Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Chocobos retaliate ❯ Loyalty ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~* Part of the “Pass the Cloud” project *~
*Disclaimer: The world that this story is set in and all characters therein belong to Square-Enix. This fiction piece is strictly a non-profit exercise of creativity and entertainment for people (like me) who can't get enough of this world and the characters.*
~We've only got two more days to go.~
Zack only gave the minimal required attention to his inspection of the newest Soldier cadets. His mind was on his blond-haired friend and the looming rite of passage that would brand him as a legal adult. Ever since their encounter earlier in the week, the black-haired First had Cloud Strife on his mind even more than before.
He supposed it was a good thing that they hadn't had full-blown sex the first time they'd initiated romantic interactions. Cloud had been his best friend before that kiss and he meant a hell of a lot more to Zack than a screw. Maybe that age barrier had been a good thing, to give them both a chance to experience a little nookie with each other without going all the way.
Well, Zack had definitely liked it and though Cloud had been a little too shy to be blunt about his feelings on the matter, his reactions to the encounter said he'd liked it too. Now Zackary Fair had only to plan something special for his friend's birthday to set up a relaxing, romantic atmosphere so he could make the moves on him again. The problem was, he didn't have a lot of experience with romancing other guys. Most of his male encounters had been a result of casual, mutual desire. Cloud could never just be a casual fling, so Zack had to find a way to simultaneously show the blonde how much he meant to him and initiate another encounter.
His mind was in two places at once as he finished his inspection and dismissed the batch of cadets. He wrote up his report and paused when he wrote the date. His eyes narrowed and a grin crept over his lips as he realized that Cloud's birthday fell on the week of the lunar celebration in Kalm.
“Of course!” He whispered excitedly, “I could organize a three-day weekend for us and take him to Kalm for the festival!”
He wanted to hoot with exultation, he was so proud of himself. It was the perfect gift for Cloud—it wouldn't put him in a situation where he'd be the center of attention, he'd have some time off to relax and he'd get to enjoy some fireworks and local entertainment. Zack couldn't think of a more exciting and romantic atmosphere to celebrate and explore their relationship further, without overdoing it and treating Strife like a girl.
~I'm gonna go talk to Director Lazard right now! Then I can find Spike and tell him to start thinking about what he wants to pack for the trip!~
He calmed himself with effort as he realized that he was on the verge of dancing in place with exuberance. No wonder Angeal had always called him a “puppy”. Zack swallowed a sudden lump in his throat. He hadn't meant to think of his deceased friend and mentor but every time he got this excited about something, the sturdy warrior's voice seemed to murmur “Puppy” in his ear with a tone of fond amusement. He cheered himself up, knowing that Angeal would want him to make the most of living.
On his way to the director's office, Zack spotted Kunsel in the hallway. The other Soldier saw him coming and waved him over. He was examining a document that he held in his hand and he had a frown on his face.
“What's up, man?” Zack inquired as he closed the distance.
“Have you seen this yet?” Asked Kunsel as he handed the document over to him. “You were supposed to get a copy but I know you were busy with the new cadets this morning. They've shipped some grunts out to Wutai to help take care of some left over rebel factions.”
Zack shook his head and sighed as he took the document from his friend and scanned over it. “Geez, the war is over. Why do they have to keep kicking a dog when it's down?”
Kunsel shrugged. “That's the price of occupying a conquered nation, Zack. It takes a while for them to accept it and if ShinRa doesn't keep it tightly under wraps, the whole thing could just start all over again.”
“I know,” Zack frowned, “But still…it doesn't sit right with me. Plus, they're sending the new guys in to clean up the mess. Why don't they just call them cannon fodder…” He trailed off as he reached the bottom of the list and his eyes narrowed. The name “Strife” leaped out at him and he stared at it, sure that there had to be some sort of mistake.
“What the FUCK?!” Zack thundered, his violet eyes flaring.
Kunsel jumped, startled by the outburst. “What's the matter?”
“Cloud is on this list,” explained the First, waving the paper in his hand wildly with his gestures, “He's not even legally old enough to be deployed! Who the hell put him on here?”
“Uh, I think Sergeant Vickers was in charge of selecting the—“
“Vickers,” Zack growled, clenching his hands into fists and crumpling the report. “I should have known. When is the ship scheduled to leave?”
“It…it left this morning, Zack,” Kunsel said with distress as he backed away from the powerful warrior, “They deployed at eight-hundred hours, like it says on the—“
“FUCK!” Zack yowled. “Where is the General? Have you seen him today?” He'd refrained from going to Sephiroth about the bullying that Vickers had been putting Cloud through, only because the blonde didn't want to bother the General over something he thought he could handle himself. This was an entirely different matter, though. Zack would need Sephiroth's help if he wanted to make sure Cloud lived to see his eighteenth birthday.
“He was debriefing the shipment of Soldiers that returned from Wutai today the last time I saw him,” answered the other man, “that was a couple of hours ago. You might still catch him in the debriefing room if you—“
“Thanks, man!” Zack gave Kunsel a quick pat on the back that nearly knocked him over, then raced away with the abused document still clutched in one hand.
The General looked up from the paperwork he was finishing and frowned, lifting a silver brow with annoyance. While he respected Lieutenant Fair and had a certain fondness for him, he had little patience for people barging in unannounced and rudely yelling his given name.
“Practice some restraint and propriety, Lieutenant,” Sephiroth said in a firm, warning tone. His slit-pupiled, emerald eyes studied Zack narrowly, taking in the pallor of his complexion and the desperate look in his wide amethyst eyes.
Zack brought himself under control with difficulty and stood at attention, saluting his superior sharply. “Sir!”
“That's better,” replied Sephiroth as he stood up and returned the salute. “At ease.”
Zack relaxed and bit his lip, looking the General in the eye and pleading silently with him.
“What seems to be the trouble, Fair?” Sephiroth finally asked, his tone softening in a way that it rarely would for anyone else.
Hearing the subtle undertone of compassion in the silver-haired man's voice, Zack felt comfortable speaking plainly. “They've deployed a bunch of cadets to fight the rebel factions in Wutai—and we're talking guys that haven't even had war simulation training, yet!”
“I'm aware of that,” Sephiroth responded, his lips drawn into a hard line of disapproval. “The President and the Director approved the deployment, so as distasteful as it might be, there's little I can do about it.”
“But Cloud Strife was one of them,” Argued Zack.
