Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Mother, That's Who I Mean ❯ Just the facts ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N.: Hello! And thank you very much for reading, leaving me a review if you'd like, and voting also if you'd like. I have to say that I'm all alone with this fic, meaning I need a beta reader because my other two are M.I.A with these stories. *sad sigh* so if you'd like the job please leave me an e-mail with the subject stating just that. Thank you. I hope you enjoy this.

Warnings: Swearing, sex, nudity, violence aaaand... I think that's it. although I should tell you that it might be watered down here so the owners and other busibodies don't bitch.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in the Final Fantasy VIII world, or the mentioned things from Final Fantasy VI. I make no profit from this fic, I'm just working to make someone smile in a day if I can.


Mayor Dobe had been the one to call them in...

"This is all insane! I hate it when this sort of things happens!"

And mayor Dobe was the one bitching loudly in the background of it all.

"There wouldn't be this whole mess at all, if not for people like you!"

The seven SeeD members are on the hunt for another Esper. Since coming across Palidor, the spirit has been helpful to them in every aspect that it could, when it came to its contract with Irvine. The ancient spirit can actually sense the other living fossils, that came here much like itself during the age of Time Compression, brought on by Ultimacia. They thought that all the portals had closed up when the war was over, but it would seem that there are some still existing, and still reeking havoc in unknown locations. Overtime they've had F.H. build a machine that can close the portals and, amazingly with Dr. Odine's help, its worked greatly. The people of Fisherman are great at engineering, but when it comes to the science of magics, Esthar is the place to turn. Since the machine was made, there haven't been anymore visible portals in the land or sea. But that didn't mean every one of them has been closed off. From what they've guessed, you can probably dig deep enough and find one swirling away beneath the earth's surface. The top SeeD members didn't have time to find every single one, so a task force was formed to go from area to area detecting fluxuations, where they'll work to quickly seal them off.

"Here it comes."

Irvine's voice sounds over the earpieces of the group. Squall and Quistis glance to where the cowboy is perched, noticing that he's loading his rifle with thick darts containing a tranquilizer that could knock out a blue dragon or T-Rexor within seconds. Who knew how it would work on a whale, though.

Irvine can see it with his scope. The others identified the location from its spraying water out of its blowhole.

"I see it!" Selphie called out, pointing like the others are blind.

With a serious increase in speed, unlike any other sea creature, a large white whale begins banging into the pillars that keep Fishermans Horizon afloat; its not uncommon to see whales in that area, but when this one started singing its whale song... large blue bubbles drifted through the sky, bursting into a spray of water droplets defined to the sharpness of needles when falling. A real problem, and something had to be done about it.

"Just distract the damned thing long enough for Dinky to get at it, alright?" Chided Seifer into his microphone, to the cowboy.

Kneeling, Irvine took aim at the great beast. Just as he is about to fire, the ground shook violently beneath them again.

"Hyne, that was a big hit!" Zell called out to no one. Rushing over to the edge of town, he calls upon Leviathan. The large serpent draws Zell into the summons' world in order to take his place on the field and battle.

The G.F. dives deep into the water, just beneath the whale as its leaping out of the water. The white whale does a back flip, dropping back into the water with such force that a huge wave washes toward the town! Squall took action by summoning Shiva. The ice spirit surveys the area to see what's going on before channeling its energy into using Diamond Dust to freeze over the wave; she returns to the summons' world right after, releasing Squall back to his world. Seifer had already tossed a few grenades into the air using his Bonfire limit break in order to melt the shattering remains of the ice wall, that the whale slammed into it to break it.

A vapor shroud covers their vision, but luckily Zell and Irvine have it covered. It sounded like something out of a sci-fi movie when the darts shot from the gun in quiet 'peuw-peuws'. The needles hit the target easily; its big enough! The whale writhed and cried out as the sedative started working. But the beast has a lot of fight in it, deciding to prove this by shooting a bolt of electricity at Irvine. Unable to stop it, he took the hit directly; its potency dulled by the Shell he had cast on himself when they exited the Ragnarok.

"I'll go overhead." Selphie chants the summoning spell to release Quezocotl to her dispense.

