Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Uprising: The Beast Wars ❯ Gorilla ( Chapter 9 )
"Little booooy!" Kait called out through the opening of his cupped hands.
His stomach lurched, and he dropped from his already wobbling steps to his knees where he coughed violently at the ground, until purple clots of mucos spat from his mouth.
'Hyne... What's happened to me?' He wonders; running the back of his hand across his mouth.
Looking down at his hand, expecting to see blood he's surprised at the purple coloring mixed in with the red.
'No wonder I feel like shit... I've been poisoned!' Teeth bared in pain, he cast Esuna on himself.
Laying down on the soft rich grass, he waits for the effects to take root inside of him, and heal the miserable feeling swimming inside of him. Breathing heavily against the earth, he closes his eyes; it should have been over after that but the pain was so present that he just needed to stop. Is this is for him? Has he gone as far as he can go?
"Help me, somebodyyyy!" Called the young voice again.
Breaths practically wheezing out of him, he forces his hand down into the grass to help with getting back up on his feet. He egged himself on with a mantra of "its for the kid, its for the kid". Trembling limbs move at a slow rate, but well enough to allow the cadet to follow the calling voice.
"Jooel!" He called over a thick throat.
Swearing, he drops onto his knees again. He's healed, but his body hasn't fully recovered from the excessive strain he's putting on it. Who knows for how long he's been blacked out while poisoned, and he's been walking for at least 15 minutes after this kid; which isn't easy when the forest shifts and takes the voice away for a moment.
'Hyne. My organs must be mush by now...' His forearm bars across his stomach, like he's trying to coax his insides to stay inside.
Getting up, its off on another round of "where's Joel?" before he just dropped. Back against a large tree, he just stares up into what little bits of glowing sky he can see. If he's gonna die... he may as well have something beautiful to look at.
Head cocked in wonder, he blinks with a dumb look on his face. 'Is my vision going? Or is it that dark out?'
He's never seen darkness outside of the city, especially in a forest this dence. Looking about the ever-changing area, he sobs when another wave of pain rakes through him. Tipping forward, he coughs from the boil of blood coming from his stomach out over his bare knees.
Sniffling, he rests his forehead on the sticky red bends of his legs, and just let himself cry a moment. This was so pityful, that it was sad. What would his father's be doing right now? Have they ever cried because they've been so badly injured they're afraid for their life? All their tales have been so heroic in his eyes; the war that went on with not one but 3 Sorceresses! That time when there was a madness strain brought on by a child's touch. Whatever the trouble... they had weathered it all, and from the make of their tale it was effortlessly.
They even have funny tales like when they followed some geezer around Fisherman's Horizon, listening to this tale and that of how FH got its name. And after all that, the old guy didn't even know if what he was telling him were the truth or not! Just silly little odd things, and big things... all of it something wonderous and brave. This is scary... And lonely.
What did he think he was doing taking on this lifestyle of being a mercenary. He's always been an awkward little lightweight, especially as a kid... His sticky lids close with great weight as his life flashes before his eyes.
He'd just turned 3 and was getting his first bed.
"This is a bed?" He asks Squall or possibly Zell, who's helping to mantal the twin bed in the childs bedroom.
Shoulders drawn up with his intaken breath, he drops them on the release while falling onto the mattress for the thing that's been set aside to the corner of the room. "It doesn't looks like daddy's." He rolled left then right.
"It doesn't look like mine." Squall corrects.
"It doesn't look like mine." He lays on his back rollng himself so that his legs almost make it over his head.
Snickering, Zell moves the bed frame to the center wall until spotting Squall shaking his head, then he slide it up against the wall. "Having a bed is gonna be so awesome, Kait. You can pick out super hero sheets and a blanket. All kinds of cool stuff a crib can't have."
"I want Cowboy Irvine sheets, and daddy's blanket." Bouncing on the bed with his knees, he looks to see what his father will say about abducting his blanket.
Squall didn't seem to understand as he simply ushered the boy from the mattress to lift it up for the bed.
"Can I have those thangs?"
He for some reason never used the 'i' in 'thing' when making it plural, but he's three... what d'ya want?
"Well, that might be tough on one end," He retrieves the child from where he's standing to set him down on the constructed bed. "but Cowboy Irvine's favorite color is- was- purple... I can get you a purple sheet."
"Yay!" I threw his hands up and cheered. "And I can have your blanket?"
'What the hell? I really like that blanket...' He smiled at the child giving him wide-eyes like he's trying to look intimidating. "Sure. You can have my blanket."
