Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Shattered Ice Redux ❯ Awkward Flight ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thanks to everyone!
Chapter Two: Awkward Flight
Pushing his golden spikes out of his face yet again, Cloud turned towards his friends, easily relaying the information that Vincent had just told him. The aforementioned man had slunk to the back of the room, hiding in the shadows and watching the proceedings with disinterest. This wasn’t at all unusual, and the ex-SOLDIER observed the gunman hiding his presence with a vague sense of apathy. Cloud was convinced there was much Vincent was hiding from them, but as it was, there was nothing he could do to pry the information out of the man. He only hoped that his secrets wouldn’t spell their doom.
“It seems Rufus is coming to Rocket Town today,” the swordsman informed everyone, his gaze idly traveling over to the window. “He has a meeting with the builder of the rocket at his home. Vincent suspects… and I agree,” he admitted this somewhat reluctantly, “that Rufus is not here to reinstate the Space Program as the man believes. But his real purpose is unknown.”
Nanaki frowned, as much as his lupine snout enabled him to do so. “We should find out the President’s purpose then?” he questioned. “After all, why would Sephiroth come this far north?”
“I say we jes go up to his house and snoop around,” muttered Barret, exchanging glances with Tifa. He poked at a screw on his gunarm as he spoke, itching for another battle with the President and determined to make the bastard pay for what he had done to Jessie and the others.
Cloud shrugged. “Works for me.” He paused, forehead crinkling in thought. “But we can’t travel in such a large group and break into someone’s house. It will attract too much attention.”
Tifa harrumphed, clearly not pleased with the plan. “Then you can go without me ‘cause I am not about to go being sneaky,” she said, crossing her arms over her ample bosom and tapping her foot against the floor. She hoped that in some way that it might change his mind and make him take a more direct approach. However, her opinion was ignored, and in choosing his party, Cloud simply overlooked her. It was something he had done many times now that Aeris was in their party.
“As much as I would like to, I am afraid these paws are not good for much other than stealth,” Nanaki commented, releasing a large yawn before he curled up into a corner, not yet sleeping as he watched the others discuss their next move. These humans were fascinating creatures, and he had not once regretted his decision to join their cause. In many ways, it was noble, though perhaps their methods were not quite sound. Still, in the scheme of things, he supposed breaking and entering was not such a bad transgression, everything else considered.
Of course, the youngest of their group was the most excited to offer up an opinion.
“I’ll go!” volunteered Yuffie cheerfully. The ninja gave them her cheekiest grin as she hoisted her shuriken up and tied it to her side.
The group had picked up the youthful girl in the forest outside of Junon. She had rather brazenly attacked them but had refused to accept defeat when the battle was over. In the end, she had tagged along, and Cloud hadn’t yet bothered to send her away. There were times she was useful in battle, which so far managed to outweigh the times she stole their materia or yapped far too much. Then again, it might have been more than a pain to try and rid themselves of her presence. Yuffie seemed determined to stick around, and as it was, Cloud just accepted her presence… as did many of the others.
“I’m content to remain here,” Cait Sith informed them, the toysaurus plopped down near the wall. Most of them ignored his presence, a little unnerved by a creature that was not real and yet still moved of its own accord, and that wasn’t even mentioning Cait Sith’s perky attitude and annoying tendency to cast their fortune at awkward times. As such, no one argued with its decision.
Barret snorted in response to Yuffie’s proclamation. He and the little thief had not gotten along from day one, probably due to the fact that she enjoyed pilfering his materia the most.
“Of course, ya would, ya little thief. Always wantin’ someone’s materia…” he trailed off, not completing his sentence.
“You're right, Barret. Yuffie might try and steal from the man,” Aeris interjected, her green eyes shining. She folded her arms, as if daring someone to disagree with her. “I will go instead of her, if only to protect the man’s belongings.”
Cloud nodded in agreement. “Then, it is decided. I will take Aeris… and Vincent, of course.” There was a chorus of gasps, most thinly veiled, throughout the small inn. Very few could hide their shock. Besides, the gunman had not even offered up an opinion.
Vincent merely shrugged, his voice echoing from the corner. “If you insist.” He understood why Cloud made that particular decision, but he was not about to explain it to them. Truthfully, he would have done the same had he been in charge.
“We should go,” Cloud commented. “We don’t want to miss Rufus after all,” he added, a strange smirk on his face. He left orders with the others as his chosen team began to file out of the room. Tifa was acting oddly, he noticed faintly, as she moved to window and began to look out of it quietly. He reminded himself to talk to her later, when he had the time.
As the blond walked out the door after Vincent and Aeris, he wondered to himself how the task of leadership had fallen to him. He was barely holding it together, his sanity on a thin string as he chased after a man who should have already been dead. They were a motley assortment of companions, and he wasn’t if sure if friends was a proper word to use quite yet. A ninja, a terrorist, a flower-girl, a bartender, a lion creature thing, a toy, a former Turk, and him… and they were all trying to save the world from an unknown menace.
Psh. As if the world even knew the danger it was in.
Cloud sneered inwardly, though his face betrayed nothing. They would be lucky if Sephiroth didn’t slice them all down on the spot.
* * *
The three companions stood outside of a house, looking up at it expectantly, almost as if they thought Rufus and ShinRa were going to jump out at them the minute they opened the door. While Cloud and Aeris tried to look nonchalant, their bodies hiding him, Vincent worked on the door. Why they had delegated that task to him, he did not know. Perhaps they equated being a Turk with knowing all sorts of unsavory skills. Unfortunately for them, lock-picking was not one of his. He would probably end up breaking off the handle with his claw.
Vincent tried for the handle first, and surprisingly, he found it unlocked. He turned the knob, and the door opened soundlessly. Aeris and Cloud turned to look at him in surprise. He met there gazes with an even crimson stare.
