Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Mother, That's Who I Mean ❯ Missing person ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Deling city, even in daylight, is the most dazzling and attractive place one could ever visit. People, foulmouthed and shoving, buzzed about every inch of the sidewalk and even the streets. Car horns honk, curses rise, somebody somewhere is doing something wrong; yet, they can be friendly wonderful people. Every one of them.

The Kinneas-Leonharts won't be staying the night, since tomorrow is Monday. However, thanks to Rinoa, if they didn't have enough for a hotel they were permitted the luxury of staying in one of the spare rooms of the general's mansion.

Kait could have lived on the escalator at the train station. He played on them going up and down with a few other kids, but he was back at the sides of his parents when spotting them heading down the street after he'd had a few trips up and down. The tram came by, but they waited for the second one which would take them down the street where the mall is located. The four couldn't sit together since the tram was somewhat full, and certain people seemed keen on not moving to sit with anyone else unless it was forced. Kait swapped his seat beside an elderly man when the business woman beside Squall got off at the next stop. The boy pointed out this and that, asking if they could take a tour of the place where 'Cowboy Irvine' fought the evil sorceress.

"You fought?" Zell chided through Kait's ongoing questions.

"Hey, I was there. And so was Rinoa, and we sure as hell fought just as hard alongside Squall."


"Yeah. And get off the tram before I throw you off." He stood up when the vehicle stopped moving.

Zell ducked at the swat to the head, sending one back at his attacker. "I've got martial arts skills, you could get hurt cowboy."

"And you could get trampled by a chocobo, pardner."

Squall and Kait shook their heads in dismay. The pair can be so embarrassing to know sometimes, and they were sure to walk just a bit faster when the conversation they were having got into who made the better steak sandwich, Deling or Alcott; a city in the southern region. Though teasing, they tend to get crazy in their name calling, but it isn't serious.

"Deling, you creep." Snarled Zell.

Scoffing, Irvine retorted. "Alcott, you dumb twip."

"Deling, ass hole."

"Alcott! You stupid-..."

"Have you ever seen so many cars in your life?" Kait interrupted the two, and thankfully so in Squall's opinion.

The parking lot was full to bursting with this style of car and that. Kait was chatting joyfully the entire walk past them. He suffers from Selphie-syndrome which means joy makes you incoherently verbal. The cool air in the building smacked them so hard they got goosebumps up their arms - which was fine since the lot was frying with heat. The engines of the cars that were running to either come in or leave weren't helping the temperature.

"It's gotta be the biggest store in the world!" Kait declared in awe. Noticing the large board a few feet ahead of them, he dashes over, recognizing it instantly as a place finder just like the one in Balamb Garden. He lifts a finger to locate the piercing booth. "Third floor, center."

The three men follow the child to the escalator climbing on for the ride up. Needless to say they'd bought large, fried soft-pretzels the moment they located the source of the smell wafting through the air. Brown mustard for Squall's and Irvine's, Zell got nacho cheese injected into his, and Kait had to have cinnamon and sugar covering his. They walked about the second floor just for something to do to kill time. Window shopping was the option at first, but Irvine stopped into a store for cologne. Kait got a watch. In the clothing store the boy saw three Beyblade shirts that he absolutely needed.

Zell broke away to admire the new athletic sneakers, and Irvine split to look at the archery equipment. His fascination is captivated by the automatic crossbow. He'd been meaning to buy one but hasn't yet found a place that sold some really good ones for battling rather than just shooting at targets. Maybe he could make his own, or have one made with his design. That's always an idea. Appeased, the two strays returned to the bench where they'd left father and son sitting with their earlier purchases. Then finally the 4 found the piercing kiosk.

Four other people are waiting in line for a heavily tattooed male to finish up with his piercings. He's getting three of them. Kait blushed seeing that two of them were for his nipples. He hoped that his parents wouldn't have piercings like that. But upon recall, he remembered the many times they've been to the beach and he's seen nothing but a bare chest. So he's in the clear.

"Hey," He says to the man waiting in the front. "Do those hurt?" He pointed a finger to the stubs on the male's eyebrow.

"Hn. Not at all, little man. I'm here for my tongue now." He stuck the muscle out as if it needed a physical example because he'd mistaken the child for younger than eight.

"Cool." Looking at the black haired man, Kait touched his hair as if he'd feel the man's hard spiked mohawk from touching his own.

"Is this your first?" Mohawk asked.

"Yup. My ear."

"Niiice," He pats Kait on the shoulder. "You'll be back when you're older for other ones, trust me."

"Who's next?" Asks the woman who's doing the job.

Mohawk looked down at the child, gesturing over to the chair with his thumb. "You're new, so you can cut."

"Thanks." Walking into the booth, he climbs into the large black leather covered chair.

Considering the customers coming in, the woman giving the piercings looks like she'd be Quistis or Rinoa's best friend, studious and outgoing, not the sort to pierce these tattooed wild ones. But this is clearly just today's crowd, proof of that when a mother and her daughter walk into the line-up.

"Aren't you cute!" Declared the worker. Her orange curly ponytail swung into view when she leaned her upper half over to look the boy in the face. "Do your parents know that your brother brought you here?"

Beaming with pride, Kait said very informatively. "They are not my brothers. The brunet's are my parents, and the blond one is my friend... but I guess he is like an older brother to me."

That made the girl blush a darker shade of red. And she decided that efficiency was the way to go. "So, where are we getting this?"


"And which pair are you purchasing?" She swept her hand over the display case.

Looking them over with careful eyes, gold, silver, blue gold, rose gold, and white shined like a Christmas tree. His large blue eyes look on in awe of the shapes and diamonds offered. Wetting his mouth with a quick lick he says, with his tongue stapled to the side of his mouth. "Theee... moon - no, the sun." Scratching his cheek, he looked to his parents and Zell. "Ahehe, what do you guys think I should get?"

Thinking it over, Irvine shrugged. "Get both. I've got two in one ear." He shows his son the unused hole.

Kait wondered how he'd missed that all these years. Looking at Squall, who offered nothing but a shrug, he knew that it would be fine, and said to the worker. "Both, please. Same ear."