"I knew it! I knew it! My room is much much coolerest than aaaanybody!"
Realtime Kait smiled at the memory. He really was a little goober, stealing his father's bedding like that. He loved it too. Squall folded it in half and he would tuck himself inbetween and doze off with waiting. Hn. He still feels like a goober most of the time.
'Hmhm...' His delirious mind chuckled. 'I'm gonna die before I get any cool points.'
He remembered when Irvine got his memories back. That was a different kind of adjustment.
He still couldn't believe it, even when Imari had stayed with them for about month or so. Suddenly calling him Irvine, and having to understand D.I.D, and all that went on was a lot for a four year old. He would stare at Irvine through everything the man did, asking him question after question.
"Is that your favorite food?" He asked when Irvine ate.
"Is this your favorite show?" He asked when he watched television.
"Is this your favorite side of the bed?" He asked when Squall and Irvine tried to turn in for the night. "Because I like to sleep riiiight here.." He dropped himself down onto the center of the bed.
"Can I tell all the kids at school, and show you off?"
Like he'd thought. Goober.
Kait was happy when Irvine laughed at the bed thing, he picked him up and spun him around and told him that he insisted on his sleeping in bed with Squall that night, so they can talk about him and dish through the juicy gossip. He didn't know what gossip was at the time, but he liked that Irvine didn't mind that he was being quizzed.
It didn't take long to accept the man as his second parent. He'd often wondered if Squall were going to be with Seifer or Zell, or one of the girls. He thought if his dad wanted him to have a second parent, it would be someone he knows and likes. But he'd only seen Aunt Ellone or Grampa Laguna acting like a second parent.
He'd loved music nights with his dads. Squall can't play anything, but he's got a good singing voice.
When he'd first started training with Zell... he came home with so many bruises... but he never cried. It was fun, even being beaten up. How much he spied on Seifer at the gym when he was old enough to go. He loves Seifer's body, and often wonders how he can be so muscular and not have martial arts skills. What's all that toned body for? He felt his cheeks heat up when he realized it might be for vanity.. of the sexual kind.
He wants to look good in Leo's eyes, good enough to show off if she wanted to that is- she never wanted to. She knows he's a dork in a pretty package. She's not ashamed either, and often calls him on it when he's trying to act all hot-and-untouchable.
He liked walking the area with Selphie singing as loud as their voices could be. He liked baking with Quistis, and studying for test. It was always easier with her for some reason. Playing with Angelo and training him was so fun, and he got to feel Invincible Moon. He laughed like a cook when Rinoa shot everything she had at him and nothing stuck.
He has so many memory with those wonderful people... his family is so big. He's gonna miss them all. His throat clenched and blood spat forward again.
The first time he'd met Leonora, he tripped infront of her- literally! Sorin threw him a pass with a football and he'd caught it, but tripped over his new set of teenaged feet. She knelt down over his head, and sighed. Her first words to him were "Well, that's a new way of falling for me... I guess now you'll be picking me up at eight and taking me to a nice burger joint in the capital?" Then she walked away.
He didn't think that she was serious, but later when eight o clock came and went she stopped by his dorm room to shout through the open entrance "You suck, Kinheart; and you owe me dinner!" He's gonna miss her no-nonsense attitude. He did take her to dinner at Burger Castle. She had an nine stack, he had a twelve, and they split the fries. He liked a girl that could pack it away, and he loved her since.
The first time they made love, she knew it. He had a thick blanket to lay over the grass, a small radio to play romantic music to disguise their love sounds, and he continuelly patted his pants pocket to ensure he didn't lose the prized circle wrapped in a square didn't fall free from his pocket. She figured it out, the wrapper's crumpling gave it away; but she agreed, and he made love to her. He didn't wanna fuck her like all his friends bragged. He wanted to remember it. How their bodies moved together; the way she sounds when she's the most comfortable and relaxed.
And Sorin... the two of them were like frick and frack; they practically ran to each other in slow motion on a beach, their buddy attraction was so strong. Tears roll from his eyes. Guess he'll be able to pick up where they left off.
He can't even remember if his Full-Revive spell has worn off... does it wear off? A long breath fell from his mouth, like his lungs were on the verge of emptying themselves from any and every bit of oxygen they hold.
Head lulled back to fall against the tree; sticky lids try staying connected when he blinks in confusion over something brushing his shoulder; he supposed he would have been startled if his body had the energy for it, but he only turned his head in weak effort to see who or what had touched him.
