Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Beauty of You ❯ So it Begins.... ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Beauty of You


Squall woke up as suddenly as he had fallen asleep.
Everything was as it had always been which, in alot of ways, disturbed him emensly.
He sat still for a brief moment, his sorrowful grey eyes took in his surroundings and as he did this something in his soul stirred, causing him to laugh idiotically. One hand had made its way along his non-shaven chin and up his rough cheek; thats when he noticed another feirce looking gash laying horizontally across his thin wrist. A disturbing grin dominated his lip's shape as his eyes stroked the veiw of the healing wound.
"Shame it heals..." he had muttered to himself.
Squall stood.
Hands brushing down his well-tanned, bare chest to his naked torso. Moving quite suddenly and swiftly, he opened the wardrobe's door facing the marked-up mirror on the reverse side. But he didn't look for long. He couldn't stand the sight of his hung-over self.
"Not so proud looking now are we Squall?.." whispered the lost soul gazing at himself.
Giggling child-like to himself now, he got changed into his Instructor uniform with expert timing and accuracy. But after long he stopped dead in his actions. Standing still, his hands did rise to cover his head as if the grasping of his earthy coloured hair would stop it from spinning. A painful cry ran harmfully from his pale lips and at that moment he began to lash out at everything within his small boxed room.
It was happening again......

He had no idea how, but Squall had got up from the rubbish-coated floor and was walking out his cramped dorm's door; not caring whether it was locked or not.
Walking, Squall was ignorant of the enviroment and of its occupants, and he loved to be. He hated the false intentions of people here, he hated all of them to a point where it drove him mad. Indeed this was beginning to be known.
But for some reason, beyond Squall's comprehension; his stride, appearance and arrogance was beautiful. There was something about him that people adored and found irrestable.
Of course, he never saw it.
He didn't want to know what it was either.
The thought of being in a relationship with another person sickened him. Especially after Rinoa dissapeared 'unexpectedly'.
At the rememberance of her, he recalled her beauty and goodness. Angelic she seemed. Any ordinary guy would have killed to be with her.
But Squall was not an ordinary person, let alone an ordinary guy and he never loved her. Squall didn't love anybody.

Then, he realised he was there.
The cafeteria smelt of bacon and strong coffee all mixed into one fume of polution. If Squall could bring himself to smile in public, he would have just then.
A graceful move of his head was known as he turned to look about the huge, towering hall were multitudes of students and staff ate greedily. Once more, Squall froze in time. His eyes had spotted a thing of..well....could he admit that it interested him?
His fingers, now sheltered by the leather of his gloves, twitched uneasily by his sides.
He was still watching her.
Those deep eyes narrowing into mean, cold slits, examining each move she carried out.
Squall knew why he was watching her and no matter how much he denied his passions, Quistis always made him stop and think. It wasn't never. Love was not on Squall's mind when he looked at Quistis. Something else tickeled in his desires which forced his lips into a crooked grin and his tongue ran against those rebellious muscles, surrounding his mouth.
"Soon..." he whispered "Its soon now...."