Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Day Everyone Went Crazy ❯ Conclusion ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

--------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- The Day Everyone Went Crazy

Chapter 3: Conclusion

--------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Some time later, we landed by Wutai and things didn't look too well. I spied a few naked people having crazy monkey sex in the trees. Or maybe it was just the holiday season already…Nope.

Even so, we still entered Wutai. It was total madness. I can't even describe what it was like! Well, maybe…just a little.

Some people were torching their own houses and the lady with all the cats…well, you can just imagine.

"Okay, enough of this, Tifa, let's go see Sephiroth!"

Tifa scratched her head, "I wonder why I didn't think of that in the first place…"

Well, we went off to see Sephiroth anyway. It was really quite strange. All of the monsters ran at the sight of us…no, we're not powerful, they're just crazy.

We journeyed onward and finally found Sephiroth. I was pissed, he was passed out with a 40 In his hand.

"Sephiroth! Wake up!"


"Sephiroth! Come on…oh. I'll drink all your alcohol!"

That got him up, it always works.

"Wha…what do yah want?"

"I want you to get off your drunk ass and tell me what the hell is going on here!"

"I was just taking a nap…hey! You guys aren't allowed to get in here until Disc 3!"

"Yeah, we know, but I think the game's malfunctioning or something…today everyone went crazy!"

"Yuh know…did you ever think that it's April Fools Day?"