The smell of his blood must be watering a ton of monsters' mouths by now, and magic or not, the rules are very clear that lack of a body is lack of a life. And he's not strong enough to fight for it. Maybe its a poisonous spider coming to finish the job. That'd be just lame enough to happen, huh?
A faint smile on his lips; a shaking hand reached out to pat the lost child on the head, landing softly, and just as tenderly as the hand landed does he tousle the boy's dirt-caked hair.
Joel is filthy from his time in the forest. He must have really had a hard time of it, because he looks damn near starved to death; his eyes are so sunken they're almost black...
"Kaaaaait!" Vola called out. "Kaaaaaait!?"
As if his nerves had been momentarily shut off, he found himself clamming up. He can't call for Kait, lest he call on the attention of that rogue Diablo roaming these woods. But, man, how is he gonna look without making a sound? Kait could see him by chance, but the odds of them getting lucky after all that's happened is slim. Though, on the bright side, they have found Joel. Their mission is accomplished. But at a pretty big loss.
He can't imagine what'll happen if Kait happens upon the male's corpse.
'Track him Vola... You're good at this.' He coaches himself.
Kneeling, he touches around through the grass. Its damned dark out, and he needs the mini-flash light in his pack to assist in his search; he needs to use it sparingly, because shining a light around in this darkness is just as noticable as talking.
Light off, he closes his eyes and breaths. The thicket is so dense he can smell dirt, he can smell leaves, he can smell... blood. It could be Sorin's blood. He morbidly hoped it was Sorin's blood, he doesn't want to find a mangled Kait out in the woods as well. The chipper male has got to still be alive.
The circular beam of light plays around on the forest floor for the blood- if there were any. He held a triumphant smirk down when seeing a spot of blood decorating the green grass. Left then right, then left then right again.
'I don't know how to take this... It could either be a good sign that he's alive and on the move- inspite of being injured- or he's dead and being dragged.' Kneeling, he picks up a small twig by his foot. Poking at a strance reaccurance in the splatter of blood, he sniffs the end of the stick before closer examining it. 'This is poison's doing... there's a bit of muscle tissue in it.' Setting down the stick he straightens up. 'It could be a Malboro, or that rogue Diablo. That means my poison slash worked; it'll be weakened if it attacks me, hopefully by now its near death.'
He'd like to have things easier on him while he searches for his friend. But now, he's at a momentary pause. If the blood is the Guardian Force's, he'll have to do battle when he's already at so many disatvantages: somewhat blind, on his own against a very strong-willed opponent, handi-capped with exhaustion. Its possible he could get lucky and draw it in. But that'll be a very slim sliver of luck to happen upon him.
He gasped inwardly from the snap of a branch at his left. Freezing in place might have helped him if his hair weren't so highlighter bright in this darkness. So aiming the beam of light off in the sound's direction, he quickly composed himself before the flashlight fell from his hand in an alert-panic.
Taking a few steps back, he lowers the light to the forest floor. He needs a well-lit back-drop to see the opponent. Trident poised, he whirls it about then aims the blade at the cackling skeleton. His shadow is shading the creature, enough to see the red glow beneath its open eye sockets. It gave a spirited hiss when Vola moved in on him.
Its large swords pin down the forward thrusted bladed-bo that's winding circles around and around in aim at its torso. Vola meant to split its spine in two, but his attack was thwarted, stabbing instead into the forest floor. Sword tips anchored into the dirt, the Forbidden swings its bony leg out in an attempt to kick the teen against the head, but Vola ducked from the attack and meleed his own by slicing the freed bo up between the monster's legs.
The swipe scarred through the Forbidden's white bones, but that didn't stop it from coming back for more. It swings the blades about like a whirlwind, spinning circles as it approaches. Vola stabbed at it as he backed away from the assault; none of the attempts made it through the fanblades whirling; the snap of metal against metal shot sparks into the air around them. Had the area been dry from the summer heat, it may have caused a fire, but the sparks fizzled away just as quickly as they were cast out.
Backing up a step, he bars his weapon out before him to cast Bio. The Forbidden writhed in pain as large toxic bubbles raked over and through its bony body. But unfortunately the spell was a miss on the technicality that the skeleton isn't alive with the parts that get poisoned, so the fail only left him scrambling away from the monster in retaliation while he comes up with a better way to beat it. The longer he spends dinking around with this monster, the worse-off Kait could be. This is one battle he'll have to flee.
