Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ On Common Ground ❯ On Common Ground ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

On Common Ground

On Common Ground
Written by: Mikami~
Author's Notes :
This fanfic is a lemon. Definitely not for the kiddies. For 18 and over if you don't know what the true content is. And also if you don't want the characters from Final Fantasy VII, Vincent Valentine and Tifa Lockheart more than intimate, then don't read it. If you like this stuff then please be my guest ! Now on to the fic !
It seemed these talks have been routinely lately. How they both ended up with this routine was totally beyond her. The only conclusion that she could draw up was what they both had in common…..loneliness. But she didn't mind it right now. These times almost made her forget that she was alone in her own world because he was lost in his own world as well.
Randomly he would turn up anywhere and anytime he wanted to. He would appear behind her and she would turn around. The first time she had been startled to see who it was. Now she would turn around calmly and smile. She would mouth his name and welcome him to sit beside her. She would know what would be coming next. A discussion of sorts, they both viewed each other as confidants to one another, to help ease the pain of both their suffering.
These visits became frequent enough for them to know each other more than before. They weren't strangers anymore. Not to each other.
Tifa's feet hit the path as she walked along the interior of Nibelheim. Not long ago she decided to take a walk around. The rest of AVALANCHE was elsewhere and she had been spending most of her time alone. Her story was long as to why she was here now. Tifa sighed as she looked up at the sky, it was a clear day and not a cloud in it.
Even though it was a few months ago her life seemed to be over, it seemed longer than that. A few months ago Cloud had disappeared without a trace and without a word. There was no explanation that could describe the devastation she had felt or the empty void that hit her stomach after Cloud ranted and raved about her. She tried to shut it out of her mind but one way or another it would come back to haunt her. She felt as if she had been living in Aeris' shadow. She desperately chose not to. And Cloud disappeared.
Her loneliness and despair had started to consume her until he had come to her one night and gave her comfort. She was awed now at how his presence felt different from before. Ever since she confided in him, everything seemed lighter. Through these little meetings, both their solitude was understood by the other. Tifa couldn't remember how or when exactly she found some measure of comfort in speaking with him. It just came forth…..and she was happy for it.
Normally Tifa would be on her own and wouldn't be expecting him at any time at all. He would just "appear". It was in a day now as she stared up at the Shinra mansion, it's windows dark. She didn't know what to do and spending days alone have taken a certain toll on her. It seemed now the only company she would truly have was his. And she was in debt to him.
Tifa had been wondering for a few days already why Vincent Valentine's sudden visitation had stopped. She was lonely, curious…….and she missed his company. This was one of the reasons why she was wandering around the reconstructed Nibelheim. She stood a few steps away from the Shinra mansion gate. So many cold memories that still came flooding out of its doors. No….past is past…. Tifa told herself.
With hesitation she opened the gate and headed for the door. She was here to find Vincent and see why he had not stopped by for their usual meetings. Tifa was curious and she didn't want to be alone. That was her reason to come to this place once again. Only to find him if he was here.
The mansion was as dark as always on the interior. The floor made a creaking sound as her boots put one foot in front of the other. If Vincent was here, he would notice her presence right away. Tifa had gotten to explore him the past few months. He was one to watch and observe and would not come out so quickly. So she looked around the place, hoping to catch a glimpse of a red cape.
Two red garnets watched the dark brown haired woman walk cautiously towards the foot of the staircase. By the way her eyes peered around all directions of the room, he knew she remembered the way he observed.
Why was she here ? This concept confused him. It was unusual. Primarily he would seek her out and not the other way around. But then again, it wasn't like he was to do anything he pleased, he had the same right as him to seek him out.
Vincent intended to move from his perch where he could see her but didn't. He continued to watch her as his thoughts danced in his mind. Why was she here ? She seemed to be looking for him. The indications were clear the way she looked around. She had a graceful stride, matching a graceful body. So lovely and delicate. So deadly and true. And one thought out of nowhere came to mind……..Cloud is a fool…….a blind fool…….
