Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Shattered Dreams ❯ Cry of the Sphinx ( Chapter 18 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 18: Cry of the Sphinx
“Oh, my god,” breathed Yuffie as she looked out from the front of the Highwind down at the destruction of Cosmo Canyon. Bright orange flame had overtaken much of the city, and thick plumes of greasy black smoke had formed a blanket over the once clean and bright town. Her hand involuntarily went to her mouth as her eyes watered. She should have been used to such a scene, having come from Gongaga, but it was too much too absorb. There should have been peace! After Sephiroth… it was all supposed to be over.
The ninja found her heart going out to all the innocents as she whispered a prayer of safe journey on those that may not have survived the attack. In the back of her mind, words whispered that they should have been there. They could have saved them… but she struggled to fight them down as she wrestled with her own pangs of sadness.
“Grandfather!” exclaimed Nanaki from beside her in angst as his golden eyes widened in despair. He turned half from the window to cast a pleading glance at the pilot. “Hurry, Cid, I have to get down there.”
The pilot didn't have the heart to reply gruffly, only nodding before he pushed the Highwind's pilot aside to land the airship himself. The smoke was thick in the air, heavy with ash and soot, clogging up his propellers and such. He didn't trust his pilot to be able to land the Highwind properly in the near zero visibility or to be able to handle the airship when one of the engines to stop working.
However, Cid's heart was hurting at his glimpse of Cosmo Canyon, as well. He had just spoken to the grandfather not but a few hours before. What could have happened in such a short amount of time? Bugenhagen had said that he had found Vincent… had he lost him once more? He couldn't help but think… if only they had left Gongaga sooner… if only he had pushed the Highwind to her limits… perhaps they would have been there in time.
The Highwind circled around once more to find a place to land, and Yuffie had to swallow thickly, her mouth feeling dry and her throat choked. The city didn't look any better from the change of sight. If anything, it seemed more destroyed on the northern side. She was on the verge of tears and was trying her best to blink them back, for Nanaki's sake if no one else's. The demi-human would need his friends right now.
She dared a glance over at him and was pained by the sorrow on his face. His eyes and lips had drawn together tightly, and his fists were clenched at the side, while his brow furrowed in worry. She knew he was concerned for Bugenhagen. Yuffie was, as well.
“Why? What could have done this?” he murmured aloud, eyes locked on the burning buildings. Most of Cosmo Canyon had become empty shells of flaming wreckage. He couldn't see any enemies, but his sharp sight had found the bodies lying on the ground, some twisted and deformed others bloody and crumpled. Most looked as if they had been destroyed by magic, either Lightning or Fire.
“Perhaps the same that had attacked Gongaga,” wondered the ninja aloud, blanching suddenly at the thought. If the two were connected, then there was a new menace on Gaia, one that none of them knew anything about.
“I'm putting her down now,” Cid called out as he prepped the Highwind for a landing. Calloused pilot fingers danced quickly over the control panel, flicking switches and adjusting controls. Cid knew exactly what he was doing, even if he hadn't personally piloted his airship in a long time. His face was set with grim determination, trying not to keep staring out the window at the smoking Cosmo Canyon.
Nanaki nodded in understanding of Cid's warning and took off towards the cargo bay, determined to get off as soon as possible. His feet carried him quickly towards the door, his mind in another place already. He was first of all worried about his Grandfather and how the elder man had fared in the attack.
He had to hold back a snort at that. From the looks of it, the town seemed more the location of a massacre rather than an attack. Bodies littered the ground and homes were little more than piles of smoking, still-glowing debris. He couldn't be sure whether the attackers were actually defeated or just left because there was nothing left to destroy. He automatically tightened the claw on his arm, just in case he met some monsters down on the ground.
Yuffie watched the demi-human leave before quickly making her decision. She followed after him, knowing he did not need to be alone at this time. If she had been in his position… well, she wasn't sure her anger would be able to be contained.
“Nanaki, wait for me,” she called out, hurrying to follow him. He seemed very single-minded in his task, his thoughts in many places as he tried to hold back his own flood of tears. It was the sight of his home… on the top of the mountain that was little more than a husk of blackened debris that had done it for him. He had to know the fate of his grandfather; he had to!
