Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Mother, That's Who I Mean ❯ Who do you choose? ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ragnarok landed 50 feet from a tiny little cabin that was spotted from the air, as they flew over Vienne Mountain. That has to be the place! Mara wouldn't stay in town, people would recognize Kait from television, she'd have to choose a place isolated enough to keep him unseen, but close enough to town to keep them safe and fed should anything happen in the snow covered solitude.

The woman may be out of her mind, but she isn't entirely stupid. Thought the SeeDs.

The cold nipped and spit at them from all directions; if Selphie had a say in the matter, she'd declare a blizzard is on its way. They had to act fast before they all ended up screwing themselves over in the harsh tundra of Trabian terrain. The snow flurries literally feel like ice chips slashing at the couple as they huddle outside of the ship.

"Irvine, you go that way in-case they've already started to run. I'll check the cabin."

"Right." Mounting a deep purple sport bike, Irvine then slips a helmet over his head. He starts the two wheel vehicle, speeding away then through the thick blanket of endless winter, leaving a hydro plane of white in his wake.

Squall hurried to the direction where the cabin resides. He hopes they're not too late. Ragnarok is the fastest flying vessel in the world; even if Mara had been alerted to their plans, she'd never have made it out of the country before their arrival. Squall's heavily booted feet crunch through the snow as he trudges along; short distance or not, he wished he'd had the foresight to bring a bike along. Rinoa remained on the ship to monitor the area just in-case.

The cabin was now in plain-sight, Squall pushes himself a little harder to reach it, but is stopped abruptly by a menacing figure standing before him. The snow fogged-over figure is standing straight at about 6'3" inches. Squall may not fully see the body due to a long gray coat covering it, but he can see a spike of blond hair atop its head.

His breaths came out in a pant of puffy clouds, Squall swallowed a hard dry lump in his throat. Glaring daggers of shards icier than the tundra itself, he calls out over the roaring wind. "What happened, Seifer?" Though the question was approached in a friendly manner, Squall knew that his rival wasn't there to give him news that Mara and Kait had already taken off.

"Happened?" It seemed Seifer wanted to play dumb for a moment as well.

"I thought you were on stand-down due to injury." He slowly walks sideways to approach him.

Moving at a side-step as well, though he knows full-well what Squall is doing; it won't make a difference though, Mara Trejo and the kid are already long gone by now. Knowing the little lion cub - and if Seifer may say so himself, he does - Squall's got Kinneas chasing after them. Good luck. Even when he got to the cabin they were gone, and he left a lot sooner than the nerd-herd.

Seifer shrugged with a nonchalant cool. "I'm a fast healer when I get bored. Thought I'd come hang out with my favorite punching bag... you." And he offered a dangerous smirk, knowing it would rile up the lion's fur. "Wanna play?"

Squall shakes his head. "I'm not in the mood for this shit, Seifer. ...Besides" And his tone is dropping dangerously low; Scan covers his blue-gray eyes with green light. "The scanner shows that you're still injured."

He cracked his knuckles and popping his neck, then replies. "So now I'll be fighting at your level." Again, he flashes Squall a cocky taunting smirk.

"Get out of my way." Squall says more forcefully. "I don't have time to mess with you; Kait is in danger. I have to save him."

"That's your opinion." Raising his gunblade into the air, his signature pose struck. Seifer bounces playfully from foot to foot. "Kait says he's fine."

"But you and Kait don't know what Irvine's found out."

"I don't care! A man needs to be respected for his decisions."

Squall's gloved hands clench, the leather sounded in the stretching. "Kait's not a man, Seifer. Don't put your bullshit childhood issues on him."

"Enough talk."

And even in the biting wind, through his leather bomber, Squall can feel heat building up around him.

"Let's go." Hissed Seifer.

"Seifer." Squall growled as the attack came at him.


A shot rang out, but the silence of the winter air, surrounded by thick forest and bountiful mountains, dulled it to a near thud. Irvine had figured that Mara would already be on the move with Kait; and her attention for ambush was sharp enough for her to leap back and stop moving when - 4 feet in front of her - a bullet hole landed in the snow covered dirt. She didn't have to leap back, the bullet never would have hit her. Irvine was only aiming to cease their movement, not injure.

"Not another step." Warned the sharpshooter; gun aimed at the woman's head.

Chest heaving from adrenaline; Mara glares daggers at the kinder of her son's two abductors. It seemed sharpened knives were everyone's choice of weapon today. "Would you shoot me with a child present?"

