Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Oh Perfect Light ❯ Oh Perfect Light ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“This is ridiculous, it’s a waste of time to have her tag along,” Lightning thought, her eyes scanning the horizon for any trace of Manikins. Behind her she heard her companion stumble slightly and let out a small grunt. “Can’t even walk right yet.”

“Where are we going?” Lightning looked over her shoulder as Terra stopped behind, her looking at her quizzically.

“We’re scouting out the Melmond Fens. Take out any opposition we can, fall back if we come across too many enemies,” Lightning said, looking back ahead.

“Do…do you think there are going to be any Warriors of Chaos here?” Terra asked. Lightning rolled her eyes at the sound of fear in her voice.

“Maybe, this place is out of the way for them, why we need to know it’s safe to retreat here if we need it. But because it is out of the way they might be up to something here. We’ll find out.”

“Right…” Terra whispered, taking a breath. Lightning stepped out of the shadow of the mountains leading to the Cornelia Plains.

With the Manikin army still sweeping the land, the Warriors of Cosmos had suggested scouting out safe havens to retreat to if they couldn’t get back to Order’s Sanctuary. The Elven Snowfields were too far south to scout safely, the Crescent Lake rand Lufenia regions were too close to the path to the Land of Discord, so that left Melmond in the west. Lightning has volunteered to go alone, and Vaan – damn him – had the idea to have Terra accompany her to help out.

Lightning hadn’t needed or wanted help, especially from a new turncoat that was reluctant to fight. It’s not like they were hurting living, breathing creatures anyway. Having Terra following her, still woozy from breaking away from Kefka’s control, was slowing her down. This could and should have been a quick and simple mission, get in, scout the area, kill a few Manikins, get back to Cosmos. But they had to stick her with a partner.

“We’ll check out this gateway first,” Lightning announced, approaching one of the stone archways, a glowing blue crest lighting it up.

“Blue gateways are free to pass, right?” Terra asked. “So we don’t need to explore it I thought.”

“Technically, but there might be enemies inside, better to take them out now than have them come out and surprise us on the way back.” Lightning advised.

“Oh…alright,” Terra said. Lightning snorted and held her hand up to the crest.

“Just don’t get in the way.”
The Ephemeral Summoner exploded in a flash of orange light, shards of orange crystal raining on the ground and vanishing in wisps of darkness. Lightning twirled her gunblade and slid it into its holster, looking over at the portal in the recreation of The Rift that led back to the gateway.

“Sorry about that,” Terra said, coming up behind her and holding her hands up to a series of gashes along Lightning’s bicep. “Here.” Terra focused a healing spell to close the wounds, and Lightning glared up at her.

“That was your fault, I called you to nail it with a spell to distract it, it wouldn’t have gotten me with those claws if you had just attacked,” she muttered.

“But…she called out in Yuna’s voice…” Terra protested weakly. “I didn’t want to hurt her.”

“It, those things are an ‘it’, and of course it used Yuna’s voice, it’s a Manikin,” Lightning said, disgusted. “You can’t hesitate every time you come up against one of them or you’ll get yourself killed.” She pulled away from Terra and headed to the portal.

“You don’t have to be so mean about it,” Terra called after her, following.

“I can keep myself alive fine, but I don’t have time to be looking after a kid,” Lightning said. “If you feel like fighting then then fight and help me, if you’re just going to whimper than you might as well head back to Sanctuary now, you’re just a distraction otherwise. I’m too mean? Too bad. I don’t feel like being a babysitter.”

“I’m not a child. I’m probably not much younger than you.”

“Well you’re sure acting like a kid.” Lightning realized she was being too hard, Terra’s faculties weren’t fully recovered yet and she was a new recruit to the war with no memories. But then no one had forced her to come along, she had agreed with the suggestion, so it was her fault for not being prepared.

“...Jecht was right about you,” Terra muttered.

“Yeah, what he say? Icy, bitchy?” Lightning asked with disinterest, not caring. She’d heard all the insults in the Guardian Corps during her training days.

“Said that the war was making you cranky.”

“Cranky?” Lightning almost laughed at the silliness of the word. “That’s the best he could come up with?”

“Well, his exact words…um…” Terra thought for a moment. “He said ‘that cranky dyke needs to simmer down’.”

Lightning stopped in her tracks.


“I’m sorry,” Terra protested, stopping behind her. “I’m not really sure what the other word meant, I wasn’t sure if it was an insult.”

“That jackass is going to get a pounding,” Lightning growled.

“Are you one?” Terra asked. Lightning turned around. “A, um…that word,” she explained. “Jecht said it means you’re friends with other women, or something, and that you were probably upset none of the women here were…’friendly to you’.”