He watched her slowly walk up the stairs, unwilling to say his name out loud. Tifa's hand brushed the dusty surfaces of the banisters, hearing a creak every now and then from her walking. Tifa was shocked to see what else she'd been hearing. The fierce pounds of her heartbeat. It was like it wanted to leap out of her chest. What the hell ? This couldn't be right, she talked to Vincent a million times before and nothing felt like this. He had come to her many times and this was just vice versa, it wasn't anything to get jumpy about. That's what her mind was ranting at her about the moment she reached the top of the stairs.
As her mind continued to spew out logics and reasons as to why her heart was pounding loud enough to echo through the halls, her head looked to both directions of left and right. Which way to go ? She chose right.
Tifa arrived at a little intersection and turn right once again. She then came face to face with the stone wall that opened up, leading down a long spiral walkway to the basement and library. Without noticing, she took a deep breath in attempt to loosen the pounding in her chest and pushed.
Vincent watched her push open the wall and disappear as it closed behind her. He decided he'd wait for her until she found that he wasn't there. Vincent never set foot down there anymore. The place was flooded with morbid thoughts and cruel memories. Memories that led freely to pain and suffering that he chose to keep away from.
The former Turk made his way to the other set of rooms opposite to the ones where Tifa had pushed open the wall. He passed the room that contained the safe, to the room beside the darkened entry to where dead plants now lay. The room he entered was dim, the worn curtains allowed slivers of light to pass through in the slightest. Vincent slowly walked in, his thoughts conflicting with one another.
Why was he apprehensive at the fact that she would find him ? There was no danger in her wanting to find him or talk to him. This all seemed so strange. And yet he wanted her to find him. These seemed to be new emotions that surfaced ever since he was awoken by Cloud. Emotions that seemed to be lost and buried under mountains of pain. Why these emotions started to plague him now was beyond his understanding.
Tifa continued up the spiral walkway to push the wall open. Vincent was no where to be found and aside from the already obvious pounding her heart was making, this feeling in her stomach was the fear that she might not be able to find him. She really wanted to see him for some reason she could not name. Tifa….relax….he should be here….why the hell are you so worried ?!!!
The brunette headed for the opposite rooms to where she had been previously searching. This was the only other place besides the basement and the main floor and she had still to search at the main floor.
The room of the safe was empty and so was the miniature plant room, littered with dried leaves and vines. Then she spotted a glimpse of a red cape through the crack of an opened door. Her heart seemed to echo through her ears as her mind asked her over and over again, What am I doing here ? I'm here to talk to him right ? Just to talk……
Tifa pushed the door open slowly and was surprised it didn't creak. Vincent's back was exposed to her and he was facing the curtain-covered window. Before she knew what she was doing, without taking her eyes off his back, she gripped the doorknob behind her and silently closed the door.
" Vincent ?" she called, taking a step closer.
Her voice sent an unfamiliar shiver down his spine. Vincent's eyes had been closed the moment he heard her coming down the hallway and shutting the door. Now his eyes were open and he turned around." What are you doing here ?" his voice was low but his eyes refused to meet hers. Uncertain if he wanted to see her eyes……innocent eyes…..pure eyes.
" I…..I just wanted to see if you were alright……I mean, you haven't been coming around and…..I…..well….." Tifa stammered to find words as to why she was really here. She remembered she had a reason in mind but all of a sudden she forgot when she had seen him.
What was this he was hearing ? Concern ? It would be wrong of him to expect that from her. Vincent wanted to turn back around. It was starting to bother him.
"Vincent ?" Tifa wanted to find out why she really was here. She stepped closer to him, wondering why there was more silence between them then before. Usually they would just both start their quiet conversation. Just a strike of one's voice led the other to know that they wanted to talk. Now this seemed to be a different time.
Vincent felt himself rooted to the ground. He willed himself to turn away but couldn't as she continued her graceful stride toward where he was standing. You shouldn't be here…….why are you here ?
The feeling that was festering in her stomach ever since she entered the mansion was brought to her full attention when she reached the spot directly in front of him. She couldn't tell what was happening now. The balking part of her mind was a mess. There was something else in Vincent's usual emotionless features. She couldn't place what it was. Fear ?