Laughing, the red-haired worker said. "You're a lucky little guy, aren't you?" She felt the boy tense beneath her grip on his shoulder. "Don't worry, sweetie, it'll pinch for like a second. You'll barely feel it."

A bit nervous, Kait nods. He would have liked a hand to hold, but he couldn't ask for that with these guys around. So brave and so cool. He'd be so embarrassed. Tensing further when the woman told him to keep his head as still as possible, he closed his eyes tightly. He hadn't seen Irvine move forward, just felt his hand on his shoulder before hearing his voice.

"Saay, they've got a chocobo." He winked at Squall after the gun went off. "Look."

Taking Irvine's place when the sniper moved, Squall placed his hand on the boy's shoulder then, giving it a squeeze when the gun went off again. "Too bad they don't have gunblades." Removing his hand, he asks the worker. "How much for them?"

"Twelve gil together." The woman was smiling at how sweet the two were.

Kait, who had opened his eyes after Squall removed his hand to get the card from his pocket, asked. "Did you do it?"

Grinning, the worker shows him a mirror. "See for yourself."

Looking at his reflection Kait gasped. "Oh cool! And look," He points at himself while looking at the trio. "They're in the same ear! That's so cool!" Kait thought she would go against him, and do it in individual ears. He seemed at a loss for other words as he just kept muttering the word 'cool' over and over as he touched his earlobe and then the top where the sun ring is punctured. Climbing from the chair, he exits the booth.

"Dude, knuckles." Zell offered a fist, popping it to the boy's.

"Just wait til my friends see this, they're gonna freak out."

"Yeah they will - Seifer, too."

"Seifer will be surprised, and the girls," Extra excited when he remembers. "And grampa!"

Steering the child towards the elevator, as he'd just started walking to who knew where, they rode it down to the second level and headed for the food court. The day had passed faster than expected, and they grabbed a sausage pizza to share at a small table before heading home to their apartment. They didn't get so much as the knob in a hand before Palidor was in their faces, landing on Irvine's extended arm.

"Irvine, there's another Esper presence coming from the forest of Timber." Came the bird's telepathic message.

"We gotta go to Timber forest. There's an Esper." Irvine reported.

"Can I go?" Kait asked.

"No." Squall mentioned reaching for the knob. "And I'll be staying here with you. Okay?"


"I'll get Seifer and Rinoa." Zell says, before dashing off for his own apartment.

"Pal', you stay here too." Irvine commands.

The bird chirped before flying into the house. Irvine went down to the street after kissing his son and boyfriend goodbye. He called to Zell that he would get Rinoa from the hotel and the 4 met up at the train station and took the next one out of town.

Squall and Kait spent the rest of the day going over how to clean his ear, and playing video games before watching the cooking channel and deciding to make the meal offered by a pair of cooks, who liked to barbecue. Then they went to bed, after showering.

The next day.

Squall walked Kait to school; with Mara in the picture, one could never be too careful. Mothers are the toughest form of woman in the world. Nothing will stop them when it comes to their children. Not Hell Fire, or frozen Diamond Dust. They'll take the pain of an entire house caving in on them just to cover their children from harm, and Squall knows this because it's exactly how he feels. And frankly if this woman wants a fight, she'd best be ready for all-of-the-above, and then some, to befall her. Squall is not one to mess with when it comes to protection - especially when the thing he's protecting is someone he loves and cares for.

A large shadow shot just overhead, heading towards the school. Palidor lands on the roof of the building. Squall glared at the pest, but quickly let it go. It's a bird, nothing more.

Rushing on ahead, Kait says. "See you after school!"

Hesitating a moment, he waved his goodbye then turned and left. During the walk back home, Squall wondered why the others weren't back yet. Normally the recovery of Espers was cut and dry. This one must have been a real problem. But that was unlikely. So then what happened? Just when he reached for his phone to call Irvine it buzzed in his hand alerting an incoming call.

Flipping it open, he greets. "Irvine?"


"Where are you?"

"Still in Timber. Seifer's kinda banged up... he broke his leg." Squall instant laughter cut him off a moment, then he went on. "We had to get him to the hospital, I'll explain what happened when we get back. We did catch the Esper, though."

"Okay. See you then."

"Yeah, and I'll tell Seif' that you're laughing hysterically at him."

Smiling, he said a quick "Thank you" before hanging up. It served Seifer right. He should stop going all out during battle. It really was a wonder that he's never broken anything until now. He couldn't wait to hear the details.

# #

Mara had waited outside the school for a long while before the bell for recess finally rang. The 4th grade class filled the field, and red rubber balls tumbled over the grass, tossed by the monitor who had yet to exit the building to do his job. Normally that sort of thing would bother Mara immensely, but not today. Today it was perfect. Clutching her purse, she looks around the field pulling the zipper of her purse over when spotting Kait and his friends. The boy has a stick in his hand and he seems to be attacking the equipment that houses the slide, and a bridge, and a place to climb up with a rope.

"Help me slay this monster, guys!" He called out to his friends.

"I'm gonna use a boomerang as my weapon." Antoine joined his best friend.

"I'm using a spear." Raul came over as well, once locating a stick.

"Hand bombs!" Kait confirmed the red rubber balls to be, before lobbing them at the playground equipment.

'Tch. Look at them,' She turned her nose up in full judgment of the couple. 'Look at how violent he's become because of them... Do they care about properly raising a child at all?'

She watched and listened, becoming more and more sickened by the words that were coming out of her son and his friend's mouths. It assured her all the more that she's doing the right thing. After 10 minutes of play, a whistle blew from somewhere near the building; Mara still could not see anyone, but none of the kids scrambled to enter the building. So it must have been some sort of pre-whistle whistle. And sure enough after 5 minutes more the whistle was blown again and the kids moved towards the building. Kait and his friends were gathering the balls that had scattered all over the place. Raul went after two, and Antoine three. Kait moved to get the ones farther away, since he had been the one to toss them. When the boy got close to the sidewalk, Mara moved from her place behind the tree where she'd been hiding.


Freezing when hearing his name, the child looks around. Spotting the woman, he frowns instantly. "I'm not speaking to you anymore."