The golden-eyed man felt a hand on his arm and stopped abruptly, turning his head and looking to see who had touched him. In his grief, he nearly did not recognize Yuffie and had to force himself to calm down. He closed his eyes for a moment and took several deep breaths before opening them again and allowing himself a glimpse into those granite eyes that often made him feel wobbly-kneed.
“Hey,” she said softly, tightening her grip on his arm and squeezing him gently. “I am here for you, okay?”
His angry gaze softened, and he afforded her a small smile. “I am grateful for that,” he responded. And truly he was. It was good to have friends. When he had been in Hojo's care, he had been so alone, dealing with everything on his own. All the pain and tests… the experiments… he shuddered to think about it.
Just then, the airship gave a slight hitch, and the two knew that Cid had landed it. After exchanging glances, Nanaki and Yuffie continued on their path, hurriedly making their way to the cargo bay. Within moments they were lowering the ramp and stepping out onto the ground to get their first close up view of the devastation.
The smell of burning was what hit them first… burning wood, stone… living beings; the air was filled with soot and scorched flesh. Yuffie covered her nose and mouth with an arm as she looked about, eyes widening. Everywhere it was still aflame, and she knew what she had to do. She knew of only way to extinguish all the flame.
“I am going to call Leviathan,” she told Nanaki. “He can put out these fires and destroy any enemies that remain.” The Water God was her absolute favorite summon, had always been since she was little and dreamed of oceans and far away lands beneath the sea.
“Call his true name,” the demi-human responded a bit distractedly. He didn't spare her a glance, too busy taking in the scene before them. He was scanning for signs of life first, muscles tensed for an attack that he wanted to be prepared for.
Yuffie quirked an eyebrow at him and gave a quizzical look. “His… true name?”
Nanaki turned and nodded slightly as the air next to him shimmered before a figure suddenly appeared. It was a beautiful woman with flaming red hair that was braided into many intricate knots and shining crystalline blue eyes that had no bounds. She was slightly shorter than the demi-human, only coming up to his shoulder and wore no shoes on her feet although pretty bangles of gold jingled on her ankles. She was dressed in a cloak that seemed more like a pair of fiery wings crossed in front of her and latched at her throat. The woman was astoundingly beautiful.
Yuffie was speechless. “W… who?” It seemed she could voice nothing more intelligent than that stuttered word.
“I am Suzaku,” answered the woman in an airy voice that was more musical than anything. “Or as you more commonly know me, Phoenix. This is my human form, more suitable for standing next to my animus than the huge bird form.” She smiled at the ninja softly, before returning her attentions to Nanaki, inspecting him with concerned crystalline eyes.
“You called him once before, you spoke his name,” continued Nanaki, though his voice sounded distant and cold. He was hurting deep inside and was slowly fading… “Back in the crater before the battle with Sephiroth or so you told me… his name of old…”
The ninja blinked as she appeared to consider his words before it seemed a light bulb flashed over her brain. She remembered… the name of the ancient sea god before the war and before Leviathan. It appeared that they were one and the same.
Nanaki heard footsteps on the ramp behind him and saw Cid coming down but motioned for the pilot to be silent. The blond cast him a strange look but obeyed, coming to stand just behind the two as Yuffie appeared to concentrate.
“Barinthus,” she spoke softly, as if afraid of what would happen. For a moment, nothing appeared until she heard the sound of rushing waves from deep within her heart.
A ball of water began to coalesce above the tiny group, growing in intensity and size as it glowed a brilliant shining blue. It flashed twice before exploding into the form of the great sea serpent, Barinthus. He roared quietly before twirling his great body around the three present, nuzzling Yuffie gently and gliding off towards Cosmo Canyon, extinguishing fires as he moved.
“Wow…” breathed the ninja. Her eyes widened in awe and a brief grin appeared on her face, barely pushing away the sorrow that was starting to gather.
Nanaki allowed himself a small smile as he patted her on the head. “He is your anima, as Suzaku is mine. The two of you are meant to fight together,” he commented before moving towards the city, the phoenix demi-goddess by his side.
Cid was standing in awe behind the two, surprised that his younger friends could be so powerful. He idly wondered if he would have such a gift but put that thought aside. The only thing he wanted was Vincent… and to find him he would have to go into Cosmo Canyon.
He and Yuffie exchanged glances before they, too, followed after Nanaki. For the second time that week, the three friends were forced to guard their hearts against the grief that threatened to consume them. War had indeed struck Gaia… war that no one was prepared for.
