Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Life ❯ In Memory of Aerith ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

* FF7 does not belong to me, but these words and rhymes are mine! *

My Life

~By Cloud~

Aerith you stole my heart

You made me smile

You unlocked my soul

To walk with me this dangerous mile

You were the angel
that flew above me

I was your Cloud

You set me free

Now we won

Yet you're not here

I miss you dearly

But I'll love you…I swear

You were mine

You were my life

If only you were alive

To ask you to be my wife…

The Death Of Me

~By Rufus Shinra~

I watched you grow

You were my friend

You taught me love

I still remember in the end

You were so innocent and so pure

I longed to kiss you

For our eyes to meet

Our eyes of green and blue

You were poor

I was rich

Yet you were kind

So caring that I was bewitched

I hope to see you waiting

For now I see my end

If not in love

Then I hope in friend.

My Wings

~By Zac~

I had a vision

Of eyes of jade

Lips of rose

Too loving to hate

To find such beauty

In such dreary place

I found myself smiling

To this dream I gave chase

But I fell and broke

Unable to fly to you

You wept and cried

Not knowing where to find me

Then before my death

I imagined your visage

I wished for your sweet breath

Hoping that you would get my message

I do love you so

Enough to grow me new wings

To watch over you again

To you I will always sing.


~By Vincent~

When I noticed you

you caught my heart

The sight of you

Was plain pure art

Several dreamless nights

Have I wished to sweep you away

To embrace beneath my cape

To love you everyday

You and her looked so alike

Same heart and soul

I once was broken

But now with you I am whole.

I do though miss

Your touching smile

Your swift short kiss

Was all worthwhile.


~By Sephiroth~

I felt a pain

When you fell

I didn't know

I couldn't tell

I never wanted

To cease your life

But you died

By my knife (I know a long knife^^)

I wish to undo

The time before

Yet with my last breath

I open the door

I hope for understanding

When we meet

Hoping you'll see

The real true me

My Moonlight

~By Tseng~

I followed my orders

To capture you

But when I saw your eyes

I got lost in them green hues

I was cold

But you melted your way in

You didn't even try

Because you knew you would win

The light of the moon

Played with your hair

Your touch of kindness

I would never share

Who cares if you're not alive

You are with me

Up there

In heaven we shall always be


~By Reno~

A rose so angelic

Streaked with tears

To see you wilting

Gave rise to my fears

I poured my love

Hoping to see you grow

I gave you warmth

Hoping you would live some more

You hugged me tight

So hard you held

Though so gentle

Our hearts did weld

Entwined we were

Even when you left

Even in death

You and I are one

* Theses poems took me forever to write and they are dedicated to all the people in the [AerisCouples] group! Enjoy! ^^*