Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ United Pair ❯ Where it all begins.. ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


This is my first fanfic so be gentle! As usual I don't own any of the characters or places. They belong to squaresoft, except for the ones which escaped from my over active imagionation. All comments are welcome, good or bad, or even if you just wanna point out a spelling mistake. The first 3 parts of the story are more like a prologue so not many FF characters are mention much, but they will be soon... promise!

United Pair - Mira Evenstar

Part 1

*17 years ago*

'Quickly! Get downstairs, Go!

'No, I won't leave you'

'Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, He's the one we have to worry about now.' The man placed his hand lovingly on the childs head and looked towards his wife. 'you two are all I care about, Just keep him safe'

'I will. I promise' She replied clutching her baby close and kissing her husband goodbye, just as a loud crash came from the next room, 'Go Alexandra! now!'

With a last brief glance at her love,she ran swiftly down the stairs, along a dark hallway to a wooden door at the end. She knocked 4 times rapidly.

'It's me' She whispered

The Door creaked open slowly as a thin, drawn face appeared. 'My Lady! Thank the Gods your safe!' The door swung open immediately and the woman rushed inside. She looked around at the terrified people sat in the corners of the small, dark room. A single light hung from the roof above. 'Alexandra!'

Slowly the woman turned to see who had called to her, 'Freya! my dear friend! I feared you had been captured! The woman she spoke to was slightly younger than her but her eyes showed wisdom beyond her years. As they embraced, Alexandra turn to look at the man who had opened the door, 'Where is Lord Vahn?' he asked. Alexandra shook her head slowly, stifling a sob, 'He won't be coming' The man looked shocked, 'No!' He cried. Alexandra was shocked by the old mans sudden outburst, ' I shall not leave him to fight alone!' he cried as he started to unbolt the door. A woman not much older than Alexandra rush to his side.

'No Alandro, we need you here. There is nothing you can do for him! It is his fate to protect his family!' A shout echoed down the hall and the clash of swords could be heard, a single gunshot then silence. Alexandra gave a stifled cry collapsed to her knees, the child still in her arms.The woman rushed to her side. A sorrowful face overcame the man and he hung his head, 'May the gods protect him,' He said, 'Later we shall honor him, for he was a great man'

The woman at her Ladys side spoke. 'Save you prayers for later Alandro' she said, 'Our duty now is to our Lady and young master'

Alandro turned around and nodded to the maid. 'You are right, forgive me my lady'

Alexandra composed herself and stood up, 'There will be time for grief later,' She said, tears still trickling down her pale face. She looked down to the sleeping child in her arms, 'I still have a promise to keep'

Alandro looked to the small crowd of people in the secret room. His master, Lord Vahn, had it built when he first gained word of the sorceresses power, he wanted to make sure his wife would be safe. Only 7 of the people who worked and lived in the house had made it to the room. Many had died trying to protect their master from the advancing army outside, but he had ran. A deceision he now regreted. He looked to Lady Alexandra and the tiny child. The child was bearly a week old and already fatherless. While he still had any will left, Alandro would not let the child suffer the same fate as his father. 'We may not have much time' He said. 'The soldiers are easily fooled and it won't be long before they find us, we must get you and the child away, my lady' Alexandra gave him a weak smile and nodded.

'Noa' he said to the woman next to her, 'Take my lady and the other women through the tunnels and wait at the outer rim. If we do not meet you at half past the hour, you must continue alone'

'But what about you?' Noa asked, 'What can you do?'

The men and I shall do what we must' he said sternly. Noa nodded silently and opened the back door.

'Wait a moment' Alandro called, ' take these with you, who knows what waits in the dark' He tossed Noa a small bag which she caught gratefully. As they walked through the doorway Alexandra turned and looked towards Alandro. 'Thankyou for everything my friend' she said. Alandro bowed and bolted the door shut behind them.

Alexandra, Noa and Freya entered the winding tunnels. With them was Freya's 7 year old daughter. She also carried a young child, a baby girl.

'Where are we going mother?' the child asked

'We're going to Winhill, Molly' Freya replied

'Will daddy be there?'

The woman looked to her child and Alexandra could see she was trying hard not to cry

'Of course darling'

The child looked at her mother and clung tighly to her hand. Her face and eyes were red and stained with tears. Freya held her gentle, 'Don't worry hunny, I'll never leave you'

'You promise?'

