Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Mother, That's Who I Mean ❯ Not now but soon ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Irvine noticed two things during dinner that he found to be strange. One is that no one but he and Laguna were speaking, and two Kait and Seifer kept casting each other sneaky glances across the table. So they're either fighting about something childish, or they've got something to say to one another.

Irvine's no dummy, he knows that Kait only feels comfortable asking Seifer questions when it concerns something he believes that he, or Squall, would not want to answer for him. He had every right to pick and choose anyway, they're all a part of the boy's life. He and Squall can trust that everyone will steer Little Bird right. Even Seifer. Which is why he stood up when his plate was clean, and said to the other shooter at the table.

"Hey, Lag', come with me to the video box, we can rent a movie."

Perplexed at where the sudden urge to watch a movie came from, the man nodded and shoveled down the remainder of his meal before standing from the chair. He then took his plate over to the sink to rinse away the stains. Irvine did the same with his dish. When they reached the front door, Irvine grabbed the nob and said to neither of the two left at the table.

"Back in fifteen minutes."

"Subtle, cowboy. Just leave." Seifer replied, cutting into a bite of meat.

Nothing got past Seifer. Irvine didn't care what Squall often said about the ex-knight's brains compared to an Armadodo, the guy is sharp. Closing the door; his arm was snatched up by Laguna as they walked down the stairs to the street.

"What's this all about?" Laguna asked. "You don't really wanna see a movie."

"Nope. I just wanted to give Kait and Seifer some time alone to talk; didn't you notice how they were acting?" He gently tugged his arm free from Laguna's hold.

Shaking his head, Laguna replied. "No."

Chuckling, Irvine shook his head in dismay. "Maybe if you didn't eat with such gusto, you'd have looked up and noticed."

Laughing cheerfully, Laguna put a hand up in his defense. "Guilty. Good food, or music, clams me up. It's a Desperado." Seeing Irvine nod, he glanced over his shoulder then back at the sniper. "What do you think they're talking about?"

"Search me. Hope he's keepin' it clean - whatever it is."

Kait didn't waste any time. Seifer had gotten up to put his plate in the sink, with no intention of washing it, and he nearly bumped into the three-foot shadow when turning around.

"Will you watch it?" He moved past the kid and into the living, still being tailed.

"Seifer, why did you say "Miles" that time we were on vacation?" His face was stern, almost at a full scrunch. "Did you meet that lady, and she asked you about it?"

Seifer had actually thought he would have to be the one to bring it up, but apparently this woman wasn't as dumb as he took her for. But Seifer didn't know how to approach the topic. He could just outright tell the boy what he suspects; although he could be wrong, and it's all just one big coincidence. Or he could lie, and see how much Kait has figured out for himself.

"I've seen her. Yeah. She was asking about a kid named Miles." He informed him.

"But did she describe him? ...Like she might think that... I could be him?" He shook his head. "But she could be wrong right? She can't be right... Daddy never told me anything about a woman, he just said that Martin Redwing was found dead by him and you." He stabbed Seifer on the shoulder with his index finger. "But he never told me the rest... I know that most families have a mother and a father." His voice lowered, almost saddened. "You don't think that...?"

Seifer actually felt a pang of guilt. He should have sent the bitch packing rather than let her stick around and do this. Shit. "Listen, I don't know who the hell she is. Someone did once come to Squall about it, I think... But he said "fuck it", he was going to keep you. He didn't wanna hear anymore about it."

Kait sagged hard enough to sink in the cushions like he was a part of the chair. "So then it could be her..."

"Hyne. Don't fucking cry about it. There's a good chance she's just some nut who lost her kid." He gave the boy a playful shove. "You know how typical your looks are? For Hyne's sake you look like your fathers, don't you?"

Kait supposed that was true. He looks like he could have easily been some product of mad-science, their essence used to create a baby. He really could be worried for nothing. This woman could very well be looking for an actual lost kid named Miles. That's kind of sad when you think about it. And now she's using anyone to replace her son. But there is the fact that he is very much NOT their blood son, and this woman could be his mo-... No, he can't even think it. It puts it out there.

"Look kiddo, you should ask your parents about this stuff. I really don't know much."

"But I can't ask them."

"Why not?"

"I just can't!" He snapped. "What if they think... What if they know, and they want me to go away with her?" Kait held it back hard, but tears pricked his eyes viciously. He lowered his head. Broken by such a thought. However, he's tough. He's sure as hell not about to let Seifer Almasy see him cry.

"Hn." Seifer scoffed hard enough to pop up off the back of the seat. "If they ever wanna give you up, I'll eat my fucking gunblade. How's that for an answer?"

