Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A month later.

The school day was already halfway through. Zell was itching to see Locke again. He never knew so much could change over one weekend. He and Locke had spent some of their time together getting to know each other better, the rest of the time was spent in other activities. The brunet poked the blond in his back while walking past him in the hall. Zell smiled to himself, and discreetly followed him to the empty auditorium, where they usually met up during lunch. Once safely inside the two of them ducked around a short corner by the double-doors. Dincht pulled Locke to the floor with him, climbing into his lap locking their lips together.

Locke closed his eyes melting into the feeling of Zell's lips on his neck.

"Uuhh," Moaned Zell feeling the brunet's hand go down into his pants from the front. Locke grabbed Zell's manhood giving it light tugs upwards. The blond felt his body weaken in the touch, and he inched closer to his secret lover thrusting his hips into the tight grip.

"Zell," Locke panted into his hot mouth; he's moving his hand from front to the back, making use of the precum that came from jerking Zell off, Locke ran his finger between Zell's lower cheeks sliding it into his opening when he felt the dip. At first Zell pressed his body backwards onto Locke's finger, until he realized what it was he was doing.

"Wait." Zell said, pushing himself off of the brunet.

"What?" Asked Locke with an innocent smile.

"What are you doing?"

Biting his bottom lip, Cole replied. "Well, you said that you and me could go at it if we lasted an entire month. So I was just thinking that..." He trailed off.

"What, here?" Zell arched his eyebrows in disbelief. Locke shrugged, feeling kind of embarrassed about it. Zell waved it off and leaned down kissing him. "Tell you what," He began, still kissing him between words. "My parents," A kiss. "Aren't gonna be home today," Another kiss. "So you and me will have the place to ourselves."

Grinning, Locke held Zell's upper cheeks and kissed him deeply. "Sounds good to me, I'll bring..."

Creeeaaak! The lights from the door shown through the room and the amorous couple snapped up to a standing position. Locke fished around in his pocket and pulled out what looked like a package of cigarettes. "What are you doing?" Asked Zell, seeing the action.

"What are you two doing in here?" The band teacher asked when he heard Zell's voice. He crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at them, waiting for the reply.

Locke licked his mouth turning on a smile, saying. "It was cold outside, and I wanted to smoke." He held up the pack of cigarettes.

"Smoking?" The band teacher repeated.

"I know we're only allowed to smoke outside of the building, and I'm sorry Mr. Grady, but I forgot my jacket today." Locke shrugged.

Zell and Mr. Grady looked at Locke as though he had lost his mind. Breaking the silence the band teacher grabbed a handful of their shirt and led them into the hall. "Mr. Cole and Mr. Dincht you're gonna have to..."

Locke put his hand to the teacher's shoulder, shaking his head. "Zell wasn't gonna do it, he just followed me in."

Mr. Grady rolled his eyes. "Fine. I wanna see you in room 26 after school, Mr. Cole." He went back into the auditorium, saying over his shoulder. "Get to lunch you two, and don't let me catch you attempting that anywhere else inside the building."

"No sir." Said Locke, quietly. Turning to Zell, he smiled. "That wasn't so bad."

"Yeah concidering you got detention." Holding Locke's wrist in the air to look at the pack of cigarettes. "Where'd you get these from anyway, you don't smoke."

"They're my stepdad's." He explained. "I borrowed them in-case we ever got caught, looks like it worked."

Zell made a sound of 'yeah' but he sighed all the same.

"How long do they keep you after school here?" Locke asked, beginning to walk towards the cafeteria, with Zell beside him.

"I don't know, until late buses go home."

Lowering his head, Locke sighed. "That sucks." The two of them approached the cafeteria, but Zell continued forward. "You go ahead, I need some books for my next class."

Locke waved goodbye to him and opened the double-doors disappearing into the cafeteria.

Dincht started to whistle as he walked, glancing into the classrooms that he passed along the way to his locker.

"36, 28, 0." He spun the dail pulling the lock away when the latches seperated. "Who gives out health books anymore." He commented to himself. Just as he reached in for another one his locker door slammed shut, nearly smashing his hand inside of it. "...The fuck is your problem, Almasy?"

