Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Price for a Memory ❯ Make me Yours ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Cloud snapped awake feeling completely disorientated.

Slowly sitting up, he felt like his head was about to burst. Sure, he always felt like this after a mako injection, but never this bad.

Rubbing the sleep from his aching, gritty glowing eyes, Cloud scanned the room.

“Shit! Slept in again!”

Why had Zack not woke him up? Why had none of his other room mates wake him up? Then again, why would they? All of them hated him, with the exception of Zack….

Sliding out of his lumpy, crappy bed, he swept over to his locker just a few feet away. Opening the door, Cloud gasped into the attached mirror.


Whipping his head round, Cloud so no one.

“Ok, no ones there….I’m sure I hear someone shouting on me. But, I’m late….again. No ones about….again….”

Peering back into the mirror to check out his mako drunk state, Cloud gasped at himself again.

“What the hell is this?!”

Cloud glanced warily to each side.

“Ok, chill out Cloud. No one is there. Must be the mako making me hear things.”

Cloud dressed as quickly as humanly possible in his uniform before puling his boots on, grabbing his weapons and materia bag, sheathing his Buster Sword replica and flying out the door.


Hazy aquamarine eyes fluttered open. His head pounded. He felt like his mind was being invaded. In truth, the silver haired General didn’t quite feel himself.

He slowly rolled over in his black silk and satin bed. His appointment with Rufus ShinRa was cancelled last minute. He decided on a slightly longer lie in.


Freezing mid roll, Sephiroth sat bolt upright, glancing around his room. Nothing being amiss, he spun round slightly and made to get out of his bed….backwards?

At least, he tried to.

“Ah dammit! My hairs caught!”

Sephiroth bristled and glanced down to see his hair caught between his knee and the bed.

“Wait! This isn’t my hair! It’s down past my knees!”

Sephiroth growled again. Was someone playing with him? Had some sneak snuck into his room? Who the hell was talking to him?

Catching his reflection in the mirror, Sephiroth gasped inwardly at his appearance.

“Holy fuck! Sephiroth!”

Sephiroth bristled again and grumbled to himself before looking at the clock situated on his bed side table.


Yes, Sephiroth had indeed slept in. Something he had never done in all his years as both a SOLDIER and a general guinea pig for ShinRa. He never meant to sleep in this long, he only wanted an extra thirty minutes after the 5am call from Rufus, not an extra hour and a half.

He couldn’t even concentrate on pulling his boots on. He kept hearing a cocky voice inside his head. Glancing in the mirror, Sephiroth groaned to himself.

“This is fantastic. The great ShinRa General….going grey from stress.”

Finally the boots were buckled successfully, the coat was thrown on, Masamune was sheathed, fingers were ran through thick silver hair before said General flew out the door.


Both Cadet and General were running late. Both stormed down adjacent corridors. Finally the corridor joined as one.


Both men tumbled to the ground in a piled up heap, arms and legs askew, intertwined together.

“Oh my god General! I’m sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going!”

Cloud scrambled off of the silver haired male before offering him his hand to get up.

Sephiroth scoffed at the hand as he helped himself up.

“I’m sorry Sir! It wont happen again!”

Sephiroth said nothing but looked at the blond.

“Ummm, I thought you were away for the day? Not that it’s any of my business.”

“I was, it was cancelled. You’re still training with the other recruits today. I have pressing work to attend to.”

Cloud nodded slightly not even looking into Sephiroth’s piercing eyes. For some reason he felt a strange aura surrounding the older male.

Sephiroth glanced at the blond in front of him. Although he knew him very well through training, fighting and in general through Zack, Sephiroth couldn’t place this strange feeling about the boy of sixteen.

“I feel like I know him from….before….”

Not being able to place the unusual feeling he felt inside about the boy, Sephiroth decided to stop playing statue and actually talk.


Cloud snapped awake from his daze.

“Yes Si….Sephiroth?”

“Be more careful…..however, it’s no biggy!”

With that, Sephiroth turned tail and fled down the corridor, leather coat sweeping like wings behind him.

Cloud watched on, flabbergasted as Sephiroth vanished round a corner.

“He didn’t just say….no biggy….did he?”

The way Sephiroth had spoken to him and even the way he ran seemed different than before. It seemed almost….younger….

A wave of unnerving familiarity swept over the lithe young blond.

“Nah….couldn’t be? Could it?”

Cloud scratched his head. Damn niggling in his brain. He felt like he was going nuts. Shaking his mind away, Cloud carried on towards the training halls.


“Strife! Late again!”

Cloud kept his head low and made his way to the end of the line. Right next to who he didn’t want to stand next to.

“Hey Spiky.”


“He looks so much like Axel.”


“STRIFE?! Late again!”

Cloud saluted the best he could despite his increasing anger.

