Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ On a Length of Chain ❯ On a Length of Chain ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
On a Length of Chain and the somewhat general storyline of On a Length of Chain would happen to be copyright Orin Drake--but nothing else is!  Characters and a good deal of the backstory are owned by Square-Enix... lucky bastards.  "The eye thing" (Advent Children-related) and the inspiration of this particular scenario are all the fault of the far too talented Miss Kalloway (find you the Lemonade Cafe, says I--find it and be at peace).
        Background: All I wanted was a slightly kinky collar and leash scenario with Cloud and Denzel... and it lead into this.  Woe is me, obviously.  Apparently they are much more comfortable with each other than they were last time... and it looks like I'm getting a little bit back to "the darker side" again, so that makes me happy.  Although, really, if you're familiar with this kind of thing... then you're going to see the love and trust shining through the cracks.  And if you're not familiar, then... this is gonna scare the hell out of you.  Enjoy it.

On a Length of Chain
by Orin Drake

        It was no longer such a rarity to see him smile.  Oh, it was far from as constant and all-consuming as Zack's brilliant expression... but it was there, just the same.  A sparkle in his eyes, the occasional twitch of the corners of his mouth... and every so often, at least once in a day, a real and genuine smile.
        That was exactly the kind of expression he was wearing when he knocked quietly at Denzel's bedroom door.  Just having arrived back, late at night, from an extremely long drive... it was nice to know he could stop in and say hello.  Especially without Tifa threatening to kill him.
        "You're my friend, Cloud."  She'd said the morning after discovering him and Denzel in bed together.  "But he's fifteen... and if you hurt him, I'll have to break your arms."
        The blonde had nodded in understanding, both amused and convinced she was not lying in the least despite a half-hidden smile on her lips.  More words had been unnecessary; after all, she'd been inside his head at one point.  She... knew, enough.  There was no more safe or protected place than Cloud's heart, and she need not worry about Denzel or his part in it.
        As for Marlene... she was still somewhat young and not taking much notice of the boys yet.  That did not mean that she wasn't far too smart for her own good, though; she'd made a very vocal request to move down the hall and into Cloud's room.  When Tifa asked her why she would even think of such a thing, the girl had replied, "Because Cloud never sleeps there anyway.  And the walls are too thin in my room."
        Smiling just a little bit wider, he knocked again.  The youth insisted constantly that he be greeted whenever the warrior returned home from a delivery, regardless of what time it was or what he may be doing.  "Even sleeping."  The teen had stated specifically with that too-serious near-pout of his.
        Cloud heard a shift from inside, then bedsprings.  The youth had probably fallen asleep waiting for him... there was a mild pang of guilt, knowing that if he hadn't stopped off to purchase what rested in the small box hidden behind his back, he'd have made it home hours ago.  It had been... important, however.  Both to select the perfect one, and to make sure that he'd purchased it from a merchant who didn't know who he was.  It was for the quality of the surprise... and not to complicate matters for Denzel nor himself.
        As footsteps padded quickly to the door, the blonde took a moment to ponder just who might know for sure.  There was Tifa, of course.  Marlene certainly knew enough.  Vincent had given him "looks", but then the man was always doing that to people.  Yuffie was stunningly oblivious; not a trait he thought he'd even learn to appreciate in her.  Since Barret hadn't yelled at him yet, he could only assume the man didn't have any idea.  And Cid yelled at everyone, so there was no telling.
        Such pondering was forgotten as the door opened, Denzel over-zealously pulling him inside and closing the door immediately.  Even after months together, their greeting kisses were timid, questioning--though only at first.  Cloud was not going to allow it to escalate quite so soon; he had purpose.
        The boy let a curious mumble through when he was pressed back just enough to break contact with the other's lips--and then he noticed a flat, square box in Cloud's hand.  It was pure black, unmarked, betraying nothing of where it had come from or what might be in it.  His very wakeful eyes looked on with interest.