Zell glared at the taller blond who looked down at him smirking. "I could ask you the same question, Chickenwuss." Seifer said mildly.

If possible, Zell's eyes went a little more narrow. "What are you talking about?"

Seifer took his book from him and looked over the cover as he spoke. "The gang wanted to know why you haven't been sitting with us since the first two times, do we bore you or something?"

'To no end.' Thought Zell as he snatched his book back from Seifer, replying. "No. I just thought that I'd sit with my old friends, and Locke, that's all."

"Locke?" He repeated. "You've been spending a lot of extra special time with the new kid. I'd swear you liked him more than me."

'What is he getting at?' Wondered Zell.

"But go ahead and have your fun. We don't need you." Seifer stepped around the shorter teen and started down the hall back to the cafeteria.

'Great the guilt trip.' Holding out a hand as though he could grab him, Zell called. "Seifer, wait."

Almasy paused in his tracks and turned around with an evil smirk. "Yes?" It was the way Seifer often talked, that let Zell realize he was being taken for a ride and, once again, he's fallen under.

Letting out a heavy sigh, the short blond dropped his head saying. "I'll sit with you guys - but only one last time." He thought of a way to explain it then snapped his fingers mentally. "Because Selphie misses me."

Seifer arched an eyebrow and shrugged his arms outward. "Whatever, come on." He and Zell walked to the cafeteria to finish out the remainder of lunch. Locke looked at Zell with question when he saw him. Was his boyfriend going to sit with Seifer? Selphie looked at Locke as though asking: What's he going with him for? To which Locke shook his head quietly.

"Well look who wandered back?" Said Tifa, smugly.

"I thought you were too good for us?" Quistis remarked, turning her nose up at him.

"People, little Dinky didn't come back here to be harassed." Said Seifer sitting down at his usual spot. Vincent was shoving something up his nose taking a deep whiff, then he rubbed the end of his nose between his fingers passing it to Rufus who waved it away.

"We're gonna have a going away party for Rufus at the end of the week." Vincent was saying to Zell. "He's gonna be outa here pretty soon, and guess who got a pass to come?"

"I'll bet it's me?" Zell said rolling his eyes. Tifa and Quistis laughed at Zell's remark, but Vincent ignored him as though he hadn't heard him at all, that, or he was talking to no one in particular in the first place.

Over at Selphie's and Rinoa's table.

"Is Seifer into Zell or something?" Locke asked out of the blue.

Selphie looked from the popular table then back to Locke. "No, well - I don't know." She looked back at them. "They used to be rivals, but now... I don't know." The well-of-information went back to her lunch.

Locke did the same, but he kept an eye on Zell and Seifer to make sure there was no hidden connection there.

"Do you think Seifer has a thing for Zell?" Rinoa asked.

Locke and Selphie nearly choked on their food hearing that.

"What makes you say that?" Asked Selphie.

Rinoa took a sip of soda making a sound akin to: 'I don't know.' When she pulled away, after swallowing she said. "I was just wondering; rivals never usually wanna hang out with their competition unless something's going on."

Locke and Selphie looked as guilty as a wolf in sheep's clothing, caught snacking on the backside of another sheep.

"But to say that, they'd have to be gay. That just can't be." Rinoa ended her thoughts and went back to her lunch, oblivious.

Locke finished having his mental heart attack and calmed himself down long enough to finish his, now, cold lunch.

That day after school. Selphie decided to walk home with Zell, since Locke had dentention. It was a good chance for them to further catch up with each other.

"Guess what?" Said Zell, sounding as though he wanted to tell her without the little game of back and forth involved.

"Hmmm?" Selphie sounded, humoring him.

Zell chuckled then said. "Locke and me are gonna sleep together, tonight, while my parents are away."

"That's great!" Selphie swung her arms around him. "Oohhh this is so cool; how often does your best friend get laid!"

Zell looked around them shoving her on the shoulder. "Ssshhh! Why don't you just tell everybody on the street." He shook his head to her in dismay.

"Yeah, yeah." She waved her hand back and forth. "My voice carries either way, okay."