“Sorry Sir. It wont happen again, Sir!”

“That’s what you say every time you used to be late you useless maggot! You think that being the General’s lap dog gives you special privileges huh?!”

Damn, Cloud hated this Instructor Kale. Hated him with a vengeance. Finally, his uncontrollable inner anger spewed forth.

“No dick head talks to me like that!”

Cloud immediately recoiled, he didn’t mean to say that. Before he could even think up an apology, a fist connected with his jaw.

Cloud fell to the ground clutching at his throbbing jaw, seething mad. After he popped it back into place, he snapped.

“You fuck!”

Cloud sprang up and launched himself at the prick who had the audacity to call him his instructor.

His tiny fist connected with the older males nose. Cloud delighted in hearing the bones crunch and the cartilage pop.

He threw himself at the wounded man, almost mopping the floor with his ass.

Sephiroth watched from afar. He lied when he said he had other duties to attend to. He simply wanted to watch the blond training. He smirked at the antics of his fiery Cadet. He knew Cloud had a hellish temper but nothing like this. Want burned deep within his blood. He couldn’t stand it.

That same sickening sense of familiarity washed over the silver haired male once again.

“No way. He fights the same as….”

Sephiroth had never seen Cloud fight this way. Never before had he seen the boys movements like this.

“I know those fighting moves all to well….but….from where?”

Sephiroth scratched his head a few times. This constant talking in his head was driving him crazy.

Instructor Kale’s pained yell echoing through the training hall, snapped Sephiroth from his mental stupor. He had to intervene or Cloud could easily kill the older male. That, in turn would lead to a prison sentence for said blond, ending up with a possible execution for the pretty young male. Sephiroth certainly did not want that.

By now, all other Cadet’s had formed a tight circle round the duelling males.

Reno’s voice could be heard over all others. Loudly cheering for Cloud to, “Kick that bastard’s ass!”

Sephiroth strode forwards and shoved the other Cadet’s out of his way with little effort. They all toppled like bowling pins.

“Stop right there Strife.”

He had no need to yell. His cool, calm but commanding tone was enough to bring even Rufus ShinRa quivering before him. His eyes too, said it all. Darkened to a deep pulsing emerald.

Cloud froze mid punch, dropping his instructor to the ground before whirling round in a rage to face the General. His best ever fight had been interrupted. He didn’t care if it was by the man he admired the most. His fight had still been disturbed.

Anger bubbled forth. Cloud hadn’t even thought about his reaction before words spilled from his mouth. Almost as if he had not spoken them.

“You want some of this you pompous prick?!”

Jesus! He had not just said that to the General of all people? What on Gaia had possessed him to sputter that verbal abuse?! Now, his balls were about to be severed off!

“Is that so?”

Sephiroth accepted Cloud’s violent and volatile proposal. He clicked his fingers and a heavier version of Cloud’s replica Buster Sword was tossed at said blond.

At first, the drastic change in the swords weight overpowered him. His legs shook under the immense strain. He couldn’t topple over. He was stronger than this!

“If you cannot hold that blade confidently, you have no chance of becoming my equal Cloud.”

Cloud snarled at Sephiroth before holding the sword tightly in front of his body, legs shoulder width apart, right leg thrust far in front.

“I’m ready Seph….Sir!”

Both males hurtled across the hall towards each other. Their swords clashed together with a sickening thud. Sparks danced from the blades as they ground painfully against each other.

Sephiroth’s eyes blazed brightly. Passion burning through the hairs breadth blade of his sword. Lust dripped from his smirk at the blond.

Cloud’s eyes darted between enhanced mako green and burning ice white. He had the sense not to let his wing push through, but it was oh so enticing. To beat Sephiroth in front of everyone in the room? It could be bliss.

“Don’t even think about it Cloud! You cannot shatter his pride!”

Shaking his head, Cloud focussed on the matter at hand.

Sephiroth had no idea why he was so uncontrollably angry. No, now that he thought about it, he wasn’t angry. He was pissed mad. His body burning with unsated sexual frustration.

The two darted away from each other only to circle each other tantalisingly slowly. Like the hunter and his prey. Or, two males fighting for dominance in a pack of animals. The latter seemed more feasible.

Not a single sound echoed through the large hall. None except for the soft footfalls of the two men, and at that, they were hard to hear.

Cloud finally made his move. He flew at the silver haired General with every intent on attacking him with everything he had.

“It wont work! He can see straight through you!”

Smirking, Cloud saw the General move ever so slightly, readying his body to strike. Cloud performed a dodge roll behind the General, swept himself to his feet and swung his sword round in a wide arch, its blunt edge striking Sephiroth across the back of the head.

Sephiroth stumbled forwards two or three paces as he held his hand to his head. The pain already ebbing, any bruising fading away.

