Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ What's In a Hug ❯ What's In a Hug ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's note: I've always wanted to write a fanfic of Final Fantasy VIII it's just that I had no idea as what to write about. Making a continuation was not really that good of an idea. First, I found that there was nothing to say more, nothing to do more than what they already have done. And until now I have not thought of changing one thing but I finally came up with a good idea. A what if fic. You know those kinds of fanfics that tells what would have happen if the characters had done something else. Like if Ellone really could have change the past and make Laguna stay at Winhill or if Squall would have hugged Rinoa in the Ragnarok… This is the topic of this fic, what if Squall hugged Rinoa, what would've happened. Would it had just leave it as it is or lead to something more… heated… You see were I'm going to. ~_^

Warnings: This present fanfiction contains mature themes and so is dedicated to a mature audience. Which means that little kids can't read this or people offended by this kind of literature. You have been warned. But I'm sure you already knew because of the rating, just to make sure no one would flame me for that.

Disclaimers: I don't own the characters of FFVIII, never had, never will. It belongs to Squaresoft and I'm using them without any authorisation. But I don't make money out of this, although I wish I could. I'm a little out of cash… So if any one had the stupid idea of suing me, it would be a battle already lost because I'm not doing anything wrong to the eyes of the law. Na na na na na! You can't sue me! (Evil Karyta make a hideous face to all the peoples who was about to call there layers and sue her)

Now you can read, I'm done with my rambling, just sit back and enjoy and please review! ^_^

What's In a Hug…

By Evil Karyta

Silence was wrapped around them as they slowly drifted to a certain death in the nothingness of the outer space. Her petite body was trapped in his strong embrace determined to never let her go, not as long as air would fill his lungs, a small among of time yes but at least if was all there was left to them. Rinoa, the lively young woman for who he fell for, and now she would have to die just like him because of his helplessness to save her. His eyes drifted from her to the immensity that engulfed them and it seem to him that it was a rather tremendous coffin for him and his companion. So this is how it all ends. We'll die… lost in space. Never to see the light of the sun on earth again… He though most likely depressed by all this. A large ball of emotions formed itself in his throat leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. It made him sick to think that there was nothing else to do than wait. Wait for their air supply to void and then suffocate, wait to see the end of their lives coming to them way ahead of scheduled.

Squall felt her lightly shift in his arms and he loosen his grip to see her turn around to take a last look at him. She smiled sadly at him, she knew what was awaiting them in their mindless drift in space. Death, it felt dread, more like a sentence than deliverance like many thought of it. She was to young to die and she felt guilt to know that she had to bring him with her. She felt tears come to her eyes and she fought against them. She would not show him fear, she would stand strong and face her end with braver and courage even though inside she was shaking. She studied his face for what she thought was the last time. His hard feature, very handsome and masculine. The way he always frowned, his icy blue eyes clouded by whatever thoughts were in his mind at the moment. How she wish she could talk to him right now. Hear his soothing voice making her forget what was to eventually come.

He too was examining her features. Her beautiful face, her deep eyes of clear chocolate brown, a mirror to her pure soul. Her long and silky looking hairs heaved in the air her helmet locked around her head. Her rosy lips curved upward in a melancholic smile. She too was desperate in the face of their sealed fate just like him, she felt reluctant to it. Just like him, she loved life even if it was harsh. She had that passion inside of her just like him, maybe not the same kind but one that at least resembled to his own. He sighed and closed his eyes, not capable of looking at the beautiful woman that he held so dearly in his arms. He turned his head in another direction and opened them to close them just as fast. It can't be possible! It can't be! I must be dreaming! Still… He cracked an eye open to see if he, indeed, had seen right. And than the other joined the first and his mouth hanged open for a short amount of time then it closed. He felt an alien sensation tugging at his lips, a small smile seemed to have appeared on his face.

She had seen all of his changes. Curious as what his gorgeous eyes had caught she slowly turned her head in the direction of his amazed stare. She felt joy overwhelm her, spreading in every inches of her body as her gaze fell on the huge structure of what seem to be a space ship. It was shaped like a beast, a tiger to be exact. It was beautiful, it was their redemption, their saviour, the thing that would save their lives. She mentally thanked every divination she knew as she felt herself moving closer to the massive vehicle pulled by Squall's reactors that were still functioning with hopefully enough fuel to carry them toward the space craft. She followed him as they reach the ship her heart pumping hard. They dragged themselves toward what looked like an airlock, which he opened by pressing a button on the control panel beside it and they swiftly let themselves slowly drift inside like tow feathers in the wind. They reached the bottom and he left her arms to look around searching for the button to close the door of the airlock. When he found it she felt a light pressure gently dragging her feet to the floor and suddenly felt the weight of her spacesuit and she expeditiously got rid of it just like him and followed him out of the room to the corridor that was behind the mechanical door.