Sephiroth frowned and mentally reviewed Soldier records until he pictured Cloud's personal file and recognized him. “By your accounts, he's a capable fighter. I know that he's your friend, Zackary, but—“
“He's still a minor,” Zack interrupted daringly, fidgeting with anxiety.
Sephiroth's eyes went hard and flat, making the black-haired Soldier wonder if he'd overstepped himself by interrupting him. “A minor? There must be some mistake. No Soldiers under the age of eighteen are permitted in actual combat situations except for extreme emergencies, which this is not.” The General's body was tensing subtly, hinting that the very thought of breaching protocol in such a way was unacceptable to him.
“Oh, there's been a mistake,” Zack snarled with passion, “and I'll bet it was one purpose. Sergeant Vickers has had it in for Cloud ever since he found out we're friends. He's always had a problem with me. Cloud's eighteenth birthday is still three days away, so he was illegally sent on this mission!”
Sephiroth's jaw tensed. “I see. Vickers' jealousy of your success has made him far too bold. I'll contact Lazard with a request for a warrant to arrest him and put him on trial, as well as a retrieval order to withdraw Strife from combat and bring him home.”
“I want to go and get him myself,” insisted Zack stubbornly, “I've gotta be there to make sure he gets out. Can you arrange that for me, Seph?”
Sephiroth's lips curved into a barely perceptible smirk. Zackary only shortened his name like that when he was feeling very comfortable around him or very desperate. If nothing else, the General could understand and appreciate his subordinate's loyalty to his friend. “Very well, Zackary. However, if you insist on this course of action, I'll have to insist on coming with you to keep you in check. Your one great fault is your tendency to let your emotions cloud your judgment and someone has to keep you from throttling your peers in your haste to collect your little friend.”
Zack's face lit up and he very nearly hugged the other man in his elation. “You're the MAN! I don't know how to thank you for this!”
Sephiroth took a prudent step back, uncomfortable with the young man's display of emotion and rightly fearing he'd hug him. “That will do, Lieutenant. I advise you to pack now and prepare for deployment. I'll contact you when the arrangements are made and give you the departure information.”
Zack got the phone call from Sephiroth a few hours later. He had to hand it to him—when the General set out to do something he did it faster and more efficiently than anyone else. Vickers had already been arrested and imprisoned, where he would remain until his court date. Provided he was safely brought home from Wutai, Cloud would have to testify against Vickers in court and so would Zack and Sephiroth. Lazard arranged for the two First Class soldiers to depart in the early evening and he was sending a chopper and a pilot with them to expedite Cloud's retrieval once they arrived at the harbor base.
Zack was waiting at the harbor an hour before it was even time to board. Sephiroth arrived fifteen minutes before the allotted time and he shook his head at the sight of the Lieutenant sitting on his duffle bag with his leg bouncing impatiently. “Settle down, Fair. I'm sure that Strife can manage to survive long enough for us to reach him. He may not even see combat before we get there.”
“It's going take us two days to get there,” Zack responded in a worried voice. “Shit…Cloud's gonna spend his birthday on a military barge if he's lucky, thanks to that asshole. I had plans to take him to Kalm for the festival but this has blown it.”
Sephiroth dropped his own duffle bag beside Zack's and sank down beside him. He studied the young man shrewdly, having seen the affects of infatuation plenty of times before in other men. He was again thankful that he had never fallen prey to the condition himself. “You could be giving him something greater than fireworks for his birthday,” Sephiroth said calmly. “I imagine most men would prefer to continue living over going to a festival.”
Zack looked at the General sidelong, a little surprised but grateful that he was trying to make him feel better. Sephiroth wasn't exactly the kind of man that was adept at friendly conversation. He didn't make friends easily and he tended to express his loyalty through actions rather than words—as he demonstrated today with his quick actions to help Zack get to Cloud.
“Hey, thanks for all of this,” Zack said softly, smiling crookedly at the tall swordsman.
Sephiroth nodded silently, watching the sunset with narrowed eyes.
Cloud and his regiment were barely given time to adjust to the new environment before they were loaded into armored vehicles and deployed miles away from the harbor base to another base camp at the foot of the mountains. The camp they were assigned to as reinforcements had already been attacked several times by rebel forces. The entire fiasco felt surreal to Cloud. He and his fellow cadets hardly spoke as their transport carried them to their mission point. The journey took several hours and they napped as much as they could through the bumps and swerves on the way.
They were ordered out on the field as soon as they were assigned sleeping cots and trunks to hold their belongings. It was hot and humid, and it didn't take long for Cloud and his fellow cadets to build up a hearty sweat. Cloud wiped his forehead for perhaps the twentieth time and pulled his helmet off to comb his bangs back. He was crouched with the second line of defense, waiting for orders to either move forward or pull back. Gunfire could be heard in the distance and the smoke and debris from tossed grenades fogged the air at the base of the mountains. The combat was growing closer and Cloud shifted nervously and unfastened his canteen from his belt for a drink.
“Man, my rear is killing me,” a brunette cadet on his left complained, rubbing his bottom with a wince. “The only thing worse than being thrown right into combat was the damned ride here!”
Cloud nodded silently with agreement and took a couple of swallows, grimacing at the tinny flavor of the tepid water. As he was recapping his canteen and replacing it, he noticed that the cadet to his right was visibly shaking. Cloud frowned and reached out to squeeze the other young man's shoulder. “Hey, you okay?”
The auburn-haired young man licked dry, pale lips and shook his head. “I don't think I'm ready for this,” he said in a low, strained voice, “none of us are! We don't have any fucking idea what we're doing! I…I just turned twenty last week…I've got a girlfriend back home and I was gonna ask her to marry me in a couple of years—“
“Silence in the ranks!” Barked one of the commanders as he passed by and heard the cadet whining.
The frightened cadet lapsed into silence but he was still shaking like a leaf and breathy whimpers of fear escaped his lips. Cloud felt acute pity for him, even though the scared Soldier was older than he was. The blonde was nervous too but this was something he'd expected to have to do one day or another. He looked at this as an opportunity to prove his worth and maybe, get another chance to move up in the ranks and make Third Class or better.
“Just stick by us,” Cloud whispered when the commander passed out of earshot. “We just have to watch each other's backs and we can all go home proud.”
“I just wanna go home alive,” grunted the brunette on the left with a shrug. The cadet on the right nodded convulsively with agreement and Cloud sighed.