He turned round, snarling at the cocky blond Cadet. “Strife! You will pay for that!”

Quicker than the sharpest lighting, Masamune flew through the air, catching Cloud across the chest.

All Cloud felt was air rushing past him before feeling that familiar throbbing stinging pain. Such a small, thin cut, but inexplicably deep at the same time.

Cloud could feel his hot blood slither from the wound. Rubbing his fingers over the sticky crimson substance, he raised his hand and rubbed his thumb and index finger together as if to see the blood was genuine.

“That….fucking well hurts!” Clouds anger bubbled forth as he yelled at the General.

Gasps of shock filled the hall. No one even dared raise an eyebrow at the General, never mind screaming at him.

Sephiroth ran a gloved hand down the length of the sword to rid it of Cloud’s blood. All the while staring into the boy’s turbulent soul. A crackling red aura surrounded the blond. Almost as if his inner power was trying to escape.

Sephiroth decided to push him farther.

“Hmpf. Is that all you got?!”

Cloud gasped inwardly. Where had he heard that before?

Finally, he stood up straight and threw the sword away. It hindered his movements too much. He needed speed for this battle.

He raised his fists to his face and gestured that Sephiroth do the same.

Sephiroth too, discarded his sword before casually sliding his leather coat from his shoulders. Everyone in the room seemed to suck in a breath as Sephiroth’s pale, toned, delicious chest and abs came into full view.

Cloud too, couldn’t help his lecherous stare. In his eyes, Sephiroth was the most beautiful creature he had ever set eyes on, and that pissed him off even more.

Sephiroth stood still, holding no sparring stance. Nothing to give his intended fighting style away.

“Ok Strife. Round two.”

The two males circled each other again and again. Their focus and concentration never faltered.

Cloud’s back began to ache immensely.

“No, please, not here, not now.” He repeated this mantra to himself over and over again in his mind.

He couldn’t use his full strength. He couldn’t risk being found out.

Sephiroth too, winced at the pain seeping through his right shoulder. Unknowingly, the silver haired male was thinking the same thing as the blond.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity to the lookers on, both males ran at each other. Fists were sent flying. Kicks being brutally exchanged right, left and centre. Hardly any one in the hall could keep up with the martial arts experts. Their movements were fluid, precise and flawless.

Despite Cloud’s short stature, he managed to land a sickening punch on the General’s jaw. On contact, a nasty crunch echoed through the hall making many Cadet’s wince.

Sephiroth lurched backwards a few paces clutching at his jaw. That did it. He had had enough. Popping his jaw back into the proper alignment, he roared and sent a fist straight at Cloud’s face.

The fist connected right on Cloud’s eye socket as the blond desperately tried to avoid the attack.

“Fuck!” Cloud yelled out as he plummeted to the floor.

He knew he had been struck in that same spot before. But when, and by whom? Why couldn’t he remember?

Cloud lay sprawled out on the floor panting and shattered. His body was bruised and battered. His eye throbbed. It felt like it was about to pop out it’s socket at any second. He couldn’t believe he had picked a fight with Sephiroth like that. Was he crazy? That wasn’t just any old training session. He had felt Sephiroth’s full strength in that one punch.

Cloud too had fought to almost his best. He had performed moves and techniques he didn’t know he could do. Where had that extra knowledge and power came from?

As Cloud opened his eyes, he found a strong hand being presented to him.

“You did well Cloud. I always knew you would be my equal. As if yesterday’s training wasn’t enough to confirm that, you proved yourself today. I believe you will be a force to be reckoned with in SOLDIER. Maybe even better than me.”

Cloud blushed madly as he took Sephiroth’s hand and was hoisted to his feet, stumbling into Sephiroth’s built chest in the process.

Sephiroth’s hand lingered against Cloud’s a bit longer than it should have, given that they were in a room full of people. Both glanced slightly nervously at each other.

Sephiroth finally stole his hand away and coughed slightly to straighten himself up.

Cloud watched as Sephiroth sheathed his discarded sword, pulled on his leather coat and sauntered out of the training hall.

“As you were Cadet’s!”


A pair of deep brown eyes glared at the antics of both Cloud and Sephiroth.

“Insolent meddlers. The two of you will be mine.”


Sephiroth collapsed against the nearest wall as soon as he left the training hall. He fought to catch his breath.

“Dammit! Cloud fights like an animal. I knew he had a temper but nothing like that….I….feel like I know him from somewhere outside of ShinRa….but, from where? Ugh, I can’t concentrate. My head wont stop throbbing!”

Slowly, the silver haired male composed himself before leaving the safety and support of the wall. Almost drunkenly, he made his way through the winding ShinRa corridors to his quarters.

Back inside the hall, Cloud glanced down at his fisted hand. On opening it, he found a small piece of paper and a black and gold key card.