She slowly walked pass him and posed before walking through the other door and spun around to look at him, her eyes looking at him almost desperately. Then extended her arms toward him and stood like that for a while her eyes looked on him. He stared at her open arms questioningly trying to figure out what she was doing. What now… He thought as he looked at her not comprehending what she wanted him to do.

"Give me a hug," she more demanded than pleaded.

'What…' he asked himself still not understanding.

"Give me a really tight one. I want to know if I'm really alive, to feel that I'm not dreaming," she added looking at his clueless expression.

"Didn't I hugged you in space?" he asked still not quite getting it.

"We had the spacesuits in our way…" she argued.

"Believe me, we are…" but he stopped as he noticed her pleading eyes.

Better let her have her way. He walked toward her closing the space between them. He felt a little awkward not really used to that kind of emotion shows. He slowly wrapped his arm around her small waist felling her own rolling up around his neck pressing him close to her body. He tightened his grip resting his head on her shoulder as hers repose on his chest. He more felt than heard her sigh as she relayed on the closeness of there bodies completely happy with that simple fact. He took a deep breath catching the smell of her hair inadvertently. What a sweet aroma it was, reminding him of a flower field in a beautiful spring sunset. He dared to let his check rub gently her hairs felling the silky texture stroking it just as smooth as the caress of a flower petal. He found himself pondering if her skin was as soft as her hairs and if it smelled just as good too.

Rinoa was enjoying the marvellous felling of the closeness she shared with him, it was the closer she had ever been to him and she loved every seconds of it. She felt him move and wondered what he could possibly be doing. It was as if he was nuzzling her hairs but that could not be it. Squall, being tender, impossible. Well that is what she thought until she felt his nose slowly caress her neck and then pressing his lips oh so gently at the junction of her jaw and neck. She assured herself that she had imagined it but he did it again just a little lower this time. It was so sweet, so gentle, and so pleasurable. She repressed a moan and turned it into a soft sigh almost not audible and clogged to him a little more tightly, tilling her head to the right giving him more access to the sensitive skin.

Not really knowing what has got into him he kept kissing her gently, letting his bottom lip linger lightly on her as he descended slowly toward her shoulder stopping as he reach her clothes. He started to go up again reviling at the wonderful sensation this whole thing was giving him. He then attained her temple and kissed her there and than pulled away a little so he could look at her. Her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted and she was breathing deeply as if she was trying to calm herself. Her head was lightly bowed to the side. She then opened her eyes to lock her intense gaze with his own. And as if it was the more natural thing to do, he slowly bent down toward her bringing his lips to hers.

Their eyes closed tightly, delighting in the slow movement of their lips against one other. An exquisite sensation, something near nirvana overtook their bodies sanding shivers through them, awaking something they were never aware of. Something never experienced before, something that had been repressed a long time in the bottom of their beings. And now it seemed to be exploding inside them and they shared it throughout their lips. Rinoa felt his tongue run across her lips and then gently capturing her lower lip in between his own sucking lightly on it. She moaned in approval and then parted her mouth inviting him to kiss her even more deeply. He took it willingly but with a slight sign of hesitance, which disappeared just as fast as it came when his taste buds intertwined with hers.

They parted for air and got back at it with more need than before as if it was the only thing keeping them alive. For this short moments there mind were fill with blankness feeling completely numb with what the other was doing to them but thoughts came back to them. There need still high but the reason trying to cloud it. Both started to wonder what they were doing and opened their eyes stopping dead in their track. They stared into each other souls for seconds that seemed to be eternity and than, as one mind, resumed to what they were previously doing pushing away any rational thoughts. Let it be, if only for once, their feeling guiding them and it seemed to them the most rightful thing to do at that precise moment and if it went far, than so be it. Right now they were only two being logging for understanding, starving for life, craving for comfort and they had found a way to reach it. That path was one other, the only thing they could relay on was the other and they would not deny it to the other one.

She let her hands make their way down his shoulder and feel the tickling sensation of the feathers of his leather coat. They than snuggled under it, pass behind his shoulders and followed the curves of them down to his arms bringing the piece of clothing along with them. Squall let her hands do as they please moving his arms to let his coat fall to the metallic floor with a light thud. He replaced his arms around her waist almost crushing her to his body and lightly pushed her toward the wall behind her, pressing her gentle against it with his own frame. His lips left hers to travel back to her neck, he pressed them softly, letting his soft lips caress her. He than threw more need, more passion in his ministration allowing his tongue to taste her smooth cream colored skin. He heard her moan quietly encouraging him to do more. He descended casually to her chest dropping a kiss at every inches of flesh, nipping here and there and sometime daring to let his teeth tease her. He followed the pattern of her collarbone to the left side of her delicious neck.