'I promise'

Alexandra looked down at her son and smiled, somehow he had managed to sleep through it all. 'Just like his father' she thought and once again the tears flowed.

After what seem hours of walking through endless tunnels, they finally reached ladder which exstended up to a hatch in the roof. Small rays of light pushed their way through gaps in the wooden hatch.

Noa spoke softly, 'My lady you must go first, then Freya and Molly'.

'What about the others?' Molly asked

Freya knelt by her daughter, 'They won't be coming honey'

'But you said daddy was gonna be here! You said!' she began to cry

'I'm sorry darling, but daddy won't be coming'

'No!' Molly screamed struggling free of her mothers grasp and running back into the tunnels.

'Molly! no!' Freya cried as she ran after her, dissapearing into the darkness. Noa and Alexandra started after them. Noa called out blindly into the darkness, 'Molly? Freya?' A childs scream was heard and a sudden cry for help. Noa and her Lady ran towards the screams and found Molly cowering in a corner clutching her baby sister close. Next to her lay the body of her mother, grey and frozen like a statue, an expression of fear remained engraved on her face. 'Molly! quickly child, come here!' called Noa. Molly sat terrified and looked over to a dark tunnel. A soft hiss escaped from inside the darkness as a large anacondaur crawled its way out of the depths and headed towards the two children. Noa gasped suddenly and reached into the bag Alandro had given her and pulled out a smooth, hard stone. It glinted red in the pale light, 'a magic stone' she thought. Noa threw the stone at the giant snake and shouted 'Fira!' Huge flames engulfed the creature as it struggled and wrighed. The creatures turned to look at the two women, forgetting the cowering child and baby. Noa grabbed another stone from the pouch, an ice blue one, 'Blizzara!' she cried and at once the snake was struck by huge icles of frozen water. With a final dying cry the creature collapsed and dissapeared. Noa ran forward and flung herself aroung Molly and the baby.

'That...That it..' Alexandra stammered.

'Dead' Said Noa, looking mornfully at where Freya lay.

Alexandra knelt down at her side and began to weep. Noa walked up to her side, the baby girl in one arm with Molly holding onto the other. 'Please my lady. It's not safe here. That creature was merely a child and I do not think it will be long before others will come' Noa looked down to Molly, 'Say goodbye to your mother Molly' The child cried and kissed her mother as Alexandra turned to face Noa, 'Come, tonight we have lost good friends and family, but I will be dead before I lose my son.'

The group made their way back to the wooden hatch. As Noa prepared to climb the ladder they heard the not so distant sound of men and marching feet. Noas eyes grew wide with fear, 'They're found us'

Part 2

The footsteps grew nearer and louder. Noa climbed hurriedly up the ladder and tried in vain to open the hatch. 'It's locked! I can't open it!' She cried. As the marching feet rounded the corner the women found themselves front group of tall men all wearing dark uniforms. Alexandra tried desperately to hide her son from view. One of the men moved forward towards Molly, 'What a pretty child' He said, ' whats your name girl?' Noa lept down and stood infront of Molly, still holding her sister. 'Leave her alone' she growled. The man sneered at her and raised his gun. A shot rang out and Molly screamed. Alexandra opened her eyes and sighed in relief to see that the soldier had shot the lock from the hatch. He pointed at Noa and then the now open hatch.

'Get up there' He ordered. Noa took a step toward the man, her hand in her pouch, she had one stone left. Alexandra grabbed her arm and shook her head. Noa backed away and began to climb the ladder. She was followed by Molly and then Alexandra. Outside they found 20 or so soldiers surrounding the opening. It was a trap.

'How did they know?' Alexandra whispered to Noa. Noa shrugged held Molly tightly as the men grew closer.

'Good work captain'

Alexandra looked up to see a tall, blond man dressed in a white uniform. He was sat upon a large chocobo which stood tall and proud.

'My dear lady Alexandra, how nice of you to join us at last' He sneered, looking down at her. She prayed that he didn't notice her son. 'Who is your friend?' he asked nodding towards Noa. He turned to face her and at once saw the tiny child wrapped in blankets. 'hmmm.. and whats this?' Noa pulled the child tightly to her as the infant began to cry loudly. Two men came from behind Noa and pushed her to her knees holding her there by her shoulders. The Blond man climbed down from his chocobo and walked infront of her.

'Well?' he said. Noa remained silent.