"I never miss my mark." It wasn't a threat at all, simply a true statement. "Kait, you alright?" Irvine asks upon spotting the boy's bruised face.

"Miles is fine." Replied Mara.

"I was asking him, ma'am." He's speaking respectfully, and politely, keeping his voice even and calm.

She's already worked up, the last thing he needs is to work her up more; he sees the gun in her hand, resting against her side. He wouldn't want her panic to become rash.

"I'm fine." Though he doesn't sound it. He sounds panicked and his voice is shakey; but that could be from the cold climate. "This was an accident."

"An accident?"

Nodding, Kait repeats. "An accident."

It's quiet for a long and tense pause; the entire forest listening in and waiting to see how the encounter will pan out.

Breaking the silence, Kait asks "Did Seifer give you my message?" while scooting closer to Mara, as if to shield her from Irvine's trained aim.


"So why'd you come?"

Irvine would have been slightly taken back if the look on his son's face didn't say otherwise on his feelings of the interference. He looks relieved, almost at ease.

"You can't stop us from leaving," Mara finally snapped out of her stupor. "So get out of our way!"

"Gladly. But it has to be Kait's decision; based on what you tell him."

"What?" And her hissed tone could have spit acid, it was so venomous.

"Kait, your mother has something to tell you... about where she's been for eight years. ...And about how your father died."


Kait remained within his mother's grasp of her upper arm, since being spotted, but now he's trying to tug away from her.

"What does he mean, Mara?"

"Nothing. He doesn't know a damned thing; he's just trying to get you away from me." Shouting into the howling wind at Irvine, she repeats. "You don't know a damned thing!" And now she's aiming her gun at the sniper.

He remained calm. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last time someone has a gun aimed at him. "Oh no?" Removing a sheet of paper from his duster's pocket, he asks. "That woman in the Piñaro Mental Institution, Mara Solis, wasn't you?"


"What mental institution?" Grunted Kait as he struggled to get free. "What's he talking about?"

Seeing that Mara intended to say nothing, Irvine spoke for her. "Eight years ago, you camped in the Roshfall forest near Timber with your son and husband, Martin..."

"Shut up." Her weight leans left, ready to bolt to avoid hearing the rest.

"But you came out of the forest the next day missing your husband and your child..."

"I said, shut up!" The bullet is rolled into place. She can't believe she's going to shoot a man she once found to be so nice, and understanding to the situation. He played her for a fool, and used her! He used her, damn him!

"You stumbled into town, babbling incoherently; covered in blood, undressed from when you shed your clothes in horrified realization over what you've done.."

"I. Said. Shut. Up." And the gun fired!

A warning shot it seemed, because there's now a hole in the dirt a mere five inches from Irvine's boot. But Irvine wasn't shaken.

"Why, Mara? Is the truth still frightening to you?" He asks. "I know I was chilled reading it."

"Hyne, damn you." She drops to a kneel; hiding her face with the hand holding the gun. Mara still has a firm grip on Kait with the other hand.

"Tell him, Mara. Don't let him hear it from me."

But rather than speak, she chose to cry.

Irvine honestly couldn't blame her. If it was him in the situation he'd probably cry too... So he let her get it out of her system. Instead of making the pain worse by speaking for her, he used the opening to speak to Kait. "Hey there, Little Bird."

Kait's teary gaze goes from his mother to his father. He looked as though he was Shiva's son, with the way the tear streaks soaked down his cheeks freezing over in their long trail down. "Hey."

"Sssh..." Irvine tried to hush the boy's sobs, "It's alright, y'know." by lowering his aim at Mara. "We're not gonna do anything without your say so, okay?"

"My say so?"

Irvine almost didn't hear it when a curl of wind howled by just when Kait spoke. Nodding, he repeats himself sort of. "But you have to hear Mara out, that's my only wish. And whatever you decide from that... goes."

# #

The collision of the oversized gunblade against the well-sized dagger Squall posses, sounded like ice sliding from a metal roof top; he saw no reason to bring his gunblade. Mara is a simple woman, apprehending her would be nothing for him and Irvine. Squall hadn't counted on a battle with a semi-healed Seifer Almasy. The mad fuck.

