Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Adventful ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“What’s going to start now?” Cloud asked, his voice serious. He was in no mood.

Kadaj just giggled, obviously giddy. “Okaa-san will tell me.” as he peered into the almost empty box of Jenova.

Cloud watched him from in front of his bike. He eyes him before saying, “…the spirits don’t know anything, huh?”

Kadaj just looked at him, then he looked down from his cliff. “I’m just a marionette, after all.”

Blue power filled Kadaj’s hand and he clenched his fist.

Cloud stared at the silver-haired puppet and watched as the power-hand of Kadaj swept over his face. “Just like…” he trailed off, a maniacal smile on his face as he watched his hand come to his side. He was ready for attack.

Cloud steadied himself, narrowing his eyes, and his blade.

Kadaj’s teeth clenched as he pointed his hand at Cloud, “The old you!” and the power from the materia went full force at Cloud.

Cloud stepped, then he jumped up, his blade behind him but still gripped in his gloved hands.

They attacked each other, hitting each other’s blades over and over.

Cloud slammed the other so hard that Kadaj slid back, but he just ran back to his older brother, his nii-chan, and they once more were attacking full force on each other.

Cloud tried to slam his blade, but Kadaj moved, and then began to flip his blade over and over in his hand, feigning that he enjoyed this. Cloud’s eyes narrowed once more and he went back to trying to slam Kadaj, but the silver-haired puppet just jumped out of the way.

Cloud looked up as Kadaj landed on an old area building that was broken, acting like a cliff. He hopped off of it and Cloud rushed forward to attack again. They both jumped higher onto another ledge of the building.

Cloud broke the ground and Kadaj jumped to avoid it, doing a back somersault in mid-air to land on Cloud’s sword. He missed it and they both attacked once more.

As they pushed the swords into each other, Kadaj noticed the new Airship model, Sierra. The airship pulled towards them, sending dust and other light materials off the ground, but the two fighters ignored it, simply letting themselves make way with each other.

They flew off the different ledges, clanking their swords together and apart. On a smoother building, Cloud and Kadaj fought, trying hard to not lose their footing or making their enemies gain theirs.

They flew more at each other, both wearing down but refusing to give up.

They ran up a building that was slanted but still steep, and Kadaj made a daring jump behind Cloud onto the building once more, swinging his sword. Cloud was still in the air, but he swung his body around to watch Kadaj, who had just jumped again back at Cloud.

The blonde almost stabbed Kadaj, but he bent and avoided it, then tried to plunge his sword into Cloud, who also avoided it. Then the two swords were once again with each other, being pushed on. Kadaj jumped up and sideways, doing to a flip in mid-air to break the pressure and hopefully Cloud’s strategy.

Cloud’s sword flew through the air, towards another building, and it stabbed itself into a concrete wall. With one piece of his sword left, Cloud attacked Kadaj just to get him away, then he jumped and leaped towards his sword, grabbing it’s hilt and pulling it off, then jumping upwards again. He landed on his hands and his legs were ready to pounce.

A small smirk made way to his lips, but he brushed it aside to jump again to attack. Two swords were now in his hands.

However, when both of his swords made contact with Kadaj’s sword, a bright green light filled in the same hand as Kadaj’s blue power hand had last time. Kadaj looked shocked from the looks of things, as if he hadn’t expected it either.

Cloud gasped, not expecting anything magical to come from Kadaj. After all, it was a fair fight in just swords, not magic.

The whole world flashed around them, and suddenly they were still fighting, swords going at it again.

It was a nice cool breeze where they now fought, and no smog was in the air. The sky was blue, no longer having an orange glow from the sun.

Kadaj landed in a tree branch that hung out, and Cloud followed after it, slamming both his swords back into Kadaj’s sword as he prepared himself again.

Cloud was pushed backwards and was now on his own tree branch, running back towards Kadaj when he suddenly stopped.

He could no longer hear the Sierra or smell the rust and metallic from the rotten slums of Midgar. There was no more sun lowering to get into their eyes, and this place had a peaceful air to it.

Kadaj was also looking around, clutching his box--his mother--in his arm as he noticed he could no longer feel his brothers besides Cloud. He had felt them before, which was why he hadn’t cried, but he had yet to feel them here. Did they just die together? Had they died when they came into this ‘area’? Or perhaps it could be called ‘world’…

Cloud finally stopped looking up at the bright sun and instead looked down below them. People--rats?--were watching them. Many were dressed oddly, like Clerics. Speaking of dressed…

His clothing was back as it had been. His sleeve that he had ripped off in irritation before was back on, nice and clean.