        The blonde smiled at that, glad for Denzel's silent questions.  "I thought..." he considered his words carefully, "I would get you a present."
        "You brought something for me?" the teenager couldn't help a nearly childish, excited tone. You brought me something you didn't want the others to know about?  The very thought, it was... touching...  He dared not even to reach for the gift at first, waiting until it was pressed into his hands to allow himself to grasp at the box.  During birthdays and holidays, he was known for making piles of fine shreds out of wrappings and containers... but this one was different.  True, there was no paper around it, but the simplicity and the secret held within was more exciting.
        Cloud watched, stone-still.  He didn't want to show Denzel how nervous he really was about giving such a gift; it was a very new experience for him, something he'd never given serious thought to let alone talked about... but he didn't feel that he had reason to worry.  At least, he hadn't until that moment when the lid was being lifted, when his breath caught and he couldn't quite find his ability to swallow.
        Lain in a nest of downy cotton was a most unexpected surprise for the youth: a collar.  Not a necklace, not a choker... but what could only ever be and most certainly was a black leather collar, adorned only with a silver buckle and a very small silver D-ring in the center of the band.
        He wasn't sure what his initial reaction should have been.  Anyone else in his position would have likely felt offended, upset, sending Cloud away with a hailstorm of curses... but as he lightly reached forward to run just his fingertips along the smooth leather, he felt nothing more than a rush of pure, warm, insanely powerful... appreciation come over him.  "This is for me?"
        The warrior was nearly surprised to hear anticipation in the boy's voice--though he was unbelievably happy for it.  He had pondered the gift for the entire week before, wondering how it would be taken but increasingly certain of the teen's tastes and unspoken desires.  There was still a timidness in him, still unbelieving that this beautiful, smart and increasingly strong teenager would choose to continue to be with him.  Especially after receiving such a gift.  His words were quiet, bordering on unsure--he had to know.  "Would you like me to help you put it on?"
        "Please."  His voice barely a whisper, Denzel was learning quickly that foreplay could extend well past what he'd assumed previously.
        The invisible clutching hand around the blonde's chest released somewhat.  A nervousness that had begun to flood him finally took its leave, allowing him to grasp the collar and reach around the boy's neck without shaking, without hesitating.  Certain, calm fingers adjusted the buckle's prong before retreating just far enough to take in the effect... something utterly beyond words.
        The youth took a moment to simply experience the new sensation, finding it more odd than anything.  It was not unpleasant, considering what it was and who had given it to him, but it was most definitely foreign-feeling.  There was plenty of slack for breathing, of course, the band made just tight enough to feel the leather against his throat.  It tightened slightly against his pulse with every swallow, every turn of his head, reminding him of its presence.
        "Cloud, can we..?" Denzel heard himself ask, watching the blonde already make his way to the door and turn the lock.
        No sooner had the securing click sounded than the warrior turned and ordered, darkly but gently, "Take off your clothes."
        Biting his lip with the intensity of the sheer thrill sent rolling madly through him, the youth obeyed immediately.  Worn shirt and pajama pants thrown asunder, he stood there without shame, staring into those familiar Mako eyes tinged with desire and playfulness.
        And then the game became impossibly more interesting.  From his left hip pocket, Cloud produced the other purchase he'd made that night, in a pet store along the way to Kalm.
        The youth shivered, his eyes closing against the vision of the shining chain as he fought to control the sounds that threatened to spill too loudly from his lips.  A leash.  Oh but the blonde just kept surprising him...  He didn't even know, had hardly begun to fathom such possibilities...
        Stalking forward silently, purposefully bringing an air of dominance to his motions, the warrior clipped the heavy chain onto the pristine new collar.  The other end securely about his wrist, he stepped back for the second time to admire the vision before him... and the second uncontrollable shiver he'd gotten from Denzel already.