Casting Haste on himself, he dashes through the forest at an unchaseable speed, losing the monster in an almost instant. He beat on himself for losing the trail, but he couldn't help it. There must be something more than blood stains around the area to help him find either Kait, or the rogue G.F.
Coming to a hault, he stoops over to catch his breath; casting Scan, he scowers the area. He wondered if the magicks would work in such a place? The shifting forest could confuse the technique and have him running circles. But, he had to try. Eyes flashing a green glow, he looks left, right, and everywhere in between.
Kait!' He dashes forward, pausing when the male disappears, then bolts toward him again when he returned. 'Shit... what happened to him?'
He staggers to a stop at a large Sequoia tree. Playing his light over the male, he caught a sharp breath of shock. The tree is engulfing him! Its bark is laced in through slashes in the male's torso, but it looks like it had entered in through Kait's back.
'How can I free him without making it worse?'
Touching here and there; he pats Kait's cheeks with light smacks before checking his pulse.
"...He's dead." He whispered. 'But he's not dead like Sorin, Kait can be saved... I just have to free him from this tree.'
Taking a small blade from the shealth around his ankle, he slices at the tree bark; he can feel traces of magic in the air from where Kait must have had Revival-Life cast on himself. The tree must have killed him again once it was casts, or the casting failed. Its not likely with a spell such as that that only cast itself after the user's death. So he must have double died.
The tree groaned in pain, and a few vines lashed out at its attacker to ward off the flaming slicers of a weapon juntioned with Fira. Vola swifted out of the way, drawing his weapon to slice through the vines. But while he distracted himself with vine whips, the tree began to uproot itself to move.
"Oh no you don't!"
Calling on a green Leviathon, he shimmered away into the GF's realm while the beast assisted in battle. At first the Guardian began its attack, drawing water from the land and uprooting a large mountain to give the dangerous waves some drop force. But it paused as if it heard something, then it circled around its rock pillar in a confused moment before it continued on with its attack.
Water flooded the forest, making it impossible for the large tree to re-root to take steps because of the mud. When the GF swapped places back with its contracter, Vola returned in time to see the tree slam into the soaked earth- thankfully not on Kait. Moving in quickly, he readjusts his junctions so his dagger is equiped with Firaga, and he hurriedly cut and burned the tree bark from his teammate's body.
Just hearing the sticky sounds, he knew Kait's back was completely ravaged. Hopefully, he could survive it. Unsure if he could carry him bridal-style, he takes the chance. He's already dead, its better to get him someplace dry and safe before bringing him back. He hasn't been dead for 24 hours, so there was no question that his intact body would revive. But he'd be in a critical amount of pain the likes magic may not be able to fix, as well as, neither a surgical team.
"Help me! Mister, please!" Called a young boy to the treating back.
Vola froze. When did a child show up? Spinning around, he sees a young boy kneeling in the water that's waist high from that position.
"Please... help me."
He moved in to do so, when something dawned on him. Where was the tree? And why does this weeping child look like the already-rescued Chocoboy Joel? Eyes sharpened in a glare; he's gone into a place where he's had enough! Casting triple, he then let the monster have every fire spell in his arsenal! Ending it with his stronger attack of a thriving jolt of Thundaga.
The young boy roared in pain until it morphed back into its true form of a tree. The other Sequoia trees, amongst the cedars and birch, in the area began to uproot as well, planning to help its friend who's burning down to the roots. It was time to go.
That must be how Kait got stuck. He thought he was helping a child when infact it was the tree disguised as a human. He lured the teen over to feast upon him, and it worked. But he's safe now. Vola just has to get back to the beach with Amada and the real Joel.
8 8 8
Selphie blinked her bleary eyes into focus. 'What hit me?' She wonders while looking around. 'I'm in the infirmary? I wonder what happened?' Jumping from a start, she whips her attention to the banged on door. "Seifer?" A smile spread across her face.
The single glass door slide over into the wall, allowing the ex-knight entrance. He's got a white bag in his hand, and strides over with his usual confident movement.
"What's in the bag, hot stuff?" She winks at him, and teasingly adds. "Condoms and liquor?"
Smiling, Seifer hands her the bag replying with just as much humor as the girl exhibited. "Close! Its a corn shell fucked by a hot dog, that's been lubed with Trabian chili. I know Galbadian is too hot for you."