Kait had to think about that. Even as a child he knew that Seifer adored his gunblade, like his fathers adore their weapons, and he adored his clown Jojo. Still, secretly, he does. That's why it sits on the shelf, safe and secure, unlike his other toys and things which are up for the pummeling of an all-out wrestling match he and his friends hold in his bedroom.

"Thanks, Seifer." He turned those big blue eyes to his unrelated uncle. "Y'know, you'd make an ok dad someday."

"Tch. Don't even joke like that. When you become a dad - granddad isn't far behind. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna be some old man." He tousled the boy's hair, then got up from the couch.

Kait figured that Seifer was headed for the bathroom because he didn't leave the apartment, he went into the hall. He really did feel better after hearing that. Maybe all this creeping worry is for nothing, and this woman really is just desperate to get her son back. Who wouldn't be. But it still didn't answer his question as to why Seifer had said the name in the bathroom if he too didn't suspect the woman's intentions.

Maybe he was just trying it out, like he had when he'd constantly heard it being said around the neighborhood. Why won't she just go away though? He knows Squall and Irvine wouldn't give him up; but he'd feel a lot better if the woman would just go away.

When Irvine and Laguna came back, Kait and Seifer were playing Triple Triad at the coffee table.

"What movie did you get?" Kait asked, getting up from the floor to hurry over and take the DVD.

"Action. Your favorite." Irvine replied.

Standing up Seifer left his hand of cards on the table, they were playing with two decks and neither one belonged to him. "I'm going."

"See ya, Seif'." Laguna said plopping down onto the couch.


For the second time that night Irvine has been snagged aside. The conversation must have been serious after all. Glancing to locate the boy, he spots him in the kitchen grabbing a bag of popcorn. "What is it?" He whispered when dragged almost out of the apartment.

"Kait's freaking out over something. Talk to him, alright."

"Alright, but what's it about?"

"I can't tell you, just ask him." Seifer released Irvine's arm. "I doubt he'd bring it up himself."

Irvine wasn't sure how he'd ask about something if he wasn't clear of what it was he was asking. But he nodded all the same. Closing the door he walked over to the couch and took a seat, Kait patted upon the location indicating that he should take that spot. Irvine looked down at the boy whose attention was on the television. What could be such a secret?

Later that night.

Bored look on his face, Kait then smiled around the pout he took on to play the shiny silver instrument. "Irvine can't you hear me? I'm playing morse code."

Irvine, who had been cleaning up at the moment, stopped and listened, scrunching his brows in thought. He didn't hear anything. Kait played it again, sighing when he only received a shrug.

"I'm saying: I'd rather be learning violin." He smiled.

"Ohhh," He said as if it was so obvious. "Well, school work comes first, and I'll teach you to play next weekend."

In school, Kait's learning flute. The teacher is teaching it to all the students. Kind of like handing a kid a recorder as a first instrument. But they'd like to allow kids a little more responsibility and advance them further than that of a simple recorder. So this month it's flute, last month was piano, and next month they'll be working on clarinet.

"Okay." Returning to practicing the assigned song: A Whole New World from the Aladdin movie, he watched television to keep himself occupied beyond his pitchy notes.

All the while Irvine with a mini-broom swept up the kitchen; while down on one knee, he wondered how to approach this mysterious topic. Maybe he should wait until Squall gets back, he's better at this sort of thing. Although, this would conflict with an ongoing problem of his. Personal despair of never really feeling apart of Kait's life outside of the fun one. He's not an uncle or a friend - well, he's the boy's friend but, he's a parent first. He'll never get the place in Kait's life that he seeks if he's afraid to bring up the hard stuff.

Straightening to his feet, he dumps the dust into the trash can then sets everything back under the sink where it belongs. "Hey, Kait?" He starts, as he walks into the living room. "Can I ask you something?"

His son nodded then lowered his flute.

Momentarily stuttered by the sudden hard attention, he paused then followed through and took a seat. "So like," He began again.

"Did Seifer tell on me? Weasel can't keep anything to himself." Kait said outright with a laugh. Adjusting himself in his seat, he awaits his father's reply.

"Well, kinda yes, and no - and what gave it away? I didn't say a thing yet."

Kait smiled, shaking his head. He could tell Irvine how he knew, it's so obvious. Squall has something he does, and so does Laguna. If he were around the others in a more personal setting, he was sure he'd notice their little habits as well. With Irvine, anytime something unpleasant, or at least what he finds to be unpleasant, comes up he starts sentences with: So like. Another thing is when he's upset and trying very hard not to be, he'll adjust his ponytail.

Squall on the other hand isn't as verbally obvious. His tell is that his body stiffens up and his posture is better when he's facing unpleasant news, verbally, he supposed his father started back into the 'Whatever' thing.

His grandpa was clear as glass when it came to his behavior, but everyone knows it. His leg stiffens up. Another sign is that he slips his hand behind his head to give it a scratch. When it's really bad, he resorts to playing dumb; his grandfather is actually a very smart and resourceful man, that should not be seen as otherwise no matter what appearance he portrays.

