Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Unraveled ❯ Unraveled ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The woman crouched down into the corner of the basement, sobbing. The sound of heartbreak and wretchedness hardly filtered past the cold, stone walls of the room. It only seemed to fit her mood, damp and dank with the smell of blood and saline based chemicals...

Chemicals that she, herself, willingly pumped into her veins in the name of "science". A thing so coldly logical, so factually based, it left no room for human emotions... to some.

Even for those who were lovers. If Hojo caught her now... he'd lecture her, give her another lesson on the impropriety of being weak when dealing with science... Humans were machines, he said, as were all living creatures. Machines just there to do their tasks, and that was it. Humans were 'blessed' with something different, though: free will to choose their tasks. That is what they were supposed to use, and use it well, to unravel the secrets of the universe.

She knew that science was not meant to be pursued so ruthlessly and coldly, with the only thing that was important is results; she knew science was supposed to be a passion, a desire to understand the world, but...

She'd only begun to realize that the secrets of the universe were not meant to be unraveled. They were meant to be there, working, as always, but never seen, or understood... much less manipulated.

It was far, far too late now...

The child in her belly kicked and squirmed, causing a small gasp from her, and her hand clutched around her stomach protectively. A small smile wandered on to her face...

Maybe he'd make it all worthwhile. Her little Sephiroth. Grasping that sliver of strength, she wiped her tears on her sleeve, and stood up.

She could hear Vincent calling for her.