~Great…both of these guys are older than I am but if I show how damned scared I am, it's just going to bleed off on them and make things worse. I thought the older guys were supposed to be the ones holding it together!~
He was starting to get used to being forced to grow up faster than most people, but it was damned inconvenient and he'd have loved to have a good panic attack to get it out of his system. The color drained from his cheeks anyway when the order was given for his line to move in. Swallowing, Cloud muttered encouragement to his comrades and followed orders as best he could, trusting the senior officers to guide him and the other inexperienced cadets and minimize casualties and injuries.
He pulled his protective lenses down to shield his eyes from the smoke and debris and he motioned for the two chickenshits he was with to do the same. It was a good thing he did, because as they moved forward the earth exploded a few yards away when a grenade landed and it showered them with dirt and debris. Cloud tuned out the sound of the alarmed yells of his comrades and pressed forward grimly. Ahead, he could see the front line engaged in melee with a force of men wearing green body armor. His courage very nearly failed him as he saw one of his fellow Soldiers cut down in a spray of blood and he clutched his rifle with white-knuckled hands.
“Incoming!” One of the commanders yelled.
Cloud looked up to see a grenade hurtling their way and he barely had time to throw his body aside as it landed. He shoved the auburn-haired soldier to his right out of the way even as he landed and he covered his face with his arms and curled his body up tightly. The explosion was deafening and he heard men screaming as hot napalm struck them.
The pilot designated to fly them to the site of the fighting was none other than the cocky redheaded Turk by the name of Reno. Zack had worked with him briefly before and it was strangely comforting to have a familiar face driving the helicopter. He and Sephiroth boarded the vehicle as soon as the transport barge arrived at the harbor and Reno took them up right away. He wore a headset and a microphone and he was speaking with someone over the radio to get coordinates.
“How soon do you think we'll get there?” Zack inquired when Reno finished getting the coordinates.
“About an hour, yo,” Hollered the Turk over the sound of the engine. “Shouldn't be hard to spot—they're already fighting, man.”
Zack exchanged a look with Sephiroth and the General asked; “How long have they been in battle?”
Reno shrugged. “All I know is they sent all the new guys straight there as backup. Your boy could have been fighting for hours by now, for all I know.”
Zack was so tense someone could have yanked his seat out from under him and he would have remained in position without falling. Sephiroth looked at him and mouthed, “We'll get there.” The black-haired man nodded but his pallor remained.
Time seemed to crawl by as they flew. Zack counted the minutes in his head, every second feeling like an enemy that could take his friend away from him forever. When Reno hollered that they were coming up on the scene of battle, Zack impulsively tried to get out of his seat and forgot about the belt holding him secure. Sephiroth leaned forward to peer through the window and Zack unbuckled his seatbelt and pressed up behind the General's seat, anxiously scanning the ground below.
“Keep your seatbelt on, jackass!” Reno shouted. When he was ignored, the Turk rolled his eyes and muttered, “Fine, man. If you get hurt, no skin off my back.”
Zack's amethyst eyes were narrowed as he peered down at the ground fight. Logically, he knew that he wouldn't be able to pick his friend out of the crowd below. There were three-dozen Soldiers wearing the exact same fatigues and body armor. Despite all logic, he spotted a familiar, fluffy head of golden hair. Cloud's helmet had come off and he was curled up defensively near a hole in the ground, freshly gouged out by a grenade.
“THERE HE IS!! LOOK, RIGHT THERE!” Zack was shaking Reno by the shoulder and pointing wildly.
“Chill out, yo!” The Turk snapped with a severe frown. “I can't land here, the vegetation's too thick. You and the General are gonna have to take the cables down to get him.”
Sephiroth gave the battlefield a quick examination. “We need some cover. We'll make excellent targets for the enemy if we try to land in that mess.”
“Not a problem,” Reno smirked. He reached up and grabbed a targeting visor, pulling it down from overhead so that it covered his eyes. He then reached out and took hold of a control lever next to the steering stick, flipping up a panel on the top of it to reveal three buttons. The redhead's mouth curved into a toothy grin as he activated the rocket launchers and took aim.
“Let's give `em a little kiss, yo!” Reno puckered his lips and pressed one of the large buttons.
The helicopter lurched as Reno fired and Zack had to grab hold of the back of Sephiroth's chair to keep from tumbling to the floor. Twin rockets shot away and streaked toward the enemy lines. The explosion took out a chunk of the Wutain rebel forces and affectively scattered them.
“There's your cue, man,” Reno smugly said, “go and get your boy while they're confused. I'll keep you covered until we can get the hell out of here.”
Zack and Sephiroth wasted no time and slipped into the harnesses. Within seconds, they had the door open and the drop cables pushed over the side. They each secured their harnesses to separate cables and dropped over the edge together. Reno kept the chopper hovering steadily as they descended and as soon as their feet hit the ground, both Soldiers disconnected themselves from the cables.
“And here I am again,” Sephiroth muttered, looking around. “It must be Thursday.”
Zack's brow furrowed. It actually WAS Thursday. He looked up at his taller companion with a comical look of confusion.
“Inside joke,” Sephiroth explained.
Zack looked around with a frown. “Inside joke with who?”
“Me, myself and I.” Sephiroth shrugged and started forward smoothly, drawing his long, slender Masamune from the sheath on his back. “Somehow I always manage to land on Wutain soil on a Thursday.”
Zack stared after him for a moment and then shook himself out of it. Sephiroth was a difficult man to understand in more ways than one. It was nice that he had a sense of humor—odd as it seemed to be—but Zack thought the General could benefit from more human contact. It was strangely sad to him that Sephiroth seemed to be his own company, more often than not. He followed behind the renowned hero and drew the Buster Sword he'd inherited from Angeal. Sephiroth's long, flowing mane of silver hair swayed as he calmly waded through the mass of Soldiers that ogled him.
If the situation weren't so dire, Zack would have snickered at the expressions of wonder and awe on the faces of the Soldiers. Sephiroth appearing as if out of nowhere and strolling into their midst probably raised their moral by a few thousand levels and they practically fell to their knees in worship. A god fallen to Gaia probably couldn't expect a better reception.
Cloud coughed and blinked through his goggles, reaching out blindly to try and find the protective helmet that had fallen off in his dive. Having no luck, he began to roll to his feet only to find himself staring down the barrel of a gun. His startled blue eyes widened behind the dark goggles as he looked up at the face of a rebel.
~Well, I guess that's it for me.~
The thought hardly had a chance to leave his head before he heard a soft whooshing sound just over his head and the Wutian holding him at gunpoint went tense and spit up blood. Cloud stared in horror at the diagonal red line that ran from the man's right shoulder all the way to his left hip. The top of the rebel's body separated from the bottom grotesquely and he fell in two halves at Cloud's feet.
