Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Chocobos retaliate ❯ When Chocobos retaliate ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“When chocobos retaliate”
~* Part of the “Pass the Cloud” project *~
*Disclaimer: The world that this story is set in and all characters therein belong to Square-Enix. This fiction piece is strictly a non-profit exercise of creativity and entertainment for people (like me) who can't get enough of this world and the characters.*
He kept thinking of those amazing, tropical blue eyes. Following thoughts of the eyes were always thoughts of the face they were set in and the golden hair framing that face. The hair was always fashioned into a spiked style—similar to his own, but the first time he'd ruffled that hair with affection, he'd learned for himself that it was as soft as feather down to touch.
~Like a baby chocobo or something It makes me wanna cuddle him and…do other stuff that I wouldn't dream of doing to a chocobo. Jeez, I need to cut it out!~
It wasn't always this way. Up until Zack found out that his fair-skinned, blue-eyed friend was nearing his eighteenth birthday and therefore graduating from the status of a minor, he'd kept his interest in him under control. Cloud was a great looking guy but he was off limits. Now he couldn't stop thinking about him and fantasizing over special ways to celebrate the blonde's coming of age.
~I could take him out to a movie…oh wait…he's not a girl. Well, we could still do that. We could take a late show where there won't be many people and maybe I could get a little nookie from him in the back row…~
The thought of kissing Cloud inspired the black-haired First to arousal. He grinned at the ceiling even as his pants started to feel uncomfortably tight around the crotch.
~A huge birthday cake and a surprise party. Cloud would be surprised and a little embarrassed and later on, we could play “spin the bottle” or “ten minutes of heaven.”~
His cellphone began to ring and Zack turned his head to look at it with annoyance. “Shut up, I'm daydreaming, here.” He left it where it sat on his nightstand and threaded his fingers behind his head, letting his thoughts go from fairly innocent fantasies to more explicit ones. He swallowed and told his brain to quit going down that path, but it wasn't listening. Finally he sat up and snatched the cellphone. Looking at the number, he grinned at the irony and put it to his ear.
“Hey Chocobo, I was just thinking about what to do for your birthday!”
The soft, masculine voice on the other end of the line sighed. “Zack, I thought I told you to knock it off with the weird nicknames.”
“You don't exactly have a normal REAL name,” Zackary replied with a chuckle.
“Hey, I told you it's a culture thing from Nibelheim! There've been other people named `Cloud' before from there!”
Zack loved how worked up his friend got over some things. Cloud probably didn't have a clue about how cute he was when he was angry. “Okay, okay. So you've got a fancy traditional name passed down in a town most people haven't heard of. I'll stop with the birdcalls for now, man.”
“Wow, thanks,” Cloud responded dryly. “So what was this about my birthday? You know I'm not interested in anything special.”
“Nothing too special,” Zack assured him.
~A giant cake with Cloud popping out of it, naked.~
Zack whistled softly. “Ooh, that's a good one!”
Cloud's voice was confused. “What's a good what?”
Zack felt his face heat up. “Er…nothing…I'm just…uh…tasting some different jams a friend made so I can tell her which one I think is best.”
“Riiiight,” the blonde sighed dubiously. “You're tasting jam.” His voice suddenly changed and became a little stiff. “Um, I called because I'm supposed to report to you on today's field drill, Sir.”
Zack winced. He always forgot that he was Cloud's superior and he was supposed to act like it when he and/or the blonde were on duty. It was hard to keep the lines drawn between friendship and duty sometimes. “Oh, that,” he said, clearing his throat. “Bring it up now, Private.”
“Yes, Sir. On my way, Sir.”
Cloud didn't say goodbye, which was appropriate for his rank addressing someone of Zack's rank. Still, it ate at Zack and he wondered if someone walked in during the last part of the conversation because up until the last couple of sentences he'd been pretty informal and casual. That was how their relationship was—out of uniform they could express their friendship but when on duty, they had to maintain a more formal attitude…at least publicly.
Zack sighed and got out of the bed to do a quick clean-up of his personal quarters. Cloud wasn't any better than him at keeping his personal space free of clutter but the dirty socks lying on the bedroom floor and the empty cans of drink littering the kitchen and lounge area weren't befitting a First class officer.