Cid tried not to let all the destruction affect him. Yet, the sight of tear-streaked ashen faces as they wandered, searching for lost love ones filled him with a familiar ache and longing. He could understand what they were feeling and didn't wish that hurt upon anyone. He unconsciously reached into his pockets and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up as his hands began to tremble slightly. Too much… it was all too much…
A hand touched him lightly on his arm and Cid started, looking down into the worried brown eyes of Yuffie. She offered him up a small smile.
“Hey, you're shaking…” she commented.
“Needed a cigarette,” he responded with an off-handed shrug as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the pack, lighting one quickly. She looked as if she didn't believe him.
Yuffie regarded him for a moment before squeezing his arm and letting him go. “He will be fine. Vinny doesn't exactly lie down and give in, you know?”
Cid allowed the smallest of grins to peek out on his face. “Yeah, you're right about that brat. Now, let's see if we can find him, eh?”
The sound of a long and loud mournful cry echoed from all around them. Ahead, Nanaki had drawn to a stop, head cocked towards the sky as his eyes closed and he listened. Suzaku has placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and was murmuring something softly.
The sound seemed to fill the air, almost musically seeming much like a funeral dirge. It appeared as if someone were being mourned for. It broke through all barriers and touched each of the three friends deep inside their hearts. Yuffie herself felt as if she would cry from the sound.
The air beside her shimmered and an older looking man with shining jade-aquamarine eyes and hair the color of turquoise stone stood there. He wore a gi and hakama of brilliant cerulean that seemed to flow as if it were water and his wizened face was handsome.
“It's Isis,” spoke the man, his voice soft and bubbly. It was a deep voice, melodious and pleasant on the ears, sounding much like waves crashing over a shore on a warm day. “She mourns the loss of her animus.”
Yuffie turned to him startled, her eyes widening. “Barinthus?”
He nodded and smiled softly. “Hai. This is my human form. All of we demi-gods have one.”
Suddenly, in front of them, Nanaki took off at a dead run, heading deeper into Cosmo Canyon and straight towards the remains of the building he once called home. Suzaku floated at his side, more hovering than running. Cid, Yuffie, and Barinthus were frozen for a moment in surprise as the demi-human hadn't said anything before he started to run.
Exchanging quick glances, in agreement for once, the pilot and the ninja took off after their emotionally damaged friend. They tried to push past the destruction that was around them but found they couldn't tear their eyes away.
Cid ran after Nanaki but his mind was in another place. He was worried. Bugenhagen had claimed that he had found Vincent, and if that were true, the ex-Turk was somewhere in Cosmo Canyon… but said town had been attacked and nearly completely destroyed. Would he be able to find his lover?
It seemed as if fate and luck were against him. Every time he should have drawn close to Vincent, something would throw him off course. Whether it be in the form of a certain dark-haired president or a horde of monsters intent on destroying a city. The pilot sighed. No matter what it took or the hell he had to cross, he would find Vincent… because he had promised himself that without the ex-Turk it just wasn't worth it.
“Dammit, Vince,” he muttered more to himself than to anyone else. “Ya didn't have to give yourself up like that; we could have found another way…” But even as he spoke those words, he knew that they were probably false. Vincent was intelligent, even if he was guilt-driven. There probably was no other method.
The blond pilot skidded to a stop, Yuffie nearly crashing into his back. His blue eyes widened as he took in the scene before him. In his thoughts, he had ran without sight, finally catching up to Nanaki, and he didn't like what he saw.
The demi-human had stopped abruptly in the path, hands clenched at his side as he stared with trembling shoulders at a still form lying on the ground just outside the husk of his former home. Yuffie gasped from beside Cid and buried her face in the pilot's shoulder. Unused to giving comfort, the blond put an awkward arm around the girl and patted her back soothingly, his own face softening.
There was another form kneeling beside that of the one on the ground. This one was that of a tawny-haired female, scantily dressed in golden furs and such with a feathered headdress of golden plumage. She had bronze skin and piercing azure eyes although they shimmered with tears that streaked down her smoke-stained face. The woman seemed to be translucent, her body both there and not there as a trembling hand patted the white ash-choked hair on a very familiar head.