“Oh my god. Access codes and the key card to his….room….”

Cloud stopped short and stared blankly at the rest of the Cadet’s who, incidentally had stopped talking and were staring at him.

“Idiot! Now you’ll be known as the prat who talks to himself! Good going twat!”

Cloud grinned sheepishly and shook his head to rid his mind of it’s fogginess.

He could feel his injuries healing up. All the bruises had vanished. The throbbing and pulsing on his eye socket had gone completely. Zack was right, he did heal as fast as Sephiroth.

Cloud grabbed his replica Buster Sword, roughly tied his jacket round his waist and made a dash to the door.

“Cadet! Where the fu….”


Something told Cloud that he must see the General tonight. Even though his feelings were mixed, his mind told him to seek Sephiroth out.


That evening, Cloud stood in front of the mirror in the bathrooms staring in distain at his figure. Nothing but a crisp white towel graced his tiny waist.

“I mean, look at me. I’m far too thin. Weedy. Hardly any muscle on my body. Hell, if it wasn’t for the fact my hair has been cut. I would say I look more like a girl who has yet to hit puberty! To make it worse, I have absolutely no backside! It’s non existent!”

However, Cloud forced himself to pull on a pair of loose black jeans which shockingly enough sagged at his backside, and a black short sleeved shirt.

“Hey Spike! Where you off too huh?!”

Cloud whirled round at the sound of Zack’s voice.

“Oh, um, no where really.”

Zack narrowed his deep blue eyes at the stumbling Cloud.

“You’re going to see him aren’t you?”

Cloud lowered his head while muttering an almost silent, “Uh huh.”

Zack crossed his arms over his chest and sighed deeply. He had always thought that Cloud would go for him. Deep down he knew that Cloud and him were well suited. However, perhaps had head blown his only chance with the boy that very first night he almost forced himself on him.

“Well, have a good night.”

“Zack? Are you ok?”

Zack chirped up immediately. “Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be?!”

Fair enough, he was going out to see Aerith tonight, but, couldn’t help but wonder what taking Cloud would be like. Oh well, at this rate, he would never know.

Zack turned tail and headed out the room, not even sparing a second glance at Cloud.

Said blond couldn’t help but feel guilty. Yes, he did have feelings for both males, feelings he couldn’t decide between. With Sephiroth it was the physical attraction, being possessed and dominated. Sheer lust. With Zack, it was friendship, genuine caring and comfort. Almost what felt like love.

Cloud tried his best to push these niggling thoughts from his already fried brain while he pulled his boots on.

“Ok, level 99. Man I hate heights!”

Meanwhile, Sephiroth paced about his room stressed. He pulled at his usually impeccable hair in anger. His head ached beyond belief and he kept hearing what sounded like a mantra saying that Cloud was hot. Not to mention, every time he thought about said blond, his groin would tighten almost painfully.

“Don’t deny yourself. You know you want him, need him, crave him. Don’t deny yourself.”

“Fuck off! He is just a boy! What’s wrong with me?!”

He flopped down on his bed and started twirling his knee length hair between his nimble fingers.

After a while, he caught onto what he was doing and froze. He snatched his hands away from his hair, almost as if the silver strands had burst into flames. He looked in disgust at the small mass of tangled and matted hair that was left in his fingers wake.

“Ugh! Since when do I twirl my hair about like a school girl with a crush?!”

“You are a girl with a crush!”

“Leave me alone!”

“Who are you talking to?”

Sephiroth almost leapt out of his skin when he heard the silky yet laced with nerves voice at his door. Slowly, he plucked up the courage to turn round.

He was greeted by a picture of perfection and beauty standing sheepishly before him.

“Cloud Strife.”

Cloud’s head tilted towards the floor. He stood nervously fiddling with the bottom of his shirt, much like a child would do. He felt terrified just being in his room, even though he had been in it before.

“You wuss!”

Cloud snapped his head up at the sharp yelling in his ear. He looked around to try and locate the source of the voice. It certainly was not Sephiroth. His voice although deep and commanding, laced itself with caring and softness.

“Are you ok Cloud?”

He looked straight at Sephiroth. Their eyes met in the dim light of the room. Gleaming mako aquamarine met naturally and artificially enhanced mako blue green eyes.

“I’m ok. Just a bit of a headache. What did you want me up here for sir?”

“Do you never listen? I have already told you. Behind closed doors….where no one can see us, it’s Sephiroth.”

Cloud shifted nervously again.

“Cloud? Your eyes are so bright. Natural mako is truly a beautiful thing. They sparkle, even in the darkest room.”

“You still have not answered my question Sephiroth.”

The blond watched as Sephiroth stood to his full height of 6’2 and stalk slowly over to his own quaking form.

Sephiroth stopped dead in front of Cloud and stared down at him.

