Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Unforgivable -Edition 1- ❯ The End ( Chapter 28 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 28 -The End-

Let me catch you up on the events in the lives of our favorite family's friends.. And he tragic event…

Construction of B-Garden, Trabia, and Esthar Garden was finished.

Quistis Leonhart gave birth to a baby girl, Sonya Marla Leonhart. Where they stayed as a family running, Balamb Garden. With of course Squall Loire Leonhart.

Zell and Fujin were married several years later, even after a large argument which almost broke them up forever, the birth of Ludan Dintch. Now running Esthar Garden.

Rinoa Heartilly or should I say Rinoa Walloson. Yup she and Raijin Walloson ran off and eloped, several months later they gave birth to a baby boy. Rolin Walloson. They are now stationed in Galbadia. Raijin is a fighting instructor, while Rinoa teaches a class on the `Powers of Sorceress's'.

As for the Almasy family… everything was going great. They had given birth to their 4th child, Damien. Visiting Gavin's grave every holiday, and his would be birthday. Now living in Trabia Garden, you guessed it running the newly rebuilt Trabia Garden. It was the night of Summers 13th birthday at Balamb Garden, where everything went wrong… a tragic event that will NOT be forgotten…

[For reference the ages of our `heroes' and their children on Summer's 13th--

Seifer= 34 Selphie=33 Squall=33 Quistis=34 Zell=33 Fujin=34 Raijin=34 Rinoa=33

Summer (Selphie X Irvine/Seifer)=13 (duh)

Varla (Seifer x Selphie)=9

Damien (Seifer x Selphie)=7

Rolin (Rinoa X Raijin)=8

Ludan (Fujin X Zell) =9

Sonya (Squall x Quistis)=9]

So here we go Summers 13th birthday.


~10 Years Later~ Summer's 13th~

Lights lit up Balamb Garden's dance hall. Streamers, and Happy Birthday signs. Students, friends and family gathered into the large room where Summer's 13th Birthday was being held. Everyone had come to b-garden to celebrate, almost like a reunion, since all moved away shortly after the Garden was reconstructed. It was nearly 2100 hours and Summer had yet to show up to HER party.

"Where is she?" Seifer asked impatiently, taping his foot on the hard wood floor. (She is always late, but, not more than a hour..)

(Five more minutes and I will go look for her..) "Don't worry hunny, I am sure she is just nervous. Besides, she is always late." Selphie said in a not so sure voice as her long yellow dress swayed back and forth.

Squall and Quistis handed a few champagne glasses to the worried couple. "I will have Sonya, and Rolin go retrieve her alright?" The tall Headmaster said, brushing back those dark strands of hair covering his glacier blue eyes.

"Thanks." Is all Seifer replied, something was wrong he could feel it.

A few minutes passed since Sonya and Rolin went to find the young Miss. Almasy. The doors to the ballroom flew open, revealing the two children gasping for breath as they ran into the room with a opened unread envelope.

Seifer, Selphie, and the others ran over. The tall worried father grabbed the letter and began reading.

"SHIT!!!" Seifer screamed over the ballroom causing everyone to look over.

"What is it?!" Selphie asked.

Sonya and Rolin interrupted. "We went to her room, everything was broken there was blood on the floor… we ran out and on the door was that letter taped to it, ya know." Rolin said gasping for breath.

Unsheathing his gun blade as well as Leonhart who had just skimmed the letter. Ran out of the room, towards the parking lot.


Rinoa held Mrs. Almasy to her chest comforting her friend as she sobbed loudly. While Raijin and Fujin cleared out non-family/friend members from the large room.

"What does the letter say?" Zell asked worried since she wouldn't unclench the folded paper that was held against her chest.

Slowly she gave the letter to the usually rambunctious, blond, gloved, fighter.


To my Sweet Selphie,

I have been watching you, ever since the explosion of that bar/inn. No, you guessed it my little flower, I didn't die. Escaped just in time.. So I have taken what is rightfully mine. Summer. Don't plan on ever seeing her again..