“It was unlocked," he explained shortly, dark tresses falling in front of his face. His bandanna had slipped down again, and Vincent impatiently pushed it back up so that he could at least see.
Cloud pushed past him, going inside. Aeris made as if to follow him but, stopping for a moment, turned to face Vincent. She placed a delicate hand on his shoulder, and he flinched with the contact. That, uniquely enough, was the first time anyone had touched him since he left the coffin. Amazing how that simple touch could feel so… alien. Yet, she smiled at him, soft and reassuring.
“Don’t worry… they just do not understand,” she whispered softly before turning away and going into the house.
Vincent stared after her a moment. They did not understand? And did she think she did? This innocent young woman, barely touched by life, was trying to reassure him? As if he cared what their opinions were.
Yet, even as he followed them into the house, he couldn’t help but notice that his now empty shoulder felt colder than before. There was something in her touch that warmed him… something in simply being touched by another human that was almost… vindicating. He hated the longing that erupted in him, filled simply with the desire for another human’s touch that was not tainted by madness and hatred. He didn’t deserve even the want for that comfort, and so Vincent shoved the thought away as he stepped into what they thought was an empty house.
However, they were sorely mistaken. Vincent found Aeris and Cloud having a small discussion with a brunette, who strangely looked a lot like Lucrecia. A pang raced through him at that thought. Pain so strong, he nearly doubled over like someone had punched him, reminding him of his close attempt to reach for a comfort that was being offered.
Almost violently, he reminded himself of his transgressions and sneered away all thoughts of happiness. Retribution was his only purpose now. That and to finally have his revenge against Hojo, for what had been done to him and for what Lucrecia had suffered first and foremost.
Vincent found a reasonably blank portion of wall and leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest as he observed the behavior and conversation between the three normal people. Normal… he scoffed internally. With his body and his form, with what he had suffered, normality was a luxury no longer afforded to him.
They were discussing things of little importance, barely enough to get a true conversation started when the sound of a door slamming open and a rather large, uncouth voice filled the room. All talking in the room ceased as Vincent looked up and saw the stranger from earlier, who seemed even more agitated than before. The man’s eyelids blinked worriedly over sky blue irises, eyes sliding over the gunman without recognition. The blond didn’t even seem to remember him from earlier.
“Shera! Where’s my goddamn tea!” The man cursed as he plopped down into a chair at the table, feet clonking onto the table in an unceremonious fashion. Unsurprisingly, a cigarette dangled from his lips, small tendrils of smoke curling up into the ceiling
“Here it is,” the woman answered with surprising cheeriness. “And I made with honey just the way you like it.” She set the steaming mug down in front of him, along with a glass ashtray. He took it with great gusto, inhaling the wonderful scent.
After deciding the tea was to his flavor, he fixed the brunette with an angry glare. “We have guests, Shera! Why don’t they have any goddamned tea!” he demanded, shooting her an even more scathing glance.
Cloud held up his hands, trying to calm the abrasive pilot. “Don’t mind us, really.” He gave the older blond an unsteady grin that almost instantly wavered when that glare was turned onto him. Vincent had to hand it to the vulgar man; he certainly knew how to command those around him.
“Just sit down and drink yer damn tea!” the older man ordered as he sipped on his own. Yet, his agitation did not cease, something rather obvious by the way his feet wiggled on the table top.
Abruptly, Cloud and Aeris obeyed, choosing the nearest chair and plopping down, even as Shera brought them each a mug. They accepted it and held the hot cups between their fingers, though they did not drink. Neither of them were very partial to tea. The brunette quickly brought another cup for Vincent, but he waved her away, gathering the older man’s attention upon himself.
”What? Ya don’t like tea?” the pilot demanded, blue eyes glaring at Vincent intently. It seemed almost for a moment that he recognized the ex-Turk, a strange sort of expression taking over his face.
“Not particularly,” Vincent answered smoothly, returning with his own death-to-all glare. They locked eyes for a moment, a battle of wills, though one opponent seemed unarmed. Blue eyes seemed to mesmerize him. He was not afraid of the blond man and his strange obsession with tea and cigarettes… or perhaps it was a mouth fetish. Hmm.
Finally, the pilot laughed long and hard, alternating between taking a drag of his ever present cigarette and gulping his tea. “Whatever,” he commented before muttering about damn ShinRa and late Presidents under his breath. His eyes fell away from Vincent’s, and the gunman obliged by turning his gaze away also.
“Um, Cid…” Cloud began after a moment of silence, having learned the pilot’s name from Shera. “About--”
But he was interrupted when the other man’s ears perked up, and he jumped to his feet, tea forgotten as it sloshed in the cup, nearly spilling on the table. There was a knock on the door, which was more like a pounding, seconds before a pudgy, balding man came in. He smiled disgustingly at the smell of the tea that greeted him.
“Finally, damn Palmer, could your boss be any later?” Cid accused, rushing past him and heading for the door. “And drink some damn tea!” he called back as he ran out the door. Cloud and Aeris could not help but stare after the foul-mouthed pilot in wonder.
“I like lots of lard in my tea; don’t forget that. And honey, too! Oh and milk and sugar… and don’t forget the lard!” Palmer said loudly and rather excitedly, his fat mass squeezing into the already crowded kitchen, and he stuck a finger into the boiling pot. He missed the scathing and disgusted glance that Shera shot him, even as she pushed a teacup to him with one of her fingers, using just the tip of it, as if she was afraid to catch some foul disease by being near him.
Vincent agreed with her sentiment. The slovenly pig man was repulsive.
The sound of excited slurping filled the room, and at the side of the clumps of lard floating in the tea, both Cloud and Aeris turned green. Vincent preferred not to look.
Eager to disrupt the slurping and perhaps gain a hold on her rolling stomach, the flower-girl spoke suddenly. “Why do you let him treat you like that?” Although her voice was quiet, it carried, interrupting Palmer’s diatribe about the tastefulness of lard in tea.