Cloud, at his meagre 5’7 had to literally crane his neck to look Sephiroth directly in the eyes.

“I called you here because….”

Sephiroth was feeling ill. Sure, he had had many men in the past, including Zack on two occasions. He was deemed as a whore throughout ShinRa, though no one would say it to his face. However, since Cloud had came into the picture, he had only slept with Zack that one time. When Sephiroth thought about it, none of his previous conquests were just so. They were just that, notches on his bed post. Sephiroth felt something boil and simmer to the surface even when he glanced at Cloud. He knew he could force himself on the blond if he so desired, but something niggled at him to be tactile and gentle.

“Let him come to you.”

“I called you here because….well, Cloud….damn, I’m no good at this! You see, ever since the entrance exams, I have had my eye on you.”

“I know, you told me that yourself before I was even accepted.”

“It has been driving me mad Cloud. To be around you for all these weeks, to be a hairs breadth away from you and forbidden to touch you in any real way.”

Sephiroth dared to look at Cloud. His eyes were cast to the floor, however, Sephiroth could tell the boy was listening intently.

“When we fought each other both yesterday and today….I knew….that….that….”

Sephiroth tripped and stumbled over his words.

It was ironic that such a thing like falling in love with a mere sixteen year old could defeat the General so easily. Love? Was that what Sephiroth felt?

“You knew that I would be yours.” Cloud said in nothing more than a whisper.

Both locked eyes again. Sephiroth bowed his head deeply, his sliver hair framing his flawless face. He never completed his nod. Simply kept his head cast to the floor.

Before he could open his eyes and move his head, silky soft lips ghosted over his own. The touch was light, but was a kiss nonetheless.

Cloud pulled away swiftly, burning red blush spread across his cheeks and his exposed collar bone.

“I-I’m sorry Sephiroth. I have no idea where that came from!”

Before Cloud could back away, Sephiroth wrapped his arms around his shoulders and pulled the youth into his warm embrace.

Cloud cautiously wrapped his arms around Sephiroth’s waist. He breathed in the silver haired males scent. It was unusual, that familiar earthy mako, but, laced with something else, something almost fruity. He couldn’t place what it was. The scent drew Cloud in harder.

“You are only sixteen Cloud. I am twenty four. I stand at eight years your senior. If we were found out….”

“Nothing would happen. Not if I give myself to you willingly.”

Sephiroth looked down at the blushing Cloud. Had he really agreed to give himself freely? He leaned in and rubbed his cheek off of Cloud’s silky soft hair. He inhaled Cloud’s unusual scent. Natural and artificially enhanced earthy mako, clean washing and….fruit? A fruit he had never smelled before in his life. What could it be?

Something in his head told him he knew this exotic scent.

Soft lips touched his again, with a little more pressure than last time. Sephiroth pushed back into the kiss. Both males pulled the other closer.

Sephiroth ran his tongue along Cloud’s bottom lip, demanding access. Finally, their tongues met, although cautiously at first, slowly began to dance and swirl with each other.

Sephiroth had to fight the pulsing urge to throw the blond across the room, strip him naked and literally, fuck him senseless.

“Knock it off big boy!”

Deeper and closer the kiss became until Sephiroth found himself being edged towards the side of his bed.

“Oh no you don’t boy!” He sniggered through kisses.

He spun the two of them round so the back of Cloud’s knees hit the bed first. Sephiroth was no ones bitch.

Both males tumbled onto Sephiroth’s lavish bed adorned with flowing black silk and satin. Sephiroth landed on top of the lithe young male thus smothering him with his size and stature.

He braced himself of one of his arms, while the other snaked its way up under the blond’s shirt. Sephiroth felt the still developing muscles twitch to life under his skilled touch.

Cloud broke away from the kiss. His head rolled back on the pillows as Sephiroth ran his finger tips over the stomach and torso presented to him.

Cloud craned his head to the side. Never one to miss a beat, Sephiroth dropped his head onto the juncture between Cloud’s neck and shoulder and began biting down on the tanned, supple and succulent flesh.

Cloud wound his arms round Sephiroth’s neck and clung desperately to the silky silver hair. He both cringed in pain and squirmed in pleasure at the pain on his neck.

Hearing the beautiful young blond moaning his name turned the silver haired General on even more than he already was. Still he fought the urge to rip the boys clothes off and ravage him hard and fast.

Slowly but surely, shaking and nervous hands slid down Sephiroth’s back, right to the hem line of his shirt. Gulping thickly, he took the next step and moved them under the thin fabric.

Cloud could feel each ripple of perfect muscle twitching under his virgin touch. Hands slowly rode up the older males back. He was sure he could hear the General groan slightly at his touches.

To confirm his suspicions, Cloud dug his nails into the pale flesh only to grin widely when Sephiroth shuddered and indeed groaned the blond’s name.