She was so lonely, Tifa couldn't help but feel it surge through her being. She didn't want it anymore." I don't want to be alone." She whispered, her ruby eyes touching his garnet ones." Vincent please……"
Something hit him in the stomach. The sound of her pleading clear to his ears. It was a phrase he knew all too well. Long ago he stopped saying that phrase because he had given up and he had nothing. And now the same phrase was spoken to him.
Vincent stared at her with the same indifferent stare, Tifa couldn't read his thoughts. He kept them so well concealed. Fear lurked within her that maybe she shouldn't have come at all. Tifa started to shift in her position in front of him. His gaze wasn't intimidating, it was unreadable and that made her fear. She didn't know what she was thinking. So she looked down instead of looking at his eyes.
He made no move to touch her. No hand of comfort, no word of reassurance, and no smile……..just his silent and enigmatic stare. Something was awakening within him. Something he thought had died so long ago. Vincent was sure it was dead and all that was left was an empty and lifeless shell with consciousness for a curse. There was no salvation for him, salvation was a word that he did no know of.
And so his eyes were fixed on her, trying to figure out why she stood here in front of him in such a way. He looked at her shoulders. Once from their proud stance, they now seemed to drop. Her eyes weren't looking into his, the chocolate strands of her hair covered that part of her face. Something shiny, liquid diamonds slowly started to fall from her concealed rubies. Loneliness……need…..suffering…….
" Vincent……" Tifa's whisper became weak. Please don't push me away…….I….need….you….. Her arms pulled themselves around her as she gave a shiver.
He saw her pain, he shared it and memories hitting him hard. Vincent's arms slowly came up and encircled around Tifa. He pulled her close, her body was shaking. Vincent felt how frail the barrier of her feelings were. Years of keeping her pain bottled up had taken it's long toll on her already. He closed his eyes as her soft hair touched his chin and the feeling of her arms circle around him. Tifa held him tightly, never wanting him to leave her alone or they'd both fall into darkness.
Her scent was so sweet. The sweet smell of jasmine denoting innocence sifted through his nostrils. Her presence was intoxicating. It was like she rose through his stomach and up his throat and slowly starting to hit his mind. Apart of him wanted to let go of her for fear but the other half felt compassion. He couldn't do that to her. He seemed to……….too much…….and it was killing him.
Vincent's eyes remained closed, his arms hugging her tightly and his mind wandering back to why he had not been seeing her. Vincent was afraid. He was afraid at what he might be feeling. At first he was in denial then the stage of fear came. They've been talking quite frequently in the past. She would talk and he would listen to her, to every word she said. Suddenly he would fall into a trance. The movement of her lips would become slow to his eyes and each and every gesture that she made would also be slowed. Each smile would be imprinted in his mind, memorized and leading this vision to invade his thoughts and dreams.
And he looked at her now, so unknowing of the silent power she held over him. So innocent and unknowing. As much as it plagued him, her couldn't let her innocence be taken away because of him, a demon, a thing. Vincent felt her grasp him tighter, burying her face below his chin and in the folding of his clothes. He stroked her hair. It was so soft, it ran like silk between his gloved fingers. But then he looked at his other hand, his left. The long metal claw he'd been given for an arm shined even in the dim room against her hair. He looked away from it, not wanting it's reminder.
That's why he denied this blossoming feeling within himself.
Tifa's tears left their damp droplet prints on part of Vincent's cloak. He wasn't running away and he wasn't fleeing her touch. This calmed a peculiar part of her. She lifted her head slightly, knowing that it was directly under his chin. Tifa's nose ever so softly tracing it's way up the front of his neck and tilting upward to trace the under of his chin.
Vincent's eyes shot open. Just as her touch had swept it's way up his neck, a shiver ran down his spine. It was unexplainable at how a simple thing can already have an impact on him. Vincent's breath didn't come out in slow deep strides any longer, more like short, quiet and apprehensive. His stare burned the wall, a wisp of warm breath suddenly tickling his neck, her lips parting. A soft touch, her lips began to move across his flesh. They parted sensually and gave him one after the other but so slow and torturous.
Soon she was burning him. With her eyes closed, Tifa's hands shifted from around his waist and crawled up his stomach, towards his chest. Vincent felt like his skeleton was going to jump out like a vengeful monster and the only thing that was keeping it in was his skin. The wildest fantasy could not replace this. The choices of yes and no were pulling him in two separate directions.