“I owe him as much,” the mousy looking Shera answered slowly, a starry look appearing in her brown eyes. She slowly gravitated towards the last chair, wrapping her fingers around her teacup as it steamed. “It is my fault he will never meet his dream…”
And from there, she told them the story of how Cid stopped the launch of the ShinRa No 26 so that she could live. Her tale was interspersed with Palmer’s comments about more honey and sugar, unfortunately. But she still managed to get her point across, ending on how the rocket ended up in the leaning position it had today.
“It leans a little more each year. Soon, it will fall, crushing what few of us remain in this desolate abandoned town,” she finished with a sigh, finally managing to take a sip of her own drink before Palmer ruthlessly demanded more, bits of honey and lard flecked on his lips. Aeris and Cloud shuddered in unison, their completely untouched tea lying on the table before them. Vincent, however, was glad that the glutton was too voracious to realize that AVALANCHE was sitting directly in front of him.
“We should see what Cid and Rufus are discussing,” Cloud stated, rising from his chair and slinging his massive sword over his back. He didn’t quite like the sad expression that had taken over Shera’s face, not to mention that they had come to Cid’s house for a purpose. Aeris nodded, and Vincent merely shrugged, both of them beginning to follow their leader out of the kitchen.
They made their way to the front door, slipping outside as silently as they could, but they stopped just outside, eavesdropping on the conversation happening a few feet away with ridiculous ease. Vincent wondered why it was that the soldiers with Rufus, or Rufus himself for that matter, didn’t seem to notice them standing there. Or perhaps the President did and didn’t seem to care. Either way, it was odd.
“Whaddya mean you are not here for the damned space program?” Cid asked incredulously. His hands waved wildly, face already beginning to flush with anger. He was clearly upset by the turn of events.
“I need the Tiny Bronco. Sephiroth has crossed the ocean, and that plane is the best transport,” Rufus explained with a haughty shake of his head. He ran his fingers through his silky blond tresses, tapping the gun at his side impatiently. He fully expected to be obeyed. Cid was to either get with the program or get shot. One way or the other, the President of ShinRa was going to have his way.
The pilot spluttered, “Hell no! You ain’t takin my baby! That’s my damn plane! I made her! It doesn’t belong to fucking ShinRa!” Cid all but yelled, shaking his head forcefully. He made as if to reach behind him, for the spear that was attached to his back.
“ShinRa made you, Mr. Highwind. I would suggest that you remember that before acting in such a… rash manner,” Rufus responded coldly, eyes gleaming in the light of the sun. Two men stepped up beside him, lower class members of SOLDIER. They leveled their guns at Cid, warning him that they would shoot if necessary. Things were reaching a tense level then, and Cloud wondered if they would be forced to intervene… or if it was even their place.
However, before he could even make a decision, the door behind them opened with a quiet click. Cloud and the others nearly jumped in shock, whipping around only to find Shera gesturing them inside. Though confused, they followed her and stood in the foyer.
“Um, I think you should go out back,” Shera whispered conspiratorially, her ears straining for the sounds of the two men arguing outside. “Palmer and the Turks are acting suspiciously. I think they are after the Captain's plane.”
Cloud grinned, wrapping his gloved fingers over the hilt of his new sword, looking much similar to Sephiroth’s Masamune. “Well, we will just see about that now won’t we?” He smirked. If Rufus wanted the plane, then it would amuse them to get to it first. Cid would understand.
Vincent, however, frowned a bit in confusion. “Why are you helping us?” he questioned, even as he unholstered his gun and made sure it was ready for battle. If it involved ShinRa, he was certain there was a fight to be had. He idly noticed when Aeris did the same with her staff.
A faint blush decorated Shera’s cheeks as her brown eyes turned towards the door, an almost affectionate look crossing her features. “I think that the Captain would rather the Tiny Bronco be in your hands than theirs,” she responded softly before gesturing past them towards a door on the far end of the hall. “Get to the back yard through there.”
Cloud nodded in understanding. He unsheathed the Yoshiyuki and stepped beyond Shera, making for the back door of the house, Aeris on his heels. Vincent cast one more look towards Shera, but she had already turned towards the front door, preparing to peep out it once more. She was a strange woman.
Their leader burst through the back door, sword at the ready, scanning the area for enemies. His companions trailed behind him, flanking him to either side and watching his back. He saw Palmer, fat ass up in the air, near the cockpit of the small plane, trying to get it running. Rude and Reno stood on the ground calling up not-so-helpful hints to the idiot. Actually, it was more like the redhead gave suggestions, while Rude remained silent.
“Don’t you know how to fly these things?” Palmer demanded from within the plane, his voice echoing with a high-pitched whine.
Reno snickered. “No, of course not, yo. You must be mistaken. I’ve never even sat in a plane before.”
Beside him, the other Turk snorted. “Idiot,” he mumbled under his breath, but they weren’t quite sure which one he meant.
Reno shrugged and called up another idea. “Try to press the big red button, yo!” the red-haired Turk suggested.
Palmer hemmed and hawed. “There is no big red button.”
Reno shrugged, tapping his Electro Rod against his shoulder. He exchanged an amused glance with his partner before trying again. “Jiggle the joystick, yo.”
“I did that already! Three times!”
The Turks snickered. “Perhaps you’re jiggling the wrong one!” The redhead laughed at his own perverted joke and made a crude gesture with one hand, elbowing his partner in an attempt to make Rude enjoy his genius as well. However, the bald man barely managed a curl of his lips as he threaded his hands in front of his body.
Shaking his head at the scene, Cloud ordered in his strongest leader voice, “We’ll be taking that!”
His words didn’t even seem to startle the two Turks, who merely glanced over their shoulders before turning around to face their enemy. The ex-SOLDIER planted his feet, his sword making an impressive glint in the sunlight.