Zell adjusted the straps to his bookbag, lifting some of the weight from his shoulders before replacing it back down. They walked quietly along, until Selphie patted the back of his hand with hers.

"Are you guys gonna use like.. condoms and stuff?" She asked.

"Maybe, do guys need them?" Zell wondered.

"How the hell should I know." Retorted the sexual novice. "I've seen that some guys do and other ones don't."


They walked into Zell's house lowering their voices. He saw his parents car still in the driveway, and he doesn't want them over hearing. Once the two were safe in his room they sat down on his bed and continued their conversation.

"So what's the deal with you and Seifer? Are you sitting back with them again?"

"No. I told him that today was the last time." Said Zell. He sat his bag down in front of him and started digging through it. He pulled out a slip of paper that looked hard like a mini card, and passed it to Selphie.

"What's this?" She asked looking down at it and read. "You're invited to a party at Rufus Shinra's house, Friday night. Starts at 10:00 p.m, ending at 3:00 a.m." She looked up at him. "Are you gonna go?"

Zell shook his head. "I wouldn't feel comfortable. I barely know the guy - - and his sister freaks me out."

Selphie laughed quietly to herself, handing the invite back. "You be careful tonight, okay?" It was said out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" Asked Zell. "With enough lube I'm sure things'll be fine."

Selphie waved a hand shaking her head. "But, y'know, disease and stuff. I just mean, you never know what could happen." She patted him on the leg and stood up. "I have to go home and do my homework - - still getting straight A's, smarty-pants," She giggled at her triumph.

"Good for you." Said Zell.

Selphie walked out of the room.

Zell fell back onto his bed and gazed up at the ceiling, then a smile spread across his face. "Tonight, I become a real man."

The Dincht's left right after dinner; and Zell was stuck washing the plates, pots, and silverware. He had just finished cleaning the first dish when he heard a knock on the door. He couldn't hide the smile that spread across his face. He dropped everything he was doing to get the door.

"Hi." Locke came inside pulling Zell into a kiss before the door could even shut. The two of them rested against the door while they groped and grabbed at each other's clothes and bodies. Being against the door, Zell wrapped his arms around Locke's waist and pulled him closer.

The two of them moaned feeling their swelling hard-ons pressing together through fabrics. Locke engulfed Zell's tongue sucking on it like a piece of candy. A muffled moan came from Zell and he broke the kiss pushing Locke away. Licking the brunet on the neck, he gestured for him to come upstairs with him.

Zell's heart was pounding through his chest, and he felt his breathing uncontrollably coming out. He has wanted this since the first time he'd seen Locke walk into class and now finally his dreams would come true. The two of them fell onto the bed and instantly started stripping off their clothes, throwing them about the room.

Locke straddled his boyfriend's hips, leaning down he ravaged kisses from his lips then moved to his ear, and whispered in a low voice, husky from lust. "How do you want it?"

Zell had been waiting too long for this to tell him slow and steady. In the moment all he could say was he wanted it hard, fast, and now! Rolling them over, the blond was on top now and he lowered himself to Locke's thighs, taking the stiff member into his mouth. His head bobbed up and down as he sucked. Zell has been fantasizing about this over and over, and he practiced on a million popcicles over the previous summer because of Cloud. So it was time to put the studying to the test.

Judging by the sounds Locke was making, he was doing pretty good. The brunet moaned, grabbing the back of the mattress to steady him as he thrust upward into Zell's warm mouth. Dincht moved his hands from Locke's hips in exchange to knead his buttocks. His palms ran smoothly over the previous rough squeezes he gave before.

Locke's hands snapped away from the mattress tangling themselves into Zell hair. He held the blond's head so that it stayed where he wanted it.

"Mmmhhh," Zell liked the taste of Locke in his mouth. It was like skin mixed with salt.

Locke moaned and arched. He was in Heaven.

Zell's hands moved from under Locke and caressed their way over his pelvis and down, onto his balls giving them less than light squeezes. Tasting more pre-cum from Locke. Zell eased back off of Locke's member, but only enough so that the head was still inside his mouth. The blond licked his tongue over it, removing the essence.