        The blonde was entirely pleased to discover that he'd made the correct choice in terms of presents.  That beautiful body could only be more enhanced by the band of leather he'd placed around the boy's neck.  He allowed himself the memory of Sephiroth's possessiveness for only a moment before pushing it away; the man had always marked him, always called him Mine...  While he had greatly appreciated that, he would make it a point to insist upon Denzel telling him what he wanted, first... in his own way.  Leaning so that his lips ghosted the shell of the boy's ear with every word, he whispered, "Shall we go on?"
        It took a few seconds for the answer to come.  Breathing had to be controlled, an understanding of language itself needed to be pieced back together before an answer was even possible.  "Yes.  Please."
        The too-polite response made Cloud chuckle, something that apparently only caused the youth to be even more hopelessly attractive as he shivered again with a quiet moan.  No more words; he merely tugged once on the chain in the direction of the bed.
        Denzel was nothing if not a remarkably fast learner.  His eyes flashed open at the unfamiliar sensation, but the gist was utterly absolute.  He followed obediently, crawling on the bed and sitting on his folded legs with his knees together as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do so at the end of a leash.
        Only the most rigid of forced self control kept the warrior from attacking the boy then and there.  Little did the teenager know just how perfectly he fit into the role.  Keeping himself focused by a single thread of willpower, Cloud transferred the end of the leash to rest between his teeth; both hands were then used to strip himself of every stitch of clothing as quickly as possible.
        The boy didn't bother to mask the moan as he watched the display, hips bucking slightly by sheer instinct regardless of having nothing immediately to find friction against.  He'd gained the distinct impression that reaching down to stroke himself without permission would certainly be against the rules of this delicious new game... and he was more than willing to discover all the rules before systematically breaking them one by one.
        Leash back in hand, Cloud couldn't help another slow moment to appraise the beauty before him.  It was... a wonder.  Memories flooded him for the dark shadow of an instant--how much had he wanted his great and powerful hero to do just these things to him?  But he'd never been brave enough to ask...  Maybe the general would have granted every request with that elegant, maddening smirk... but he'd never had the courage to bring it up, too timid, too awed and blindly caught in the other man's gravitation.  There had been plenty to be satisfied with, besides.  He wasn't even sure he'd have known how to articulate his desire, back then.
        It served to scare him, making him pause and take his time.  Always, he felt the need to be certain of Denzel's part in their play (he already knew the rest of their togetherness had slid perfectly into place).  He refused to get too rough, to keep going past the point of no return... but the boy had never once given him any indication that he wanted to slow down, much less stop.  Cloud was able to bring him to that edge, to dangle him off the cliff--but always pull him back with comforting arms and soft words.  Mistakes had been made in the past... and a warrior either learned from them, or died.
        Assured by the very hunger in the teenager's eyes, he moved forward and claimed those lips again.  Instead of pushing the youth down, however, he carefully used the leash and the pressure of their mouths meeting to press the boy toward the other side of the bed while Cloud himself laid down.  Quickly getting the picture, Denzel lightly sat atop him, lengths brushing lightly against one another as he moved to position himself comfortably.
        That wasn't quite what the warrior had in mind, however--he tugged at the chain, forcing the younger body flush against him.  Helpless.  Gasping with the undeniably exquisite feel of the leather around his neck and the warmth of the demanding body beneath him, he'd have offered up his soul if he hadn't so willingly handed it over already.  He couldn't help a reflexive buck as a warm hand slowly ran the length of his spine from neck to tailbone, moving over to rest for a moment on his hip.
        And then there was the next great surprise of the night.  It was experimental in nature, playful and testing... but it made Denzel's breath hitch, his entire body stiffen immediately.  Cloud had pulled his hand back from the hip and... and swatted him.
        No, that wasn't the word... spanked him.  Once, sharply.  The very unexpected sound of the palm against his flesh was enough to surprise him, not to mention the mild sting it left.  What was really, really a shock...was how much he liked it.  The stiffness quite suddenly left most of his body, draping over his elder in a shuddering heap.  He could barely find the words, let alone the voice...  "Again..."
