Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Tainted And Pure Hearted ❯ All Apologies ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

-The Tainted And Pure Hearted-

By: Dark Shedevil

Author's Chat Section: Hello once again everyone. This is chapter two of the Cid/Yuffie fan fiction. I think this is such a rare couple, and I hope that by writing this fanfic that it will encourage more people to write some more stories about this couple. So being back into the spirit of writing let us being shall we? Oh yeah, and don't forget to review, pretty please. (Flutters eyelashes.) And also any flames send in, will be used to fire up my Bar-B-Q, so come on everyone Dark Shedevil is having a party, Y'all. ;)

Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy VII. But just to make sure let us do a presentation of me owning the game. SOUTH PARK STYLE!

(Dark Shedevil grabs disclaimer and kills it.)

Stan: Oh My God! They killed the disclaimer!

Kyle: (Points at me) YOU BASTARD!

So you see there's a perfect example of what would happen if I were to kill the disclaimer, and making Final Fantasy VII all MINE!

Chapter 2: All Apologies

I wish I was like you

Easily amused

Find my nest of salt

Everything is my fault

I'll take all the blame

Aqua seafoam shame

Sunburn with freezerburn

Choking on the ashes of her enemy

All in all we all are

-Nirvana, 1993


'Brat I'm telling you right now! Why don't you leave? We really don't need another disturbance.'

I could feel my eyes getting watery. Out of all the times, now is when he tells me. All I wanted was to collect the most powerful materias, but he made it quite hard. He sidetracked me. Reasons why... I did not know. This was journey different to each other, yet all Cid did was make fun of me.

I remembered his words. Those words that he had just said to me. Scarring my heart. Ripping it through. Treating me like I was completely worthless. Is that's what everyone thought of me?

Closing my eyes and took a deep breath. 'So you want me to leave?' I hesitated to say.

He breathed out his alluring smoke. Making quite hard to breathe. The air even smelled like him. Each breath I took reminded me everything about him. Something I could never have.

'You know something Cid.' I turned to him before leaving. He didn't even look at me. That bastard.

"Hey, Yuffie wake up."

Tifa carefully shook Yuffie. But no sudden movement. The resting teen was sleeping peacefully on the hotel's bed and she really didn't want to wake her up so early but their journey had to continue. And already the entire group was ready downstairs eating breakfast for the long day ahead of them.

Sitting down on the side of the small bed she stroked Yuffie's short black hair. Each hair strand feeling tangled and rough.

Look at her. I don't want to wake her up, but I have to. I hope she puts what happened yesterday all behind her.

Smiling at her. Like a small child.

She does look much more peaceful and innocent when she's sleeping. Actually I think everyone does. Just like you Cloud. I wish, that maybe just maybe…

The older woman heard muttering coming from Yuffie. Each time she kept on clutching her pillow even tighter.

Her face showed sadness. Eyes twitching, and was beginning to sweat in her sleep. "Why... Ugh. Why Cid?"

Tifa raised an eyebrow. Wonder what she's dreaming about...

Yuffie continued her constant struggle to speak out words. "Please don't be like that. I... Umm... I."

Tifa gasped covering her mouth with her soft hands. She had a hint of what the young girl was dreaming about, but wasn't exactly sure nor wanted to be neither.

She shook her head. It can't be. Can it?

Crimson eyes were set upon the young teen. Tifa urged to hear more, but then Yuffie's eyes flew wide open.

Immediately the young teen jolted up and pointed at Tifa, still sweaty from her recurring dream. "Hey! What are you doing here!"

Tifa swiftly jumped but hadn't lost her posture. "Umm... I just wanted to tell you to get up. We're leaving."

Yuffie still being half-asleep rubbed her tired eyes. "Now? Well whatever I'll be down in a minute."

"Well then see you then." She smiled at Yuffie, who didn't seem to notice. She walked down the stairs where she was greeted by Cloud.

"Morning Tifa."

"Good morning to you too, Cloud."

The tall blonde approached his childhood friend. "Where's Yuffie?" He asked.

