Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ what really happened in besaid temple! ❯ ~ ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer- I don't own FFX or any of it's don't sue me alright


Also this is my first fict, so please nothin' bad in your reviews!

This story is weird and totally random, so characters pop in all the time.

Oh yeah some of this stuff doesn't work the same way as in the yeah.....

Inside Besaid Temple

*Tidus and Wakka walk in*

Lulu: Didn't think I could handle it? mean yes....ya?

Lulu: Attack Magical Mog Doll!!

*Magical Mog Doll magically appears out of nowhere*

Magical Mog Doll: God damit Lulu! I'm just a frickin' doll!

Lulu: urrmm.......uummm...yeah.....your point is?

*Mog annoyed leaves*

*Auron walks in obviously drunk*

Aruon: Happy *hic* Juice!

*stumbles and falls on Lulu*

Aruon: Hey l-look *hic* it's the c-c-Cleavage lady

*Lulu starts to cast Thundega on him*

*Yuna bursts from the door*

Yuna: I did it!

Tidus: Wow! Your hot!

*Yuna cringes*

Yuna: My ears!! MY EARS!!!!

*At this point Yuna faints and falls*


Yuna: Kamarii you fuckin' dumbass! Why didn't you catch me?!?

Kamarii: Tidus say something and Kamarii ears hurt. Kamarii cover ears. Kamarii hope that Tidus shut the hell up for the rest of the pilgrimage. Kamarii thinks that Tidus sounds like the dumb mouse from movie but on crack. Kamarii.......

Lulu: Shut up! You know you don't have any lines in the game!

Kamarii: Kamarii do to have lines. KAMARII DON'T NEED ANY OF THIS CRAP! KAMARII LEAVING!!

Aruon: Aruon like *hic* beasties! Auron like Kamarii!

*Aruon starts to chase Kamarii around the temple and Kamarii finally runs out of the temple*

Yuna:.......okay that was strange

Lulu: why don't you try to summon?

Yuna: K, but we have ta go outside

*group leaves and goes to the village circle*

At the Village Circle

Lulu and Wakka: okay, try and summon now (ya)!

Yuna: Okay here I go!

*Yuna does a little funky dance*

Yuna: ....and you do the hokey-pokey and that's what it's all about!

*nothing happens*

*cricket, cricket*

Yuna: One moment, we are featuring technical difficulties

*turns around and bends down*

Yuna *whispers*: Valefor that's you frickin' clue! When I say and that's what it's all about your supposed to come out of the trap door!

Yuna *thinks*: Dumbass bird, I knew I shouldn't of stole it from Seymore!

Yuna: okay here we go again!

*does the whole thing over again, this time it works*

Tidus: *cough*lame*cough*

Rikku: My Ears! MY EARS!! I think I'm going to be deaf!!

Tidus: (voice so high you could break a window) Come on! My voice can't be that bad.

*Rikku throws a grenade at Tidus*

*Tidus turns to nothin' but a pile of ashes (sorry Chanel but Tidus died, hahahahaha)*

Rikku: I never liked him anyway

Wakka: You bitch, ya! He was my star player, what the hell am I supposed to do now, ya?

Lulu:(all bitchy) Your team lost all of its matches, even when you had Tidus on your team.

Wakka: What the hell do you know about Blitzball, ya?

*Lulu looks evilly at him and uses Firera on him*

Yuna and Rikku start laughing

*It's a Lulu mood swing! Run everyone*

Lulu *thinks*: How dare they laugh at me! Die, everyone! Die!!!!

*Lulu starts to cast spells on everything and everyone (including Yuna)*

Yuna and Rikku: aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Then everybody dies with the exception of Lulu,