Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sowing the SeeDs ❯ Chapter 17 ( Chapter 17 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sowing the SeeDs : Part 17
a fanfic by Greenbeans <>
edited by Helen Fong <>
based on the world of Final Fantasy 8
created by Square Electronic Arts L.L.C. <>
Xu strolled down the cobblestone sidewalks of Balamb without drawing any
undue notice to herself. In the spring dress she wore today she was just
another local enjoying the favorable weather.
A scowl came to her face as she recalled Aucifer's comments before she
left the Garden. When he spotted her in this dress and she told him that she
was going into town he asked if she had a hot date. And Aucifer, being the ass
that he is at times, just had to quiz her about what kind of man might have
caught her interest. It was enough to make her want to put her fist into his
In fact, she had been invited to Balamb for dinner, but not with a
possible suitor. Doctor Kadowaki asked Xu to her Balamb home. Xu knew that
Kadowaki didn't live in the Garden though she maintained quarters there. Xu
had never been to Kadowaki's house. And why Kadowaki asked her over was a
complete mystery to Xu. As fond as she was of the Doctor, she doubted very
much that this was going to be a social visit.
The whitewashed stone building that was Kadowaki's home blended in with
those around it. The most distinguishing characteristic was a row of potted
flowers lined up against the front of the house. The interior showed more
flavor with tastefully displayed model ships and seashells.
"My husband's a fisherman," the Doctor explained when she noticed Xu
admiring one of the larger models.
"I didn't know that you were married," she admittedly sheepishly. "Will I
have the chance to meet him?"
"Frank's out at sea right now."
"Aren't they following the largest school of Balamb fish that's been
spotted in quite some time?" Cid's voice added from the kitchen. He meandered
from the kitchen to join them in the living room. Unlike the two ladies, he
was dressed as he would normally be were they at the Garden. His right hand
raked back his hair before he continued speaking.
"I also hear that the usually placid sea monsters have become more
aggressive as of late. I trust that the boats have sufficient protections
should a monster attack?"
A concerned expression came to Kadowaki's face, but she nodded
It seemed as though Xu arrived in the middle of a conversation that they
were only now finishing. Xu wasn't sure she'd be as outwardly calm as Kadowaki
was if she knew that her significant other was at risk. Then again, if monster
attacks were a common hazard, then the fishermen should be prepared for it.
The three of them returned to the kitchen where they sat around a small
table to eat. Cid's presence made it clear to her that this gathering was all
business. There was something that they wanted to discuss with her outside of
the Garden. But why couldn't they meet in Cid's office, or hers for that
matter? Did they fear that the walls had ears?
She'd never know the answers to her questions if she didn't voice them.
"Hmm, yes, I wanted to discuss some matters with you in a location that
provided comfort and privacy," Cid confirmed her suspicions.
Xu straightened up in her seat, preparing herself for whatever it was Cid
had to say.
The Headmaster began his characteristic fidgeting. Why was he so nervous?
"Ah... Where to begin?" The question was a rhetorical one, though Kadowaki
supplied an answer.
"Yes... Quistis..." he drawled.
When he failed to say more, Kadowaki continued. "Her first mission made
it clear that people will have a hard time granting a 15 year old the authority
a SeeD should command by name alone. Though Quistis made no mention of it in
her report, Skye described the skepticism of her abilities that Quistis was
faced with. That or they treated her like a specimen just like those monsters
they're so fond of!"
"So you sent Quistis to Galbadia to wait for her to physically grow up?
It sounds as though you're discounting her because of her age as well. Are you
even going to allow her to teach?" Xu asked with a scowl.
"That has yet to be decided," Cid said. "She's painfully young for her
post. I don't want to hold her back and so I must find other ways to occupy
her time. She will learn a lot from the Galbadians, just as you learned much
from them. She needs to mature both physically and emotionally before she's
ready for what I will require of her."
Xu arched an eyebrow at his choice of phrasing. "And what will you
require of her?"
Cid's eyes slid over to meet Kadowaki's. She gave him a small nod, but he
shook his head in disagreement. "Now isn't the time to discuss Quistis'
future. We asked you here to discuss *your* future."
Kadowaki snorted in obviously disagreement with his decision to put her
off, but said nothing. Xu didn't press the issue, instead waiting for him to
"I sent you to Galbadia to learn more about the Gardens. Next week I will
be attending a conference in Trabia between the Garden Headmasters. I would
like you to accompany me. It's important that you become intimately familiar
with the inner workings of SeeD."
"Yes, sir." The words fell from her lips, but her mind questioned in what
way she lacked knowledge of how the organization functioned.
"Xu," he stretched his hand across the table and clasped it firmly around
hers. "I cannot emphasize enough the amount of trust I'm placing in you today
and the days to follow. SeeD's work is more important than providing
mercenaries. We will change the world through our actions."
And in the moments that followed as Cid's eyes searched her own, she knew
that he had every intention of carrying out what he just declared. But how did
he mean to change the world? She had no doubts that his intentions were good,
she wouldn't be here otherwise. Cid Kramer was a wily man capable of many
things, and a fearful adversary for those who drew his ire. With the best
soldiers in the world under his command, he could accomplish just about
"What are we going to do?"
"I think it would be best for you to save your questions until after our
business in Trabia is concluded." He squeezed her hand again. "A lot will be
explained there, along with many new questions being raised."
Xu bowed her head. The entire matter was suspicious, and not just because
of how Cid was acting. She *knew* that the Gardens weren't what they seemed,
at least Balamb wasn't. What she found in the waterways confirmed that. On a
hunch, Xu asked her next question.
"Does this have anything to do with the waterways under the Garden?"
Cid straightened up abruptly, withdrawing his hand from hers. "The
waterways that feed the ponds? What about them?"
"I had reason to explore them recently," she admitted. "Have I ever told
you how the Garden always makes me feel at home? It wasn't until I went down
there that I realized why..."
"The architecture and artistic style should be familiar to a native of
Centra," Kadowaki interjected. She had a look to her that could be described
as pleasantly smug. As though she had a bet with Cid as to whether Xu would
ever piece this puzzle together or not, and she had just won.
"The good Doctor is correct," Cid admitted hesitantly. "The Garden is a
refurbished Centra shelter. Because of cost considerations we decided to
re-commission a shelter rather than build the Garden from the ground up."
"Well, Balamb is hardly the only shelter laying around," Xu conceded. The
ruins of the shelters could be found most commonly in Winhill, Dollet, and
Esthar. Only those who reveled in the artifacts of the past even took notice
of the vehicles that brought settlers north after the Lunar Cry destroyed
Centra. She had to admit that resurrecting a derelict shelter was a sensible
move on his part.
"You have a sharp eye and a keen wit," Cid complimented. "Keep them about
you next week. You'll need them."
"Don't you have a hall to monitor?" Sierra said with a touch of annoyance
when Seifer slid up behind her in the lunch line. He picked up a tray to
maintain the pretense of being here for a meal. There was only one reason
Seifer came to the Cafeteria and purposefully crossed paths with her: to cause
"I wanted to schedule a meeting with you, Pinky," he said in a hushed
whisper as she pointed to what she wanted to eat.
His 'nickname' was meant to barb her. Only an insensitive bastard like
him would poke fun at the fact that she was missing part of that finger. When
she first arrived to the Garden she let his words get to her, but now she stuck
to a cool demeanor that infuriated him. It was much more satisfying to see him
being flustered than letting herself be upset by his childishness.
"You make what you do sound so official. Why don't you just tell me what
you want and stop wasting my time?"
He followed her into the seating area. She found a place to sit and he
joined her without invitation. "If you haven't figured it out yet, no one here
likes you. You're a disgrace to the Garden. If you won't leave willingly or
have the decency to flunk out, I'll beat you 'til you go crying for your
Sierra shook her head and smirked. "Dumbshit, my mother died years ago.
You should be ashamed for insulting her memory."
Seifer left after that, though he wasn't abashed by his insensitivity. He
continued to pester Sierra at every meal for the rest of the week and into the
next. Sierra was ready to agree to just about anything Seifer demanded just to
get him out of her hair.
What he wanted was a grudge match...
Xu wasn't pleased to be back in the Infirmary so soon. This time it was
Cid who was in need of medical attention. They were in his office going over
the final details of their trip when he collapsed into her arms.
Kadowaki wasn't pleased to see them either. "How many times have I told
him..?" She muttered darkly as she went about her work.
Xu sat in the waiting area until Kadowaki came out of the examination room
to speak with her. "How is he?"
"He'll be fine," Kadowaki assured. "He pushes too hard and doesn't take
proper care of himself. His illness would have been a minor one if he'd slowed
down and took a day off. Instead he kept going full speed ahead until it
caused his collapse."
Xu was relieved. His collapse frightened her more than she was willing to
"You," Kadowaki continued while waggling a finger at her, "were smart and
took my advice when injured. Cid, on the other hand, is going to have to stay
here until he's fully recovered."
"As you say, Doctor." Xu knew better than to protest on Cid's behalf. If
Kadowaki went to such an extreme step it was for his own good. "What of the
meeting in Trabia?"
"You'll have to go on your own. I won't let Cid leave this Infirmary
until he's well. I know that he trusts you to keep the Garden's best interests
at heart. You can do it."
Xu accepted Kadowaki's assurances, though she didn't share them. She'd
never meet the Trabian Headmistress before, not even in correspondence.
Martine would be there, but he'd never thought much of her. If only Cid could
be there to ease the way...
Long vessel rides had always lulled Xu into a peaceful state of mind. The
rhythmic swaying of the ship was soothing to her. Probably because it reminded
her of the long trips she took to and from Centra. She reluctantly pulled her
thoughts out of their restful state to figure out how much longer they had to
go. By her reckoning they were about half way.
Gone for only a few hours and already she felt a twang of unease. She
couldn't quite pinpoint what was causing the small knot that was uncomfortably
settled in her stomach. Worrying over her meeting with the Headmasters
wouldn't do her any good, so she'd already set that nervousness aside.
Perhaps it was due to leaving the Training Center in Aucifer's care. A
skilled Master he was, a responsible one she still questioned. No, that wasn't
fair. He was responsible as well. It was his personality that she took issue
with. She had a hard time differentiating when he was just talking big and
when he was earnestly being an ass about something.
Like this trip.
Why did he have to make light of it when he knew that she was nervous? Oh
sure, it might have been charming that he teased her about a romantic
rendezvous. But he was no Sean. Xu winced on the inside. No, he wasn't Sean
at all...
She forced her thoughts away from that and looked around her in the small
Seated across from her was Myn. He was occupying his time by reading a
book. Next to him was Nym. She was pounding furiously on the buttons of a
small handheld gaming device. Xu was mildly surprised when she realized that
the clicking noise of the buttons wasn't bothering her as much as it could
have. The steady hum of the ship's engines did well to mask other sounds.
Cid had mentioned that the twins requested some leave so that they could
visit their parents. She didn't think he meant that they would be traveling
with her as a sort of unofficial escort. It didn't matter. They were each
going to Trabia for their own reasons.
"Yo teach, this your first time to Trabia?" Myn asked after noticing that
she was looking around. Nym's hand moved like lightning to poke him in the
side for being so informal, then it was back on the handheld without missing a
"Yes, this is my first time," Xu confirmed.
"I hope you're ready for some cold weather." Myn grinned slyly. "Trabia's
nothing like Balamb. It's icy there year-round!"
"So I've heard," Xu replied wryly.
The cold was something that concerned her. She was most definitely a
warm-weather person. The Serengetti Plains were usually hot except in the dead
of winter. Likewise, Balamb enjoyed a temperate climate. Trabia's tundra was
something she wasn't used to and not looking forward to experiencing.
Xu boggled at the sight of the Garden once they arrived. Towering
mountains surrounded it on three sides. The Garden itself looked to be a fort
in the midst of winter's besiegement. The inside was much more welcoming than
the outer walls implied. A statue of a gargoyle stood watch over the central
courtyard that all who entered the Garden had to pass through.
The three Balamb SeeDs made their way into the Garden proper, each with a
sack slung over their shoulders. Myn began to tell a story about the statue
when they heard a female's voice calling for them.
"Assistant Headmistress Xu! Assistant Headmistress Xu!" A cadet waved
vigorously before running at full speed to meet them.
Xu caught the questioning look that Nym shot her at. Before she could
answer the cadet caught up with them, her cheeks flush from her efforts to
locate Xu. She had an odd flip hairstyle and seemed to radiate cheerfulness.
"I finally caught up with you! My name's Selphie Tilmitt. Headmistress
Rebecca told me to escort you to her office, Assistant Headmistress." The cadet
saluted promptly to add weight to the order.
"Selphie!" Myn beamed broadly.
"Nym, Myn!" She greeted happily, momentarily forgetting the orders she was
about to discharge. "Want to get together later?"
"Definitely," Nym bobbed her head in agreement. "I can tell you all about
the hunks at Balamb. You won't be disappointed once you transfer there!"
With good humor Xu allowed them their opportunity to catch up. A few
minutes delay in meeting the Headmistress wouldn't hurt anyone.
Once they'd gotten their social lives in order Selphie led Xu to Rebecca's
office, leaving Nym and Myn to go on their way. It surprised Xu in an ironic
sort of way that Rebecca's office turned out to be on the ground floor. In
Galbadia, Martine's was on the second, and in Balamb, Cid's was on the third.
She idly wondered if any conclusions could be drawn from that. Selphie showed
her to the door and then retreated from the Headmistress's domain.
The Headmistress herself was a startling tall woman with a cascade of
strawberry blonde curls flowing across her shoulders and down her back. Xu
felt like a midget when she approached the woman to shake her hand. Rebecca's
grip was a strong one that challenged the person on the receiving end to show
her any weakness. Her eyes were an icy blue that seemed fitting given the
climate she lived in.
She wore a long dress made of heavy cloth. The dress's cut was simplistic
and distracted none from the business-like nature of the woman wearing it. Xu
had to give Rebecca credit for creating an air of complete control and
competence in her persona (which was a sharp contrast to Cid's constant motion
and deceptive bumbling). Standing before her like this, there was no doubt as
to who was in charge in the room. Even so, Xu didn't feel uncomfortable being
around such a strong presence.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Headmistress Rebecca," Xu greeted formally.
"And you, Assistant Headmistress. I've been curious to meet the woman
Cid's chosen as his right hand," she replied lightly.
Xu blushed. "I'm flattered, but I'm just an aide. All SeeDs assist
Headmaster Cid in one way or another, this is what he's asked of me."
"Modest, too," she drawled. "Answer me this, if Cid were to to die who do
you think would take over Balamb Garden?"
All pretense of a casual meeting shattered. Xu stiffened, not liking the
question in the slightest. "I suspect the other Headmasters would find a
suitable replacement should such a misfortune befall him," she answered coolly.
"So we would. Do you think Kadowaki is a suitable replacement? Would she
lead SeeD into battle? She's a good friend, but she isn't there for the fight.
First and foremost she's a healer.
"Should Cid become unable to carry out his duties as Balamb's Headmaster,
*you* will be the one to replace him," Rebecca pinned her back with a long
fingertip lightly digging into her shoulder. "Your credentials are impressive
and you've done well when put to the test. Don't let misguided modesty detract
from the weight of your post. You are the Assistant Headmaster of Balamb
Garden and while a guest of Trabia I expect you to act it!"
Xu was stunned by the unexpected reprimand. Yes, she was a member of
Cid's inner circle, but she would never have presumed to place herself after
him in the chain of command.
Rebecca's expression relaxed into that of a knowing smile. "I hear that
Cid is ill. Now tell me the truth."
Xu was thrown off balance yet again by the direction this interview was
taking. "I'm afraid that is the truth. I was at Cid's bedside before I left
Balamb to come here," she replied. She didn't know why Rebecca would doubt
that, not unless she thought that he was up to one of his tricks. But he
couldn't be. Xu had taken him to the Infirmary herself and he didn't look well
enough to do much of anything when she left him this morning.
"Interesting. I was wondering when he'd reach his limit..." Her voice
trailed off before her mind jumped tracks again. "I've assigned Selphie to be
your guide and assistant while you're here. If you need anything, just ask
When Xu left Rebecca's office she found Selphie in the hallway waiting on
a bench for her. Upon seeing her, Selphie sprung to her feet and skip-hopped
over to Xu. "What can I do for you, Assistant Headmistress?"
Xu favored her with a wry look. "You could start by addressing me as Xu,
or if you must use a title, SeeD Xu. A couple years in Galbadia made me sick
of such things."
Selphie saluted with a grin on her face. "Yes, sir."
"I thought you and the twins were going to go do something together?"
"Yeah, we will later, but I should show you around the Garden first."
And so she did. Basketball was the sport of choice at Trabia Garden.
Every court had people playing on it. Selphie told her about the student
basketball league. As they were leaving the courts the twins met up with them
and joined the tour.
Of the three Gardens, Trabia was easily the smallest, and was seemingly
the friendliest. It could have been because of the company Xu was in, but she
didn't think so. Students waved at them as they went by, or stopped long
enough to exchange a few words of greeting before continuing on.
Xu shook her head ruefully as a thought occurred to her. Nym noticed the
action and asked what was on her mind.
"It's odd that Sierra's from such a friendly place," Xu shrugged and
grinned to take the sting out of her observation.
"Aisierra de Ling?" Selphie asked, not sure who they were talking about.
"She'd pound you if she ever caught you using her full name," Myn lightly
poked Selphie to remind her. "'Member the bloody nose she gave Teddy?"
"No, I was in the other class," Selphie defended.
"I seem to remember her doing it during recess on the back court," Nym
chimed in thoughtfully. "You missed that?"
Selphie nodded woefully. "Everyone was up in arms about a fight and that
Sierra and Teddy were involved, but I wasn't there."
"You should have seen the fur fly once Rebecca got her hands on Sierra. I
swear she wasn't able to sit properly for a week after the thumping her butt
took!" Myn added before Nym bopped him for laughing at Sierra's pain.
The story-telling was completely lost on Xu, her mind still reeling from
what Selphie had said. Her name was Aisierra..? Xu rubbed the bridge of her
nose as she tried to concentrate. The important thing she couldn't remember
because of the concussion seemed all the more urgent.
"Are you okay?" Nym asked, finally looking behind them to discover that Xu
had stopped walking several meters back.
Xu sat down on a nearby bench and continued to rack her brains. She was
so close. It was like a word that was caught on the tip of her tongue. If she
could just rattle it free! Think... Think!
Myn, Nym, and Selphie were standing in a half circle around her with mixed
expressions of puzzlement. "Xu..?" Nym persisted.
"Give me a minute," Xu muttered. She then stretched out her right hand
and began drawing something on the bench with a fingertip. Suddenly the fog in
her mind lifted and the pieces of the puzzle she'd been missing came into
place. As abruptly as she had stopped, she stood up again. "Selphie, take me
back to the Headmistress's office please."
"O- okay," Selphie gestured in the direction they needed to go.
"What's gotten into you?" Nym scowled.
Xu shook her head and smiled, a reaction that confused Nym even more.
"It's okay, I got my memory back."
"That's good, isn't it?" Myn asked hesitantly. The way Xu was acting
caused him to doubt the benefits of her sudden recollection.
When they got to Rebecca's office, Xu dismissed Selphie and the twins.
She might be a while if she got what she asked for. What she wanted was to
look at Sierra's student file. Her Trabia records should contain things her
Balamb ones don't, such as her original application to the Garden.
"What are you looking for?" Rebecca asked as she pulled up the file. She
was understandably curious to know why Xu was asking, but saw no reason to deny
her the information.
"Her name," Xu answered, her eyes quickly scanning back through the
records to find the ones she was interested in.
"Yes, Aisierra," Xu agreed, only half paying attention as she read. "But
she goes by Sierra..."
"There's nothing wrong with a nickname," Rebecca pointed out. By now she
was thoroughly confused as to where Xu was going with this. The woman was
obviously struck by some sort of inspiration, but the motive was a mystery.
"No, but it's not on any of her Balamb records. Her transfer forms say
her name is Sierra, not Aisierra."
"Probably a minor oversight. When you always address a person by a
certain name, it tends to stick. I don't see why it matters so much to you,"
the Headmistress admitted, becoming impatient to see Xu's logic.
Xu looked up from the terminal, her eyes gleaming. They held the same
inspired genius / mad scientist look that Cid's eyes did when he happened upon
something he saw as being deeply significant. Rebecca understood all the more
why this one was his aide. She possessed the same clever intelligence that he
"It says here that her grandfather died four years ago and her father is
her only living relative."
"That's correct," Rebecca acknowledged. "de Ling is one of the Summit
locals who works for us. He guides groups of cadets during training missions
to the Mines."
"I can see where Sierra got her knack for reading the terrain," Xu agreed,
closing the files. She stood up from the terminal and stretched out.
"What did you find?" Rebecca casually crossed her arms. Cid may be able
to dodge her questions, but Xu wasn't going get away with all of his tricks.
Xu frowned slightly. "I'm not entirely sure yet. I'll know once I return
to Balamb."
"You and Cid are too much alike. Heaven help us."
