Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter Fifteen ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"I've gotta stand up for myself at some point." Muttered Zell. Feeling a rush of adrenaline, the fired-up and fed-up blond looked up at his offender and grinned.

Seeing the new change of face, the attacker blinked changing his posture to a more cocky one, taking his shoulder off the wall. "And what is this? What the hell have you got to smile about, Laughing Boy?"

With a slight laugh behind his voice Zell replied. "This!" Shooting his leg up into the air he kicked the attacker under his chin, it knocked him to the ground.

"You little punk." The red-head grumbled, getting up from the ground.

Zell had long since took of running in the opposite direction the attacker had landed. "I've gotta run faster." He coached himself. Digging his heels into the ground, Zell bolted down the sidewalks, glad for the thinning crowds of people; but he's also unfortunate because his attacker was quickly catching up!

Seeing the short blond run panting by in a sprint, Squall looked over his shoulder seeing an aggressive stranger chasing after him. Dashing around the corner Zell had run behind, Squall stood just at the turn in and waited. When the guy came around the corner Squall attacked him.


Squall watched as the blood dripped deliciously from the red-head's shoulder as his fingernails and fangs dug deep into flesh. Little by little the holes enlarged as Squall shoved his fingers inside.

"Aaaahhh!" The victim cried out in pain.

Smiling, Squall whispered to him. "Is that painful?"

"Hey!" A male voice called out.

Looking into the distance, the vampire saw two young men standing a short distance away, watching him. His eyes shimmered with his night vision giving him a better look at who they were. The first guy had light brown hair, is dressed in all black and holding a small knife. The second teen had long black spiked out hair, wearing mostly purple, and he, too, was carrying a small knife.

"Dinner time." Squall growled.

However, rather than feast upon the pair, he ended up tossing the red-head in his grasp at the defenders; the scent of Zell's blood had filled his senses, and he would rather make sure the homeless teen wasn't hurt than waste his time dealing with these morons. Their friend would surely bleed to death anyway, so his work was done.

Jumping into the air the vampire vanished. The pair ran over to their friend, who had landed a little way in front of them. "Are you alright, Reno?" Zack asked.

"Y-yeah I'm fine...Uuuugh." His voice cried out in anguish when he tried to move.

"Come on." Clyde angrily sighed. "Lets get you bandaged up."

Panting Zell ran. He ran as hard as he could, hoping that his aggressor wasn't still behind him. "Whoa! Rrrr..." He bared his teeth in pain feeling the skin on his knee break open. "Shit." He swore in a hushed tone and continued his way to the park.

Once reaching his destination, he slowed down to a stop and rested himself on a swing to catch his breath. "And I thought Deling was a bad neighborhood, try being broke in Dollet." Zell opened his hand glad to see the green bills still curled up inside. Pocketing it, he let his body rest a little more.

"... I'm getting kind of tired with the whooole... saving your ass thing." A voice said.

With a gasp Zell stood from the swing looking around for where the voice had come from. "I'm up here." The voice said again.

Looking up to the top of the swing set, Zell saw the guy who had given him the money from his wallet. But why was he here? And what did he have to do with all of this? "Who are you?" He asked trying not to drop his guard.

The guy shimmied down the chains of the swing he was perched over, until he sat comfortably on the seat. Pulling himself back, digging his heels into the sand below he began to swing back and forth as though he were the only one there.

Zell didn't get this guy at all. 'He's probably a sicko of some kind, trying to win my trust. Then he'll ask for favors if I want money. Tch. Good luck, asshole.'

The swing came to an abrupt halt. Squall stood up and started walking away, saying loud enough to be heard. "I'm hungry."

Zell watched him go, curious as to what he was going on about? And at the same time frightened wanting to just go back to the shelter and pretend the night didn't happen. Gathering up enough courage to do it, the blond started after the stranger.

They arrived at a cozy little Chinese restaurant, they were very popular nowadays. And just as quietly as they had walked to it they went inside. Squall went to a booth in the back of the place. Zell just stood and watched him take a seat wondering what he should do.

"It'd be nice to sit with someone so I don't look like an ass." Squall said as though he were actually speaking to no one, but giving a gesture with his eyes for Zell to sit down. Taking the offered seat at the booth he sat across from his strange new acquaintance.

"So who are yo-..." His words were silenced when a waitress dressed in a tight yellow dress came over to their table. "May I have your order, sirs?" She asked with a smile.

Squall turned to her and speaking fluently in Cantonese he ordered for them.

The woman nodded her head and wrote down their order. "As you wish." She said walking away from them.

Zell was amazed, who ever the guy was, he seemed worldly if anything else; and he was treating him to dinner. Judging by how long the order had taken it sounded like a lot of food. But he still had unanswered questions.

Squall seemed in another world after he had ordered; he had turned his attention out the window dreamily watching the raindrops that were slowly drizzling from the sky as they snake down the window pane beside them.