With all his willpower, Vincent took a deep breath and found it in himself to lift his own arms and grasp her. He pulled her away from him, forcing himself to look at her face.
It was like being jolted from a trace, Tifa's eyes opened immediately as she stared straight into garnet eyes. The look in them, he seemed frightened. It was a confusion of all sorts. Fear, suffering but they masked something else. Tifa looked harder. Desire, need, yearning. He tried to hide it away. It was too late to do that.
Vincent felt as if all his strength had been summoned up just to push her away." Tifa…..don't." he said, trying to hide the pained hint in his voice. Her touch had brought out his need from its buried place. No……you can't let her… will destroy her…….and perhaps you……. His thoughts told him. ….because you can't have her…….she'll never want you like you want…….
" Don't…" he repeated again, looking sincere.
Tifa only said what registered in her mind. Her mind and heart forcing her will to embrace him and not let go. She wanted to touch him…..gods how she wanted to touch him." Why ?" her voice came out a bit weak and not loud." Vincent."
He tried with all his might to look stern, emotionless and untouchable. His mask was starting to crack just from looking at her face. But he had to, it was the way to get his point across. A point he unconsciously wished he didn't have to put forward.
" Tifa I'm not Cloud." He said, his voice coming out finally. Both his hands grasped her arms, willing her to understand him. Begging her to not torture him like this." I'm not a knight in shining armor, I'm not a hero, I don't fit in a family picnic. I don't stand in the sun or take afternoon strolls in the park Tifa. I don't laugh or make merry."
Vincent's grip seemed to tighten on her as his eyes burned into hers. Like tears were supposed to be there but weren't. His eyes seemed desperate as if he was trying to convince both of them instead of only her." You see this ?" he said, his eyes glancing up a moment to look around." This is what I am and nothing can change. Nothing will ever change." Suddenly, his left hand let go of her arm and he thrusted his metal claw in front of her eyes." THIS is what I am." The metal arm moved it's sharp fingertips in front of her eyes." A lifeless shell of a human that has no path, no life and no essence."
But she didn't want Cloud. Not this time. Cloud was gone, it seemed like forever since he'd been gone. A few tears spilled out of the corners of her eyes, blurring her vision of Vincent through the fingers of his claw. It was true that he wasn't Cloud. He would never be Cloud because he was Vincent. And only Vincent. The lonely dark soul that had drowned in a void of sorrow and torture he could never be saved. And she wanted him.
I'm not Cloud.
Slowly her hand rose up and placed it in his claw. Its hard surface was cold. She squeezed it gently and looked at his face." I know." She replied, reading his thoughts. Tifa didn't want Cloud, she wanted Vincent. Her other hand came up, running along his pale cheek. Her lips suddenly hurt from no contact, she needed him now. Though he tried to deny it, she could see that he needed her.
Vincent looked away and closed his eyes. He couldn't bear this yearning within him. It seemed to come out every time he looked at her. Wasn't it wrong to want someone so bad ? He learned his lesson a long time ago and it was a mistake he wasn't willing to repeat. But then he felt Tifa take a step toward him to close the gap between them. Her hand entwining with the hand of his claw while the other nimble, tracing the features of his face.
They swept over his lips and Vincent opened his eyes. He tried to protest again but fell victim to her warmth and reassurance. This would change everything between them. Nothing would be as it was before and there would be no turning back. An opening to new things. It would be an opening to light and to once again feel the sun like he never experienced before. Tifa could give it all to him.
Her hair now sifted through his gloved fingers once again. So soft, so beautiful. Tifa was different from Lucrecia, who was a memory of his past life but still beautiful. The only difference was Tifa was drawn to him, Lucrecia was not. And that made all the difference. But it would still be wrong to do this to Tifa….wouldn't it ?
Tifa saw doubt play in his eyes. She wanted to take that from him and vanquish it.
" Tifa-" he ventured to make a final protest but was hushed.
Tifa cooed softly, putting her hands on either side of his face. She brought her mouth up to his.
Vincent was stunned at the smooth texture of her lips as well as their warmth. The feeling of a million summer days and summer nights, joy and light surged through him. She was everything that he wasn't, everything that he lacked. And so he couldn't do a thing. He was completely lost in her.
