Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Shapeshifting Genome ❯ Meet Trice Cellborn! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy 9...if I did I would be the happiest person in the world....but I'm not.....


Vampire_Cow: Hello! I am proud to say that this is my story. I don't know if it is good enough to publish, but my friends said it was good, so....enjoy!!!


It was a cool night in Evil Forest as Steiner kept watch for the night. For some odd reason he felt like taking a long walk, but he knew he couldn't leave his post, so he tried to avoid the idea. There was only one problem... he couldn't stop thinking about it, no matter how hard he tried he felt like just running from the camp and taking a nice long walk. Well, that thought got the best of him and he took that walk. It was about midnight when he decided to go back. He was about 4 miles away from camp and figured it would take him no more than 1 hour to get back. He had just started heading back when he heard rustling in the bushes. He quickly took out his sword and was ready to attack. He waited 15 minutes when he let his guard dowm and figured it was just the wind. As soon as he put his sword in its sheath a large silver tiger jumped out of the bushes. Unfortunetly he didn't have time to get his sword out and decided to use his last resort, running away. As soon as he ran the tiger chased him. It only took him 20 minutes to get to the camp site. Of course you can't be chased without a scream or two, so when Steiner ran through the camp he wokeup everyone with his girlish screaming. Then he tripped over a log and fell flat on his face. After he fell the tiger jumped ontop of him and pinned him to the ground. Before Steiner could do anything, everyone was up and out of their tents. As soon as the silver tiger saw everyone it jumped off of Steiner and sat patiently. Suddenly the tiger was gone and in its place was a 14 year old girl. She was about 5'3, with silver hair that went down to her shoulders. She wore large baggy pants with a chain that went from her back pocket to her front pocket, her red shirt was large and untucked, and her black fingerless gloves had dirt all over them. Her silver tail swaying lazily from one side to the other.

Steiner: W-Where is the t-tiger?

Girl: You're looking at it.

She was sitting on all fours before she stood up and bowed.

Girl: My name is Trice. Trice Cellborn.

Steiner: Why did you chase me?!

He asked as he jumped around in rage.

Trice: 'Cause I felt like it.

Her red eyes stared up at Steiner as if she were about to jump in him again.

Trice: I'm a shapeshifter and an image mage.

Vivi: W-Whats an image mage?

Trice: Image mages are rare and usually dangerous mages that have the ability to make made up drawings or old photographs real. In other words you can give me a picture and I can make it real, and I am at your services.

She said, once again bowing. She lazily fixed her collar out of bordem, although she didn't do a very good job of it.

Trice: Oh yeah I found this while I was in Dali Village. I think this is a good oppurtunity for you guys if your looking for money... Here.

She took a piece of paper out of her deep pocket and handed it to Dagger. Dagger took the paper and opened it. Printed on it were pictures of herself , Zidane, Vivi ,Steiner, and everyone else. It read; 'WANTED BY THE QUEEN OF ALEXANDRIA. IF YOU SEE ONE OF THESE 8 PEOPLE PLEASE CONTACT ALEXANDRIA IMMEIATLY. REWARD OF 100 GIL FOR ANY INFORMATION & AN ADDITIONAL 30,000 GIL TO WHOM EVER TURNS ONE OR MORE OF THESE OUTLAWS IN.'

Steiner: How dare they call the princess an outlaw!

Trice: Princess?

Dagger was the first person Trice looked at after Steiner said that.

Trice: Wait a minute... your a princess?

Dagger slowly nodded.

Steiner: Please Princess don't answer her! She may be working with the enemy!

Zidane: Well Rusty even if she hadn't answered Trice's question you would have given her the answer anyway!

Steiner: ....

Trice: 1) I was just curious and 2) I am not working with the enemy! I don't even know who the enemy is!

Steiner: *Glare*

Trice: What?!

Zidane: Don't mind Rusty... he's got a temper.

Steiner: How do we know your an image master and a shapeshifter?

Trice: Well you already experienced my shapeshifting abilities

haven't you?

Steiner: Good point...well anyway how do we know your an image


Trice: Does anyone here have a picture or a drawing?

Zidane: I do... *Hands her a picture of a chocobo drawn carriage*

Steiner: Why do you carry a picture like that in your pocket?

Zidane: I dunno. I just keep it for fun.

Steiner: -_-;;

Trice: Anyway if I were not an image master would I be able to do this?

Suddenly a flash of glowing white magic escaped from her hand and onto the picture. Soon there was a chocobo drawn carriage including a chocobo.

Zidane: Wow....


Trice: Thank you. Thank you very much. *Bows*

Zidane: Well what are we waiting for? Lets get going!

So everyone packs up the camp and rides off.


Vampire_Cow: So how did ya like it??? Was it good? Bad? Boring? Just plain stupid? Well please tell me what I did wrong and if I should make a second chapter! Thanks!