Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Price for a Memory ❯ Mako and Compromising Positions ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

He wanted to run. He wanted to tell both Zack and the General to stick it and flee. Cloud’s teeth chattered he was so scared.

The other Cadet’s all sniggered at him before rolling up their sleeves and heading to a designated table.

Cold sweat formed on his brow. His guts twisted and turned inside him. Did he ever mention he was terrified of needles? Especially ones the size of his middle finger?!

The quaking blond turned to look at Zack. The raven haired male seemed to be stifling a small laugh.

“What the hell do you find so funny?”

“No no nothing! Its just that I’ve never seen anyone shitting themselves so much before one of these. Gotta get used to it though. For the first two years in here you will be getting a mako injection roughly once a month.”

Cloud paled even more.

“O-one a m-month?”

“Hey, feel sorry for the General….he gets one a week.”


“Yup. If you have such a high tolerance to it as he does they have to administer one at least once a week.”

“Holy hell….I hope that wont be me then.”

“Well….we have to get you through the first one without killing yourself or someone else!”


Before Cloud could protest he found himself being roughly pushed forwards by Zack. Another hand reached out and took hold of his arm slowly guiding him over to a table. His eyes were fixated on Zack. He seemed to be taking great pleasure in watching the tiny blond suffer. Cloud began to speak to who ever was gripping his arm.

“I-I really c-can’t do this!”

“Calm down Cadet. Remember, I’ve got my eye on you.”

Cloud whipped his head round meeting the familiar cold aquamarine stare. His mouth froze shut. He wanted to protest further but felt compelled to fall into the General’s guidance. He jumped up and sat on the table. Still quaking in his boots but feeling slightly calmer. He felt cool liquid being dabbed onto his arm just above a large vein. He flinched knowing what was coming next. He went to look.

“Eyes on me Cadet.”

He watched. Those eyes so cold. So frozen. Devoid of any human emotion. Cloud pondered as his arm was being slapped numerous times to get a vein. He pondered just what the General was really like. Not as a hero. Not as a great General, but as Sephiroth. Those eyes so uncaring, unfriendly, lifeless had deeper depths to them. Depths only a few selected people would ever see in their lifetime.

Sephiroth had no idea what made him take the shivering Cadet under his care. He just felt it was something he had to do. He could see how the boy looked faint just standing at the door. He was convinced he was about to turn tail and run for the hills. A strange rushing feeling, almost like little jolts of electricity shot up and down Sephiroth’s arm as he took hold of the blond’s arm. He felt almost sorry for the boy as he turned round, huge blue eyes terrified, lost and lonely stared back into his. In Cloud’s fear, his eyes shone too brightly. As the silver haired male stared more intently into the blond’s blue orbs he was convinced he saw a faint tinge of mako green swirling in their depths.

“No….he couldn’t be….” He thought to himself.

He was pulled out of his train of thoughts by the small male almost screaming out in pain.

Too entranced by Sephiroth’s eyes. Cloud didn’t see the needle coming close to his raised vein. All he felt was a sudden rush of intense pain as the thickness of the needle plunged its way into his tender flesh. Further it invaded his arm. Thicker and thicker the pain became.

“F-fuck! It hurts!”

“Cadet? Look at me! Eyes on me! Don’t think about it!”

Sephiroth tried. He tried to gain the blond’s attention. He knew how the boy felt. He endured these every week. Even he still found them painful. A sharp intake of air almost pierced the room.

Cloud sucked in a breath as he felt the frozen liquid slowly dispersing into his bloodstream. Quickly it travelled. Traversing his blood stream straight to his brain and every crevice of his lithe body. Another breath was sucked in as the needle was very slowly slid out of his creamy arm. A small trickle of blood was left in its wake.

“There. You did it Cadet. That wasn’t sooooo bad was it?”

Sephiroth attempted to lighten the mood. Nothing. Cloud remained silent. Head tilted backwards. The same as all other males in the room.

Suddenly without warning Cloud roughly collapsed backwards across the length of the table causing a sickening clatter to reverberate throughout the small lab.

Zack on seeing this, left the other Cadet he was with to rush to Cloud’s aid. Sephiroth was standing over the boy lightly slapping the side of his face with a now ungloved hand.

“Cadet? Wake up!”

He had only seen this happen once. It wasn’t that he had seen it. He experienced it. With mako already present in his bloodstream. Pure and untainted. The stuff full of chemical’s ShinRa pumped into its SOLDIER’s could easily react with the mako already present in ones blood stream causing what looked like a stroke followed by a cardiac arrest then death.

“Cloud? Come on man! Wake the hell up!” Zack shouted frantically shaking the trembling blond’s shoulders.

“Fuck! Wake up!”

Sephiroth remained a bit calmer. He reached up and opened one of the blond’s eyes. Striking vivid green stared lifelessly back at him.