Ducking from the five foot swing of a souped up Hyperion's Blood; Squall was unfortunately hit in the gut with Seifer's boot when the blond kicked his leg out behind him on the whirl around. Falling heavily on his side, Squall cast Thundaga to back his rival off; Seifer leapt into the air, blade point aimed downward like a spear ready to stab the lion through. Squall knew the direct shock wouldn't hurt Seifer too badly since the ex-knight had cast Shell on himself earlier before the fight.

Sure enough the spell of Thunder hit its mark, shaking Seifer with the electric charge. The giant blond knelt to the ground, but he wasn't beat. With a sinister grin, he stood back up and rolled his shoulders as if to declare he needed the mild buzz; his laughter was proof enough of that.

"Alright, Leonhart, we can play opposite elements." Gunblade slung over his shoulder, Seifer tilts his head back so his green gaze is looking up at the sky.

Squall watched the sky darken over him ready to bring a downpour, not of a rain shower but of a hard, powerful, painful meteor shower with asteroids the size of two boulders combined. Hurrying to his feet, Squall begins casting Thunder spells, tossing the aim up at the meteor shower coming down on him.

It was unspoken that he'd even agreed to opposite elements, but since he's casting Thunder it would seem he's game. With one hand guiding the streaks of lightning and the other smashing into the smaller rocks with his dagger, the dust from the exploded rocks created something that could easily pass a dirty winter storm.

It was beautiful and frightening; streaks of lightning lighting up the sky, the loud booms of exploding rock, the approaching blizzard whirling all around them. Squall missed a rock the size of a watermelon and got hit on the chest. It knocked him off his feet; hearing Seifer laugh had his gun-metal colored eyes seeking out the ex-knight, he was right on top of him, maybe a foot behind, but getting closer as he stepped forward every time he scoots backward with his elbows through the wet, chilly snow.

"Shit." He whispered.

An asteroid larger than the rest loomed over Squall like the end of the world solidified into a large ball of destruction.

# #

"Mara... Mara, what is Irvine talking about?" He shakes the fallen woman's shoulder. "Answer me!"

"It was a mistake... I wasn't well." She sniffed back tears, snot, and emotions all in one intake of breath. "It shouldn't have happened." She sobbed into her hand.

"Mara, tell me." Kait whispered.

"It wasn't supposed to happen." She lowered her voice as well.

"What wasn't? What happened!" And he shook her more violently this time.

It only made her cry harder. Swinging her arm out, she knocks the boy over into the snow to stop him from pressuring her. "You'll hate me if I tell you... I can't have you... I can't have you hate me again."

"I wouldn't..." But he stopped himself. He wasn't sure if he could keep his word if he found out about what she's done. Plus, there was that odd statement of his hating her again, that made him concerned a bit.

"It shouldn't have happened... I shouldn't have.." She paused as her bit-back tears turned instead to boiling anger. "I shouldn't have killed him!" She shouted, almost spat it at her son. "That I... I killed him." She said a lot lower. A voice of great grief and shame.

"You did... Why?" Kait wondered; his big blue eyes wide with fear and disbelief.

"We were camping... and night came. I just wanted to love you, to be a good mother, but... I couldn't." She cried. "You just kept crying!" She screamed.

And she was brought back to that night within an instant; speaking her words as she saw them. It was like a book reading at a library, but with the content being read it was more macabre than pleasant.

"Ooohh, ssh, ssssh shhhh. I know, I know." Martin soothes the crying child. "What's the matter with Miiiles," He sings. "he's not riiiight. what's the matter with Miiiiles, he's not riiiight." Reaching beside him into a small diaper bag, he lays the child in the mailbag looking carrier, and undoes the old diaper to put on a clean one. "Oh shoot. Mara, honey, could you hand me the wipes over there by you?"

Mara was pretending to be asleep while her husband fussed over that whining brat. But apparently sleep was not going to come tonight, because Miles had attention issues to work through.

"Honey, the wipes..." Looking at his wife, he could only heave a sigh when she looked right back at him and did nothing. "Forget it. I'll get them." Martin went on muttering something about her eating dinner soon, and she was napping. How ridiculous. Nabbing the baby wipes, Martin returned to their son's side. "Can you at least mix the food in the pan so that it doesn't burn?"

Sighing in annoyance, she gets up from her place on the sleeping bag. Grabbing the wooden spoon, Mara stirs the pan around and around. "Baby, can we put carrots in this. I don't want the peas."

"You'll have to cut some." He replied in a cutesy voice, which he was using because he'd been blowing on Miles' belly only a moment ago.