"I wanna know if anything has been bothering you. Seifer didn't tell me, he just said that you needed to talk about something."

Kait frowned then nodded. He really does want to talk about it. "I can't right now. I wanna tell you, but I'd rather wait for Squall to get home so I don't have to say it again."

Irvine whistled lowly. "Is it that bad?"

"It could be. But Seifer said I didn't have to worry."

Irvine could take comfort in that. He thought Seifer might be passing along some bad information or... Well, it's Seifer! Who really knows what's going on in his warped head. Patting the boy on the knee Irvine nodded. "Well, if you can find comfort in that I'm glad. And I'm sure that whatever your troubles are, you really don't have to worry about them. You're eight. Guys your age shouldn't worry about too much."

"I'll try not to." Leaning over so that he's on the seat rather than on his perch, as he so loves to use it as rather than what it is - the arm of the chair, the back of the chair. Like a real little bird, Kait perches, rarely sitting on the seat of chairs. He wraps his arms around Irvine's neck giving him a hug. "Don't worry too much about me. I'm Galbadian tough, remember?"

Smiling, Irvine nodded, adding. "And just a pinch of Balamb."

"That's my surfer-bum way," Moving out of the hug, he pops the sniper on the shoulder. "Now get your guitar and play with me. Do you know A Whole New World? I have sheet music." He points to the sheet of music on the coffee table.

Shaking his head, Irvine replied. "I can learn it."

"Well, go on." He said in his best southern accent.

"Yes, maestro." Getting up from the couch, he smiled when he rounded the corner into the hall.

He handled that pretty well. See there, he can be responsible. Grabbing his acoustic guitar he then returned to the living room. He lifts the sheet music from the coffee table before taking a seat on the couch beside Kait, who is, once again, seated on the backrest of the couch.

"Ready?" Little Bird asked. He started by getting three notes in before stopping to wait for Irvine to begin strumming. "Now?"

"Mhm." Setting the music down, he pats the guitar three times then strums the strings in time with the flute.

Stepping out of the shower, Laguna drapes a towel over his head toweling it frantically to remove the water. He'd often wondered if one day his hair would fall out. He hoped not. He wasn't the type to care very much for his vanity - hell, he's taken missions where he's had to lie practically in monster dung. But there are just certain things about yourself that make you - you. The grey he's gotten used to, it actually makes him look professional.

'Hn. If I were president now then they'd really see some sophistication.' Lowering the towel he checks his face over in case he missed a spot when rinsing the soap off. In the clear. He wrapped the towel around his waist, tying it off then proceeded with brushing his teeth. Once the brush is loaded with paste, he scrubs it around his teeth humming A Whole New World as he does so.

Kait's getting better. He'd been practicing a few times before during the week, but he was struggling with a bar making it very pitchy more than a few times. Laguna almost thought he'd be off the hook when the boy left the flute at school, but he'd found it. It seemed that Irvine was playing along with him. The former president never would have guessed that the sniper was musically gifted. But he can really play. The music stopped for a moment; Kait then played a bar over four times, squeaking twice in the same place for two, then he blew it perfectly for the other two and then they played on.

Spitting out the accumulated foam, he rinsed his mouth, gargled, then left the bathroom entering the guest room in a few quick steps.

"I think that was your grandpa; wanna shower now?" Asked the band leader.

"Can I take it in the morning?" He asked in a pause then kept playing.

"Will you wake up earlier so that you're not late for school?"

"Yup." Kait stopped altogether.

"Alright, I'll be in in-case you over sleep." Getting up from the couch, he checked the time with a quick glance. "It's time for bed, though, I'll put this up." He holds out his hand for the flute. Taking it apart, once he's got a hold of it, he sticks it into its case then walks it to the hall closet.



The boy scurried away. Irvine glanced in the direction of the hall when hearing the same exchange of words between his son and friend, then he went back to storing the instrument away.

"My train leaves at five. I can wake Kait up, if you wanna sleep in."

"I'm not too tired." Irvine replied. Taking a seat in the armchair, he turns to Laguna then asks. "Has Kait said anything to you about something strange? Seifer thinks that I should talk to him, but he wants to wait until Squall gets back Sunday."

"Strange? No." Laguna thought for a moment.

"You don't have to tell me if it's a secret. I just wanted to know what I'll be up against."

"He didn't say anything weird to me - although, he did ask if it was rude to ignore someone who's talking to you."

Irvine's brows furrow. What on earth could that mean?

"He said some woman was looking for her son and she's going around asking other kids. Could be some kind of weirdo-in-the-neighborhood, if you know what I mean."