Irvine Kinneas


"His hand writing is horrible, his penmanship was better than this when he lived here.. Is he drunk?" Quistis stated and asked.


Speeding down the trail, they finally caught a glimpse of the car they had been searching for. Heading right for the cliff.

"FUCK! WHAT THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS DOING?!?!" Seifer screamed at the top of his lungs as he pressed all the way down on the gas.

Glancing over to the enraged Father, he noticed something that he has never witnessed in his ld enemy. Something no one believed him possible of.. Seifer Almasy was crying, heavily. (……………….)


"Do, you.. Think… they will find Summer?" Selphie asked through her sobs.

All three girls glanced to each other, then looked at the floor. "All we can do is hope." Quistis said with concern and choked up tears in her voice.


"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed the crying blond father stepping on the brakes 10 ft from the cliff, the cliff where Summer, and Irvine's car just flew off. Swinging the door open he climbed out rushing to the cliff, where the Headmaster came out to also.

"NO!! NO!! NO!!!" Seifer whined pounding his fist into the ground.

Squall approached placing a comforting hand on his `friends' shoulder. "Let's get out of here." He said dragging his former enemy to the car's passenger side.


A cold breeze shot through the door, as Headmaster Leonhart entered with his face showing great sorrow. Soon he was pummeled to the floor by the desperate for knowledge mother.

"Is she here?!" Selphie asked helping her friend stand. Hope in her eyes gone as she looked into his eyes. "No.."


"NO! I don't believe you! No!!" She screamed running out of the ballroom only to fall onto her knees outside the door, sobbing.

Fujin rushed out to the distraught mother carefully, guiding her to the infirmary to rest.


Several weeks passed, the funeral caused a shock attack to Mrs. Almasy who lay in the infirmary staring at the ceiling.

The tall, muscular boy walked in through the gray curtains to his mother. "Mom.." Sitting beside her on the bed. "I know you probably can't hear me.. But, I miss you, I need you mom.. I know you miss Sis. Believe me, we all do." Sighing he looked to the floor, as Varla entered.

"She is hurting.. I don't think she even know's who we are anymore."

A tear unnoticed escaped Mrs. Almasy's eye, as her daughter continued.

"I don't think she loves us anymore." Head gazing at the floor her daughter, squeezed her mother's warm hand. "I love you, Mama. Please come back. We miss you." Varla turned to leave with Damien.

"I miss you two, also."

Both turned to see if they heard right. Rushing back to her side. "Mama?"

Slowly she sat up, gazing at her two children. "I love you both, I'm sorry."

Damien and Varla hugged their mother tightly, as Seifer rushed in.

"SEPHY!" He shouted running to her, kneeling in front of the small figure, his wife.


A year or so passed everything was back to normal. The visits to both their dead children's graves lessened but they did not forget. Every minute of everyday the Almasy family thought of them. Varla and Damien did not know much about their parent's pasts, at the Gardens. But soon, Varla would be joining Balamb Garden… the Garden her Mother and Father went to.

Damien stood at 5'5 at only the age of 12. His hair a light brown with dark green eyes. Varla at 5'6 at the age of 14, her 15th birthday in 2 months. Dirty blond hair, cut short, spiked in the back with long bangs in the front which curled up at the ends. Her eyes a soft green. She wore a long gray trench coat not unlike her fathers.

What does fate have in store for their children?


"Goodnight, Ma, Pa." Damien and Varla said before running up the stairs.

"Goodnight, we love you." Selphie smiled as she watched her kids run up the metal staircase, in Trabia garden. To the Family dorms.

Kids rushed to the railing of the staircase. "Love you too." They both said and rushed off, pushing each other then entered their rooms.




"I love you."

"I love you too."

Seifer ran his fingers over her soft cheek before, leaning down, pressing his lips to hers gently and passionately.


"Hmm?" He asked holding his wife, the mother of his children to his chest.

"I'm pregnant."