"I understand that, but I have something to tell you. Please, will you listen? I'll be quick." She promised through her eyes.

Kait looked over his shoulder; all the other kids were inside lined up now and the double-doors were closing. "Make it quick, I have to go back inside." He knew that would keep her from talking long. Adults adored education. He moved closer to the sidewalk.

She moved in as well, speaking softly while reaching into her purse. "I wanted to apologize for scaring you. I shouldn't have approached the situation the way I had." She sounded very sincere. "I must have frightened you."

"You did. But, thanks for the apology."

"You're welcome." Her gaze shifts to the building.

The large double-doors have closed.

Excellent. "I've brought something for you... a peace-offering." She approached him very quickly, bringing her hand out of her purse.

# #

Turning off the vacuum cleaner, Squall digs into his pocket for his phone. Flipping it open, he says into it. "Don't tell me you're still in Timber?"

"Mr. Leonhart, this is principal Westluck, at the elementary school."

This was new. "Did Kait do something?" He checks the clock, Kait isn't out for another 10 minutes. What could he possibly have done?

"Depends on how you classify skipping class."

"Excuse me?"

"Kait Leonhart did not return to classes after recess. Is he at home with you? You really should check with the office before taking children away from the building."

"No. He isn't "home with me"." He's hurriedly stepping into his boots. "Dammit, Mrs. Westluck, search the premises for him. Maybe he's hiding somewhere for some reason."

"Just look here, children leave classes all the time - we're not fenced in, you know." Her voice is very condescending. "When adolescents forget to do homework or they have tiffs with teachers or other students..."

"Just shut up, and look! You're wasting time!" He hollered through the phone before hanging up. He wanted to hear no more from her. Why hadn't he warned the school. Why had it not crossed his mind? Mara wouldn't have? She couldn't have!

Squall tore down the streets of Balamb town like a lioness going after prey, and considering the situation that's exactly what's happening. Mara wouldn't take him. She can't be that desperate! Squall came to a complete stand still. The evidence of what happened was plain to see as his hand in front of his face. Palidor is beaten and bloody laying on the ground by the playground of the school. A sullied rock beside him telling the tale of how it had happened. Mara did it. She took him. Kait, is gone.

At a hospital in Timber.

Rinoa stands in the waiting room with Zell and Irvine. She's just received treatment in the examining room for the teeth marks that punctured her skin an hour ago. It was like they'd walked into a trap with the way it happened. The four of them drove out to the forest in a rented car, Angelo shot out of the window of the backseat before the thing came to a solid stop, then he bolted into the thick forest. The four of them followed as closely as they could, listening out for the dog's movement. Angelo had paused his pace, barking at the back of a crying woman.

Irvine approached first, asking the woman if she was alright. The crying lady laughed at that, then turned on him! She swiped and slashed at Irvine with arms straight out and sharp fingernails aimed at his face. They would have been at a loss if Angelo hadn't stepped in as a distraction, by biting into the woman's leg. But the leg-up in battle was short-lived.

Angelo's bite went clean through her leg, snapping his teeth down onto themselves as if his jaw wasn't ever opened. The confused animal barked and growled, unsure of what to do with a situation like this. He's never attacked something that wasn't there before. But he remained strong and unwilling to have his owner, and the others, in danger.

The woman shifted its image, the blurred lines of her face would be with Rinoa forever as they melted and spun into a thick dark mass with glowing wide red eyes. Zell was the first to panic out the words they were all thinking.

"I.. it's a ghost!"

The mist swam through the air like all the darkness was made of liquid. It was basking in the free movement of its weightless pool. If Angelo hadn't been there the four of them might still be out in the forest trying to locate the phantom. They've never dealt with something like this before, the undead - sure! But never just flat-out dead. None of them had Holy junctioned, and none of the monsters in the forest carried it to draw from. So they had to do the best that they could with what they had.

As for how her arm got bitten into, Angelo had gotten himself possessed. No one noticed anything was wrong until the dog had its teeth in her left arm like it was a rawhide chewy. Angelo growled and shook his head back and forth making the bite far worse than it would have been had the dog only clamped down.

Seifer came to her rescue kicking her beloved companion in the gut; he had muttered how much he hated dogs, and it was a matter of time before Angelo joined the list. But Rinoa knew that her faithful dog would never lash out at her, that something was wrong. The glowing red eyes were proof of that, but how to approach Angelo without hurting it was a whole other story.

She can't be sure if Zell was hoping for the best, or simply knew what he was doing when he'd cast Aero, but Angelo dug his heels into the dirt to steady himself from the mini tornado that was trying to sweep him up into the air. The spirit seemed unable to withhold its hold on the dog and the thick cloud shot out of the animal like a bullet.

Or maybe the bang came from Irvine, who opened fire with his gun. They could barely see the thing when it floated up into the trees thick branches, but they could guess that a man-made bullet did nothing to the spirit. It would have been nice just to see it; not even the spits of moonlight could highlight something that dark to their naked eyes.

"Draw Scan from me." Irvine said, after his eyes flashed green with the ability.

The trio stood around drawing magic from their friend's body. Blue lighting swirled through the air encasing them, and they quickly cast the ability once it was theirs to command. Looking around they could see clearly: animals and monsters alike are shown to their field of vision up to 200 yards.

"Does anybody see it?" Zell asked, looking around.

"No." Replied Rinoa.

Irvine shook his head. "I had an eye on it for just a minute."

Seifer attacked them then. He'd been possessed. It was obvious. Every swing was meant to take off one of their heads. Seifer had frightening accuracy when attacking, and the manhunt went on for what felt like a good hour or so. Irvine shot at him, but it only tore through the possessed male's long coat. A rattle sounded soon after that, as a long chain launched out from the gun coiling itself around Seifer's ankle, the sudden jerk from the return brought the ex-knight to the branch-covered ground.

Seifer grunted from impact having popped his head, but he wasn't stunned for very long. Swinging his arm out, he snapped the chain in half before he could be pulled any closer to Irvine's fire. The gunman wouldn't have truly shot Seifer - not in any vital spot anyway.