"He said he wasn't speaking to her because he hasn't seen her face around before now, and thought he should be careful."

"Smart kid."

"I thought so, too. You guys are doing a great job raising him." He rests his bad leg on the coffee table, the other still on the floor, making himself more comfortable then he starts flipping channels.

Irvine sat thinking quietly to himself, and after a moment he stood. "I'm going to bed. Have a good trip back."


Walking into his bedroom he strips his clothes, tossing them into a pile at the door, then, once his pajamas are on, he climbs into bed.

The next morning Laguna woke up early around 4:44 a.m. He got his things ready to go last night, so the only thing he had to do was eat a quick bite of breakfast before heading out. He hated traveling on an empty stomach. It would be a good two days before getting to Esthar, and he'd have to make a stop in Fisherman's Horizon to change trains. After having a cup of instant cappuccino, he fixed himself an egg and sausage patty. Making a quick stop into his grandson's room, he gave the boy a gentle shake to wake him up. Nothing worse than being earthquaked out of your sleep.

Kait mumbled something incoherent but slowly he roused from his sleep, tired eyes blinking in confusion before something registered.

"I'm heading out, bye Little Bird." He leaned in and kissed the kid atop his head. He hugs him tightly.

"Bye grandpa." He rubbed his face to remove the sleepies clinging at the corners of his eyes.

"Don't forget to take your shower. It's five o'clock now." He turned the boy's alarm clock. The glowing blue numbers shined a little more brightly when Laguna turned the dimmer off. "Don't fall asleep again. Bye." He walked out of the bedroom and into his son's. "Irvine," He whispered.

"Yeah?" He asked with a voice so alert Laguna thought that he might not have been asleep at all.

But being a man of action himself, Laguna knows that a good pass-out is nearly impossible to achieve, even if you've been retired for years. It's just an unbreakable habit. "I'm gonna go. I woke Kait up, but he may not stay up. Just letting you know."

"Okay, see you whenever."

"You too." Closing the door after his exit, he leaves the house, locking the front door behind him.

Irvine made sure to keep himself awake, because just as quickly as he can be awake, Irvine can be asleep. It's a bad habit but it luckily hasn't gotten him in trouble so far. Checking the time, he figured he could get up and start breakfast. He can already hear his son moving about the apartment gathering a towel and washcloth to take his shower.

Climbing out of bed, he stepped into pale blue slippers then shuffled out of the bedroom for the kitchen. Getting the stove warmed up; Irvine multi-tasks by gathered Kait's things, stuffing them into his backpack. The boy's lunch would be put in last so the ice pack would keep from melting too soon. After cleaning the pan that Laguna had used for his meal, Irvine set it onto the stove. Grabbing two slices of cheese from the fridge as well as the tub of butter, he set them onto the counter next to the loaf of bread.

It was faint due to the distance, but Irvine heard his phone ringing and quickly rushed into his bedroom to answer it. "Hey." He knew who it was, it could only be one person calling at this hour.

"Hey. What are you doing up?"

Irvine had to think that that was a pretty odd thing for someone, who calls at five in the morning, to ask. But he replied anyway. "Making breakfast."

"So am I. I have only today to finish then I'm heading home after I help Quistis."

"Okay. By the way, when you get here, Kait has something he wants to talk to us about."


"I don't know. But it's pretty serious, I think."

Squall was quiet for a moment. "Okay. Tell him I'll try to be home sooner than later."

"You got it."

"I only called to tell you that, later."

"Yeah." Hanging up he left the bedroom returning to the stove. "Dammit." The pan was too hot. Taking it from the stove he fans it through the air to cool it off a bit before putting the butter on to start the meal.

Kait showed up from his bedroom around 5:38 dry, dressed, and carrying sneakers in his free hand. He doesn't have to leave until 7 o'clock so he did not put them on, he dropped them on the floor beside the front door. He could feel his nerves prickling; another day another thought that he'll have to see that woman. Maybe Irvine will walk him to school. It's unusual that he'd ask of it because normally neither Irvine nor Squall can do it since they have work. But there's no harm in it, no warning sign that something is wrong.

"Papa, can you walk me to school today?" He asked when his father put a plate down before him. Aiming for the slices of cantaloupe first, Kait waits for his answer.

"Sure." Was the enthusiastic reply. Walking his plate over to the counter, after a few slices of fruit were cut for himself, he takes a seat digging in.

Irvine was eating a little faster than he'd meant to, because he forgot that he didn't get dressed on the assumption that he wouldn't have to go anywhere this morning, and he'd need to comb-out and brush his bed-head.

Chewing avidly, Kait cocked his head studying his father as he ate. "You don't sleep with your earrings in?"

"Nope." He takes a sip of orange juice.

"Papa, can I get earrings?"

Irvine spared little thought to it, replying. "Yeah. We'll get it done when Squall gets back. He said he should be here late tonight."