Hands clapping rapidly, she cheers. "Eeee, gimme gimme..." Taking the bag she rifles through napkins for the meal wrapped in thin paper. "Thanks Seifer." Taking a bite, its chewed thoroughly before speaking. "Say Seifer... what am I doing in here? Was I knocked out during a battle or something?"
"No. You were brought in for heat-stroke." He slides a chair over to the bed, plopping down into it. Reaching for the bag, he fishes a french frie out of the bag. "Don't you remember?"
Winking an eye, she thinks. "Yeah, I remember Zell... then I woke up in here. Heat-stroke? What a novice!" Laughing at her blunder, she shakes her head. "That's so embarrassing..." With a resigned sigh, she continues eating her meal in thoughtful silence.
"Kadowaki thinks something's wrong with us- you, me, and the princess."
"Something about what happened on that job you two took, and my hair..."
Snickering, she wipes her hands clean before brushing her hand through the male's, unwanted, newlook. "What about it?"
"Between the coughing, and the hot flashes..." He shrugs. "She thinks we might be infected someway."
Finished with skimming the chili-stuffed corn dog of its upper breading, she takes a bite of it like its a normal hot dog. "That explains why I'm in the quarantine room." Her mouth popped open and she wide-eyed Seifer. "What are you doing in here then?! You might not be as bad off as me!"
Shoving at him; she then tries her hand at hiding herself from him behind one of the large hospital pillows.
"Yeah," He grabs at the pillow having to take a few more swats from the girl's puny attempts to remove him. "Would you cut it out? Sel', listen, if we've all got it... that's that. I'm not gonna panic over a pile of 'maybes' and a boyband hairstyle. ...Besides, you need the company. You get stir crazy when you're alone for too long."
"Hmph." Pouting; her attention re-directed in exchange for the french frie sent whafting up her nose. "Where's Rin? Shouldn't she be here if she's been in the desert too?"
"She should have been here an hour ago, but no one can find her." He chuckled. "Last I heard, she's zipping around like a battery ad. mascot."
Selphie meant to laugh, but instead began coughing into her fist. Seifer rubbed her back, then stood.
"I'll get Kadowaki; your boyfriend said he'll be on his way as soon as he can... something happened innnn.." He stretched it to think. "Dollet." Leaning over, he kisses her forehead then heads for the door.
"Se-..Seifer hurry! I don't feel so good..." Her hands grip into the bedding.
The girl's body lurched forward from a cough. Seifer turned from his place at the sliding door to witness steam coming from the girl's mouth like she were a human humidifier. Jaw dropped, Seifer's unable to open the door, too stunned by the scene playing out before him.
Selphie felt her muscles sizzle, and her skin began to feel stiff and hard; her breathing became erratic; her body moved on its own with sharp angry jerks, and to Seifer's, curious horror she began to move from the bed! Her joints ground together like steel brushing past another bar of steel. One arm up then down before it dragged her toward the end of the bed, it repeats with the other arm. Her legs just sort of dragged behind her like they are immobile.
Seifer's hand flexed for Hypereon that isn't there, and he thanked Hyne that he's got spells drawn for the examines, otherwise he'd be shit out of luck and he knew it. But, he won't just outright attack her. Maybe he can talk-down whatever this is, first.
Hand outstretched to keep her at bay, he pressed the button for the intercom. "Selphie... calm down..." He tries to think of what goody-two-shoes Squall would say in a time like this. "This- whatever it is- isn't you."
Hearing his voice, she looks at Seifer with conviction; more steam poured out of her hissing throat as though she were failing to speak. The ex-knight's lips twitch from wanting to say something but nothing comes out. He can't help but recall his own oddities. The heat, the hair, his sudden strength of fire magic. He'd consider himself a pro anyway, but this was... immense. Selphie, she's... it kind of reminds him of Alexander- especially when she leaned forward like her arms are longer than her legs... like an ape.
"What the fuck?" He asked looking at the situation.
As if Seifer addressing Selphie weren't enough of an oddity with the speaker happily playing out anything the two should be privately saying to each other, the cadets of Balamb Garden couldn't help but snap their attention to the conversation going on over the P.A. speakers, like a bunch of children, when the man swore.
Quistis put down her paperwork and left her office to see what was going on. Something's gotta be up... Seifer, or possibly Selphie, wouldn't just turn on the sound system to conversate.
"Selphie, just take some deep breaths... You can fight this..." Though he isn't really sure what it is.
Dropping into a stoop, she leans over so that her knuckles are touching the floor; opening her mouth as wide as it can go she draws in energy; it looks like she's eating large balls of light in order to combine them into one large burst of magic.