There were buildings around the rat-people, and one could be recognized as an inn, while another as a cathedral more underneath his position. There was a boy staring at him, and looked to be around Cloud’s age, but Cloud didn’t know where he was or what the age groups were set-up.

The said boy had a tail whipping around, and daggers were in his hands, making him look ready to strike. Cloud knew he was no rookie, but would be no match for him.

“Nii-san!” Kadaj called from his branch. “Did Okaa-san tell this to you?”

Cloud tore his eyes from the boy and back to Kadaj. He readied his sword again and then sprang from his branch and back at Kadaj, who just smiled before hitting his sword back.

Cloud hopped back onto his branch and then Kadaj looked at him with murder in his eyes. He clenched his mother and jumped, leaping up over them. Cloud stared up, waiting. He quickly clasped his swords together to create his Ultimate Weapon. He heard awe’s from the crowds below, but both fighters ignored them.

He spun his blade over his head, then back in front of him. The sword seem to glow, and then Kadaj growled, falling at his brother as he gave out a battle cry.

Cloud looked up at the last second and Kadaj and him came into contact, Cloud taking all his strength he had willed up to push Kadaj away. His sword gave way and flew off the tree.

Kadaj hung onto the branch he had been on from their first time to this world with one hand, the other holding the Jenova box.

The crowd gasped more as Cloud jumped towards Kadaj and onto the branch, and he was breathing quite heavily despite the fact he was trying to keep his cool.

Kadaj made a “tch” noise in annoyance as he watched his sword fall even further below him. It became infused with the sandstorm that the two warriors just now recognized. Cloud walked to the silver-haired puppet and watched him, holding his sword in his right hand without letting the weight of it fall make him weary.

They both heard footsteps running towards them, but only Kadaj looked. It was the same boy with a tail, but now a strange black thing dressed in old clothes and a hat, and a huge fat thing dressed in an apron where running behind him.

Kadaj ignored the newcomers, who were in their own battle stances, ready to pounce if necessary. He stared back at his Nii-san, anger from losing in his mind.

Cloud watched him, an emotionless façade on his face.

Kadaj suddenly threw Jenova’s box at him, and Cloud looked a bit startled as he held up his sword to block it. It hit his sword and then flew, and Cloud watched in shock--and in a bit of worry.

The top of it slid off and green liquid began pouring out, and Kadaj jumped from where he was hanging on his branch to grab the box. Cloud stepped back a bit unexpectedly and then he gasped involuntarily.

Kadaj gripped the box in his hand and wrapped himself around it, cradling it.

The boy with the tail and his friends gasped, watching the falling silver-haired puppet. Kadaj made a motion at the box, and Cloud narrowed his eyes, then he gasped again, watching as well.

Kadaj let the box flew above him in the sky as he released it over the village, only having the contents in his arms.

He looked at Cloud, and the blonde gripped his head as two scenes seemed to show, and he viewed them as he had when the scenes would change in his geostigma condition. He saw Kadaj’s look, and was reminded of Sephiroth. He shuddered, but couldn’t pry his eyes away from Kadaj.

“I’ll show you my Reunion.” Kadaj said, giving a sly look at his Nii-san.

Cloud held his head, but his eyes could never pry from Kadaj and he continued seeing the other in inverted colors. Kadaj smirked.

Cloud gasped, and then let out a shaky breath as he narrowed his eyes, his vision coming back to normal, and he jumped after Kadaj, his sword out. This was what he feared the most, and he prayed it wasn’t going to work.

Kadaj seemed to be in extreme pain and was hugging himself as he sailed through the air, in seemingly slow motion. He seemed to be able to avoid hitting the houses. Black mist was coming from Kadaj’s heart--or the area where his heart might have been.

Kadaj cried out in pain and Cloud continued to sail after him, holding his breath.

Oh, Aeris, please, don’t let it be…” he thought.

Kadaj suddenly made a final gasp before seeming to sink into unconsciousness. He began to twist himself so he would land on his feet, and he brought his hands up as Cloud brought down his sword hard.

The attack stopped and the dust and dirt on the Clerya blew away. A large dent was made in the tree.

The person was no longer Kadaj, but instead Sephiroth. It seemed to be once more slow motion as the Masamune formed in Sephiroth’s hands.

Cloud stared at it in a gasp, then looked back at Sephiroth.

