Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Wedding Planner ❯ Hired ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's Note: ok, now for one of my other experimental fics. I have decided that most of my fics will be based on movies and I will do different couples in each. I am writing one at the same time I am writing these two, the next one is going to be called "How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days" it's going to be a Tidus/Yuna too. This one is based on the movie "The Wedding Planner" which is another one of Jennifer Lopez's movies. I had written a fic called "Maid In Zanarkand" based on "Maid In Manhattan", it's doing good so far. This one "The Wedding Planner" is going to be another FFX fic. I hope you like it!

The ages are as follows. Tidus is 21, Yuna is 21, Rikku is 20, Lulu is 23 and Wakka is 24. There also will be other characters from FFX. I hope you enjoy! And if you like this fic you should read my other one called "Maid In Zanarkand"! It's pretty cool! Now let's begin!

Summary: Based a little on the movie. Yuna is a wedding planner and she falls in love with someone she never thought could be possible, her clients groom!! Yuna/Tidus A/U!

Just in case you wanted to know....


'.....'<----Though ts

(Me being annoying!)

* * * * * * <----Scene change

That's all....

The Wedding Planner

By: Me, Myself And I

Chapter One

Hired For The Job


She paced back and forth around the room with her cell phone by her ear. "I understand, but...." she rolled her bi colored eyes as she waited patiently for the other woman at the other end of the line to finish, she had been interrupting her every time she had gotten and it was starting to tick the very patient Yuna off.

"Okay, so I'll arrange a dinner party for the client." She responded patiently to her boss on the other line, who by the way was really aggravating her. Yuna sat down on her leather office chair, looking at the files she had on her desk, while still chatting to her boss. She nodded as she listened to what her boss, Dona, was saying. "Yes I understand," Yuna began, as she wrote the number her boss was giving her down on the paper she had on her wooden desk. "Okay, bye." With that she hung up her cell phone.

Sighing, she dialed the number Dona gave her. She wasn't in the best of moods at the time, but she just had to make the call. She was scheduled to meet two of the most famous people in the world, Tidus the start player of the Zanarkand Abes, for his wedding with one of the best models, Rikku, who was his fiancé. They were looking for a wedding planner, for their very special wedding. Since Yuna was one of the best wedding planners, along with Lulu her fellow roommate and worker, Dona was on both of their asses about the ceremony.

Both were supposed to attend a dinner party tonight so that they could meet very popular couple. Tidus and Rikku had been going out for about.... three years going on four. She was actually surprised that both stood together for so long. Both were known for being with many men and woman that they'd dump just like that. Personally, Yuna didn't know much about them, but she really wasn't enthusiastic about doing the wedding. She really didn't know if they would act like snobs, as half of the population would call them, or down to earth people, as the other half would say. As a matter a fact, she really wasn't sure about anything at the moment.

In the last three months, Yuna lifestyle had greatly changed for the worst. Her father, Braska, had just passed away from lung cancer, and she hadn't taken it very well. Yuna and her father were always very close, and when she found out she had to keep herself from fainting. Then came her mother, still only two months in a half after his death she was in her best spirits for her daughter. She was just so strong and cheerful when it came to emotions; something that Yuna didn't find herself to be. Then her heart condition (yes I decided to put a little bit of my problems on Yuna, just to make it a little more interesting, even though it's not an interesting condition to be in. believe me I know from experience!), she had this little heart condition; she developed when she was fourteen. And last but not least work, she wasn't really concentrating on her work for about a month in half total, and planning people's weddings was something that Yuna lived for.

She knew she would soon grow out of her melancholy mood, but right now she wasn't in the mood to deal with anything in her life. Yes, she was an independent woman, but secretly she was hoping that the two stars choose Lulu over her. Like I said before, she really wasn't in the mood for everything, but on the other hand a little part of her wanted to get the job. She knew that if she did and if she did get to plan the wedding with no mistakes, she would definitely be on top. And that was definitely were she had wanted to be, even if she wasn't in the best of moods in the past few months.

She continuously patted her fingers on the wooden desk, while waiting for someone to pick up on the other line. About to hang up, she heard a voice on the other line. "Hello." The woman on the other line greeted, while Yuna was getting ready to introduce herself. "Hello, may I speak to either Miss Rikku or Mr. Tidus?" She greeted back, her fingers still nervously patting on her desk.

The woman who seemed to pick up the phone, didn't even answer back, but she seemed to put Yuna on hold. She sighed, putting a strand of her light chestnut hair behind her ear. 'I would like to talk to them before I turn fifty.' Yuna thought, frowning to herself.