The electric bird spreads its wings flying around freely for a moment before locking in on its prey. Storm clouds darken the blue sky and soon a huge burst of electricity cracks through the static charged air and into the water. The shock would kill anything in its path, but the whale seemed almost recharged from it. The bird tried again, but the creature dove too deep to be hit.

Dead fish and other aquatic creatures surface to the top of the water, bobbing up and down by the rock of the ocean waves; cooked to a soggy perfection.

"Hn. This fuckers tougher than we thought." Seifer muses. Turning his attention to his rival he says. "Maybe you can get Shiva to freeze it in a block of ice."

He'd already weighed that option, but Squall had to look out for Leviathan as well. Selphie reappeared at their sides, looking annoyed. Nobody survived her blast. Especially sea life! She's about to summon a spell when a loud sound stopped her. The whale sang a lilting, eerie melody and shortly after it stopped the sky was filled with large blue bubbles, just as mayor Dobe had told them. Selphie summoned the Esper at her disposal, Golem. Thin sheets of metal cover the girls arms showing that the spirit is active. Its a defensive Esper that they had found underground in the crater near Trabia. Unlike G.F.s which pull them into the summons world when used, Espers instead bond themselves with the user in someway, changing their appearance. They can battle independently or with the user depending on the type. The spirit vanished the moment it was released; large hands sprout up from the earth, all over the sea town, smacking the bubbles into nothing but a burst of air. The Esper could do this for about an hour or so before it would return to Selphie.

Leviathan's tale slapped the white whale on its side; the impact was strong enough to shatter a couple ribs in the beast. It spun as it was knocked a considerable distance away. Leviathan, hot on its heals, unleashed a large aquatic blast of its own. The bubble exploded in its opponents face, blinding it momentarily, and through that haze Leviathan headbutts the thing with enough force to shatter its skull- if that was what it had intended- instead it was only enough to stun it. Through the water another dart lands in the whale's back; its slowed a bit by the moving currents. The whale's eyes roll to the back of its head, and it starts to sink.

He had to move quick. Leviathan returned leaving Zell in his place; the martial artist holds his breath as he chants the contract spell before his lungs give out. Kicking his legs vigorously to help him reach the surface faster, once above the water he takes in a large gulp of air.

"I got it!" He waves a hand triumphantly.

"Alright!" Cheers Selphie. Running along to the peer. She waits for Zell to swim up so she can help him onto dry land- well, board.

Squall heads over to where Rinoa is trying her best to calm the mayor down. The man really was annoying with how easily worked up he could get. Its almost as if he has stored up distaste for them, calling them only to let it all out.

"Everything is taken care of now. So no need to worry anymore." Rinoa is heard saying.

"If that's all, we're gonna take off." Squall informs the man. "You can send the check for our services to Balamb Garden."

Turning his furry soaked eyes towards Squall, he points a finger practically up the commanders nose. "You money hungry creeps had better learn the meaning of true gratitude!" He barks.

Crossing his arms, he humored the man as if he were listening to him, but all the while he's thinking. 'Shouldn't that be my line. Look at how you're barking at us after you called us out here to help you.'

"Money hungry Gardens, suckling away at the worlds funds."

"You're welcome to call the police next time." Squall suggest.

Rinoa laughed at the comment, following the groups leader back towards the ship where the others are headed. Zell's complaining about being drenched, Selphie's snickering while commenting on how the wet view isn't too bad, Seifer's lighting up a cigarette, and Quistis; clipboard in hand, is filling out the report. Squall could always count on her as far as that goes. Which meant he and Irvine would have time to stop off at the market. Kait might already be home from school by now, and they still had to get the materials he needed to bake a cupcakes for his class. They don't know how the boy had talked them into cooking or baking anything when neither he, nor Irvine truly know how to make a really good meal. But the boy insisted, believing it'd be fun for them to learn together as a family. Without even realizing it, Squall had become a sucker for the word 'family'.

Since being adopted by Squall, then having their lives intertwine with Irvine; it was hard for Kait to remember anytime when the two men haven't been there for him. No season passed; no event or holiday missed; the two men are always there. The others as well, like one large family. But in the end it remained that Squall Leonhart and Irvine Kinneas are his fathers. He loves them equally and very much so; without question or force... but when it comes to growing up, he depends on them in different ways. Squall's noticed that Kait knows for a fact that he holds the discipline, as he always has, and Irvine... well... he holds... the boy's need to get into trouble from time to time.