Mara watched and listened in as the child laughed away from something so simple it was almost stupid. Why did she ever have to get pregnant? Although, she had to admit, being pregnant was much better than actually having the child. Martin fussed over her. Made sure that she was comfortable, not the baby. But now its always, the baby this and you could help out more dear that. Not to mention those damned pills the doctor gave her. It was the only time Martin really fussed over her, and that was because she loathed taking medication for anything.

It bothered her sometimes, when she realized that she's been thinking this way. It isn't Miles' fault that she's a bad mother, but it also isn't her fault either that Miles is a bad son. Was he crying in her womb? Did he want out? He was a preemie after all. For eight months he was inside of her. He didn't kick. He didn't scream. He didn't judge her. He was happy to float on and on in her belly.

Her doctor said that it was natural for some mothers to feel that way after the child is born. It's called postpartum. Sounded like 'doctor talk' for someone being a failure to have a mother gene, to Mara. That's where the pills came in, the group meetings. Preemie as Miles is, Martin took care of the baby. He's been amazing. He took a handful of a child and turned him into a happy healthy little bundle. Miles actually looks seven months old, when really he's three months.

'Fat little fucker.' She thought. Looking over to where her husband and child are seated, Mara stood up. What was his secret to making the child laugh? It couldn't be as simple as blowing on his stomach... could it?

"I was standing behind him; I didn't even notice that I was still holding the knife." Wiping the palm of her hand across her face, Mara looks at Kait, then says softy. "A twig snapped, and before I knew it..."

"Come back here!" She screamed, and she chased her husband and child through the woods, wielding the knife as if it was only her arm reaching out for them.

Night was looming in on them, and the forest was becoming a labyrinth of shadows, and bug songs, disrupted by the sounds of the chase through its thick brush. It was because of the darkness that Mara lost the pair. Looking around, she heard a sound off in the distance and followed it.

"I saw my husband standing with his back to me, and before I knew what I was doing I was stabbing him - over and over." She quiets her words while her tears take over. "He fought me, but slipped." Beating her hand into the snow, she shakes her head. "I suddenly found myself in the moment. Like I had just woken up and was there... I heard him land; I tried to get to him but I fell too. I lost my dress from something snagging it - I hadn't abandoned it because of what I had done!" She snarled at the occusing and wrong abductor. "I bumped my head in the landing." She just continued crying from there.

"Kait," Irvine fills in the rest. "Your mother made it into town, disoriented and frightened... She had no recollection of what had happened until after she got help over the years, and remembered the two of you. She was found by a man named Robert Solis, he helped her, and eventually... Well, you know the rest since she goes by his last name."

"You remarried?" Kait asked.

"I didn't! He wanted to check me into a clinic so he said that I was his sister. That's why records show me as Mara Solis! You stupid bastard, stop making things up!"

Irvine raised a hand and gave a nod of apology.

"After I got out, I went by my maiden name Trejo; and slowly the events of what happened came back to me. That was when I started looking for you."

"But why... Why did you do it at all?"

"You're too young to understand about postpartum depression. So is your friend over there. He'll never be pregnant, he'll never go through the hormonal changes. It affects so many new mothers in many different ways, because of the foreign hormones. I thought you were calling me a failure, I thought you hated me."

"I couldn't even talk!" Kait shouted in disbelief.

"I know that now... I should have been taking my condition more seriously, but I was stubborn... I'm sorry Miles. I'm so sorry."

# #

Squall stopped the meteor from bashing his skull in. It wasn't easy either. He nearly got his arm crushed from the explosion of his own meteor slamming into it and creating a nasty rain shower of rocks. Relieved that he'd stopped the attack from killing him, it allowed Squall to remember something that could stop Seifer from assaulting him altogether.

Squall cast stop on him. It was supposed to be used on Mara, if she had tried bolting with Kait once they caught up to her; although it is forbidden to use magic on normal humans, he would do whatever it took to stop her and save Kait. With Seifer apprehended, Squall stands from the cold wet snow; frozen to the bone. His rival looks like a big flesh-tone statue. Squall touches the earbud in his right ear.

"Rinoa?" He says into the hidden microphone. "Can you get out here and help me move Seifer to ship?"


"Yeah, the jerk was on Mara's side, and wanted to help them escape."

"Seifer." She sniped out in disbelief. "Well, he didn't... did he?"

"I don't know. Hopefully Irvine's caught up with them." Squall looked at his rival again. "I'm gonna head off to where he went as soon as Seifer's safely tucked into a holding cell on the ship. We need to have a little discussion first though."