"Hello," She finally heard someone speak on the other line, she sighed, finally. "Yes, may I ask who am I talking to?" Yuna responded, holding the cell phone between her ear and shoulder. "Rikku," She only answered.

"Hello, Rikku," She began, while on the other line Rikku could hear scribbling sounds and she knew that the other woman was writing frantically. "I'm Yuna, one of the wedding planners that you requested for your ceremony. I would like to know if we could set up a appointment for tonight at all, with you, your spouse, me and one of the other planner." She quickly got to the point; she didn't have time for idle banter.

"Oh, yes. I definitely was awaiting your call. Your manager Dona called in requesting the same thing."

Yuna raised a brow. "So is that a yes or a no?" She questioned in her calm voice, shifting through her papers. "Definitely." Yuna could tell she was smiling on the other end of the line.

"Do you have the address?" Rikku asked the brunette, as Yuna sat back in her leather chair as she did earlier, removing some hair that stood in front of her angelic looking face. "Yes, of course." She simply answered.

"Well then, I guess I'll see you later tonight." The blonde spoke.

"Count on it." And with that Yuna hung up her cell before the younger woman could get in anything else to say. It wasn't that she was being rude, her other clients knew that. She was just so distracted with her work and lost herself to all reality. She often missed her common sense when she was working.

She flipped through a few more files, looking them over and really reading into them, getting lost in her work. This was why she loved to do what she had been doing for the last three years. She had started out very young, as a matter a fact; Yuna was the youngest wedding planner working in the whole building and quickly gained the title of being one of the best. She was so involved with her work that some people found it scary for her to be so involved at such a young age.

A few hours later, Yuna decided to take a break, pack up the files and finish the rest later at home. She would have to have a lot of energy so she could begin her night with the two famous spouses. She stood up and out of her large and comfy leather chair, while stretching a little and then packed her papers in her binder. The only thing she hated about her job was that you would have to sit at a desk for hours at times and that would leave her with a bad back. As soon as she stood up she couldn't help but hear a little growl coming from her stomach, she would definitely have to take a break, she was hungry.

She walked to her coat, putting it on and grabbing her keys, her binder in hand. Before she walked out and on her way, she locked the door to her office. And after that she started walking through the empty halls and into the elevator. Usually, it was always packed, but it was everybody's day off, well except for Yuna.

She stepped out of the elevator and passed the double doors where the guards stood. Orange, red, brown and gold leaves flew through the air, surrounding the serene young woman as soon as she stepped out of the building. The leaves seemed to glide upon the breeze, flying in innumerable directions.

There was a slight chill in the air, and Yuna silently thanked herself for remembering to put on her heavy coat. The sun still shone high in the sky, splaying its rays into her shoulder length hair, turning it a slight goldish-brown color. A day like this was what made her happier. She loved to feel the cool breeze against her skin, following through her smooth silky hair.

She calmly walked through the rarely calm streets of the city of Zanarkand, while passing by tiny shops with intricate and delicate displays littered the walkway. She stopped to gaze at a toyshop display; antique soldiers and fragile china dolls were organized neatly in front of a clear window. A rush of childhood memories flooded into her like a rush of warmth. She remembered looking into toyshops nearly identical to this one as a young girl with her father, staring at the china dolls, dolls, and kid make-up for lengthy amounts of time.

Yuna briefly shook her head and continued walking. For some unknown reason the city had a pleasant atmosphere to it today, but Yuna always thought that Bevelle, her real home, was friendlier and more comfortable than the bustling city of Zanarkand, but she still chose to live in the large and sometimes crowded city because of her mother and she had lived in Zanarkand ever since she was seven. She shoved her hands deep into her pockets, shivering at the cold air. She wasn't used to weather like this, it was hardly ever cold in Zanraknd even when it neared winter, but this winter was something else. Fallen leaves littered the plain sidewalk, and crunched underneath her moving feet. Also as a child, she had delighted in the crisp sound freshly fallen leaves made when she and her father stepped on them. Enough of childhood memories! She would never get anywhere by letting her mind wander on useless subjects.

She swiftly strode to turn the sharp corner of the sidewalk, which cleanly wrapped around yet another antique shop. Concentrating on the bright blue sky above her, she hardly noticed that there was another pedestrian directly in front of her. A seemingly strong body collided into her petite body, knocking her off of the narrow sidewalk and nearly knocking down the young man. Her papers from her binder spilled about the two, obviously caused by the clumsy collision. As the young mysterious man regained his balance, he attempted an apology, his face flushing.