“We need him awake now or he could die.”

A short military medic dashed over to the fallen Cadet carrying another syringe filled with a swirling purple liquid. He ripped open Cloud’s polo neck leaving him bare chested. The blond was shivering violently but sweat poured down his face and onto the table. Beads of the salty liquid formed across the expanse of his chest and taught stomach. His limbs thrashed about violently.

“Just like you General. I need you to hold him down. Use your whole body weight if you need to!”

He did as he was told. He literally climbed on top of the boy, pinning him to the table with all his strength. His hands clamping Cloud’s down. His legs intertwined with the blond’s, stopping them from moving.

The syringe came closer and closer to Cloud’s chest. Zack couldn’t look. He had heard about this being done before but hadn’t imagined what it was like. He hated to think about what Cloud was feeling like right now. Lost in dark emptiness. No control over his body. No control over anything. A mindless puppet under mako’s spell. He hated that part of SOLDIER.

Sephiroth watched as the needle pierced the skin on Cloud’s flawless chest right over his heart. A jump start to the system would shock his body into returning to some sort of normality. He winced slightly as the long thin needle was forced further inside the struggling blond. He knew exactly how Cloud would be feeling. Seeing everything but having no power to stop it.

The purple liquid slowly drained from the syringe. Sephiroth could sense it rushing to the boys heart.

“Come on….Cloud!” He shouted.

He looked over at Zack who was currently shooing the other boys out the lab. Turning his attention back to the matter at hand, he let go of Cloud’s hand. Raised his own and roughly punched the blond hard in the chest.

One heaving gasp followed by a barrage of sharp breaths brought Cloud back to the land of the living. His chest heaved uncontrollably under Sephiroth’s weight. Watering eyes opened only to snap shut again. Cloud blinked time and time again. The fuzzy pain would not clear from his line of vision. He could feel someone on top of him. He could feel heat. Feel warmth. Damn he felt warm. Slowly he forced his hazy eyes to open.

Sephiroth refused to move. He would not put Cloud or anyone else in the lab in danger. Mako could do strange things to a person. The most docile man in the world could become a bloodthirsty killing machine within minutes of receiving the injection. Sephiroth stared intently into Clouds hazed eyes as he forced them open. Lusty green eyes stared back into his. He could feel something stirring to life in between him and the blond.

Another side affect of the mako. Lust filled haze. Nothing could satisfy it. Blood couldn’t satisfy it. Sex couldn’t pacify it. Nothing could.

Cloud felt hot. So hot. He wanted to claw away all his skin. Still he stared into the General’s eyes. He felt something stirring inside him. He wanted….he didn’t know what he wanted. He knew he wanted something. It infuriated him. White heat spread through his lower abdomen like wildfire. In between his legs twitched to life. Suddenly, he knew what he wanted.

“Cadet? Can you hear me?”

No response. Only deep, rasping breaths coming from the smaller male pinned below him. He had to end this.

“Cloud is it? Cloud? Can you hear me?”

Cloud was aware of a distorted voice calling out his name but with his blurred vision and tainted mindset he was only thinking about one thing. Raw, carnal pleasure. He didn’t care how he got it. He just craved it. His hips tried to move. They moved of their own accord. Roughly grinding against the body above him.

Sephiroth glanced down as he felt the blond grinding against him. He would be lying if he said he couldn’t feel himself stirring to life at the close personal contact. He had to remain the bigger man.

“CLOUD!” He yelled at the blond.

He raised his fist rapidly swinging it down to crunch against Cloud’s jaw. The blond suddenly stopped his movements and froze to the spot, head tilted awkwardly off to one side, blood dripping from the side of his mouth.

Although he still felt light headed and extremely high, Cloud was able to focus his now clearing vision. He felt the sharp stinging of the punch he had just received. Turning his head he stared at his attacker.


He stared in almost raw fear at the older man, then, on noticing their current position, averted his gaze, a violent flush spreading across his bare chest.

The two were erotically intertwined on top of the table. Cloud’s arms raised above his head. One of Sephiroth’s hands covering both of his. His chest bare and heaving into the General’s semi-bare chest. Legs parted fully with long leather clad legs curled round his. Cloud was also fully aware of his straining self aching against the General’s body.

“Are you ok now Cloud? I’m gonna let you go now ok?”

Cloud nodded slightly still not looking the older sliver haired male in the face. He felt the General’s heavy weight leave him. He immediately felt cold. Slowly he motioned to sit up, instantly regretting it on feeling his heads painful protests.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened to me. I just….I’m sorry sir. I guess I never passed the test?”

“You did Cadet….believe it or not.”

Cloud watched as Sephiroth motioned to Zack.

“Take him to your quarters. He must rest. He will be feeling half dead right now.”