“Oh, you,” Reno commented dismissively, his bright hair shining in the sun, even as his Electro Rod crackled with energy. Rude, as usual, said nothing, merely pointing his fist at Cloud and his friends, while his sunglasses hid any of the emotion in his eyes.
“You don’t seem happy to see me,” the swordsman retorted, appearing to pout. He leveled his sword at them, pointing it menacingly. “Palmer, get out of the plane!”
The Turk tapped his Electro Rod on his shoulder as an angry look took over his features. “I’ll stop you first,” Reno growled, darting forward to attack Cloud, who quickly blocked his attack. There was a hiss as steel blade met electricity, the lightning-like effect dancing along the edge of the Yoshiyuki.
“That all you got?” the blond taunted, pushing the Turk back. Reno skidded backwards, boots digging furrows into the ground as Cloud quickly cast Bio2. It struck with a vengeance, instantly weakening his opponent.
“You don’t play by the rules,” Reno huffed, running a hand through his hair as he hunched over, the poison quickly spreading through his body. He felt heavy, as if all his vigor was draining through him and out the soles of his boots. He hated, absolutely hated being forced to lose to these chumps. But orders were orders.
Luckily, Palmer seemed to note his predicament. He jumped out of the plane, waving unsteadily on his feet as he dug about in his pocket.
“Here stupid! Drink this!” the fat man called out, trying to toss Reno an antidote, but a singular gunshot stopped him. The Antidote shattered, clear liquid sprinkling the ground.
Another resounding shot barreled into Reno’s right shoulder before he could make a move, blood splashing instantly. Hot fire raced through the redhead’s body, and he clenched his teeth in anger and pain.
Angry mako eyes turned in one direction, giving Vincent a glare of death. “Tch, it’s not over yet!” Reno claimed before running around the side of the house where Rufus and their back up was waiting.
“You run like a girl, Reno!” Cloud laughed, hauling up his sword to rest on his shoulder. In the background, Aeris scowled slightly at his comment, but she quickly sobered as she dodged a dark-skinned fist. The sound of shattering ice and the feel of a powerful spell quickly made Cloud forget about Reno as he turned to help finish off Rude.
The silent Turk had taken on the Ancient, thinking her an easier opponent. He was sorely mistaken when he found himself barraged by forceful swings of a rod that were accompanied by an onslaught of magic attacks. The staff slammed into the side of his belly, a move he couldn’t avoid, and he distinctly felt several ribs crack.
He pointed his fist at her angrily, but she just shook her head in disgust. She hated such vulgar actions and moved to attack him again, but Cloud stepped into her line of vision.
“Hey, let me handle this,” he said, body glowing with a strange reddish, orange light. She nodded and left him, going to help subdue Palmer, who Vincent appeared to be taunting. “Blade beam!” the blond yelled seconds before his limit break rolled through him, and he slammed his blade into the ground, sending a shockwave straight towards Rude.
Soil and grass were thrown in all directions as ripples of power racing across the land. Rude’s face registered his shock and horror. He ran, but he was far too late. The attack struck him, knocking him off his feet and sending him battered to the ground. He visibly crashed with an audible thud that looked very painful. Beaten and bloody, he pushed himself off the ground and ran wildly after Reno, shaking his fist angrily at Cloud as he did so.
The ex-SOLDIER simply smirked, searching around for more enemies and finding none. “This was too easy.”
Palmer had taken off as well, several pounds lighter thanks to Vincent’s careful aim. Cloud found his fleeing figure seconds before a truck came out of nowhere and slammed into the lardass, sending him flying several feet into the air and into obscurity.
And for a moment, the companions thought they might be able to rest. The battle was won; Cid’s plane was safe. Yet, that did not last long as the Tiny Bronco began to take off on its own, sans a pilot. Whatever Palmer had been touching before he wobbled away had apparently worked.
“Quickly! Into the plane!” Cloud ordered as he sheathed his sword and scrambled to get in. Ignoring their defeated enemies, the other two hurried forward as the propellers slowly began to pick up speed. The ex-Turk was forced to cling to one of the arms of the plane as only Aeris would fit behind the seat with Cloud.
With a mighty jerk, the tiny plane took off into the air, the swordsman trying to control it, and Vincent struggling to cling to the wing, red cape fluttering wildly in the wind. In an attempt to keep from sliding off, he pierced the thin, metal webbing of the wing and held on for dear life with his claw. He didn’t mind flying but wasn’t looking forward to the blond idiot’s attempt to control the contraption with him dangling from a wing.
Cloud really wasn’t an experienced pilot, nor did the huge gusts of wind assailing the small craft make things any easier. The Tiny Bronco went in violent circles up above Cid’s house before it swept down low over the tiny town, right where Rufus and the other blond were arguing.
Cid’s mouth dropped open in surprise when he saw the three on his plane. He screamed a few choice obscenities and took off after them, just managing to leap onto the undercarriage, even as Rufus and his soldiers opened fire. Cloud tried to maneuver out of range, but his steering skills sucked. One lone bullet made its way to the engine, promptly putting it out of order and causing them to careen wildly. Erratically streaming through the air, blades whirring frantically to keep them afloat, the Tiny Bronco managed to make just out of Rocket Town and over the ocean before it crashed. It effectively soaked all of its passengers and even throwing off a couple.
Meanwhile, back at Rocket Town, Rufus ran his hands through his hair and scowled. They had gotten away and took his transportation in the process. He whirled on his feet, subordinates following after him. He saved his ire for the Turks and Palmer, knowing they were to blame for unsuccessfully pilfering the Tiny Bronco.
And in the tiny inn, Tifa and the others leant worried eyes to the distant horizon where they had last seen their leader and companions clinging with abject terror to a rapidly falling plane.
* * *
Thanks for reading! Leave a review before you go and let me know how I’m doing! Thanks!!