Kait's actually taken a little something from all of them: Selphie's vivaciousness, Zell's will to stick up for himself if tested, Quistis' determination in her studies, Rinoa's tantrumed optimism, and- thanks to Seifer- the odd way Kait sometimes speaks as if he's trying not to swear. It always left a bad taste in Squall's mouth that swearing is the thing he'd gotten from Seifer. He doesn't care if Kait hears any of them or other people cursing, or even drops one from time to time. But something about a kid swearing, its like hearing an old man use a youthful term or word... you never wanna say it again yourself. Kait agreed not to swear until he was old enough, but on the occasions he'd let one slip out, he had to pay him a gil for it. But out of them all, it was around seven years that he really started to pick things up from Irvine. He'd come home with friends once and said to them: "Y'all wait here while I get my stuff." The two of them, Squall and Irvine, cracked up; but for different reasons. Irvine thought that Kait was picking on him, Squall knew that the boy wanted to be like him and, because of this, he was slowly becoming southern. He wondered how Kait would take it if he knew that that southern lit came from living on a farm in Galbadia and Irvine doesn't really talk like that?

Kait was not turning southern entirely though, it was just little things he'd say or ways he'd pronounce stuff. Instead of saying 'different' he'd pronounce it 'differnt', or he'd say Irvine's invulintary 'so like'. Kait wasn't everyone but, at the same time, he wasn't no one. He's just a boy who turned out a certain way by means of the people who grew him up.

Taking a seat behind Irvine, who's in the passanger seat of the pilot, he buckles the safety belt across his chest. Clicks from the others' belts sound around him. The Ragnarok then lifts off, heading for Balamb.


The three man family moved over the past four years, and now live in new apartment on the other side of town. Apartment 4F, Tarot street. Its a three bedroom. The kitchen is still tiny, leaving them with only a long counter as a table- like in their old apartment- but the extra room was nice for when company stayed over.

The door knob jiggles as a key is slipped into the locks slit. With a twist of the knob the door is pushed open and Kait walks in. Pal flies from his shoulder landing on its perch in the living room; the bird saw Kait home. As well as being a guide to where the living fossils- called magicites- are, Palidor is the family's- Irvine's- pet bird. It was a promise he'd made with the Esper when he'd gotten his body back, and the deal worked out just fine for all three of them. Not only do they get a helper in battle, but they have a guardian for their son whenever they can't be around- like today.

"Why are you just standing there, come in." Kait drops his backpack beside the door.

His friend Antione stands outside of the door, looking through to the living room as if it will drag him into some foreign place in the world, rather than his friends home. "Are you sure its okay?"

"My dads are on a mission finding more Magicites. Come in." He repeats. Kait didn't know why everyone made such a big deal about it. He'd once overheard a friend's mother say that she doesn't want their son over at the Leonhart-Kinneas home because his fathers are lovers, its fine if the boy or girl plays with him, but they can't be over at his house where they'll be exposed. Bunch of weirdos. As if something like that matters; but it makes people nervous all the same. That, and they know that both men are SeeD and believe that trouble will follow them everywhere. Its weird how people have mixed feelings about the military while other people adore them as heros- which they are. Kait's sure that some day he'll join a Garden. Maybe Galbadia like his pappa, or Balamb like his daddy- even though both men are now working for Balamb, the option is still there.

Antione walks into the house, eyes darting everywhere like he's never been inside before. The two boys and an extra two guys, Harold and Bobby, had a sleep over just the other night because of the three day weekend. But then, Antione is always skittish no matter what.

"Do you want something to eat? We've got cookies." He walks into the kitchen, grabbing a chair to stand on. Kait's the shortest kid in class. He's 3'8" compared to the other eight year olds that are reaching 4'7". He wonders, constantly, if he'll grow out of it and become as tall as his pappa when he gets older. The likeliness of puberty being his best friend seem slim, though. Seifer once told him that his dad didn't hit it until he was 17 years old. Kait doesn't entirely know what puberty is but, if it'll make him tall he eagerly awaits it. A few months later, with the secret listening skills and a few questions to the right blond, he found out a little more out... Something about things dropping, and urges rising. Seifer can be very insightful. Although, he left the meanings of his insight up to him to dechiper. That was Kait's way of knowing it had something to do with sex.

