Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Price for a Memory ❯ Pinned to the Ground ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Tell me Cloud? What did he say to you?”

“To kill….”

“Kill who?”


Sephiroth stared in shock at the youngster standing before him.

Did he really want to kill him? Did someone send him?

Sephiroth knew of a few people who would want to do him in, but he couldn’t fathom why the boy would be sent.

Did people know of his feelings towards the blond? No….how could they. He hasn’t told a soul about his feelings. Hell, he can’t even muster up the courage to tell Cloud himself.

Sephiroth was knocked out of his musings by the sound of a blade being unsheathed.

He glanced down at the shorter male to see him almost materialise a sword almost identical to Zack’s Buster Blade.

“How did he….?”

“You have to die. You have to die so I can live….”

Now Sephiroth was really confused. Who had set the boy up to do this? What did his death have to do with the blond’s survival?


Sephiroth finally caught on to what the blond was on about. Hojo must know about the boy. He must know about his….wing. He must know about his heritage. He must or he wouldn’t be stooping to these new lows.

“Cloud? Cloud! You don’t want to do this!”

Cloud ignored the older, unarmed male. He simply growled through the darkness at the man towering over him and slowly advanced.

“What makes you think you can win Cloud? Who put you up to this?”

“He did. He told me to kill you.”


“So I could live.”

“You don’t make sense Cloud!”

Sephiroth took a step back from the boy to show he was not going to fight any time soon. However, that move didn’t deter the boy as Sephiroth so hoped it would.

Instead, Cloud took another step forwards, holding the monstrous sword with ease.

“Fine. I guess there is no way to reason with you is there?”

Sephiroth was sure he could see the youngster smirk through the darkness. Well, if that was how it was, he would soon wipe the smirk off of Cloud’s pretty young face.

With almost inhuman speed, the blond closed the gap between them. He lunged at the silver haired General with a guttural roar.

Sephiroth, just as quickly sidestepped the raging Cloud and watched quite amused as the blond’s tiny frame stumbled forwards a few paces.

He listened as Cloud growled quietly to himself before throwing the massive blade to the side.

“Slows me down.”

Sephiroth was still convinced that that was not the blond’s voice. His was calm, quiet and soothing. This voice was more hard and gruff.

“Ah shit!” A swift punch to the face threw Sephiroth back into reality.

In the millisecond he wasn’t concentrating, the blond had somehow made it to him to land a punch. A sore one at that.

Sephiroth clutched at his jaw, swiftly cracking and popping it back into place. A small spittle of blood trickled from the corner of his mouth as he snarled at Cloud.

Despite the darkness, Sephiroth could see the boys Aura perfectly. It swirled mako green and blue. However, he could make out a fiery red seeping through it. He had never seen that from the boy before.

“Something’s doing this to him….” Sephiroth thought to himself.

Another fist flew at the General’s face. Catching the swift movements, he raised his right arm to block the impeding assault. The boy’s other fist flew at Sephiroth. That too was blocked.

Glowing aquamarine stared into Cloud’s swirling now deep green orbs.

“Fight this Cloud!”

For a split second, Sephiroth could have swore he saw blue flickering in those depths.

“Fight it!” Sephiroth screamed before grabbing the boy around the waist and throwing him to the ground.

Cloud cursed and swore at the man pinning him to the ground. His body shook with the strength he was using to try and shake the older, larger and heavier male off him.

Sephiroth continued holding the squirming youth to the ground. Both arms pulled tightly to Cloud’s side. Held tightly by his larger hands.

The blond had not given up. He had a mission. He had to accomplish it. Raising his leg slightly. He waited a few seconds before jerking his leg towards the General.

A swift knee to the groin shook the older male off the lithe blond.

Cloud slid out from under Sephiroth and dashed to grab his sword again.

Hands grabbing his ankles, pulled him to the ground. None to gently either.

Sephiroth rolled the youth over and pinned both his arms and legs to the ground.

“Cloud?! I know you’re in there! Fight this!”

Still the lean male struggled to get free.

Sephiroth found himself being called every name under the sun.

Sure he was pissed at the insults, but this was not Cloud. It couldn’t be….

As he looked down, he saw beads of sweat forming and trickling down Cloud’s face and neck. His chest heaved almost painfully under his own pale chest.

Cloud’s eyes glazed. His breathing erratic. His lips parted.

Deep green stared into Sephiroth’s own darkening mako green.

Before he knew what was happening, Sephiroth found himself leaning in towards those full and tender lips.

Before he knew it, he found himself ghosting his own lips over Cloud’s. He couldn’t help it. He just wanted a taste.

Sephiroth half expected Cloud to roar at him and try to kick him off again. However, much to the silver haired males delight….Cloud did not. He simply fell into the kiss.