Someone grabbed him roughly by the straps of his body armor from behind and the next thing Cloud knew, he was being lifted like a puppy by the scruff of its neck. His confused thoughts went absolutely silent as he looked into a pair of serpentine, emerald eyes set in a face of god-like perfection. “G-General Seph—“ he tried to stammer.
“Zackary, I believe this is yours,” said Sephiroth in an almost bored tone.
Cloud's eyes were bugging out behind the glasses as the General heaved him through the air. He landed against a solid, warm body and he looked up into the eyes of his best friend. His lips parted with wonder and the only sound he could get past them was a strange gurgle as Zack Fair smiled widely down at him.
“You have NO idea how glad I am to see you, Chocobo!” Zack hollered. He hugged the blonde tightly, his heart thundering in his chest. Poor Cloud was limp with shock against him. For once, he didn't chastise him for the use of the nickname and that actually bothered the First a little. He held his friend at arm's length and pulled the goggles off of his head, searching his dilated blue eyes.
“Cloud, you're safe now,” Zack said softly, snapping his fingers under the blonde's nose. “Snap out of it, kid. You're scaring me.”
“How did you—“ Cloud said sluggishly, his tongue feeling like lead in his mouth.
“Get him into the helicopter and get out of here, Lieutenant,” Sephiroth's deep voice commanded from behind Cloud.
The blonde turned in his friend's arms and stared up at the General, his mouth hanging open. Sephiroth reached out and slid a black-gloved hand beneath Cloud's chin, forcing his mouth shut. His narrowed green eyes studied him for a moment. “See to it that he gets medical attention when you return to the harbor,” he ordered, “he doesn't appear wounded but he's showing signs of shock.”
Zack nodded, frowning at the taller man. “What about you? You sound like you're gonna hang around.”
Sephiroth nodded once, curtly. “I am. I want this bullshit ended quickly.”
Zack smirked. “Somehow I get the feeling it will, with you leading the attack. Be careful, okay?”
Sephiroth returned the smirk. “I'll take that into consideration.” He removed his harness and helped Zack put it on Cloud, who was still in a shocked daze. “Now go, while they're still recovering from Reno's attack. The last thing we need is for both of you to get shot down in the process of boarding the chopper.”
“Hey, he's cute, Fair,” Reno said with a grin once the Soldier helped his blonde friend into the chopper and secured him to one of the back seats. “No wonder you went through so much trouble to get him outta' there.”
Zack sighed, hardly paying attention to the redhead's observations as he squatted in front of Cloud and searched the sapphire eyes. “He's in shock,” he said. He ran his fingers through the disheveled golden bangs and fought the urge to kiss Cloud's pale, parted lips. “We need to get back to the harbor as fast as possible so I can have him checked out.”
“I've never…seen someone…die like that,” Cloud murmured. His pupils were still dilated and unfocused and there was a fine spray of blood drying on his armor and a little bit on his face.
Zack frowned. So, it wasn't the actual firefight that had shaken Cloud so badly—it was watching Sephiroth slice his attacker in half. “Hey, don't let it get to you,” he said as he squeezed the blonde's limp hand. “Sephiroth just did what he had to do. If he hadn't, you'd have a bullet in your skull. It was him or you, Cloud.”
“I know, but…he was in…two pieces!” Cloud shuddered and wrapped his arms around himself and Zack glanced at Reno, who had set the auto-pilot and was turned around in his seat, watching them.
“So, Sephiroth boned someone with his sword, eh?” Reno asked with a wry smirk. His humor faded at the look of horror on Cloud's youthful face. “Don't take it so hard, kid. Your friend's right. Somebody's always gonna die in a war and it's better them than you, yo.”
Cloud nodded mutely but he was still shivering and his blue eyes remained glazed. Zack looked around for something to wipe his friend's face off with and Reno produced a handkerchief from the vest pocket of his jacket. Zack thanked him and took Cloud's canteen off his belt, using the water to dampen the handkerchief before carefully wiping his face off.
“Shhh, it's okay Cloud,” he said as softly as he could over the sound of the engine and propellers. “Just don't think about it anymore. He died fast and there wasn't another choice.”
Cloud's eyes finally focused on him and they filled with tears. Unable to stand it, Zack put his arms around the blonde and held him tightly, murmuring to him and reassuring him. Reno shook his head and turned back around, checking his coordinates.
“Must have been pretty gross,” the Turk muttered.
When they reached the harbor base, Zack immediately took Cloud to the medic building and had him examined. The doctor found nothing wrong with him other than a mild state of shock, so he gave the blonde a sedative and supplied Zack with a dozen more doses, instructing him to give him one pill every six hours.
“This sort of trauma is very common for men that have seen war,” the doctor explained, “especially after the first death they see up close and personal. He won't get over it right away but it'll get better in time. Just try to keep him sedate and in a quiet, calm atmosphere. Give him some time off duty to recover and let him rest.”
Zack nodded enthusiastically and thanked the man as he pocketed the container of pills. “Okay Cloud, let's get you home,” he said as he put his arm around the blonde and guided him. Cloud moved mechanically, letting the dark-haired Soldier guide him out of the medic building and back to the docks. Zack led him to the boarding ramp and carefully directed his footsteps once they were on the transport barge. He took him below deck to his own private sleeping quarters and dropped the fold-out cot.
“Here, sit down and I'll help you out of all this combat gear,” Zack said as he gently urged his companion to the cot. Cloud sank down onto it and left his legs dangling over the side, staring blankly at the wall while Zack knelt before him and unlaced his combat boots.
“I'll get you a leave of absence when we get home,” explained Zack as he pulled the boots off and moved on to do the same with the socks. “You can take as much time off as you need, buddy. You can stay at my place, too. That way you won't have to worry about any pesky room-mates except me. How does that sound?” He looked up at his friend searchingly, hoping to see some sign of life in the blue eyes.
Cloud nodded slowly and blinked. “I like that idea,” he whispered.
Zack smiled, pleased that his friend was responding even on a distracted level. He stood up and worked the buckles of the body armor next, pulling the heavy gear off of Cloud's shoulders. “I'm gonna take care of you and you'll feel better in no time,” he said as he dropped the chest piece on the floor and guided the blonde to raise his arms. Cloud didn't fight him and Zack swallowed as he lifted the white muscle shirt and pulled it off. Now was definitely not the time for dirty thoughts but the sight of his friend's lithe-muscled chest and stomach made his libido rise shamefully. He tried not to stare at the pink, erect nipples as he dropped the shirt into the growing pile of clothes on the floor.
