him. Zidane smiled back.

"Then let it be a good dream." He replied to her softly. He stood over the balcony, looking to the beautiful city in the distance. "How is it going Dagger? Is Rusty treating you alright?" Garnet laughed softly.

"Everything's going fine…except…something's missing." She said, standing up and hugging his back. Zidane looked down sadly.

"I know… I promise I'll be back." Zidane answered. "I promise."

"What happened when you went back to the Iifa Tree?" Garnet asked.

"I can't tell you. You'll have to wait." Zidane said. They gazed into each other's eyes. "But until I come back, we can meet in dreams."

"But where are you now?" Garnet asked eagerly. "I can send ships out to find you…I have already, but I've had no luck." Zidane chuckled softly.

"Let's not worry about the real world right now." Zidane said, hugging her. "Right now it's only you and me. No one else, nothing else." She could hear the birds singing away. She never wanted this dream to end.


Garnet awoke in her bed in Alexandria Castle. She felt at peace for a change. Even if it was in dreams, it was better to see Zidane that way than him haunting her. She looked out the window at the clear night sky, with the stars shining brightly. She knew that somewhere out there, Zidane was watching the same stars. She lay back on her bed, and sighed happily. Maybe, she would finally be released from this spell that drew her on for the past year.


Garnet soon found herself in a familiar looking place. She was on a root. It soon came to her that she was at the Iifa Tree. She looked around the dark, haunting tree. It had little to no more life in it anymore. Below her, she could hear talking.

"Your comrades were able to escape?" A weak voice asked, sounding hauntingly familiar to Garnet.

"Yeah…I knew you had something to do with it." Said another voice. It was Zidane. After that there were a few moments of silence. Garnet looked over the ledge to see Zidane kneeling down to a dying Kuja.

"…I'm glad they made it." Kuja replied in a weak voice.

"Yeah, well it's our turn to get movin'." Zidane assured.

"I don't deserve to live after all that I've done." Kuja exclaimed, panting heavily. "I'm useless in this world." Everything went silent again.

"No one's useless." Zidane's voice said, breaking the silence. "You helped us escape, remember?" Kuja was silent, and looked away.

"After you guys beat me, I had nothing left…nothing more to lose." Kuja explained. "Then, I finally realized what it means to live…I guess it was too late." His head then fell over to one side, and he lay motionless.

Why is Zidane trying to help Kuja? Garnet thought in her mind. Kuja's evil…He killed my mother, he destroyed Alexandria, he created evil monsters, he tried destroying the world!

"Zidane!" Garnet tried calling out. There was no response. Zidane just stared down at his dead brother with weepy eyes. "Zidane!" She called out again. At this time, she realized she couldn't speak. Every word she tried struggling out, wouldn't come. She was mute. Garnet soon heard a loud noise. She looked behind her and saw a series of roots heading straight towards Zidane and Kuja. "ZIDANE!" She yelled out, even though it was hopeless. Soon though, it was too late. The roots crushed both Zidane and Kuja's bodies.

"Zidane!! NO!" She screamed.


She awoke in her bed again, sweating and panting heavily. It was now morning, which she was a bit relieved about.

Once she was ready she walked down the halls of the castle to the Dining room. She overheard Beatrix talking with someone in it.

"I see." The older, peaceful voice said. "It's not too uncommon, but there's not much I can do about it."

"Yes, I understand that Doctor Tot." Beatrix responded. "But what if she tries something, a bit too…drastic?" Doctor Tot laughed.

"Oh I wouldn't worry so much if I were you, my dear Beatrix." Doctor Tot chuckled. "Her majesty has a bit more brains then attempting suicide." Just then, Garnet came running in.

"Doctor Tot!" She said, happily. The short man stood up and hugged her.

"Why hello, hello, hello your majesty." Doctor Tot said in his jolly voice. "How are you doing these days?"

"Well, physically, I'm not too bad….But mentally I'm a basketcase. We will talk about that after we eat though." Garnet explained. She was so happy to see her old instructor. Beatrix smiled. Seeing her Queen so happy brought joy to her heart, seeing that she had been drowning in her sorrows for the past twelve months.

Author's Note: Here we go, chapter three. WOW. I'm actually gonna do it maybe! But I don't think too many people are reading it, since FF.Net is being RETARDED right now and isn't posting this on my main page. URGH. Well anyways, I hope you all liked it, and I know, it's short. But you'll get over it. C ya later!