“It’s been awhile, Cloud.” Sephiroth said in the same sly and maniacal voice he always used, though it always held the amused tone and softness.

He looked at his enemy and smiled slyly.

Cloud’s mako-eyes widened and Sephiroth threw the blonde off his blade, making the other cry out some as he did a half-back-flip. However, Sephiroth just slashed out his sword even more, causing the blonde to release his sword and go sailing over the houses and land by the feet of the tailed boy and his friends.

He paid them no mind as Sephiroth hopped over a building and began walking towards the four, Cloud’s Ultimate Weapon in hand.

“You lost your Geostigma?” Sephiroth asked, but he seemed to know something Cloud didn’t. Cloud scrambled to his feet, wishing he had his motorcycle so he could get another weapon.

Sephiroth smiled some more and stopped walking, “How unfortunate.”

“Just what are you hoping for?” Cloud asked, eyeing his enemy of all times.

Sephiroth allowed himself to explain, “The spirits of the deceased who carried Geostigma…you…” his eyes narrowed, “That, with the Lifestream, guides the flow of the worlds.”

He began walking once more, and then threw the Ultimate Weapon at Cloud, who caught it without even looking at it. The others behind him stayed quiet, not sure what to do.

“Eventually it infringes on the planet…What I hope for, Cloud…is to use this world as a ship to sail the darkness of space.”

He smiled, lifting his hand, “As mother did before me, you see…”

Cloud growled.

“One day we will infringe on a new world. We will create our shining future on that ground.”

“This isn’t the PLANET.” Cloud said, steadying his sword.

“Hmm…I guess it depends on you.” he said.

Suddenly, Sephiroth flew at Cloud, who flew at him at the same speed, which was amazing, to say the least.

Their swords clashed, and suddenly the sandstorm around the tree increased incredibly. The group of three, which was now joined by a rat female, watched in awe at the events, and at the power of the warriors.

The two continued clashing swords, jumping around and gaining air. Cloud blinked, and suddenly saw Aeris praying, before blinking again and loosing the image. “Aeris--!” he whispered before Sephiroth swung his sword, causing Cloud to begin falling down. He looked around, wondering where his enemy was, when he then spotted him coming at him from his right.

Before Cloud could successfully block it, he was thrown further down with so much power from Sephiroth. He gave a battle cry, possibly his first real sound that anyone of this village could hear.

Cloud fell to the ground but then quickly pulled his sword up and was able to block Sephiroth’s next attack.

Sephiroth seemed amused, letting a small chuckle escape his lips. “Oho…what made you stronger?” he asked.

Cloud growled, “I don’t want to tell you.” and then he pushed his sword up, able to pull Sephiroth off of him. The silver-haired man fell on his feet gracefully.

Cloud was immediately springing after him, and suddenly he saw a large branch fall towards him. He gasped, not wanting to hurt anyone--whether or not this was his world. He actually ran towards the branch and did his Finishing Touch maneuver to break the branch into smaller pieces to not cause much damage.

He looked around again, no longer knowing where his enemy had gone, and then saw fire cuts splitting through another branch. Cloud had to jump to avoid it and was thankful no one or nothing was in the way of the falling branch.

Suddenly, Cloud and Sephiroth disappeared, jumping off the tree summit and towards the roots of the tree. Sephiroth began tearing things off. “I thought of what to give you. Shall I give you despair?” he asked in humor.

Cloud was stuck trying to fend for himself and tearing the branches away from him. Even Sephiroth had to use his blade to cut some of the branches in his way.

They both found themselves attacking each other again before Cloud went off to attack another branch that had unexpectedly fell with them. He took the now in-half branch and jumped from it, landing back at the village area. He looked around trying to find his enemy, but then he collapsed to his knees, exhausted and injured.

He coughed, expecting blood, but was relieved when he saw none. He wasn’t hurt that bad.

He got up and was able to turn around before Sephiroth came from the bottom and began to attack him once more. Cloud could only block, finding no reason to lift his sword to attack, as he tried to regain himself.

He finally let himself try and attack but Sephiroth took it off effortlessly and pushed cloud back, who stumbled and fell, but he rolled and landed on his feet unsteadily

Sephiroth pushed him again and soon Cloud was in the air, trying to block as he sailed.

Cloud found himself pushed down and then kneed, making him fly into a cathedral wall. His sword clanked on the ground and he closed his eyes, trying to breath to gain enough energy for a better fight.