~Stop looking…just cut it out! He doesn't need you leering at him right now, asshole! His nipples are hard because it's chilly in here, not because he wants you to jump his bones!~
Zack was so busy berating himself that he almost succeeded in distracting his thoughts away from how hot Cloud was. Then he started undoing the fatigue pants and he lost his train of thought and swallowed again. He removed the belt first and tossed it aside, then popped the button and drew the zipper down. Cloud looked down and watched his hands working and Zack mentally smacked himself several times to control the urge to kiss him.
“Almost done, Blondie,” Zack said as he slipped his hands into the waistline of Cloud's pants. “Lay back and lift your hips for me so I can get these things off of you.”
Cloud plopped backwards in a boneless manner, hinting that the sedatives were working just fine. Zack snorted with soft laughter, finding the action somehow cute. He pulled Cloud's pants down and his eyes began to blink uncontrollably as he tried to keep them from staring at the blonde's pale blue underwear and the bulge of his crotch.
“Ahem…there ya go,” said the raven-haired fighter as he dropped the pants in the pile with Cloud's other clothes. “I'll get the pillows and blanket out of the cabinet. Just relax, Cloud.”
The blonde nodded and curled into a fetal position, blinking slowly with sleepy confusion. Zack went to the storage cabinet and pulled out the two thin pillows and the blanket, thankful that while it wasn't exactly a luxury cabin, he at least had the rank for privacy. It would have been a lot more awkward and difficult to get Cloud settled in if he'd had to do it in the general bunk area, where anyone could come and go. He returned to the cot and gently slid a hand under Cloud's cheek to lift his head, then secured the pillows under it. He covered the blonde next and squatted down in front of him, running his fingers through the fringe of his bangs.
“How do you feel?” inquired Zack softly.
The vivid, sapphire eyes focused on him and blinked slowly. “Kind of weird,” answered Cloud in a whisper. “Zack, I don't feel like I'm really here.”
Zack nodded. “You're just disoriented from the shock and the medicine. I'm sure you'll feel better after you get some sleep.”
“Hope so,” Cloud mumbled sleepily. “I...I don't think I want to take one of those pills again. I don't like the way they make me feel.”
“Let's see how you feel when you wake up later,” Zack murmured reluctantly. “I won't force you but I think if you're still feeling panicky, you should keep taking them.”
“I wasn't `panicky',” the blonde grumbled, sounding more like himself, “I don't panic. I was just…freaked out. Don't make me take any more of them, okay?”
Unable to resist, Zack kissed the pouting lips lightly. “You know I won't `make' you, Chocobo. If you really don't think you need them when you wake up, I won't push it. Just go to sleep for now.”
“Will you sleep with me?” Cloud whispered as his golden eyelashes fluttered and the blue fire of his eyes was hidden under the lids.
It was too good an offer to refuse. “I sure will,” Zack said with a soft grin. He sat down and took his boots and socks off and Cloud wriggled back to make room for him. The black-haired Soldier climbed into the cot beside him and re-adjusted the covers. Zack swallowed hard as Cloud snuggled against his chest and threw an arm around him. There was something so amazing about the feel of the blonde's body pressing snugly and trustingly against him. Zack hugged him and nuzzled his hair, smiling at the sigh of contentment Cloud made. He rubbed the blonde's back until his breathing became deep and even with sleep, then he closed his eyes and dozed off as well.
Zack woke up a few hours later and he yawned, wondering what time it was. While they were sleeping, he and Cloud had moved around a bit and the blonde was facing the wall now, with Zack spooning intimately against him. Flushing a little at the intoxicating contact, Zack carefully lifted the arm he had around Cloud's waste and looked at his watch. It was going on two in the morning. The significance of the time dawned on him and he hugged Cloud close and kissed him on the temple.
“Mmm?” Cloud murmured, his eyes fluttering open at the feel of Zack's lips brushing his skin. He blinked sleepily and turned his head to look at the other man. “What time is it?” he mumbled.
“It's after midnight,” Zack whispered with a grin, rubbing the tip of his nose against Cloud's. “Happy birthday, Blondie.”
Cloud smiled softly. “Oh, it IS my birthday, isn't it? But wait, I don't understand why you showed up and yanked me out of combat…I'm confused.”
Zack sighed, his good mood dropping. He caressed the blonde's face lightly, marveling at how soft and smooth the skin was. “I did it because you should never have been sent there in the first place. They shouldn't have thrown a bunch of you in the middle of that garbage without the right training, either.”
Cloud frowned at him. “Then you don't think I could have handled myself?”
“Don't be silly,” Zack groaned. “I've already told you before, you've got some of the best fighting skills I've ever seen. The problem isn't a lack of ability but a lack of experience. None of you guys were even given simulated scenarios to practice with and they just tossed you at the enemy like cannon fodder. Seph's staying behind to clean up the mess and I can promise you, he won't be letting any of your regiment on the front lines for that exact reason.”
Cloud felt a little better, but the mention of Sephiroth made him think of that man being cut in half and he shuddered involuntarily. Zack was right; it took a certain amount of experience to take a human life without hesitation or guilt. The General had that experience and Cloud and his fellow cadets did not. It had happened so fast and there was so much blood…
“Hey, don't shrivel in on yourself again,” Zack murmured as the color drained from the blonde's face. He squeezed him gently. “Let it out if you need to, but don't do this. You're going to make me regret promising not to heckle you with the pills.”
Cloud came out of his morbid thoughts and stared into Zack's eyes. “Make me think of something else,” he demanded. “I don't want to see it in my mind, Zack. It keeps coming back and I can't look away.”
Zack did the only thing he could think of; he pulled Cloud tighter against him and brought his mouth down, kissing the blonde tenderly. Just as with the first time they'd kissed, Cloud went still for a moment before responding. Just as before, his reaction was so passionate it threw Zack for a loop. The blonde parted his lips to let Zack's tongue in and he caressed it with his own when it did. He reached up and behind to cup the back of Zack's head encouragingly, pushing his bottom snugly against the other man's pelvis.
Zack groaned into his companion's mouth, amazed again with how inviting and sensual he was. He began to explore Cloud's chest and abdomen with his hand, running his fingertips over the smooth, fair skin. He hardened against the blonde's backside and wished fervently that he'd thought to take his uniform off before climbing into bed with him. A little corner of his mind reminded him naughtily that he always came prepared and he thought about the condoms and the small tube of lubricant he had stashed in his duffle bag. It wasn't even a conscious decision—the last thing he'd actually expected was this when he'd packed, but being the horn dog that he was, sex was always somewhere in his mind even when he didn't want it to be.