Squall went up toward her ear leaving a hot trace of sweet kisses on his path. He could fell her delicate hands gripping his back and roam all over it sending shivers down his spine. He captured her lobe and sensuously sucked on it, biting on it ever so gently driving her completely insane with passion and desire. Faint moans and incoherent pleads escaped her parted mouth, her breathing seemed to have increased too. Everything about her appeared to turn him on, bring him deeper into his blind passion. He released her ear and worked his way back down.

His gloved hands came to a sudden state of life following her smooth curves through the material of her clothing. They passed by her shoulders caressing gently her bare arms up and down their length not stopping one second his pleasurable devouring of her neck. They than came across her flat stomach tickling her a little and followed down the luxurious curves of her waist to wander up toward her shoulders brushing lightly pass her breast making her shudder in delight. His palm went back down from her soft shoulders letting his fingers tickle her sensitive epidermis as they slowly reach her chest. His mouth still working with her the smooth flesh of her delicate neck and collar, he let his fingers skilfully undo the knot of her blue cloak like shirt and slowly slid it off of her.

Squall than let his burning kisses glide down toward her breast still hidden by her black tank top. He allowed his hands to slip under it cupping both of her tender mounds of flesh, his tombs playing with her nipple through the silky fabric of her bra. She moaned in shear bliss, filling his mouth and hands pleasure her, making her feel more alive than she ever felt. She lingered her long fingers to his unruled hairs delighting in the wonderful feeling of his silky hairs over her fingers. She heard him grunt his approval for her talented massaging of his skull. But she wanted to do more, give him as much pleasure as he gave her if not more. Rinoa bent her head toward his curved nape and kissed him ever so gently their letting her threadlike digits play with the sensitive hairs at its base. He gasped in surprise and pleasure filling his desire hit its top.

Blind with his overwhelming and ever growing fervour, he almost torn of her top, going back to her breast devouring them with a savage hunger. She moaned her delectation craving for more. She started to tug at his shirt, wanting to feel the skin that covered his perfectly build chest. He knew what she wanted, yet he had something else in his mind. His gloved fingers traced their way to her exposed back following the path of her garment. He found what he was looking for and eagerly speeder the clip of the item and let it fall carelessly to the cold floor exposing her chest to his hungry eyes. He smiled to himself, taking one of her breast into his mouth, kissing and linking as if there was no tomorrow. She cried in pure delight bending her head backward, pressing his head against her bosom lost in the wonderful sensations.

Squall kept on sucking and nipping at her soft breast, driving her beyond insanity with pleasure. He found his hand moving on there own, one pressed at her back crushing her delicious body to his face. The other was massaging the ignored breast, pinching her sensible erected nipples squeezing every rational thought far away in the distance of her numbed mind. He could feel her taking fistful of his hairs, pressing him closer than he already was, pulling at his shirt, roaming up and down his back. Her cries echoed through metallic walls the small corridor, driving him on the edge, making him wanting more. He tore his face away from her, riding himself of his shirt to finally give her what she so craved for and got back to his silken task on her chest. But she would not let him have it his way this time. Rinoa sized his head his her hands and brought it to her face kissing him hard with all the passion he had build inside of her. Her responded with as much fervour to her needing kiss his hand returning to the task his mouth was too busy to accomplish.

She let her hand feel every part of his torso. Ravishing his biceps and shoulders, gliding down to his perfectly trained chest muscles her fingers playing with his hardening nipple making him growl through their heated kiss. They than lived his chest following each rippling muscles down toward his waist where she found his double belt and started to fondle with it feverishly trying desperately to undo them. Squall's hand mimicked every little thing Rinoa's did just as desperate as hers was. As she tried to undo his belts, he went a little farther, pressing his palm to her thighs down remove those to pieces of metal attached to her black shirts retarding her short skirt to move. This finally done, he moved to the button of her skirt more successful to undo this than Rinoa and his doubled belts.

At last, she achieved her goal throwing the annoying piece of hard leather to the side, far away from them so it would not get in her way anymore. Than out of a sudden she gripped Squall's hand stooping him as he was about to pull her shorts and skirt down. He looked at her a questioning glitter in is icy blue stare wondering if he had done something wrong. She took hold of the tips of his fingers and tugged hard at it his glove slipping away from his hands. She sent them flying gods knew where and went back to kiss him. He smiled a little through there looked lips going back to what he was doing, feeling his own clothing leaving him toward the floor just like hers.