But Zell grabbed his lover, wrapped his arms tightly around the taller male and flipped him over with him dropping Seifer onto his head; from there a hand-to-hand fight broke out between the two and it seemed that Seifer would lose, but the taller blond got in a few good punches to the face.

Rinoa, while the possessed was distracted, used her Twisted Jester limit break to drain Seifer's energy to nearly gone. The assault didn't stop until the spirit released its hold on the ex-knight. With Scan in affect they were able to see it as clearly as they could see one another as it weaved around the forest, trying to lose their attention.

"Seifer, you ok?" Zellaskeds, helping him up.

"Yeah. Where is that fucking thing?" He looks around, taking off the moment he spotted it drifting through the trees.

"Seifer, wait!" Zell called after him. "How can he still walk, you zapped him almost dry?"

Rinoa shrugged. "It must work differently on people, I've never tried it until now." She took off after Seifer.

Seifer was hard focused; he climbed up a tree, and somehow kept his balance as he hopped from branch to branch catching up to the spirit. "Stay back!" He called down to them after pulling out Burning God, a type of Hyperion gunblade. The black blade flashed in the moonlight. The embedded crystal red flame design flashed as the limit break activated. A large burst of flames shot through the sky like a tidal wave; it seemed to be its own phantom with the shape the living blaze took on. The oversized head opened its mouth closing down over the black mass, devouring it whole.

It all went well from there... sort of. Seifer didn't exactly stick the landing as he drew in the Esper spirit, and ended up breaking a bone in his leg. Now the 4 of them are in the hospital waiting out the news of whether Seifer would be staying overnight or not. Rinoa got her arm treated, while Zell and Irvine were practically unscathed. Thankfully, Seifer's punches only offered Zell a black eye, nothing serious. They'd all gotten pretty dirty in the scuffle that lasted a lot longer than she could even remember, and Rinoa planned to spend the night at the hotel to get herself cleaned up.

If Seifer had to stay, that meant Zell would stay. But Irvine, after washing the dirt from himself in the men's room, bid them all a farewell and took his leave. Zell followed, and the pair have been in a heated conversation since... She had a slight curiosity of what they were talking about, but when a fly away word like 'sex' hit her ear she dismissed it. Boys can be a little too comfortable in public places.

"Listen pardner, if Squall and I are having wild sex it's no one's concern but ours. See ya around."

Knowing what Irvine must have assumed, Zell waves his hands to stop him from leaving. "No, no. I'm not asking for any weird reason, it's just that... When you and Squall were getting dressed this morning, I think Kait asked me about sex." Puffing up his chest, he says in an authoritative tone. "And I think it's wrong if you guys are exposing him to that kind of stuff at such a young age. Accidental or not."

Irvine didn't seem offended, just confused. Then it seemed that he was taking count to how many times he and Squall might have been overheard. "If Kait overheard it, that's a surprise to us because we don't do a thing unless we're sure Kait is out of the house, and will be so for a good while. Anytime we happen to dabble during the night it isn't until he's coma-asleep, and even then we cast silence on ourselves."

Taken back, and mortified, Zell felt his cheeks heating.

"Did he flat-out say that he's heard us? Or..."

"Oh," He scratched the back of his head. "No. Nothing like that, Kait just asked me what sex was. It was such a weird thing for an eight year old to bring up... I could only guess it was because he might have overheard - or seen you."

Now Irvine looked momentarily offended by that comment, but shook his head snickering. "Right. I'm not entirely sure why Kait would ask, but I'll definitely have a chat with him about it. And don't worry, we'd never expose him to such a thing - not until he's nine." He punched Zell playfully in the gut.

Smiling, he defends himself by scooting back. "Ohh, funny."

"Well," Irvine laughed. "you're all red-faced about it. It's funny."

"It's really not. I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. Kid scared the friggin' shit out of me with that question."

Curious, Irvine asked. "What'd you tell him?"

"I told him that adults do it to show they love each other." He shrugged feeling relief wash over him. Speaking to people about parenting can get you killed. Thankfully, Irvine took it well enough.

"Oh. Better than what I would have said, which is "you're crazy, and there ain't no such thing as sex"."

Laughing, Zell shook his head. "Or the ever popular, go ask your other parent."

"Too true." Patting Zell on the shoulder, Irvine turns again to the exit. "I'll see you around, buddy."

"Bye." He waved while his friend passed through the sliding doors.

"Zell, Seifer's whining for you." Rinoa, who came up beside the blond when his conversation with Irvine was over, says in a tired voice. She was ready to go get herself cleaned and fed before turning into a hotel room. It would have been great if her and Selphie's place was put together now, then she wouldn't have to waste a dime, and Zell could stay over with her. But que sera.

"What for? The doctor said he can't leave tonight no matter what."

"I don't know, but I'm going. Want me to get you a room at the hotel? I'll call you on the number, you can get the key from me."

"Yeah, thanks. Night, Rin'."


Walking down the hall, Zell turns into room 109. He had to stifle his snigger because there was no way to laugh at his boyfriend without greatly offending his pride. But he looks so funny laying in bed, hospital gown on and one long leg elevated with a stark white cast over it and his toes peeking out.

"It's not funny."

"But it is funny." He replied.

Why did Seifer have to say that, now he's chuckling all the way over to the chair next to the bed. Taking a seat, he pats his bedridden love on the head, now laughing outright. He looks so cute there with his hair all disheveled from the tussle earlier. His bangs that are usually slicked back have fallen onto his forehead and around, accompanied by a pout.

"Aaww baby," He says in a sweetie-weetie mommy voice, like one might hear when they're sick at home and, said parent, is taking care of you while patting the pouting child on the head. "What does sweetums need?"

"Brass knuckles, if you don't kill the voice." Seifer grit out.

Hands up in defense, Zell nods. "Fair enough."

"Can you get me something to eat? Like a burger or whatever."

"I don't think I can get back in time to hand it to you, visiting hours will be over eventually."

"Fuck protocol, get me a burger."

"No. How 'bout something from the cafeteria?"

"That food tastes like an old ass."

"But fast food gives you an erection. I don't get you."