Though not wanting to disturb him, he had to know things. Zell tried again to ask the helpful stranger who he was. "So who...?" Again, he was cut off.

"I've been watching you for the past month, trying that stealing thing." Turning to Zell with an Imp's smirk he commented. "You suck."

'Well insult me to my face then.' He grouched. 'I barely know this guy and already he's gonna start jumping down my throat judging me.' Opening his mouth to speak, Squall raised his hand to silence him. The woman came back with a small table stand that was loaded with all kinds of food for them. 'Oh wow!' The famished blond marveled while watching the woman put it all out before them on the table. Once she was done she stood and bowed, then walked away.

"Dig in, there's plenty." Ordered Squall.


Zell didn't know what to start with first, it all looked too good to eat. Deciding on a bowl full of rice he reached across the table for it, setting the bowl down in front of him he then picked up his fork and dug in.

Squall became silent returning his gaze out the window at the rain.

Not until Zell was on his third bowl of rice and second egg roll did he notice that the stranger wasn't eating anything. "I'm supposed to eat this by myself?" He said through chewing. "I thought you said..." He paused to swallow. "you were hungry."

"Oh... right." Picking up a piece of something that looked like squid Squall stuck it into his mouth, chewing it as though he had all the time in the world.

With a shrug, Zell continued to shovel the food into his mouth until he couldn't stick in another bite. 'Well, I'm done... Maybe I could get some answers now?' Happy and full, he was ready to feed his curiosity. He pondered while glancing at Squall. "Um," He started.

The brunet turned his head to face him. "Yeah?"

"Why are you helping me? I mean, with the money - and I know you stopped that guy back there, too."

Squall shifted in his seat so that he was perfectly straight.

The sudden movement was making Zell nervous but he had to stand firm for answers. Why the secrecy? "I mean, I know the wallet was," he leaned in to whisper. "stolen."

Squall leaned in as well making Zell back away.

"You don't have to whisper, they don't care." The vampire replied sitting back. "How do you know the wallet is stolen?" He then asked.

Zell chewed the bottom of his lip a second wondering if he was supposed to have answered or not but he went for it anyway. "Because, I saw the drivers licence, and it belongs to that guy I bumped into earlier."

Squall nodded and said. "Does that bother you?"

"No. Not really."

"Good, cause I don't have a problem with taking what I want." Picking up an egg roll Squall looked at it as though he were examining it, but he began to speak again rather than eat. "That's what your problem is, with stealing... inside you're thinking 'it's wrong', it's making you sloppy on the outside."

Zell blinked when he started to understand what Squall was getting at.

"You had no intentions of stealing from me, I put the wallet in your hand and let you take it." He put the food down. "It was the fact that you pulled it off that made you wanna do it again, right?"

He was right, when Zell had found the wallet in his hand he suddenly felt like he could do it all night if he wanted to. "Yeah, it was a good feeling." Dincht replied.

Squall smiled at him, receiving an avoidance of eye contact. "Can I..." Squall began but shook his head, waving a hand. "No, I shouldn't ask."

"Ask what?"

"Well," Squall shifted his position again. "it's just that, I get so lonely sometimes. I thought maybe we could see each other again. If that's okay with you?"

Zell's eyes brightened and he smiled. "Sure, do you go to the same shelter I do? If not maybe we could hang out there, they have a table tennis set."

Cocking an eyebrow Squall shook his head. "I'm not homeless. I actually have a nice home; if you'd like to see it we could go now."

Something was wrong, the air felt funny. All of a sudden like Zell was losing his wind.

Squall stood up from the table and walked to Zell's side of the booth, holding a hand out he gestured with his head at the door. "Come on."

Taking a breath to regain his wind, Zell nodded. "O-okay..."

On his feet, Squall took the teen's hand and started for the door but paused.

"What?" Zell looked over his shoulder, confused as to what was the hold-up.

"Aren't you gonna pay for the food?" Wondered Squall.


"You've got to, you have all my money remember?"

Smiling, Zell broke their grip and walked back to the table dropping the money on it.

"That's a good boy." Squall said tousling up the blond's hair.

Zell wasn't sure when they got to the home or even how, but the two of them were sprawled out on a large bed, in a room glowing gold from a lit fire bouncing off the color scheme.

Squall was straddled over Zell's hips removing his own shirt from over his head, tossing it to the floor. He then bent over kissing the homeless teen with hungry ferocity.

The swiped guest seemed too frightened to move, as Squall was dominating him. Come to think of it, Squall had dominated him their first encounter, as well. Dincht was confused as he prided himself as the dominate, and does not know what to expect as the receiver. It caused a malfunction and he just froze underneath him.

It didn't take long before Squall got tired of kissing a statue; sitting up he looked down at the stiff blond, who has his eyes sealed shut. Cocking his head, Squall took Zell's eyelids between his fingers and forced them open.