Sephiroth was right. Cloud felt weak. Tired. Worn down. Dizzy. Generally half dead. How on earth that constituted a pass to get into SOLDIER he would never know. Too lost in his own exhausting thoughts, Cloud felt himself being eased off the table and guided to the door. He managed a small smile to the dark haired male before surrendering his senses to darkness.

Zack hauled the young blond up over his shoulder before turning round and thanking the General before gently taking the unconscious Cloud to his new dorm.

Zack and the seven other successful males sat in silence around the small dorm. Zack wanted to stay in the same dorm as the men under his tutelage so to prevent any funny goings on distracting them from their studies. Glowing green eyes all glanced at each other nervously.

Zack kept constant vigil over the fallen blond. Mopping down his sweating brow. Calming him when he went into another mako fit. It pained him to see such a vulnerable looking male reduced to nothing more than a comatose, quivering, shaking mass with no real grip on reality.

Hours passed and darkness filled the winding sterile corridors of the SOLDIER’s barracks. Cloud had been unconscious for almost 10hours. Zack yawned as he looked at the small clock on the wall.

“1am? Dammit. Thank god its Saturday tomorrow. None of us will be fit for drills at this rate.”


Zack looked down to see tired swirling green orbs staring directly into his.

“Hey Spiky. How are you feeling man?”

“Fucking shit.” Cloud grimaced as he sat up.

“What happened to me?”

Zack frowned. “Y-you almost died man. You may already have had natural mako in your body. It reacted with our stuff causing a counter reaction that sent you almost into a cardiac arrest. The medics and the General saved you. I thought you were gonna die man.”

Cloud said nothing. He swung his legs over the side of the small standard issue army bed complete with rough woollen feeling covers. He shivered slightly in disgust at how dirty he felt. Dried in sweat graced his lithe body.

“Hold it! Where are you going?”

“I need to shower.”

His skin crawled. It burned. White heat covered every inch of his body. That feeling was very evident to him. Thousands of tiny bubbles bursting all over his unusually hot but sensitive skin. He felt sick all over. His bones ached. His head swam in what felt like mush.

“Where’s the bathroom? I have to wash Zack.”

Zack said nothing but pointed to the open door ten feet away from Cloud’s small living area.

“Keep the door unlocked.”


“Just do it Cloud.”

Cloud stumbled into the bathroom. He gripped onto the edges of the sink and hauled himself over to the mirror. He didn’t recognise the male infront him. His eyes glowed green. Their usual sparkle was gone and replaced with a cold, deathly stare devoid of life and emotion.

“Just like his….”

Reaching the shower stalls Cloud almost fell into the first one. He stripped down clumsily throwing his trousers and boxers anywhere. He turned the water up as hot as it would go and just stood letting the scorching liquid cascade down his naked body. He though back to the position he was in with the General. He still felt turned on when he thought about their limbs intertwined with each other.

He was pulled from his euphoric daze as his skin began to crawl again. Grabbing the nearest soap bar Cloud vigorously dragged it all over his body. Harder and harder he scrubbed at himself. He could feel millions of little jolts creeping over the expanse of his naked flesh. It felt like millions of ants marching all over him. Ants that he couldn’t shake or rub off. He was getting pissed off now. Screaming, he scratched at his skin leaving small tears as he dragged his nails roughly into its burning surface. Still he clawed at his skin totally unaware of Zack shouting at him to stop.

Zack was just dozing off when he heard the blood curding scream flowing from the bathroom. All the other Cadet’s jumped out their sleep when Cloud screamed. Zack bolted into the bathroom to find Cloud bleeding into the running water. The blond was trying to rid himself of the top layer of his skin. He had never seen a Cadet this bad in his three years of being a part of ShinRa.

“Cloud? Cloud stop it!”

When he was ignored he lost his shit.

“Cloud! Fucking stop it!”

He thundered into the shower and grabbed the shaking blond by the hair and dragged him down onto the slippery bloody floor.

Feeling the water burn his own flesh, he reached up and turned the dial as far as he could with Cloud restricting his movements. Slowly it cooled.

Cloud could feel his body cooling. He opened his eyes to see Zack’s face mere centimetres away from his own.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t stop my skin crawling. I couldn’t.” He cried.

“Shhhhhh, its ok Cloud. We’ve all been there. Its ok. You’ll feel fine tomorrow. Trust me.”

Cloud let the tears fall.

“I-I wanna go home!”

He sobbed loudly a couple of times before burying his head into Zack’s sodden wet chest. His hands gripped tightly onto Zack’s back as if his new friend was his only life line into normality. Loud sobs shook the tiny blond. Zack held him steadfast under the waterfall of the shower.

“Shhhhhh….I’m here for you Cloud. Everything will be fine.”