“Sure, let’s go with that,” Lightning sneered. She was a little, for lack of a better term, starved. Tifa wasn’t her type, and Yuna was too innocent – and straight – to entertain the idea. Her returning memories had come with memories of Fang and Vanille, and they just made her even more anxious when her budding curiosity about her sexual orientation had been confirmed by memories of her nights with the two of them.

“So, you aren’t friends with Tifa or Yuna?” Terra asked.

“How naïve are you?” Lightning asked, her patience thin. “He means I’m a lesbian and he thinks I’m in a bad mood because I need to get laid. Know those words?” Terra’s eyes widened.

“Oh…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”

“Forget it,” Lightning said. “Not you, was him.”

“I had thought maybe he meant, but I didn’t want to assume you…sorry,” Terra repeated.

“I said forget it,” Lightning insisted. The two fell silent and Lightning turned to continue on to the portal to the gateway.

“How did you know?” Terra asked.

“Know what?”

“That you were…that way,” Terra explained. “I don’t mean, when you found out. I mean, with your memories gone, did you just know, or did you remember?”

“A bit of both, I had my suspicions and then the memories came back to confirm. Why?” Lightning asked. “What, are you?”

“I…I might be…” Terra said hesitantly. Lightning looked over her shoulder. “I mean, Laguna said Vaan was sweet on me, and I know what he meant, but I didn’t really care. But when I heard you were being sent off alone, I got worried about you and thought about coming along even before they suggested it. So…does that count?”

“Depends, been staring at my ass as we’ve been walking?” Lightning asked with a smirk. Terra’s face went red.

“W-What? No, I mean, that’s…” she sputtered for words, and Lightning’s amusement grew. She had been joking, but the reaction was surprising and funny for her.

“Liked what you’ve seen?” she asked, lowering her voice. Terra covered her face and lowered her head. Lightning thought for a moment. Her memories of Vanille and Fang had first been sparked when she resorted to masturbating to try and curb the edge of her lusts, it hadn’t worked when those memories got her more worked up than any latent desire. And she had gotten tired of her hands doing the work…maybe Terra could use a bit of help remembering like she had needed.

“Hey,” she said, walking back up to Terra. She reached up to cup her chin and raised her face. She was pretty, Lightning noticed now that she took the time to really look. Her eyes were gorgeous. “Anyone from your world in particular you remember?”

“Um…no, not really,” Terra stammered. “I think, someone maybe, a woman, but I don’t know who.”

“I see..well if you want, I can help out with that,” Lightning said, ducking her face closer. Terra looked up at her in wonderment, and she decided to move in for the kill. “Allow me to job your memory.”

Lightning pulled Terra’s face up as she lowered her head more and kissed her. She felt Terra inhale sharply through her nose, and watched her eyes grow lidded. Lightning drew back and let go of her face. It took Terra a moment to come to her senses, blinking rapidly. She looked up at Lightning and slowly raised a hand to touch her lips.

“…I’m a lesbian,” she whispered meekly. Lightning couldn’t help herself from smirking again.

“Good, was making sure,” she replied, kissing her again. She was gentler this time, allowing herself to enjoy it. Soon Terra’s lips begin to move against hers, and she felt a hand come up to grasp her shoulder blade. Terra broke the kiss, panting.


“Ca ll me Light,” Lightning interrupted.

“Light, can we…I mean…”

“Yes we can,” she insisted, grabbing Terra’s waist and pulling her flush against her. Terra’s white leotard molded against her Guardian Corps uniform, Lightning’s hand keeping her there as she kissed her way down Terra’s face to her neck. Terra’s head rolled back, and Lightning used her free hand to push aside her blue cloak to bare her shoulder. Terra’s hands were grasping at her back, her mewls filling the air.

“Light…” she moaned.

“Don’t take much to get you worked up huh?” Lightning snickered. She remembered Vanille had been the same. She pulled away from Terra, casually pushing aside the other shoulder of her cloak. “Get that off,” she ordered. Terra nervously looked down at her arms to remove them from the sleeves, leaving the blue garment to fall to the ground. The girl was now clad in only her leotard and a blue skirt tied around her waist. Lightning lowered a hand, and a quick tug of a tie left that falling to the ground too. Clutching her arms to herself, Terra lowered her head.

“Don’t get all meek on me now,” Lightning said, pulling her back up to face her again. She looked behind her and walked the short distance to the keep wall behind her, turning her back to it. “Get over here.” Terra slowly stepped towards her, and Lightning leaned in to her ear. “Undress me.” She whispered. Terra stared at her, shocked, as the soldier leaned back against the wall and folded her arms behind her head, leaving her body angled into open.