Chapter Two: Awkward Flight
Pushing his golden spikes out of his face yet again, Cloud turned towards his friends, easily relaying the information that Vincent had just told him. The aforementioned man had slunk to the back of the room, hiding in the shadows and watching the proceedings with disinterest. This wasn’t at all unusual, and the ex-SOLDIER observed the gunman hiding his presence with a vague sense of apathy. Cloud was convinced there was much Vincent was hiding from them, but as it was, there was nothing he could do to pry the information out of the man. He only hoped that his secrets wouldn’t spell their doom.
“It seems Rufus is coming to Rocket Town today,” the swordsman informed everyone, his gaze idly traveling over to the window. “He has a meeting with the builder of the rocket at his home. Vincent suspects… and I agree,” he admitted this somewhat reluctantly, “that Rufus is not here to reinstate the Space Program as the man believes. But his real purpose is unknown.”
Nanaki frowned, as much as his lupine snout enabled him to do so. “We should find out the President’s purpose then?” he questioned. “After all, why would Sephiroth come this far north?”
“I say we jes go up to his house and snoop around,” muttered Barret, exchanging glances with Tifa. He poked at a screw on his gunarm as he spoke, itching for another battle with the President and determined to make the bastard pay for what he had done to Jessie and the others.
Cloud shrugged. “Works for me.” He paused, forehead crinkling in thought. “But we can’t travel in such a large group and break into someone’s house. It will attract too much attention.”
Tifa harrumphed, clearly not pleased with the plan. “Then you can go without me ‘cause I am not about to go being sneaky,” she said, crossing her arms over her ample bosom and tapping her foot against the floor. She hoped that in some way that it might change his mind and make him take a more direct approach. However, her opinion was ignored, and in choosing his party, Cloud simply overlooked her. It was something he had done many times now that Aeris was in their party.
“As much as I would like to, I am afraid these paws are not good for much other than stealth,” Nanaki commented, releasing a large yawn before he curled up into a corner, not yet sleeping as he watched the others discuss their next move. These humans were fascinating creatures, and he had not once regretted his decision to join their cause. In many ways, it was noble, though perhaps their methods were not quite sound. Still, in the scheme of things, he supposed breaking and entering was not such a bad transgression, everything else considered.
Of course, the youngest of their group was the most excited to offer up an opinion.
“I’ll go!” volunteered Yuffie cheerfully. The ninja gave them her cheekiest grin as she hoisted her shuriken up and tied it to her side.
The group had picked up the youthful girl in the forest outside of Junon. She had rather brazenly attacked them but had refused to accept defeat when the battle was over. In the end, she had tagged along, and Cloud hadn’t yet bothered to send her away. There were times she was useful in battle, which so far managed to outweigh the times she stole their materia or yapped far too much. Then again, it might have been more than a pain to try and rid themselves of her presence. Yuffie seemed determined to stick around, and as it was, Cloud just accepted her presence… as did many of the others.
“I’m content to remain here,” Cait Sith informed them, the toysaurus plopped down near the wall. Most of them ignored his presence, a little unnerved by a creature that was not real and yet still moved of its own accord, and that wasn’t even mentioning Cait Sith’s perky attitude and annoying tendency to cast their fortune at awkward times. As such, no one argued with its decision.
Barret snorted in response to Yuffie’s proclamation. He and the little thief had not gotten along from day one, probably due to the fact that she enjoyed pilfering his materia the most.
“Of course, ya would, ya little thief. Always wantin’ someone’s materia…” he trailed off, not completing his sentence.
“You're right, Barret. Yuffie might try and steal from the man,” Aeris interjected, her green eyes shining. She folded her arms, as if daring someone to disagree with her. “I will go instead of her, if only to protect the man’s belongings.”
Cloud nodded in agreement. “Then, it is decided. I will take Aeris… and Vincent, of course.” There was a chorus of gasps, most thinly veiled, throughout the small inn. Very few could hide their shock. Besides, the gunman had not even offered up an opinion.
Vincent merely shrugged, his voice echoing from the corner. “If you insist.” He understood why Cloud made that particular decision, but he was not about to explain it to them. Truthfully, he would have done the same had he been in charge.
“We should go,” Cloud commented. “We don’t want to miss Rufus after all,” he added, a strange smirk on his face. He left orders with the others as his chosen team began to file out of the room. Tifa was acting oddly, he noticed faintly, as she moved to window and began to look out of it quietly. He reminded himself to talk to her later, when he had the time.
As the blond walked out the door after Vincent and Aeris, he wondered to himself how the task of leadership had fallen to him. He was barely holding it together, his sanity on a thin string as he chased after a man who should have already been dead. They were a motley assortment of companions, and he wasn’t if sure if friends was a proper word to use quite yet. A ninja, a terrorist, a flower-girl, a bartender, a lion creature thing, a toy, a former Turk, and him… and they were all trying to save the world from an unknown menace.
Psh. As if the world even knew the danger it was in.
Cloud sneered inwardly, though his face betrayed nothing. They would be lucky if Sephiroth didn’t slice them all down on the spot.
* * *
The three companions stood outside of a house, looking up at it expectantly, almost as if they thought Rufus and ShinRa were going to jump out at them the minute they opened the door. While Cloud and Aeris tried to look nonchalant, their bodies hiding him, Vincent worked on the door. Why they had delegated that task to him, he did not know. Perhaps they equated being a Turk with knowing all sorts of unsavory skills. Unfortunately for them, lock-picking was not one of his. He would probably end up breaking off the handle with his claw.
Vincent tried for the handle first, and surprisingly, he found it unlocked. He turned the knob, and the door opened soundlessly. Aeris and Cloud turned to look at him in surprise. He met there gazes with an even crimson stare.