Nanaki stood there for a moment not moving. The phoenix put a hand on his shoulder, but he shrugged it off without a word as he took several small steps forward before sinking to his knees on the ground. He grabbed his claw weapon violently, jerking it off and tossing it aside. The metal clattered to the ground, an unwelcome noise in the silence. The red-haired demi-human's shoulders slumped as he reached out with trembling fingers.
“Grandfather…” came his murmured voice on the wind, so very soft and broken.
The demi-human brushed some of the white hair out of Bugenhagen's face and looked down with sorrow-filled amber eyes, liquid with unshed tears. His grandfather seemed so peaceful, not a trace of pain in the smoke-streaked features. Beside him, the golden woman wept quietly, her form flickering in and out.
“I tried but there were too many…” sobbed the woman. “I'm not a fighter, but I tried…” she trailed off, breaking into tears anew. “We had been together so long. He was one of the few that could hear us, hear me.”
Cid blinked with sudden understanding as the small ninja quivered in his arms, soaking his shirt with her tears. She had grown close to the older wise man in the past six months, having spent nearly every waking moment learning from him alongside her best friend. Barinthus moved smoothly to the pilot's side and nodded as if confirming Cid's suspicions. Even his sea eyes were dimmed with the pain of loss. Bugenhagen had been very well known among the demi-gods. The tawny-haired woman was Isis, Bugenhagen's anima.
“I should have been here,” Nanaki whispered, his voice breaking as a small silvery trail of tears began to make its way down his face. “If I had…” He was unable to continue, balling his hand into a fist in anger with himself… for his failure.
“It wouldn't have made a difference,” Suzaku intoned, moving to kneel beside her animus and offering a consoling arm to her demi-god friend. Isis accepted the hand gratefully, body still wracked with sobs. The lioness demi-god and her anima had been especially close having spent over one-hundred years linked together. “You couldn't possibly have been everywhere at once.”
The demi-human blinked, as if seeing his anima for the first time. A sudden dawning crossed his features. “Suzaku, you have restorative powers! You can bring him back!”
The phoenix in human form lowered her eyes mournfully, brushing the back of her hand over the fallen grandfather's forehead. “I cannot. It is far too late…”
“You are a demi-god,” protested the golden-eyed man. “I don't understand! Why can't you save him!” his voice cracked as he reached out with one arm to grab the shoulder of his anima. He latched onto her, surprised that beneath his fingers he felt fabric rather than the feathers he had expected.
Suzaku looked at him sadly, her face softening at the anguish she saw there. She wholly wished that she could do as he asked if only to take away that look. “I can't…” she whispered softly. “He has lived his time.”
Nanaki's fingers loosened in their hold as he slumped, head falling downwards as his chin struck his chest. Red-hair curtained his face, hiding his expression although the drops of salty water raining down on his knees and the smoke-streaked ground were unmistakable. His shoulders shook and the sound of broken sobbing permeated the area. The demi-human had lost the last semblance of family that he had. There was no consolation for that.
Cid turned his gaze away, unable to watch his friend break down any longer. It brought up far too many painful memories for himself. The lamenting and melancholy he had been fighting with over the past six months struck him anew as he was reminded of his own loss. He felt movement and saw Yuffie detaching herself from his side only to move to that of her best friend.
She knelt behind him and laid her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his stomach loosely. She didn't speak, knowing it was enough for him to know she was there for him. He didn't say anything either, only continued to weep his sorrow, unafraid to show his pain. One of his own hands went to hers, covering the slimmer, smaller fingers with his larger ones.
Cid turned away from the scene, trying to push down what was bubbling up in his heart, threatening to overtake him. One thought was prevalent on his mind. Where was Vincent? If Bugenhagen was there… and the house was destroyed behind him, then where was the man that the grandfather had thought was Vincent? The pilot took several steps away, leaving the two and the demi-gods to their sorrow. He was nowhere near as close to Bugenhagen as they and knew he would be of no use in comfort. Not when he was trying to fight down his own misery and pain.
He walked away to a small pile of blackened boulders and uncaring about their state, sat upon one, staring out over the destroyed town. So much devastation and death… and for what purpose? When was Gaia ever going to find peace? Sighing to himself, and pushing down the disconsolate feelings within him, Cid dug into his pocket for his PHS, knowing he had to call Reeve and tell him what had happened in Cosmo Canyon.
