Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Battle ❯ On The Road ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4:

Midnight Meeting

Cloud's Log: July 18,2002(early morning)

Location: Outside Kalm

Red,Barret,and I have just woken up to retrieve the infprmation from "Shadow". I must say,I do feel a little suspicous of this Shadow character,I feel he might not be trusted,but we must find out if his information is useful to us. So we quickly make our way back to the World Map. We saw "Shadow" waiting for us. This man liked to keep secrecy of his identity.We could tell by the ninja mask and get-up he was wearing when we saw him outside Kalm. He told us we could find Sephiroth nearby.......