"Oh, sorry about that." he offered the flustered young woman who had promptly been knocked onto her backside. He glanced at Yuna who clutched at her heart, obviously from shock. He politely offered his hand to help the girl up, and she graciously took it, her breath coming out in short gasps. He stared at her for a while with his cerulean eyes, a little amazed that she was having difficulty breathing...He asked her if she was okay. She mumbled something incoherent. Not concentrating on the man, her bi colored eyes surveyed the mess around her. She set her hands upon her light chestnut hair in frustration, mussing it up a bit.

"I'm really sorry." The man said again.

Yuna shook her head, "No, no, it's okay. Don't worry about it." He scanned her face for any kind of reaction, as she bent down on her knees and preceded to pick up the fallen papers and binder that seemed to lie in a circle around her, she was quite attractive. He silently helped her gather her things, examining her from time to time.

Yuna noticed that the young man was intently staring at her with intense cerulean eyes. Her eyes turned the size of saucers as she quickly gazed at his face. 'The star player of the Abes!' Yuna frantically thought, as she met his gaze. What a coincidence!

Tidus frowned a bit at her surprised facial expression. "Are you okay?" He queried.

"Yeah, just a little surprised...." Yuna quickly answered, getting back on her feet, making sure everything was secure. She would die if she lost anything. " finally nice to meet you." She spoke, sticking out her hand for the blitz ace to shake.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked; puzzled as to why she acted like she was supposed to meet him sometime soon.

Yuna smiled, as he finally reached out for her delicate petite hand. "Well, as luck would have it, I may be your future wedding planner." She responded. 'Weird.' Yuna thought, as she was absently in a little conversation with him. Who would've thought that they would meet here? It was a strange coincidence altogether....maybe a little too coincidental......

* * * * * *

Yuna let out a sigh. The night sky of Zanarkand was so beautiful. Her breath vaporized, letting out a white trail in the night air. It was a deep blue color, the sun having set hours ago. Millions of tiny lights littered the vast sky, illuminating it like tiny shards of diamonds. The sky was crystal clear, without a trace of any clouds or fog covering it up.

Yuna took a brief moment to study it, another memory floating into her mind. Finally realizing this was not the time to daydream, she knocked softly on the large and fancy doors. After she had met Tidus, they had surprisingly had lunch together, while both explained a little about themselves. This made Yuna very easygoing with him and she wasn't as nervous as she was before, so far the groom was nice, now let's see if the bride is.

A woman, who seemed to be no older than her, opened the door. She had these dark brown eyes, with beautiful auburn hair, tied in a bun. "Hello, I guess you are Yuna." At this the brunette nodded, walking in as the red- head opened the door just wide enough for her to go in. "I'm Shelinda, follow me this way." Yuna did as she was told, as she looked at the marvelous looking house. They were definitely living it up!

The mansion itself had that futuristic vibe along with a classy style to it. Yuna was so amazed, that she really hadn't noticed when they entered the large dinning room, until Shelinda woke her out of her little fantasy. The sight of Lulu and Rikku chatting greeted her, while Tidus just watched them. His eyes were set on Yuna as he quickly noticed the serene woman, making her way over to him.

"Hello," She heard Rikku and her fellow worker, Lulu, greet, as she sat down. "Hey" she responded back, while smiling.

She promptly sat down on the comfortable chair and folded her elbows on the hard surface of the table. Upon sitting down, Yuna reached for her bag and pulled out a small medication bottle, apparently filled with tiny tablets. With lithe fingers, she unscrewed the top and reached in to pull out one. She popped one into her open mouth and swallowed it briskly. Tidus' and Rikku's heads perked up at this, Lulu already knew about her condition.

"What are those for?" Tidus asked.

Yuna gave him a curious look, "What, these? They're pills for my heart."

Rikku frowned and opened her mouth to ask another question, but was cut off by Yuna.

"I just have this little heart condition, I developed it when I was fourteen. My heart's just a little weak, and strenuous work tires it out. The muscles would normally tighten up and my air stream would be pinched off, making it really hard for me to breathe if it weren't for these pills, but it's really nothing.."

Tidus' cerulean eyes lighted up, "Oh, so that's why you were having trouble breathing when we ran into each other today..."

At this both Rikku and Lulu's brows perched up in curiosity. "You two have met before?" Rikku asked, smiling widely. "Yes, as a matter a fact we have." Yuna responded.

"Yeah, I accidentally bumped into her today." Tidus intruded, while looking at his fiancé. Rikku nodded, while Lulu and Yuna both started getting ready for the persuading.

"So shall we begin with the meeting?"