Tears… he was well acquainted with those. Crying and struggling to maintain some kind of grasp on sanity while his heart tore itself into so many pieces forever unable to be repaired. At least Bugenhagen had had his chance to live. His opportunity to love and be loved, a long fulfilling life filled with everything that composed his happiness and sorrow. Cid hadn't hardly the chance to be with the one he truly loved before it was taken from him.
Shaking his head to clear away his dire thoughts, the pilot pressed the auto-dial button for Reeve's cell and stared out over the broken city, unconsciously lighting a cigarette as he did so. He had a feeling that he was soon going to need a lot more. The sun was slowly beginning to set, casting rays of orange and gold over Cosmo Canyon, illuminating the pink and tangerine walls of the stone that surrounded the city. On any normal day it would have been beautiful. However, on a day of such bad tidings, it was only a bringer of sorrow.
The phone rang in his ear twice more before someone finally answered. There was a click and then static blared in his ear, hissing and crackling.
“What the fuck?” questioned the pilot, holding the PHS away from his ear with an irritated frown. It sputtered at him as if angry.
“Hello?” came a distant voice, trying to break through the interference. The pilot instantly recognized it.
Cid blinked and brought the phone as near to his ear as the static would allow. “Reeve?”
“Cid? … what…. too?” The President's voice was fading in and out and the pilot could hardly make him out. “Some of the … destroyed… in …. battle...”
The blond strained his ears to listen as the words battle struck him suddenly. Had Midgar been attacked, as well? “There's been an attack on Cosmo Canyon,” informed the pilot the moment there was a second of clear air.
“One on Midgar also,” said Reeve in response, for the moment their connection perfectly clean. “Things are bad, but we handled it. Most of the city remained intact.”
Cid took a puff of his cigarette, releasing the breath he had been holding. “It's not so good here.” The phone crackled once more and he was forced to wait for it to clear, glowering at every second that passed. “Whatever it was destroyed the town, making it little more than a collection of burned buildings. Bugenhagen… he… didn't make it.”
The President sighed softly. “I know Nanaki is crushed. Do you know what attacked?”
“Haven't been able to talk to anyone yet. Isis keeps fading in and out and all the survivors have fled into hiding, deep within the twisting tunnels of the mountains of Cosmo. The others… well, it's going to be a long time before the town can recover,” responded the blond, casually flicking ashes from his cigarette onto the ground as he stared at the ruins of Cosmo Canyon. The wind ruffled at his clothes, attempting to send a chill to his bones. Little did it know but Cid was already cold, inside and out, slowly dying day by day...
The phone crackled loudly and fizzed in his air, sounding very much like a snowy television set. Cid grimaced and held the phone away from his ear, glancing just once at the level of bars on the screen. He had just one, no surprise there. Cosmo Canyon had one of the worst locations for towers and many had probably been destroyed in the attack.
“Cid? Cid? Are you there?” Reeve's voice cut through the fizz.
Cid hopped down from the rock and started to walk, hoping that would help the reception. “Yeah, I'm here.”
“Listen, I'm going to be quick because I don't know how long the connection is going to last. But stay in Cosmo Canyon for now. I don't know what's going on, but I fear if you go into the air you might come crashing down in a way you least expect. Tifa still hasn't contacted me.” Reeve's voice dropped an octave, making it increasingly difficult for the pilot to hear him. “Tseng suspects that there is someone on the inside.”
“I'm not leaving anyway,” replied Cid gruffly. “Vincent is here somewhere and I'm going to find him.”
“What?” exclaimed Reeve. “What are you talking about?”
Cid sighed and flicked his extinguished cigarette onto the ground before rubbing his forehead in annoyance. Though he talked on the phone he kept an eagle eye out for anyone who might either be alive, or look even remotely like Vincent.
“Bugenhagen called me, which is why I am here, and told me that he had found Vincent. I'm not leaving until I find out what happened and if he's still here.”
Reeve was silent for a moment. “What if… what if it's another hoax Cid? I mean, can you really trust anyone who's making that claim?”
“I don't want to hear it, Reeve,” cut in the pilot. “I've had enough of your meddling. Thanks for caring, but I need to do this on my own. I am the only one who seems to think he's alive anymore, and I'll be damned if anyone else slows me down.”