From what the eight year old knows- from listening to the wall- sex is hard work, as it requires a lot of moaning and groaning. He isn't sure of what's going on but, after the first time he'd heard it, he knows not to listen in anymore and goes straight to bed. It wasn't intentional, listening to his fathers, it just sort of happened. He was six, he'd been put to bed but wasn't that tired yet so he decided to listen to the wall, when his fathers voices travelled to his ears. The faint talking from his parents made him feel... cozy... hugged. So whenever he couldn't get to sleep right away, he'd listen to the wall. It was the fourth time he'd done it in the month, when conversation turned into 'the workout' creating a lot of bangs against the far wall, and grunts and groans. Blushing fiercely, Kait returned to bed knowing never to listen to that sort of thing again. He still listens to their talking, though. When he'd turned eight he sort of got an idea of what sex was because of a commercial about lubricant- whatever that is for- but at the end of the commercial, the couple lay disheveled and panting in a rumpled bed. The big red flag being that they were naked beneath the blanket. So sex is something kids can't see because it invovled being naked, and you can never see a naked adult; it also has something to do with a lot of tiring activity on the bed.

"Thanks." Antione says. He's planted himself on a black leather covered stool. Pulling books from his backpack, he lays them out across the counter top.

"I can give you three. Want milk?"

"Yes, please."

"Will you stop saying please and thank you, you sound like an old man." Teased the hosting child. Getting two glasses from the upper cabinet then setting on the counter, Kait heads for the refrigerator grabbing the gallon of milk.

The jug is light to carry, only having about two glasses left before its empty. A bottle of chocolate syrup is then produced after the jug is put back into the fridge- empty- and soon the white milk is turned a deep brown. Kait grabbed two straws from a packet in a lower drawer, where other random things like: chopsticks, peelers, and skewers are kept.

"Here." He puts the glass down before his friend, then climbs into a seat beside him.

The two boys pop the straw into their mouth then blow into it, bubbles are created to circulate the chocolate through the milk. They chuckle about the gurgling, bubbling sounds; their laughter forcing more air through the straw than needed, has the milk shaking and rocking in the glass, threatening to spill out and make a mess.

"Mr. Shiki always writes so small on the board. I sit in the back, I can't see a thing!" Kait says once he's removed his mouth from the straw, satisfied with how the chocolate has been processed. It'd be no good if it were completely mixed in, the residue at the bottom is like a really good treat.

"You're joking? His writting has always been big enough for me, and I sit right behind you." Antione shrugs. "Maybe you need glasses?"

Mortified, Kait looks at his friend like he's ready to throw him from a train into foreign lands. How could Antione say something like that? In fact he should say so. "How can you say something like that? Neither of my dads have glasses, so I won't either."

Hearing the offense his friend has taken, Antione wards off a shove with a wave of his hands. He may be taller than Kait, but the kid has more meat than he does, and is ten times better at fighting. He doesn't wanna go home with a black eye, or get punched in the stomach- not that Kait was very violent or anything, but he's seen other kids their age so he knows what to expect half the time. Why couldn't he just be allowed to sit at home and read until he's forty?

"Its not that big of a deal; my sister has glasses and they look great on her."

"Oh that makes me feel better." He pouts.

"Okay, okay... just switch seats tomorrow." The boy shrugs. "Sit closer to the front, I'll switch too."

"Good. Then its settled; he writes too small and we'll have to switch seats." Kait nods.

Antione gave his friend a scrutinizing look, but shook it off. You'd swear the boy had multiple personalities sometimes, the way he blows hot and cold. But then, that's one of the funnest parts of being his best friend, you never know what you're gonna get.