        The blonde then became the one to find himself in utter surprise.  He had imagined, sure... and hoped, most certainly...  To have it requested of him... he almost didn't know how to react.  Other than, of course, to comply fervently.  The next strike held much more intention and a great deal more bite--almost making him regret the decision when the boy began mindlessly grinding against him.
        --No.  No, not yet.  As much as Cloud wanted to give in, as much as he was just too close, their game wasn't over.  He had to force himself to lift the hand that held the leash, giving it only one hard tug.
        Denzel nearly hissed in frustration with the order that tug implied--but the possibilities of something even better just around the corner forced him to pull away from the warmth beneath him.  He had lifted one leg to dismount and move to the side, but found himself held firmly in a hover above the body below.  The blonde merely slid up a bit so he could rest in a sitting position against the headboard, leash wrapped so tightly around his hand that his knuckles rested against the collar, allowing the boy not a single inch of leeway.  If the teen wanted more, he would just have to work for it.
        Meeting those exceptionally devious Mako orbs, the youth managed to retain eye contact in a nearly defiant manner.  He had discovered through a number of means that Cloud was very much into plays of power--especially in the sexual realm.  He knew the collar was around his neck, but he didn't have to give in right away.
        The blonde seemed only too glad for his student's insight as a sound akin to a purr left his throat unwittingly.  He used a bit more force the second time, careful not to harm the youth but certain to keep their play ever on the verge of danger.
        That time, Denzel was only glad to allow himself to be moved.  Defiance, he could pull off.  Outright refusal of something he so desperately wanted would have been insane.  He let his head be lowered, opening his mouth in perfect willingness to Cloud's hardness, feeling the heat and the speed of his pulse immediately.  Tongue first, teasing the tip, wetting the head but not lingering; then a hard and slow press of tongue against the underside before he allowed his lips to close around the prize.
        Technique had taken a while for the teenager to hone.  He was a fast learner, to be sure--but it had taken far longer to pick up on the unspoken signals.  Even through their games, Cloud was still far too concerned about granting Denzel's desires to insist upon anything solely for himself, forcing the boy to decode the warrior's moans, cries and body language.  It was a satisfying challenge, really, not so much unlike their practice spars.  Or any battle, really; you spend your time watching, countering until you can go in for the kill.
        The boy had also become a remarkably practiced tease.  On a particular day when Cloud's lessons or critique had seemed too harsh to him, he would use his skills to their very limits.  Listening to the blonde plead (without words, at first... and then, if held long enough, he would get the occasional whispered word upon parted lips) for release was one of the most beautiful things he'd ever heard... and despite the cruelty of the act, he would never tire of the soft, whimpered begging of his teacher.
        Seeing as how the student was currently learning how to fare at the end of a leash, however, he decided to forego some of the cruelty.  Descending quickly, he voraciously took what he could into his mouth and worked his increasingly talented throat.
        Sometimes the mind will focus on strange things as the body rushes toward release... and of all things, Cloud was reminded of Denzel's eyes.  Or, rather, what he was told of Denzel's eyes.  During that last battle, not long enough ago... Tifa had told him that she'd seen Denzel's eyes change.  "He hadSephiroth's eyes."  She'd told him with a shudder, turning away.
        He was glad she hadn't seen the unexpected shiver move through him; a shiver that was anything but unpleasant.  He'd finally come to know that planet-sucking whore Jenova was only using Sephiroth's body, drawing from his memories and strength of will but never once truly puppeteering his soul.  To think that maybe... he was in the Lifestream somewhere... that perhaps Denzel had a small but precious piece within him...  Back then during the conversation with Tifa, he'd had to excuse himself to his room where he chastised himself silently on the verge of tears and thunderous, helpless rage for even entertaining such notions.