"Eh?" That statement confused Xu. She didn't see herself as being all
that much like Cid. The Headmaster had a vision for the future. She saw it as
her mission to bring that vision into reality. Besides, wasn't she supposed to
work in tandem with him? The more inline with his thinking that she was, the
easier it would be to execute his plans.
When Martine arrived at Trabia Garden later that afternoon everyone knew
it. His booming voice echoed across the courtyard as he yelled at a student
who was in pursuit of a wayward basketball that hit him in passing. The
student was quick to offer his apologies, but that didn't seem to satisfy the
grumpy Galbadian. Eileen, who was accompanying him, tugged gently on his coat
sleeve and pulled him away.
"I see that you're moving up in the world," Eileen greeted Xu as Rebecca
met privately with Martine in her office.
The two women chatted easily, catching up on what's happened in their
lives since they last spoke until the two Headmasters presented themselves.
"We'll have dinner in the west conference room at 1900," Rebecca informed the
two aides.
Xu found her way back to the guest quarters she'd been assigned and
cleaned up. A half-hour before dinner she heard a knocking on the door.
Selphie had likewise changed and was there to lead Xu to the west conference
room when she was ready.
"Why don't you go off and do something with the twins? I'm sure I can
find my way there without too much trouble," Xu offered.
"Thank you, SeeD Xu, but while you're at Trabia Garden I'm going to be on
you like a hawk!" Selphie smiled cutely. She was entirely too happy for
someone who was given what could be considered a shit job.
"Does Martine have a guide?" Xu couldn't imagine him taking well to have a
cadet underfoot. He'd be too inclined towards kicking them.
"No, sir, he has Ms. Pearcy. They've been here before, so they know their
way around the Garden," the cadet answered brightly.
Xu sighed softly and resigned herself to the fact that she was going to
have Selphie at her side while she was here. When they arrived at the
conference room, Selphie stopped at the door and ushered Xu in, but didn't
follow. Martine, Eileen, and Rebecca were already there speaking amongst
"Do you live in that uniform?" Martine asked snidely after noticing her
Xu smiled tightly. "When in doubt as to what etiquette requires, wear your
uniform," she answered in a tone that was more forgiving than she felt.
Rebecca flashed her an understanding smile while Eileen chuckled lightly.
Martine hmph-ed and slouched further in his seat. Xu sat down across the table
from Martine at Rebecca's left. Eileen sat next to Martine on his right. A
silence settled between them. Several minutes passed and Xu wondered what was
taking the servers so long in presenting the meal.
"Where's Centra?" Martine sighed impatiently.
"As I explained this afternoon, they were running late. They should be
here any time now," Rebecca replied.
Xu couldn't believe her ears. Centra? Was there a Garden there? Where?
How come she'd never heard of it before?
Those questions occupied her mind until the door at the end of the room
opened and a man stepped through. He was dressed in a uniform that was white
from his boots to the band around his head. It was a startling contrast to his
rich brown skin. His posture and movements told Xu that he was well-trained in
the physical arts. The door behind him closed and he bowed to those assembled.
Before Martine could scold him for his late arrival Rebecca spoke.
"Jerrick, I see you made it safely. Please have a seat," she gestured to the
chair next to Xu.
Xu was captivated by how fluid his movements were, as though he flowed
from one location to the next. There wasn't any hesitation or awkwardness in
his demeanor.
"Allow me to introduce you to Xu from Balamb Garden. She's Headmaster Cid
aide," Rebecca said.
Xu offered her hand to him. He took it in his own and gave it a firm
squeeze. "It's an honor to meet someone who is so well regarded among our
superiors and peers. I'm Jerrick. Please excuse my forthrightness, but where
is Headmaster Cid?"
"At Balamb confined to the Infirmary. He had a spell of weakness and I
came without him," Xu explained.
Jerrick's lips pressed together with concern.
"Where's Edea?" Martine asked in turn.
"Likewise she has turned ill," his dark eyes shifted from Xu's to meet
"It's no coincidence that they're both sick," Martine grumbled, though
more thoughtfully than with any true complaint.
"I'm afraid that you are right, Headmaster. Edea's condition has worsened
considerably since we last gathered. I fear that we haven't much time left..."
Jerrick stopped speaking when the door opened again to admit the servers.
Xu knew when she was in over her head and right now she was drowning. Who
was Edea? She'd never heard the name before. The man sitting next to her was
an enigma. She felt like she was oddly detached from those around her. As
though she was witnessing a conversation instead of taking part in it.
Their host gently directed the conversation away from business and onto
more neutral topics. From what Xu could gather, Jerrick had spent most of his
life in Centra. He had an impressive knowledge of the geography and knew
things only a native could. She wondered what region he hailed from. As far
as she knew the Anshin compound was the largest settlement in the south, and
that would only pass as a small village by the standards of the north. There
could be other, smaller settlements of people who wished to live in isolation,
but she was certain there weren't many.
To her unending embarrassment the conversation kept working its way back
to her. Jerrick and Rebecca didn't know much about her except for what was
written up in official reports and Cid's own correspondence. Martine had
plenty of stories to share. Fortunately Eileen was there to bring his tales
back into the realm of reality.
Dinner ended with the understanding that they would meet again in the
morning. From what little Jerrick had said already, they were assured to have
a lively discussion come the morrow.
When Xu left the conference room she found Selphie sitting on a bench with
her head leaned up against the wall sleeping. Xu gently nudged the girl to
wake her. The cadet's eyes snapped open and she bolted to her feet,
embarrassed at having been caught.
"Have you been here the whole time?"
"Well... I did leave briefly to get a bite to eat, but I came right back!"
Selphie hedged around the question, hoping to avoid a reprimand.
Xu shook her head with bemusement. "Show me back to my quarters and then
go find your bed. We have an earlier start tomorrow."
"Excuse me, Madam Xu," Jerrick approached them from behind Xu. "If the
hour is not too late, may I speak with you privately? I will guide you back to
your quarters whenever you wish."
"Alright," Xu agreed. "Selphie, get some rest."
With a small bow Jerrick directed Xu down the hall. He walked next to her
in his fluid glide-step. To someone whose profession involved watching others
movements, he was fascinating. He led them through a long breezeway and out to
an open courtyard. Xu refrained from shivering, though she wanted to. Her
body wasn't used to the chill and wouldn't put up with it for long.
"What did you want to discuss?" Xu asked politely. She could think of at
least a half dozen things she would like to ask him, but figured that she'd
give him the first shot.
"I was curious to know how one of the Anshin became a Black SeeD."
She blinked, taken aback by his question. She glanced down at her uniform
and then gave him a puzzled look. Yes, she supposed that you could call her a
black SeeD. Did that make him a white SeeD?
"Is there a difference?" She asked in turn. Not sure how to answer his
question until it was framed in some sort of context.
"There is quite a difference. How odd that the one who is Cid's aide does
not know," he mused aloud. "I apologize, please, allow me to explain. There
are SeeDs all over the world. The SeeDs of the north: Galbadia, Balamb, and
Trabia. And the SeeDs of the south: The White SeeDs."
"Why two groups?"
"Because we have two distinct missions. The SeeDs of the south are to
protect the Sorceress from those who would cause her harm. The SeeDs of the
north are to kill her if she turns towards evil. I was curious to know why an
Anshin would join the SeeDs whose mission it is to destroy instead of the ones
who protect."
Xu sat down on a nearby bench so numbed on the inside that she didn't
notice the cold surface against the back of her thighs. Her mind reeled as she
tried to make sense of what he was saying. She knew that there were
Sorceresses, but had never met one, and certainly didn't see it as her mission
to kill one. And here he was telling her that there was a group of SeeDs out
there she hadn't know about yesterday whose mission it was to protect the
Sorceress from those who would want her dead. Wasn't it a contradiction to
both protect and destroy her?
"Where is she?" Xu asked in a hollow voice.
"The Sorceress the White SeeDs protect? She resides in Centra. I
apologize, but I cannot be more specific than that."
"Yes, that makes sense," she intoned.
"Madam Xu, are you all right? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so
forward. Let me show you to your quarters." He politely held his hand out to
her to help her up. She accepted the hand and mutely followed.
"Rest in peace," he gave her another one of his courteous bows before
Xu wanted to call for him to halt, but her tongue was silent when she
opened her mouth. Rest in peace. It was a saying used in the north to wish
the dead a long and restful slumber. In Centra the phrase lacked the morbid
implication since the spirit was finally waking up from its sleep when one
died. She'd only once made the mistake of wishing someone from the north a
peaceful rest.
Stretching out across her bed, she silently wished for him to rest in
peace as well.
The brisk evening breeze that played havoc with a few loose strands of her
hair annoyed Sierra. Where was Seifer? He's the one who wanted to meet out
here in the courtyard after curfew to have it out. Punk ass upstart, thinking
that a kid like him stood a chance against her.
She slipped back into the shadows to avoid a Shumi patrol. They'd have 15
minutes to beat the shit out of each other before another patrol made its
With increasing aggravation she glanced down at her watch. Seifer had
already managed to waste four minutes. That didn't leave her much time to
smear him across the courtyard. Where the hell was he?
"Cadet Sierra de Ling," she erk-ed at hearing her name. Silently she
cursed Seifer time and again before turning around to face the Shumi that had
shone its light on her. "Student out past curfew. Faculty will take Student
back to quarters."
"Thanks for the escort," she said glibly.
The Faculty stood there for a moment as it evaluated her response. It
finally shook its robes disapprovingly at her. "Cadet is being disrespectful
to Faculty. Headmaster will know tomorrow."
"Isn't he laid up in the Infirmary right now? I'm sure he has more
important things to do than be bothered with this. How about I go back to my
room and we call it even?"
"Faculty will not cut deal with bad Cadet." Sierra snickered. The way it
phrased that would imply that she was a poor student when what it really meant
was that she was ill mannered.
Its robes shook more violently with growing agitation. "Cadet think
Faculty funny? Cadet not think that morning!"
Sierra burst out laughing. Its use of the language was too funny! This
Shumi must be one of the newer ones to the Garden. It would have to be if it
was stuck with doing the nightly rounds.
The cadet continued laughing softly as she followed the Faculty back to
her quarters.
"Cut the flowery speech and get to the point, Jerrick. How much time do
we have left?" Martine insisted. They hadn't been gathered for more than a
hour and already Martine's temper betrayed him. Eileen tried to keep him in
check, but the Headmaster wasn't in the mood for Jerrick glossing the situation
"I cannot give an exact answer, Headmaster. The early signs have begun to
manifest themselves and show no indication of recessing. It could be a week,
month, or over another year before the corruption consumes her heart."
Xu was grateful to Eileen, and for her willingness to be dragged out of
bed in the early morning hours to give Xu a crash course on the Sorceresses.
The time difference was most severe for the Galbadians, and so Eileen had
already counted on getting little rest while they were here.
The Sorceress they were discussing was named Edea. Edea Kramer to be
exact. She was the wife of Headmaster Cid. If Xu hadn't so recently
experienced the awkwardness of not knowing that Kadowaki was married, Cid not
telling her that he was as well would have hurt her. At this rate *she* was
married and didn't know it...
Xu was a bit fuzzy on this next part, but apparently the powers of the
Sorceress had a corruptive effect on ones mentality. In short, as long as Edea
had the power within her, it would eat her alive from the inside out. This is
what was currently being discussed. The corruption was beginning to manifest
itself physically. Jerrick hadn't gone into any details when describing how it
was changing her, except to say that it was grotesque.
More regarding the intentions of the White SeeDs and their 'Garden' was
cleared up by her conversation with Eileen. The White SeeDs lived on a ship
that traveled the world over, never staying in one place for long. The total
occupancy of the ship including the children that were schooling there was in
the mid-forties. Keeping on the move was used as an added security measure.
Edea was the captain of this ship until recently.
"She doesn't know how much longer she can resist the madness," Jerrick
continued. "She has already returned to the seclusion of her Centra home. The
location of the White SeeD ship is a mystery to us, as we had intended.
Jessica is with the Sorceress now. We will continue our protection of her."
Xu shook her head, confused by all of this. "I'm sorry if I don't
understand, but the White SeeDs are supposed to protect the Sorceress. Why are
most of them abandoning her?"
A sad frown marred his expression. "She has ordered us to leave her.
There are others that we must protect. Her heart turning towards the darkness
is inevitable. Jessica and I are her two assistants, along with Madam Ellone.
Ellone's protection is a priority for us all. She is in seclusion along with
the other White SeeDs and the children."
Xu was appalled. After all this talk of protecting Edea, the White SeeDs
were going to abandon her. Didn't protecting her mean staying by her side
during thick and thin?
Eileen set her hand over Xu's. "We've been planning this for a very long
time. It's for the best that the northern SeeDs take over at this point. The
power of the Sorceress is too much for a 'Garden' that has less than two dozen
SeeDs. We'll protect the world from her, and Edea from herself."
There was a loud pounding on Sierra's dorm room door. She rolled out of
bed and groggily went to answer it. What she found on the other side didn't
please her in the least. A pair of Faculty framed the doorway.
"Cadet Sierra de Ling will come with Faculty to see the Headmaster," the
one on the right said after a small robe shake.
Sierra crossed her arms and hmph-ed. "May I at least take a shower
"No," the one on the left answered. "Cadet will come with Faculty now or
SeeD will escort Cadet to Headmaster."
It was then that Sierra saw that a SeeD was standing at the ready in the
shadows of the Faculty. Shit, she was in for it now. She ran her fingers
through her tousled hair in a vain attempt to straighten it out some.
"Fine, but don't blame me for the morning breath."
The two Faculty escorted her to the Infirmary with the SeeD remaining
several paces behind them. Kadowaki gave her a disapproving scowl as she was
lead past the Doctor's desk to the small recovery room Cid was in. The
Headmaster looked like he was fighting off one hell of a cold. His face was
gaunt with perspiration mating down his hair. Without his glasses on he looked
younger and more vulnerable.
He weakly waved for the Faculty to wait outside. Sierra's audience with
him would be a private one. She pulled up the stool at his bedside so that he
could speak softly and still be heard.
"I'm afraid that last night was the proverbial straw that broke the
Chocobo's back," he said. "You're confined to quarters until I'm well enough
to handle the situation properly."
Cid leaned back into his bedding and closed his eyes, effectively ending
the discussion (such as it was). Sierra sighed heavily and left. The Faculty
led her back to her room and reiterated that she wasn't to leave unless the
SeeD that was posted outside her door escorted her. Dammit all, she even
needed an escort if she wanted to go across the hall and use the lavatory.
That annoyed her more than anything else.
Eileen and Xu were sharing eating lunch in the Cafeteria between meetings.
Selphie was seated across the room to allow them their privacy. When Xu
returned to the condiment island to get some soy sauce, Selphie was at her side
in an instant to offer her assistance. The SeeD couldn't help but crack a
smile at such youthful enthusiasm.
Currently the two Headmasters were speaking privately with Jerrick. That
gave Xu the opportunity to ask more questions of Eileen without embarrassing
One of the questions Xu asked was why she had yet to meet Rebecca's aide
if all the Headmasters had one. The sad look that shadowed Eileen's eyes told
her that she'd stumbled onto a sensitive subject.
"He died of exposure while searching for a team of lost cadets in the
Summit Mines," she explained. "The bodies of the cadets were found a few days
later. They died when the shaft they were in collapsed. We'll never know why
they were in a closed off area. Rebecca suspects that they were searching for
a Yeti."
"Yeti? A monster?"
Eileen shrugged. "Who knows? No one's ever seen one. It's a myth that's
told by children in these parts."
They continued eating in silence. Every once in a while Xu would cast a
discreet look over her shoulder to see if Selphie was still there. The cadet
continued to patiently wait for Xu to finish her lunch. When Myn and Nym sat
down at Selphie's table to eat, Xu chuckled.
"What's so funny?" Eileen asked between sips of her soup.
"I'm wondering if I'll be able to sneak out of the room without my shadow
noticing," she said with a touch of playfulness in her voice as she motioned
behind her.
"You'll get Selphie in trouble if you do that, and she's a good kid,"
Eileen warned. "You really don't like having her around, do you?"
"It's nothing personal, I just prefer to do things on my own. If I'm not
capable, then sure, help me, but I can read a directory as well as any first
year cadet. I shouldn't rate a guide."
Now it was Eileen's turn to chuckle. "Ah, but you do. Enjoy it while you
can. There are plenty of other opportunities in life to get your hands dirty
with the details."
They couldn't spend the entire afternoon in the Cafeteria talking. Eileen
needed to get back to Martine and likely calm him down from whatever's got his
tail in a knot this time. That left Xu to pick up her escort and kill a bit of
time. She carried her tray over to Selphie's table and sat down to finish
drinking her tea.
"How do you like it here?" Nym asked before poking her twin for shoving an
entire bun into his mouth. In a remarkable display of skill he managed not to
choke while wiggling away from her prodding.
"It's too cold for my blood," Xu admitted, cradling the warm teacup
between her hands. "Eileen was telling me a bit about the Summit Mines. They
sound like a dangerous place."
"You don't go wandering around in there without a SeeD accompanying you,
that's for sure!" Selphie piped up.
"I'd go so far as to say that the Mines are more dangerous than the Fire
Cavern in Balamb. Did she tell you about the cadets?" Nym paused as Xu nodded.
"I can't recall anyone who's gotten lost in there and made it out alive."
"Sierra," Myn croaked out between chews.
"You should have better manners when around your Assistant Headmistress,"
Selphie hissed to Myn in an aside.
"You should have better manners regardless," Nym clarified. "Mom would
tan your hide if she saw you now."
Xu coughed to get their attention off of Myn and back on the topic she
wanted to know about. "Tell me about Sierra getting lost in the Mines."
"Yeah, tell me too, I don't know this story," Selphie bounced in her seat.
She was young enough that even students Sierra's age were aloft upperclassmen
to her. She wanted to hear about their adventures when they were younger.
"Well, as I recall she and her dad were scouting in the Mines when they
became separated. Every able-bodied man in Summit went looking for her. No
monster, not even a Yeti, was going to prevent them from finding the lost
child. Her grandfather found her a couple days later huddled up at the end of
a shaft. She's damn lucky to be alive," Nym concluded her story with an
authoritative head nod.
"I heard she ran away," Myn said before bringing his glass of milk up to
his lips. The hard whap on the back that his sister gave him caused him to
spit the milk in his mouth back into the glass.
"Idiot! Who would run away to the Mines? That's the stupidest thing I've
ever heard!"
Myn pouted while carefully wiping a few spots of milk off of his shades.
"How come I'm always wrong? One of these days I'm going to be right."
Seifer had a smug sway to his step today, more so than usual. Fujin and
Raijin followed a couple paces behind him as they did the afternoon rounds.
The hallways in the dorms were vacant except for the lone SeeD that stood guard
outside of Sierra's door. Fujin swore that she saw Seifer skip a step as they
passed by the SeeD.
It elated Seifer to have one of the thorns in his side pulled out, but she
wondered if it was right of them to set Sierra up like they did. Seifer never
intended to meet Sierra for the duel that he arranged. He set her up and then
tipped off the Shumi patrol that he saw a student sneaking around.
When she asked Seifer about it he felt no remorse for what they had done.
He did have a point when he ticked off Sierra's numerous transgressions on his
fingertips. She was teetering on the edge of expulsion as it was. They just
cut to the chase and gave her that final little nudge. Was it wrong for them
to speed along the inevitable?
With an eerie sense of deja vu, Jerrick once again sought Xu out once
their business for the day was done. Selphie was dismissed so that the two
SeeDs could speak privately. Unlike last time he spared her the chill of
outside, instead inviting her to his quarters.
He presented her with a thick leather-bound volume to take back with her
to Balamb. When she promised to deliver it to the Headmaster, he shook his
head at her.
"It is for you, Madam Xu, from the Sorceress. She instructed me to
deliver it to your hands should our paths cross at this junction."
Xu was left speechless as her hands ran over its cover. Why would a woman
she'd never met, never even known of until yesterday, want her to have this?
She felt as though she was still being deceived, still being manipulated by
those around her. There was no escaping what Cid had drawn her into, she knew
that, but if she could at least know who all the players were!
Her mind drifted away from that thought and stumbled along another.
Jerrick would know things she didn't if she simply asked him. And where else
to start by at the beginning with...
"Who are you?"
His lips quirked up into a half smile as he regarded her from the chair he
was seated in. "I am Jerrick, a White SeeD."
Xu flustered, the book on her lap forgotten as she attempted again to pry
more information out of him. "How did you get to be a White SeeD?"
"Like all the children on Edea's ship I was rescued when the world would
have abandoned me. Edea took me in, fed me, schooled me, and gave me a purpose
in life. The White SeeDs are both her children and her guardians. We would do
anything for her."
"Including abandoning her?" Xu asked without meaning to be snide. Jerrick
struck her as a fiercely loyal person, she couldn't understand how he was okay
with their abandonment.
"As much as it pains me, yes. Protecting Ellone is more important.
Jessica and I will accompany Edea, all that matters is that the other children
are safe."
"Who is Ellone and why is she important?" The name kept coming up in
conversation, she noticed.