“It was unlocked," he explained shortly, dark tresses falling in front of his face. His bandanna had slipped down again, and Vincent impatiently pushed it back up so that he could at least see.
Cloud pushed past him, going inside. Aeris made as if to follow him but, stopping for a moment, turned to face Vincent. She placed a delicate hand on his shoulder, and he flinched with the contact. That, uniquely enough, was the first time anyone had touched him since he left the coffin. Amazing how that simple touch could feel so… alien. Yet, she smiled at him, soft and reassuring.
“Don’t worry… they just do not understand,” she whispered softly before turning away and going into the house.
Vincent stared after her a moment. They did not understand? And did she think she did? This innocent young woman, barely touched by life, was trying to reassure him? As if he cared what their opinions were.
Yet, even as he followed them into the house, he couldn’t help but notice that his now empty shoulder felt colder than before. There was something in her touch that warmed him… something in simply being touched by another human that was almost… vindicating. He hated the longing that erupted in him, filled simply with the desire for another human’s touch that was not tainted by madness and hatred. He didn’t deserve even the want for that comfort, and so Vincent shoved the thought away as he stepped into what they thought was an empty house.
However, they were sorely mistaken. Vincent found Aeris and Cloud having a small discussion with a brunette, who strangely looked a lot like Lucrecia. A pang raced through him at that thought. Pain so strong, he nearly doubled over like someone had punched him, reminding him of his close attempt to reach for a comfort that was being offered.
Almost violently, he reminded himself of his transgressions and sneered away all thoughts of happiness. Retribution was his only purpose now. That and to finally have his revenge against Hojo, for what had been done to him and for what Lucrecia had suffered first and foremost.
Vincent found a reasonably blank portion of wall and leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest as he observed the behavior and conversation between the three normal people. Normal… he scoffed internally. With his body and his form, with what he had suffered, normality was a luxury no longer afforded to him.
They were discussing things of little importance, barely enough to get a true conversation started when the sound of a door slamming open and a rather large, uncouth voice filled the room. All talking in the room ceased as Vincent looked up and saw the stranger from earlier, who seemed even more agitated than before. The man’s eyelids blinked worriedly over sky blue irises, eyes sliding over the gunman without recognition. The blond didn’t even seem to remember him from earlier.
“Shera! Where’s my goddamn tea!” The man cursed as he plopped down into a chair at the table, feet clonking onto the table in an unceremonious fashion. Unsurprisingly, a cigarette dangled from his lips, small tendrils of smoke curling up into the ceiling
“Here it is,” the woman answered with surprising cheeriness. “And I made with honey just the way you like it.” She set the steaming mug down in front of him, along with a glass ashtray. He took it with great gusto, inhaling the wonderful scent.
After deciding the tea was to his flavor, he fixed the brunette with an angry glare. “We have guests, Shera! Why don’t they have any goddamned tea!” he demanded, shooting her an even more scathing glance.
Cloud held up his hands, trying to calm the abrasive pilot. “Don’t mind us, really.” He gave the older blond an unsteady grin that almost instantly wavered when that glare was turned onto him. Vincent had to hand it to the vulgar man; he certainly knew how to command those around him.
“Just sit down and drink yer damn tea!” the older man ordered as he sipped on his own. Yet, his agitation did not cease, something rather obvious by the way his feet wiggled on the table top.
Abruptly, Cloud and Aeris obeyed, choosing the nearest chair and plopping down, even as Shera brought them each a mug. They accepted it and held the hot cups between their fingers, though they did not drink. Neither of them were very partial to tea. The brunette quickly brought another cup for Vincent, but he waved her away, gathering the older man’s attention upon himself.
”What? Ya don’t like tea?” the pilot demanded, blue eyes glaring at Vincent intently. It seemed almost for a moment that he recognized the ex-Turk, a strange sort of expression taking over his face.
“Not particularly,” Vincent answered smoothly, returning with his own death-to-all glare. They locked eyes for a moment, a battle of wills, though one opponent seemed unarmed. Blue eyes seemed to mesmerize him. He was not afraid of the blond man and his strange obsession with tea and cigarettes… or perhaps it was a mouth fetish. Hmm.
Finally, the pilot laughed long and hard, alternating between taking a drag of his ever present cigarette and gulping his tea. “Whatever,” he commented before muttering about damn ShinRa and late Presidents under his breath. His eyes fell away from Vincent’s, and the gunman obliged by turning his gaze away also.
“Um, Cid…” Cloud began after a moment of silence, having learned the pilot’s name from Shera. “About--”
But he was interrupted when the other man’s ears perked up, and he jumped to his feet, tea forgotten as it sloshed in the cup, nearly spilling on the table. There was a knock on the door, which was more like a pounding, seconds before a pudgy, balding man came in. He smiled disgustingly at the smell of the tea that greeted him.
“Finally, damn Palmer, could your boss be any later?” Cid accused, rushing past him and heading for the door. “And drink some damn tea!” he called back as he ran out the door. Cloud and Aeris could not help but stare after the foul-mouthed pilot in wonder.
“I like lots of lard in my tea; don’t forget that. And honey, too! Oh and milk and sugar… and don’t forget the lard!” Palmer said loudly and rather excitedly, his fat mass squeezing into the already crowded kitchen, and he stuck a finger into the boiling pot. He missed the scathing and disgusted glance that Shera shot him, even as she pushed a teacup to him with one of her fingers, using just the tip of it, as if she was afraid to catch some foul disease by being near him.
Vincent agreed with her sentiment. The slovenly pig man was repulsive.
The sound of excited slurping filled the room, and at the side of the clumps of lard floating in the tea, both Cloud and Aeris turned green. Vincent preferred not to look.
Eager to disrupt the slurping and perhaps gain a hold on her rolling stomach, the flower-girl spoke suddenly. “Why do you let him treat you like that?” Although her voice was quiet, it carried, interrupting Palmer’s diatribe about the tastefulness of lard in tea.
