Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ What Happened ❯ Untitled ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
What happened

Hope you like Lizz is mine!
Lizz sighed it was 2 a'clock in the morning and she was playin FFX.
Not to mention it was storming right when she was saving lightning struck near her house.
"What the!!"She yelped.
Lightning consumed the sony2 sucking her in.
Tidus and co. just got Auron in their group they were taking a break in the agency when Yuna who had been outside ran in gasping.
"Sir Auron!!"She called.
The elder man walked over to her quickley.
"What's wrong Yuna..."He said calmly.
"Theres a young girl out there about 14 she is unconcious and batterd!"She replied.
Auron's eyes narrowed as he stalked outside the others trying to calm Yuna.
He looked at the ground his eyes landed on a small battered body.
He slowly walked over to it as it started to stir he froze as it did his eye narrowed.
Lizz was real dizzy as she opened her eyes she knew she was not on a bed.
She looked around and saw a forest like area around her.
Auron took out his sword and carefully made his way towards the girl.
He then got a better look at her she was skinny almost malnurished looking not to mention pale she had black brown hair cut short to the nape of her neck.
Her clothes consisted of a long black shirt to her knee caps it was also tworn and bloodied as were the black baggy pants she wore.
"Oh wow what a trip I must got shocked and Im now in a coma.....Ya thats it.."She murmured to herself.
Auron looked at the girl as she mutterd to herself.
He stuck his sword to her back he watched as she froze.
"Who are you and why are you here."He asked coldley.
She utterd a small gasp no way that is Auron's voice.
She had to think fast so she spoke in Al-Bhed.
"Ec Lizz."She replied.
"So your Al-Bhed?"At her nod he continued.
"So why do you have dark hair."It was more of a demand.
She shudderd deeply it was so cold and not just the air his voice.