“Mmph…wait,” Zack gasped, breaking the kiss. Cloud stared up at him curiously, his kiss-swollen lips parted invitingly. It was so damned hard for Zack to gather his thoughts with such a temptation just inches away. “How far do you want this to go, Blondie? I mean, how much do you want me to distract you before it's crossing the line?”
Cloud gave him a tragic smile and blushed. “There aren't any lines, man. I don't want you to stop…at all.”
“Oh, shit,” Zack said breathlessly. “Hold on a sec, I've gotta get something now before we go much further.”
“You're really weird sometimes, do you know that?” Cloud said with a look that was half annoyed and half amused. “I just threw myself at you and you want to go get something?”
Zack burst into laughter and nuzzled the blonde again, feeling outright love tightening his chest. “I wanna go get something BECAUSE you threw yourself at me, babe. Safe sex, yanno?”
“Oh,” Cloud said, biting his lip. “In that case, you're temporarily dismissed.”
“Thank you, sir,” replied the dark-haired fighter with a salute. He tumbled out of the cot and lunged across the room eagerly, kneeling before his duffle bag. He heard Cloud snicker softly and he shot a grin over his shoulder at the blonde as he pulled the zipper down and began to rifle through it. It took him a little while to locate the lube after he found the box of condoms, but he grinned in triumph eventually when he found it.
Cloud eyed the supplies in his friend's hands as he returned to the cot, and he gulped. “Just how many of those do you think we're going to need?” he asked as he pointed at the box of rubbers.
Zack grinned lecherously and winked. “With me, you never know. What, did you think I'd be one of those guys that just rolls over and goes to sleep afterwards?”
“Hey, take it easy on me,” Cloud said nervously, “I've never done this before.”
Zack laughed softly and put the items on the floor beside the cot before climbing in. He took the blonde in his arms and snuggled him. “I'm just being prepared, Chocobo. Don't go running off on me now.”
“I TOLD you, I'm not a—“ Cloud's indignant protest was cut off by Zack's mouth. The blonde relaxed against him and returned the kiss eagerly, his body trembling a little with nervous excitement.
Zack took it slow, kissing the blonde thoroughly before letting his hands wander. He traced Cloud's spine with his fingertips, skimming them up and down over the soft skin until he felt confident enough to slide them under the waste line of the blonde's underwear. Cloud was likewise touching him, exploring his neck, shoulders and back. He tensed briefly as Zack's hands reached into his underwear and slid over the firm mounds of his bottom, but he relaxed after a moment and didn't protest as the older man kneaded and fondled.
Zack deepened his kiss and his breath quickened. He swore he'd never felt such a fine ass before in his life. He thought he could die a happy man if he could spend his last moments squeezing a butt like Cloud's and he chuckled into the blonde's mouth at his own thoughts.
“It's not funny,” Cloud mumbled indignantly.
Zack pulled his mouth away and kissed the blonde's cheeks and eyelids. “No,” he agreed softly, “but it's great. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since that day. Do you know how much I've thought about this ass since—“
“I don't need a commentary,” Cloud chuckled, his face heating. He shoved his hands under the other man's shirt, pushing the material up to drag his palms over the tight knots of muscle on his stomach and chest. “I can't say things the way you do, it'll just sound stupid.”
“Awww, don't be jealous,” Zack purred, kissing the soft, pliant lips close to his. “I'm just a mushy idiot. Believe me, the sounds you make are ten times hotter than any cheesy lines I can come up with.”
Cloud huffed with laughter, his breath tickling the dark-haired man's cheek. “I kind of like your cheesy lines, even though they embarrass me.”
Zack was already aware of that fact and he grinned. Cloud might blush like a schoolgirl and complain a lot, but his body language and reactions told a completely different tale when it came down to business. He kissed the blonde again and murmured with arousal as he helped him lift his shirt off and felt his warm, calloused hands familiarizing themselves with his chest.
“Mmm, feels good,” Zack whispered when Cloud tentatively stroked his nipples to hardness. He sucked in a sharp, surprised breath when the blond lowered his head and took one of them into his mouth. “Good god…you've got some killer instincts!”
Cloud's response was to flick his tongue back and forth over the taut bud and Zack groaned softly with pleasure, squeezing the blonde's backside. His romantic abilities deserted him as his companion moved to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment.
~Holy shit, if all virgins were this good…well, I guess they wouldn't be virgins for long. What was I doing again? Oh yeah, I was trying to seduce him. God, that feels so good…oh baby…not the crotch…Cloud, what are you doing to me?~
Zack gasped as one of Cloud's hands cupped and massaged the bulge between his legs, rubbing through the material of his pants and making him want to flip the blonde onto his back and screw him until he couldn't walk anymore. If he'd had any doubts about where this was going, they would have been wiped out by now. He'd never felt so wanted and he'd certainly never seen this much passion from a virgin before.
“Cloud…Cloud,” Zack panted mindlessly, flexing his hips as the blonde rubbed his straining erection. “Oh god…wait…I'm gonna lose it if you don't stop.”
Cloud paused his massage and looked into the raven-haired fighter's eyes. His expression was curious, open and inviting. “I want you to come inside of me, so I'll quit for now.”
~Oh…my…god. No…fucking…way!~
Aloud, Zack gasped, “You lied your ass off when you said you aren't good with words, Blondie. Shit…give me a minute…I almost came in my pants.”
“Really?” responded Cloud with a ridiculously innocent smile.
Zack rolled his eyes. “Yes, you little butt-head! How the hell can you be so freakin' sexy and still be so…so…HOW?”
“I'm sexy?” Cloud said shyly, but then he licked Zack's chin and contradicted the innocent routine.
Zack rolled onto him and growled, “If there was a male version of a shy but slutty schoolgirl, you'd fit the bill!” He kissed him hard, his arousal at such a painful state that he could feel the ooze of precum dampening his underwear. “Help me get these things off,” he panted as he reached down with one hand and began to fumble with his pants.
Cloud immediately complied and when Zack felt the blonde's hands trembling against his, he gentled his kiss and murmured softly. The blonde might be a natural sex bomb but he was still innocent of ever going this far before. Determined not to rush it and risk accidentally hurting the sweet, golden-haired Soldier, Zack tempered himself and fought to keep his passion controlled. He moaned softly as his pants came undone and Cloud yanked them down before gently stroking him again.