His eyebrows knitted together as he considered his answer. "Ellone is our
older sister. Beyond that, I cannot tell you why she is important except to
say that it has always been part of our mission to guard her. It is a question
you would have to pose to Edea herself."
Xu shook her head. "I doubt we'll ever have the chance to meet."
"I wouldn't discount the possibility," he said kindly, putting a
thoughtful hand under his chin. "Now it is my turn. Returning to my question
from the previous night, how is it that you became a Black SeeD?"
"Honestly, I don't know how things ended up this way. I saw Balamb Garden
on the newslinks and knew that I wanted to attend school there. I put up quite
a stink to the elders about being allowed to go. I think they finally did just
to be rid of me," she smiled fondly at the memory.
"Ah... And so there was a draw for you. Yes, I can see that. Magic tends
to move people in," he paused to find the right word, "interesting directions."
Xu shot him a puzzled look. "What do you mean by that?"
"Pardon me, I was just commenting on how magic can influence our lives. I
have grown up with a woman who exudes magical essence. In much the same way, I
can sense the magic of your being. You're not a Sorceress, that essence I am
familiar with, but something else," he stretched out his hands, unable to
decipher Xu's secrets.
She looked away from him, searching for something more comfortable to gaze
at besides his kind eyes. She was cautious about becoming too fast of friends
with this stranger. He was familiar with her homeland, he understood her in
ways few did.
He leaned forward and smiled at her. "You needn't explain yourself to me,
Madam Xu. But should we meet again and Sorceress Edea is accompanying us,
please trust her as you would her husband. The Kramers have what's best for
the world at heart."
"I trust that they have honorable intentions, but how did they decide that
they knew what was best for the world?" Xu wondered aloud.
"Your question has merit," Jerrick agreed. "I do not believe that someone
would go to the lengths that the Kramers have without some knowledge of what
might come to pass. Edea is a Sorceress, after all. While I can hardly speak
for what powers she may or may not possess, if she were to have a reasonable
suspicion that this world was facing a grave threat, then I would be glad to
help her defend against it."
"That makes sense..." Xu allowed slowly.
"I suspect there are countless matters you and Edea could discuss at
length. Please read the book she sent. Perhaps it will prove to be
"You don't know what it's about?" Xu asked, mildly surprised.
He shook his head. "It wasn't meant for me, only you, Madam Xu. With the
enchantment of a Sorceress upon its pages, its words will only be revealed to
Xu looked down at the book in her lap. She couldn't feel any magic on it,
not that she was able to sense magic to begin with. He assumed that she had
some power about her. With the exception of her bond with Carbuncle, she was a
weak magic user.
Magic was a subject that she was thrown into the middle of (mostly because
of her Anshin heritage), but never understood well. By her simplistic
reasoning, the world was filled with magic. Magic being the means used to
explain the unknown, like the Puzzle Stones. There may be a perfectly
reasonable explanation for them, but she didn't know it, and so it was magic.
Sorceresses were those who understood the complexities of magic. At
least, that was Xu's definition for them. And using that definition, there was
very little that she could teach a Sorceress, thus she didn't see why Jerrick
was so intent on her and Edea meeting some day. Was this an indication of what
was to come..?
Sierra watched the moonlight as it traced through her darkened room and
played against the far wall. She wanted to be out there. Out under the stars
smelling the crisp night air and basking in the moonlight. Maybe now that
she'd pushed too hard she would be allowed to return to Trabia. She'd be
considered a failure, but even being a SeeD dropout was better than...
She abruptly rolled over onto her side, facing away from her map covered
wall. Why did those memories have to haunt her on nights like this? On nights
when she should be free...
Xu was thoughtful on the return trip from Trabia Garden. Many puzzles lay
before her and she lacked all the pieces to put them together. She knew more
about the meaning of SeeD than she could have imagined.
She was uncertain as to how she felt about the organization to which she'd
dedicated herself. On one hand she felt daunted, yet proud, of the deeper
meaning to its existence. On the other, she felt betrayed because she didn't
know what she was getting herself into. The thoughts running through her mind
were overwhelming in a way. If only she could make them be silent, then she
could make sense of this all.
Later that night Doctor Kadowaki needlessly cautioned Xu to speak softly
when she approached the Headmaster. He was still terribly weak, but showed
signs of improvement. She pulled the stool up to his bedside and leaned close
by him.
He stretched a hand out and placed it on her arm. "Did you get the book?"
Xu sat back in surprise. She hadn't expected him to ask her about it.
With a slight nod she answered, "Yes, I've got it."
He looked to be oddly relieved by that. "Good. Absorb its wisdom, I'm
sure you'll understand its meaning more than I ever will," he gave her a
lopsided smile.
Xu knew better than to test Kadowaki's patience by pestering Cid with more
questions. Whatever he meant, she'd figure it out on her own.
Kadowaki entered the small recovery room after Xu had left. "What was
that all about?"
Cid nuzzled his way deeper into the mattress of the bed, making himself
comfortable. "I can't say-" Kadowaki was about the protest when he interrupted
her interruption. "No, not because I'm being cryptic. I know better than to
hedge with you.
"I won't pretend to understand all the mysteries of the world. Heh, I'm
married to one and have another for an aide. There's a certain kinship to be
had between enigmas, wouldn't you say? I wouldn't be surprised if they each
have questions that only the other can answer."
A frown traced along Kadowaki's thin lips. "Aren't you afraid that if you
play with fire you'll be burned? The forces you hope to harness have unmatched
destructive power. I wonder if all we're doing is setting the stage for the
next Sorceress War..."
"We are," Cid's eyes focused off into the distance. It was an oft
repeated argument. He didn't doubt the Doctor's resolve in helping raise his
SeeDs, but there was no mistaking the fear she occasionally showed him.
Fear was an instinctive response, meant to provoke one to either fight or
flee. Fleeing wasn't an option. The world was huge, but the last War had
proven that even the vastness of the planet wasn't a big enough place to hide.
No, this time, next time, and forever more the people must be able to stand
strong and defend themselves from the power of the Sorceress.
He knew deep down that there would be another War. It was an opinion that
Edea shared.
And so they set about laying down the groundwork for a force that could
defeat the Sorceress. Slowly, one piece at a time was brought into place. The
schools, the students, their training, all of it was carefully planned out.
When he was through, the planet would have its defenders. That's what he and
Edea wanted. That's what they will have.
Xu ignored the blinking terminal light that indicated she had a message.
Right now her brain was riveted upon the book that lay across her lap. She
carefully opened up the cover to find a slip of paper tucked within. She
pulled it out and unfolded it. The first thing she noticed was the scrawled
handwriting it was done with. The second, more startling thing, was that it
was written in the Anshin language.
A cursory flip through the book's pages revealed that the first several
chapters were written in an older Centra dialect. The reading would be slow
going, but the dialect wasn't outside of her abilities. Paging deeper in the
book showed a change in language to the standard. There were a couple of
chapters written in the Estharian language. She wouldn't have a chance when it
came to reading those without the help of someone else who was fluent. Was
there anyone stationed at the Garden who was familiar with the language of the
reclusive people of the east?
It quickly became apparently that what she held in her lap was a
collection of journals that reflected the times and origins of its authors. In
the margins, and sometimes entire inserted pages, notes were written in Anshin.
These must be Edea's additions to the story.
Xu turned back to the briefly forgotten note. It was addressed to her.
<< ~Note~ >>
Xu, child of the Centran blood, avatar of the Spirits, protector of this
world and the next, I send you my greetings and warmest regards. I have known
of you since you were a child. I have waited for you to rise up and bear the
mantle that fate held for you.
In this world a fragile balance is maintained, a peace that is all too
easily broken. Fate has chosen for us to stand in opposition of each other,
but it needn't be that way. I have sent along this book, a history that you
will not find in any Traveler's library, to begin to bridge the gap between us.
The Great Hyne did not intend for us to fight. Explore the history of the
Sorceresses and at the same time, learn of yourself as well.
Sorceress Edea Kramer
<< >>
Xu's eyebrows were so tightly knit together from confusion that they
ached. What on earth was Edea driving at? She gave the pages another flip and
knew that she was going to be reading for quite a while if she wanted answers.
As much as she would have liked to spend the night studying the mysterious
book, Xu had her teaching duties to resume. Aucifer hadn't terrorized the
students while she was away, which she was grateful for. In fact, everything
appeared to be as she had left it.
It wasn't until the evening session that Xu noticed someone hadn't shown
up yet today. She went back to her office to glance over the schedule of
students for today. Maybe the schedule had been changed without her knowledge.
Aucifer poked his head in when he spotted her ruffling through the files on her
"What's up?"
"Have you seen Sierra? I know that she avoids me, but I usually manage to
spot her while she's working. Is she sick?" Xu started to put a call in to
Kadowaki to ask where her missing student was when Aucifer stopped her.
"You're out of the loop," he shook his head ruefully. "She finally pissed
off the wrong person and is presently confined to her room until Cid decides
what to do with her. I wouldn't be expecting her back."
Xu was flabbergasted. She was only gone for *three days*! How could
Sierra dig herself into that deep of a hole in such a short time?
"What did she do?"
Aucifer leaned against the doorframe and shrugged. "Nothing you wouldn't
expect. Got caught sneaking around after curfew and then mouthed off to a
Shumi. It was the last straw."
"Spirits," Xu muttered in frustration. She began to massage her nose
while thinking. "I'll go talk to Cid."
"Why bother?" Aucifer challenged. "Yes, she's a good fighter, but she's
also a loose canon."
"I can't explain why, but I'm certain that she's a good person on the
inside. She's just... reacting to some hurt."
He scowled. "You should cast a Cure spell on that bleeding heart of
"Shut up, Aucifer."
He retreated from the doorway when she came through it and closed the door
behind her.
True to his stated intentions, Cid wasn't going to make a decision in
Sierra's case until the Doctor gave him a clean bill of health. That would
give Xu some time to dig around. Her trip to Trabia had proven fruitful in
regards to ferreting out the truth about the grouchy student.
If she were allowed to remain a student. Cid was always hesitant to expel
someone except in the most extreme of cases. Regrettably, Sierra had a rap
sheet that stretched back to when she first enrolled at Trabia. She was a wild
one that neither age nor training had been able to tame. If Sierra was going
to have a chance as a SeeD, Xu would have to step in.
Sierra glanced up from her book to glower at the door with annoyance when
she heard talking out in the hallway. She was stretched out on her bed and saw
no reason to go to the door to tell them to knock it off. A moment later the
door opened and Xu stepped in after giving a brief bow in greeting. She went
to Sierra's desk and sat down in the chair and relaxed.
The scowl didn't leave Sierra's face. "What do you want?"
Xu continued to make herself right at home. Sierra wanted to snidely ask
her if she was comfortable, but didn't. It was odd for Xu to forego her stoic
SeeD act, especially in front of a student. Adding weight to Xu out of
character demeanor the fact that wasn't wearing her uniform, which was
something she always did on school days. Instead she wore one of the dresses
that Sierra had spotted Aucifer ogling over. Her break from the norm piqued
Sierra's curiosity, though she wouldn't admit it.
"To talk," the Instructor said lazily.
"There isn't much that hasn't already been said. I don't know why Cid
hasn't expelled me yet," she replied.
"I asked him to let me speak with you before he made his decision," Xu
Sierra rolled her eyes and then sat up on the bed. Obviously Xu wasn't
content to let matters stand as they were without meddling. She's as bad as
Cid was rumored to be. "Yeah?"
With one hand Xu pulled out a blank sheet of paper from the sheaf on her
desk and picked up a pen. She carefully drew something on the page and then
held it out to her. "Do you recognize this?"
The blood drained from Sierra's face. The drawing on the page matched the
trinket she wore around her neck. The necklace her grandfather made for her.
"I'll take that as a 'yes'. Do you know what it means?"
"'Mountains'," she whispered.
"Close," Xu corrected. "More exactly it translates to 'love of the
mountains'. A fitting name, don't you think, Aisierra?"
Daggers shot from Sierra's eyes at having the woman she despised use her
full name.
Xu gave her a fleeting smile. She had Sierra by the tail and wasn't about
to let go. "A name like yours is fairly common among Anshin females. In fact,
my mother's name is Ailuna and my cousin's mother is Aiterra. 'Love of the
moon' and 'love of the earth', beautiful names.
"You've made your dislike of me fairly obvious. If you have a reason I'd
like to hear it."
Sierra cursed bitterly.
The corners of Xu's lips twitched up.
"I know you're an adult. If you think I'm going to respect you because of
that then you can kiss my ass. I'm not bound by their traditions," the cadet
Xu's smile continued to grow. "No, you're not bound by their traditions,
but you are bound by the rules of this Garden. As much as it may pain you, I'm
the closet thing you have to a friend right now. Tell me about yourself,
truthfully, and maybe I can help dig you out of your hole."
"Why should you give a fuck about me? I made my own bed, let me lay in
it!" Sierra flopped back on her bed, putting words into action.
"Very well," Xu got up and went to the door. She paused to get off a
parting shot before leaving. "It's natural to attack indiscriminately when one
is injured. Understandable, but it won't help to relieve the pain."
Once again the room was silent. Sierra was left to simmer in her own
That night, Xu began reading the book in earnest.
<< ~Book~ >>
In the time before the creation of this World all that existed was the
Void. Mystic creatures that later came to be called Spirits populated the Void
and watched over its vast expanses.
The Great Hyne traveled into the Void in search of a Path through it.
Along the way he had many adventures and gained great power from his
experiences. The Spirits watched him as he traveled and sometimes offered
their assistance.
After completing his journeys down the Path he decided that the Travelers
who followed the trail he blazed would need places to rest. He used a fraction
of his power to create Dream Worlds for the weary Travelers. The Path through
the Void was now established and would become easier to traverse with each
Traveler who followed it.
Yet, the Great Hyne was not finished preparing the way. He asked the
Spirits that watched over him to monitor the other Travelers as well. And
especially the Dream Worlds, for the Travelers would be vulnerable while
resting there. Should there be a threat, the Spirits would enter the World to
honor his request and prevent it from coming to irreversible harm.
<< >>
Xu paused in her reading to rub her eyes and try to reconcile how that fit
in with Anshin myth. There wasn't much when it came to how the world was
actually created. Most of it focused on this world being a dream and the Path
of Life being the 'real world' as it were. From the Sorceresses' version of
history, it all seemed to jive. But where did the Sorceresses fit in? She
paged ahead until she found the passage that explained.
<< ~Book~ >>
The Great Hyne looked upon the Dream Worlds with satisfaction. They would
welcome the Travelers into a peaceful rest. The Spirits would act as Guardians
should an ill fate threaten the Dream's existence.
Yet, the Great Hyne was not finished preparing the way. Within the Dream
Worlds he implanted a part of his power to be passed from Guardian to Guardian.
The Guardians would maintain the balance of magical power within the World.
Should an internal force threaten the World, the Guardians will use the power
granted them by the Great Hyne to protect his creation.
<< >>
Xu read and reread that passage until she finally realized that 'Guardian'
was not referring to Guardian Forces, but to the Sorceresses. Edea had written
some notes along with this passage. Xu read those next.
<< ~Note~ >>
It is said that the power of Hyne was never meant for the Travelers who
rest in this World. It was meant to go to the Spirits whom he convinced to
take up residence here, but squabbling amongst the Spirits infuriated him.
With disgust he declared that the Spirits were too immature for such
responsibility and gave his powers to a young girl instead. She was the first
Our powers flow like a river from person to person. When one of us dies,
we must release the power into another. We cannot take it back with us to the
Path, it is something that is native to this World. As a general rule we try
to keep our powers consolidated between as few Sorceresses as possible. That
way, if we are needed to protect this World, our power would not be thinned to
the point of being ineffective.
There is a price to pay for hosting the power of Hyne within us. It is a
greater force than our frail incarnations of this World. If we are not strong
the power will consume our hearts and we will turn towards evil. Such is the
price of power.
Throughout the centuries we Sorceresses have relied upon our Knights to
preserve our sanity. The confidence that is gained from knowing that there is
someone who will always love us and support us fully is enough to maintain most
Sorceresses. (Since most who have held the power are inherently good, though
there have been exceptions).
Cid is my Knight. I love him dearly. He loves me as me, Edea, and didn't
turn away when he learned of my true nature. He married me knowing full well
of the trials he would face because of our association, and willingly took them
It is with much fondness that I think of him. He is a man of many
adventures. You don't know him as I do, but I can tell you that he has stopped
to rest along the Path many times. He is a frequent visitor of the Dream
<< >>
Xu followed what Edea was saying until the last two paragraphs, then she
turned into a sappy romantic. And what did she mean that Cid was a 'frequent
visitor'? She made it sound like he never got anything done because he was
always *here* resting. Well, that might not be true. It likely wasn't always
this World, per say. There are countless Worlds according to this book. He's
probably bound and determined to visit them all. That sounded like the Cid she
Though Instructors like Aucifer were more fun to study under, Xu was one
of the most approachable of the Garden staff. She was thoughtful, fair, and
her door was always open (both figuratively and literally) for a student who
needed someone to talk to. That made her a favorite among the students and
encouraged those who normally wouldn't to approach her.
Fujin knocked softly on the doorframe of Xu's office. "Busy?"
"Not if you've got something you'd like to talk about. Please come in,"
she invited. "What's on your mind?"
"Seifer," Fujin admitted.
"It is odd that your posse isn't around. Did you all have a falling out?"
She shook her head. "Sierra trouble."
Xu arched an eyebrow. "How could she be causing more trouble? She's
confined to quarters until further notice. I don't doubt that the disciplinary
committee had a rap sheet as long as my arm on her."
Guiltily, Fujin turned away from her. "Setup."
That caught the Instructor's attention. "Who was setup? Her? Now that you
mention it, she never did explain why she was out and about when she was
caught. Let me guess, she was going to duel with Seifer and Seifer called the
Shumi on her."
Fujin nodded slowly.
Xu let out a heavy sigh. This certainly cast the situation in a new
light, though it didn't change the outcome. Even if Seifer did set Sierra up
to be caught, she *was* caught being somewhere she wasn't supposed to be and
then compounded the problem. And if Seifer hadn't been such a chicken shit,
she might have done something that would have landed her in even deeper
"Thank you for coming to tell me. It doesn't help Sierra out of her
situation, but I appreciate the honesty."
Fujin saluted and left Xu's office. Why had she felt compelled to tell
the Instructor that? She'd just betrayed Seifer's trust in her, but Seifer
wasn't the one who got her in trouble. Sierra got herself in trouble. So it
was the right thing to make sure that the matter was clarified.
Sierra was growing increasingly annoyed by the number of disturbances that
took place on the other side of her door. She wasn't one to spend all her time
in her room, so she didn't know if this was the norm or not. The noise died
down and she returned to her book. About twenty minutes later it started up
again. It continued until the door was opened and Zell bounced through.
"You've got 15 minutes, Dincht," the SeeD warned before shutting the door.
Sierra was so surprised to see Zell that she was left speechless. Zell,
ever the lacking master of social graces, didn't notice the awkward pause and
started jabbering. "I figured that you might be gettin' lonely in here so I
asked Cid to let me visit ya."
"You shouldn't have," she muttered.
"You're my friend, o' course I'd come visitin' ya!"
She darkly wondered since when they'd been friends. Sure, they'd done
plenty of things together scholastically, but she didn't choose to spend time
with him socially.
Or did she?
Class didn't force her to eat meals with the other members of the drill
team, nor did it compel her to go with them to Balamb last week. She went
because she was bored. That's right, she was bored of hanging around the
Garden and it seemed like a good way to kill time. She was never bored when
Zell was around. He had so much energy that it could charge a Blitz.
She shook that thought off and stared at the black mark along the side of
his face. Pointing she asked, "What the hell happened to you?"
He grinned broadly, pleased that she noticed (even though it was
impossible to miss). "I got it the other day. 'Structor Xu inspired me!"
Sierra screwed her face up with displeasure. With any other person she
would have told them what a fool she thought they were, but she didn't have the
heart for some reason. She added Zell's tattoo to the list of reasons she
hated Xu. If it weren't for her he wouldn't have gotten such a stupid idea
into his head.
Oblivious to Sierra's opinion of the marking, he got down to business. "Ya
know, I was thinkin', you should go speak with 'structor Xu."
Sierra was immediately suspicious. "Did she send you here?"
Zell stopped his bouncing to scratch the back of his head. "No... Why
would she? I was just thinkin' that she's nice. Maybe she'd be willin' to
help you out 'cause you're a member of the drill team and all; make you run
extra laps or something. I'm sure with her on your side you could cut a deal
with Cid to get out of here."
She sighed, squeezed her eyes shut, and turned away. "You think too much.
Please go away; go beat up a Grat for me or something."
"Hey, what's up-" she batted his outstretched hand away from her. "A
Grat, eh? Okay, you got it. I'll go kick one's ass for you right now."
After she heard her door open and close she rubbed the palm of her hands
across her teary eyes. She didn't want Xu's help. Stupid Xu for being so
fucking nice! Why wouldn't she go away and stop meddling in her life?