Their mouths met again only faster, harder and full of lust.

Fear aside, tongues battled with each other as clothes were torn blindly from each others bodies.

Sephiroth crushed the lithe blond under him as his hands ravaged the slightly tanned body below him again and again.

Cloud forgot about how nervous he was as he buried his hands in Sephiroth’s silky, thick hair. He gasped as long fingers wrapped themselves around his steadily growing length. Throwing his head back once again, he called out said males name.

Fingers slowly teased up and down the blond’s length.

“Hmmmm, not bad at all.”

Cloud opened his eyes and blushed madly at the General’s comment.

Tighter and tighter the silver haired male gripped, pumping his hand harder and faster.

Cloud couldn’t breathe. To be honest, he had practically forgotten how to. Not that he cared at that precise moment in time. He pulled at Sephiroth’s long hair in sheer ecstasy.

“Dammit. Easy Cloud.”

Cloud’s slim body tensed up under the General’s ministrations. One last flick of the wrist.

Jumbled syllables mixed in with Sephiroth’s name, spent the blond youth.

His head thumped back onto the black satin pillows. Breathing ragged, he tried to raise a hand to move the sweat soaked bangs from his eyes. He could barely move.

“Your touch….it’s so familiar….I don’t know how….I have never….”

Sephiroth said nothing. Instead he stared down in wonder at the form below him. Raising his own hand, he brushed those lavish blond locks from Cloud’s face. He watched small beads of sweat form on the youth’s chest and arms. A violent red flush had swept across the expanse of Cloud’s collar bone.

Sephiroth was dying for release. He had not been with anyone since….Zack….

That fleeting thought aside, all Sephiroth could think about was the lithe young Cadet lying below him. He needed him. He wanted him.

Looking down at the spending’s on his hand, then to the blond, Sephiroth shuddered slightly. He knew the pain he was about to put the boy through.

Slowly, he pulled Cloud down the bed towards him. He parted the younger males wiry but powerful legs and pulled them to either side of his.

“I’m sorry Cloud.”

Cloud opened his eyes just in time to see his legs being spread to either side of Sephiroth’s.

“I’m sorry Cloud.”

“W-wait Sephiroth.”

Said silver haired male snapped out of his daze.

“Say you can’t do this and I swear I will kill you Cloud!” Sephiroth almost snarled at the blond haired youth.

“Get off me Sephiroth.”

Slowly, he climbed off of Cloud, a hard frown smouldered it’s way onto his features.



“Say this is not just a one night thing….if it is….I don’t want that. I don’t want to be just another notch on your bed post like Zack is. If it is, I leave right now.”

“Look Cloud. I know my reputation. I know I am classed as a….whore….however, I have never met anyone like you. I am mystified by your every move. Each tiny movement of your body betrays your hidden feelings for me and….I know I want to keep you for as long as humanly possible. I want you to be mine.”

Sephiroth looked away from Cloud’s almost pleading stare as he finished pouring his heart out.


“You’re being truthful Sephiroth. Your eyes cannot lie.”

“Don’t you trust me Cloud? Don’t you want me like you said you did?”

Cloud nodded his head once.

“Yes. However, I wish to try something Sephiroth.”

Sephiroth went to say something but was startled silent by Cloud’s powerful shove. Falling back onto the rumpled sheets, Sephiroth stared intently at the blond male now straddling his thin waist.


“Shhhh. Be silent.”

Cloud reached to the side and grasped the hand with his previous spending’s on it. He smirked at Sephiroth as he ran his tongue up and down said sliver haired males long, slim fingers.

Sephiroth felt his breathing falter as his groin tightened painfully. How was Cloud so good with his mouth if he was a virgin? He watched and felt the sensations of Cloud cleansing his fingers.

Letting Sephiroth’s pale hand fall, Cloud lowered his head to the side of Sephiroth’s neck.

“This is for the love bite you left on me.”

Sephiroth gasped out loud as Cloud bit down hard on the juncture between his neck and shoulder.

Cloud continued biting and sucking at the pale flesh on Sephiroth’s neck as his hand slowly travelled down the pale, built chest presented before him.

Satisfied with his work, Cloud ran his tongue down the stretch of Sephiroth’s chest, taking time to swirl the muscle around each hardened nipple.

Hearing Sephiroth moan out his name, pushed Cloud on and gave him more confidence to do what he really wanted to do.

Dragging his slippery tongue down pale, rippled abs, Cloud dove his tongue into Sephiroth’s naval again and again, almost grinning madly when he heard Sephiroth become louder and louder.

Cloud’s stomach churned as he lowered his hot tongue further down. He gasped to himself as he ran it down Sephiroth’s rock hard length. He couldn’t believe he was brave enough to do this.