"I don't blame you. I'm on my way." Turning off communication, she exits the ship.

# #

"So... it was all a mistake. All because you were sick?" Kait asks slowly. He wanted to be sure that he's gotten all his facts straight.

"Yes. A mistake." Grabbing Kait up from his place on the snow, she holds him tightly to her; the gun is pointed into his side. "But I'm better now! Damn you - I'm better!" Giving him a stab with the nose of the gun, she shouts at Irvine. "You can't keep us apart!" Sobbing, she whispers. "You can't..."

Irvine felt his calm coolness waver at the sight of her holding a gun to Kait; holding his hand up in a show of peace, he walked over to them.

# #

Squall dispelled the Stop spell from Seifer the moment he and Rinoa got him inside a cell on Ragnarok.

The ex-knight rushed forward nearly smacking into the bars not realizing that he'd been moved after getting stopped. Looking around the cell, he looks at Squall with a glare then looks around the cell again before leaving a disbelieving glare trained on his rival. "Really?"

"Really." Crossing his arms over his chest, he shakes his head. "Dammit, Seifer... Why'd you have to show up? Why do you wanna help her?"

"What? I thought it was because I wanted to put my fucked up childhood on your kid, remember?" Seifer leans against the bars, forearms dangling in midair while resting on the bar running vertically from the horizontal.

"Look, I'm sorry for saying that. But you don't know the whole story."

"So enlighten me." His Cyan gaze eases up on the glare and instead turns pensive.

"Mara was in a mental institution for seven years... She had postpartum depression when Kait was born. The records show that she was pretty fucking unstable. She should have been heavily medicated. We had Selphie look it up; the pills she was on left her a little bit worse-for-wear, but they stopped her from wanting to harm her kid. The most she'd experience is hallucinations, and some bleeding... I don't know how often she took them, if at all... But the night her family went camping in the woods, she went after them. It's all written out in black on white, Seifer... She killed Martin Redwing. ...She'd planned on doing the same to her son."

Seifer lowered his gaze to the floor. Rubbing his hands to his face he groaned loudly. "Fuck... I had no idea."

"Exactly. You should have checked in with us before taking that call for Kait and making the decision for him to go along with her." Squall reprimanded.

"She came to my house that day asking after her husband and kid... I had no idea."

"She never came to Irvine or me... She just took it upon herself to say fuck the law and stole him from school - for fuck's sake, Seifer, she chloroformed our son!" His gunmetal eyes showed absolute despair remembering that. "Does that sound like someone who should have a kid around them?"

Seifer lowered his head in dismay. "I thought I was helping Kait out."

"I know. I don't hold that against you. Irvine says something about the two of your relationships, and how he feels more comfortable coming to you for certain things, but Seif'... a lot of the time we really should be told what's going on. Irvine and I are his parents. You all are like his aunts and uncles... You didn't let me go into this thing alone, and that isn't how I'm walking through it. If he needs you, he needs you - same as with the others - but for things like this... its Irvine and me."

"Damn you for making me feel guilty."

Smiling, Squall shakes his head. "I know she got help. I know that she got her life back together, and has lived it for an entire year before she even remembered that she had a kid and husband. Good for her. But look at how she's behaving now..." He swung out his hand as if her actions were a living culprit before them. "It's as if the mentality is coming back to her just by having Kait around. It's not right what happened then... But she's not blameless for her actions now." Squall sighed. "She's recovered, but she could slip."


"I know Mara deserves a chance - you can call me fucked up for thinking this, but I don't want that chance to mess up to be with Kait." Running a hand through his chopped bangs; he closes his eyes thoughtfully. "Let her have another baby to start over."

"She said she was going to Galbadia Plains, some little town called Rodenite - wherever the hell that is."

"Irvine knows, he grew up there."

"...Get him back."

That was the most apologetic as Seifer got. And a faint smile and nod of his head showed the ex-knight that Squall would take it. Turning on his heels he dashes to the exit.

"Hey! Aren't you gonna open the cell door?" He called after the escaping lion, but the door to enter the cells slid shut. "Fuck!"

# #

Slowly, getting as close as he can without upsetting the woman too much more, Irvine walks over to the pair. "I don't intend to take him from you." He wets his dry lips, but it's more of a calming method. "Like I said, it's Kait's decision to go with you or not. If Squall and me can respect his wishes, then you should as well." And now he's right up on the pair, kneeling.

