Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Somewhere Out There ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4: Somewhere Out There

I'm waiting for the sky to fall,

I'm waiting for a sign.

All we are, it's all so far.

You're falling back to me,

The star that I can't see,

I know you're out there,

Somewhere out there.

You're falling out of reach,

Defying gravity,

I know you're out there,

Somewhere out there.

© Our Lady Peace, Somewhere Out There

Garnet awoke somewhere. She was in a white room. She immediately sat up and started looking around. She was in a bed, and in her white night gown. Through a window, she could hear birds chirping and see the crisp blue sky. She knew where she was, she's been here many times before. She was in the guest room in Lindblum Castle.

What am I doing here? She thought in her mind. She didn't really care right now. She rested her head back down on the soft pillow, and put her hand on her forehead. She noticed a white bandage wrapped around her wrist. This widened her eyes as she started remember what had happened one dark night in Alexandria. She soon heard the door open and she turned her head to see who was there. It was Steiner.

"You're highness! You're awake!" Steiner announced happily. Garnet looked a little spaced. Beatrix soon followed Steiner in and she sat on the foot of Garnet's bed as Steiner stood.

"How long have I been out?" Garnet asked.

"About four days." Beatrix replied. "We flew you out here as soon as we found you in your room…" Garnet looked down quietly.

"I-I'm sorry about that." She replied. "I don't know what came over me…" Then, she suddenly started looking around again. I'm alive. She suddenly thought. Her eyes went wide. That means Zidane is alive too! "It won't happen again." Steiner and Beatrix giggled slightly.

"You need not worry your majesty." Steiner observed. "All is fine now." The both still looked at their Queen with concerned eyes though, they knew what it was that made her cut herself, but they didn't want to upset her more than she already was.

"So why am I in Lindblum?" Garnet asked as a servant came in with three cups of lemon tea. She nodded her head in thanks to the servant and took a sip out of her tea.

"We thought it'd be better for you to get away from Alexandria Castle." Beatrix said. "You can stay here as long as you need…"

"So instead of being locked up in Alexandria Castle, I'm locked up in Lindblum Castle?" She snapped at them. "I'm sorry." She said, calming down. "My head is going in every direction right now."

"It's ok, your majesty." Steiner assured as they both smiled at her. Then, the two got up and left.


Garnet soon dressed in more casual clothes and walked through the halls of Lindblum Castle. Lindblum Castle was always a second home to her, since her Uncle, Regent Cid Fabool resided there. This castle was busy, as she always remembered it being with servants, knights, and soldiers running all over the place. She walked down a set of stairs to see a huge fountain in the main foyer. She smiled as she walked up to it and put her small white hand in it and stirred the clear cold water. Eventually, she decided that the wisest thing would probably be to see her Uncle Cid. She didn't want to tell him about her problems, so she covered her bandage.

She walked up the stairs and to the lift that went to the private floors of the castle. Once she was there, she appeared in a long hallway with a big door at the end of it. She suddenly felt like she didn't want to see her uncle. She went up a set of stairs that were to the left of her till she ended up in a room full of steam, with a huge furnace in the center of the room. There were a few men working hard in the scorching room. Their faces were black with soot. She walked passed them all without being noticed.

Once she was out of the furnace room, she appeared on a huge stone balcony at the top of the castle where there was another set of stairs. Up the stairs was another platform that looked over miles of plains, forests, swamps, and rivers. She could even see mountains. Alexandria was beyond those mountains. This place reminded her of her and Zidane. She went and looked over the huge wilderness.

You're alive, Zidane. She thought as she gazed into the beautiful scenery. I know you're out there, I can feel you. They can't see, they think you're dead…but I know you're alive. I know you're out there, somewhere out there. I will find you, even if they don't help me. I'll leave this place by myself and search the world for you. She looked around and noticed two birds soaring through the deep blue sky together. She smiled at the birds and watched them for a while. She did a lot of thinking that afternoon, and she came to a conclusion; that night she would leave Lindblum, alone, and find Zidane.

It's like what you said when we last saw each other; "I know deep inside I have to do this." Yeah Zidane, now this is my moment, my adventure.


That night was the same as any other night, for the most part. Garnet acted as if nothing was wrong. She was actually enjoying herself. She knew this would be the last enormous, royal meal she'd be eating for a while. She was excited. It would be just like it was when she had her adventure with Zidane and her friends, not knowing what was going to happen next. Maybe she'd even see Eiko or Vivi again. Even seeing Amarant would be nice, or even Quina. She smiled. She didn't talk much that night, but everybody was fooled that she was finally starting to recover.

Once everyone was sleeping, Garnet decided to take action. She found an old brown cloak to cover her as she snuck out of her room. The night guards were still out patrolling the halls of the gigantic castle. She didn't get caught though. She snuck her way through the halls till she reached the lift. She went down to the underground level, where the boats were kept. Once she was down there, she noticed it was empty. There was a torch lit on the wall, and she found a boat ready for her. It was like someone planned it for her. She looked around cautiously, thinking it was a trap. Soon she saw someone come out of the shadows.

"Hello your majesty." Said the familiar old voice. It was her uncle Cid.

"Uncle! I-I…" Garnet stumbled. She wasn't even out of the castle yet and she was already caught. Cid laughed his old jolly laugh.

"I know what you're up to my dear." He said. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

"" Garnet asked. Cid just pointed to his head.

"Because you are my niece. You're not stupid." Cid said. "I don't know what you're after, exactly, but I think another adventure would do you good…to get your mind off of Zidane and everything.

"Well actually, I'm going to find Zidane." Garnet stated. "I have a feeling he's alive." She said. She gave her uncle a hug.

"Whatever happens, I believe in you Garnet." Cid replied. "If you believe he's alive, than I believe he's alive…you'll find him." He assured. She looked at him as they both smiled. "But you must hurry! The guards will be down here soon to take guard." Garnet nodded her head and dashed for the boat. She looked back at him one last time.

"Goodbye, Uncle Cid." She smiled. Then she jumped into the boat and started rowing down the quiet stream through the tunnel. She saw the opening to the outside not too far off. Cid watched her sail away into the dark tunnel, out on another adventure. He sighed.


Author's Note: Well I finally decided to update. I'm done my finals and im on my new semester now! But they're all academics so I don't know when I'll be updating my stories. (how often) but ya. Till next time! C ya l8er.