They work quietly at first, but as the work progressed, Antione had to ask Kait for help on certain questions in science or with problems in math. His real strengths are in reading, and language arts, and social studies- mostly because social studies is a lot of reading. He wants to be a great writer like his grandfather, Albert Hoopsher, when he grows up. He'd once asked Kait what he wanted to be, and the boy said a SeeD. Obviously. But then who was to say he wouldn't again change his mind again, as last year he said that he wanted to be a pet dragon; all the kids wanted to be the same thing, that was around the time they had learned about Ruby Dragons. But regardless odd future goals, Kait's very smart with studies, and helps him out a lot.

When homework was finished, Kait told Antione to wait where he was while he'd run off to get something. As the other boy had expected, a little red camera can be seen in his friend's palm as he's climbing back into his seat. Because of one of his aunt Selphie, Kait adores taking pictures of just about anyone and anything he can. Something about saving memories.

"I'll call this one, study buddies. Smile!"

The picture is taken the moment Antione's teeth are showing. The camera is lowered from the overhead shot it had of them, then set down on the counter top.

"Are you going home now?"

"Yeah, we're having dinner in a little bit, and I didn't call home."

"Oh. Bye then."

Both boys look at the front door when it pushes open.

"Hi dads!" Kait slips down from his seat gripping one man around the waist then the other.


"Hey L.B!" Irvine squeezes the boy tightly. "Hi, Antione."

"Hello Mr. Kinneas, Mr. Leonhart." He greets while quickly packing his things. "We were just doing homework." He said it as if he had to explain his being in the mens' home.

"Well okay." Replied Irvine.

"You can call them Irvine and Squall." Kait says absently. He grabs the opening of the groccery bag to search the contents of it. "Did you get the stuff."

"Yeah." Replied Squall before disappearing into the hallway.

"Bye Kait." Antione says again.

The boy wasn't listening. When his fathers are around, they're the only ones who matter. The situation was uncomfortable to him, mostly because he didn't know which man was Kait's mom. Neither of the men acted like a lady, as his father had told him, but then again he doesn't stick around long enough to notice if one of them would. Closing the front door after his departure, Antione heads home.

"Can we bake them now?" He follows Irvine into the kitchen.

"After dinner."

Kait rubbed his hands together as if he had to keep them busy because he just can't wait that long. Watching as other things are pulled from the bag, he asks. "What's for dinner?"


"Oh." Tapping his finger on the counter top, he asks. "Was the mission cool? What kind of Esper did you get?"

Irvine snickered on that low-level laugh of his. "It was cool. I got to shoot darts at a whale."

"It was a whale? How did you guys get at it?"

"Zell used Leviathan and battled it under water, while we all," He moved his hand in a circle as if to show every person there. "protected the town from its assalt."

"What kinds of attacks did it have?"

"Hmm." He thinks it over. Reaching beneath the cabinet he grabs two pots. "Bubbles that turn into needles when they burst." He chuckled at the loudly blurted out, "Cool!". "And lightning bolts, ice, and fire."


"That's what Zell told us. He's the one who caught it."

"Wow." Laying his chin on the counter, he says absently. "I can't wait until I can go on missions."

"Thank Hyne that won't be for a while." Squall enters the living room; clothes changed into something you wouldn't mind getting dirty, a dark blue t-shirt and black jeans. Probably for when they're baking later.

Water is put into one pot and placed on a stove top, the knob is turned on high. Kait slides the cutting board over to himself when Irvine places it down on the counter diagonal from him. Figuring it was the boys way of asking if he could cut the sausage link, he sets a sharpened knife down in front of him, then puts the link on the board.

"Are you coming with me to the bake sale since pappa's gonna be in Deling?"

"Yeah." Although Squall really didn't want to. He'd asked Kait to take someone better suited, someone who knew how to be personable, like Zell, or Selphie, or Rinoa. But Kait wanted Squall there, he didn't care if one of the others came along with them but Squall had to be there too.

"Just making sure." He lifts the knife slicing it down into the sausage, smiling at how it cut through the meat with ease. "And make sure you smile, at least some."

"I will." He doubted he would, but he would try- somewhat.