"We're going to the mall tonight?" He was ecstatic. He'd never gone anywhere overnight in a long time.

"I meant tomorrow." He gathered his plate washing it once at the sink.

"Oh." He deflated quickly. "I'm gonna feed Pal', okay?" Taking his plate to the sink, while still eating a bite of his sandwich; he held the food within his teeth while washing the plate then, wet hand and all, continued eating it until it was gone.

Pal, enlarged to the size of a forearm, napped comfortably on its perch stick with his beak tucked under his lavender colored wing. It woke the moment it heard its name, looking about the living room for its owners. Spotting Kait roaming about the kitchen, it flew to the counter top, shrinking down a bit to accommodate his young master's size.

"Good morning." He greeted the bird. He supposed he would have gotten a reply if he were used to junctions and magic like his fathers are. But to him the bird just made a 'trilling' sound. "You want eggs and a hunk of meat?"

The bird looked as though he were dancing for a moment, side stepping back and forth before it bobbed its head up and down.

Removing the items from the fridge he placed them onto the counter. He hates touching raw meat but it's something that must be done. He often wondered what it'd be like to have a dog - like Rinoa has Angelo. But he likes the bird. Especially because Pal can use magic. How many other guys can say that their pets can do that? Going to the sink he washes the meat from his hands.

The bird digs in instantly after cracking the eggs open with its beak, letting it ooze the raw ground beef.

Furiously drying his hands, he says. "You don't have to come with me to school, Dad's gonna drop me off." The bird seemed more interested in eating than his schedule for the day. But that was ok. Kait sailed into the living room grabbing the remote. He can watch a little tv until Irvine comes out of the bedroom.

Beyblade G-Revolution is on. It's an older series to the new one but the station picked it up as if to remind kids of what the show is. He never really understood it himself. All that commotion over spinning tops. Come on. But it was interesting enough to keep him focused until around 6:30 when Irvine finally emerged from the bedroom.

"I think I'm becoming a Beyblade fan." He reported before getting up from the couch to slip his sneakers on.

"Guess that one is my fault, huh?" He turned off the television on his way by.

"Yup." He chuckled. "I've decided that I want a moon or a sun; is taking care of earrings hard?"

"Not really, and I'll help you if you need it."

"Thanks." He shrugged on his backpack then walked out the front door, Irvine was a step behind him until he darted down the stairs to the street.

"Hey, Kait!" Olgey, one of Theodora Burke's boys, called out when seeing him.


He's one of the three town idiots, according to Zell. They live next door to his Ma's house and are often running rampant through the streets of Balamb Town getting into every damned thing they can, picking up whatever isn't nailed down, prying up whatever is. They're trouble with a capital T. But they have their moments of innocence. Like whenever they get a certain look from the tattooed blond, or the little blond's large lover.

Father and son walk at a good-enough pace down the street towards the school. Kait kept an eye out for the woman, but thankfully he does not see her. It didn't mean that he was in the clear, though. And when the arrived at the building he turned around at the door then asked if Irvine would pick him up as well.

Irvine, of course, said yes then waved a goodbye to the boy before heading home.

# #

"Trepe speaking." Quistis says after pressing the speaker button on the phone. She's in her office at Balamb Garden doing her work for the day.

"This is April Strauss calling about the three homes that you wished to check out. I wanted to tell you that you can come by the first one right now. I'll be waiting here for you," A flapping sound of paper filled the air a moment. "The address is Remance Street, Oldwyn apartment, room 220."

Having written it down, she pushed her seat back from the desk, it makes a sound as it scraped against the thin carpe beneath it to the floor. "Thank you, I'll be right there." Her attention then went up as the door to her office opened.

"What?" Squall asked when inside. He really didn't want to spend his day doing odd tasks for Quistis when he should be getting ready to leave.

"The contractor's called, I can go check out the apartments now." Walking around the desk, she grabs a light coat from a wrack by the door. "I need your opinion. You're good with this sort of thing."

"I've only ever done it twice, and that other time Irvine was helping me."

"But you knew what you wanted and what was right for you."

"And I'm supposed to..." He let the unsaid word hang there. He really didn't see a reason to be helping Quistis house hunt.

"Just shut up and come with me." She rolled her blue eyes to the sky with a hefty sigh in her posture.

Cocking a brow at her boldness, he followed her out the door regardless his desire not to. How long would it take anyway?

# #

"I know, I know. You don't have to keep reminding me that I have a life back there." Mara snapped at the person on the other side of the phone. "I just need a little more time. If I get fired, I get fired. That's it. I can always get another job; but right now, I need to focus on getting my son back."

She listened to the person on the other side then shook her head.