He cheered up a little when Cloud arrived and knocked on his door. Hanging out with the blonde always cheered Zack up, even when they couldn't do it for very long. He opened the door and found his friend standing at attention, holding a document in his left hand while saluting with his right.
~Damn he looks good with that hat on.~ Zack was a little startled because he'd never seen Cloud with one of the formal cadet hats on his head. The hard-brimmed, deep blue accessory sat on his head and pushed his long bangs down, making them frame his fine-sculpted face a little more tightly than usual.
“At ease,” Zack said, “and get in here so I can talk to you like my friend.” He grabbed the front of Cloud's field jacket and pulled the blonde toward him, invoking a soft yelp of surprise from him. He closed the door and flipped the lock once he had his friend inside.
“It really bothers you that much?” Cloud asked, giving him one of those quiet little smiles that warmed Zack to his toes.
“Yeah, it really does,” Zack answered with a frown as he looked over the documents Cloud handed to him. “Hmmm…looks like everything went fine except for the guy that sprained his ankle. The Sergeant didn't give you a hard time today, did he?”
Cloud shrugged and lowered his sapphire eyes. “It's okay.”
“No, it's not,” Zack countered. His amethyst eyes were hard and his lips were drawn. “That guy rides you just because he knows you're friends with me. As soon as Sephiroth comes back from his mission I'm having a talk with him about it. He'll set him straight.”
Cloud's eyes went a little round. “You don't have to get the General involved—“ he said hastily.
“I do if I want to put an end to this bullshit once and for all,” Zack insisted as he crossed his arms over his chest. His biceps bulged with the motion, signaling the tension in his body. “Don't worry about it; you're not being the tattletale, I am. Nobody's going to think you went running off to Daddy.”
Cloud's eyes widened further and his mouth twisted delicately.
“Zack, PLEASE tell me you don't actually call him that.”
The dark-haired Soldier's tension eased at the expression on Cloud's face. The blonde was blushing profusely at the thought of someone addressing his hero that way. An incontrollable snicker liberated itself from behind Zack's lips and he reached out to pat his friend on the arm. “It was a metaphor, kiddo. Not even I'm crazy enough to call Sephiroth `Daddy' to his face.”
“But you say it to other people?” Cloud persisted, not losing the horrified expression.
Zack shook his head and laughed. “Nah, this is the first time I've ever said that. What's wrong, is it turning you on or something?”
“Of COURSE not!” Cloud hissed. “I'm not a pervert! He…he's the General and you shouldn't talk about him like that!”
“He's a man too,” Zack said lightly. “Believe it or not, Sephiroth's got some human traits just like us. He's even got a sense of humor once in a while.” He smirked at the blonde fondly. “I think he'd get a kick out of seeing you get so huffy and trying to defend his honor.”
Cloud muttered something unintelligible and lowered his eyes. “So where's this jam you were tasting?”
Zack flinched and when the blonde raised his eyes to him again and smirked knowingly, he shrugged. “Okay you caught me. There wasn't any jam. I was looking at a dirty magazine. Here, I'll go get it and show it to you if you want—“
Cloud held both of his gloved hands out and spread his fingers in a warding gesture. “Uh, no…that's okay. I don't need to see it.”
“You sure? It's some good reading…or good viewing, to tell you the truth.”
“Not interested,” Cloud insisted in a half-panic. He could hardly deal with his attraction to the handsome, black-haired man without Zack shoving pictures of naked people under his nose on top of it.
“Gosh, you're tense,” Zack observed, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “How about this, Cloud: Don't worry about reporting back today. I'll make a call and let them know I got the report and you can just hang out here for the rest of the afternoon. We can have a few beers and watch some TV. Does that sound good?”
Cloud hesitated.
~Yeah, it sounds great…but I don't want him catching on that I've got a crush on him. He likes women—or at least he acts like it as much as he talks to them on the phone. Plus, I'm still a minor in the eyes of this part of the world. He could get in trouble if anyone finds out he gave me beer.~
“That's some awful heavy thinking your doing over a couple of beers and a little buddy time, Chocobo.”
Cloud snapped out of his reverie and frowned severely at his friend. “Stop calling me a damned chocobo!”
Zack laughed and resisted the urge to hug the blonde tight. “I was just trying to get your head out of the clouds, Cloud. Come on, what's the harm in hanging out with a friend?”
“For starters I won't be legally allowed to drink here for another week,” Cloud pointed out. “I just don't want to get you in trouble.”