“Seriously, I can't take much more of that,” Zack warned in a breathless whisper as he grasped his companion's fondling hand to still it.
Cloud stopped, biting his lip. “Sorry, I forgot,” he murmured.
~Somehow I don't think that's true,~ Zack thought as he stared down at the blonde.
Cloud knew more than he let on—he was good at reading people and there was little doubt that he was getting a thrill out of keeping Zack on the very edge of control. Rather than argue over it, the dark-haired Soldier lifted his hips and pulled his pants off, then helped Cloud do the same with his underwear. He felt an absurd urge to sob with relief when his swollen cock sprang free of its confines. He'd heard of other men claiming “blue balls” as an excuse to get into women's panties before but until now, he'd always thought it was just a dramatized version of being plain old horny. Zack actually almost looked down at his genitals to see if his balls had turned blue.
He shrugged away the brief curiosity, knowing that logically his balls couldn't literally turn blue with arousal. He resumed exploring his companion's body, listening to Cloud's soft sighs and moans and coming close to losing it several times. He tugged the blonde's underwear down and eagerly grasped his stiff sex, enjoying a bit of turnabout. He could have jacked him off until he reached orgasm, but he had a better idea. He milked Cloud's straining erection until he had the smaller man groaning and pleading with him, and he purposely stopped just before his ministrations would have made him come.
“I want you to come after I'm inside of you,” Zack said with a wicked, ironic smile.
“Ass…hole,” Cloud gasped, but he was grinning up at him.
“Yeah, that's where I'm gonna put it,” Zack agreed with a nod, making the blonde laugh and blush at the same time. “Damn, you're cute.” He kissed his friend's flushed cheeks, then his lips. After a few moments of kissing, he pulled away and reached down to pick up the lube from the floor. Cloud's sapphire eyes held a hint of fear as Zack lubed the fingers of his right hand up, but he kissed the blonde and promised him softly that he'd take it slow. Cloud relaxed a little and Zack talked to him as he slipped his hand beneath the covers and searched with skilled hands.
“Just lay back and relax,” Zack murmured as he pressed his slick index finger against the tight, puckered entrance he'd located. “You know I'd rather die myself than hurt you, right?”
Cloud looked up at him with parted lips, his sapphire gaze soft and warm. “I know,” he whispered. He spread his thighs and took a deep breath, keeping his eyes locked with Zack's as the other man carefully pushed. He grimaced with discomfort as Zack's finger pushed into him and he gasped softly as it breached the resisting entrance.
“I know it's uncomfortable,” Zack said tenderly, kissing his companion's gasping mouth. “I promise, it's going to get better. I…I love you, Cloud.”
He felt stupid for a couple of seconds after saying it, but the blonde looked at him with such warmth and awe that he realized it was the simple truth and he was glad that he'd said it. Zack smiled warmly down at Cloud and pushed his finger the rest of the way in, holding it there for a moment to let him adjust. The blue eyes closed briefly and Cloud licked his lips and sighed. Zack bent his head and kissed him again, unable to resist the sight. He'd seen some pretty amazing looking mouths before but Cloud's was so shapely and it somehow didn't distract from his masculinity.
The blonde gasped again as Zack slowly withdrew his finger and repeated the thrusting motion slowly. He kissed him more deeply, sliding his tongue between the blonde's lips to explore while he carefully began to rhythmically thrust in and out. The tight heat of the blonde's body clenching around his finger left no doubt in his mind that Cloud had never had anything penetrate him before. Zack felt a flash of egotistical pride, quickly followed by a surge of gratefulness.
He'd never been particular with his lover's virginity status before but with Cloud, it was like being given the most important gift on the planet. The thought of another man touching him this way made Zack crazy. He wasn't the possessive sort but he knew now that if anyone else ever tried to do this to Cloud he'd go off the wall. He thought it made him an awful hypocrite, because he'd had plenty of lovers before things heated up between he and Cloud and he honestly had no right to be jealous.
“Oh no…I'm turning into one of THOSE guys,” Zack muttered against his companion's lips.
“W-what?” Cloud panted, frowning with confusion.
“Nothing, hot stuff. I'm just worrying. I'm not hurting you, am I?” Zack felt his face warming and he hoped it wasn't obvious.
“No, it doesn't hurt,” Cloud answered in a breathy voice. He jumped a little when Zack's finger brushed the gland inside of him. He stared up at him in confusion and jumped again when he repeated the action. “Oh? Oh…wait…Zack…what are you…OH?”
Zack grinned. “Feel good?” he purred, fingering the gland once more. Cloud trembled and nodded, putting his arms around him and squeezing reflexively. He would have loved to keep doing it but he hadn't been lying earlier when he said he wanted Cloud to come when he was inside of him. Confident that he could find the right angle and rhythm to stimulate the area again when he was making love to him, Zack stopped teasing the spot and cautiously added another finger. Cloud's eyes flickered shut and he moaned, arching his throat. Zack kissed his Adam's apple and worked his fingers slowly and gently, making the muscle relax and accept the penetration.
“Shiva, how did I manage to resist you before?” Zack groaned as he stared down at Cloud's flushed, impassioned face. He used every ounce of restraint he possessed to keep from losing control and mounting his gasping companion without even putting on a condom. He kept stroking within the blonde and kissing him sensually until he felt he was stretched enough to take him. He then withdrew his fingers and told him to relax while he put the condom on. Cloud watched him do it with heavy-lidded eyes. The blond reached out and petted Zack's sheathed erection as the black-haired warrior turned back to face him. Zack sucked in a sharp breath and held still, trying not to let the stimulation of his companion's curious hand send him over the edge.
Cloud seemed to sense how fine the line of control was getting and he stopped stroking and rolled onto his side, presenting his back to the other man. “Is this right?” he asked softly, craning his neck to look over his shoulder at the other man.
Zack licked his lips, staring at the smooth roundness of the top of Cloud's butt cheeks that were visible above the line of the sheets. “Oh yeah, that's perfect. Are you sure you're ready?”
“Would I be laying this way if I weren't?” Cloud smirked over his shoulder. There was a hint of fear in his eyes but the passion in them was stronger.
“I guess not,” chuckled Zack huskily. He spooned up against him and propped himself on one elbow, while grasping the base of his sex with the other. “It's probably going to hurt a little at first. Just let me know if it's too much, okay?”