In a flash of anger she threw the book she was reading against the map
covered wall. It hit Winhill squarely in the center and then the book slid
down the wall, catching the edge of the Centra map. The map was torn from its
tacked on place and fell to the floor.
The SeeD hastily opened up the door to see what the noise was. She gave
him a lame excuse about accidentally dropping a textbook and he went away.
With detachment she examined the white textured hole in her map
wallpapering. If only it were that easy to make Centra fall off the face of
the planet.
"It's been four days. Why hasn't Cid expelled her yet?" Seifer grumbled
after making the rounds past Sierra's guarded door.
"Reconsider?" Fujin asked.
"He must be if he's taking this long." Seifer's expression soured and he
stroked his hand through his short hair. "We've still got the SeeD wing to do,
let's go."
Fujin followed a step behind the moody cadet. Why didn't he reconsider
his opinion of Sierra? He's been on edge ever since she was suspended. Didn't
he realize that his 'victory' over her wasn't as sweet as he had hoped it would
Stretched out on her bed with the book lying beside her, Xu's latest
studies had left her feeling enlightened and thoughtful about the history of
the world. She had honestly never cared much about it up to this point. The
stories of the Anshin were just that to her, stories. She didn't see them as a
part of world history, but perhaps they were.
Edea had provided an opportunity most historians would give up their first
born for; a candid glimpse into the lives of the Sorceresses. As Xu absorbed
the stories of the woman who held that title one theme was echoed time and
again: despite the power, they were human. Human in that they felt the
enchantment of love and the accompanying hurt that could go with it. They had
hopes and fears, dreams and disappointments. For as distant as many believed
the Sorceresses to be, they weren't that different from any other person.
Only when the dreadful power corrupted them were they released from their
humanity, and the consequences of that were devastating. Some of those
consequences were still being felt today. One of the stories told of how a
Sorceress summoned the Lunar Cry to crush Centra. Even if it did happen more
than 3500 years ago, Xu felt a twinge of pain. Centra has been smashed and
destroyed so many times. It was like there was a gigantic target on it that
encouraged those with evil intentions to attack it.
She set the volume on the nightstand beside her bed before turning off the
reading lamp and nuzzling in for a peaceful sleep.
In the misty fog of a place that she did not recognize she materialized
onto the field of battle. Looking across from where she stood, a nasty
creature with a beastlike head that bore a passing resemblance to Ifrit was
batting away the troops who fought it as though they were Bite Bugs.
She surged forward, wishing to add her attacks to the battle against the
beast. It was incredibly powerful. A single dance wouldn't destroy it, unlike
the creatures she was used to encountering. While preparing for the next
charge she saw that another warrior joined the fight. Even though Xu couldn't
see her face beneath the helmet, she knew that it was Kei. Her cousin was
dressed in full armor, yet remained nimble when she dodged a ball of energy
that cut a path right where she had been standing.
Their commanders gave the order for them to attack. Xu and Kei worked in
unison to try to overwhelm the monster, but it was too powerful. More warriors
were called into the battle as the bodies of the ground troops lay scattered at
the clawed feet of the beast.
They were ordered to attack again. Xu rushed forward, intend on planting
her sai into the flesh beneath the beast's muzzle. It saw her coming and
pulled its muscular forearm back before swinging forward and capturing her in
its claws. Its grip around her tightened as sharp claws punctured her flesh,
causing her lifeblood to spill freely. Xu felt herself becoming weaker with
each passing moment before her suffering was put to an end with a finalizing
Xu snapped awake with a scream. Anxiously she ran her hands up and down
her sweaty body searching for any puncture marks. It was only a dream, only a
dream. Shaky hands flipped on the lamp as she pulled a bathrobe around her for
comfort. She paced around the living room for several minutes, but was unable
to ebb the haunting images from her mind.
After a few more minutes of contemplation, she slipped out of her quarters
silently and walked down to Kei's. As softly as possible (so that she didn't
wake the neighbors and thus be caught wandering around in a bathrobe) she
knocked on Kei's door. A moment later Kei groggily opened it. Her hair was
plastered to the side of her head in such a way that Xu would have laughed if
she weren't currently preoccupied by her dream. Both cousins returned to Kei's
living room.
"Were you asleep?" Xu asked after sitting down.
Kei just blinked at her and scrubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Obviously."
Kei nodded.
"What about?"
Kei sleepily scratched her tummy as she tried to recall. "You and I were
having lunch at a cafe and some jackass with a carp's head was ogling you."
"You didn't dream of a battle?"
"I get enough fighting while awake, why would I want to dream of it as
That didn't alleviate the unease Xu felt, but Kei did have a point. It
was just a silly dream, nothing more.
"Thanks, sorry for waking you," Xu got up and let herself out.
In the days that followed Xu found herself unable to shake the sense of
dread. That dream... That dream made it all too clear what sort of power they
were up against. She couldn't place the creature that she battled, but knew
that it held only disdain for the world it existed in. What if a Sorceress --
Edea? -- were to summon it? That thought chilled Xu to the core.
The future was never something she'd given huge amounts of energy towards
thinking about. She always figured what would come, would come. She preferred
the simplicity of day-to-day life.
But now her thoughts were occupied with scenarios of SeeDs hunting down
the Sorceresses. Xu wasn't stupid, she realized that what Cid proposed
amounted to war. A war that few saw on the horizon.
Her mind agonized over finding another way to accomplish their ends, but
no suitable answers presented themselves. If Edea were to die, the power would
be passed along to another and the cycle would begin anew. Regrettably, the
Kramer's solution seemed to be the most reasonable; prepare a fighting force to
conquer the power should it fall out of check.
It was a heavy burden to bear. And so, Xu concerned herself with other's
problems rather than with her own; namely Sierra's. Pulling Sierra back into
Cid's good graces seemed like a leisurely task compared to some of the more
daunting ones he had for her.
Fortunately for Xu's peace of mind, she didn't have to wait long before
Sierra called an end to their stalemate.
"You wanted to see me?" Xu asked with polite interest after she was
comfortably seated at Sierra's desk.
Sierra had her characteristic sour expression on her face. "Yeah... And I
didn't ask you to come just so you help me, either. I don't care if Cid kicks
me out of the Garden or not."
"Then why..?" Xu inquired without expressing the hope she felt that Sierra
might finally take off the mask and let Xu see what she was really like.
The student's lips thinned before she spoke. "I still don't like you...
But maybe talking to you will ease the hurt..."
As Sierra told her tale, the unhealed wounds to her family's pride became
She was of Anshin blood a couple generations removed. Her grandfather was
a storyteller. A position much respected because they were the clan's link to
the past. They remembered the lessons learned and taught them to each new
generation. They were also often sought as advisors because of their wisdom
gained from history's insights.
Unsolicited by the elders, Sierra's grandfather offered them advice. Such
impertinence wasn't an offense, to the contrary it was often welcomed, but the
nature of the advice angered them. The storyteller suggested that they send
ambassadors to the north to represent their interests. As he saw it, it
wouldn't be long before they were 'discovered' once again and people from the
north would seek them out. He wanted to be the assertive party in the eventual
contact so that they had the upper hand.
It was an idea that was before its time. Even with Xu's undesired
authority as a Spirit and a couple generations since, the idea of coming out of
isolation was still balked at.
Had Sierra's grandfather let the matter lay he would have been fine. But
in true Anshin form he was insistent that they needed to proactively embrace
the world around them. The elders decided that if he loved Out There so much,
he could go live among the people of the north. They banished him.
"You're angry at them, the Anshin, on your grandfather's behalf? Did he
hold such bitterness towards them?" Xu wouldn't have blamed him if he had, but
the way Sierra described him it would have been out of character. The
impression she got was of a wise man gifted with patience and understanding.
"No, dammit, he wasn't angry at all when he had every right to be. In
fact, he wanted me to go spend a couple years with them, but I refused."
Her grandfather had petitioned the elders to take Sierra in, citing that
*he* was the one being punished, not her. She deserved the opportunity to grow
up in an Anshin environment. After due consideration, the elders agreed to his
request and a date for her to arrive was set.
Sierra ran away to the Summit Mines to escape being sent to Centra. It
was the only place she could think of to go where they might not find her. The
peril that her life was put in hadn't even crossed her mind. All that mattered
to her was escaping being sent to *them*.
The consequences of her poor judgment were something she had to live with
for the rest of her life. Squirreled away in the chilly depths of the Mines,
frostbite had settled into her fingers and toes. Her grandfather was the one
who found her before more life threatening damage could be done. It was
apparent that she wouldn't leave Trabia willingly, and so she was allowed to
Her father was disappointed that she wasted an opportunity that he'd never
been given. Sierra didn't care. She knew of how they turned away from her
grandfather, the man that she admired the most, and would have nothing to do
with them.
After things had settled down from her life changing adventure, her
grandfather presented her with a pendant he made from some mythril ore he found
while searching for her. It was shaped into the character that was her name in
his native language. It was her grandfather who had chosen Aisierra as her
name. It, along with the adopted family name of de Ling, represented both her
Anshin and Trabian heritage. Just as the pendant represented her dual
"I loved him more than anything else," Sierra said softly, a crestfallen
expression on her face. "He had always supported me when I tried new things.
He wanted to see me grow into a strong woman. As a child, I loved to curl up
in his lap and listen to the stories he told. I even miss the Anshin stories I
never understood well. Those stories make up a majority of what I know of the
language. He tried to teach me more, but I was too stubborn at the time to
"It sounds like he was a great man."
"The greatest," Sierra agreed.
Their conversation lapsed into silence, during which time Xu examined the
wall of maps Zell had told her about. There was a conspicuous hole where a map
of Centra should have been. She gave Sierra a questioning look, but the cadet
turned away.
With a sigh, Xu pressed forward to the next topic weighing on her mind.
"I've done nothing to harm you."
"I know," Sierra admitted meekly, "but you're one of them."
"So are you."
Sierra didn't have an answer for that.
"I guess this means we can add another Anshin outcast to the Garden
roster," Xu commented thoughtfully before turning away from the maps.
The SeeD smiled cryptically. "You aren't the only one who's broken ties
with them." Xu walked over to the door to let herself out.
That puzzled Sierra even more. Was their conversation over? "Where are
you going?"
"I'm going to champion a clansman. Hopefully Cid's in a forgiving mood.
I'll return later," Xu promised before leaving.
To an empty room Sierra replied, "You don't need to do that..."
When Sierra was next seen outside of her room, Xu accompanied her to the
Cafeteria for dinner. After getting their meals they sat alone at a table.
Zell spotted them and bounced over to join them. Xu politely, but firmly,
turned him away, saying that he could talk to his friend later.
That earned Xu a funny look. The Instructor smiled and got down to
"Here's the deal; you're on probation. By tonight your new class schedule
will be delivered to your new quarters."
Sierra couldn't prevent the dumbfounded expression that crossed her face,
but Xu wasn't finished.
"You're my personal responsibility now. Instructor Aki is no longer your
advisor, I am. Your class schedule is being changed to reflect that. I'll be
teaching you your lessons until Cid feels comfortable enough to move you back
into a regular class.
"Your quarters will be next to mine. After we're done here I'll help you
move your things over from the cadet wing. You may not leave the Garden
without my accompaniment. Furthermore, when and where you're allowed on campus
is likewise restricted." Xu's tone left no room for argument.
Sierra slouched down in her seat. "It'd be easier to just kick me out..."
she muttered.
"'The difficult path is more rewarding'," Xu quoted Anshin folk wisdom.
If she didn't miss her guess, Sierra would catch the reference.
"What if I refuse?"
With a deceptively sweet smile Xu placed her elbows on the table and
rested her chin atop her folded hands. "I won't let you quit, not until you're
ready to leave here. If it comes down to a battle of wills, we both know who
will win: me. Accept that this arrangement is for your own good and things
will go a lot easier."
The cadet crossed her arms and rocked back in her chair. "Fuck you," she
Sierra could almost see a flicker of amusement in Xu's rich brown eyes as
she continued to smile at her. "That's a rather forward invitation, don't you
The chair slipped out from under Sierra and she landed on her back. A
cadet who was eating dinner at one of the surrounding tables offered her a hand
up. She shook it off, righted the chair, and sat back down again.
"Are you finished?" Xu inquired politely while gesturing at the half-eaten
meal in front of Sierra.
Sierra gave her Instructor a long hard look. "You aren't joking, are you?
You're really going through with this, having me underfoot and all. What makes
you think that I'm not going to be like a nail in your shoe?"
"Call it a hunch," she replied with a shrug. "Now, if you're done, let's
True to her word Xu helped Sierra move her things into her new quarters,
and even the SeeD who was posted by the door pitched in. Sierra spotted Zell
hovering around in the hallway through the half opened door. Sierra thought Xu
would shoo him away as she had earlier, but instead she drafted him into
service. With the four of them working on it Sierra was moved into her new
quarters in no time.
The wing Xu lived in was reserved for Instructors and those SeeDs who were
in the Garden more often than not. The quarters included their own lavatory,
bedroom, kitchenette, and living room. They were more like a small apartment
than the room and common facilities Sierra was used to.
"This isn't a reward," Xu reminded Sierra in an aside as Zell scoped out
her new room. "You'll be spending a lot of time here when you're not in the
training room or Library."
"I got ya," Sierra sighed as she examined the walls to select one that was
suitable for her numerous maps. The Trabian flag would go back up on the
ceiling above her bed where it belonged.
"So, like, you'll be with the team tomorrow, right?" Zell asked.
Xu was the one to answer. "Yes, Sierra will be spending a lot more time
in the training room from now on."
"All right!" He jumped up and then scratched the back of his head at his
elation. Xu couldn't help but grin at that. She suspected that Zell would
play a large of part in cracking Sierra's shell.
Sierra's first day of class with Xu involved a lot of adjustment for the
both of them. Sierra wasn't used to being the only student in her 'class' and
Xu's training room wasn't set up for book studies. Fortunately, Sierra had
already finished most of her scholastic credits. For those few courses that
required a desk and terminal, Xu offered the one in her office. After the
first day Sierra decided that she couldn't stand the cramped little room. She
took to sitting on the floor leaned up against the wall outside Xu's office.
She could get her work done and watch others train when her reading got too
Zell was fond of plopping down on the floor next to her and chatting
between his lessons. At first she tried to ignore him, but it was hard to
ignore someone who wouldn't shut up. Eventually she gave up and talked with
him until it was time for him to go again.
Xu discretely made sure that Zell was given ample opportunity to interrupt
Sierra's studies. With each passing day Sierra would be less irritable when
Zell sat down next to her. Xu idly wondered if he even realized what sort of
effect he was having on the grouchy Trabian. She wouldn't go so far as to call
it a crush, but this might well be Sierra's first real friendship.
Zell was the only one bold enough to outright intrude upon Sierra, but
that didn't stop other members of the drill team from saying a word of greeting
to her as they came and left the center.
Seated by Xu's office as she was, it put her in the path of quite a bit of
foot traffic. Before long she was an unofficial greeter to the center, whether
she wanted to be or not. If Xu caught her being snide when someone wished her
a good day, Sierra was promptly sent on a few laps around the Garden. A simple
head nod or hello was easier than running, and so that became Sierra's
preferred method.
Civility was a two way street and Sierra wasn't the only one in need of a
lesson. Seifer continued to glower at Sierra whenever they crossed paths, but
he couldn't say anything to her with Xu there. The only time Xu wasn't at
Sierra's side was when the SeeD was teaching her classes.
In a room full of cadets it was easy to get lost in the shuffle. Seifer
counted on that when he meandered over to where Sierra was studying.
"Hey, Pinky, I see you're still around. How'd you manage it? By becoming
Xu's little pet."
Several responses ran through her mind. She could deny that she was Xu's
pet, but that would indicate to him that his comments were hitting home. Her
best option was to ignore him and hope he went away.
"Hum? Cat got your tongue?" Seifer leaned over her, trying to physically
intimidate her with his presence. He would have said more, but he caught sight
of Xu coming this way. He straightened up and then 'accidentally' kicked her
stack of books across the floor.
Before he could get more than a few steps away Aucifer had called him to
halt. Seifer silently bereted himself for forgetting about the *other*
Instructor around here.
"Aren't you going to help her pick them up?" The Master gestured at the
"Oh, did I do that?" Seifer feigned innocence with a charming smile.
"My apologies," he leaned over and picked up one of the books before
handing it to Sierra. "You really should find another place to sit. Someone
could trip over your books and injure themselves. That would be a shame, don't
you think?"
Sierra rolled her eyes and accepted the book.
Once the books were returned to their stack at Sierra's side, Seifer made
his way to the door. Aucifer followed him out to the hallway where he could
speak to the cadet privately.
"Watch yourself, Seifer, she's not going to put up with shit like that for
much longer," Aucifer warned.
Seifer crossed his arms and smirked. "I'm not afraid of Sierra."
"Who's talking about her? Xu's the one who's got your number. Clean up
your act or you'll find yourself on her bad side."
"Whatever," Seifer waved it off. "Cid gave me charge of the disciplinary
committee. I'm just making sure Sierra stays in line. Xu's letting her off
too easy."
That struck Aucifer the wrong way. "It's not *your* place to decide
people's punishment or if it's just. Sierra is Xu's concern, not yours."
Seifer sighed and shook his head. "Is that all?"
Aucifer wanted to grab him by his collar and shake that smirk off his
face. The boy was so arrogant. Couldn't he see that he was skating on thin
ice? If there was one thing Aucifer was quickly learning it was that Xu's
patience did have its limits. Xu had privately expressed her exasperation with
the cadet before. Now he was even getting on Aucifer's nerves.
"Go, and keep out trouble," Aucifer returned to the training center
knowing that his warning had fallen on deaf ears.
"Why do I have to come?" Sierra grumbled again at being dragged along on
one of Xu's 'educational adventures'.
"It'll be good for you," Xu answered.
That was always Xu's answer when she was going to prod Sierra to do
something that she knew Sierra wouldn't like. The vegetarian dish Xu made her
try the other night was a good example of that. 'It's good for you!',
bullshit! That's about what it tasted like too...
Sierra *knew* that she wasn't going to like this when Xu opened the door
to the lounge to find it full of rabid Trepies.
Myn waved for them to come in. "I'm glad you were able to make it, Xu.
And you brought a new member with you? Great! If I knew you were interested
in the Trepies I would have invited you to join sooner, Sierra."
"I don't really--"
Xu elbowed her.
Myn was already penciling her into the club roster. "You'll be member
number 73, okay?"
"Do I get a choice?" Sierra folded her arms across her chest.
Myn laughed and shook his head. "Nope, member numbers are assigned when
you join."
"What's my number then?" Xu asked. She assumed that since she didn't join
until Myn invited her it would be right around Sierra's.
"Let's see," Myn flipped through the roster. "Sean's number 1. You're
number 2. Eugene, Jessie, and LeVar are 3, 4 and 5. Kei is 6, though I
haven't told her that and would be grateful if you didn't either. Enju is 32.
I'm 33, the bastard forced me to be the president and then took the number
before me. Nym is 34, and like Kei, she doesn't know."
"Good lord," Sierra buried her face in her hand.
Xu found them both a spot to sit. The Trepies were more organized than
many of the student clubs on campus. Tonight Myn was getting the members
rallied for an upcoming Triple Triad tournament in Balamb. The Garden had a
reputation to maintain for its fine TT players and there were plenty of skilled
members to defend the Garden's honor.
After the meeting Sierra sulked as she and Xu returned to their wing of
the dorms. "Why did you drag me along?"
"To make friends," Xu replied lightly.
Sierra grumbled, but the very next day more people were greeting her in
the training room. She only made the mistake of snapping at them for calling
her Trepie number 73 once. A few laps reminded her of her manners.
Sierra and Aucifer were a large part of Xu's day-to-day life now. She
took the opportunity to give them both extra training with Guardian Forces and
magic. Sierra needed it as part of her graduation requirements while Aucifer
wanted his curiosity sated. She knew of the hazing he took from the cadets and
their Float spells. The more magic he knew, the better off he was.
With a chuckle Xu recalled the first time he summoned Shiva. He was left
in a state of muted awe. "She's so... sexy," he whispered softly. A keen
enough observation considering that only strategically placed patches of ice
covered Shiva's lithe, blue body.
Sierra would have told him to pull his mind out of the gutter, but Xu gave
her a look that silenced her. He was a layman to the ways of a SeeD.
Para-magic and Guardian Forces were new and amazing to him. His wonderment
shouldn't be stifled by Sierra's cynicism.
When it came time for Sierra's Fire Cavern test Aucifer wanted to tag
along, but Xu refused. This was a chance for just the two of them to see what
Sierra was made of. Xu didn't doubt that Sierra would defeat Ifrit in the time
allowed. She was more interested in gauging how much Sierra had matured.
The cadet's actions were controlled as she took down one Red Bat after
another. It was a proficiency that Kei would have been proud of. After
delivering the final blow to Ifrit, she accepted her reward without any of the
gloating that other cadets indulged in.
"You're one step closer to becoming a SeeD," Xu commented as they made
their way back to the Garden.
"I'm one step closer to getting the hell out of here," the cadet replied
with resolve.