Leaping out of her aim, Seifer popped his shoulder against the floor but rolled quickly over his back to stand up; casting Fire to slow her down, he hurries through the gaping hole she left in the infirmary wall. Lucky there were no patients in there aside from her, because they would have been vaporized.
Using the new exit, he dashes from the main room out into the hall. "Everybody run from Selphie!" He shouts at the gather of padestrians walking casually through, or those who had paused to hear the commotion.
They couldn't help but be momentarily stunned by the strange sentence that came from Seifer's mouth. Selphie's dangerous on the battle field- sure- but in life, you've got a better chance of being hurt by your own reflection than her.
Their attention snapped to the gaping hole in the wall where mechanical pounding sounds. Through the dust billowing around the hole, they see some mangoliod thing creeping through. Gasps and stumbling began when they spot Selphie, or something that's supposed to be Selphie coming their way.
The retreating Seifer looked over his shoulder, and had to roll his eyes hard enough that his head went with them during the inward groan. Can't these people listen? Hyne, he often missed having Disciplinary Committee at times like this.
Turning back around to face the girl in the school, when he wanted to apprehend her outside of Garden, he's literally shoving and tossing people about as he weeds through them in order to get the idiots moving.
"I said get the fuck back!" He screamed over their sudden panicked cries.
When his path to the changeling was cleared, he began casting fire spells- not at her! But around her into the pools of water in the dips between the catwalks. The spells are leaving huge clouds of misty vapors in the air since they've been coming out with ridiculous strength since earlier; Seifer thought he had some cover, but that's when things really got weird.
Selphie's wrist detached from her arm like a rocket had been launched; where she should have had veins, muscle, and sinew there was cord and axels! Seifer caught the attack in the neck, and her tiny hand had some kind of grip when it latched around his throat; he's pushed hard enough to be shoved through the small uprising of wall behind him, and to cool off his hot attacks he's plunged deep into the moat that wraps around the school's main building.
He almost hadn't held his breath in time... Seifer lay there; throat in a squeeze, eyes tightly shut, long legs wriggling up and down while he writhed in the grip in such a way it mimmicked a Mesmorize without its horn.
'Holy shit, she's gonna drown me, if she doesn't crush my windpipe first.' His mouth shot open and bubbles escaped out. He's finished!
Selphie screamed in pain for reasons unknown to fleeing spectators; no one saw Zell leaping into the water, and with his gloved fist he slammed a punch into the girl's forearm bending it but not breaking it. She released Seifer to recoil the dented limb, and from there the martial artist saved his lover by swimming his limp body to the surface.
Coughing when his head is above water, he spied Quistis squaring off with the changeling. "Somebody help me pull him out!" Swimming over to the waters edge, he hoist Seifer up onto the floor. "Shit... Breath Seif'!" Pounding on his chest, he waits for the man to spit up the water but it didn't happen. "Somebody know the... the thing when you blow into their mouth?!"
Too panicked to do it properly himself, he snagged the arm of some random guy dashing by.
"You. Blow into his mouth, I'll push."
Spooked at the idea, he asks. "Uuuh are you sure that's a good-"
"Just fucking do it!" He pushes down on Seifer's chest in response to the male breathing into his mouth. "One... Two... Three... Come on, come on!"
Seifer took in a sharp gasp before spewing water up all over his face. Rolling onto his side, he practically hacks up a lung while shoving the random off of him.
Squeezing his lover's shoulder in relief, Zell looks over to Selphie. "What happened?" He asks the recovering male, knowing that Seifer would not wanna be asked "how are you feeling?". So he settles for, "Is that really Selphie?"
"Its really her..." He wheezed out. "I don't know what happened... One minute we were talking, then she just.." He gestures his hand out toward her.
"Selphie, think about what you're doing!" Quistis calls over the distance between her and the tripped-out girl. "We're your friends; look at what you're doing!" She points to the fallen Seifer. "You have to fight this!"
With a hiss, Selphie's mouth drops open as another partical beam makes ready to fire.
"Oh no you don't..." Dropping the coil of whip to the floor, she cracks it up and down to let the length out, before sends it sailing toward the girl.
It aimed for her like a living viper snake going after prey that's not even kind of fast. The metal tip struck its target with enough force to split her skin; Quistis and the other onlookers were surprised to see that no blood came with the open wound, but steam. It was the same event from the slice caused when the whip came on back and hit her from behind. As if that weren't freaky enough, there was no moist sound of flesh slicing open but instead a loud metal ting! like it were a collide of metal on metal.