"How can I?" She sobbed out. Seeing how close Irvine is to her, she again points the gun at him instead of Kait.

The scared father was both relieved and cautious. Getting shot was not something he wanted - especially if it's in front of Kait. But of the options for where the gun is pointed, he'd step up each time to take a bullet. Squall hasn't shown up yet, so if he gets shot, Mara's as good as gone.

"I wondered that myself. I don't believe in that nonsense about setting someone you love free, so I don't know. I just... I just have to."

Mara seemed to be thinking that over.

"Gimme the gun, Mrs. Redwing." He tried to use a name that would bring her back to reality, the whole of it, not the new one she's made for herself. Full of denial. Full of falsehood.

Sniffling, she chuckles and lowers the gun. "I was stupid to think anything good would come from this." She says.

Irvine thought that the gun would be given to him, but instead she held it to her mouth... And took aim...

"Mara, no!" Kait shouted.

# #

Squall sprinted through the freezing sheet of snow to locate the trio. He wished he'd had the foresight to bring a bike as Irvine had. He hung up his track shoes long ago when Kait learned to stop dashing about the house to kill himself on the slippery floor when he had first started to walk.

The bang was loud enough, distinct enough for him to identify that he heard a gun go off. He took off at a faster sprint than before; he would cast haste if he had to. But it wasn't necessary, it seemed. Irvine is kneeling, holding onto Kait. And Mara, she's slumped forward in the snow...

Running towards the three he kneels down and scoops his rattled son into his arms.

"She wasn't trying to shoot me." Kait wept.

"She aimed at herself, darlin'." Irvine says to Squall. Removing a compress from his pocket, he presses it to the woman's shoulder. "Let's go home." He says in a voice so exhausted from relief that no one died, there was little accent to be found. Scooping up the woman, bridal-style, the sharpshooter walks her over to the sports bike.

"Are you ok?" Squall asks, seeing the bruise on his son's face.

"I'm alright. Daddy... don't be mad."

"I'm not mad." He lied a little. He's boiling, but its diminishing.

"Can I take a nap?"

Smiling, Squall nods. "Sure." Wrapping his arms tightly around the young boy, he lifts him up, holding him securely.

Overhead, Ragnarok hovered into view...


Kait visited his mother in the hospital in Balamb, while she stayed for the gunshot wound she took to the upper shoulder. Irvine moved the piece just in time to keep it from blowing her head open right before them.

Squall and Irvine remained quiet about the situation until the woman was released. It was then that they gave her the court order papers to gain custody of Kait.

Mara was insulted at the idea that a mother could not be with her son. Irvine explained it to her, before, that her decision to: kidnap Kait, hit him, refuse her medication back then and anything she's currently taking, was a bad look no matter how it seems.

Mara explained her case and for some it was understandable, but for the rest it made no difference.

Kait asked to speak on his own behalf, and wanted to know if he could be shared in custody. Mara could have him for a certain amount of time, then his fathers, and it would continue on like that in trade after trade. He knows nothing about medical conditions, or postpartum. But he knows sadness. He knows what it would feel like to lose any of the people he's come to love and the ping pong match wouldn't be good for anyone.

He wished to remain as Kait Kinneas-Leonhart. Squall and Irvine's son. It's who he knows he is, and not someone he's being told to be.

Mara didn't want to agree, but she knew she had no choice. Kait practically spelled it out for her. You go by what I ask, or you won't have me at all. So she agreed. She was very serious about getting better, and staying better. So she checked herself into the same facility where she's been for the past seven years, for trauma rather than postpartum. Treatments begin Tuesday. For now, Kait is where he's always been. In the care of his adopted fathers until her release.

But he gave her one good wish. He looked at her, and held her, and said...

"I'll wait for you... Mom."

The End

Commentary: Thank you guys for reading, and reviewing. I revised this chapter because of a reader who told me that it was rushed and I agreed with him. So I hope this version came off much better and fully wrapped this story up for you Gilly and the other readers. Sorry for rushing it the first time out, I've got wrapping it up issues hahaha. I'm gonna work through them hopefully. I love feedback positive or negative and know that you'll always be listened to.

Kait will be featured in one more story maybe two, I'm not sure I have to see how that one works out without him because right now he's needed. But if you're not sick of him by now I hope you read it. It'll be years later in that one. But its not related to these in anyway as far as plot goes its just a fantasy story about attacking G.F's. I love action and magic.