Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Second Chance at Life ❯ Meetings and Other Strange Things ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Final Fantasy 8

Second Chance at Life

Chapter 3

Meetings and Other Strange Things

Cleo blinked her eyes and looked around her. They were not in Kim's bedroom any longer. They were currently standing on some grass in a clearing. Trees were on all sides of them.

"Wow…..what just happened?" Kim asked.

"Hum…I'm not sure. I remember a bright light, than when I blinked we were here." Cleo looked around feeling a little nervous. Nothing was making any sense, how did they get here?


Both girls jumped and turned around. Standing before them was what looked like a T-rex. It stood at lest 2 stories tall. It opened its jaws and let loose another fearsome growl. The beast moved its head sensing prey close by, unfortunately that prey was Cleo.

"A dinosaur, no way….." Cleo cried backing away terrified. Not looking behind her she tripped on a stone and fell on her butt. The T-rex came charging at her, its massive jaws gapping open ready for its next meal. Cleo whimpered and brought her hands up to her face, too terrified to move any more than that.

"Idiot…! MOVE…!" A voice shouted at her. Cleo looked up and saw a gray being jump and land in between her and the creature. It was a man, maybe a few years older than Cleo, with blonde hair. He was holding what looked like a sword but also looked like it had a gun melded to it. The man slashed done connecting with the T-rex's head, making it howl in pain.

"Do you want to die? I said move." He yelled at Cleo again. She quickly jumped up, her terror dieing a little with someone near. She ran to meet her friend when the beast moved its massive tail hitting the escaping Cleo. The wind was knocked out of her as she went sailing threw the air.

"Cleo!!!!" Kim shouted. She watched as her friend landed in the grass several yards away, Cleo didn't get up. Kim looked back at the stranger; he looked vaguely familiar as he finished of the T-rex with what looked like ice coming form his hands.

"Cleo….." Kim cried again as she came upon the girl. Cleo lied there unmoving, never before did the girl look small to Kim as she did now lying in the grass. She gently turned Cleo over fearing the worse.

"Shit….that one hurt." Cleo moaned. Kim began to cry when she heard her friend speak.

"What idiots go out into the woods with out weapons?" A deep voice said behind them. Kim turned around to look at the man, ready to thank him and also yell at him but stopped. She now recognized who he was. It was impossible but he still stood before her. Kim shook her head, worry about that later she thought. She looked back at Cleo who stared back at both Kim and the man.

"Hmmm…I think my ribs are broken and I'm definitely gonna have a bruise later." She closed her eyes and sighed.

"I think I'm gonna take a nap now…oh and thanks for saving me." With that Cleo passed out.

Some where far away, in a cave deep done were no living soul has been. A cloaked figure kneels before a massive statue.

"My lady, they have brought help. Two beings not from this world; young females, children really, what ever are they thinking." The figure bows before the statue and waited.

"Yes, all has been made ready for your arrival. Even if they brought help, it won't stop you." All though the being in the robes was the only one in the room, the conversation continued as though some one was around.

"I am concerned about the one female. I sensed more power in her than the other; this may prove to be dangerous." The voice stopped talking as though listening to someone else speak, though no one was seen there.

"Of course, my lady…... Nothing can stop you. But one should always be prepared. Think of Lady Ultimicia, she did not feel the threat of SeeD as strongly as she should have. It was her only mistake, that and the worthless knight she choose."

"Yes, he is still alive. The strangers have appeared before him. I believe the others have chosen him as their savior. He failed the first and he will fail again."

"As you wish my Lady, soon I shall be blessed with your greatness…soon." The figure stood up and bowed before the statue and left the room.

The room was left alone with just the statue. It was a human sized, about 5'9, it even looked like a human. The statue was made of cold grey stone. The being made from it looked female, dressed scantly. With only a bikini type bottoms and a bra type top, covering ample breasts. The statue was barefooted, with what looked like metal bands covering both ankles. There were also arm bands covering both her upper arms. All four bands were gold with strange inscriptions. The face was by no means an ugly face, even for stone. She wasn't smiling, or frowning or making any sort of expression. Her face was very passive, until you got to her eyes. Two red eyes blazed and stared out at what it saw. Being that it was made of stone you would think the eyes were made form gems, but no, the red gleam came from some were else, form with in the statue. As though the only way to convey its anger; was though its eyes. At the base of the statue one word was written………..