        Pulled back to the present by his own choked gasping, it was almost a surprise to find himself in mid-release.  Lucky him; he'd almost missed it by dwelling on the past.  He moaned and panted with a grin, chastising himself instead for almost missing his own orgasm.  That would not do at all.
        Spent and quite literally sucked dry, he gave the chain another pull.  Denzel obeyed instantly, swallowing and licking his lips as he crawled back over the blonde's body and sat carefully on top of him.  The boy was so perfect, and the blonde was entirely grateful--a fact not missed when a hungry, exhausted meeting of lips and teeth and tongue bled naturally into a soft kiss.
        A kiss broken quite by accident when the boy couldn't help but grind against the other body with the slightest touch of unreleased frustration.  It made Cloud chuckle, finding the strength to move quickly; he sat foreword and rolled onto his knees without warning, throwing the younger body off of him.  As Denzel landed on his back with a mild "oof", he was rather pleased to find himself pinned to the mattress and staring up into those familiar, mischievous Mako depths.
        The question, however, made it all the more spectacular.  "Where would you like to cum, Denzel?"
        The gritty, deep, lust-filled tone alone made the boy shudder; but when the question finally sunk in, he found his limbs weakened considerably.  He could barely form a coherent sentence, let alone express himself with the amount of urgency he felt the situation warranted.  "I-in your mouth.  Cloud, please..."
        The blonde grinned at the rushed words.  Well, he hadn't expected the boy to be quite that close to the edge... not that he minded.  If he was so damn apt at being a tease, however... maybe it was time for the teacher to best the student a bit.  A little random fun and whatnot.
        Denzel seemed to sense that he was suddenly in trouble.  The feather-light touches of fingertips against his length only cemented the thought.  He nearly whimpered into the moan wrought from such attentions, not given nearly enough friction, motion, pressure...
        A quick repositioning of his leg and another powerful smack to his ass made him jump.  He expected more of them, anticipated--but got only another slow, almost nonexistent fingertip tracing his hardness.  The touches were so delicate, so unnecessarily gentle... but still there was that danger, that fear that he was in for much more than he understood.  The teasing half-touches were so careful that he could almost feel pain in the tickling rushes up his spine.  He clamped his teeth together and closed his eyes tightly, determined not to give in and beg for more.
        He felt Cloud's hand pull away suddenly, expecting another delicious swat--only to have those same damned teasing fingertips run along the reddening handprint left by the last one.  That was the point of a quiet mewl of frustration.
        "Yes?" came the amused voice from beyond the youth's closed eyes.  "You wanted something?"
        He didn't want to open his eyes for fear the look on the blonde's face would be smug... even though he knew it wouldn't be.  It was a momentary fear in need of a pleasant distraction.  "A-again..."
        A gentle hand stroked the boy's hair, on some level recognizing the concern and wishing nothing more than to soothe it away, to prove it to be of no worry.  Even with the loving motion, Cloud made sure his voice was cold, deep and demanding. Distraction, he could accomplish.  "What was that?"
        That tone by itself made the youth squirm, fear forgotten as he fell back into his role with renewed trust.  "Please, will you..?"
        "Will I what, Denzel?"  The warrior pushed, granting a swift, light press of lips against throat not covered by the collar.
        So he was going to force the words... but all the better.  All the kinkier, certainly.  He bade his eyes to open, blue meeting blue in the dim light.  He schooled his voice into utmost innocence.  "Will you... will you spank me, Cloud?"
        That certainly did it.  All of the warrior's reserve crashed to the ground as he turned the youth with strength and speed that had come without a hint of warning--and then another satisfying swat.
        The boy moaned quietly into the same blankets his fists were grasping hold of for dear life.  He marveled at the control of the blonde; his strength was proven, and yet never once had it been used by accident.  So careful... and even though it stung, even though he could certainly hear and feel those strikes...  "Ha-... harder..."
        There was a pause, that time.  "Are you sure?" concern bled into where a playful viciousness had once been.