Squall always got into a pissy mood whenever Irvine went out on a mission without him. True its been four years since that Esper took Irvine's body, but still the memory pained him in ways that couldn't easily be reversed. He missed four years of his life with Irvine because he'd stopped looking. He foolishly gave up on his being alive, then there he was... and he didn't even remember him. He'll never let something like that happen again, it doesn't matter how prepared they are, accidents happen all the time. If you're alive you can pretty much expect one every other day. The good that came out of it is that they have Kait. The boy would have been who knows where by now, had Irvine still been around. And Squall has reinforced his belief in people again. He'd gotten to used to having them all around to the point of going back into his anti-social behavior, but losing Irvine and getting him back, he's keeping up with showing them all that he appreciates them- even his father, whose done nothing to him and yet has received harsher treatment than any one.

Speaking of his father, the man is longer president of Esthar, he's given the job to Kiros- albiet, Estharians continue to look at and treat him as their president its only out of love for the mans kindness, and all he's done for them. But Laguna wants something new for himself, he's getting up there in age and now he wants to focus on the past- as most people do when they're about to face the harsh reality of death someday. Laguna's just doing what he has to do before he's actually in a place where he's too old to get it done.

They work in silence, Irvine watching the pasta boil while stirring ground sausage in the second pot, Kait's slicing the sausage link, and Squall is buttering rolls to stick into the oven. By the time everything is where it should be, the sauce is added to the sizzling meats and the pasta is drained before its dumped into the red sauce, a quick mixing of the contents; the family takes a seat on the green couch to watch television as they eat, and chat. Kait talking about his day at school, and they spoke more about the mission and older ones that Kait hadn't yet heard about.


Jojo has been traded in for a stuffed blue Mumba that Kait effectionately named, Samba. Its an ice lion like the one his father controls when using his limit break, Frost Bite. Jojo, however, sits atop a hammock with his other stuffed things. Kait and his friends often take the animals down from the hammock and they play UFC with them. Squall is sure that one of these days a kid is gonna go flying from Kait's bed and crack his head open on the floor. Hyne knows what trouble will come with that. Kait has very few friends with parents that allow them to come over and play without bitching about something or another. But then those people are in the military as well, so it makes sense.

After a satisfied sigh, Kait closes his eyes. "I still love the goodnight song." He mentions to the two exiting men.

"Hn. Most kids would tell their parents to get out if they tried singing to them."

"I'm not most kids." He mumbled.

That was true.

"See ya in the morning, little bird." Irvine says before closing the door.

Snuggling his lion to him, Kait waited to hear their foot steps before exiting the bed. Going over to the opposite wall, he presses his ear to it. They're talking about giving their reports tomorrow so that inventory can restock the darts Irvine had used. Then Squall tells Irvine to be careful when taking his team out. They have to make it through the tomb of the unknown king. They'd found an Esper in there last year, a wizard of sorts named Ramuh. Another Esper caught by Zell. Its neat when he uses it because his blond hair turns frost white, like the elderly wizards. He'd once seen Quistis when she'd used one, and she had a halo over her head and was covered by a long blue dress. It was beautiful! And Seifer has a wolf! It lives out in the forest, sure, but it still comes to his command. When their voices got lower, Kait returned to bed, he knew what would come next.


"I can't believe the brothers keep agreeing to do this." Luna comments while getting onto the train.

"Who cares, its gonna be fun. I hear you can't even find your way through the tomb without getting lost for hours." Phineas mentions. "We are gonna bring a picnic right?" He snickers when receiving a slap on the back by his commander.

"Ain't no way we're doin' anything but going through that cave to defeat the brothers." Irvine assures them, while winking to the boy that of course they'll bring food.

Squall could only shake his head at that. Irvine really should just be special ops like he is. A guy as carefree as Irvine isn't best for a commanders role. He's surprised that Zell has a troop too, although given the option Zell is a lot more resourceful than Irvine.

"Bye, papa." Kait hugs his father.

"See ya, L.B."

Luna and Eurydice both watch squeaking out an 'aaaaww' at the sight. Kait shakes his head in dismay. Girls are always finding something cute to 'aaaw' at.

"And don't worry, I'll keep dad from going nuts while you're gone."

'I don't "go nuts", I just worry a little. Its understandable.' Thinks Squall, crossing his arms. Even at 28 years old, he can't easily break out of his old habits so easily. 'You should be so lucky its stupid to fight with a kid about things.'

