Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ One in a Million ❯ First Kiss ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: One in a Million

Author: I_nv_u50

Pairings: SquallxZell

Warnings: Shounen ai

Disclaimer: World belongs to Squaresoft, as do the characters, as the story belongs to me.

Zell: That's it? How … peculiar..

Squall: (snorts) Peculiar .. (sniggers)

Zell: (eyes Squall) See what lack of action has done to him?

Chapter Rating: PG13, one kiss … its about time =P

Author's Notes: So so sorry for the delay … first the death, then the server problems … ugh … Anyway, they finally kiss in this one, and I've written the ending, now all they have to do is decide what goes in between. We can probably get back to the "Every Monday" schedule, so you can expect the next chapter this Monday … the 15th I think.. Anyway, all feedback and reviews are welcome ^^

Just a warning, I'm not sure how good I am at kissing scenes, but … ugh, if it's too bad, email me, and complain, k?

Anyway, enjoy ^^

Zell: It's about time …

Squall: (helplessly laughing now)

I_nv_u50: (clouts Squall upside the head) Quit it. Concentrate.

Squall: (ignorers her)

Zell: Whoo!! Snogging!!

When Squall stumbled into his bedroom, he just tumbled onto his bed and lay there, unmoving, his face pressed into the pillow, breathing a little heavily. The difficulty breathing wasn't only because of the blockage to his nose and mouth.

About 10 minutes later, when he had almost perfected the art of breathing through a pillow, someone rapped on his door.

"Go away, Ellone …" he mumbled into the pillow, not really expecting her to hear, and knowing, even if she did, she would ignore him.

Sure enough, the door opened and someone stepped in. He didn't look up and mentally sighed.

"Do you think I should tell you? I suppose I could … but that would mean … Ellone, do you want to know?"

Silence was the only answer he received to the mumbled monologue, and he guessed only a little correctly that the listener had only partly understood him.

Sitting up and turning around in the same motion, his eyes widened.

"Zell…!" The name was a tad short of a gasp, and the silence, which had seemed sympathetic and kind earlier, was now obviously too loud, and awkward.

For Squall, the silence was hinting at something unseen as of that moment, but he had the vague feeling that it wouldn't make itself clear for a while. Ignoring this, he set about trying to find what the ghost emotion was.

For Zell, the silence was overwhelmingly awkward. He hated silences, which was why he was usually talking. But this time, it was up to Squall to break the silence, and he really couldn't do anything about it until Squall spoke.

"Yes Zell?" Squall gave up on the hope that the fleeting answer would present itself.

"I'm sorry."
Squall blinked, the thing forgotten. "What for?"

Zell grinned sheepishly. "I guess I kinda over reacted."

Squall looked away, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, making them twitch a little.

Zell sat down at the foot of the bed. "So…"


"So … what was the shirt for?"

Squall felt his heart speed up and cursed it. "Don't you like it?"

"I love it." Zell reassured him hastily. "But why give it to me?"

A blush stained Squall's cheeks, and he stared down at the blankets, where his hands were clenching and unclenching in frequently.

Zell touched Squall's shoulder in an attempt to coax the answer he genuinely wanted to know out, but Squall tensed up immediately, and visibly, and Zell withdrew his hand quickly.

"What's up, baby?"

"It's … it's nothing … it's … I don't know …"

Zell grinned teasingly. "You don't make a lot of sense, Squall."

Squall lifted his gaze to Zell's shyly. "Zell …"

Zell just stared at him, a little confused by now, but unwilling to move in case Squall didn't tell him the reason. "What's up, kid?"

He repeated.

Squall drew in a deep and shuddering breath, looked down at his hands once more, then leaned forward and up and kissed Zell.

Squall was an inexperienced kisser, so it was a bit clumsy and awkward, but he was trying to decide something, so he didn't pull away yet. Zell, however, was too shocked to move.

Squall's kiss turned eager, sure that the answer was close, so close, and his hands moved to Zell's chest, gripping the loose material there, and he made a noise in his throat, one of pure and raw enjoyment.

Zell seemed to snap out of it when he heard the noise, and irrationally decided to take control of the kiss, wanting to see how Squall could kiss if neither of their mouths were closed, like they were now.

Squall gasped in surprise against Zell's mouth when Zell's mouth opened, and his tongue sought entry into Squall's mouth, and Squall's eyes flew open in shock and pleasure.

Were kisses meant to feel like this?

There was a rush of dizzying sensations scrambling up Squall's mind, and by the time the kiss crossed the boundary of what was typically average and decent for a first kiss, Squall's mind was feverish, and he was completely out of it, depending fully on Zell to decide how far to go.

He couldn't have stopped it if he tried, the sensations were just too mind numbing, and Zell's tongue was doing heavenly things to his mouth.

Zell, when he pulled back, opened his eyes and had to blink a bit to remind him of where he was, and whom he was with. The first thing he saw, however, was a delightfully dazed Squall, whose eyes had neglected to close again, and held a dreamy expression and Zell knew he wasn't seeing anything yet.

"Squall?" whispered Zell, moving back a bit, still having to come to terms with what he just did, reluctant to disturb the expression on Squall's usually neutral face.


Zell resisted the urge to laugh. He had the strangest feeling of déjà vu …

He pressed a chaste kiss to Squall's forehead, and left quietly, still annoyed with himself for kissing a kid like that. Squall was only 15! And by the way the kiss had started, Zell assumed that had been his first kiss.

When Squall recovered enough to move and see again, he stayed sitting on his bed, not sure what had made him kiss Zell in the first place, and not sure whether to be happy or not with the results.

The fact was, he liked Zell. A crush, an infatuation, neither of which he had had before.

Well, not to this extent, at least. Not so he had actually felt the need to kiss one of them.

And that kiss had been different. As it had been his first, he wasn't too experienced with what kisses were supposed to make you feel, but he was sure most kisses didn't make you feel like you were imploding, that your whole being depended on that single point of contact. And that kiss had been just … wow.

"That's right." He mumbled to himself, ignoring the fact that his fingertips were now lightly trailing over his lips. Because, after all, Squall Leonhart didn't fall in love.

But did a crush really signify the full amount of implications there were?

When the rapping came at his door again, it was Quistis, Ellone's best friend, and another almost sister of his.

"Squall? We're going on a picnic tomorrow, everyone invited. You want to come?"
Squall looked away for a second, and Quistis let him think about it, knowing it would take a while.

Even for Squall though, the silence felt unusually long, and she had just about given up on an answer when Squall mumbled something.

"Pardon?" she took an involuntary step forward.

"I said … I'd like to go … if you invite this girl as well…"

Squall dug into his pocket for Rinoa's almost forgotten number, half wanting to see the cheerful girl again.

Quistis allowed a teasingly gentle smirk to pass over her face, and Squall turned stubbornly away, volunteering no information.

"I'll see she gets asked … what's her name?"

"Rinoa…" Squall eyed the floor suspiciously, not trusting himself to eye a Quistis he knew would be smiling in that knowing way.