Shutting his eyes and placing his hands on Sephiroth’s hips, Cloud ran his tongue back up the underside of the shaft. Swirling his tongue around the very tip, Cloud finally took as much as he could in his mouth. Swiftly, he began an agonisingly slow motion of licking and sucking the solid flesh.

Sephiroth’s moans were all that could be heard echoing through the room. Cloud continued his delicious torture until his jaw ached with every movement.


Cloud pulled away looking almost hurt.

“W-what? Why!”

“I can’t come that way! I want to be inside you when I do.”


Sephiroth smirked at the sultry tone Cloud used for his official name. He kept smirking as he pushed Cloud back onto the bed.

Pushing the blond’s legs far apart, Sephiroth still remained off to one side.

“Put that mouth to good use again Cadet.”

He raised two fingers to Cloud’s mouth and waited very ‘patiently’ given the circumstances.

Cloud’s eyes widened before he smiled slightly and took those fingers in his mouth again. He swirled his tongue around the fingers as if it was Sephiroth’s stiff member in his mouth again. His eyes glazed over as he cast his mind a few minutes past.

Sephiroth removed his saturated fingers and lazily guided them down Cloud’s body.


Sephiroth’s index finger slowly pushed past the tight ring of muscles and made it’s way forwards, searching.

Cloud sucked in a breath as the first finger entered him. Mainly uncomfortable. His breathing hitched even more as the second finger invaded his body. He moaned slightly in pain.

Scissoring fingers finally found what they were searching for.

Cloud screamed out Sephiroth’s name as he arched his back almost painfully off of the bed whilst throwing his head far back into the pillows.

Sephiroth smirked. He had found the blond’s prostate. A little farther back than usual, but still there nonetheless.

“Ugh! S-Sephiroth! Please!”

Stroking over Cloud’s prostate again and again, Sephiroth decided to sexually torture the blond some more.

“Please what Cadet?”

“Agh! PLEASE!”

“I still don’t know what you want.”

Sephiroth watched as Cloud seemed to try and compose himself long enough to stammer out a readable sentence. At that time, Sephiroth had removed his fingers, unknowingly to Cloud and had slicked himself up using his own spit.

“I still don’t know what you want Cloud.”

Leaning over the blond. Sephiroth grabbed his hands and held them against the headboard with one of his powerful hands. The other guided himself to Cloud’s entrance.

“I can’t satisfy you if you don’t speak up!”

“Please….FUCK ME Agh!”

Just as Cloud had started yelling, Sephiroth rammed his entire length into the sweat soaked body below him.

Cloud screamed out in pain. Tears streaked out from behind tightly shut eyes. Stilling his violent entry, Sephiroth looked intently at Cloud.

“It hurts!”

“I know Cloud. I’m here. I can wait.”

Sephiroth kissed Cloud’s tears away before running his free hand through Cloud’s mass of dishevelled spiky hair.

After agonising minutes, Cloud finally opened his eyes and thrust his hips slightly towards Sephiroth.

“I’m ready.”

Sephiroth leaned in and captured Cloud’s lips once again, tongues immediately swirling around each other as Sephiroth started moving his hips in and out of Cloud’s body.

“Harder, faster!”

Sephiroth glanced slightly shocked at the blond below him. How could he refuse?

Speeding up his pace and thrusting his hips harder into the hot tightness below him, Sephiroth was rewarded by his name coming out in shrill, raspy cries.

Tears flooded down Cloud’s cheeks as Sephiroth ground his body into his harder and faster. Each time, hitting his prostate roughly.

Sephiroth let go of Cloud’s hands and placed them on the bed, either side of Cloud’s head.

Thin arms threw themselves under Sephiroth’s arms, snaking their way up the soaked back. Short finger nails dragged roughly down pale flesh, deep red welts left in their wake.

Sephiroth leaned back slightly and grabbed Cloud’s legs. Slinging each over each of his shoulders, he pushed his body further into Cloud’s.

Said blond’s knees rammed painfully against his chest again and again, but the drug that was Sephiroth far exceeded and pain he felt.

Slowing his thrusts but increasing their power, Sephiroth felt himself reaching his climax. Well, his first for the night.

Sephiroth leaned in over their bodies and kissed Cloud passionately once again. Cloud screamed out through the kiss as Sephiroth pounded into his very soul three more times before going rigid and giving in to his full power.

Sephiroth screamed in sheer agony as his shoulder tore apart, raven wing shooting from it’s bloody prison. Feathers and blood sputtered over both males as Sephiroth came deep inside Cloud.

Sephiroth tried his best, however, his arms gave way causing his huge frame to collapse onto Cloud.