Chuckling, Irvine whispers to his son. "See that he doesn't do too much of that as well."

"Got it."

"Whatever." Retorts Squall, rolling his eyes when the two laugh. Its hard to believe they're not cut from the same cloth really.

Irvine gets onto the train, waving goodbye to them before disappearing from view.

"So like, what are we gonna do now?" Kait asks.

"We could always attempt to make more cupcakes."

Kait paled. That had been a nightmare. Mostly because of the hand mixer splattering the badder on all of them. Who knew you had to start it on slow. They didn't want any lumps left behind. "No thanks." He takes off down the runway back into the terminal. "How 'bout we go to Garden. Is everyone else having classes?"

"I don't think so."

"Good. I wanna play cards, and see if I can win some more from non-aunt Quistis, she's got really good ones."

"She should, she's the queen of Triple Triad."

"No kidding? How come? Because she took so many when she was an instructor?"


The boy laughs at the thought of Quistis swiping cards just to expand her own collection and become the greatest player in all of Balamb Garden.

"I wonder if aunt Selphie can teach me how to play Trabia's rules." He dashes away getting a good distance away from Squall.

Squall doesn't mind if Kait runs on ahead; everything in Balamb town is walking distance, and visually he can see the boy making his way around since the place isn't packed with people like Dollet or the large city of Deling. Plus everyone knows Kait since its a small town, if he'd gone out of sight someone would point out his whereabouts. Its good to have certain freedoms. He would have liked to have them himself when he was that age. In anycase, he won't let Kait ever feel the pain he nor Irvine felt as children.


"Good job, La Russo! Your stamina is awesome!" Zell cheered on one of his cadets. Clipboard in hand, he's writing out the results of the test when the male gets off the treadmill.

Little of his breath is lost, and the teen reaches for a towel to wipe the sweat from his face. Last year he didn't do so well, he did worse the year before that. But he's gotten in a lot of extra training for this physical, wanting to really impress instructor Dincht. Macias never understood that nickname that his instructors lover gave him 'chicken wuss', Zell is anything but a wuss, and as far as the chicken comment went- ha! Its really awesome to have gotten the chance to be on Zell's team. The guy is practically a legend in Balamb town; since he was a little boy he's looked up to him. He even died his brown hair blond- when he was old enough- his mother practically fainted when he's stepped out of the bathroom; his girlfriend behind him looking quite guilty at what she'd done.

"After Stacey does the tread, we're gonna have a match in the field, okay?"

"Yes sir!" Sounded his team.

They've been in the infirmary half the morning taking their physical examination. Stacey Ingle complained about having to pee in a cup but she did it regardless. Working with girls isn't always easy, but its life. And besides, she's no different from the boys in some ways. She has muscle mass and stamina to keep it up; her skills in the martial arts are very impressive. Her father was a third degree black belt and taught her everything he knew, which is why she's been placed on his team. The other members: Sheven, Hector, and Macias have no formal training, but they were pals who used to beat on each other a lot in their youth. Zell was honored to have guys willing to be on his team and learn hand to hand skills. He teaches an entire class on Monday and Thursday, but other than that he's special assigned to a squad- just as Seifer and Selphie with their personal best skills.

Right now, said boyfriend, is off doing a field exam like Irvine. His team is off on a mission to Dollet, they're heading for the drylands to battle with some large mechanical mantises and Seifer's Esper Fenrir, a wolf. Edea believes nothing good will come of the magicites, but so far nothing bad has happened... so why worry? He tried out Bismark lastnight and found that with the Esper attached to him, he can actually breath under water, for a short time- it was insane! It'll come in real handy someday.

Stacey let out a huge sigh, letting herself be wisked off of the treadmill. "Done." She announced in short breaths.

"Excellent work. Let's head outside for now."

"I can't wait to get out there. I hate being in the infirmary, its so stuffy in here." Hector mentions to no one, yet all of them.

"Tell me about it." Sheven slips his shirt over his head, tugging it down over his body.

"I heard that you brats." Says Dr. Kadowaki in the other room treating patients. "And here I was gonna give you good little boys and girls some suckers for your hard work."