Gorilla-Selphie looked offended by the assault, and pounded her chest in a blind rage, bending back to roar at the ceiling. Once righting herself, she moved towards Quistis at a slow pace but picked up speed as she came; curling herself into a ball, she began to roll after her like a bowling ball gunning for pins. Only this ball is made of hard steel, and the pins are- seriously- delicate flesh, with bones that can be broken as easily as a line of thread severed by scissors.
Quistis braced herself; poised to attack after defending. This just cannot be Selphie! A damn good look-alike, maybe, but not the actual girl. Though she has no clue as to where the real Selphie could be, this thing is definitely not it.
Selphie literally bowled her way through the crowd of cadets watching this odd sight in stunned awe. Her curled body bounced off the walls mimmicking a pinball against the obsticles set in the machine. Some students went as far as diving into the moat to get away from her. Others got slammed into the wall, laying still once the metal ball did its damage.
Quistis took off after her, but froze when Seifer's hand latched onto her wrist. "What? I have to stop her before she hurts anyone else."
"Don't hurt her." He gets up from the floor.
"Why isn't my Stop working?" Quistis wondered.
"She's too strong." Seifer watches the girl's path. "We have to weaken her first... Do either of you have Meltdown?"
"No." Quistis replied; Zell shook his head.
"Damn she's fast... How is she this fast?" Zell wonders out loud. "Do you think we can box her in? Because I can probably slow her down before she hurts herself..." He adds off-handed. "and others. But it won't mean anything if she just turns around again and again."
"...Do you think you could?" Quistis looks at Zell with wonder.
"..Yeah... Yeah, just make sure she doesn't turn around to sneak attack me or something."
He stepped out into the center of the hall, bracing himself to act as an iron building. Its farfetched, but he may be able to hold onto her long enough for her to stop rolling and maybe come to her senses. Seifer and Quistis get into position behind Zell, facing the other way.
"Here she comes..." Zell muttered to his nerves.
It didn't go how he expected it to; Selphie got right up to his position, but she paused before slamming into him. Her body is spinning like a top before bursting from the ball like a jack, and her short legs slammed Zell right in the gut.
He went flying between Quistis and Seifer, toppling over until he ended up on his stomach. Selphie bounced excitedly up and down, clapping her hands and feet together.
"Did you hear that?" Seifer inquired about the changeling's applause.
"Flesh... whatever's wrong with her is wearing off!"
Zell came speeding passed them, throwing fists and elbows at the gorilla-girl. Forward, back-hand; he ducked from the short legs that came swinging around to hit him during her cartwheel. Sweeping the girl's feet when they come in for a landing on the floor, he clutched his fist with the hand that's falling in for an elbow drop to her gut.
Pissed, the girl began to swing wild thrashes at the martial artist's face. She caught him twice on the same cheek with a scratch, but he dodged the rest of them. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he Leap Frogs over her body kicking her in the back with both feet.
Selphie spat in pain when her gut slammed over the railing of the water blockade, with a grunt she rolled away from Zell's heel drop that smashed her brief resting place into crumpled chunks. Having tripped over her own feet, she sat on the floor in stunned shock over the outcome.
Her stomach lurched, and Selphie coughed in pain; her hand came up to her jaw where blood is now dripping from the wounds Quistis gave her. Looking at her hand; she yelped from a sudden sting to the back of her neck.
Quistis withdrew her whip, and Seifer and Zell moved in.
"Hurry and contain her!" Quistis commands. "Someone get the Odine bracelet to suppress her magic!" She called to the people around them who're climbing from the waters. "She's not a sorceress... but, hopefully, it'll work just the same."
They all knew they had to move quickly. A human isn't allowed to stay frozen for long; it kills the body, doing damage to its natural circulation and rhythm. Its very dangerous.
'What is going on?' Raising her fist, she coughs into it. "Someone, please find Rinoa!" She asked over their murmurs. "Where could she be?"
Quistis can't put it together. 'Has Selphie been possessed by a sorceress? Is Rinoa the one doing it? It was so many years ago, and no one knows exactly what comes along with such a thing aside from losing your will and gaining some incredible power. Rinoa could still have possession traces in her, but now they're trying to invade someone else?'
"Matron might know...?" Heading for the woman's office, she continues musing.
'But Trabia told us about this. Its got something to do with what happened in that desert village.' She can recall those words: The sand was poisonous, the villagers are carrying it, and the end result is...