“No.” Cid shook his head negatively although the President could not see him. It was more the principal of the movement rather than the actual movement itself. “I'm doing this Reeve. It's not as if I need your consent. Take care of Midgar and for gods sakes, go find your own lover.” He didn't wait for the executive to respond before hanging up the phone. It was then that the pilot realized he was still somewhat furious with the dark-haired man. His anger had not faded by much.
Sighing, Cid slipped the phone back into his pocket and surveyed the area around him once more. There didn't appear to be any living creatures in the city. The survivors had fled, and monster carcasses littered the area.
Curious as to what had attacked Cosmo Canyon, the pilot skidded down a small embankment until he was standing on level ground and in front of a few bodies. He walked boldly up to one, kicking at it and turning it over.
It was a winged bat demon, similar to the type that he had seen in a big pile outside of Gongaga. He didn't recognize the species as one that he had fought against before. In fact, most of the monster bodies that he saw he did not recognize. Were they mutating? Did it have something to do with Hojo's experiments? Had they gotten loose before the Turks could destroy them all?
Frowning, the pilot moved from the body at his feet to the next. It was charred as if it had been struck by lightning. He recognized the tell-tale signs. This monster he did not recognize either, and he had thought that he had fought all that existed on Gaia in the battle against Sephiroth. And why hadn't their bodies dissolved like the others? That was not good…
Stones clattering on stones alerted him to the fact that he was alone. He surreptitiously placed a hand on his spear as he listened intently, trying to determine the direction of the noise and whether or not it was a threat. There was another small clatter just behind him, a little to the left. He wrapped his fingers around the hilt of the Venus Gospel and pulled it out at the same moment that he twisted his body, ready to meet his foe, jaw nearly dropping in surprise.
It was a strange monster that was leering down at him, indeed from nearly a height that towered over his by four feet or more. It was completely black, almost the color of pitch and blended with the shadows. It vaguely resembled a Marlboro but had enormous wings jutting from its shoulders, and its body seemed to be covered in feathers and tentacles.
“What the… fuck!” Cid had no time to ponder as suddenly several tentacles shot out at him, at speeds almost faster than his eyes could detect. He dodged the first and sliced the second, diving to the ground and rolling to avoid the third all in one same motion. It seemed six months of peace had not slowed his reflexes at all.
Rolling to his feet, the pilot glared at the monster, mentally reviewing his stock of materia. Fire, Lightning, Meteor, but nothing that would protect him. The creature roared, its voice sounding more like a loud `kweh!' before it flexed its body and shot a stream of razor sharp feathers at him.
Cid planted his feet and spun his spear in a vicious circle, effectively warding of the sharp projectiles only missing once when one sliced him across the cheek.
“Fuck this!” he growled, tossing a fist at the creature. “Bolt 3!!” Lightning crashed down from a clear sky and struck the creature in the head, stunning it momentarily and illuminating the area around. The sound of thunder resounded through the air, echoing across the empty and still smoke clogged sky.
Cid's eyes widened. It couldn't be… but it was. The monster was a Chocoboro, though he hadn't heard of one in such a color, or away from Midgar for that matter. Hojo had only created those creatures in the Midgar labs, not anywhere else. How had it gotten to Cosmo Canyon?
Suddenly, the black Chocoboro began to flap its wings as if preparing to take flight, throwing a constant barrage of sharp feathers and tentacles at its prey. It keened like a bird once more as its body slowly began to rise into the air, aided by its massive wings.
Cid ducked and rolled, avoiding the projectiles as he ran carefully towards the monster, anger flushing his features. The damn beast was making a fool of him. His body was beginning to glow a reddish-orange color, the signs of the beginnings of a limit break.
“Take this damn freak!” he growled, nimbly slicing a tentacle as he leapt at the rising beast high into the air. He drove his weapon deep into the monster's body, sending in his own power so that an explosion resounded throughout its feathered blobby frame and throwing him a few feet backwards.
The Chocoboro crashed to the ground, cawing in pain as its tentacles writhed in pain. Cid landed with a grunt on his back, several feet away from the creature. For a moment, the two enemies struggled to rise up off the ground, bodies wracked with pain. Cid coughed, trying to breathe air into his smoke-infested lungs, mentally cursing every cigarette he had ever inhaled, though he would never confess that to anyone else.
“Fire3!!” he cast quickly while he struggled to regain a breath, sending a stream of fire on the creature. It rapidly enveloped the monster, causing it to burst into flame and `kweh' angrily.