Xu frowned. Not as much progress has been made as she hoped.
a fanfic by Greenbeans <>
edited by Helen Fong <>
based on the world of Final Fantasy 8
created by Square Electronic Arts L.L.C. <>
Xu strolled down the cobblestone sidewalks of Balamb without drawing any
undue notice to herself. In the spring dress she wore today she was just
another local enjoying the favorable weather.
A scowl came to her face as she recalled Aucifer's comments before she
left the Garden. When he spotted her in this dress and she told him that she
was going into town he asked if she had a hot date. And Aucifer, being the ass
that he is at times, just had to quiz her about what kind of man might have
caught her interest. It was enough to make her want to put her fist into his
In fact, she had been invited to Balamb for dinner, but not with a
possible suitor. Doctor Kadowaki asked Xu to her Balamb home. Xu knew that
Kadowaki didn't live in the Garden though she maintained quarters there. Xu
had never been to Kadowaki's house. And why Kadowaki asked her over was a
complete mystery to Xu. As fond as she was of the Doctor, she doubted very
much that this was going to be a social visit.
The whitewashed stone building that was Kadowaki's home blended in with
those around it. The most distinguishing characteristic was a row of potted
flowers lined up against the front of the house. The interior showed more
flavor with tastefully displayed model ships and seashells.
"My husband's a fisherman," the Doctor explained when she noticed Xu
admiring one of the larger models.
"I didn't know that you were married," she admittedly sheepishly. "Will I
have the chance to meet him?"
"Frank's out at sea right now."
"Aren't they following the largest school of Balamb fish that's been
spotted in quite some time?" Cid's voice added from the kitchen. He meandered
from the kitchen to join them in the living room. Unlike the two ladies, he
was dressed as he would normally be were they at the Garden. His right hand
raked back his hair before he continued speaking.
"I also hear that the usually placid sea monsters have become more
aggressive as of late. I trust that the boats have sufficient protections
should a monster attack?"
A concerned expression came to Kadowaki's face, but she nodded
It seemed as though Xu arrived in the middle of a conversation that they
were only now finishing. Xu wasn't sure she'd be as outwardly calm as Kadowaki
was if she knew that her significant other was at risk. Then again, if monster
attacks were a common hazard, then the fishermen should be prepared for it.
The three of them returned to the kitchen where they sat around a small
table to eat. Cid's presence made it clear to her that this gathering was all
business. There was something that they wanted to discuss with her outside of
the Garden. But why couldn't they meet in Cid's office, or hers for that
matter? Did they fear that the walls had ears?
She'd never know the answers to her questions if she didn't voice them.
"Hmm, yes, I wanted to discuss some matters with you in a location that
provided comfort and privacy," Cid confirmed her suspicions.
Xu straightened up in her seat, preparing herself for whatever it was Cid
had to say.
The Headmaster began his characteristic fidgeting. Why was he so nervous?
"Ah... Where to begin?" The question was a rhetorical one, though Kadowaki
supplied an answer.
"Yes... Quistis..." he drawled.
When he failed to say more, Kadowaki continued. "Her first mission made
it clear that people will have a hard time granting a 15 year old the authority
a SeeD should command by name alone. Though Quistis made no mention of it in
her report, Skye described the skepticism of her abilities that Quistis was
faced with. That or they treated her like a specimen just like those monsters
they're so fond of!"
"So you sent Quistis to Galbadia to wait for her to physically grow up?
It sounds as though you're discounting her because of her age as well. Are you
even going to allow her to teach?" Xu asked with a scowl.
"That has yet to be decided," Cid said. "She's painfully young for her
post. I don't want to hold her back and so I must find other ways to occupy
her time. She will learn a lot from the Galbadians, just as you learned much
from them. She needs to mature both physically and emotionally before she's
ready for what I will require of her."
Xu arched an eyebrow at his choice of phrasing. "And what will you
require of her?"
Cid's eyes slid over to meet Kadowaki's. She gave him a small nod, but he
shook his head in disagreement. "Now isn't the time to discuss Quistis'
future. We asked you here to discuss *your* future."
Kadowaki snorted in obviously disagreement with his decision to put her
off, but said nothing. Xu didn't press the issue, instead waiting for him to
"I sent you to Galbadia to learn more about the Gardens. Next week I will
be attending a conference in Trabia between the Garden Headmasters. I would
like you to accompany me. It's important that you become intimately familiar
with the inner workings of SeeD."
"Yes, sir." The words fell from her lips, but her mind questioned in what
way she lacked knowledge of how the organization functioned.
"Xu," he stretched his hand across the table and clasped it firmly around
hers. "I cannot emphasize enough the amount of trust I'm placing in you today
and the days to follow. SeeD's work is more important than providing
mercenaries. We will change the world through our actions."
And in the moments that followed as Cid's eyes searched her own, she knew
that he had every intention of carrying out what he just declared. But how did
he mean to change the world? She had no doubts that his intentions were good,
she wouldn't be here otherwise. Cid Kramer was a wily man capable of many
things, and a fearful adversary for those who drew his ire. With the best
soldiers in the world under his command, he could accomplish just about
"What are we going to do?"
"I think it would be best for you to save your questions until after our
business in Trabia is concluded." He squeezed her hand again. "A lot will be
explained there, along with many new questions being raised."
Xu bowed her head. The entire matter was suspicious, and not just because
of how Cid was acting. She *knew* that the Gardens weren't what they seemed,
at least Balamb wasn't. What she found in the waterways confirmed that. On a
hunch, Xu asked her next question.
"Does this have anything to do with the waterways under the Garden?"
Cid straightened up abruptly, withdrawing his hand from hers. "The
waterways that feed the ponds? What about them?"
"I had reason to explore them recently," she admitted. "Have I ever told
you how the Garden always makes me feel at home? It wasn't until I went down
there that I realized why..."
"The architecture and artistic style should be familiar to a native of
Centra," Kadowaki interjected. She had a look to her that could be described
as pleasantly smug. As though she had a bet with Cid as to whether Xu would
ever piece this puzzle together or not, and she had just won.
"The good Doctor is correct," Cid admitted hesitantly. "The Garden is a
refurbished Centra shelter. Because of cost considerations we decided to
re-commission a shelter rather than build the Garden from the ground up."
"Well, Balamb is hardly the only shelter laying around," Xu conceded. The
ruins of the shelters could be found most commonly in Winhill, Dollet, and
Esthar. Only those who reveled in the artifacts of the past even took notice
of the vehicles that brought settlers north after the Lunar Cry destroyed
Centra. She had to admit that resurrecting a derelict shelter was a sensible
move on his part.
"You have a sharp eye and a keen wit," Cid complimented. "Keep them about
you next week. You'll need them."
"Don't you have a hall to monitor?" Sierra said with a touch of annoyance
when Seifer slid up behind her in the lunch line. He picked up a tray to
maintain the pretense of being here for a meal. There was only one reason
Seifer came to the Cafeteria and purposefully crossed paths with her: to cause
"I wanted to schedule a meeting with you, Pinky," he said in a hushed
whisper as she pointed to what she wanted to eat.
His 'nickname' was meant to barb her. Only an insensitive bastard like
him would poke fun at the fact that she was missing part of that finger. When
she first arrived to the Garden she let his words get to her, but now she stuck
to a cool demeanor that infuriated him. It was much more satisfying to see him
being flustered than letting herself be upset by his childishness.
"You make what you do sound so official. Why don't you just tell me what
you want and stop wasting my time?"
He followed her into the seating area. She found a place to sit and he
joined her without invitation. "If you haven't figured it out yet, no one here
likes you. You're a disgrace to the Garden. If you won't leave willingly or
have the decency to flunk out, I'll beat you 'til you go crying for your
Sierra shook her head and smirked. "Dumbshit, my mother died years ago.
You should be ashamed for insulting her memory."
Seifer left after that, though he wasn't abashed by his insensitivity. He
continued to pester Sierra at every meal for the rest of the week and into the
next. Sierra was ready to agree to just about anything Seifer demanded just to
get him out of her hair.
What he wanted was a grudge match...
Xu wasn't pleased to be back in the Infirmary so soon. This time it was
Cid who was in need of medical attention. They were in his office going over
the final details of their trip when he collapsed into her arms.
Kadowaki wasn't pleased to see them either. "How many times have I told
him..?" She muttered darkly as she went about her work.
Xu sat in the waiting area until Kadowaki came out of the examination room
to speak with her. "How is he?"
"He'll be fine," Kadowaki assured. "He pushes too hard and doesn't take
proper care of himself. His illness would have been a minor one if he'd slowed
down and took a day off. Instead he kept going full speed ahead until it
caused his collapse."
Xu was relieved. His collapse frightened her more than she was willing to
"You," Kadowaki continued while waggling a finger at her, "were smart and
took my advice when injured. Cid, on the other hand, is going to have to stay
here until he's fully recovered."
"As you say, Doctor." Xu knew better than to protest on Cid's behalf. If
Kadowaki went to such an extreme step it was for his own good. "What of the
meeting in Trabia?"
"You'll have to go on your own. I won't let Cid leave this Infirmary
until he's well. I know that he trusts you to keep the Garden's best interests
at heart. You can do it."
Xu accepted Kadowaki's assurances, though she didn't share them. She'd
never meet the Trabian Headmistress before, not even in correspondence.
Martine would be there, but he'd never thought much of her. If only Cid could
be there to ease the way...
Long vessel rides had always lulled Xu into a peaceful state of mind. The
rhythmic swaying of the ship was soothing to her. Probably because it reminded
her of the long trips she took to and from Centra. She reluctantly pulled her
thoughts out of their restful state to figure out how much longer they had to
go. By her reckoning they were about half way.
Gone for only a few hours and already she felt a twang of unease. She
couldn't quite pinpoint what was causing the small knot that was uncomfortably
settled in her stomach. Worrying over her meeting with the Headmasters
wouldn't do her any good, so she'd already set that nervousness aside.
Perhaps it was due to leaving the Training Center in Aucifer's care. A
skilled Master he was, a responsible one she still questioned. No, that wasn't
fair. He was responsible as well. It was his personality that she took issue
with. She had a hard time differentiating when he was just talking big and
when he was earnestly being an ass about something.
Like this trip.
Why did he have to make light of it when he knew that she was nervous? Oh
sure, it might have been charming that he teased her about a romantic
rendezvous. But he was no Sean. Xu winced on the inside. No, he wasn't Sean
at all...
She forced her thoughts away from that and looked around her in the small
Seated across from her was Myn. He was occupying his time by reading a
book. Next to him was Nym. She was pounding furiously on the buttons of a
small handheld gaming device. Xu was mildly surprised when she realized that
the clicking noise of the buttons wasn't bothering her as much as it could
have. The steady hum of the ship's engines did well to mask other sounds.
Cid had mentioned that the twins requested some leave so that they could
visit their parents. She didn't think he meant that they would be traveling
with her as a sort of unofficial escort. It didn't matter. They were each
going to Trabia for their own reasons.
"Yo teach, this your first time to Trabia?" Myn asked after noticing that
she was looking around. Nym's hand moved like lightning to poke him in the
side for being so informal, then it was back on the handheld without missing a
"Yes, this is my first time," Xu confirmed.
"I hope you're ready for some cold weather." Myn grinned slyly. "Trabia's
nothing like Balamb. It's icy there year-round!"
"So I've heard," Xu replied wryly.
The cold was something that concerned her. She was most definitely a
warm-weather person. The Serengetti Plains were usually hot except in the dead
of winter. Likewise, Balamb enjoyed a temperate climate. Trabia's tundra was
something she wasn't used to and not looking forward to experiencing.
Xu boggled at the sight of the Garden once they arrived. Towering
mountains surrounded it on three sides. The Garden itself looked to be a fort
in the midst of winter's besiegement. The inside was much more welcoming than
the outer walls implied. A statue of a gargoyle stood watch over the central
courtyard that all who entered the Garden had to pass through.
The three Balamb SeeDs made their way into the Garden proper, each with a
sack slung over their shoulders. Myn began to tell a story about the statue
when they heard a female's voice calling for them.
"Assistant Headmistress Xu! Assistant Headmistress Xu!" A cadet waved
vigorously before running at full speed to meet them.
Xu caught the questioning look that Nym shot her at. Before she could
answer the cadet caught up with them, her cheeks flush from her efforts to
locate Xu. She had an odd flip hairstyle and seemed to radiate cheerfulness.
"I finally caught up with you! My name's Selphie Tilmitt. Headmistress
Rebecca told me to escort you to her office, Assistant Headmistress." The cadet
saluted promptly to add weight to the order.
"Selphie!" Myn beamed broadly.
"Nym, Myn!" She greeted happily, momentarily forgetting the orders she was
about to discharge. "Want to get together later?"
"Definitely," Nym bobbed her head in agreement. "I can tell you all about
the hunks at Balamb. You won't be disappointed once you transfer there!"
With good humor Xu allowed them their opportunity to catch up. A few
minutes delay in meeting the Headmistress wouldn't hurt anyone.
Once they'd gotten their social lives in order Selphie led Xu to Rebecca's
office, leaving Nym and Myn to go on their way. It surprised Xu in an ironic
sort of way that Rebecca's office turned out to be on the ground floor. In
Galbadia, Martine's was on the second, and in Balamb, Cid's was on the third.
She idly wondered if any conclusions could be drawn from that. Selphie showed
her to the door and then retreated from the Headmistress's domain.
The Headmistress herself was a startling tall woman with a cascade of
strawberry blonde curls flowing across her shoulders and down her back. Xu
felt like a midget when she approached the woman to shake her hand. Rebecca's
grip was a strong one that challenged the person on the receiving end to show
her any weakness. Her eyes were an icy blue that seemed fitting given the
climate she lived in.
She wore a long dress made of heavy cloth. The dress's cut was simplistic
and distracted none from the business-like nature of the woman wearing it. Xu
had to give Rebecca credit for creating an air of complete control and
competence in her persona (which was a sharp contrast to Cid's constant motion
and deceptive bumbling). Standing before her like this, there was no doubt as
to who was in charge in the room. Even so, Xu didn't feel uncomfortable being
around such a strong presence.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Headmistress Rebecca," Xu greeted formally.
"And you, Assistant Headmistress. I've been curious to meet the woman
Cid's chosen as his right hand," she replied lightly.
Xu blushed. "I'm flattered, but I'm just an aide. All SeeDs assist
Headmaster Cid in one way or another, this is what he's asked of me."
"Modest, too," she drawled. "Answer me this, if Cid were to to die who do
you think would take over Balamb Garden?"
All pretense of a casual meeting shattered. Xu stiffened, not liking the
question in the slightest. "I suspect the other Headmasters would find a
suitable replacement should such a misfortune befall him," she answered coolly.
"So we would. Do you think Kadowaki is a suitable replacement? Would she
lead SeeD into battle? She's a good friend, but she isn't there for the fight.
First and foremost she's a healer.
"Should Cid become unable to carry out his duties as Balamb's Headmaster,
*you* will be the one to replace him," Rebecca pinned her back with a long
fingertip lightly digging into her shoulder. "Your credentials are impressive
and you've done well when put to the test. Don't let misguided modesty detract
from the weight of your post. You are the Assistant Headmaster of Balamb
Garden and while a guest of Trabia I expect you to act it!"
Xu was stunned by the unexpected reprimand. Yes, she was a member of
Cid's inner circle, but she would never have presumed to place herself after
him in the chain of command.
Rebecca's expression relaxed into that of a knowing smile. "I hear that
Cid is ill. Now tell me the truth."
Xu was thrown off balance yet again by the direction this interview was
taking. "I'm afraid that is the truth. I was at Cid's bedside before I left
Balamb to come here," she replied. She didn't know why Rebecca would doubt
that, not unless she thought that he was up to one of his tricks. But he
couldn't be. Xu had taken him to the Infirmary herself and he didn't look well
enough to do much of anything when she left him this morning.
"Interesting. I was wondering when he'd reach his limit..." Her voice
trailed off before her mind jumped tracks again. "I've assigned Selphie to be
your guide and assistant while you're here. If you need anything, just ask
When Xu left Rebecca's office she found Selphie in the hallway waiting on
a bench for her. Upon seeing her, Selphie sprung to her feet and skip-hopped
over to Xu. "What can I do for you, Assistant Headmistress?"
Xu favored her with a wry look. "You could start by addressing me as Xu,
or if you must use a title, SeeD Xu. A couple years in Galbadia made me sick
of such things."
Selphie saluted with a grin on her face. "Yes, sir."
"I thought you and the twins were going to go do something together?"
"Yeah, we will later, but I should show you around the Garden first."
And so she did. Basketball was the sport of choice at Trabia Garden.
Every court had people playing on it. Selphie told her about the student
basketball league. As they were leaving the courts the twins met up with them
and joined the tour.
Of the three Gardens, Trabia was easily the smallest, and was seemingly
the friendliest. It could have been because of the company Xu was in, but she
didn't think so. Students waved at them as they went by, or stopped long
enough to exchange a few words of greeting before continuing on.
Xu shook her head ruefully as a thought occurred to her. Nym noticed the
action and asked what was on her mind.
"It's odd that Sierra's from such a friendly place," Xu shrugged and
grinned to take the sting out of her observation.
"Aisierra de Ling?" Selphie asked, not sure who they were talking about.
"She'd pound you if she ever caught you using her full name," Myn lightly
poked Selphie to remind her. "'Member the bloody nose she gave Teddy?"
"No, I was in the other class," Selphie defended.
"I seem to remember her doing it during recess on the back court," Nym
chimed in thoughtfully. "You missed that?"
Selphie nodded woefully. "Everyone was up in arms about a fight and that
Sierra and Teddy were involved, but I wasn't there."
"You should have seen the fur fly once Rebecca got her hands on Sierra. I
swear she wasn't able to sit properly for a week after the thumping her butt
took!" Myn added before Nym bopped him for laughing at Sierra's pain.
The story-telling was completely lost on Xu, her mind still reeling from
what Selphie had said. Her name was Aisierra..? Xu rubbed the bridge of her
nose as she tried to concentrate. The important thing she couldn't remember
because of the concussion seemed all the more urgent.
"Are you okay?" Nym asked, finally looking behind them to discover that Xu
had stopped walking several meters back.
Xu sat down on a nearby bench and continued to rack her brains. She was
so close. It was like a word that was caught on the tip of her tongue. If she
could just rattle it free! Think... Think!
Myn, Nym, and Selphie were standing in a half circle around her with mixed
expressions of puzzlement. "Xu..?" Nym persisted.
"Give me a minute," Xu muttered. She then stretched out her right hand
and began drawing something on the bench with a fingertip. Suddenly the fog in
her mind lifted and the pieces of the puzzle she'd been missing came into
place. As abruptly as she had stopped, she stood up again. "Selphie, take me
back to the Headmistress's office please."
"O- okay," Selphie gestured in the direction they needed to go.
"What's gotten into you?" Nym scowled.
Xu shook her head and smiled, a reaction that confused Nym even more.
"It's okay, I got my memory back."
"That's good, isn't it?" Myn asked hesitantly. The way Xu was acting
caused him to doubt the benefits of her sudden recollection.
When they got to Rebecca's office, Xu dismissed Selphie and the twins.
She might be a while if she got what she asked for. What she wanted was to
look at Sierra's student file. Her Trabia records should contain things her
Balamb ones don't, such as her original application to the Garden.
"What are you looking for?" Rebecca asked as she pulled up the file. She
was understandably curious to know why Xu was asking, but saw no reason to deny
her the information.
"Her name," Xu answered, her eyes quickly scanning back through the
records to find the ones she was interested in.
"Yes, Aisierra," Xu agreed, only half paying attention as she read. "But
she goes by Sierra..."
"There's nothing wrong with a nickname," Rebecca pointed out. By now she
was thoroughly confused as to where Xu was going with this. The woman was
obviously struck by some sort of inspiration, but the motive was a mystery.
"No, but it's not on any of her Balamb records. Her transfer forms say
her name is Sierra, not Aisierra."
"Probably a minor oversight. When you always address a person by a
certain name, it tends to stick. I don't see why it matters so much to you,"
the Headmistress admitted, becoming impatient to see Xu's logic.
Xu looked up from the terminal, her eyes gleaming. They held the same
inspired genius / mad scientist look that Cid's eyes did when he happened upon
something he saw as being deeply significant. Rebecca understood all the more
why this one was his aide. She possessed the same clever intelligence that he
"It says here that her grandfather died four years ago and her father is
her only living relative."
"That's correct," Rebecca acknowledged. "de Ling is one of the Summit
locals who works for us. He guides groups of cadets during training missions
to the Mines."
"I can see where Sierra got her knack for reading the terrain," Xu agreed,
closing the files. She stood up from the terminal and stretched out.
"What did you find?" Rebecca casually crossed her arms. Cid may be able
to dodge her questions, but Xu wasn't going get away with all of his tricks.
Xu frowned slightly. "I'm not entirely sure yet. I'll know once I return
to Balamb."
"You and Cid are too much alike. Heaven help us."