Slowly, oh so slowly, the kiss deepened. Cloud wrapped his arms around Sephiroth’s shoulders as he ran his tongue along the blond’s bottom lip, demanding access.

Access granted.

Tongues touched cautiously at first. However, rapidly learning to dance erotically with the other.

Sephiroth, still grasping the lithe young male’s hands, steadily raised them above the blond’s head, holding them in place with one of his larger hands.

Breaking away from the kiss for just a second, he whispered in the youth’s ear. “Actually….don’t fight this….”

Leaning back in for another passionate kiss, Sephiroth gained a throaty groan from Cloud, still pinned tightly and securely below him.

He was sure he could feel a set of slim hips bucking up against his….just barely….but, he felt it none the less.

Deciding to be just as much of a tease, never breaking the kiss, Sephiroth just barely ground his hips against Cloud’s.

Another groan escaped the blond’s mouth.

Small but powerful hands slid down the General’s back. He sighed deeply as finger nails raked down his covered back.

Sephiroth’s free hand now sprung into action. Sliding it down Cloud’s face, it trailed down his slim neck, ghosted over his collar bone and slid down onto his still developing chest.

The blond let out a sharp gasp below the General.

That wasn’t a good gasp.

Almost as quickly as the kiss began, Cloud launched the older male off him and clutched at his head, groaning in pain.

Fingers tightened in blond hair. Threatening to pull it out.

Muscles bridled under the pressure.

His chest heaved and heaved, leaving him gasping for air.

“No! Please no! I can’t! Leave!!”

Sephiroth stood back almost rooted to the spot. What the hell was going on? A second ago they were passionately kissing on that very floor….the next second, Sephiroth was standing back almost in fear as Cloud rolled about the floor screaming in pain.

“Someone will hear us….Cloud? Come on….you’re ok.”

Sephiroth crouched down beside the blond, grabbing his shoulders and forcing him to sit up.

Gleaming mako blue eyes stared terrified into his own. Tears flooding from their crystal centre.

“Help me….please….!”

Cloud’s voice sounded his own, although in agony. Sephiroth didn’t like it one bit. He didn’t like the sound of the boy being in pain.

Sephiroth almost jumped out of his skin as Cloud let out a sharp mewl in pain before lurching forwards.

He heard skin rip and tear as blood spurted out from Cloud’s left shoulder.

“No Cloud. Don’t do this! Not now! Not here!”

Black feathers covered in blood fell to the sterile floor below them as Cloud’s alien appendage painstakingly slowly emerged from his shoulder.

Sephiroth could feel the boys pain. His own shoulder ached and throbbed. His own wing threatened to break free. He couldn’t let it. He had to be sane to help Cloud.

Cloud threw himself forwards again in agony and buried his head into the General’s chest. Fingers grasping tightly at Sephiroth’s jacket.

He could feel hot tears soak through the thin shirt under his jacket. He could feel short nails almost piercing the skin on his chest, even through two layers.

“There’s someone down here!”

Sephiroth whipped his head up.

“Shit! Sorry Cloud….we gotta go!”

Pulling the still crying in agony blond tightly into his arms, he placed one arm round his shoulders, the other under his knees, picked him up and held him as close to his body as he could, despite the blood covered wing getting in his way.

Sephiroth searched for his escape.

He spotted the one window in the corner of the lab.

Thundering over to the tiny window, he pulled Cloud tighter as he slid it open.

“I don’t know if we’re gonna fit….”

“Help me….please….Sephiroth….”

Sephiroth decided, fuck it, he would just have to fit. Time was not on his side to ponder. He could sense SOLDIER’s closing in.

Edging out first and stepping onto a narrow ledge, he leaned back in and grabbed the blond.

He shimmied Cloud out, trying not to damage his wing as he did so.

Turning was impossible on this ledge, so was getting Cloud totally out the window without the two of them falling to their deaths.

There was only one thing for it.

Sephiroth braced himself and allowed his body to do what it had wanted to just minutes earlier.

With a sharp cry, his wing burst forth in a flurry of blood and feathers.

“Hold on Cloud.”

“W-where am I? H-how did I g-get here?”

Sephiroth glanced almost saddened at the youth before falling backwards off the tiny ledge.


Hojo stood in the middle of his blood covered lab.

Someone had snuck past his guards. Someone had the balls to sneak into his lab. He knew just who it was.

The fool had forgotten about the surveillance camera’s.

“I will get you soon Sephiroth.”

He watched with amused eyes at the form sneaking up on the General.

“Hmmmm….who could he be? He looks familiar.”

Very amused, he watched as the boy attacked the General. He then smirked as the General embraced the boy. His eyes widened as the boy writhed in agony before a….wing, sprung forth from his shoulder.

“No! It can’t be! He is dead!”