Tifa massaged his lips until she felt his slowly open them. Their pace was slow at first at Vincent's feeling of being unsure. But as her hands moved from his face to trail down his chest, Tifa felt Vincent's lips press forward. It made her shiver, telling her that Vincent was capable of doing anything, unpredictable.
His arms closed themselves around her. The voices of protest calming themselves in his mind and were now being replaced with a feeling telling him that this was right. A feeling that he couldn't put away for the life of him.
Vincent wanted to drink her in, his hands roaming up and down her back but still paced. He suddenly felt a shock of how bold Tifa was, her lips opening his mouth enough for her tongue to run along the rows of his teeth. He felt her body sag into his, pressing forward. Vincent was fully aware of how physically beautiful she was below the neck. Not only did he know it, he felt it.
Tifa's hands ran up his chest again but this time moving to unbutton the clasps that held the red cape place. It loosened off Vincent's shoulders and fell on the floor. He was now able to feel more of the impact her hands were putting on him.
Vincent's tongue met hers as the kiss became harder. Their tongues entwining with each other, tasting each other's essence. He pulled out the tie of her hair, which set it free to fully cascade down her back as a chocolate waterfall just as her fingers pulled off the red bandana he always wore. Vincent's hair flowed freely over his shoulders as the night would coat objects.
Perhaps she was more than a little nervous, in the past thinking that maybe she would be in Cloud's arms. Fate had never prepared her for this someone. Tifa moaned into his mouth, a bit irritated by the clothes that kept her from him. Her hands this time running all the way down to meet the hem of his black shirt and placing themselves under to continue their journey.
Vincent inhaled, his muscles tensing for a moment as her hands brushed the lines of his stomach and up towards his pectorals. Tifa's lips moved from his mouth to spray her butterfly kisses along his neck before looking up at him. Her eyes were hot with desire looking into Vincent. He couldn't believe the awful twisting feeling that pushed against his pants.
She quivered below the waist at the gaze that he gave her but her eyes kept locked to his. Tifa's hands made their way from his back to pulling his shirt off. Vincent's shirt hadn't even completed it's journey to the floor, she kissed him again and never wanting to stop contact. Tongue and lips as a combination together, they found their way to his earlobe. Tifa nibbled on his soft flesh, her hands needing to touch him. Her tongue traced his ear softly, sucking his earlobe for split second. She melded with him, pressing her body into his.
Vincent's eyes were half open, drowning in yearning. He didn't realize how much he wanted her until now. He knew before but kept shutting it off, now it came out full fledged and he couldn't deny it. The running feeling that her hands made, dotted his flesh with chills. Vincent found himself summoning up strength to move beyond the small of her back. His hands moved downward, slowly down her rear and just feeling end of her skirt just below. He cupped her gently, pulling her closer to him.
He responded to her caresses by seeking out her neck. He inhaled her scent again, he couldn't get enough.
Tifa didn't know if he was going slowly on purpose or not. It was too much sweet torture, she willed herself not to whimper in anxiety. Her thighs were becoming warm from the heat of her center. Her lips sought out his again, both their tongues plunging towards each other in search of their pleasure. Tifa let out an uncontrolled sigh as the tips of his fingers found their way into her skirt. Tifa moaned into his ear amorously,"…..Vincent…..I want you…" she gasped when his fingers stroked against her cleft that was still covered by the thin fabric of her undergarments.
Her panties were hot and damp against his fingers, Tifa's lips sucking on his earlobe turning hard every time he rubbed her. The words spoken from her mouth echoed within his head time after time as she grasped him to keep herself from collapsing in a heap on the floor.
They both kicked off their shoes, never breaking their heated kiss. Vincent and Tifa only started to devour each other when he walked her towards the bed. Vincent laid her down, staring at her. She never looked so beautiful.
His eyes never took themselves off of hers, both hands coming up and hooking themselves into her skirt. He paused for a moment, looking at her for some sign of permission. It was in her eyes. Tifa didn't need to say anything, all she wanted was what was happening. Her lips closed the gap between their lips as a confirmation, feeling him inch her skirt down. He threw it to the side and continued roaming.