Rolling his green eyes up to the ceiling, he wished for a moment that Rinoa was back in here, she at least would have listened to him. "Don't act like you don't eat it as well, besides, do you want me to starve to death?"

"If you could do that over one missed meal, I'd say good riddance." He grins teasingly. "I'm on a break from junk food because I told my team to take a break. I can't let them down by lying."

"You suck, Dinky."

His smile widened, and standing up he tousled his boyfriend's already disheveled mess. "I'll get you something good, taste tested myself." Hand held up as if taking the oath, he adds for good measure. "I promise."

"Whatever. Just hurry up."

"Okay." Heading out of the room Zell had to heave a sigh. Seifer and broken leg meant big trouble for him at home. Damn it. He can already hear the high pitched ting of a bell. Why couldn't it be himself who got hurt, or Irvine, or Rinoa?

"Move it, Dincht, I can still see you standing there." Droned Seifer.

"Yes, dear." Yup. Definitely gonna be a long month.

# #

Selphie is pushing her shopping cart through the freezer section. It was such a lovely day this morning she decided to do a little shopping. Besides, she can't eat out all the time, so it would be nice to have a home cooked meal once in a while. Not that she's so great at it, but she figured eventually her and Rinoa will be cooking meals for each other, so one of them should at least have some kind of skill at it.

She's been walking around the market all morning, though her shopping was done ages ago. The reason for the delay in her purchase is that she spotted a guy who she thinks is really handsome. Selphie Tilmitt rarely has a true and honest crush on anyone, her heart being taken by Laguna Loire. But when she does like someon, all those around can tell. It isn't an inner thing like with most people, where your heart flutters uncontrollably or an outer thing like giggling like a goon, or constantly fixing something on your person.

No. Selphie admires you, she smiles at the thought of you but then ignores you heavily when you give her attention. It's odd, but it's her own thing. Try as she might, the habit can't seem to be broken. But so far she's only had superficial crushes; Seifer and Zell, for example. Light crushes on friends are fair game.

'And we'd have gorgeous kids too! Black hair, green eyes...' She wasn't a fool to her type.

The guy in question was knock-off Laguna Loire. His hair is short, styled prepily about his head, pale skin, dark green eyes like her own, he looks about 5'8", and has a swimmer's physique, and judging the muscle on those forearms he very well could be a swimmer. What a dream.

'I wonder what his name is?' Walking closer, she got right up beside him then points into the freezer and asks. "Could you hand me that mea pie dinner, please?"

Blinking in brief confusion that the girl has spoken to him; he looks into the freezer pulling the food out. "This one?"

"Mhm. Thanks." Taking it, she drops the meal into her cart.

The man smiled at her sweetly, then asked with a sincere curiosity. "What would a pretty girl like you be doing with a single person meal? You should be going out on dates every night. Is your boyfriend broke or something?"

Selphie shrugs nonchalantly. Hook. Line. Sinker. "I don't have a boyfriend; and I'm completely hooked on these things." She tosses her hand in the direction of the freezer. "You get used to it when you're in the military."

"You're in the military? Cool. My dad is a retired police chief."

"Oh, really? Which city?" Her attention sidelines down to her pants pocket, where her phone is buzzing.

"Esthar." He decides to pursue his interest and be blunt - discreetly. "Y'know, if you don't wanna eat alone tonight, I could come over to your place and cook something for you."

Holding her finger up to ask for a second, she answers her phone. "Hello?"

"Selphie, where are you? I need you to do something for me."

The caller was speaking with such panic in his voice; it was too foreign a sound to her, she almost didn't know that it was Squall.

"Sure, anything; what's up?"

"It's Kait. She took him. That bitch took him!"

"Oh no!" Walking away from her cart she's already heading for the exit. What's-his-name was calling out behind, her that she didn't pay for her things. Who had time for that right now? "What do you need?"

"Go to the shipyard and ask around, maybe she took a boat off the island. I'll send you a photo to show around." It sounded as though he was doing that just then. "I'm at the train station right now, and no one here has seen her or Kait."

"How much time are we talking? When was he taken?" She checks her watch. School ended ten minutes ago. Mara can't have gotten that far with Kait in such a short amount of time.

"From the playground during recess, that shitty school didn't call me until the end of the day." He's still thoroughly pissed. "She's got four hours on us."

"Four hours! Squall, she could be in Timber by now."

"No kidding. I'm gonna call Zell when I get done with you. But check for me, okay?"

"Got it."

Hanging up, she pushes her short legs as hard as they can go in order to make it to the shipyard. Fuck that woman! Can she really be this clever? She knew Squall and Irvine would be on alert for her when picking the child up and dropping him off, so why not snatch him when they really wouldn't expect it. During recess.

If Selphie could get her hands on that woman... She'd be back in the desert prison again, that's for sure. But her goal of murder would have been accomplished either way.

The sailors at the shipyard are busy at work. Some men are moving crates, others are loading boats with cargo. Some men are simply shouting orders to the others, and a few are cleaning. None of the submarines are in port; thanks to the many missions SeeD members and cadets take, she knows a few names and faces of the workers. She scurried over to a sub-worker named Tano Ishida, who's leaning against the stonewall of the Sea Port building having a smoke. He must be on his break. Good.

"Excuse me! Hey! Mr. Ishida?"

The man smiles upon seeing who's calling his name, although he'd smile even if he couldn't see the young lady. Any girl calling out his name is fine with him. Straightening up, he nods his head to say hello to her. "Mornin' young lady, what can I do for you? The subs gone for the day." The subman added as if answering an unasked question.

"I don't need a submarine ride, I need information." Breath caught, she straightens from her slump. "Have you seen this woman, or Kait?" Selphie opens her phone to show Mr. Ishida a picture of Mara that Squall sent to her phone.

Rubbing his beard, which bristled out when he grinned, Ishida said in a thoughtful tone. "I'd know if I saw a cute little fix like that, believe me. And I haven't seen Kait since you kids went on vacation."


"Is something going on?"

"Hopefully nothing bad, but this woman - her name is Mara something, I don't know, but she took Kait from school. We're worried that she might hurt him."