"I'm gonna work on Miles first. If I can convince him then he can help me convince his parents to let him go. If I go directly to them about it they'll fight me tooth-and-nail in objection." She took a steadying breath. "They love him. That's what former president Loire told me."

She had to hold the phone from her ear when her friend shouted into the other end from disbelief.

"Can you believe it? He's Miles's adopted grandfather. ...How would it cause trouble? I know what I'm doing and trust me, I know my own son when I see him." She walked forward two steps. "What? Hello? Hello?" Moving the phone into view, she growls in frustration. "Fuck, the battery died."

"Howdy ma'am." Irvine nodded as though he had just tipped his hat to the distressed woman; had he been wearing his hat he probably would have.

"Hi." She said quickly until she realized who she'd been speaking to. "Sir!" She called after him.

Slowing his pace a bit, Irvine turned around to face the woman. He's on his way to the school to pick up Kait, and he doesn't want to be late.

"This is so embarrassing to ask, but can I borrow your phone?" Mara asked politely. "The battery died on mine, I was in the middle of an important call."

"Oh, sure. If you don't mind coming with me. I'm picking up my son from school." He shrugged. "But there are always payphones around too. In fact, you'll find one right around the corner from the gas station."

Smiling, she nodded. "Thank you." She looked over her shoulder but kept her pace after him.

A silence stretched between them until Irvine looked down to see the woman still at his side, only two steps back from him.

"I don't have a dime." She says lamely when noticing that the man was giving her an odd look.

"Oh, well, here you are." He reached into his pocket for a dime.

"Thanks. You know, your accent sounds so familiar. Where are you originally from?"

"Rodenite in Great Plains, Galbadia. I'm adopted so I don't know if that's where I came from originally, but that's where I grew up."

"Small world, me too! I mean not the adopted part, but being from Roden'. I still live there, in fact. I'm here on business, though."

"Oh yeah?" He smiled. "Heh heh, and they said you can never take farmers from their land for too long. I may have to stop back there some time and see my parents."

"You should! Children are always so forgetful when it comes to parents. You should never be away from them for too long."

"I completely agree with that." He glances at the building when the bell rings. Having forgotten about the dime during their conversation, he returned his hand to his pocket to look for one.

"Did you live on a farm, or one of the inner houses?" Mara pressed to stall.

"Farm. It was a produce farm," He gave a laugh. "We did everything, grains, meat, fruits and junk."

Mara held up a hand in understanding. "We were dairy, but we also sold beef on the side."

The bell rang and all the kids came running out of the school like the building was on fire. That's a Friday for you. Kids scattering left and right, pushing and shoving. Calling names, and making plans with friends who have walked a great distance away from them just so they can shout. Kids love shouting.

Holding out her hand, Mara can feel it begin to shake when out of the side of her eye she spots Kait running down the stairs to wherever his father is. "Thank you." She replied, hand out waiting. Any minute now the boy would be right up on them. Then he'd have to acknowledge her. She's desperate! To be able to look at him, know him, hold her son. The anticipation has her positively on pins and needles. She bit her bottom lip.

"Irvine you're..." Kait's words broke off when he spotted her. His big blue eyes slit in angry contemplation as he wondered what this woman was doing with his father. Storming up to them, he grabbed Irvine by the wrist. "We're leaving."

"Hold up a second, I'm getting the lady a dime so she can use the phone."

"Nevermind that! Don't talk to her!" He commanded in a voice that Irvine had never heard before. He sounded positively spooked. Even when he was talking about ghosts being real over their vacation to the orphanage, he didn't sound as convinced and frightened as one might be if they were truly scared. But he sounds like he's seen the Bogeyman, and the creature is offering him candy.

"Okay, okay." He threw the woman an apologetic look before tucking all the change he had in his pocket into the woman's reach. Irvine then allowed himself to be tugged away by the 61 pounds of child gripping the life out of his hand.

Kait glanced over his shoulder at Mara seeing that she still had her eyes on them as they retreated. Hopefully this will be the last time he has to see her. Doesn't she have a life elsewhere? Why is she always hanging around the school or the park? Nutty woman, he is NOT her son!

"Kait, relax, relax." He stopped dead in his tracks and knelt down so that he didn't have to jerk his arm free. "What's this about?"

"I just..." He trailed off. "I don't like it when you talk to her."

Irvine blinked at the response, then shook his head after coming up with his meaning of what Kait's meaning was. "Kai, you have nothing to worry about. Squall and I are in love with each other and nothing and no one is gonna come between that. Trust me."

Now it was Kait's turn to be confused. After a moment he cocked his head in realization that this might actually be a good scapegoat. He wanted so badly to just tell Irvine, but he didn't want to do it without Squall. Maybe he should just tell Irvine. Get him on his side, that way he's not double-teamed when they talk later today. Or maybe that's a bad idea because that woman is still lurking about, and Irvine will want to confront her right away about it.