"Eh?" That statement confused Xu. She didn't see herself as being all
that much like Cid. The Headmaster had a vision for the future. She saw it as
her mission to bring that vision into reality. Besides, wasn't she supposed to
work in tandem with him? The more inline with his thinking that she was, the
easier it would be to execute his plans.
When Martine arrived at Trabia Garden later that afternoon everyone knew
it. His booming voice echoed across the courtyard as he yelled at a student
who was in pursuit of a wayward basketball that hit him in passing. The
student was quick to offer his apologies, but that didn't seem to satisfy the
grumpy Galbadian. Eileen, who was accompanying him, tugged gently on his coat
sleeve and pulled him away.
"I see that you're moving up in the world," Eileen greeted Xu as Rebecca
met privately with Martine in her office.
The two women chatted easily, catching up on what's happened in their
lives since they last spoke until the two Headmasters presented themselves.
"We'll have dinner in the west conference room at 1900," Rebecca informed the
two aides.
Xu found her way back to the guest quarters she'd been assigned and
cleaned up. A half-hour before dinner she heard a knocking on the door.
Selphie had likewise changed and was there to lead Xu to the west conference
room when she was ready.
"Why don't you go off and do something with the twins? I'm sure I can
find my way there without too much trouble," Xu offered.
"Thank you, SeeD Xu, but while you're at Trabia Garden I'm going to be on
you like a hawk!" Selphie smiled cutely. She was entirely too happy for
someone who was given what could be considered a shit job.
"Does Martine have a guide?" Xu couldn't imagine him taking well to have a
cadet underfoot. He'd be too inclined towards kicking them.
"No, sir, he has Ms. Pearcy. They've been here before, so they know their
way around the Garden," the cadet answered brightly.
Xu sighed softly and resigned herself to the fact that she was going to
have Selphie at her side while she was here. When they arrived at the
conference room, Selphie stopped at the door and ushered Xu in, but didn't
follow. Martine, Eileen, and Rebecca were already there speaking amongst
"Do you live in that uniform?" Martine asked snidely after noticing her
Xu smiled tightly. "When in doubt as to what etiquette requires, wear your
uniform," she answered in a tone that was more forgiving than she felt.
Rebecca flashed her an understanding smile while Eileen chuckled lightly.
Martine hmph-ed and slouched further in his seat. Xu sat down across the table
from Martine at Rebecca's left. Eileen sat next to Martine on his right. A
silence settled between them. Several minutes passed and Xu wondered what was
taking the servers so long in presenting the meal.
"Where's Centra?" Martine sighed impatiently.
"As I explained this afternoon, they were running late. They should be
here any time now," Rebecca replied.
Xu couldn't believe her ears. Centra? Was there a Garden there? Where?
How come she'd never heard of it before?
Those questions occupied her mind until the door at the end of the room
opened and a man stepped through. He was dressed in a uniform that was white
from his boots to the band around his head. It was a startling contrast to his
rich brown skin. His posture and movements told Xu that he was well-trained in
the physical arts. The door behind him closed and he bowed to those assembled.
Before Martine could scold him for his late arrival Rebecca spoke.
"Jerrick, I see you made it safely. Please have a seat," she gestured to the
chair next to Xu.
Xu was captivated by how fluid his movements were, as though he flowed
from one location to the next. There wasn't any hesitation or awkwardness in
his demeanor.
"Allow me to introduce you to Xu from Balamb Garden. She's Headmaster Cid
aide," Rebecca said.
Xu offered her hand to him. He took it in his own and gave it a firm
squeeze. "It's an honor to meet someone who is so well regarded among our
superiors and peers. I'm Jerrick. Please excuse my forthrightness, but where
is Headmaster Cid?"
"At Balamb confined to the Infirmary. He had a spell of weakness and I
came without him," Xu explained.
Jerrick's lips pressed together with concern.
"Where's Edea?" Martine asked in turn.
"Likewise she has turned ill," his dark eyes shifted from Xu's to meet
"It's no coincidence that they're both sick," Martine grumbled, though
more thoughtfully than with any true complaint.
"I'm afraid that you are right, Headmaster. Edea's condition has worsened
considerably since we last gathered. I fear that we haven't much time left..."
Jerrick stopped speaking when the door opened again to admit the servers.
Xu knew when she was in over her head and right now she was drowning. Who
was Edea? She'd never heard the name before. The man sitting next to her was
an enigma. She felt like she was oddly detached from those around her. As
though she was witnessing a conversation instead of taking part in it.
Their host gently directed the conversation away from business and onto
more neutral topics. From what Xu could gather, Jerrick had spent most of his
life in Centra. He had an impressive knowledge of the geography and knew
things only a native could. She wondered what region he hailed from. As far
as she knew the Anshin compound was the largest settlement in the south, and
that would only pass as a small village by the standards of the north. There
could be other, smaller settlements of people who wished to live in isolation,
but she was certain there weren't many.
To her unending embarrassment the conversation kept working its way back
to her. Jerrick and Rebecca didn't know much about her except for what was
written up in official reports and Cid's own correspondence. Martine had
plenty of stories to share. Fortunately Eileen was there to bring his tales
back into the realm of reality.
Dinner ended with the understanding that they would meet again in the
morning. From what little Jerrick had said already, they were assured to have
a lively discussion come the morrow.
When Xu left the conference room she found Selphie sitting on a bench with
her head leaned up against the wall sleeping. Xu gently nudged the girl to
wake her. The cadet's eyes snapped open and she bolted to her feet,
embarrassed at having been caught.
"Have you been here the whole time?"
"Well... I did leave briefly to get a bite to eat, but I came right back!"
Selphie hedged around the question, hoping to avoid a reprimand.
Xu shook her head with bemusement. "Show me back to my quarters and then
go find your bed. We have an earlier start tomorrow."
"Excuse me, Madam Xu," Jerrick approached them from behind Xu. "If the
hour is not too late, may I speak with you privately? I will guide you back to
your quarters whenever you wish."
"Alright," Xu agreed. "Selphie, get some rest."
With a small bow Jerrick directed Xu down the hall. He walked next to her
in his fluid glide-step. To someone whose profession involved watching others
movements, he was fascinating. He led them through a long breezeway and out to
an open courtyard. Xu refrained from shivering, though she wanted to. Her
body wasn't used to the chill and wouldn't put up with it for long.
"What did you want to discuss?" Xu asked politely. She could think of at
least a half dozen things she would like to ask him, but figured that she'd
give him the first shot.
"I was curious to know how one of the Anshin became a Black SeeD."
She blinked, taken aback by his question. She glanced down at her uniform
and then gave him a puzzled look. Yes, she supposed that you could call her a
black SeeD. Did that make him a white SeeD?
"Is there a difference?" She asked in turn. Not sure how to answer his
question until it was framed in some sort of context.
"There is quite a difference. How odd that the one who is Cid's aide does
not know," he mused aloud. "I apologize, please, allow me to explain. There
are SeeDs all over the world. The SeeDs of the north: Galbadia, Balamb, and
Trabia. And the SeeDs of the south: The White SeeDs."
"Why two groups?"
"Because we have two distinct missions. The SeeDs of the south are to
protect the Sorceress from those who would cause her harm. The SeeDs of the
north are to kill her if she turns towards evil. I was curious to know why an
Anshin would join the SeeDs whose mission it is to destroy instead of the ones
who protect."
Xu sat down on a nearby bench so numbed on the inside that she didn't
notice the cold surface against the back of her thighs. Her mind reeled as she
tried to make sense of what he was saying. She knew that there were
Sorceresses, but had never met one, and certainly didn't see it as her mission
to kill one. And here he was telling her that there was a group of SeeDs out
there she hadn't know about yesterday whose mission it was to protect the
Sorceress from those who would want her dead. Wasn't it a contradiction to
both protect and destroy her?
"Where is she?" Xu asked in a hollow voice.
"The Sorceress the White SeeDs protect? She resides in Centra. I
apologize, but I cannot be more specific than that."
"Yes, that makes sense," she intoned.
"Madam Xu, are you all right? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so
forward. Let me show you to your quarters." He politely held his hand out to
her to help her up. She accepted the hand and mutely followed.
"Rest in peace," he gave her another one of his courteous bows before
Xu wanted to call for him to halt, but her tongue was silent when she
opened her mouth. Rest in peace. It was a saying used in the north to wish
the dead a long and restful slumber. In Centra the phrase lacked the morbid
implication since the spirit was finally waking up from its sleep when one
died. She'd only once made the mistake of wishing someone from the north a
peaceful rest.
Stretching out across her bed, she silently wished for him to rest in
peace as well.
The brisk evening breeze that played havoc with a few loose strands of her
hair annoyed Sierra. Where was Seifer? He's the one who wanted to meet out
here in the courtyard after curfew to have it out. Punk ass upstart, thinking
that a kid like him stood a chance against her.
She slipped back into the shadows to avoid a Shumi patrol. They'd have 15
minutes to beat the shit out of each other before another patrol made its
With increasing aggravation she glanced down at her watch. Seifer had
already managed to waste four minutes. That didn't leave her much time to
smear him across the courtyard. Where the hell was he?
"Cadet Sierra de Ling," she erk-ed at hearing her name. Silently she
cursed Seifer time and again before turning around to face the Shumi that had
shone its light on her. "Student out past curfew. Faculty will take Student
back to quarters."
"Thanks for the escort," she said glibly.
The Faculty stood there for a moment as it evaluated her response. It
finally shook its robes disapprovingly at her. "Cadet is being disrespectful
to Faculty. Headmaster will know tomorrow."
"Isn't he laid up in the Infirmary right now? I'm sure he has more
important things to do than be bothered with this. How about I go back to my
room and we call it even?"
"Faculty will not cut deal with bad Cadet." Sierra snickered. The way it
phrased that would imply that she was a poor student when what it really meant
was that she was ill mannered.
Its robes shook more violently with growing agitation. "Cadet think
Faculty funny? Cadet not think that morning!"
Sierra burst out laughing. Its use of the language was too funny! This
Shumi must be one of the newer ones to the Garden. It would have to be if it
was stuck with doing the nightly rounds.
The cadet continued laughing softly as she followed the Faculty back to
her quarters.
"Cut the flowery speech and get to the point, Jerrick. How much time do
we have left?" Martine insisted. They hadn't been gathered for more than a
hour and already Martine's temper betrayed him. Eileen tried to keep him in
check, but the Headmaster wasn't in the mood for Jerrick glossing the situation
"I cannot give an exact answer, Headmaster. The early signs have begun to
manifest themselves and show no indication of recessing. It could be a week,
month, or over another year before the corruption consumes her heart."
Xu was grateful to Eileen, and for her willingness to be dragged out of
bed in the early morning hours to give Xu a crash course on the Sorceresses.
The time difference was most severe for the Galbadians, and so Eileen had
already counted on getting little rest while they were here.
The Sorceress they were discussing was named Edea. Edea Kramer to be
exact. She was the wife of Headmaster Cid. If Xu hadn't so recently
experienced the awkwardness of not knowing that Kadowaki was married, Cid not
telling her that he was as well would have hurt her. At this rate *she* was
married and didn't know it...
Xu was a bit fuzzy on this next part, but apparently the powers of the
Sorceress had a corruptive effect on ones mentality. In short, as long as Edea
had the power within her, it would eat her alive from the inside out. This is
what was currently being discussed. The corruption was beginning to manifest
itself physically. Jerrick hadn't gone into any details when describing how it
was changing her, except to say that it was grotesque.
More regarding the intentions of the White SeeDs and their 'Garden' was
cleared up by her conversation with Eileen. The White SeeDs lived on a ship
that traveled the world over, never staying in one place for long. The total
occupancy of the ship including the children that were schooling there was in
the mid-forties. Keeping on the move was used as an added security measure.
Edea was the captain of this ship until recently.
"She doesn't know how much longer she can resist the madness," Jerrick
continued. "She has already returned to the seclusion of her Centra home. The
location of the White SeeD ship is a mystery to us, as we had intended.
Jessica is with the Sorceress now. We will continue our protection of her."
Xu shook her head, confused by all of this. "I'm sorry if I don't
understand, but the White SeeDs are supposed to protect the Sorceress. Why are
most of them abandoning her?"
A sad frown marred his expression. "She has ordered us to leave her.
There are others that we must protect. Her heart turning towards the darkness
is inevitable. Jessica and I are her two assistants, along with Madam Ellone.
Ellone's protection is a priority for us all. She is in seclusion along with
the other White SeeDs and the children."
Xu was appalled. After all this talk of protecting Edea, the White SeeDs
were going to abandon her. Didn't protecting her mean staying by her side
during thick and thin?
Eileen set her hand over Xu's. "We've been planning this for a very long
time. It's for the best that the northern SeeDs take over at this point. The
power of the Sorceress is too much for a 'Garden' that has less than two dozen
SeeDs. We'll protect the world from her, and Edea from herself."
There was a loud pounding on Sierra's dorm room door. She rolled out of
bed and groggily went to answer it. What she found on the other side didn't
please her in the least. A pair of Faculty framed the doorway.
"Cadet Sierra de Ling will come with Faculty to see the Headmaster," the
one on the right said after a small robe shake.
Sierra crossed her arms and hmph-ed. "May I at least take a shower
"No," the one on the left answered. "Cadet will come with Faculty now or
SeeD will escort Cadet to Headmaster."
It was then that Sierra saw that a SeeD was standing at the ready in the
shadows of the Faculty. Shit, she was in for it now. She ran her fingers
through her tousled hair in a vain attempt to straighten it out some.
"Fine, but don't blame me for the morning breath."
The two Faculty escorted her to the Infirmary with the SeeD remaining
several paces behind them. Kadowaki gave her a disapproving scowl as she was
lead past the Doctor's desk to the small recovery room Cid was in. The
Headmaster looked like he was fighting off one hell of a cold. His face was
gaunt with perspiration mating down his hair. Without his glasses on he looked
younger and more vulnerable.
He weakly waved for the Faculty to wait outside. Sierra's audience with
him would be a private one. She pulled up the stool at his bedside so that he
could speak softly and still be heard.
"I'm afraid that last night was the proverbial straw that broke the
Chocobo's back," he said. "You're confined to quarters until I'm well enough
to handle the situation properly."
Cid leaned back into his bedding and closed his eyes, effectively ending
the discussion (such as it was). Sierra sighed heavily and left. The Faculty
led her back to her room and reiterated that she wasn't to leave unless the
SeeD that was posted outside her door escorted her. Dammit all, she even
needed an escort if she wanted to go across the hall and use the lavatory.
That annoyed her more than anything else.
Eileen and Xu were sharing eating lunch in the Cafeteria between meetings.
Selphie was seated across the room to allow them their privacy. When Xu
returned to the condiment island to get some soy sauce, Selphie was at her side
in an instant to offer her assistance. The SeeD couldn't help but crack a
smile at such youthful enthusiasm.
Currently the two Headmasters were speaking privately with Jerrick. That
gave Xu the opportunity to ask more questions of Eileen without embarrassing
One of the questions Xu asked was why she had yet to meet Rebecca's aide
if all the Headmasters had one. The sad look that shadowed Eileen's eyes told
her that she'd stumbled onto a sensitive subject.
"He died of exposure while searching for a team of lost cadets in the
Summit Mines," she explained. "The bodies of the cadets were found a few days
later. They died when the shaft they were in collapsed. We'll never know why
they were in a closed off area. Rebecca suspects that they were searching for
a Yeti."
"Yeti? A monster?"
Eileen shrugged. "Who knows? No one's ever seen one. It's a myth that's
told by children in these parts."
They continued eating in silence. Every once in a while Xu would cast a
discreet look over her shoulder to see if Selphie was still there. The cadet
continued to patiently wait for Xu to finish her lunch. When Myn and Nym sat
down at Selphie's table to eat, Xu chuckled.
"What's so funny?" Eileen asked between sips of her soup.
"I'm wondering if I'll be able to sneak out of the room without my shadow
noticing," she said with a touch of playfulness in her voice as she motioned
behind her.
"You'll get Selphie in trouble if you do that, and she's a good kid,"
Eileen warned. "You really don't like having her around, do you?"
"It's nothing personal, I just prefer to do things on my own. If I'm not
capable, then sure, help me, but I can read a directory as well as any first
year cadet. I shouldn't rate a guide."
Now it was Eileen's turn to chuckle. "Ah, but you do. Enjoy it while you
can. There are plenty of other opportunities in life to get your hands dirty
with the details."
They couldn't spend the entire afternoon in the Cafeteria talking. Eileen
needed to get back to Martine and likely calm him down from whatever's got his
tail in a knot this time. That left Xu to pick up her escort and kill a bit of
time. She carried her tray over to Selphie's table and sat down to finish
drinking her tea.
"How do you like it here?" Nym asked before poking her twin for shoving an
entire bun into his mouth. In a remarkable display of skill he managed not to
choke while wiggling away from her prodding.
"It's too cold for my blood," Xu admitted, cradling the warm teacup
between her hands. "Eileen was telling me a bit about the Summit Mines. They
sound like a dangerous place."
"You don't go wandering around in there without a SeeD accompanying you,
that's for sure!" Selphie piped up.
"I'd go so far as to say that the Mines are more dangerous than the Fire
Cavern in Balamb. Did she tell you about the cadets?" Nym paused as Xu nodded.
"I can't recall anyone who's gotten lost in there and made it out alive."
"Sierra," Myn croaked out between chews.
"You should have better manners when around your Assistant Headmistress,"
Selphie hissed to Myn in an aside.
"You should have better manners regardless," Nym clarified. "Mom would
tan your hide if she saw you now."
Xu coughed to get their attention off of Myn and back on the topic she
wanted to know about. "Tell me about Sierra getting lost in the Mines."
"Yeah, tell me too, I don't know this story," Selphie bounced in her seat.
She was young enough that even students Sierra's age were aloft upperclassmen
to her. She wanted to hear about their adventures when they were younger.
"Well, as I recall she and her dad were scouting in the Mines when they
became separated. Every able-bodied man in Summit went looking for her. No
monster, not even a Yeti, was going to prevent them from finding the lost
child. Her grandfather found her a couple days later huddled up at the end of
a shaft. She's damn lucky to be alive," Nym concluded her story with an
authoritative head nod.
"I heard she ran away," Myn said before bringing his glass of milk up to
his lips. The hard whap on the back that his sister gave him caused him to
spit the milk in his mouth back into the glass.
"Idiot! Who would run away to the Mines? That's the stupidest thing I've
ever heard!"
Myn pouted while carefully wiping a few spots of milk off of his shades.
"How come I'm always wrong? One of these days I'm going to be right."
Seifer had a smug sway to his step today, more so than usual. Fujin and
Raijin followed a couple paces behind him as they did the afternoon rounds.
The hallways in the dorms were vacant except for the lone SeeD that stood guard
outside of Sierra's door. Fujin swore that she saw Seifer skip a step as they
passed by the SeeD.
It elated Seifer to have one of the thorns in his side pulled out, but she
wondered if it was right of them to set Sierra up like they did. Seifer never
intended to meet Sierra for the duel that he arranged. He set her up and then
tipped off the Shumi patrol that he saw a student sneaking around.
When she asked Seifer about it he felt no remorse for what they had done.
He did have a point when he ticked off Sierra's numerous transgressions on his
fingertips. She was teetering on the edge of expulsion as it was. They just
cut to the chase and gave her that final little nudge. Was it wrong for them
to speed along the inevitable?
With an eerie sense of deja vu, Jerrick once again sought Xu out once
their business for the day was done. Selphie was dismissed so that the two
SeeDs could speak privately. Unlike last time he spared her the chill of
outside, instead inviting her to his quarters.
He presented her with a thick leather-bound volume to take back with her
to Balamb. When she promised to deliver it to the Headmaster, he shook his
head at her.
"It is for you, Madam Xu, from the Sorceress. She instructed me to
deliver it to your hands should our paths cross at this junction."
Xu was left speechless as her hands ran over its cover. Why would a woman
she'd never met, never even known of until yesterday, want her to have this?
She felt as though she was still being deceived, still being manipulated by
those around her. There was no escaping what Cid had drawn her into, she knew
that, but if she could at least know who all the players were!
Her mind drifted away from that thought and stumbled along another.
Jerrick would know things she didn't if she simply asked him. And where else
to start by at the beginning with...
"Who are you?"
His lips quirked up into a half smile as he regarded her from the chair he
was seated in. "I am Jerrick, a White SeeD."
Xu flustered, the book on her lap forgotten as she attempted again to pry
more information out of him. "How did you get to be a White SeeD?"
"Like all the children on Edea's ship I was rescued when the world would
have abandoned me. Edea took me in, fed me, schooled me, and gave me a purpose
in life. The White SeeDs are both her children and her guardians. We would do
anything for her."
"Including abandoning her?" Xu asked without meaning to be snide. Jerrick
struck her as a fiercely loyal person, she couldn't understand how he was okay
with their abandonment.
"As much as it pains me, yes. Protecting Ellone is more important.
Jessica and I will accompany Edea, all that matters is that the other children
are safe."
"Who is Ellone and why is she important?" The name kept coming up in
conversation, she noticed.
