Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Second Chance at Life ❯ Welcome to Balamb Garden ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Final Fantasy 8

Second Chance at Life

Chapter 4

Welcome to Balamb Garden

"Cleo.....Cleo, it's time to wake up. You must wake up and began your journey."

"What do you mean journey and who the hell are you and why are you in my head?"

"You ask too many question for someone who was just injured. But open your eyes you're worrying your friend"

"Fine…but you still haven't explained anything……"

Cleo slowly opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling above her. It was plain white ceiling with those industrial strength type bulbs, blazing bright lights. She moved her head to her right and looked at a window showing another room on the other side. On her other side there was a drawn curtain; all in all it looked like a hospital room.

"Geez…no matter where you are all hospitals look the same." She said and than moaned as she moved to sit up. She was surprised to find that she didn't hurt at all, a slight head ache, but given what she had went though she felt fairly good.

She sniffed and shook her head, "It even smells like one."

"You must be feeling well to be making comments like that."

Cleo looked at the person that spoke, it was a plump older looking women. She had dark brown hair tied into a bun and was wearing a lab coat. She was carrying what looked like a syringe but it seemed a little different, but she was defiantly a doctor.

"If you plan on sticking me with that; don't. What ever else is wrong with me can heal on it's own." Cleo eyed the needle giving it a dirty look. The doctor laughed and placed the needle back in her pocket.

`I can tell your not very happy patient, but its good your felling well. We were a little worried." She watched as Cleo swung her legs over the side of the bed and let them dangle there. She didn't move off the bed but kept sitting there. Cleo looked done and saw that she was wearing a hospital type gown. It was white and made of a cotton material, a lot better than the ones she wore at home.

"One question….were are my clothes and who are you?" Cleo asked looking at the women.

The women raised her eyebrows; the girl was a lot like someone else the doctor has helped before on numerous occasions.

"That's two by the way. Sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Doctor Kadawaki, and your clothes are over here in a cupboard. We took them off to make you more comfortable, you've been unconscious for three days. Your friend has been worried." Dr. Kadawaki explained to the girl, and helped her off the bed. She walked over to her desk that was directly on the other side of the room. Cleo looked around; it was a small room, with the two beds and a curtain dividing the two.

There was a desk on one wall with filling cabinets and other cupboards besides it. There was a door on one side and a door directly on the other. So far there was only just the two of them in the room.

"Here you go; you can get dressed back in there. I'll pull the view window blinds down so no one can see."

Cleo grabbed her clothes and went back to the bed area that she had left. Drawing the curtain she saw the blinds from the window come down. The other window that looked outside had a curtain that she also drew, before that Cleo looked outside and the sight looked a little strange. The window looked outside into a courtyard. There were benches and tables scattered around with people sitting on them. What seemed strange to Cleo were the clothes that they were wearing, that and the fact that they were kids outside, teenagers really. It looked like they were wearing uniforms, although some were wearing normal clothes.

"Are we at a school…?" She whispered to herself. She finished getting dressed when she heard a door open and two voices began speaking.

"I heard she was awake." It was a man's voice, he sounded kinda of older almost kind, unlike the other voice.

"Has she said anything; like what they were doing out with no weapons, the other one is still not speaking." This second voice was deep and kinda gruff and sounded familiar.

"Yes Cid she's awake, and doing pretty well. And Seifer what are you doing here. I've told you before that you're not going to ask her anything. The poor thing has been though enough." Dr. Kadawaki answered them both.

"Now Seifer you can leave, there is nothing for you here," The Dr. continued but Seifer interrupted her.

"The hell I'm leaving, the stupid girl will answer my questions."

From behind Dr. Kadawaki the curtain pulled back and Cleo stepped out, she was throwing her flannel top on over her camisole. She hadn't looked up yet from her clothes and went thought her short pockets. She pulled out a PDA and a cell phone from one and a wallet from another. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a Game Boy SP. The three people in the room watched as the girl kept taking things out of her pockets, if they had been her family or friends they wouldn't have thought it strange that she had things in her pockets. Cleo never carried a purse, so she always had pants with really huge pockets to carry all the stuff she needed, or a coat. The last thing she pulled out was a MP3 player with head phones.

"The stupid girl can speak for herself thank you very much. Not that I am, but you can try." Cleo said looking up from her things to stare into angry green eyes. She stared at him for a long time that he gave her another dirty look. Cleo blinked and shrugged her shoulders and looked at the other man in the room. He was an older looking man, only a little shorter than the younger one; he wasn't scowling at Cleo though he smiled at her and held his hand out.

"I'm glad you're felling better. It was strange when Seifer came in three days ago carrying you with your friend. She's been very worried but hasn't said anything to us. I'm Cid Kramer Headmaster for Balamb Garden." Cid smiled as Cleo sailed past Seifer and shook hands with Cid.

"A pleasure, I don't what Kim told you, but I'm not sure where we are, or what Balamb Garden is. All I know is that we were in Kim's' room there was a flash of light and than we were in that clearing in the woods." Cleo looked at Seifer, thinking it strange that he had her name or last name anyway, which reminded her.

"Oh yea, my name's Cleopatra Seifer….but you can call me Cleo."