        "Yes."  Denzel answered quickly, finally having presence of mind to grind himself against the bed in earnest.
        Another short pause--but a decision had been made.  Well, there was plenty of materia around.  That, and regardless of how much the youth begged, Cloud would never go that far.  It was unbelievably erotic to have a boy in a collar, on a length of chain, begging to be spanked... but it was not worth the sort of pain that didn't go away with materia.  He obliged the request, pushing the youth just a little further by swatting in rapid succession three times before the next pause.
        The teen cried out, nearly giving up any attempt at keeping quiet.  That had been unexpected, the rapid-fire not allowing for him to adjust between them... maybe bordering on a little too much, but then... he liked his boundaries expanded.
        The panting, the quivering--all tell-tale, all known like his own motions.  The blonde granted two more swats to an area left unreddened, then turned the boy again with that same unexpected speed.  He had another request to fulfill, after all.
        The sudden feel of cooler blankets beneath his increasingly warming and quite sensitized flesh as he found himself once more on his back made him choke out a quiet gasp; a sound swallowed by an all too tender kiss as if to assure him that part of their play was over.  He blinked and stared into Cloud's glowing eyes for only long enough to see the loving smirk in them, then the man began to move down until he was nestled just perfectly between the boy's legs, ready to indulge him one last time.
        He was so beautiful there, looking down at the prize before him with those blonde bangs covering all of his eyes except for that brilliant Mako shine... body restful and yet poised at the same time, relaxed but waiting for something wonderful.  Cloud was just so perfect... that the teen couldn't quite let it go.  "Shouldn't this be on you?" Denzel pointed to his new collar, unable to stifle an amused grin before those Mako eyes focused on him, completely masked of their thought process.
        The boy just kept surprising him.  The question itself had shocked him only because of its unexpectedness... but, well... since he was offering...  "Would you like that, Denzel?"
        He pondered a simple shout of, "Boy, would I!"  In the end, though... the game wasn't quite over yet.  "I think I would."
        "Well."  The warrior looked down again to hide the expression roaming across his face entirely.  "Maybe next time, then."  And with no pause and no warning, he swallowed Denzel's length in one astoundingly swift motion, leash held taunt in his hand.
        Not having expected that in the least, the boy's orgasm came as a massive surprise.  He lost himself to the intensity of it, moaning and bucking with abandon until he found his body altogether too tired to do so any longer.  He felt the tongue swirling around him, but could muster no more energy to react to it.
        Mere seconds later, Cloud collapsed next to him, drawing the boy into his arms.  They were both panting, trembling with the entire experience... understanding that they'd probably woken half of Edge, but not giving a damn.
        Moments later, after the breath had settled down, delicate fingers reached for the collar's buckle--but the boys' trembling hand over them stopped the process.  Denzel was momentarily too drained to articulate his thoughts, but they seemed received enough.  He instinctively knew that he'd feel a little too naked without the collar.  In fact... he hardly felt the desire to ever take it off.  Unless, of course, it was to temporarily change hands.
        It was a gift.  Thought of and purchased for him.  And yes, its initial use was part of a kinky sex game that may well terrify or even sicken some of the more prudish... but there was more to that collar.  There was not claim so much as... belonging.  Rightfully, peacefully, belonging.  "Thank you."  He whispered.
        A tired chuckle met his words, arms around him tightening slightly.  "I should be the one saying that..."
        Denzel gave a warm sound of contentment, closing his eyes and letting himself rest for a while longer.  Several minutes later, he finally asked what had slowly accumulated in his mind.  "How did you... learn... that?"  To be any more specific would not be doing justice to the question as a whole.
        "Fantasies..." Cloud dismissed gently.
        The answer seemed enough--for a moment.  "Yeah, but... which end of the leash were you fantasizing about?"
        And suddenly it hit him.  Denzel was growing up far too quickly.

        I can admit it: I love how the ending turned out.  Made me laugh, anyway.