The two boys laugh, waving off the woman's comment while accepting the treat. They always mess with her in that way. Their parents know one another very well, and the doctor has always been like an aunt to the two boys.

"What a boy won't back pedal over for some candy." Stacey mentions. "I'm just glad I'm being taught by someone as responsible as-..." She sweat drops seeing that her instructor is also happily sucking on a sugar free taffy. "Men."

The small group heads out the door and down the corridor to the main hall. Its a beautiful day outside, the sun is out but way too far away to matter in heating the place up. It'd almost be cool if the North winds would blow some.

"Hey Squall!" The martial artist waves when seeing his friend walk through the front gate.

Squall nods to him.

"Hey Zell!" Kait shouts before finding his way up the stairs to the elevator.

Catching up to the brunet, Zell asks. "Where are you guys going? To see Matron?"

"Kait wants to play cards with Quistis or Selphie. Are they busy?"

"Hmm, I think Sel is but Quistis might be free right now. Its lunch break, after all."

"Alright. Thanks."

"Hey, since ours are gone how 'bout I come over for dinner tonight?"


"Sweet. See ya then."

Squall heads up the stairs, shaking his head that Kait already left on the thing and now he'd have to wait for its return. Watching Zell's departure he wonders what he's got his team doing today. When the elevator dings, he gets on pressing the button for the second floor. He could hear his son chatting away with Quistis before he even pushed open the office door.

Upon seeing him, Quistis smiles. "I was wondering how far behind you were."

"Sorry daddy." Kait holds out a peace offering to his father, a piece of orange candy.

"That's okay," He takes the offering, rolling it around in his palm. "I intended to leave you in the dust when we go home." He ruffles the boys hair. "Headmistress, I came to give Irvine and my report."

"And I came to play cards with Quistis." Comments the child.

"Alright, I was just about to go on my lunch break. Come on, we'll get some hot dogs."


"Of course. If we're fast enough."

That was all the eight year old needed to hear and he was out the doors to the elevator.

"Well go ask a kid to wait for you." Laughs the woman following after him.

Edea smiled at the scene. Turning her attention to Squall, she holds out a hand receiving the papers. "I don't have to check them, if they're from you I'm sure they've been filled out thoroughly."

Squall nods. Taking a seat at her desk, he turns his attention to the large windows. Edea finishes her work, enjoying the comfortable silence between them. Once the stack of papers is set down into the out pile, she intwines her fingers setting her hands to the desk. "We're moving to the Dollet area next weekend. Why don't you guys take a short vacation until we get back to Balamb."

This surprised Squall and the thought is written, uncharacteristically, on his face. "Do I look like a I need time off?"

"No. Not you. The others though, have been teaching non-stop. I think it would be good for them to get out of the school for a while."

"You're saying I don't work as hard as the others?"

"Not at all. Your home life must be hectic with an eight year old, and you're still taking missions. You just came off of one last month."

"Its alright, I was only kidding. A vacation sounds like a good idea, and Kait's wanted to see the orphanage where we were taken care of since he'd heard about it."

"I can't believe the place has stood up all these years." Edea's expression turns very nostalgic. She can see all her children running and playing, Ellone in the kitchen helping her make small but filling meals for them all. There were happy times more than there were sad ones. The feeling from then still warmed her heart.

"Do the others know?"

"Yes. I've asked for Quistis to tell them."

Squall nods to show he understands. Getting up from his seat, he heads to the door. "I'll tell Kait, and Irvine when he calls."

"Very good. And Squall," She calls to his retreating back, speaking further when he pauses his steps. "enjoy yourself... no more creases on that forehead of yours. Its a vacation."

"Alright, Matron." He smiles, pulling the door closed after him.


Her fingers figit nervously on the hem of her skirt. Unsure of what she'll find, unsure of where this journey will take her, she schools her nerves away. Its better to think positively about things like this. She has to, otherwise she won't be able to live with herself. Her mother died after she gave birth to her, her father became ill with cancer and passed away a few years later. Her husband... no, she can't think of what happened to her husband. She can only hope that she'll find what she's looking for in Timber. Her dear baby...