The Chocoboro jumped to its feet and heaved in a big breath, ignoring the pain of its burnt body. Cid moved to a kneeling position, eyeing the creature warily. He didn't know what it had planned, or even what attacks it could use.
With a large exhale, sounding indeed like a train in a tunnel, the creature blew out a gale of poisonous gas that ignited when it passed by the flames surrounding the Chocoboro's body. Blue eyes widened in surprise as Cid dove to the right to avoid the attack, body rolling across the ground.
He hissed in pain when some of the deadly breath connected with the last of his left leg and started to burn like acid. “Fucking hell!” he cursed, drawing up into a slight crouch with his injured leg tingling and burning beneath him. “Why won't you just die?”
The Chocoboro cackled as if it understood Cid's words and turned to face the pilot, who was now breathing heavily with pain and exertion. Several tentacles shot out at the blond, more than he could block on his own. He held out an arm, intending to cast Meteor, when a black appendage shot by him, grazing his forearm and shattering the armlet from around his arm. It flew into many pieces, landing all about him in bits of pieces.
Cid scarcely blinked before he realized that all he had left to him was a spear. That thing was significantly more powerful than the ones that the Turks had to destroy. What had caused it to change?
The Chocoboro `kweh'ed loudly as it advanced on the pilot, an abnormal and shockingly pink tongue escaping from its mouth to lick lips that weren't present. It considered the blond defeated and an easy kill.
“Fuck you!” cursed the pilot glaring. “I ain't going down without a fight.”
The Chocoboro took a step towards him, menace gleaming in its blood red eye when an orange flash suddenly appeared between the two. It stopped, eye widening in surprise before orange blood began to seep, and its head slowly slid down from its `neck' only to plop on the ground with a disgusting slurp and gurgle.
“Old man, you're hurt,” came Yuffie's voice from beside the pilot suddenly. Cid gaped as Nanaki appeared, as well, claw stained with orange blood and black Chocoboro gunk.
“What the hell… just happened?” questioned Cid even as he fell back on his ass, unable to support his weight on his injured leg any longer.
The ninja smiled slightly before holding out her cure materia, casting the healing magic on Cid's legs and relieving the burn, helping the singed skin in growing quickly. “He's gotten faster than he once was,” she said by way of explanation.
The pilot turned eyes towards Nanaki. “You were that blur I saw seconds before its damn head just fucking fell off?”
The demi-human nodded. “You shouldn't have wandered off alone. This place is still teeming with monsters.”
Cid waved an arm of dismissal. “I'm a grown ass man. I coulda handled myself.”
Yuffie smirked. “Yes, you seemed to be doing just fine when we wandered up.”
The pilot blustered, shooting her an irritated glare. “You didn't give me any time. I was drawing it in for my final attack,” he explained. However, he knew the truth of the matter. His moves were slow, reflexes even slower, and his strength diminished. Before, that monster would have been a piece of cake. Ever since he had lost Vincent in the crater, he had been letting himself go… not eating or sleeping. As a result, his battle skills had gone down. He could have been killed…
“You didn't find any traces of him then?” asked Nanaki, his question instantly returning the somber feeling to the group.
Cid sighed as Yuffie finished healing his leg and stood shakily to his feet. “Not a damn thing. But one of the survivors might know something, if we can just get them to come out of hiding.”
Nanaki nodded. “There's an entrance in the floor of all the lower shops… the inn and such. I've got some things to take care of, but Yuffie and you can go talk to them.” He waved a hand briefly towards the lower levels of Cosmo Canyon before turning and dashing away.
Yuffie bit her lip and watched her friend rush back towards the upper levels of the town. “He is still hurting.”
The pilot sighed in agreement, bending down to swipe the Venus Gospel up off the ground. “Hai. But that is to be expected. It will be a while before he can even accept it.”
`Kind of like someone else I know,' snorted the ninja internally. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and looked up at the older man. “Let's go find Vinny, okay?”
Cid nodded and gestured her to walk in front of him. The two headed towards the lower levels, the pilot unable to resist one last jab as he kicked at the Chocoboro's head and caused it to roll around the ground as they walked past.
Neither of the two noticed the small shining metallic object that popped off the back of the creature's head and fell to the ground as Cid kicked it.
* * *
Whew, that was a long chapter. I hadn't intended it to be so lengthy.