The two of them stood there, naked, a pile of clothes at their feet, their bodies tightly pressed together, lips devouring the other. Squall took hold of her waist and started to gently, but eagerly, pushing her toward the floor, kicking of his boots to free totally free himself from the held of his clothing. She let her body be leaded to the cool floor, getting rid of her boots as well allowing Squall to leave her hungry lips to ravish the rest of her burning body. His lips glided over her body, teasing her neck down to her breast where he resumed what he was doing there earlier. Her moans rose from her to the selling felling the room with her luxurious cries making him mad with need. His free hand, the other busy pleasuring her chest, slid down toward her womanhood feeling the soft curly hairs down there his heart beat quickening with growing anticipation. He let his fingers lazily explore the new territory that he just discovered and than, without any warnings, plug one in looking to her most pleasurable spot. He found it and started to stroke the swollen nub of flesh with his thumb having other ideas for his other fingers.

She was overwhelmed with pleasure as he enrapture and her chest and sex the sensation almost too much for her. She than felt his finger plunging deep into her core making her shiver in pure intoxicating pleasure. She screamed her greed for him to ear as she felt something building inside of her. Her need was almost uncontrollable, she was pressing him to her breast with one hand, digging her finger in his soft hairs in the same time simply loving that feeling, and she was gripping his shoulder with the other in a futile attempt to take the control of her quivering body. Her breathing came out raspy having trouble to breathe in the overpowering rapture he was suddenly giving her with his ministrations.

"Squ…. Squall!… please… I want… I want… argh!!!"

She could not talk anymore. She was overtaken with the powerful feeling of her first orgasm as it exploded inside of her making her tremble in pure delight. He retried his fingers from her, bringing his mouth over hers pleased with what he had done. He kissed her gently until she started to respond to him and than putting more fervour into it starting to rebuild her need. His hand once again all over her body, touching each sensitive place he had discovered and quickly bringing back the fire of her passion to life once again.

Her hand started to move as well, setting his skin on fire at every single touch, driving him wild with desire. His kisses more hot, his hand more demanding, and all she wanted was to give him what he needed. Make him feel just as good as he made he feel. It was not only to repay him, she needed to as well. Without a single word, she showed that she was now ready for him, completely willing and that she needed it just as much as he did. He looked at her, their eyes completely lost in the stunning shine of the other's soul. He smiled a heart-warming smile, the first she ever saw and kissed her deeply as he position himself above her, his throbbing manhood at her internee ready to push in at any minute now. She slowly warped her legs around his waist, showing him that she was ready now. He looked at her one last time, his hand reaching for hers, their fingers entwining in a comforting embrace and than he started to push himself inside of her with one fast and powerful trust. She had squeezed her eyes shut tightly, ready to feel the pain overtake her. But it never came. There was just a wonderful feeling in between her legs. The feeling of him inside of her and a amassing pleasure washing over her body in an hot wave.

Squall started to move his hips, trusting himself deeper inside of her with each movement making her scream in shear pleasure. He left her mouth, finding it difficult to breathe as the heat started to rise. He could feel her inner walls binding him tighter with each trusts. He grunted in pleasure nuzzling his face to her neck to muffle his noise of delight while hers kept him closer and closer toward the edge. He found it harder and harder to keep his control as she moved her hips in sync with his building a tempo with him bringing him toward the heavens. They could feel it, they were almost their, the could almost see it. It was there, near them so close yet so far in the same time. And than it hit them, both in the same time. The bliss of climax overtook their body, souls and heart. They screamed in pure ecstasy as they felt their releases crash over them. Giving her a final powerful trust, he emancipated his soul into her and than collapsed over her in exhaustion.

He rolled off of her trying desperately to catch his breath just like her. She turned lazily toward him, enfolding her arms around him kissing his cheek lovingly. He looked at her, a daze expression on his worn out face his panting coming to a stop and he smiled once again to her.

"Thank you," she wispered her voice rag from all of her screaming.

"For what?"

"For making me feel alive," she replied a warm smile on her beautiful face.

"You're welcome."

The end

A/N: Ok, I know u guys must have a thousand questions in your little horny head. First of all I want to say that the first time doesn't hurt every one. Now if there is other questions, e-mail me at ore simply ask me in your reviews. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. And I believe this is the best lemon I ever wrote. Well it's my third lemon… and please, don't flame me. I put a lot of work into this. Actually to night of practically no sleep to squeeze this out of my hentai little head so be gentle, k? And please review, I really want to know what you think about it.