Suddenly, immense pain came through him and he cried out through clenched teeth. He looked down to see the Masamune had pierced his left shoulder. He looked at Cloud with a struggle.

“What’s most important to you?” Sephiroth asked, emotionless except for the amusement in his eyes.

Cloud lifted his right arm tiredly and grabbed the Masamune.

“Would you give me the happiness of stealing it from you?” Sephiroth asked, smiling now.

Cloud narrowed his eyes at Sephiroth, remembering all those that were important to him. Zack, Aeris, Tifa, Marlene, Denzel, Vincent, and his friends. Even Kadaj’s eyes passed through his memories.

Cloud took out the sword, filled with energy now, and stuck it in the cathedral wall behind him.

Suddenly, a large shout of, “BLIZZARA!” was heard from a meek voice, and Sephiroth was engulfed in a large thing of ice. It soon broke and Sephiroth, weakened from the attacks that Cloud had done on him, hopped back.

“Stay there for me.” Sephiroth said in amusement. “I’ll be back, Cloud. I’m not a memory. No. I’m a Reality.”

Sephiroth let a black wing shoot from his right shoulder and the wing wrapped around him. He disappeared in a flash, not dissolving as might have expected.

Cloud leaned back against the cathedral wall and let his head bang against it once in irritation.

“You’re pretty powerful.” a humored voice said, causing Cloud to opened his eyes and look at the speaker. It was the boy with the tail.

“So you’re Cloud?” he went on to say.

“…” Cloud replied, not wanting to answer. He didn’t know what Sephiroth’s next move was going to be.

“I’m Zidane Tribal. This is Vivi Ornitier, Quina Quen, and Freya Cresent.” Zidane explained, pointing to each of his friends.

“Cloud…Strife.” he said, standing up slowly. He leaned down to pick up his sword, but a lance halted him.

“Stranger, we do not know you. You are indeed powerful, so we wish you remain without your weapon until we figure out who--and possibly what--you are.” the one named Freya said.

Though he though rude things in his mind, he didn’t feel like causing anymore things in this world to stir the people up. “I’m Cloud Strife, Ex-SOLDIER first class, ex-leader of AVALANCHE, a resistant group again the SHINRA. I now co-own a delivery service called ‘Strife’s Delivery Service’.” he looked away, realizing he had just mention the lie once again--the line saying he had been a SOLDIER first class even though he had never even joined SOLDIER in the first place.

“Who was that you were fighting against?” Zidane asked. Quina spoke up from behind the group, saying, “Is he yummy?!”

Cloud ignored the question from Quina and responded as best he could without giving away too much about himself. “His name is Sephiroth. He was bent on taking over my world--the PLANET--but I stopped him two years ago. Now he’s back again…and who knows what he’ll do with this uncorrupt planet?” he looked away, as if trying to figure it out for himself.

“So you saved the world?” the small mage, Vivi, asked. Cloud nodded, but then he flinched and grabbed his shoulder.

“Get him a potion!” Vivi cried out, not liking the site of blood, and Zidane quickly made way to grab some from his pocket before Cloud shook his head. “I got it.” he said, pulling out his own potion from his pocket. However, any different colored marbles came from the pocket too, and Cloud wondered…

“My materia?” he asked, oblivious to his potion. “All 24 of them…” he recalled seeing Yuffie holding them from her safe place within the Sierra, so it shocked him why it was now in his pockets, and why it hadn’t fallen from his pockets during his fight.

“Potion!” Zidane called out, throwing the liquid contents over Cloud. It sprinkled on him and then dried instantly, healing his wound.

“…Thank you.” Cloud said.

“You’re not much of a talker.” Freya said. Zidane nodded, “And I curious to know where you came from. The PLANET? Your own world? How did you get here?”

“Kadaj…” Cloud trailed off. He looked up at them, seeing them all for the first time. Zidane hopped back, his tailed swishing. “Your…your eyes are glowing!”

“I’m infused with mako. Don’t worry about it. You’ll get use to it.” he said, looking away. “Now…I need to get home.”

Zidane nodded. “I don’t know if I can say much…but you can come with us. You’re obviously powerful, and we are in a predicament. It’s not as complicated as yours…but it can become so. And if you come with us, you can find your brother again.”

Cloud was a bit confused, but then remembered that Kadaj had called him Nii-san, older brother. “…Thank you.” he replied.

Cloud?” a voice said, and Cloud blinked. “Aeris…?” he asked, staring straight in front of him. Suddenly, he collapsed, falling right into Zidane’s arms.