"She kidnapped him?" He took Selphie's phone to look Mara over again. "But she looks so sweet."

"Ha! If you call stalking an eight-year-old sweet, then I don't want anything to do with you." Embittered, she grabbed back her phone then asked him to give her his number. "I need you to show the photo around to the other guys when they get back." When the picture is sent, she looks over her shoulder then back to Mr. Ishida to say. "I'm gonna ask the other guys around. Please do as I asked."

"No problem."

"Thank you." Dashing over to the first ship on site, Selphie hurried up the ramp to the captain. You can't take rides on the ship without consulting him first.

For an hour Squall checked every hiding place, nook-and-cranny of that school with the help of the negligent principal, and vice principal, and some of the staff from the head office. They came up empty. Kait's friends were no help at all, but they did provide a little insight to when it might have happened. It seemed that they were throwing balls around and Kait went around picking them up. Squall didn't have to have it pointed out since that's where he'd found Palidor, all splayed out and unconscious, blood trickling from his tiny bird head. Now the Esper is tucked under Squall's t-shirt, resting until he gets home.

Leonhart must have scared the crap out of everyone he's talked to, with the hidden and bleeding bird showing as just a lump against his gut, he looked like he'd gone through a violent attack on his torso; from the school he went to Mrs. Dincht's little diner to ask if anyone had maybe seen the two come by, since it's located nearly in the center of town. But all the customers said: "no".

Squall was thorough with the train station, being sure that none of the workers claimed amnesia because they're too lazy to answer some questions. He would gladly knock some sense into each and every one of them if that's what it took to get answers. But luckily it didn't come to that.

There weren't that many places to hide at the station. You have the ticket booth, the bathroom, the small eatery. Nowhere more. Squall was about to leave when he spotted Irvine stepping off the train that just came in.

The gunman was pleased to see Squall, up until getting a real good look at him. His features sagged instantly and he ran over to his boyfriend rather than walked. "What happened to you?" He asked in concerned panic. "Did you get attacked?"

"Sure as fuck feels that way. But this isn't my blood," Reaching into the neck of his shirt, he raises Palidor's fallen head into view.

Mouth agape, Irvine removed the battered bird from Squall's person. "Now I'm really confused. Did Palidor attack you?"

"No, Irvine, it's Mara. She's got Kait."


"She took him from the playground during school. I didn't find out about it until it let out, and the school called to ask why Kait skipped class."

"Son of bi-.."

"I know. I've searched the entire building from left to right, top to bottom. I've been at the diner, Selphie is checking the other side of town. She'll probably hit-up the hotel next."

The greatest thing about Selphie is that the girl doesn't need direction. She knows what needs to be done, and will stop at nothing to do it.

"We need to get home, Palidor's been unconscious since I found him. I need you to swap bodies with him so we can find out what happened. I would have done it myself but you've made a contract with him."

"I know." He's got Squall by the upper arm walking hard for home with him in tow. "I can reach Rinoa and tell her to head to Fisherman's Horizon."

"And I planned to call Zell. Is Seifer still in the hospital?"

"Nothing about his injury is fatal, he won't need Zell."

Squall nods while pressing the speed dial for Zell's number. During the ten minutes it took to get home the two alerted the others of what's needed of them, they said they'd meet up with them when they could. Squall is on the phone with Quistis while Irvine makes a body swap with Palidor. Just by watching Irvine's tense posture change to almost relaxed, he knows that the swap was a success.

"I've sent the photo to your phone, Quistis. I've gotta go. Bye." Tucking his phone away into his pocket, he walks over to the kitchen counter. "Well? Imari, tell me how this happened?"

Imari cocked a crooked smirk at Squall when he turned to look at the male. He had a lot of gall asking for his help with the way he treats him even in Esper form. But he had to tell himself that this wasn't for Squall, but for Irvine and that dear little boy, Kait. Clearing his throat, the deeper points of his Galbadian accent gone, the former Shumi member answered. "I wasn't sleeping on the job if that's what you're thinking. I watched Kait playing with his friends and after a minute I had an itch."

"You had an itch!"

"Find anyone who can ignore them, I can tell you it won't be a very large crowd." He snapped. "Next thing I know, I turn around and there's Mara reaching into her purse for something. I flew down to stop her but I was tiny at the time, and as I'm sitting there growing so that I can do her some serious damage, bitch picked up a rock and beat me over the head, over and over until I black out."

Squall let out an exasperated sigh. How could this fucking happen? He knew he should have stayed at the school. But it never occurred to him that she would... Not at recess!

"I'm sorry." And he meant it. "But, if it helps, before I went down I saw her scoop Kait's limp body up and she darted south. I know she had to have left town. She could be out in the forest in a damned tent waiting to make her get away as soon as she knows you're all up in a panic."

That actually sounded damned smart. Made a lot of sense too. At night, Mara could easily stow away on a ship. It would be impossible to sneak off by train without a ticket, not to mention he alerted everyone at the station and showed pictures around. Not that he really had to since everyone living in town knows Kait. He needs to rent a car. If he drives out to the forest he might be able to sneak up on her.

"I'm going to check the forest. Get out of Irvine's body." Commanded the bristled brunet.

"I can help more this way."

"Yeah, you sure as fuck were no help as you were four hours ago."

Scoffing, Imari shakes his head. "Figures. Don't be jealous of me, Squall... I don't want Irvine's body, or his life - if it would include being with you. I just want to be helpful to my friends... and maybe come out sometimes for a little fun."

Now he was trying to get under Squall's skin. But he can't help it. From day one the guy has been a dick to him, with that whole give-back-my-missing-lover crap. Why not poke the bear when the time presents itself.

Glaring, Squall charged upon the cocky Esper. Fist clenched and unclenched as he fought back a burning urge to knock the fucker out for the second time today - for that reason only would Squall applaud the woman.

"Be lucky you've got my boyfriend's face, or I'd knock your fucking teeth out you imposter... Now, get. Out. Of. His. Body." He said it slowly as if the spirit ate paste for a living, rather than has lived for who knows how many years and probably has an enormous amount of knowledge under his wing.