“I owe him as much,” the mousy looking Shera answered slowly, a starry look appearing in her brown eyes. She slowly gravitated towards the last chair, wrapping her fingers around her teacup as it steamed. “It is my fault he will never meet his dream…”
And from there, she told them the story of how Cid stopped the launch of the ShinRa No 26 so that she could live. Her tale was interspersed with Palmer’s comments about more honey and sugar, unfortunately. But she still managed to get her point across, ending on how the rocket ended up in the leaning position it had today.
“It leans a little more each year. Soon, it will fall, crushing what few of us remain in this desolate abandoned town,” she finished with a sigh, finally managing to take a sip of her own drink before Palmer ruthlessly demanded more, bits of honey and lard flecked on his lips. Aeris and Cloud shuddered in unison, their completely untouched tea lying on the table before them. Vincent, however, was glad that the glutton was too voracious to realize that AVALANCHE was sitting directly in front of him.
“We should see what Cid and Rufus are discussing,” Cloud stated, rising from his chair and slinging his massive sword over his back. He didn’t quite like the sad expression that had taken over Shera’s face, not to mention that they had come to Cid’s house for a purpose. Aeris nodded, and Vincent merely shrugged, both of them beginning to follow their leader out of the kitchen.
They made their way to the front door, slipping outside as silently as they could, but they stopped just outside, eavesdropping on the conversation happening a few feet away with ridiculous ease. Vincent wondered why it was that the soldiers with Rufus, or Rufus himself for that matter, didn’t seem to notice them standing there. Or perhaps the President did and didn’t seem to care. Either way, it was odd.
“Whaddya mean you are not here for the damned space program?” Cid asked incredulously. His hands waved wildly, face already beginning to flush with anger. He was clearly upset by the turn of events.
“I need the Tiny Bronco. Sephiroth has crossed the ocean, and that plane is the best transport,” Rufus explained with a haughty shake of his head. He ran his fingers through his silky blond tresses, tapping the gun at his side impatiently. He fully expected to be obeyed. Cid was to either get with the program or get shot. One way or the other, the President of ShinRa was going to have his way.
The pilot spluttered, “Hell no! You ain’t takin my baby! That’s my damn plane! I made her! It doesn’t belong to fucking ShinRa!” Cid all but yelled, shaking his head forcefully. He made as if to reach behind him, for the spear that was attached to his back.
“ShinRa made you, Mr. Highwind. I would suggest that you remember that before acting in such a… rash manner,” Rufus responded coldly, eyes gleaming in the light of the sun. Two men stepped up beside him, lower class members of SOLDIER. They leveled their guns at Cid, warning him that they would shoot if necessary. Things were reaching a tense level then, and Cloud wondered if they would be forced to intervene… or if it was even their place.
However, before he could even make a decision, the door behind them opened with a quiet click. Cloud and the others nearly jumped in shock, whipping around only to find Shera gesturing them inside. Though confused, they followed her and stood in the foyer.
“Um, I think you should go out back,” Shera whispered conspiratorially, her ears straining for the sounds of the two men arguing outside. “Palmer and the Turks are acting suspiciously. I think they are after the Captain's plane.”
Cloud grinned, wrapping his gloved fingers over the hilt of his new sword, looking much similar to Sephiroth’s Masamune. “Well, we will just see about that now won’t we?” He smirked. If Rufus wanted the plane, then it would amuse them to get to it first. Cid would understand.
Vincent, however, frowned a bit in confusion. “Why are you helping us?” he questioned, even as he unholstered his gun and made sure it was ready for battle. If it involved ShinRa, he was certain there was a fight to be had. He idly noticed when Aeris did the same with her staff.
A faint blush decorated Shera’s cheeks as her brown eyes turned towards the door, an almost affectionate look crossing her features. “I think that the Captain would rather the Tiny Bronco be in your hands than theirs,” she responded softly before gesturing past them towards a door on the far end of the hall. “Get to the back yard through there.”
Cloud nodded in understanding. He unsheathed the Yoshiyuki and stepped beyond Shera, making for the back door of the house, Aeris on his heels. Vincent cast one more look towards Shera, but she had already turned towards the front door, preparing to peep out it once more. She was a strange woman.
Their leader burst through the back door, sword at the ready, scanning the area for enemies. His companions trailed behind him, flanking him to either side and watching his back. He saw Palmer, fat ass up in the air, near the cockpit of the small plane, trying to get it running. Rude and Reno stood on the ground calling up not-so-helpful hints to the idiot. Actually, it was more like the redhead gave suggestions, while Rude remained silent.
“Don’t you know how to fly these things?” Palmer demanded from within the plane, his voice echoing with a high-pitched whine.
Reno snickered. “No, of course not, yo. You must be mistaken. I’ve never even sat in a plane before.”
Beside him, the other Turk snorted. “Idiot,” he mumbled under his breath, but they weren’t quite sure which one he meant.
Reno shrugged and called up another idea. “Try to press the big red button, yo!” the red-haired Turk suggested.
Palmer hemmed and hawed. “There is no big red button.”
Reno shrugged, tapping his Electro Rod against his shoulder. He exchanged an amused glance with his partner before trying again. “Jiggle the joystick, yo.”
“I did that already! Three times!”
The Turks snickered. “Perhaps you’re jiggling the wrong one!” The redhead laughed at his own perverted joke and made a crude gesture with one hand, elbowing his partner in an attempt to make Rude enjoy his genius as well. However, the bald man barely managed a curl of his lips as he threaded his hands in front of his body.
Shaking his head at the scene, Cloud ordered in his strongest leader voice, “We’ll be taking that!”
His words didn’t even seem to startle the two Turks, who merely glanced over their shoulders before turning around to face their enemy. The ex-SOLDIER planted his feet, his sword making an impressive glint in the sunlight.