Tifa's legs drew up, Vincent's waist in between. Tifa suddenly whimpered at the pressure of his body on hers, desiring the cloth of her upper body to be gone. He ran a hand over the swells of her breast, her nipples hardened and visible through the fabric. Tifa swore she saw a shy smile tug at the corners of his mouth. His gaze held affection for her that was no doubt. Vincent moved his hands towards the bottom of her shirt and lifted it slowly over her head.
She was perfect. She wasn't wearing a bra under that shirt of hers which now lay as a pile on the floor with her skirt, their shoes, his shirt and cape. Vincent watched her arch her back like a cat, pleading for him to sooth the burn her flesh had for him. Tifa pressed against his hand as he lowered it towards the valley between her breasts. He trailed wet kisses from her neck down to her nipples." Oh…" she gasped.
Tifa watched him from half closed eyes, his tongue circling around a hardened nipple and cupping his mouth over it taste it. Tifa moaned as he circled the roundness of her breasts while his clawed hand ever so carefully bringing her closer to him. Vincent sucked her nipple until she cried out and did the same to the other. His hair soft and caressing her skin.
Tifa hissed, feeling his kiss drop below her breasts to circle around her navel and towards her lower body. Nervousness crept up through her body, not prepared at what he was about to offer. Her mouth was open, her breathing quickened. Her panties became transparent because of how wet they were becoming. Her legs spread themselves wider when she felt the soft caresses of his breath descend upon her crotch. Tifa was already grabbing fistfuls of sheets, every muscle in her body screaming at her that she might not be able to hold anything back. Her eyes her clamped shut, her breasts heaving up and down and waiting in anticipation.
Vincent ran his fingers through the valley of her breasts, down towards her navel and over her abdomen. He then hooked his fingers in the thin straps of her panties while sucking on the skin of her pelvic bone. The fabric looked like a thin wet rag which was not worried about at the moment. Her dark curls captivated him, his eyes seemed to be swimming in pupil as he saw her legs drift apart so freely. She was begging him, her hips slowly gyrating on the bed hypnotizing him.
Tifa sucked in her breath, feeling his torturing kisses descend below her waist, continuing from where he left off. Vincent's tongue traveled around her inner thighs, hearing her whimper every time he kissed extremely close to her swollen cleft. Tifa arched upwards, inviting him to devour her. With both hands Vincent gripped her thighs and Tifa's eyes shot open when he gave a hard lick up her opening. Vincent worshipped her, delving his tongue into her and sliding the tip up and down. Tifa shrieked loudly and eyes clamped shut, dropping her fistfuls of sheets and fingers sliding into Vincent's hair. Her hips pushed urgently into Vincent's mouth, almost rising from the bed.
Vincent's tongue swept her inner walls, the sounds obvious from her pleasure and the on and off pressure on his head. He sucked her, her nectar sweet until the last shudder left her body when he gradually stopped. She was panting from screaming and half-sobbing, her eyes like slits, peering at him with a pleasured smile. Vincent kissed up her body before meeting her lips in a solid kiss.
Tifa welcomed it whole-heartedly, wrapping her arms so fully around him and tasting herself from the remnants that were in his mouth. Vincent's thumbs drew circles around her nipples while their tongues sparred with each other. He needed to feel her, he wanted to and so his fingers retraced their path down her stomach. They brushed her triangle of dark hair and pushed into her throbbing wet entry.
Wishing the irritating thing away, Tifa's hands tugged at Vincent's pants while trying to keep her sounds under control. Catching the signal, he helped her remove them quickly. The black garment was carelessly thrown on the floor while he caressed her neck with inviting kisses. Suddenly he was overtaken and surprised about Tifa's action to emerge on top. A beautiful mouth grinned at him closely before taking him in another kiss. His hands never left any part of her.
Tifa's fingers were spread open, running down the terrain of flesh that was his chest. Her chocolate hair surrounded him, making everything as sweet as she was. She sprayed kisses along his neck and down to his collarbone. Vincent drew in a sharp breath as her teeth caught his nipple and sucked on it while her hands drew clever little paths on his body. Vincent inhaled a tight breath, feeling her teeth catch him. His hands moved up her shoulder, stroking her hair.
