Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Incarnation ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2

" Sephiroth, reincarnated,'' Cloud wandered aloud. "Just the thought of it makes me sick." He buckled Ultiment Weapon to his back. I'm going to get rid of him once and for all, and this time he will not come back."

Bardock watched his father. "Are you sure about this, Dad?" he questioned. "I mean just because she's the reincarnation of Sephiroth, doesn't mean she's evil. You even said yourself that it wasn't Sephiroth himself that was evil, but it was the Shinra that messed up his head."

Cloud turned and glared at his son. "I'm not going to take that kind of chance again,'' he replied. ``You know what you're supposed to do."

Bardock sighed. His father always did have a think head. "Alright, Dad, I'll do it."

Karen sat on a ledge. She was reading the back cover to her CD. Then a boy said down bye here.

"Hi there," he said will a cheerful perk. Karen didn't take well to cheerful perks. She just shot a glare at him.

"Oh, the Angel Sanctuary sound track,'' he pointed out. "I'm a fan of that."

That caught her interest and she took of her head phone to turn to him. "Oh you do?" she questioned. "What's your favorite song on it?"

"Messiah is pretty cool,'' he replied. "Knife of Romance is too, so, is Santcus. I guess I really love them all."

"Really? Me too, but for some reason I always catch myself listening to Messiah. I guess I feel like I can relate to it. I definantly listen to it when I want to ignore my father."

He laughed. "Yea, I listen to mine when I wanna ignore my whole family. My parents and my twin sister."

"I'm an only child,'' Karen pointed out. "And my mother died when she gave birth to me."

"I'm sorry to here that,'' he replied.

"I'm not," Karen said. "Death is only the beginning of a great afterlife after all."

He nodded. "By the way, I'm Bardock."


"Nice to meet you Karen."

"You too." Then she laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just that's the first time I ever said that to a person and meant it,'' he replied. "Alot of people don't relate or get along too well with me. I used to think that it was because I was a goth, but later I over heard some preps at the high school say I 'gave off bad vibes'. It seems a lot of people think that because even here, people are avoiding me. Doesn't bother me too much. Although, once in awhile I'd like to have a freind to talk to."

Reincarnation of Sephiroth? Her? No way, she's only a regular teenage girl with goth issues. She doesn't seem evil. And what vibes? I don't feel any. Does Dad and Nanaki feel something that I don't?

Bardock looked in the distance. His father was waiting.

"Karen, I think I know why,'' he said.


"The vibes,'' he replied.

"You do?"

"Yes, you are the reincarnation of Sephiroth."

Karen started laughing. "Now, I've met some crazy people in my life, but you take the cake, pal."

He kept a strait face. "I serious,'' he pointed out. "One who fought Sephiroth, Nanaki lives here. He knows that you are. You may not know, but Nanaki is a very wise Nox and he fought Sephiroth before. How else do you explain you look nothing like any of your parents or realitives?"

He attention was serious now. She looked at him, begging for more knowledge.

"Both my parents fought against him too. They also know who you are. Now they all want to kill you."

"Kill me?!" she demanded. "But haven't done anything wrong in my life. I mean give or take skipping class a few times, but it's not worth killing me over."

"I know that,'' Bardock replied. "I see that in you, my father on the other hand is the hard headed one. Look, I never did listen to him anyway, but he wanted me to get you out alone so he could kill you. I don't think I can do that. I know I can't. You're just a teenage girl like me, Sephiroth's soul in you or not, no body deserves to die because of they're past life."

"What am I going to do?" she asked. "He's gonna kill me."

"Hey, you're Sephiroth, can't you like make yourself into a shadow and float away?"

"Ummm, no!"

Bardock stood up. "Well c'mon, I'm going to take you somewhere where my father can't follow."

"I do I know I can trust you?" she asked.

He held out his hand to her. "Trust your soul, and your heart. It'll tell you the right answer."

She hesitated at first. She then took his hand and they took off running.