Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Unions an Reunions ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Tifa woke up one morning after that encounter with Reno. She felt so happy that she had finally found someone that knew who he was. She was still in love with Cloud although she would never admit it. Tifa had finally opened her eyes to see Reno laying next to her. The two of them were naked and Tifa couldn't remember one damn thing that had happened. They were both happy though.
“Wakey, Wakey. Hands off snakey!” Yuffie was looking over the two lovers. No one knew if she was talking to Tifa or Reno but no one wanted to find out. Behind her stood Cait Sith. Also was Tseng.
Tseng began “ You idiot! What the hell gives you the right to ahem with Tifa?”
“Hey hey. I need a little fun every once in a while.”
“How many drinks did it take to get her to do that?” Rude came up joking.
“Heh. Real funny. That's why you had some certain fantasies and dreams about Aeris!” Reno came back at him.
“HEY! You said you wouldn't tell anyone about that!” Rude ran out crying. Then Elena came in.
“I think we should fire anyone who acts or thinks the way Rude does.”
“What is your report Elena?” Tseng asked.
“Well, we have someone who wants to speak with Tifa alone. Also, Godo wants to speak to each of us.”
“So be it. Lets go!”
Tseng, Elena, Yuffie, and Cait Sith headed for Rude who was already on his way to see Godo. Reno got up and walked out of the room naked. He was, to say the least, hanging about…He didn't mind the breeze though. He was very secure with himself for he had just gotten Tifa. A few minutes had passed, Tifa was dressed and she was alone. Another sixty seconds had passed then Sephiroth walked into the Japanese styled room on the dot.
“Tifa. It seems you have forgotten your mission.” Sephiroth's tone was monotonous, cold but unassuming.
“Sephiroth! How dare you come in here and say that!” Tifa objected.
“Petty girl. I am smarter than you. I have been watching your every move. You have forgotten Cloud. Cloud, Barrett, Nanaki, and Cid are with Aeris at the current moment. Think what you wish of it. As for Vincent, he is the president of Shinra along with Rufus as vice president. They reside in Midgar. It is also their doing that the Turks are here. Cait Sith had betrayed you when he wanted to cross the ocean to Junon. The `reunion' is also almost here. I have Loz, Yazoo, and Kadaj to thank for that. They were most reliable brothers to me. Cloud was also useful. And was Vincent. I have talked too long to you girl. It was nice to see you again I suppose…”
“Wait! Can't you just let them all go and still have your reunion?”
“Heh heh. As an insignificant pawn in this world, you would never have thought up that maybe I need them all for my reunion. When `mother' has come, I will do as you wish. Until then, Farewell.” Sephiroth began to leave.
“Wait!” Tifa called.
“Eh? What?”
“Thank you…Without you I would never have found the man for me.” Tifa said in a praising way.
She then did an unexpected thing. The Turks, Yuffie, Cait Sith, and Godo all came in. They stared at Tifa and Sephiroth and all were in silence. Tifa walked up to Sephiroth and kissed him on the lips. It was an unending kiss which both of them enjoyed with the passion for one another. Vincent had then walked into the room and stared at the two, lips pressing against each other.