Cole's body jerked upward from the rush of pleasure, and he forced himself back in by shoving his sex back into Zell's mouth. His boyfriend pushed Locke's hips back onto the bed and he moved his mouth from over the brunet's member, repeating his process over and over. Like an animal picking at its prey.

After building up enough leakage on the tip of his tongue, Zell rolled Locke onto his stomach licking between his cheeks, leaving the lube in and over the exposed hole. His tongue darted in and out, swirling circles around it before dipping back inside again. Locke dug his forehead into the bed while grinding his burning erection into the matress, elevating his body up and back onto the pleasing tongue.

The blond moved away, and grabbed the lubricant. He then rolled Locke back over onto his back and gently, inch by inch, Zell slid his middle finger into the hole with little resistance.

Locke cried out in ecstasy, his eyes scrunching shut. Zell kissed around the tingling pelvic area and balls while ramming his finger in and out of the hole. Taking Locke back into his mouth, Zell swirled his tongue around and around sucking up and down.

Locke's release was streaming into Zell's mouth and he swallowed most of it, letting the rest run down out of his mouth onto his hand to lubricate the other fingers. He moved his ring finger up the hole, probing it up and down it slipped in with his other.

Zell felt his boyfriend's balls tighten up to his body. Lifting his mouth completely off of Locke's member he licked the head three times then dropped his mouth halfway over it he clamped down before he jerked his head backward. The tight sensation of Zell's mouth caused Locke to climax in a loud moan.

Zell held onto Locke's member letting him release himself over his own member. Zell stroked himself up and down to lubricate, then he got Locke in position.

Over at Selphie's house. She's listening to her iPod watching a movie. Her feet are in the air behind her kicking up and down against the bed and through that assault on the wood, a light from outside lit up her room. She looked at the wall waving to her shadow.

'Wait a minutea...' She shoved herself up off the bed and went over to the window. "Oh shit,"

It was Zell's parents! Selphie dashed across the room grabbing her phone and she pressed the speed dail for Zell. She listened to the ring and went over to the window to watch the couple in their car; the overhead light was on so they were looking for something inside the vehicle.

"Come oooon, come ooon. Pick up!" She said into the phone.

Zell and Locke were enthralled in their kiss, enthralled more in the thrust, but he heard his phone ringing.

Reaching over to the side of the bed, he picked up the device and turned it off. 'Dammit Selphie, you know what I'm doing, stop calling here.' He thought absently.

"Shit!" She swore dailing again. By now Zell's parents had gotten out of the car and she opened the window. "Hey?!" She shouted. "Up here!" The Dinchts looked up to Selphie's window and she waved to them. "What are you doing back here, Mr. and Mrs. Dincht!?" She tried shouting as loud as she could.

They panted as Zell thrusts in and out of the tiny hole. Locke wrapped his legs tight around Zell meeting the movement with his own.

"We lost something sweetie, so we had to come back and check." Said Brandy. "And honey you don't have to shout, we're right here." The woman added.

"Yeah, but you never know what unsuspecting sounds can go by to block us out!" She continued shouting.

Frank shook his head. "That girl gets weirder by the day," Looking up at the window. "We're going inside now. Goodbye Selphie."

"No, you can't!" She yelled. Her ear was still pressed to the phone when she heard the answering machine starting. "This is Zell Dincht..." She growled at the phone then looked around for something to throw.

"Hhhhuuuu...Hhhuuuu...Hhhuuuu." They panted into each other's mouths.

"I'm telling you honey, it's in here." Frank was saying. "I just don't know where I left it."

Looking around through some papers, the woman shrugged. "Maybe Zell knows," The two of them started up the stairs to their son's bedroom.

"Zell!" Selphie called while throwing things out of the window that barely made the target. "Zell! Your parents!"

The two of them silenced their moans through kisses but he didn't hear the creaky stair, nor the conversation in the hall.

"What the hell is that?" His father wondered, seeing Zell's opened door where the sounds were coming from within. Frank turned into his son's room and he nearly exploded. "Zeeeeellllllll!"