'You will answer the General' shouted the captain as he brought his hand down upon Noas face. Alexandra let out a cry as two more men grabbed her and held her back. Molly, still sat next to Noa, began to cry once more. The captain brought his hand up to hit her again.

'It's Mei!' cried Molly.

The General raised his hand to signal the captain. He looked at the child and then knelt beside her. 'Mei? is she your sister?' he asked. Molly nodded

'Don't say anything Molly! Noa cried out.

'Silence her!' commanded the captain. as one of the men covered her face with his hand.

'Whats you name?' the General continued.

'...Molly..' Said the girl, in a quite voice.

' Well Molly how would you like to help me? Then I could let you and your friends stay in a beautiful palace. Would you like that Molly?' Molly nodded weakly

'Good girl' said the General as a smile spread across his face. He returned his action back to Noa and the baby. Carefully he pulled the child out of Noas arms and smiled, 'A beautiful child, she will do nicely, he said as he handed her to another soldier, 'Take them both to Maia'

'No!' cried Alexandra as the soldier took both Molly and the child away

'And as for you..' began the General, when he stopped suddenly and stared at Alexandra. 'Where the boy?'

Alexandra looked shocked. How did he know? '...What boy?'

'Do not lie to me' said the General, 'Your son, Where is he?'

Alexandra stared at him, 'He..he died'

The General paused for a moment then turned away. 'Very well. then i have no further use for you'

'She is lying to you General!' Alexandra looked up to see the owner of the voice...


Alandro looked at her and then at the floor, 'I'm sorry my Lady, they forced me to tell them.. they said they would kill my wife, my son.. I had no choice'

Noa had now struggled free, 'How could you! We trusted you!' , she screamed

Alandro kept his face to the floor and mumbled to the General. 'The child is under her arms' The General smiled and walked back to alexandra. Stumbling she tired to move away from him but the soldiers behind her stopped her from moving. He reached out and tore the child away from her.

'No! please!' she begged

'What do you want with the children?' Noa cried

The general handed the boy over to another soldier and faced Noa. 'It's not what I want with them, It's what the sorceress wants' He smiled at Noa and continued. 'The children of sorceresses have great powers. Combine the powers and the possiblities are endless'

Noa looked at Alexandra dumbstruck, 'My lady.. you and Lady Freya?.. your...'

Alexandra nodded weakly.

'And now, I'm afraid we have no further use for you,' he motioned for two gunmen to step forward

'No!' Alandro cried, 'You said no one would be hurt!'

The General laughed, 'I lied' he said. Alexandra looked towards Noa and then at the heavens, 'forgive me Vahn, I failed to keep my promise'

2 shots rang out and Alandro watched as His lady and Noa slumped to the floor. The General watched on silently, his face showing no emotion. Slowly he turned to face Alandro, 'Pray I do not change my mind about your life also'.

Alandro watched as the General walked away. 'May the gods forgive me' he whispered as he fell to his knees and wept.

Part 3

The General swept into a large room filled with light and large decorative windows. He marched up some stairs and stood infront of a throne and bowed.

'Rise My knight' Came a voice, ' I trust you have good news for me'

The General raised his head to peer at the face of his sorceress, his love. She sat proud and tall on a throne of silver and crystal. Her long, black hair trailed over her slender shoulders and ended roughly at her waist. She wore a dark purple dress, trimmed with gold. Two bright green eyes stared at him from a pale white face.

'Yes mighty sorceress, I have captured the children you asked for' answered the General

'You have done well, Bring them to me'

'Of course'. The General clapped his hands and two plain clothed women brought in the two infants. One held Mollys hand as she lead her up the stairs. Molly stood in front of the sorceress and shivered slightly, twisting the hem of her skirt around her finger.

The sorceress looked down at the children briefly and then point to the sleeping infants. 'These two have great power, they shall be joined' The General nodded and waved the women away. 'Make sure the girls face is not marked. I do not want an ugly child by my side' He nodded again 'What of the other?' he asked. The sorceress looked at Molly and smiled. 'She shall remain with me, there may yet be use for her' The General bowed again and left the room, Leaving Molly with the sorceress. Molly looked carefully around her. The celing was high and seemed to stretch right up into the heavens, large windows,made of different coloured glass, allowed a rainbow of light into the room giving the sorceress a faint blue glow. She was alone and scared, she wanted to go home. Molly shivered again.