Everyone nodded, as they started to begin.....

* * * * * *

"Good morning sleepy head!" greeted Lulu, Yuna's roommate, as Yuna emerged from her room, looking a bit disheveled. Yuna merely mumbled something incoherent and stretched her arms out, yawning like a lazy lioness.

Lulu was already up eating a toasted bagel and a small bowl of fruit. She motioned for Yuna to sit down and handed her the large orange juice bottle. Yuna muttered her thanks and began to pour the bright orange liquid into her glass.

"So, how do you feel about getting the job?" Lulu asked between mouthfuls.


Lulu nodded, spreading more thick cream cheese on her half-eaten bagel.

"Well, let's just say that if we could pull this off, we'll both be on top of the list and Dona will have to make us partners...."

"Uh-huh, so why do you think that Dona will share the business with us?" Lulu questioned.

"Well," Yuna began. She paused, took a sip of her juice, and then resumed. "We're the two best that Dona has, we make her the most money. And then imagine if we actually do so much better than we expected, we would be making money off the charts...."

Yuna once again paused for a moment, her thoughts and eyes wavering. She shook her head and continued,

"Anyway, what I'm saying is that we will be worth so much, and at the same time we could help those in need you know? The poor people and etc."

Lulu nodded in amusement, "And here I was thinking it was all about the money for a second, when you still have that heart of gold on you like a goodie goodie. I was about to ask, what about the poor people Yuna?"

Yuna frowned, "Shut up."

The two girls glared at each other, then burst into a fit of giggles.

"Oh, did you forget that Wakka was supposed to fly in tonight from Bevelle?" Yuna asked, as she took another sip of her juice. Wakka and Yuna had been childhood friends, but when Yuna had to move from Bevelle they lost touch for some time, but when Wakka called her up one night, he said that he was coming to Zanarkand for his vacation.

Lulu's red eyes lit up, "Really now? I'd like to meet him..."

Lulu paused for a moment, as if pondering something significant.

Yuna frowned, "What?"

Lulu narrowed her eyes at Yuna, giving her a 'I'm-thinking-really-hard-now- so-don't-bother-me look, "Hmm...."

Yuna pulled at her hair in exasperation, "What? What?!" she shrieked.

Lulu opened her mouth to speak, "................Is he cute?"

Yuna rolled her bi colored eyes as Lulu laughed like a maniac.

Yuna playfully punched her, "You damn flirt! Is that ALL you can think about?"

Lulu shook her head and continued to laugh, and Yuna soon joined her. After a few minutes, their laughter slowly began to die away. Yuna wiped a tear from her eye and looked at her best friend, "Why do you always to that to me? You know, people can die laughing!"

Lulu chuckled, "Because, someone as serious as you needs it once in a while."

Yuna raised her brow, still smiling. "Someone as serious as me?! You're the one that's mostly serious!" Yuna playfully yelled, while chuckling a little.

Lulu's faced softened at her friends delight. "What I meant was these past three months you've been acting too much like me and I've been acting like's like we switched places." Yuna sighed; she really didn't want to be reminded about that. Lulu seeing this, decided to change the subject quickly before she turned to the Yuna-who-kept-to-herself.

"So did you take your pills yet?"

Yuna nodded. "Nope, not yet." She got out of her seat, walking to the living room and pouncing on the couch with a bag of chips she grabbed from the refrigerator, turning on the T.V, she was going to relax for the day that she had off. "You know you should, Yuna." Lulu responded, as she looked at the newspaper.

"Lulu I'll be fine." Yuna munched on the chips. "You act just like my mom sometimes."

Lulu sighed, as she started heading for her room. "Um...Yuna I'm going to go read in my room, okay? If I were you I would take your pills." Lulu closed the door to her room, leaving Yuna alone to watch T.V.

Yuna smiled as she thought of spending the rest f the day home. Things were finally starting to work out for her. She was going to go camping with the famous couple in twp days, she was going to see her childhood friend and she was going to make it on top of her company. Nothing could get any better.....

* * * * * *

Author's Note: Well, there goes the first chapter! I tried to make it as long as possible and well here goes. I know there wasn't much Tidus in this chapter, but there will be in the other chapters. This was just a main focus on Yuna and I wanted to get some facts about what was going on in her life right now and etc. so I hope you like and well...REVIEW!!! Don't forget! Reviews make me so happy! And I update faster!!

Next chapter: Yuna gets more acquainted with the famous couple of Zanarkand as she gets ready for the camping trip. While Wakka and Lulu meet! I know it doesn't sound very interesting, but you'll see!!