“Bah, you're in the military.” Zack shrugged. “If you're old enough to take a bullet for the government, you're old enough to have a beer. Besides, who's gonna know anyhow? If you get tipsy you can just sleep it off here. I'll relieve you of duty and you don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow, right?”
Cloud wavered. “Yeah, I guess so. Are you sure you wouldn't get in trouble if someone found out?”
“Nothing serious,” Zack said with confidence. “A few days under the drinking age doesn't matter as much when you're in the service. Why don't you go take a load off in the lounge room and find something you want to watch on TV? I'll give your regiment a ring and have you relieved and then we can kick back.”
Cloud finally gave in, smiling a little as he turned to take Zack's advice. The black-haired man watched him move out of the foyer/kitchen area and admired his tight little butt—which was hugged just right by the uniform pants he wore.
~Naked Cloud. On a motorcycle. Oh god, someone stop me!~
Zack groaned softly and rested his forehead on the wall. It was a good thing his pants were loose or Cloud would have noticed by now that he was in a horndog state. Changing his story from jam to the dirty magazine had been a brilliant move on Zack's part if he did say so himself. Cloud's bashfulness ensured that the blonde wouldn't ask questions and if he HAD noticed the bulge in Zack's trousers, it could be explained by the perusing of the dirty magazine that didn't even exist.
“So why are they doing this again?” Cloud asked as he gestured at the television with the pretzel he was holding. He and Zack were sitting on the couch, watching a show featuring amateur videos.
Zack swallowed the pretzel he was munching on and washed it down with a swig of beer before answering. “They're just into thrills. I guess they want to set a record or something.”
“I don't get it,” Cloud said as he popped his snack into his mouth and chewed. He swallowed and finished, “What's so thrilling about peeing off the back of a moving truck and what sort of record is that? It's kind of stupid.”
The guy on the TV lost his balance and fell backwards into the vehicle when his companions purposely hit a pothole and Cloud burst into laughter. He put a hand over his mouth and looked sidelong at his friend as Zack grinned at him. “It's still stupid,” he sniggered behind his hand.
~…He says as he laughs,~ Zack thought, finding Cloud's uninhibited laughter endearing. ~Maybe just one kiss wouldn't hurt?~
He wondered if the blonde was getting a buzz but other than the spontaneous outburst of laughter, he hadn't shown any symptoms. Zack kept forgetting that the drinking age in Nibelheim was much lower than in other parts of the world. Before coming here, Cloud had probably drank beer several times before. They were both on their second can and he didn't seem tipsy at all.
“Hey Cloud, are you buzzing yet?” Zack inquired casually.
“No, it just struck me as funny,” answered the recruit, “why?”
Zack stretched his arms over his head. “I just wanted to be sure before I do this.” He smoothly dropped one arm around Cloud's shoulders and pulled him closer.
“Huh?” Cloud mumbled just before the dark-haired Soldier's mouth descended to his.
At first Zack thought he'd made a huge mistake. Cloud's lips were utterly still against his and just when he was about to pull back and apologize, they animated and the blonde was kissing him back with intensity that knocked Zack for a loop. Cloud's fingers slid into the back of the First's hair and his lips parted. Zack thrust into the blonde's mouth and groaned softly when Cloud's tongue caressed his. He was even more surprised when the blonde sucked his tongue gently.
~There goes my theory that Cloud's an innocent little boyscout. Damn, can he ever kiss! Okay…down, boy. Just enjoy the moment, don't push it. Beer is one thing but sex with a minor could get you court marshaled.~
It was easier said than done, especially when Cloud's hands slid out of his hair and slipped down to his neck and shoulders. Zack turned the blonde in his arms and leaned forward, guiding him to lie back on the couch. He released Cloud's mouth and started on his neck, licking and sucking the soft skin as he started unbuttoning his uniform shirt. The hat tumbled off of the private's head and fell to the floor. Zack almost picked it up and jammed it back on simply because he thought Cloud looked so sexy with it, but he was too distracted and horny to bother.
“Whoa,” Zack gasped when Cloud's hand suddenly slipped between their bodies and cupped his hardened groin. “Wait…hold it a second…” he groaned when the blonde ignored him and began to rub and squeeze with skill that was anything but innocent.