“O-okay,” Terra said nervously. She slowly reached to the large buckle around Lightning’s body and unbuckled it, the brown leather hanging out in the air. Terra’s fingers made work of the three smaller buckles, leaving the white coat to fall open to reveal the brown zipped coat Lightning wore underneath. Lightning lowered her arms to let the coat fall to the ground, and looked at Terra expectantly. Terra licked her dry lips and took hold of the zipper, dragging it slowly, then faster, down Lightning’s body. When it reached the bottom just above Lightning’s midriff, Terra unclasped it and the brown coat too fell open, revealing a lacy black bra. Terra gaped at the sight, and Lightning wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her closer.

“Like what we see?” she repeated mischievously. Blue eyes scanned down  her body and then raised back to her face.

“No…not enough yet,” she replied. Lightning chuckled. Whatever type of person Terra’s memories concealed from the girl now, she was waking up and getting more confident. She liked that. Lightning shrugged her coat to the ground as well, clad only in her bra and skirt now. The hang around Terra’s waist moved lower to cup her ass, her leotard only covering part of it and her fingers working under the white material to get to the rest.

“Let’s see what you’ve been hiding here,” Lightning whispered, dipping a finger into Terra’s cleavage. Terra reached up to her shoulders to pull her arms through the straps, and Lightning used her hand to pull the fabric down over her breasts. Terra’s breasts were small, smaller than Vanille and Fang, with small, pert nipples. She traced a finger over them and leaned her head in to kiss one. Terra moaned sharply, and Lightning moved to kiss its twin, taking an extra moment to suckle it. She continued to push the leotard down Terra’s body, revealing her midriff, and used her hand on Terra’s backside to push it down her legs, Terra stepping out of them to be bare nude in Lightning’s arms.

Lightning’s fingers brushed Terra’s opening, and her eyes shot open with a gasp. Lightning pulled Terra’s head down into a kiss, swallowing her moans as she dipped a finger into her, then another. Terra bucked into Lightning’s hand as she began pumping her, driving in deeper with each thrust until the palm of her hand was rubbing Terra’s clit. Groaning into Lightning’s mouth, Terra grabbed her face with both hands, running her tongue along Lightning’s lips. The soldier opened her mouth to accept her, entwining her tongue around the girl’s and draw it in.

Lightning’s fingers pumped faster and harder, her fingers coated with Terra’s fluids. Her breathing was getting faster, her legs struggling to hold her up. Lightning’s other hand grabbed her backside, holding her up and pulling her body into the thrusts. Lightning opened her eyes to see Terra’s stretched tight in an expression of pure pleasure, her eyes clenched and her bangs plastered to her forehead with sweat. Light tore away from her mouth and dived at her breasts, running her tongue along her flesh and gently taking her nipple between her teeth. Terra’s head dropped forward, her eyes briefly opening to watch Lightning kissing her breasts, her hands clenching at her back. The fingers fucking her pumped more forcefully, winding the coil in her depths tighter and tighter.

Unable to take anymore, Terra threw back her head and screamed as she came onto Lightning’s hand, arcing her back to push her breasts into Lightning’s mouth. Lightning pushed her fingers in all the way and used her thumb to rub her clit, drawing out her orgasm. The tension left Terra’s body and she collapsed into Lightning’s arms, her head falling on her shoulder. Lightning smiled as Terra held onto her, her legs weak, and listened to the girl’s gasps and pants, pulling out her fingers and gently massaging her entrance.

“L…L-Light…” Terra whispered, raising her head. “T-That was…I…” Lightning locked eyes with her and pulled up her hand, Terra’s juices coating her fingers. She opened her mouth and slipped one of her fingers in, closing her lips around it and pulling it out, drawing out her moan as she tasted the girl in her arms. She popped it out and held her hand out, offering Terra the other finger. She repeated Lightning’s actions, their gaze never breaking.

“You taste good,” Lightning chuckled softly. Terra licked her lips and kissed her, the taste of both their mouths mingling with her cum.

“N-Now I do it for you, right?” Terra asked nervously. The soldier smirked.

“I’ve got a better idea,” she replied. She reached to her waist and swiftly unzipped her skirt, pushing it and her panties down her legs. Turning, Lightning lowered Terra to the ground, leaning over her, and pressed her thigh up against Terra’s slit, her own rubbing on Terra’s leg.

“Done this before?” Lightning asked mischievously.

“I don’t remember….I think,” Terra replied.