Imari looked reluctant to comply, but decided it was for the best. Besides, he couldn't leave Irvine inside his healing bruised body. It wouldn't be fair to him. "Fine." Turning around, he looks down at his battered body, flinching at the thought of waking up with a huge migraine. Casting the spell in reverse he returned to his unconscious body.

"Is that you?" Squall asked. The spirit could be a trixter of a little fucker. He could easily have lied.

"Yeah, it's me." Irvine rubs his bothered eyes. "Why does it have to be so damned bright in there?"

"I don't know," Squall replied offhand while walking to the door. "Imari said that Mara might be out in the forest, waiting for the commotion to calm down before really leaving town with Kait. I'm gonna go check it out. You help Selphie with the hotel sweep, or search any other place you can think of that she might have gone to."

"Got it." Irvine nods. "I'll get Kait's pictures from his camera and get her photo up around town too."

"Thank you." When the door is pulling closed, Squall says. "I'll call if I get anything."

Irvine heads into his son's bedroom to retrieve the camera. Locating the best photo that shows Mara's face full on, he prints it out then takes it with him when he leaves the apartment. He really hoped that when they find Mara - and they will - that he gets there first. Because there is no way in this world the woman will come out of this unscathed if it's Squall who finds her.

# #

"I'll search the train station here, and ask around." Zell already has the woman's picture in his phone. He had the same idea of printing it out and putting it up around town. But he had to get to a booth first to blow it up for print outs.

Rinoa informed him that she was going to F.H. to search since it was better for Zell to stay in Timber with Seifer, in-case the bedridden blond needed anything. The guy was certainly in a good mood though, for someone who's broken a leg and has to remain in the hospital until he's fitted for crutches. From what Zell said over the phone, Seifer was freaking the nurses out by disappearing and reappearing in his bed, claiming that he'd died and they had to tell his friends and lover.

It seems that Phantom, they found out is the Esper's name, can make its charge disappear and reappear just as easily as it can itself. It can also draw Seifer into shadows. The ex-knight's annoyance level would undoubtedly be on a high when he gets back to Balamb. Rinoa felt sorry for Zell.

Zell felt sorry for Zell. He wondered, as he stood at the photo hut machine waiting for print outs, if Ma would like for him to visit more? Photo in hand, he figured he can hit up the copy place a little later, but right now his path is to the train station. He took the long row of stairs leading up to the platform two at a time. The ticket seller seemed like the right way to go, but the martial artist knew that would be pointless unless Mara switched trains once arriving and needed another ticket into the next town. For the life of him, he can't figure out why any of this is going on at all.

They all love Kait; why couldn't they just sit down and figure something out together, instead of resorting to threats and kidnapping. Surely his friends had to know that one would not have gone on if the other hadn't started it. But then again, Seifer told him that it was He who had threatened Mara more or less, and Squall and Irvine didn't know until recently.

Maybe when they get Kait back, everyone will calm down on the commotion and work it out. Nahh, that was doubtful. Something like this can only escalate things over the edge and thensome.

Spotting a security guard walking the platform, Zell heads to him. "Excuse me, sir." He gives the Balamb Garden salute, dropping it when the man gives him a disinterested glance. "I'm looking for someone, a woman," He offers the man the enlarged photo. "She took someone, a little boy - eight years old - and I'm looking for her. Have you seen her come through here?"

"I've seen this woman, but not recently. It was uummm, shit... when was it?" The man tilts his head back to face the sky, making an odd noise with his mouth as he thinks. "That was sometime last month. You say she's taken a child? Have you gone to the police?"

"Not yet, I mean, I'm not sure. He's the son of two friends of mine, and it's complicated." Zell couldn't tell the truth, it would sound ridiculous to the man. The important thing now was getting everyone together, not pitting them against one another as hearing the nitty-gritty will have any other people involved with choosing sides of who is in the right of Kait and who is in the wrong. And the important thing now is safety - fuck ownership and legality, panicked people become harmful people. It's never intentional, but it always happens.

"Is it alright if I check with the ticket takers? They may have seen her."

"Fine with me, but this train is due to leave in about fifteen minutes, so make it quick or you'll be headed for Deling."

"Thank you." Hurrying onto the train, Zell seeks out the ticket-taker.

In Fisherman's Horizon.

The sea port town is relatively small compared to other major towns and cities. It's like Balamb, but with more apartments than scattered homes since they don't really have room to build out, their home life can only go up. Rinoa wandered to the train station. Uncertain of who to ask, she headed for the first person in uniform she'd seen.

Taking out her phone, she holds up the picture. "Have you seen this woman?"

The man gave the photo a look then shook his head.

"Are you sure? She would have been with a child?" Reaching into her pocket, she hoped like hell she had one, and removing her wallet she searched for a picture with Kait. "She'd be with this kid?"

The man looks over the photo that showed a smiling Rinoa, Selphie, and Kait wearing reindeer antlers, with a dollop of red paint on their noses. It was from a holiday party two years ago, but it's good enough since Kait really hadn't changed much in appearance. The man smiled, then looked up at Rinoa.

"Your friend is cute, but nope I've never seen the kid or that woman you showed me before."

Glaring at the comment about Selphie, Rinoa rolls her eyes. "Well is it alright if I board the train to ask the other employees?"

"Sure. Go right ahead."

"Thank you."

The day began to drag on, and the searches wide and small came up empty. Even Squall found nothing in the forest but a bunch of caterpillars that had the unfortunate luck of having his aggression taken out on them. He was wiped out by the time he returned home, Irvine came in three minutes after him. Zell retired to the hotel; calling Seifer to check-in. Rinoa searched for an hour more then went to her hotel room. She'll be up in the morning to search again, but right now her legs are burning, and she needs a rest.

Selphie, head dropped in failure, walked the hall to her hotel room. The sound of a throat being cleared caught her attention and she looked up to see the guy from the market. Her eyebrows knit in confusion when she sees grocery bags on the floor beside his seated form. The market employee smiled and stood up, he held out a hand to shake hers but withdrew it to scratch the back of his head. He must have figured the gesture came off as lame.