He felt Cloud’s legs slide off of his shoulders and settle at his sides. He felt Cloud’s chest heaving into his. He felt both their sweat mingle together. He smelled the thick heat of sex drift around them. He watched Cloud’s face slowly calm down as the aftermath of first his orgasm, and the rough sex began to ebb away.

“W-why d-did….”

Sephiroth withdrew from Cloud’s warm heat before rolling off to one side, ignoring the pains from his shoulder. Catching his breath, Sephiroth strung a few words together.

“W-why did what?”

Cloud opened his eyes and craned his head to look at Sephiroth.

“Why did your wing come out and not mine?”

Sephiroth shook his head. Perhaps Cloud’s only appeared when he was in immense danger. Or maybe? Sephiroth had to work him harder.

Sephiroth smirked before pulling Cloud back on top of him.

“Seph?! What are you….”

Cloud’s eyes widened in realisation as Sephiroth’s newly hardened length touched his backside.

“Made to perform again huh Seph?”

Sephiroth muttered something under his breath. Cloud’s enhanced hearing caught onto it. It was a cure 2 spell.

“Your turn Cadet.”

“Yes Sir.”

Sephiroth placed his hands on Cloud’s waist and lifted him up slightly.

Cloud took hold of Sephiroth’s length, squeezed it experimentally a few times, ran his finger tips in circles around the tip before settling his body down on top of it.

Cloud gasped as Sephiroth’s length filled him once more. He stilled on top of Sephiroth’s body as he got used to this position.

Moving his hips slightly, Cloud swiftly worked out how best to move his body while he was ‘on top’.

Placing his hands on Sephiroth’s stomach, Cloud began thrusting his hips up and down Sephiroth’s length.

Sephiroth placed his hands on Cloud’s bent knees as he threw his head back into the sweat soaked pillows. Never before had he taken someone this way. He would never allow any of his previous conquests to be ‘on top’ in a manner of speaking, without actually taking him. His mind couldn’t fathom how Cloud was so good at this. And this was just his first time. Sephiroth grinned madly to himself knowing that Cloud would get even better.

A long, but sharp thrust shook Sephiroth from his musings. Cloud was obviously tiring. His hip thrusts had slowed immensely but he could see that Cloud was striving to keep his power the same.

“Need some help?”

Cloud opened his eyes and snarled down at Sephiroth. “Do I look like I need fucking help!”

Cloud’s eyes blazed bright blue as he pushed his hands down on Sephiroth’s stomach. Crystal white seeped into Cloud’s eyes as he sped up the power, force and intensity of his already powerful thrusts.

Sephiroth’s nails dug into Cloud’s knees, drawing out blood in the process. He could feel Cloud’s power brimming. He could feel his own climax racing towards him.

“Cloud! Please!”

Cloud moved one of his hands to his own reawakened length and began pumping wildly at it. Not caring if his hip thrusts and his hand matched.

Cloud could feel pain creeping up his back. He felt the first drops of blood leaking from his scar. Pumping his hand harder, thrusting his hips faster, Cloud could feel his climax.

Screaming in pain, Cloud’s back tore open as he came all over his hand and lovers stomach. His hips impaled his body violently on top of Sephiroth’s length one last time before the General moaned out something totally incoherent, his second orgasm draining his energy.

More blood splashed over both males as Cloud’s wing broke free from its own restraints.

Still crying out in pain, Cloud literally fell off of Sephiroth and landed weakly at the edge of the bed.

His body shivered although he did not feel cold.

Sephiroth sat up as best he could before leaning over to place a hand on Cloud’s right shoulder.

“Are you ok?”

Cloud opened his eyes, the shining, gleaming white had diminished. All that was left was his natural blue green depths.

“Uh huh….I’m so tired Seph.”

Sephiroth used the last of his energy to cure the two of them again before scooping Cloud up and standing the two of them up.

“I don’t think I can go again.”

“Not that. We must banish these.”

Both males stared at each other before focussing all their will into their core and pushing their wings from existence.

Sephiroth fell onto the bed dotted with dried in blood, pulling Cloud down with him. Said blond curled up in his arms and buried his head in the juncture between Sephiroth’s neck and shoulder.

“I could stay like this forever Sephiroth.”

“So could I Cloud.”

Both felt their eyes drifting shut.

Both knew this whole experience was filled with déjà vu.

“Never let go.”


Not even an hour later, Sephiroth’s front door was blown open, startling the two sleeping males. Both flew out of bed with nothing but sheets covering their nudity.

SOLDIER’s piled into the room in their droves, each fully armed and aiming guns at the two males heads.

Before Sephiroth could reach for his sword, a gunshot sped through the air and through his hand.

“Fuck!” He yelled while covering his wounded hand.

Cloud looked on in fear as the SOLDIER’s separated as an all too familiar male in a black suit entered the room followed by another older male.

“YOU!” Sephiroth roared.

“Take them away men!”