So, to cover his tracks he replied. "Really?"

"Yeah, really." He tousled the boy's brown hair. "Don't give it another thought. I am one hundred percent gay."

"But what about those times that Daddy was talking about? Back when you guys were separated?" He took Irvine's hand when his father straightened up and began to walk.

Figuring Kait was talking about those 'Cowboy Irvine' stories he loved so very much, he shrugged. He admitted that he complimented anyone. It didn't matter if it were male or female, but he knew where his love and loyalties lay. He is bi, he supposed. If he wasn't with Squall he would look at Selphie. But he's just flirtatious, no matter the gender. But go explain that to a kid.

"Well, that was just having some fun."

Kait nodded, only half interested since he wasn't really serious in his honesty of the situation. He'd have to apologize for lying later. But for right now, the immediate threat was over.

# #

"As you can see, the open-floor plan makes this room feel really spacious." The contractor says with a pleased smile; watching Squall give the place a nodding approval. It seems the woman buying the home is waiting for her husband to make the call.

"What are the rooms like?" He asked as if to himself but he met the contractor's gaze.

"Right this way; this is a two bedroom apartment and the sizes are alright for the price range." She walked into the hall then extended her hand.

Squall stepped into the room, Quistis behind him, and the contractor behind her.

"Can this carpet be taken out?" Squall asked.

"Yes it can, but it might have scratched the hardwood a bit." Mrs. Strauss admitted.

"And it only has that bathroom one in the hall?"

"That's correct. But," Strauss is speaking to Quistis right now. "It has a very large walk-in closet. You and your husband won't have to fight about space."

Quistis blushed immediately. Squall cast the woman a side-long glance while looking out the window at the area.

"I'm sorry for the confusion," Quistis said calmly but her voice still held a clear blush. "He's not my husband or even lover. We're just friends."

Mrs. Strauss seemed to think otherwise but laughed all the same at the vocalized assumption. "Well, what do you think of the place?" She's returning to the living room talking over her shoulder.

"I like it." Squall replied.

"So do I." Quisits asked. "I can paint, though, if I want to?"

"You may paint, it's perfectly alright with the landlord."

They all walk out of the apartment, and Mrs. Strauss locks the door after them.

"Okay." Quistis nods. "You have my number, please call me the moment you hear from them. I would like to move in as soon as possible."

"No problem."

The three get onto the elevator going back to the lobby. That was the third place they had to look at. Quistis was happy that she did end up liking one of them above all. Because, she had liked them all, anything would have done really. She just wanted to have her own life, away from school and troubles. A place she can call her own.

Quistis was going to ask Squall something but he was on his phone, and already heading in the direction of the trainstation once they'd left the building. She could always ask later, she supposed and took her leave for Balamb Garden.

By the time Squall got home dinner was being set out onto the table.

"Squall!" Kait's fork was abandoned onto the plate, before he ran into his dad's open arms.

"Hey." He smiled at his son, then looked up at Irvine smiling a greeting to him.

"I'm going to a birthday party tomorrow, and guess what else?" He released his hold returning to the table. "I'm also gonna go to get my ears pierced."

Brows raised in question, Squall removed his bomber jacket and boots; his luggage was left to fend for itself at the door. He was starving. He graciously took the offered plate of chicken cutlets, brussel sprouts, and potatoes Irvine handed to him. Someone's been practicing his cooking skills. The potatoes don't have any lumps, he noted three bites in.

"When was this decided?"

Irvine replied. "This morning. We've got earrings, I figure what's the harm."

Squall shrugged. Irvine had a point. He wondered if Kait could really sport an earring. You had to have a certain kind of way about you to wear earrings, and he wasn't sure if his sweet little son had that. Although, no one really knows their kid until they're around other people, and believe their parents are out of the room.

He wasn't sure if that ever applied to himself, but that's what lots of women had told him when he was bringing Kait up on his own all those years ago. He's pretty sure that when Little Bird is around Seifer alone, he lets a swear or two slip out. He can see that an extra gil has been added to the jar as it is.

"Wanna look at the pictures I've taken. I'm getting better." Kait asked, retrieving his camera from the coffee table. "Here you go." He set it down beside Squall's plate.

Squall, who had gotten up for seconds, took Irvine's plate to refresh it knowing that he would want more as well. Kait's still working hard on that one cutlet.

"I have a new friend, and I found my flute - it was in my locker." He went on.

"You wanna shower after you eat? I can unpack your suitcase." Irvine asked through their son's personal update.

"Thank you." Squall looked exhausted. But not because of work. Damn Quistis, and her runaround. However, work does play a part in it, with its massive boredom at times.