'Monsterous mutations...' Placing her hand on the banister, she pauses before going up the stairs. 'We'd better keep an eye out for Rinoa, incase she changes as well. It must not be too bad if Selphie changed back. But, we won't know until she wakes up.'
Looking up at the top of the stairs to the elevator, Quistis couldn't believe her eyes. Rinoa! Hurrying up the stairs, she froze when Rinoa leaned forward; taking the last four stairs quickly she catches the girl before she falls.
Rinoa doesn't seem as far gone as Selphie, running about probably exhausted her. Once she wakes up get some tests done, right along with Selphie. Hopefully they can figure out what's going on, so the transformation won't happen again.
7 7 7
"Wanna tell me what I'm doing in here with Sleeping Beauty and Metal Gear Selphie?" Seifer asked from confinement in a magic cealing room.
Its where they place cadets who have a hard time with getting used junctioning magicks and G.F.s. It stops the painful effects from attacking their bodies. It should work well for whatever is going on with the three.
"Because, Seifer... You've been infected too... you're showing signs that something isn't right with you."
"Yeah, a little growth and over-bearing heat increase with my fire attacks." He scoffs. "Come on, this is bullshit... Selphie's changing into a monkey, Rinoa's zipping up and down the halls fast enough to start a fire and you're lumping me in with them?"
"We can't be too lax about this... I'm sorry."
Zell scratched the back of his head in thought. "How long do they have to stay locked up?"
"Inconclusive, I'm afraid." Quistis watches the Garden medical team mill around the room; they're covered in special suits that'll protect them from contaminents in the air. "Once your blood samples get tested, we might find out what's wrong, but then we'll need to concoct a cure. If Esuna can't cure this, we may not find out what will very soon."
"So... you mean this morphing thing could be... permanent?" Zell looks through the glass door at Seifer.
"Zell, don't worry about it... We'll beat this thing." Though her tone sounded very doubtful that its true.
Selphie taking in a loud breath caused all of them to jump. Her bruises have been healed completely with potions, since magic would be too risky in this situation. She looks like her usual bruise and cut-free self. On top of that, her spells have been dispelled from her, and on top of the magic cealing room, she's wearing the Odine bracelet. Rinoa as well.
Kneeling beside her, Seifer smiles at the girl. "Have fun coming after me, huh, monkey girl?" He teased while petting her on top of the head.
"What's happening to us?" She wondered quietly. "Are we..." Swallowing over her dry throat, she continues. "gonna die?"
"No way... I'm not dying, and neither are the two of you." Seifer replies. "We're just sick... okay? We're sick." He shrugs. "The meds are finding a cure even as we speak."
Nodding, she closed her eyes only to have the sticky lids pop back open.
"Trepe... Do you know what's going on?"
Quistis knew lying or being vague would be pointless right now, since the contamination Headmaster from Trabia spoke of is happening to them now. They could have dealt with it quietly until something could be done, but now students are whispering and panicking over the brief horror scene that just took place.
"There was a toxin in the air of that desert village the girls went to help out at. They were only supposed to remove the monsters, while to town's people were taken to safety. The sanitation's people were cleaning up the site when one of their men got sick. It wasn't poisoning... he turned into a monster. Another... he practically dissolved into nothing. Trabia got attacked by one of their students... from the way it sounded, she changed just as Selphie had."
They all look at the resting girl; Selphie seemed like she wanted to say something but couldn't.
"They stopped the cadet by knock out, she didn't fight it down as Selphie may have." It was hard to be sure of what happened, since Selphie's been asleep until now, and currently isn't saying anything. "It wasn't just Sel'... The villagers..." She paused. "They turned into monsters, some of them anyway, and they attacked the ones who didn't."
"Oh man." Zell shakes his head, a weird feeling made his hairs stand on end.
"They said they'd tell us how they're coming along with a cure. They have their student confined just as we do. He told Galbadia, incase anything came up with them." She let out a sigh of resignation. "We may have to get the Gardens together and migrate the students over there since they haven't been exposed."
Selphie shakes her head, and in a weak voice corrects Quistis. "Kai... He was with us. He's infected too..."
Commentary: Yeah, I realized author's notes makes no sense sometimes, so I'm trying commentary. I only wanted to say... eeee sometimes, I can't spell worth shit. Did you know its suppress not surpress? *mind blown* ahaha. I hope you enjoy this, thank you for reading and I'd like you to continue to.