Cloud nodded and Zack positioned himself. He rocked forward slowly and kissed the blonde's ear when he gasped. “Easy,” he soothed, feeling his companion's virgin entrance resist the intrusion. He pressed a bit more firmly and it gave. The head of his cock entered Cloud's body and he shuddered with pleasure, releasing his shaft to put his arm around the blonde and hold him tightly.
“Ungh…Zack,” Cloud groaned, tensing as the other man's dick slowly drove into his body. He panted softly and Zack's mouth brushed over his jaw and neck. He felt like Zack's cock was going to impale him all the way through until it was sticking out of his mouth—it just kept going deeper and deeper. The dark-haired warrior held him tight and kept pushing, whispering huskily to him all the while. “Oh god,” Cloud whimpered. It finally stopped when Zack's hips pressed against his ass, and the other Soldier stroked his belly and murmured soothingly to him.
“I'm sorry, baby. Just try to relax and it'll start feeling better.” Zack was now showering Cloud's neck and shoulder with kisses, his voice sweet and gentle.
Zack bit his lip and forced himself to stay still. He'd never felt so much pleasure breaching someone in his life. His pleasure unfortunately brought Cloud pain and he felt guilty as he tried to sooth the young man. If it didn't get better for Cloud soon, he'd withdraw. Sex wasn't any fun to him if the other party couldn't enjoy it too. He felt the blonde's muscles slowly relax and stop clenching spasmodically around him and he hugged him tightly.
“Better?” Zack inquired softly.
“Yeah,” Cloud gasped in response. “It…it doesn't hurt anymore. It feels…funny.”
Zack nearly laughed. He could tell by the tone of Cloud's voice that “funny” meant “good” and he just wasn't used to the sensation. Instead of giving into mirth, the black-haired Soldier slowly withdrew and thrust again, grunting with pleasure. The blonde's sharp gasp of pleasure encouraged him and he began to rock against him slowly. Zack trembled and rested his forehead against Cloud's shoulder.
“You feel sooo good,” he groaned, kissing the shoulder blade.
Cloud couldn't have answered coherently if he tried. He stared at the wall with wide, amazed blue eyes and parted lips. Each thrust of Zack's cock pressed against something inside of him that made him jerk with sensation. The same thing had happened earlier when the other man was using his fingers inside of him. Cloud gasped an exclamation unwillingly with each thrust, examining the odd shocks of pleasure with amazement. Zack's cock pushed into his body again and he nearly went cross-eyed.
“Oooh…Zack…you're doing it again…what IS that?” Cloud panted in confusion.
“Oh, Cloud,” Zack groaned. Instead of answering the question, he began to thrust harder and faster. His arm was like a vice around Cloud's waist and the blonde felt his thigh muscles jump involuntarily with each spark of sensation. He heard Zack growl in his ear and felt his teeth nibble the lobe.
Calling out breathlessly to his friend, Cloud began to instinctively reciprocate. He moved against Zack's pumping hips to increase the penetration and he squeezed the dark-haired Soldier's hand that was around his waste. He started babbling off the names of old gods in a breathless voice, his cock twitching with pleasure. Zack's hand moved down and gripped his erection and the blonde hollered incoherently as it stroked him hard and fast.
“Oh fuck…OH FUCK…Zack…ZACK! F-fountain…s-stop, it's…it's,” Cloud didn't even know what the hell he was saying anymore and Zack was pumping his hips hard and fast. He felt the dark-haired man's nose pressing against his shoulder and oddly, he thought he felt something warm and wet too. If he weren't in the throes of pleasure he might have wondered if his friend had blown his nose on his shoulder and he might have smacked him for being unbelievably perverted, but Cloud was coming too hard to think of such things.
“Yeah, baby…YEAH!” Zack howled as he felt his companion's erection buck in his hand. He ignored the sticky wetness he felt under his nose and thrust home hard and deep, groaning as Cloud's ass clenched rhythmically around his cock. It felt so good that he thought if he were a dog, his leg would be shaking by now. He filled the condom and kissed Cloud's cheek and neck feverishly, gasping in relief.
“Oh, Cloud,” Zack moaned when his orgasm finished. “That was so…so…” he stopped and stared at the blonde's shoulder, wondering how in the hell it could be bleeding. “Oh, shit.” It wasn't Cloud's shoulder that was bleeding—it was Zack's nose. He could taste the tinny blood dripping over his upper lip and his face went bright red with embarrassment.
“What's the matter?” Cloud panted, turning his head.
“Uh, I've had an accident,” replied Zack as the blue eyes fixed on his face and widened. “Sorry Blondie…this has never happened to me before.”
“You…you've got a nosebleed?” Cloud asked stupidly.
“Oh yeah. I guess the gods haven't embarrassed me enough this week,” Zack gasped dryly as he pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers to stem the flow. “Talk about losing your cool…”
Cloud's lips twitched and he quickly put a hand over his mouth. “It's okay,” he mumbled.
Zack shook his head. His face was so bright he looked like he had sunburn. “Let's see…how could I have humiliated myself more,” he murmured thoughtfully, “Oh, I know! I could have had premature ejaculation! God, I'm a loser!”
Cloud barked a laugh behind his hand and shook his head. “Quit. It was wonderful. It's kind of a compliment, really.”
“Thank Gaia I wasn't doing you on top,” Zack mumbled. “I can't think of anything less sexy than getting bled all over—“
“Zackary Fair, knock it off!” Cloud was smiling warmly at him and he grimaced as he moved and the other man's sated member slipped out of his body. He reached up and combed his fingers through Zack's hair. “Really, it's okay.”
Zack shrugged, grinning sheepishly at the blonde. “I guess that tells you how fucking hot you are, Cloud. Seriously, I've never been so turned on that I've gotten a nosebleed before.” He wanted to kiss him but given the state he was in, he held back. “I'll just put my pants on and go to the bathroom to flush the condom and fix this. Are you okay?”
“I'm fine,” Cloud assured him softly. Truthfully he was sore but it was an enjoyable ache—a reminder of the beautiful thing they'd just experienced together.
“Awesome,” Zack said. He glanced at the smear of blood on his companion's creamy shoulder and winced. “Just don't lay back. I'll bring some toilet paper with me to clean that up.”
Cloud nodded and watched him pull his pants on and go. He chuckled impulsively and blushed. The question of how much Zack desired him would never enter his mind again. He rolled onto his unsoiled side and closed his eyes. He still pictured the Wutain's stunned face in his mind, but the personal guilt was gone.
-The End.