Dinner went on quietly for a moment, once Kait was done he made himself scarce by hanging out in his bedroom playing with Samba and a few other toys. He was pretending to do Limit Break with a plastic sword he got one year ago.

Squall was stripping and readying himself for his shower, while Irvine cleaned up the pots and plates. Crossing the hall to the bathroom, he had to smile hearing his son spouting out commands to his toys and providing TV-esque sound effects to his movements.

Shower water going, he can't wait to get under the spray. If anyone had told him that this was what it was like to have a family, he wouldn't have been so objective to Laguna all those years ago. He wouldn't have sought out the distance from anyone being close to him. Because this is paradise.

"Hey, Irvine, wanna play with me?" Kait peeked into their bedroom, when Irvine was unpacking Squall's bags, to ask.


"You can be whoever you want, okay? I'm playing war."

"Alrighty..." Irvine cased the toys with his dual-colored gaze, selecting a panda and raccoon in his troop. "Here we go, my general and right hand."

"And these guys are mine. Attack!" Samba leaped onto the panda, Kait provided the gnashing sounds of the fierce bite the lion was inflicting on the animal.

"Help me, Racc'." The panda makes a pitiful cry. Irvine roared and sent the raccoon into battle.

Squall's shower took fifteen minutes, dressing took five; since he took the time to just lay on the bed and relax in nothing but the towel around his waist before he threw on his night pants and t-shirt. Walking into the kitchen he makes himself a cup of tea, putting a pot of water on the coffeemaker. He spied Kait's camera still sitting on the kitchen table, going over to pick it up he paused when he heard Irvine calling him in an odd voice to help him out. Abandoning his plans, he walked into Kait's room to see him holding tightly a stuffed animals that's getting mauled.

"Grab something and help me!" A panda bear with his lover's accent called. Irvine actually made the head turn towards him.

Blinking in amusement, he picked up a giraffe and had it join the brawl, only it attacked the panda as well.

"Haha, you didn't know that giraffe is a double agent- did you, General Panda?"

"Noooo!" The panda collapsed onto the bed. Dead.

Samba and the double agent celebrate by a traditional stuffed-animal bouncing up and down.

"I'm making some tea, do either of you want a cup?" Squall asked when hearing the machine bubbling away from the kitchen.

"Yeah." Irvine replied during his recovery.

Kait gathered his toys. "I'll have some. What flavor is it?"

"Camomile." Getting up from the floor, he heads into the hallway.

"What's that taste like?" Kait asked Irvine.

"Good." He shrugged, getting up from the floor to help Squall. "I'll be right back."

"Okay." But he was already huddled amongst his toys starting a new game.

Hearing Irvine coming up behind him, he felt his boyfriend's arms wrap around his waist. "Quistis might have a new place Monday."

Kissing the back of his love's neck Irvine appreciated the tilt of Squall's head to give him access; while Squall somehow managed to fix the cups of tea and a cocoa for Kait, since he knew the boy would change his mind, without spilling a drop of water. "Will she now?" He asked with semi-interest.

Irvine figured Quistis would have found a place long before any of them really. So the time was the most shocking part he guessed.

"Mhm. Selphie and Rinoa are coming back late because they'll be in Timber looking over three options."

Chuckling, Irvine released his grip around his boyfriend to take his cup. "That's gonna either be trouble, or a match made in roommate heaven." He commented.

"Knowing Selphie, it'll be hell. Rinoa will cave under her persuasion to decorate the place like the inside of a pissed on snowball."

Smiling around his sip, he added just a bit less sugar to his third spoonful. "So like, before I forget, Kait had something to talk to us about. Seems pretty serious if he wanted to wait all the way for you to come back so he doesn't have to say it twice."

Squall cocked a brow. What could be so serious to an eight year old? He agreed to letting him have an earring, and he seemed to be only the second signature to an already done deal; what else could it be? Better to just ask rather than guess. They walked into their son's bedroom. Irvine was holding the mug of cocoa that he had been stirring while they'd spoken in the kitchen. It was needless because Kait is passed out cold asleep on the floor, with his head resting against the high side of his bed.

"Guess we'll have to get him in the morning." Irvine commented, setting the cups down on the dresser to hoist the kid onto his bed to tuck him in.

"I'm tired myself," Squall mentions looking at the comfort of a bed. "Wanna turn in?"

"You go ahead, I'll put this stuff away." Leaning down a couple inches he kissed the groggy lion on his scarred forehead, before taking the cup from him.

He gathered up the other two mugs and dumped them away in the kitchen sink. No sense in holding onto them since nothing tastes the same the next day. Most of all powdered and already sugary drinks. When he entered their bedroom, he saw Squall already out cold over the covers. Walking around to his side of the bed, he folded the blanket so that it covered his sleeping boyfriend, then climbing into bed he gathered Squall up against him to sleep, wrapped comfortably in his arms.