She then rose up, her hair being thrown back and behind her shoulders. The sight mesmerizing him, her gloriousness captivating him completely. Vincent sat up to meet her as she fully straddled his hips. Vincent let out a moan he fought to keep in, feeling her hips grind against his. Both hands were now on her waist while he kissed her deeply. His tongue darting into her mouth with a hunger Vincent himself was surprised with, his arms snaking fully around her waist and pulled her as close to him as he possibly could. He needed her now, he never wanted anything more. Only Tifa. Just then Tifa raised herself slightly, his erect length pressing in between her wet folds. Tifa bit her lip, letting out a prolonged whimper and slowly slid down his member, almost torturously so. Vincent felt like he almost couldn't breathe, his arms tightening around her waist. His eyes were clamped shut, the feeling of himself wedged between her thighs was overwhelming.
He let out a slow groan, mouth close to Tifa's ear. Oh God, her mind screamed. Vincent's breath was warm against her earlobe, his tongue licking it's way up her ear. Tifa's wetness surrounded Vincent, swirling around him and covering him in oblivion. As soon as every inch of him was accommodated in her abyss, Tifa's inner walls clenched tightly. His arms suddenly tightened into a death grip, burying his face into the side of her neck.
Tifa raised herself for the first time. At first it was slow, her being slightly unsure. She inhaled heavily, their wet flesh sliding against each other. Tifa's hissed loudly as with every time her hips lifted from his lap, her strokes became faster. Faster and harder.
Vincent's hips bucked upward, trying to cover the incoherent noises from his mouth that were becoming louder with each slam. He dipped his head in desperation to her generous mounds, cupping a hungry mouth over Tifa's hardened but skin moist nipples. His tongue snaked over it wildly, playing his rocking hips in time with hers.
Again and again, Tifa impaled herself on his swollen shaft. She felt like she was flying, bouncing higher. Tifa's mouth was wide open, her pleasure most obvious from her now loud screams. They echoed through the room and even down the hall. The feeling of explosion creeping closer and closer, the heat intensifying one hundred fold. Tifa threw her head back, arms wound around Vincent's head. She screamed his name. Bouncing higher, she screamed again and again. The orgasm hitting her multiple times like crashing waves against the jagged rocks.
Vincent growled against her skin, her clenching inner muscles driving him insane. He wanted to die, this was heaven, into everything. Vincent abruptly turned around, grabbing Tifa tightly and thrust her under him. Without removing himself from Tifa, Vincent positioned himself above her and drove into her depths with heightened speed. He grunted loudly as Tifa screamed his name, legs around his waist in a death grip.
Tifa's body arched towards his, her breasts rubbing against his chest. Vincent slammed in and out of her wildly and furiously, feeling the euphoric explosion of himself swirl with her. Tifa surrendered to him completely, letting him claim her as he screamed her name.
It was later in the evening when Tifa lay awake. The room was dimly lit from the last rays of the setting sun. The moon was soon to be up. Tifa knew exactly where she was. She lay curled up, head on top of Vincent's bare chest and her hair sprayed about everywhere. Tifa hugged his body to hers tightly, never wanting to let him go. She'd be lost if she were to let him go.
A comfortable little grin played across Tifa's lips as she dreamily traced a finger across Vincent's chest. His breathing was slow and steady in a relaxed rhythm. Tifa lifted her head just slightly to looked up at him. There was something pleasantly different about him. Vincent's mouth was slightly curved into a smile and though his eyes were closed, Tifa could feel his silent joy.
A wonderful lifting feeling surged it's way through her. A completeness filling her to the rim and overflowing. Tifa's kissed his lips fondly, smiling down at him. She could finally be happy. Looking at him she whispered, her lips almost touching his," I love you Vincent."
A wave of sleep crashed over her as she regained her place now in the hollow of Vincent's shoulder. She snuggled up close to him, feeling their naked flesh meld together. With a smile, Tifa closed her eyes.
Seconds after, Vincent's eyes flew open for just a brief moment. He returned her smile. It was fully and complete as he kissed her head. His demons were no more, being able to say anything freely." I love you too." He whispered. Salvation was found after the long hard road.
The End