'Do not be afraid child' the sorceress said 'You shall not be harmed'

Molly said nothing and continued to stare at the woman in the throne

'You are afraid of me aren't you girl?'

Molly nodded and backed away slightly


The small girl looked up at the glowing woman and spoke in a small voice, 'You killed my daddy, your a bad lady'

'I did?, I am?' the sorceress laughed softly, 'Whoever told you that?'

'My mommy did'

'And where is your mother now?'

Molly looked around and slowly her eyes started to fill with tears

'I...I don't know'

'Didn't she promise she wouldn't leave you?'

Molly nodded as tears flowed down her small face

'She can't have loved you if she lied to you like that, I would never lie to my child'

Molly stopped crying and looked at the soceress, the pale blue glow had been replaced by a darker one, making her look like an nightly angel. Suddenly her voice changed to a melodic, haunting tune.

'Come to me Molly, Your mother has decieved you but I am here now'

The voice echoed around the empty room amplifying it. Molly stood up and almost floated to her side, swaying slightly and finally sitting beside her. The sorceress smiled and began to stroke the child head, 'Soon the joining shall be complete and my strength will return, then finally Utimecia shall rise again!

The General motioned for the to women carrying the children to follow him. They walked along a wide hallway and stopped out side a guarded door. The guard nodded in recognition and opened the door to allow then to pass.

'Back so soon General?' Came a voice, 'What did the sorceress say?'

'She wants them marked Doctor. Immediately'

A youngish women stepped forward. 'Are you sure? I mean do we have to mark them?'

'Dr. Maia, If the sorceress says it is to be done then it shall be done'

The women sighed and looked sadly at the infants and then back to the General. 'Is there something else General?'

'I am to watch to mark them Doctor' he replied, 'Wouldn't want you making a mistake now'

Dr. Maia felt herself tense in anger but she quickly calmed down. 'Very well she said' as she reached for a small needle. She place the needle into a small vile of a dark black liquid. Taking a deep breath and grimcing slightly she stuck the needle into the left cheek of the male child. The child cried out as the liquid moved, of it's own accord, up and formed a pattern long the side of his face. Next she turned to

the baby girl.

'Wait' the General said, grapping her arm. 'The sorceress does not want her heir to have her face marked, use her arm instead'

Maia nodded and processed to inject the girls right arm. Again the pattern arose and now the two infants had symetrical tattoos, marks to identify them as the sorceresses chosen. Maia turned away from the children, tears forming in her eyes.

'Well done' the General said.The doctor kept slient as he left. She turned to look at the children. There fate has been sealed. Once there powers had peaked they would be joined and there is nothing she could do. The child on the right gave a soft cry, Maia moved to its side and picked her up.

'Her name is Mei' came a small voice.

The doctor turned to see one of the women standing in the corner. 'Lor? is that you'

Lor stepped forward, she was barely 18.

'How did you know that?' Maia asked

'I heard the general say. Dr. Maia are they really going to be joined?'

'Yes. I'm afraid so'

'Isn't there anything we can do?' she cried, her heart heavy.

Maia looked at the two children asleep. She lay the girl down next to the young boy. 'I have made alot of mistakes in my life Lor,' she said ' but now is the time to put things right'

Lor gave the doctor a confused look. 'What ever you have planned Maia I shall help you'

Maia smiled at Lor, 'Thankyou Lor. Come, We must be quick' She said, picking up Mei. 'Take the boy Lor'

Lor picked by the infant and watched as Maia pressed a couple of buttons on the wall and a door swun open. Maia turned to Lor. 'I have afew tunnels that the General is unaware of. Hurry'

Lor followed Maia along the tunnel and up some steps to an area outside a huge mansion. Night had fallen and the stars shone brightly in the heavens.

'We must separate the children' Said Maia, 'If she sorceress doesn't have them both she cannot have their powers'

Lor nodded, 'I shall take the boy, I know of an orphanage where he will be cared for'

'Then I shall take the girl to the east but I dare not say where, I know of people who can take great care of her'

'Then goodluck my friend'

'Lor wait.' Lor stopped and turned towards Maia.

'The boy what was his name?'

Lor frowned, 'I do not know, but I shall give him one. His name shall be Zell , after my grandfather'

'Then goodbye Zell, untill one day when we may meet again'

Then, in the dead of night, the two women bid eachother goodbye and stole away, each with a tiny child asleep in their arms.