His eyebrows knitted together as he considered his answer. "Ellone is our
older sister. Beyond that, I cannot tell you why she is important except to
say that it has always been part of our mission to guard her. It is a question
you would have to pose to Edea herself."
Xu shook her head. "I doubt we'll ever have the chance to meet."
"I wouldn't discount the possibility," he said kindly, putting a
thoughtful hand under his chin. "Now it is my turn. Returning to my question
from the previous night, how is it that you became a Black SeeD?"
"Honestly, I don't know how things ended up this way. I saw Balamb Garden
on the newslinks and knew that I wanted to attend school there. I put up quite
a stink to the elders about being allowed to go. I think they finally did just
to be rid of me," she smiled fondly at the memory.
"Ah... And so there was a draw for you. Yes, I can see that. Magic tends
to move people in," he paused to find the right word, "interesting directions."
Xu shot him a puzzled look. "What do you mean by that?"
"Pardon me, I was just commenting on how magic can influence our lives. I
have grown up with a woman who exudes magical essence. In much the same way, I
can sense the magic of your being. You're not a Sorceress, that essence I am
familiar with, but something else," he stretched out his hands, unable to
decipher Xu's secrets.
She looked away from him, searching for something more comfortable to gaze
at besides his kind eyes. She was cautious about becoming too fast of friends
with this stranger. He was familiar with her homeland, he understood her in
ways few did.
He leaned forward and smiled at her. "You needn't explain yourself to me,
Madam Xu. But should we meet again and Sorceress Edea is accompanying us,
please trust her as you would her husband. The Kramers have what's best for
the world at heart."
"I trust that they have honorable intentions, but how did they decide that
they knew what was best for the world?" Xu wondered aloud.
"Your question has merit," Jerrick agreed. "I do not believe that someone
would go to the lengths that the Kramers have without some knowledge of what
might come to pass. Edea is a Sorceress, after all. While I can hardly speak
for what powers she may or may not possess, if she were to have a reasonable
suspicion that this world was facing a grave threat, then I would be glad to
help her defend against it."
"That makes sense..." Xu allowed slowly.
"I suspect there are countless matters you and Edea could discuss at
length. Please read the book she sent. Perhaps it will prove to be
"You don't know what it's about?" Xu asked, mildly surprised.
He shook his head. "It wasn't meant for me, only you, Madam Xu. With the
enchantment of a Sorceress upon its pages, its words will only be revealed to
Xu looked down at the book in her lap. She couldn't feel any magic on it,
not that she was able to sense magic to begin with. He assumed that she had
some power about her. With the exception of her bond with Carbuncle, she was a
weak magic user.
Magic was a subject that she was thrown into the middle of (mostly because
of her Anshin heritage), but never understood well. By her simplistic
reasoning, the world was filled with magic. Magic being the means used to
explain the unknown, like the Puzzle Stones. There may be a perfectly
reasonable explanation for them, but she didn't know it, and so it was magic.
Sorceresses were those who understood the complexities of magic. At
least, that was Xu's definition for them. And using that definition, there was
very little that she could teach a Sorceress, thus she didn't see why Jerrick
was so intent on her and Edea meeting some day. Was this an indication of what
was to come..?
Sierra watched the moonlight as it traced through her darkened room and
played against the far wall. She wanted to be out there. Out under the stars
smelling the crisp night air and basking in the moonlight. Maybe now that
she'd pushed too hard she would be allowed to return to Trabia. She'd be
considered a failure, but even being a SeeD dropout was better than...
She abruptly rolled over onto her side, facing away from her map covered
wall. Why did those memories have to haunt her on nights like this? On nights
when she should be free...
Xu was thoughtful on the return trip from Trabia Garden. Many puzzles lay
before her and she lacked all the pieces to put them together. She knew more
about the meaning of SeeD than she could have imagined.
She was uncertain as to how she felt about the organization to which she'd
dedicated herself. On one hand she felt daunted, yet proud, of the deeper
meaning to its existence. On the other, she felt betrayed because she didn't
know what she was getting herself into. The thoughts running through her mind
were overwhelming in a way. If only she could make them be silent, then she
could make sense of this all.
Later that night Doctor Kadowaki needlessly cautioned Xu to speak softly
when she approached the Headmaster. He was still terribly weak, but showed
signs of improvement. She pulled the stool up to his bedside and leaned close
by him.
He stretched a hand out and placed it on her arm. "Did you get the book?"
Xu sat back in surprise. She hadn't expected him to ask her about it.
With a slight nod she answered, "Yes, I've got it."
He looked to be oddly relieved by that. "Good. Absorb its wisdom, I'm
sure you'll understand its meaning more than I ever will," he gave her a
lopsided smile.
Xu knew better than to test Kadowaki's patience by pestering Cid with more
questions. Whatever he meant, she'd figure it out on her own.
Kadowaki entered the small recovery room after Xu had left. "What was
that all about?"
Cid nuzzled his way deeper into the mattress of the bed, making himself
comfortable. "I can't say-" Kadowaki was about the protest when he interrupted
her interruption. "No, not because I'm being cryptic. I know better than to
hedge with you.
"I won't pretend to understand all the mysteries of the world. Heh, I'm
married to one and have another for an aide. There's a certain kinship to be
had between enigmas, wouldn't you say? I wouldn't be surprised if they each
have questions that only the other can answer."
A frown traced along Kadowaki's thin lips. "Aren't you afraid that if you
play with fire you'll be burned? The forces you hope to harness have unmatched
destructive power. I wonder if all we're doing is setting the stage for the
next Sorceress War..."
"We are," Cid's eyes focused off into the distance. It was an oft
repeated argument. He didn't doubt the Doctor's resolve in helping raise his
SeeDs, but there was no mistaking the fear she occasionally showed him.
Fear was an instinctive response, meant to provoke one to either fight or
flee. Fleeing wasn't an option. The world was huge, but the last War had
proven that even the vastness of the planet wasn't a big enough place to hide.
No, this time, next time, and forever more the people must be able to stand
strong and defend themselves from the power of the Sorceress.
He knew deep down that there would be another War. It was an opinion that
Edea shared.
And so they set about laying down the groundwork for a force that could
defeat the Sorceress. Slowly, one piece at a time was brought into place. The
schools, the students, their training, all of it was carefully planned out.
When he was through, the planet would have its defenders. That's what he and
Edea wanted. That's what they will have.
Xu ignored the blinking terminal light that indicated she had a message.
Right now her brain was riveted upon the book that lay across her lap. She
carefully opened up the cover to find a slip of paper tucked within. She
pulled it out and unfolded it. The first thing she noticed was the scrawled
handwriting it was done with. The second, more startling thing, was that it
was written in the Anshin language.
A cursory flip through the book's pages revealed that the first several
chapters were written in an older Centra dialect. The reading would be slow
going, but the dialect wasn't outside of her abilities. Paging deeper in the
book showed a change in language to the standard. There were a couple of
chapters written in the Estharian language. She wouldn't have a chance when it
came to reading those without the help of someone else who was fluent. Was
there anyone stationed at the Garden who was familiar with the language of the
reclusive people of the east?
It quickly became apparently that what she held in her lap was a
collection of journals that reflected the times and origins of its authors. In
the margins, and sometimes entire inserted pages, notes were written in Anshin.
These must be Edea's additions to the story.
Xu turned back to the briefly forgotten note. It was addressed to her.
<< ~Note~ >>
Xu, child of the Centran blood, avatar of the Spirits, protector of this
world and the next, I send you my greetings and warmest regards. I have known
of you since you were a child. I have waited for you to rise up and bear the
mantle that fate held for you.
In this world a fragile balance is maintained, a peace that is all too
easily broken. Fate has chosen for us to stand in opposition of each other,
but it needn't be that way. I have sent along this book, a history that you
will not find in any Traveler's library, to begin to bridge the gap between us.
The Great Hyne did not intend for us to fight. Explore the history of the
Sorceresses and at the same time, learn of yourself as well.
Sorceress Edea Kramer
<< >>
Xu's eyebrows were so tightly knit together from confusion that they
ached. What on earth was Edea driving at? She gave the pages another flip and
knew that she was going to be reading for quite a while if she wanted answers.
As much as she would have liked to spend the night studying the mysterious
book, Xu had her teaching duties to resume. Aucifer hadn't terrorized the
students while she was away, which she was grateful for. In fact, everything
appeared to be as she had left it.
It wasn't until the evening session that Xu noticed someone hadn't shown
up yet today. She went back to her office to glance over the schedule of
students for today. Maybe the schedule had been changed without her knowledge.
Aucifer poked his head in when he spotted her ruffling through the files on her
"What's up?"
"Have you seen Sierra? I know that she avoids me, but I usually manage to
spot her while she's working. Is she sick?" Xu started to put a call in to
Kadowaki to ask where her missing student was when Aucifer stopped her.
"You're out of the loop," he shook his head ruefully. "She finally pissed
off the wrong person and is presently confined to her room until Cid decides
what to do with her. I wouldn't be expecting her back."
Xu was flabbergasted. She was only gone for *three days*! How could
Sierra dig herself into that deep of a hole in such a short time?
"What did she do?"
Aucifer leaned against the doorframe and shrugged. "Nothing you wouldn't
expect. Got caught sneaking around after curfew and then mouthed off to a
Shumi. It was the last straw."
"Spirits," Xu muttered in frustration. She began to massage her nose
while thinking. "I'll go talk to Cid."
"Why bother?" Aucifer challenged. "Yes, she's a good fighter, but she's
also a loose canon."
"I can't explain why, but I'm certain that she's a good person on the
inside. She's just... reacting to some hurt."
He scowled. "You should cast a Cure spell on that bleeding heart of
"Shut up, Aucifer."
He retreated from the doorway when she came through it and closed the door
behind her.
True to his stated intentions, Cid wasn't going to make a decision in
Sierra's case until the Doctor gave him a clean bill of health. That would
give Xu some time to dig around. Her trip to Trabia had proven fruitful in
regards to ferreting out the truth about the grouchy student.
If she were allowed to remain a student. Cid was always hesitant to expel
someone except in the most extreme of cases. Regrettably, Sierra had a rap
sheet that stretched back to when she first enrolled at Trabia. She was a wild
one that neither age nor training had been able to tame. If Sierra was going
to have a chance as a SeeD, Xu would have to step in.
Sierra glanced up from her book to glower at the door with annoyance when
she heard talking out in the hallway. She was stretched out on her bed and saw
no reason to go to the door to tell them to knock it off. A moment later the
door opened and Xu stepped in after giving a brief bow in greeting. She went
to Sierra's desk and sat down in the chair and relaxed.
The scowl didn't leave Sierra's face. "What do you want?"
Xu continued to make herself right at home. Sierra wanted to snidely ask
her if she was comfortable, but didn't. It was odd for Xu to forego her stoic
SeeD act, especially in front of a student. Adding weight to Xu out of
character demeanor the fact that wasn't wearing her uniform, which was
something she always did on school days. Instead she wore one of the dresses
that Sierra had spotted Aucifer ogling over. Her break from the norm piqued
Sierra's curiosity, though she wouldn't admit it.
"To talk," the Instructor said lazily.
"There isn't much that hasn't already been said. I don't know why Cid
hasn't expelled me yet," she replied.
"I asked him to let me speak with you before he made his decision," Xu
Sierra rolled her eyes and then sat up on the bed. Obviously Xu wasn't
content to let matters stand as they were without meddling. She's as bad as
Cid was rumored to be. "Yeah?"
With one hand Xu pulled out a blank sheet of paper from the sheaf on her
desk and picked up a pen. She carefully drew something on the page and then
held it out to her. "Do you recognize this?"
The blood drained from Sierra's face. The drawing on the page matched the
trinket she wore around her neck. The necklace her grandfather made for her.
"I'll take that as a 'yes'. Do you know what it means?"
"'Mountains'," she whispered.
"Close," Xu corrected. "More exactly it translates to 'love of the
mountains'. A fitting name, don't you think, Aisierra?"
Daggers shot from Sierra's eyes at having the woman she despised use her
full name.
Xu gave her a fleeting smile. She had Sierra by the tail and wasn't about
to let go. "A name like yours is fairly common among Anshin females. In fact,
my mother's name is Ailuna and my cousin's mother is Aiterra. 'Love of the
moon' and 'love of the earth', beautiful names.
"You've made your dislike of me fairly obvious. If you have a reason I'd
like to hear it."
Sierra cursed bitterly.
The corners of Xu's lips twitched up.
"I know you're an adult. If you think I'm going to respect you because of
that then you can kiss my ass. I'm not bound by their traditions," the cadet
Xu's smile continued to grow. "No, you're not bound by their traditions,
but you are bound by the rules of this Garden. As much as it may pain you, I'm
the closet thing you have to a friend right now. Tell me about yourself,
truthfully, and maybe I can help dig you out of your hole."
"Why should you give a fuck about me? I made my own bed, let me lay in
it!" Sierra flopped back on her bed, putting words into action.
"Very well," Xu got up and went to the door. She paused to get off a
parting shot before leaving. "It's natural to attack indiscriminately when one
is injured. Understandable, but it won't help to relieve the pain."
Once again the room was silent. Sierra was left to simmer in her own
That night, Xu began reading the book in earnest.
<< ~Book~ >>
In the time before the creation of this World all that existed was the
Void. Mystic creatures that later came to be called Spirits populated the Void
and watched over its vast expanses.
The Great Hyne traveled into the Void in search of a Path through it.
Along the way he had many adventures and gained great power from his
experiences. The Spirits watched him as he traveled and sometimes offered
their assistance.
After completing his journeys down the Path he decided that the Travelers
who followed the trail he blazed would need places to rest. He used a fraction
of his power to create Dream Worlds for the weary Travelers. The Path through
the Void was now established and would become easier to traverse with each
Traveler who followed it.
Yet, the Great Hyne was not finished preparing the way. He asked the
Spirits that watched over him to monitor the other Travelers as well. And
especially the Dream Worlds, for the Travelers would be vulnerable while
resting there. Should there be a threat, the Spirits would enter the World to
honor his request and prevent it from coming to irreversible harm.
<< >>
Xu paused in her reading to rub her eyes and try to reconcile how that fit
in with Anshin myth. There wasn't much when it came to how the world was
actually created. Most of it focused on this world being a dream and the Path
of Life being the 'real world' as it were. From the Sorceresses' version of
history, it all seemed to jive. But where did the Sorceresses fit in? She
paged ahead until she found the passage that explained.
<< ~Book~ >>
The Great Hyne looked upon the Dream Worlds with satisfaction. They would
welcome the Travelers into a peaceful rest. The Spirits would act as Guardians
should an ill fate threaten the Dream's existence.
Yet, the Great Hyne was not finished preparing the way. Within the Dream
Worlds he implanted a part of his power to be passed from Guardian to Guardian.
The Guardians would maintain the balance of magical power within the World.
Should an internal force threaten the World, the Guardians will use the power
granted them by the Great Hyne to protect his creation.
<< >>
Xu read and reread that passage until she finally realized that 'Guardian'
was not referring to Guardian Forces, but to the Sorceresses. Edea had written
some notes along with this passage. Xu read those next.
<< ~Note~ >>
It is said that the power of Hyne was never meant for the Travelers who
rest in this World. It was meant to go to the Spirits whom he convinced to
take up residence here, but squabbling amongst the Spirits infuriated him.
With disgust he declared that the Spirits were too immature for such
responsibility and gave his powers to a young girl instead. She was the first
Our powers flow like a river from person to person. When one of us dies,
we must release the power into another. We cannot take it back with us to the
Path, it is something that is native to this World. As a general rule we try
to keep our powers consolidated between as few Sorceresses as possible. That
way, if we are needed to protect this World, our power would not be thinned to
the point of being ineffective.
There is a price to pay for hosting the power of Hyne within us. It is a
greater force than our frail incarnations of this World. If we are not strong
the power will consume our hearts and we will turn towards evil. Such is the
price of power.
Throughout the centuries we Sorceresses have relied upon our Knights to
preserve our sanity. The confidence that is gained from knowing that there is
someone who will always love us and support us fully is enough to maintain most
Sorceresses. (Since most who have held the power are inherently good, though
there have been exceptions).
Cid is my Knight. I love him dearly. He loves me as me, Edea, and didn't
turn away when he learned of my true nature. He married me knowing full well
of the trials he would face because of our association, and willingly took them
It is with much fondness that I think of him. He is a man of many
adventures. You don't know him as I do, but I can tell you that he has stopped
to rest along the Path many times. He is a frequent visitor of the Dream
<< >>
Xu followed what Edea was saying until the last two paragraphs, then she
turned into a sappy romantic. And what did she mean that Cid was a 'frequent
visitor'? She made it sound like he never got anything done because he was
always *here* resting. Well, that might not be true. It likely wasn't always
this World, per say. There are countless Worlds according to this book. He's
probably bound and determined to visit them all. That sounded like the Cid she
Though Instructors like Aucifer were more fun to study under, Xu was one
of the most approachable of the Garden staff. She was thoughtful, fair, and
her door was always open (both figuratively and literally) for a student who
needed someone to talk to. That made her a favorite among the students and
encouraged those who normally wouldn't to approach her.
Fujin knocked softly on the doorframe of Xu's office. "Busy?"
"Not if you've got something you'd like to talk about. Please come in,"
she invited. "What's on your mind?"
"Seifer," Fujin admitted.
"It is odd that your posse isn't around. Did you all have a falling out?"
She shook her head. "Sierra trouble."
Xu arched an eyebrow. "How could she be causing more trouble? She's
confined to quarters until further notice. I don't doubt that the disciplinary
committee had a rap sheet as long as my arm on her."
Guiltily, Fujin turned away from her. "Setup."
That caught the Instructor's attention. "Who was setup? Her? Now that you
mention it, she never did explain why she was out and about when she was
caught. Let me guess, she was going to duel with Seifer and Seifer called the
Shumi on her."
Fujin nodded slowly.
Xu let out a heavy sigh. This certainly cast the situation in a new
light, though it didn't change the outcome. Even if Seifer did set Sierra up
to be caught, she *was* caught being somewhere she wasn't supposed to be and
then compounded the problem. And if Seifer hadn't been such a chicken shit,
she might have done something that would have landed her in even deeper
"Thank you for coming to tell me. It doesn't help Sierra out of her
situation, but I appreciate the honesty."
Fujin saluted and left Xu's office. Why had she felt compelled to tell
the Instructor that? She'd just betrayed Seifer's trust in her, but Seifer
wasn't the one who got her in trouble. Sierra got herself in trouble. So it
was the right thing to make sure that the matter was clarified.
Sierra was growing increasingly annoyed by the number of disturbances that
took place on the other side of her door. She wasn't one to spend all her time
in her room, so she didn't know if this was the norm or not. The noise died
down and she returned to her book. About twenty minutes later it started up
again. It continued until the door was opened and Zell bounced through.
"You've got 15 minutes, Dincht," the SeeD warned before shutting the door.
Sierra was so surprised to see Zell that she was left speechless. Zell,
ever the lacking master of social graces, didn't notice the awkward pause and
started jabbering. "I figured that you might be gettin' lonely in here so I
asked Cid to let me visit ya."
"You shouldn't have," she muttered.
"You're my friend, o' course I'd come visitin' ya!"
She darkly wondered since when they'd been friends. Sure, they'd done
plenty of things together scholastically, but she didn't choose to spend time
with him socially.
Or did she?
Class didn't force her to eat meals with the other members of the drill
team, nor did it compel her to go with them to Balamb last week. She went
because she was bored. That's right, she was bored of hanging around the
Garden and it seemed like a good way to kill time. She was never bored when
Zell was around. He had so much energy that it could charge a Blitz.
She shook that thought off and stared at the black mark along the side of
his face. Pointing she asked, "What the hell happened to you?"
He grinned broadly, pleased that she noticed (even though it was
impossible to miss). "I got it the other day. 'Structor Xu inspired me!"
Sierra screwed her face up with displeasure. With any other person she
would have told them what a fool she thought they were, but she didn't have the
heart for some reason. She added Zell's tattoo to the list of reasons she
hated Xu. If it weren't for her he wouldn't have gotten such a stupid idea
into his head.
Oblivious to Sierra's opinion of the marking, he got down to business. "Ya
know, I was thinkin', you should go speak with 'structor Xu."
Sierra was immediately suspicious. "Did she send you here?"
Zell stopped his bouncing to scratch the back of his head. "No... Why
would she? I was just thinkin' that she's nice. Maybe she'd be willin' to
help you out 'cause you're a member of the drill team and all; make you run
extra laps or something. I'm sure with her on your side you could cut a deal
with Cid to get out of here."
She sighed, squeezed her eyes shut, and turned away. "You think too much.
Please go away; go beat up a Grat for me or something."
"Hey, what's up-" she batted his outstretched hand away from her. "A
Grat, eh? Okay, you got it. I'll go kick one's ass for you right now."
After she heard her door open and close she rubbed the palm of her hands
across her teary eyes. She didn't want Xu's help. Stupid Xu for being so
fucking nice! Why wouldn't she go away and stop meddling in her life?