"What? Have you become my professional stalker now?" Selphie asked in a clipped tone. Her usual kind and perky mood was completely shot for the day.

Putting on a nervous smile, supermarket guy nods his head at the two bags of groceries sitting on the floor. "You ran out without your things; I paid for them for you and, too late, realized that I don't know your name or where you lived."

Sliding the key card through the door lock she pushed it open when the reader turned green. Selphie stooped and picked up a bag to bring in. "So how'd you find me?"

"Perk of a small town; I asked the register girl using your description, and she told me your name - and also said that you're staying at the hotel." Picking up the other bag, he follows Selphie inside. Spotting two beds, he wondered who the other occupant was. "I hope this is okay. I asked the kitchen to hold onto the stuff that goes in the freezer, you can just go down and get it whenever."

"I'm sorry." Selphie says when the second bag appears on the counter beside the one she'd just put down.

"For what?"

"Being a jerk so right off. I didn't say thank you for bringing my stuff."

"It's okay."

"I've just been having a bad day." Reaching into the bag she unloads it on the counter top. When a particularly feminine item is pulled out and set down, her face turns beet red.

Blinking at the sudden awkward giggle, the supermarket guy looked down at what was in his hand, as he had started unloading a bag as well. With a shrug, he put in a smile. "Don't be embarrassed, I'm used to it. I lived with my sister until I could get my own place, so I'm no stranger to it, nor to buying them."

Blinking in utter amazement, Selphie shakes her head. If she was with any other guy and he was looking at feminine products they'd be busting on her for sure. It was really nice seeing maturity in a man. "I may end up falling for you... eh..." Chuckling, she holds out her hand. "I'm Selphie Tilmitt."

"Sergy Bermuda. Nice to meet you." He shakes her hand.

The two sit in a momentary silence before Sergy says. "Can I ask what's got you so ticked?"

Selphie frowned heavily. "My little nephew was kidnapped today, that was my heart's brother on the phone at the store. I've spent all day asking people if they've seen him or the woman who took him, but I came up with nothing."

"That is bad." He looked down at the counter thoughtfully. "Is there anything I can do to help? I can call my father, he can send guys out to search Esthar?"

"That'd be really great, thanks."

Silence falls over them again, and like before Sergy breaks it. "Is there more to it?"

"I'm just worried. I should check in with them." Removing her phone from her shorts pocket, she dials Squall's number.

While waiting, he looks around the tiny kitchen then puts the items away for her; he made a detour to the bathroom while trying not to eavesdrop on the girl's conversation. But he can't help listening in - she said he can help. It seemed that her 'heart's-brother', as she called him, is special ops commander Squall Leonhart. He's read so much about the guy, he could swear he knows him personally.

Which is why - to him - it's weird that Selphie would call commander Leonhart brother. Squall's living family is Ellone Loire and the former president of Ethar, Laguna Loire. Maybe the girl is nuts, but seeing those big green eyes glance his way he couldn't help but smile and make a note to himself that he loves nuts, after all.

"I'll be on it first thing tomorrow morning, but right now I need to rest." She hangs up after listening to whatever the former commander had to say. She returned her attention to him.

"Squall Leonhart's your brother?" Curiosity made him ask.

"Not flesh and blood but, like I'd said, he's a brother in my heart and I'm a sister in his." She shrugged. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"I'm good. So do you have any ideas as to who might have taken him?"

"Beyond. It was a woman named Mara Trejo, its complicated but she claims to be Kait's mother."


Smiling, Selphie told Sergy about how Kait came to be with all of them, and how he's grown up with Squall and Irvine. Then out of the blue here's Mara trying to take him back. Having succeeded at it, they can only hope that her intentions aren't harmful. That Kait will be alright until they can get him back. Mara Trejo could be anyone; just because she's Kait's birth mother doesn't win her any medals, because where has she been for the eight years the boy has been growing up with them? And she can't just make the claim without proof. She didn't so much as offer a DNA test before she took it upon herself to just take her son back. And that's what sticks in Selphie's side so much.

"Wow." Sergy commented after drinking it all in. "But, if she is Kait's mother then she should treat him alright. No need to worry."

"I hope so."

"Sure." Looking at the clock on the microwave, he then glances at the door. "I'll be sure to call my father. It's late, you probably wanna get some sleep."

"Yeah. It was nice meeting you, Sergy."

"You too. Bye... for now." He muttered out the last part before departing.

Selphie smiled to herself. She hoped that "for now" meant that she'd see him again. Horrible as the terms are, she was glad that he managed to track her down so that she could see him again.


"I hate her." Squall declared letting his weight fall heavily onto his and Irvine's bed. "What the hell is the urgency anyway? If she was this panicked about going to court, our chances were better than I had guessed."

Irvine, who's laying beside his boyfriend, only listened to his despaired words while looking at his sullen profile.

"She won't get away with this."

"Of course she won't, but Squall... I really think that we've gotta calm down about the punishment part. She won't hurt Kait; if she's really his mother then we've gotta get some kinda comfort from that. If anything, we'll find her, and get Kait back. Worst case scenario we don't find him, but we know he's not with some sicko out on the streets."

"We don't know her, that's all there is to it!" He snapped, turning his cold gaze on the gunman. "She could be on medication - and wouldn't she have to be to just snatch a child?"

"There's no reasoning with a desperate mother and her actions. I can only imagine what she must have thought about us that's wrong. I think we need a cooler head about this... Otherwise we'll look more guilty than she is, and it won't turn out well."

"I can't be cool." Sitting up, he reiterates. "I just can't." Getting out of bed he walks into the hall.

"Where are you going?"

"Nowhere. Go to bed."

"Hey, don't take it out on me. I'm not playing voice of reason, I'm just trying not to freak out and make finding him impossible." Irvine sits up as well, calling into the hall. "We need a clear head, or we'll just be running around with our heads cut off while she's sittin' right under our noses."

Hearing the door to their son's bedroom slam, Irvine rolled his eyes in exasperation. What he's saying is the truth, and Squall really needs to see that before something bad happens. As if this weren't bad enough. But still, he'd like to know how a woman can vanish without a trace?