~Holy fuck…this is like an erotic dream or something…he can't be this good, can he?~
Zack's vision blurred and he groaned with pleasure even as he panted a warning to his friend. “Cloud…we can't let this go too far.”
Cloud's tongue flicked over his lips teasingly and he murmured, “What's `too far'? You started it. I'm just taking it to second base.”
Zack's blue-violet eyes opened wide with astonishment as his fly was drawn down and the blonde's hand deftly burrowed into the opening. “Oh hell…Cloud…I don't know if I can…”
Cloud grinned as he gripped the other man's stiffened cock through the underwear and stroked it. “Where's all that self control you Firsts' are supposed to have, Zack? I'm not going to give it up until after my birthday, if that's what you're worried about.”
Zack levered his body up and stared into his friend's eyes, unable to hide his amazed fascination. “S-so you've obviously…done things before but…you're still—oh god that feels good—a virgin?”
Cloud raised his head to give him a soft, teasing kiss. “That's right, I'm a virgin. I've never done anything except kiss another guy before, though.”
“H-how the hell can that be possible?” Zack moaned, struggling to retain coherent thought through the pleasure of the blonde's touch.
Cloud rolled his sapphire eyes. “Oh, come on…did you think I never jack off or something? I'm just going by what I know feels good to me, that's all. So, you like it?” His tone changed when he asked the question, a hint of uncertainty and shyness creeping into his voice.
“Fuck yeah,” the dark-haired man groaned, kissing his companion's throat and jaw hungrily.
“I've been fantasizing about this,” Cloud sighed huskily.
Zack shifted his weight so that it was supported by one arm and he reached up with the other and pinched himself hard on the bicep. It hurt and Cloud was still lying there beneath him with his hand in his pants. “But, you're so shy all the time!” the black-haired Soldier insisted breathlessly when he was convinced he wasn't in a wet dream. “Earlier you even acted like a smut magazine would melt the skin off your bones if it got anywhere near you!”
“Man, you talk a lot,” Cloud muttered. “I'm not into dirty magazines and I didn't know if you liked me that way. You turned me on with that kiss, alright? Now quit the interrogation before you make me embarrassed!”
Indeed, the blonde's cheeks were steadily growing pink and he was biting his lip. Zack chuckled and stretched out on top of him, lowering his head to lick and kiss those lips. They relaxed against his and he pushed his tongue past them and explored Cloud's mouth again, deciding he'd better stop yapping before he made the blonde lose his nerve. His breath quickened as Cloud's tongue reciprocated the caress and his stroking hand moved faster and squeezed harder.
Zack groaned again, the sound distorted against his friend's lips. He pulled open the shirt he'd unbuttoned earlier, baring Cloud's chest. He caressed it with one hand and admired the hard, lean muscles flexing beneath the surface of the blonde's silken skin. He wasn't surprised to find that Cloud's body was so toned; after all, he'd seen his arms and guessed by the shape of his body under the uniforms that he was athletically built, though not ripped. As his explorations went from Cloud's chest to his stomach, Zack noted with appreciation that it was just as tightly muscled as his chest.
Zack rolled to the side a little and kept one thigh wedged between the blonde's legs, allowing room to take his muscle shirt off as well as to give the young man the same treatment he was currently getting. He pulled the garment over his head quickly and then went for his other goal.
Cloud tensed a little when Zack's hand reached the zipper of his pants and began to pull it down. The reaction reminded the black-haired soldier that while passionate, his friend really was innocent. He took it a little slower, waiting for the blonde's tension to ease before finishing the action and undoing the button at the waist of the pants.
“You okay with this, Choco…er…Cloud?” Zack purred, catching himself before making the fatal mistake of using his favorite new pet name for his friend. His hand hovered over the unzipped crotch of the young man's pants, waiting to explore. His jaw clenched as the sensations caused by Cloud's steadily stroking hand threatened to make him lose his cool.
“Yeah,” Cloud said breathlessly, gazing up at him with lustful blue eyes. “I'm okay.”
Needing no further encouragement, Zack worked the buttons on the front of the blonde's boxers and gently eased the warm, throbbing length of his cock out of its confines. “Hold up a sec,” the First murmured as he released his companion's erection and reached down to stop his fondling. “I've got an awesome idea.”
