Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Battle ❯ The Awakening/Prelude To Batlle ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8:

The Awakening/Prelude To Battle

I awoke in the caves on Mt.Nibel. I dont know how I got there,but as soon as I woke up a deep voice said: " Unless you wish your demise,follow me and dont ask ANY questions,GOT IT!!!!????" So I replied: " Who the HELL ARE YOU?????!!!!" The voice said: "Okay, THATS STRIKE ONE!!!!!" And then I felt a sharp,stabbing pain in my arm. It said: " Now will you believe me??? JUST SHUT-UP AND LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!" I said: "Okay."

"Okay,thats much better,heh heh heh......"


So I folowed the dark figure to a familiar place: The Mt.Nibel Mako Reactor. when we got there,the figure showed his face, once again I was face to face with none other than SEPHIROTH. "Maybe this time this score could be settled",I thought.