“Oh, you,” Reno commented dismissively, his bright hair shining in the sun, even as his Electro Rod crackled with energy. Rude, as usual, said nothing, merely pointing his fist at Cloud and his friends, while his sunglasses hid any of the emotion in his eyes.
“You don’t seem happy to see me,” the swordsman retorted, appearing to pout. He leveled his sword at them, pointing it menacingly. “Palmer, get out of the plane!”
The Turk tapped his Electro Rod on his shoulder as an angry look took over his features. “I’ll stop you first,” Reno growled, darting forward to attack Cloud, who quickly blocked his attack. There was a hiss as steel blade met electricity, the lightning-like effect dancing along the edge of the Yoshiyuki.
“That all you got?” the blond taunted, pushing the Turk back. Reno skidded backwards, boots digging furrows into the ground as Cloud quickly cast Bio2. It struck with a vengeance, instantly weakening his opponent.
“You don’t play by the rules,” Reno huffed, running a hand through his hair as he hunched over, the poison quickly spreading through his body. He felt heavy, as if all his vigor was draining through him and out the soles of his boots. He hated, absolutely hated being forced to lose to these chumps. But orders were orders.
Luckily, Palmer seemed to note his predicament. He jumped out of the plane, waving unsteadily on his feet as he dug about in his pocket.
“Here stupid! Drink this!” the fat man called out, trying to toss Reno an antidote, but a singular gunshot stopped him. The Antidote shattered, clear liquid sprinkling the ground.
Another resounding shot barreled into Reno’s right shoulder before he could make a move, blood splashing instantly. Hot fire raced through the redhead’s body, and he clenched his teeth in anger and pain.
Angry mako eyes turned in one direction, giving Vincent a glare of death. “Tch, it’s not over yet!” Reno claimed before running around the side of the house where Rufus and their back up was waiting.
“You run like a girl, Reno!” Cloud laughed, hauling up his sword to rest on his shoulder. In the background, Aeris scowled slightly at his comment, but she quickly sobered as she dodged a dark-skinned fist. The sound of shattering ice and the feel of a powerful spell quickly made Cloud forget about Reno as he turned to help finish off Rude.
The silent Turk had taken on the Ancient, thinking her an easier opponent. He was sorely mistaken when he found himself barraged by forceful swings of a rod that were accompanied by an onslaught of magic attacks. The staff slammed into the side of his belly, a move he couldn’t avoid, and he distinctly felt several ribs crack.
He pointed his fist at her angrily, but she just shook her head in disgust. She hated such vulgar actions and moved to attack him again, but Cloud stepped into her line of vision.
“Hey, let me handle this,” he said, body glowing with a strange reddish, orange light. She nodded and left him, going to help subdue Palmer, who Vincent appeared to be taunting. “Blade beam!” the blond yelled seconds before his limit break rolled through him, and he slammed his blade into the ground, sending a shockwave straight towards Rude.
Soil and grass were thrown in all directions as ripples of power racing across the land. Rude’s face registered his shock and horror. He ran, but he was far too late. The attack struck him, knocking him off his feet and sending him battered to the ground. He visibly crashed with an audible thud that looked very painful. Beaten and bloody, he pushed himself off the ground and ran wildly after Reno, shaking his fist angrily at Cloud as he did so.
The ex-SOLDIER simply smirked, searching around for more enemies and finding none. “This was too easy.”
Palmer had taken off as well, several pounds lighter thanks to Vincent’s careful aim. Cloud found his fleeing figure seconds before a truck came out of nowhere and slammed into the lardass, sending him flying several feet into the air and into obscurity.
And for a moment, the companions thought they might be able to rest. The battle was won; Cid’s plane was safe. Yet, that did not last long as the Tiny Bronco began to take off on its own, sans a pilot. Whatever Palmer had been touching before he wobbled away had apparently worked.
“Quickly! Into the plane!” Cloud ordered as he sheathed his sword and scrambled to get in. Ignoring their defeated enemies, the other two hurried forward as the propellers slowly began to pick up speed. The ex-Turk was forced to cling to one of the arms of the plane as only Aeris would fit behind the seat with Cloud.
With a mighty jerk, the tiny plane took off into the air, the swordsman trying to control it, and Vincent struggling to cling to the wing, red cape fluttering wildly in the wind. In an attempt to keep from sliding off, he pierced the thin, metal webbing of the wing and held on for dear life with his claw. He didn’t mind flying but wasn’t looking forward to the blond idiot’s attempt to control the contraption with him dangling from a wing.
Cloud really wasn’t an experienced pilot, nor did the huge gusts of wind assailing the small craft make things any easier. The Tiny Bronco went in violent circles up above Cid’s house before it swept down low over the tiny town, right where Rufus and the other blond were arguing.
Cid’s mouth dropped open in surprise when he saw the three on his plane. He screamed a few choice obscenities and took off after them, just managing to leap onto the undercarriage, even as Rufus and his soldiers opened fire. Cloud tried to maneuver out of range, but his steering skills sucked. One lone bullet made its way to the engine, promptly putting it out of order and causing them to careen wildly. Erratically streaming through the air, blades whirring frantically to keep them afloat, the Tiny Bronco managed to make just out of Rocket Town and over the ocean before it crashed. It effectively soaked all of its passengers and even throwing off a couple.
Meanwhile, back at Rocket Town, Rufus ran his hands through his hair and scowled. They had gotten away and took his transportation in the process. He whirled on his feet, subordinates following after him. He saved his ire for the Turks and Palmer, knowing they were to blame for unsuccessfully pilfering the Tiny Bronco.
And in the tiny inn, Tifa and the others leant worried eyes to the distant horizon where they had last seen their leader and companions clinging with abject terror to a rapidly falling plane.
* * *
Thanks for reading! Leave a review before you go and let me know how I’m doing! Thanks!!