“Not remembering yet?” Lightning gave her a quick kiss. “Then I obviously haven’t done enough.” She rocked her hips, grinding her clit against Terra’s leg and her thigh into Terra’s slit. Terra gasped. Lightning did it again, and the half-Esper moaned. The more experienced woman set a quick pace, grinding and rubbing them against each other, the naïve girl below her helpless. Terra’s small breasts bounced slightly, the fabric of Lightning’s bra straining to contain her larger mounds as they swayed back and forth. Terra threw her arms around Lightning’s back and held onto her, their breasts rubbing against each other as Lightning fucked her.

Lightning braced her arms on the ground, her own pleasure building. She had gone far too long without this, she realized, she missed this. Her clit rubbed on Terra’s leg as her thigh rubbed Terra’s back, creating the most delicious friction. Vague memories of Fang and Vanille surfaced and spurred her on, determined to create memories for the girl writhing beneath her as lovely as the ones she had regained. Her thrusts began to lose power as she began to succumb to the pleasure she was creating, and before she could react, Terra rolled her over and was on top of her, the friction ceasing.

“I’ve got a better idea,” she whispered, her eyes hooded. Lightning licked her lips, the sight of her lover taking charge arousing her even more. Terra looked over her shoulder and turned around, swinging her knee around Lightning’s head until her moist pussy was positioned in front of her face. Lightning let out a long moan as she felt Terra’s tongue lap at her core, and tilted her head up to return the favor. Her tongue dove in, savoring the taste a minute ago she had sampled from her fingers. She felt Terra began to pump one of her fingers into her to work with her tongue.

“I like the way this girl thinks,” Lightning thought she got eaten. She hadn’t done this before, she had watched Fang and Vanille do it but why in the Maker’s name hadn’t she taken part? Unwilling to lose dominance entirely, Lightning began to thrust her tongue in and out of Terra’s pussy, using her tongue to fuck her and she had with her fingers. Terra wasn’t letting on her end either, adding a second finger to pump into the soldier beneath her as her tongue played with her clit. Lightning felt her body begin to tense, her long-withheld release approaching. Stopping her ministrations Lightning lay her head back on the ground and basked in the pleasure Terra was giving her, waiting for her to drive her over the edge.

Terra added a third finger to her pumping, her fingers and tongue continued to work her over, driving her pleasure higher. Then to her shock, Lightning felt Terra’s other hand began to creep up the crack of her rear, and with a forceful thrust of her fingers, the Esper girl forcefully slid her finger along Lightning’s asshole. The soldier came with a load cry, bucking into Terra’s face and slammed her hands into the ground around her, arcing into the air even with Terra atop of her. With a growl, Lightning sat up, grabbed Terra and pulled her back, flipping her onto her back on top of her. Before Terra could react, Lightning’s fingers were pounding into her while her other hand massaged her breasts and the woman’s tongue was in her mouth again. The triple assault quickly wore down what little resistance she had left and once again Terra found herself cumming on Lightning’s fingers, her moan of completion filling their mouths.

The two warriors fell back onto the ground, Terra rolling off of Lightning to lay beside her. Panting, Lightning licked her lips. The satisfaction her body had been craving for so long since coming to this world had been found. She turned her head to look at Terra and pulled her back on top of her, pressing short, gentle kisses to the edges of her mouth. Terra opened her eyes.


“Hm?” Lightning asked, not recognizing the world.

“The woman, from my world,” Terra said. “I think…yes. Her name was Celes. We fought together…” Lightning smiled. “And…I don’t remember much else,” Terra finished.

“Glad I could help,” she replied. “She’s a lucky woman.”

“Thank you,” Terra whispered, kissing her and laying her head on Lightning’s shoulder. The older woman brushed a couple of sweat-coated bangs from Terra’s forehead, finally catching her breath.

“We should keep moving,” Terra said after a few moments.

“Yeah,” Lightning agreed. The two stood up, and silently moved to gather their clothes, Lightning pulled on her uniform as Terra stepped into her leotard and pulled it up. “Hey,” Lightning called as she zipped up her skirt. “Any time you need another memory jog, just ask.”

“Heh…thanks, Light,” Terra said sheepishly as she pulled her cloak over her shoulders.

“So, if we keep going are you going to be wimping out on me over Manikins again?”

“I’ll try not to,” Terra nodded. “Can you do me a favor? Don’t tell Vaan, if he does like me, I don’t want to disappoint him.”

“Oh, you go both ways?” Lightning snickered. Terra glared slightly. “Tch, fine. Would have been funny to see his face though.” Dressed, Lightning looked over at Terra with a small smile as she approached.

“Do we tell Jecht?”

“Nah, we’ll just kick his ass.”