Cloud let the older fighter guide his hand away from his crotch and waited curiously to see what he would do. Zackary shifted above him, lining their pelvises up against one another until their flushed dicks were touching. With a smile, Zack looked into Cloud's eyes and wrapped his hand around both their members, whispering for Cloud to do the same. The blonde flushed with both embarrassment and hot arousal as he obeyed, his hand closing partway over Zack's as he joined him.
Zack began to stroke slowly, guiding Cloud to do the same. The blonde's eyes drifted shut with pleasure and he licked his lips and moaned, fascinated with the feel of the other man's hardened sex pressing firmly against his and both their hands stroking the length.
“You like that?” Zack purred as he guided their stroking hands to move a little faster. He knew he did. He'd never done this before himself but right now it was the most intimate action short of intercourse he could think of, short of oral. This way they could both get off simultaneously without taking things too fast.
“Oh god,” Cloud moaned softly in response, answering the question much better than he could have with a simple “yes” or “no”.
Zack stared down at him and enjoyed the expressions flashing across his fine-sculpted face. The flush creeping over Cloud's fair cheeks now was obviously from passion rather than embarrassment. His kiss-swollen lips gasped Zack's name and the dark-haired Solder couldn't resist ravaging them again. The two fighters' breath intermingled as they kissed and stroked in conjunction, their muffled groans and sighs overpowering the sound of the television as their pleasure and arousal built.
“Zack, I think…I'm coming,” Cloud whimpered against the larger man's lips. His young body began to tense as the pressure came to a peak.
“Come on, sexy,” Zack growled in response between kisses. “Show me what you've got. I'm not far…behind.” He slicked his thumb over the spongy tip of Cloud's dribbling erection and groaned with hot gratification as the blonde bucked his hips beneath him and cried out.
Cloud squeezed their cocks convulsively as he came, his other hand grasping desperately at Zack's shoulder. His body shook while his sex pulsed and strained against Zack's as it released his warm, thick seed. He panted and kissed the other man's neck as the orgasmic spasms played out, moaning vocally against his skin.
The feel of his companion straining beneath him and the warm spurt of his release against his skin sent Zack over the edge. He followed Cloud into the final stage and groaned roughly. Their cocks pulsed against each other and both men panted and strained in their release, ignoring the sticky mess they were coating each other with.
Cloud's peak slowed and stopped before Zack's, since his began earlier. His breath was heavy with the afterglow of his pleasure as the blonde rubbed Zack's arched back with his free hand and continued to stroke with his other hand. The dark-haired Soldier's mouth crushed against his as his cock jerked one last time and expelled the last of his cum. Cloud parted his lips and met his companion's seeking tongue with his own, relaxing his gripping hand to stroke the top of Zack's fingers. The other man likewise relaxed his grip and entwined his fingers with Cloud's.
“I feel like it's MY birthday,” Zack murmured haltingly against Cloud's lips.
Cloud chuckled between pants, pressing light kisses against his mouth. “Why?” he breathed.
Zack grinned and returned his soft kisses. “I just got something I've been wanting for a loooong time. You had me worried at first…wasn't sure you wanted it.”
“Took me by surprise,” Cloud mumbled in response, nuzzling his cheek. The hand that was rubbing Zack's shoulders and spine moved up to comb the fingers through his dark hair. The blonde looked up at his friend frankly and smiled a bit shyly. “I didn't mean to go crazy on you like that.”
It was Zack's turn to roll his eyes. “Oh, the horror! The Chocobo retaliated and made me cum all over the place!”
“I mean, I've never felt so freakin' violated or used in my life,” Zack continued in a playfully sarcastic tone, “The humanity! How will I ever live with having hot sex action with a writhing, sexy blonde? Someone—“
“—Please, save me from the agony!” Zack finished in a breathless howl.
Cloud went silent and glared up at him, but his sensitive lips were twitching with barely concealed laughter. He dropped the hand that was combing through Zack's hair down and the next thing the dark-haired soldier felt was a firm swat on his ass.
“I'm not a chocobo,” Cloud stated firmly as his friend raised his eyebrows at him.
“Oooh, Daddy like,” Zack purred.
“Asshole,” Cloud chuckled.
Zack kissed him, adoring the blush of embarrassment now heating Cloud's cheekbones. “So, what do you want to do for your birthday, hmm?” He lowered his head and nibbled the blonde's stud-bedecked earlobe, tugging on it.
“We'll see,” Cloud whispered huskily, squeezing his butt.
The End (?)