In a flash of anger she threw the book she was reading against the map
covered wall. It hit Winhill squarely in the center and then the book slid
down the wall, catching the edge of the Centra map. The map was torn from its
tacked on place and fell to the floor.
The SeeD hastily opened up the door to see what the noise was. She gave
him a lame excuse about accidentally dropping a textbook and he went away.
With detachment she examined the white textured hole in her map
wallpapering. If only it were that easy to make Centra fall off the face of
the planet.
"It's been four days. Why hasn't Cid expelled her yet?" Seifer grumbled
after making the rounds past Sierra's guarded door.
"Reconsider?" Fujin asked.
"He must be if he's taking this long." Seifer's expression soured and he
stroked his hand through his short hair. "We've still got the SeeD wing to do,
let's go."
Fujin followed a step behind the moody cadet. Why didn't he reconsider
his opinion of Sierra? He's been on edge ever since she was suspended. Didn't
he realize that his 'victory' over her wasn't as sweet as he had hoped it would
Stretched out on her bed with the book lying beside her, Xu's latest
studies had left her feeling enlightened and thoughtful about the history of
the world. She had honestly never cared much about it up to this point. The
stories of the Anshin were just that to her, stories. She didn't see them as a
part of world history, but perhaps they were.
Edea had provided an opportunity most historians would give up their first
born for; a candid glimpse into the lives of the Sorceresses. As Xu absorbed
the stories of the woman who held that title one theme was echoed time and
again: despite the power, they were human. Human in that they felt the
enchantment of love and the accompanying hurt that could go with it. They had
hopes and fears, dreams and disappointments. For as distant as many believed
the Sorceresses to be, they weren't that different from any other person.
Only when the dreadful power corrupted them were they released from their
humanity, and the consequences of that were devastating. Some of those
consequences were still being felt today. One of the stories told of how a
Sorceress summoned the Lunar Cry to crush Centra. Even if it did happen more
than 3500 years ago, Xu felt a twinge of pain. Centra has been smashed and
destroyed so many times. It was like there was a gigantic target on it that
encouraged those with evil intentions to attack it.
She set the volume on the nightstand beside her bed before turning off the
reading lamp and nuzzling in for a peaceful sleep.
In the misty fog of a place that she did not recognize she materialized
onto the field of battle. Looking across from where she stood, a nasty
creature with a beastlike head that bore a passing resemblance to Ifrit was
batting away the troops who fought it as though they were Bite Bugs.
She surged forward, wishing to add her attacks to the battle against the
beast. It was incredibly powerful. A single dance wouldn't destroy it, unlike
the creatures she was used to encountering. While preparing for the next
charge she saw that another warrior joined the fight. Even though Xu couldn't
see her face beneath the helmet, she knew that it was Kei. Her cousin was
dressed in full armor, yet remained nimble when she dodged a ball of energy
that cut a path right where she had been standing.
Their commanders gave the order for them to attack. Xu and Kei worked in
unison to try to overwhelm the monster, but it was too powerful. More warriors
were called into the battle as the bodies of the ground troops lay scattered at
the clawed feet of the beast.
They were ordered to attack again. Xu rushed forward, intend on planting
her sai into the flesh beneath the beast's muzzle. It saw her coming and
pulled its muscular forearm back before swinging forward and capturing her in
its claws. Its grip around her tightened as sharp claws punctured her flesh,
causing her lifeblood to spill freely. Xu felt herself becoming weaker with
each passing moment before her suffering was put to an end with a finalizing
Xu snapped awake with a scream. Anxiously she ran her hands up and down
her sweaty body searching for any puncture marks. It was only a dream, only a
dream. Shaky hands flipped on the lamp as she pulled a bathrobe around her for
comfort. She paced around the living room for several minutes, but was unable
to ebb the haunting images from her mind.
After a few more minutes of contemplation, she slipped out of her quarters
silently and walked down to Kei's. As softly as possible (so that she didn't
wake the neighbors and thus be caught wandering around in a bathrobe) she
knocked on Kei's door. A moment later Kei groggily opened it. Her hair was
plastered to the side of her head in such a way that Xu would have laughed if
she weren't currently preoccupied by her dream. Both cousins returned to Kei's
living room.
"Were you asleep?" Xu asked after sitting down.
Kei just blinked at her and scrubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Obviously."
Kei nodded.
"What about?"
Kei sleepily scratched her tummy as she tried to recall. "You and I were
having lunch at a cafe and some jackass with a carp's head was ogling you."
"You didn't dream of a battle?"
"I get enough fighting while awake, why would I want to dream of it as
That didn't alleviate the unease Xu felt, but Kei did have a point. It
was just a silly dream, nothing more.
"Thanks, sorry for waking you," Xu got up and let herself out.
In the days that followed Xu found herself unable to shake the sense of
dread. That dream... That dream made it all too clear what sort of power they
were up against. She couldn't place the creature that she battled, but knew
that it held only disdain for the world it existed in. What if a Sorceress --
Edea? -- were to summon it? That thought chilled Xu to the core.
The future was never something she'd given huge amounts of energy towards
thinking about. She always figured what would come, would come. She preferred
the simplicity of day-to-day life.
But now her thoughts were occupied with scenarios of SeeDs hunting down
the Sorceresses. Xu wasn't stupid, she realized that what Cid proposed
amounted to war. A war that few saw on the horizon.
Her mind agonized over finding another way to accomplish their ends, but
no suitable answers presented themselves. If Edea were to die, the power would
be passed along to another and the cycle would begin anew. Regrettably, the
Kramer's solution seemed to be the most reasonable; prepare a fighting force to
conquer the power should it fall out of check.
It was a heavy burden to bear. And so, Xu concerned herself with other's
problems rather than with her own; namely Sierra's. Pulling Sierra back into
Cid's good graces seemed like a leisurely task compared to some of the more
daunting ones he had for her.
Fortunately for Xu's peace of mind, she didn't have to wait long before
Sierra called an end to their stalemate.
"You wanted to see me?" Xu asked with polite interest after she was
comfortably seated at Sierra's desk.
Sierra had her characteristic sour expression on her face. "Yeah... And I
didn't ask you to come just so you help me, either. I don't care if Cid kicks
me out of the Garden or not."
"Then why..?" Xu inquired without expressing the hope she felt that Sierra
might finally take off the mask and let Xu see what she was really like.
The student's lips thinned before she spoke. "I still don't like you...
But maybe talking to you will ease the hurt..."
As Sierra told her tale, the unhealed wounds to her family's pride became
She was of Anshin blood a couple generations removed. Her grandfather was
a storyteller. A position much respected because they were the clan's link to
the past. They remembered the lessons learned and taught them to each new
generation. They were also often sought as advisors because of their wisdom
gained from history's insights.
Unsolicited by the elders, Sierra's grandfather offered them advice. Such
impertinence wasn't an offense, to the contrary it was often welcomed, but the
nature of the advice angered them. The storyteller suggested that they send
ambassadors to the north to represent their interests. As he saw it, it
wouldn't be long before they were 'discovered' once again and people from the
north would seek them out. He wanted to be the assertive party in the eventual
contact so that they had the upper hand.
It was an idea that was before its time. Even with Xu's undesired
authority as a Spirit and a couple generations since, the idea of coming out of
isolation was still balked at.
Had Sierra's grandfather let the matter lay he would have been fine. But
in true Anshin form he was insistent that they needed to proactively embrace
the world around them. The elders decided that if he loved Out There so much,
he could go live among the people of the north. They banished him.
"You're angry at them, the Anshin, on your grandfather's behalf? Did he
hold such bitterness towards them?" Xu wouldn't have blamed him if he had, but
the way Sierra described him it would have been out of character. The
impression she got was of a wise man gifted with patience and understanding.
"No, dammit, he wasn't angry at all when he had every right to be. In
fact, he wanted me to go spend a couple years with them, but I refused."
Her grandfather had petitioned the elders to take Sierra in, citing that
*he* was the one being punished, not her. She deserved the opportunity to grow
up in an Anshin environment. After due consideration, the elders agreed to his
request and a date for her to arrive was set.
Sierra ran away to the Summit Mines to escape being sent to Centra. It
was the only place she could think of to go where they might not find her. The
peril that her life was put in hadn't even crossed her mind. All that mattered
to her was escaping being sent to *them*.
The consequences of her poor judgment were something she had to live with
for the rest of her life. Squirreled away in the chilly depths of the Mines,
frostbite had settled into her fingers and toes. Her grandfather was the one
who found her before more life threatening damage could be done. It was
apparent that she wouldn't leave Trabia willingly, and so she was allowed to
Her father was disappointed that she wasted an opportunity that he'd never
been given. Sierra didn't care. She knew of how they turned away from her
grandfather, the man that she admired the most, and would have nothing to do
with them.
After things had settled down from her life changing adventure, her
grandfather presented her with a pendant he made from some mythril ore he found
while searching for her. It was shaped into the character that was her name in
his native language. It was her grandfather who had chosen Aisierra as her
name. It, along with the adopted family name of de Ling, represented both her
Anshin and Trabian heritage. Just as the pendant represented her dual
"I loved him more than anything else," Sierra said softly, a crestfallen
expression on her face. "He had always supported me when I tried new things.
He wanted to see me grow into a strong woman. As a child, I loved to curl up
in his lap and listen to the stories he told. I even miss the Anshin stories I
never understood well. Those stories make up a majority of what I know of the
language. He tried to teach me more, but I was too stubborn at the time to
"It sounds like he was a great man."
"The greatest," Sierra agreed.
Their conversation lapsed into silence, during which time Xu examined the
wall of maps Zell had told her about. There was a conspicuous hole where a map
of Centra should have been. She gave Sierra a questioning look, but the cadet
turned away.
With a sigh, Xu pressed forward to the next topic weighing on her mind.
"I've done nothing to harm you."
"I know," Sierra admitted meekly, "but you're one of them."
"So are you."
Sierra didn't have an answer for that.
"I guess this means we can add another Anshin outcast to the Garden
roster," Xu commented thoughtfully before turning away from the maps.
The SeeD smiled cryptically. "You aren't the only one who's broken ties
with them." Xu walked over to the door to let herself out.
That puzzled Sierra even more. Was their conversation over? "Where are
you going?"
"I'm going to champion a clansman. Hopefully Cid's in a forgiving mood.
I'll return later," Xu promised before leaving.
To an empty room Sierra replied, "You don't need to do that..."
When Sierra was next seen outside of her room, Xu accompanied her to the
Cafeteria for dinner. After getting their meals they sat alone at a table.
Zell spotted them and bounced over to join them. Xu politely, but firmly,
turned him away, saying that he could talk to his friend later.
That earned Xu a funny look. The Instructor smiled and got down to
"Here's the deal; you're on probation. By tonight your new class schedule
will be delivered to your new quarters."
Sierra couldn't prevent the dumbfounded expression that crossed her face,
but Xu wasn't finished.
"You're my personal responsibility now. Instructor Aki is no longer your
advisor, I am. Your class schedule is being changed to reflect that. I'll be
teaching you your lessons until Cid feels comfortable enough to move you back
into a regular class.
"Your quarters will be next to mine. After we're done here I'll help you
move your things over from the cadet wing. You may not leave the Garden
without my accompaniment. Furthermore, when and where you're allowed on campus
is likewise restricted." Xu's tone left no room for argument.
Sierra slouched down in her seat. "It'd be easier to just kick me out..."
she muttered.
"'The difficult path is more rewarding'," Xu quoted Anshin folk wisdom.
If she didn't miss her guess, Sierra would catch the reference.
"What if I refuse?"
With a deceptively sweet smile Xu placed her elbows on the table and
rested her chin atop her folded hands. "I won't let you quit, not until you're
ready to leave here. If it comes down to a battle of wills, we both know who
will win: me. Accept that this arrangement is for your own good and things
will go a lot easier."
The cadet crossed her arms and rocked back in her chair. "Fuck you," she
Sierra could almost see a flicker of amusement in Xu's rich brown eyes as
she continued to smile at her. "That's a rather forward invitation, don't you
The chair slipped out from under Sierra and she landed on her back. A
cadet who was eating dinner at one of the surrounding tables offered her a hand
up. She shook it off, righted the chair, and sat back down again.
"Are you finished?" Xu inquired politely while gesturing at the half-eaten
meal in front of Sierra.
Sierra gave her Instructor a long hard look. "You aren't joking, are you?
You're really going through with this, having me underfoot and all. What makes
you think that I'm not going to be like a nail in your shoe?"
"Call it a hunch," she replied with a shrug. "Now, if you're done, let's
True to her word Xu helped Sierra move her things into her new quarters,
and even the SeeD who was posted by the door pitched in. Sierra spotted Zell
hovering around in the hallway through the half opened door. Sierra thought Xu
would shoo him away as she had earlier, but instead she drafted him into
service. With the four of them working on it Sierra was moved into her new
quarters in no time.
The wing Xu lived in was reserved for Instructors and those SeeDs who were
in the Garden more often than not. The quarters included their own lavatory,
bedroom, kitchenette, and living room. They were more like a small apartment
than the room and common facilities Sierra was used to.
"This isn't a reward," Xu reminded Sierra in an aside as Zell scoped out
her new room. "You'll be spending a lot of time here when you're not in the
training room or Library."
"I got ya," Sierra sighed as she examined the walls to select one that was
suitable for her numerous maps. The Trabian flag would go back up on the
ceiling above her bed where it belonged.
"So, like, you'll be with the team tomorrow, right?" Zell asked.
Xu was the one to answer. "Yes, Sierra will be spending a lot more time
in the training room from now on."
"All right!" He jumped up and then scratched the back of his head at his
elation. Xu couldn't help but grin at that. She suspected that Zell would
play a large of part in cracking Sierra's shell.
Sierra's first day of class with Xu involved a lot of adjustment for the
both of them. Sierra wasn't used to being the only student in her 'class' and
Xu's training room wasn't set up for book studies. Fortunately, Sierra had
already finished most of her scholastic credits. For those few courses that
required a desk and terminal, Xu offered the one in her office. After the
first day Sierra decided that she couldn't stand the cramped little room. She
took to sitting on the floor leaned up against the wall outside Xu's office.
She could get her work done and watch others train when her reading got too
Zell was fond of plopping down on the floor next to her and chatting
between his lessons. At first she tried to ignore him, but it was hard to
ignore someone who wouldn't shut up. Eventually she gave up and talked with
him until it was time for him to go again.
Xu discretely made sure that Zell was given ample opportunity to interrupt
Sierra's studies. With each passing day Sierra would be less irritable when
Zell sat down next to her. Xu idly wondered if he even realized what sort of
effect he was having on the grouchy Trabian. She wouldn't go so far as to call
it a crush, but this might well be Sierra's first real friendship.
Zell was the only one bold enough to outright intrude upon Sierra, but
that didn't stop other members of the drill team from saying a word of greeting
to her as they came and left the center.
Seated by Xu's office as she was, it put her in the path of quite a bit of
foot traffic. Before long she was an unofficial greeter to the center, whether
she wanted to be or not. If Xu caught her being snide when someone wished her
a good day, Sierra was promptly sent on a few laps around the Garden. A simple
head nod or hello was easier than running, and so that became Sierra's
preferred method.
Civility was a two way street and Sierra wasn't the only one in need of a
lesson. Seifer continued to glower at Sierra whenever they crossed paths, but
he couldn't say anything to her with Xu there. The only time Xu wasn't at
Sierra's side was when the SeeD was teaching her classes.
In a room full of cadets it was easy to get lost in the shuffle. Seifer
counted on that when he meandered over to where Sierra was studying.
"Hey, Pinky, I see you're still around. How'd you manage it? By becoming
Xu's little pet."
Several responses ran through her mind. She could deny that she was Xu's
pet, but that would indicate to him that his comments were hitting home. Her
best option was to ignore him and hope he went away.
"Hum? Cat got your tongue?" Seifer leaned over her, trying to physically
intimidate her with his presence. He would have said more, but he caught sight
of Xu coming this way. He straightened up and then 'accidentally' kicked her
stack of books across the floor.
Before he could get more than a few steps away Aucifer had called him to
halt. Seifer silently bereted himself for forgetting about the *other*
Instructor around here.
"Aren't you going to help her pick them up?" The Master gestured at the
"Oh, did I do that?" Seifer feigned innocence with a charming smile.
"My apologies," he leaned over and picked up one of the books before
handing it to Sierra. "You really should find another place to sit. Someone
could trip over your books and injure themselves. That would be a shame, don't
you think?"
Sierra rolled her eyes and accepted the book.
Once the books were returned to their stack at Sierra's side, Seifer made
his way to the door. Aucifer followed him out to the hallway where he could
speak to the cadet privately.
"Watch yourself, Seifer, she's not going to put up with shit like that for
much longer," Aucifer warned.
Seifer crossed his arms and smirked. "I'm not afraid of Sierra."
"Who's talking about her? Xu's the one who's got your number. Clean up
your act or you'll find yourself on her bad side."
"Whatever," Seifer waved it off. "Cid gave me charge of the disciplinary
committee. I'm just making sure Sierra stays in line. Xu's letting her off
too easy."
That struck Aucifer the wrong way. "It's not *your* place to decide
people's punishment or if it's just. Sierra is Xu's concern, not yours."
Seifer sighed and shook his head. "Is that all?"
Aucifer wanted to grab him by his collar and shake that smirk off his
face. The boy was so arrogant. Couldn't he see that he was skating on thin
ice? If there was one thing Aucifer was quickly learning it was that Xu's
patience did have its limits. Xu had privately expressed her exasperation with
the cadet before. Now he was even getting on Aucifer's nerves.
"Go, and keep out trouble," Aucifer returned to the training center
knowing that his warning had fallen on deaf ears.
"Why do I have to come?" Sierra grumbled again at being dragged along on
one of Xu's 'educational adventures'.
"It'll be good for you," Xu answered.
That was always Xu's answer when she was going to prod Sierra to do
something that she knew Sierra wouldn't like. The vegetarian dish Xu made her
try the other night was a good example of that. 'It's good for you!',
bullshit! That's about what it tasted like too...
Sierra *knew* that she wasn't going to like this when Xu opened the door
to the lounge to find it full of rabid Trepies.
Myn waved for them to come in. "I'm glad you were able to make it, Xu.
And you brought a new member with you? Great! If I knew you were interested
in the Trepies I would have invited you to join sooner, Sierra."
"I don't really--"
Xu elbowed her.
Myn was already penciling her into the club roster. "You'll be member
number 73, okay?"
"Do I get a choice?" Sierra folded her arms across her chest.
Myn laughed and shook his head. "Nope, member numbers are assigned when
you join."
"What's my number then?" Xu asked. She assumed that since she didn't join
until Myn invited her it would be right around Sierra's.
"Let's see," Myn flipped through the roster. "Sean's number 1. You're
number 2. Eugene, Jessie, and LeVar are 3, 4 and 5. Kei is 6, though I
haven't told her that and would be grateful if you didn't either. Enju is 32.
I'm 33, the bastard forced me to be the president and then took the number
before me. Nym is 34, and like Kei, she doesn't know."
"Good lord," Sierra buried her face in her hand.
Xu found them both a spot to sit. The Trepies were more organized than
many of the student clubs on campus. Tonight Myn was getting the members
rallied for an upcoming Triple Triad tournament in Balamb. The Garden had a
reputation to maintain for its fine TT players and there were plenty of skilled
members to defend the Garden's honor.
After the meeting Sierra sulked as she and Xu returned to their wing of
the dorms. "Why did you drag me along?"
"To make friends," Xu replied lightly.
Sierra grumbled, but the very next day more people were greeting her in
the training room. She only made the mistake of snapping at them for calling
her Trepie number 73 once. A few laps reminded her of her manners.
Sierra and Aucifer were a large part of Xu's day-to-day life now. She
took the opportunity to give them both extra training with Guardian Forces and
magic. Sierra needed it as part of her graduation requirements while Aucifer
wanted his curiosity sated. She knew of the hazing he took from the cadets and
their Float spells. The more magic he knew, the better off he was.
With a chuckle Xu recalled the first time he summoned Shiva. He was left
in a state of muted awe. "She's so... sexy," he whispered softly. A keen
enough observation considering that only strategically placed patches of ice
covered Shiva's lithe, blue body.
Sierra would have told him to pull his mind out of the gutter, but Xu gave
her a look that silenced her. He was a layman to the ways of a SeeD.
Para-magic and Guardian Forces were new and amazing to him. His wonderment
shouldn't be stifled by Sierra's cynicism.
When it came time for Sierra's Fire Cavern test Aucifer wanted to tag
along, but Xu refused. This was a chance for just the two of them to see what
Sierra was made of. Xu didn't doubt that Sierra would defeat Ifrit in the time
allowed. She was more interested in gauging how much Sierra had matured.
The cadet's actions were controlled as she took down one Red Bat after
another. It was a proficiency that Kei would have been proud of. After
delivering the final blow to Ifrit, she accepted her reward without any of the
gloating that other cadets indulged in.
"You're one step closer to becoming a SeeD," Xu commented as they made
their way back to the Garden.
"I'm one step closer to getting the hell out of here," the cadet replied
with resolve.
Xu frowned. Not as much progress has been made as she hoped.