Before answering to him, Tifa heard a loud grunt that came from the breakfast table. Knowing that it was Cid she quickly glared at him. While he was rapidly whisking away his beverage.

Tifa looked back at her childhood friend. Red eyes meeting blue. Gazing deep into those eyes.


She shook all those thoughts away. "Anyways she'll be down in a short while."

Back upstairs Yuffie was gathering her items and materias. Placing each one carefully into their appropriate slot. She had always had a thing for materia, ever since she could remember. The bright colors each one contained, the amount of power they held and possessed. That sort of became an obsession. But it was that obsession that led to her downfall. Ever since that materia stealing incident back in Wutai, everyone lost their trust in the young teen. All except for Red XIII. Since then the rest of the group usually kept their materias close to them, or just spaced themselves away from Yuffie. But all she focused on saving herself from the danger and hadn't really cared for the rest now that they didn't care for her. But overtime she developed a friendship with the experimental specie.

I didn't steal anything from him. And he usually never talked to me, but we're friends all right. Everyone thinks he's too serious but he's really caring. But even that, I can't trust anyone but myself.

She shook her head. "Oh well, I shouldn't care about that."

Her face was heavily washed in the sink right after she woke up. She saw her face sweaty. Then she tried to remember about her dream. Trying to gather up pieces of what happened she couldn't quite understand what the dream meant or was about so she shrugged it all off, and went back into the main room.

The ravened haired teen scratched her head and looked around trying to miss something she had forgotten to pack. Realizing she was ready to go, she sat on a chair. Remembering of what they were going to do today.

Wait a second... OH MY GOSH! Today we are going to Costa Del Sol. Finally a much-needed break. It sure took us a whole lot of suggestions and begging to get Cloud to agree with us. And now we are going. At least for two days.

"Yuffie, come on we're leaving you then." She heard the voice of Barret bellow from below.

Hurriedly she gathered her possessions and ran downstairs.

"Hey wait you guys!" Running outside she only saw Cid by the front door. As the others continued towards the entrance of the city.

Stooping dead in her tracks. Frozen. Couldn't move but wanted to so badly.

"Oh great... Look Cid-" She was interrupted by Cid placing his hands on her shoulder. She lightly blushed a light crimson. Then Yuffie caught view of the cut she had given him the night before.

It looks pretty bad... Wait I shouldn't care about that. And why is he putting his arms on my shoulders?

The young teen squirmed around but Cid held her tighter.

He grunted still struggling with Yuffie, whom was still moving around. "Listen Yuffie. I just want to apol-"

"Look Cid, you don't have to apologize. I know you don't mean it." She pushed the older man away, but all he did was grab her again, and now was holding the small wiggling body in his powerful arms.

"Yuffie! I do mean it! I've been a total asshole yesterday." He continued.

She stopped wiggling around. And looked up at Cid.

Does he mean it? His eyes tell me so. Maybe he's really telling the truth. Maybe he does mean it. But this is Cid we're talking about. Whatever.

A couple of seconds passed by and Yuffie was still deeply gazing into Cid's light blue eyes. Hitting back on reality she remembered about the rest of the group and how far they must've gotten without them. "It's okay, Cid. Umm... We should go now before anyone gets upset or something." Using her swiftness she was able to escape Cid's tight grip on her and ran to catch up with the group.

He looked at her and shook his head. "Dumb brat." He muttered as he pulled up a loose cigarette towards his mouth. He took out his lighter and lit it. He slowly walked out of the city smoking.

Author's Notes: I know nothing much happened here, but once they get to Costa Del Sol something will happen. Just you wait, but do you want to know what makes me update faster? REVIEWS! Let's try doing that, shall we? Oh yeah I'm a Tifa/Cloud supporter all the way! And I DO NOT LIKE AERIS! But I won't bash her in this story. Though the temptations are really high. But I won't. One more thing, if you were confused by the dream sequence, just remember that Yuffie was dreaming and it was from her point of view. Title of this chapter and lyrics I got it from listening to Nirvana's 'All Apologies.' One of the best songs from Nirvana if you ask me.