He asked. "What are you doing?"

Not wanting to lie, Zell looked away in shame, replying. "I've never... been entered.. before."

Squall leaned down and kissed Zell on the lips caressing his cheek with his left hand. "Then I'll tell you, it hurts, but once the pain is gone it's nothing but a head-rush of pleasure."

Moving himself from around Zell's body, Squall crawled to the top of the bed and grabbed a silver container. Scooting back over his body, he opened the lid and showed him what was inside by tilting the container over a little.

Zell sat up on his elbows and looked down so that the contents wouldn't spill.

"I'm gonna coat my fingers in this and stick them up your ass, okay? It's safe to use internally, so don't worry."


Pushing at Zell's hip, Squall backed away to give the guy room before saying. "Take your pants off and lay on your stomach."

Doing as Squall had instructed, Zell removed his pants and dropped them to the floor.

"The boxers too, please." Squall said with a little 'duh' in his voice.

Cautiously, Zell removed his boxers as well. He was kind of embarrassed that he was naked in front of someone who wasn't, not to mention he knows nothimg about him but his name. He was glad to be asked to lie on his stomach at least.

Squall admired the view for a bit, then he removed his pants. Straddling Zell's legs, he set the lubricant down beside them and dipped his fingers in. "Ready?"

Zell nodded and tightened his eyes shut. "Relax. It hurts more when you're tense." Squall said quietly. Running his slippery finger up and down the trail between Zell's buttocks, the vampire made little circles around the entry way and whenever his finger slipped during the circling he dipped it in a little deeper each time.

Slowly and, surprising to Zell, painlessly Squall's finger slid into him. The vampire began to move his finger in and out at a slow pace then faster until it bumped into the delicate knot of pleasure. Zell moaned feeling the sudden rush to his head through his spine. It was just as Squall had said. Pain then pleasure. Another finger came up beside the one that was inside and started it's dance inside.

Zell made a low sound of pain but waited it out as the two fingers were working inside of him. The more they bumped into Zell's blockade the less the stretching hurt. His toes curled as another finger was brought in. This time Zell called out a little louder.

"Ssshh." Squall caressed Zell's back with his right hand that was a moment ago lubing his member. A red streak smeared on Zell's back. "Here comes the real thing, are you ready?" Asked the vampire not waiting for a reply before slipping himself inside of him.


"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Relaxing himself into the motion, Squall began to rock back and forth into Zell's body. The very content and pleased blond's moans started instantly. He's never in his life felt anything like that before! He thought that the rush was gonna kill him with ecstasy or at put him in a coma.

Squall went slowly at first just to get his bed-buddy used to it, then he moved faster pressing a little deeper with every moan from Zell's mouth edging him on. Leaning over, he kissed him between his shoulder blades then moved his lips up to his ear. Zell's hands wrapped around Squall's ass giving it squeezes with each movement in and letting go whenever it came out as a beg for more.

Feeling his stomach tighten the enraptured blond whispered in a horse tone. "Faster..."

Faster and faster they moved until the brunet pulled out of him and both of them came on Squall's bed. He didn't want to come in him just yet. He still had plans for him later tonight.


Edgar walked into Squall's room. He'd left his lover alone for a while with his human mate Zell. Zell was fully dressed but Squall was not. He was sitting up slightly with his shoulders resting against the headboard as he held Zell's sleeping figure in his arms, caressing his neck the best he could with one hand.

Up close, Edgar could see that his love-slave was merely stitching up the holes in the teen's neck with the spell bound hairs from his head so they would not be visible in the morning.

"The human is still here." Edgar says more as a statement than question.

Squall looks up at his lover with full alert but then eased his vision back down to his sleeping human. "He'll be gone by morning just as the others." Squall muttered quietly.

Once at the bed Edgar loomed over them looking down. "There were no others." The Lord stated rather bluntly, causing Squall wince from the sound in his voice.

The vampire lord touched the human's cheek; he then leaned over giving him a soft single kiss before straightening back up remarking to himself. "Beautiful..." He averts his vision to his lover. "But as I said before, a human is a human..." He turned away to leave the room but not before adding. "Put him back where you found him."

Squall swallowed hard before opening his mouth to speak and even with the courage his voice almost cracked on him. "I... I want to turn him, master."

A laugh escaped Edgar's mouth, of what kind Squall couldn't tell. But the laugh was low and very heavy in his Lord's throat.

Edgar turned back around smiling at him. "Pretty little fairy tales... Saving the poor boy from the streets, making sure he never has to go back to the hood." Edgar laughed again feeling his teeth lower with every word he'd said.

Squall swallowed again feeling his nerve to speak out of turn diminishing.

He didn't want Zell hurt, Squall really seemed to like this human. Even if it meant defying his lord and lover. Edgar walked over to the bed. "Look what happened to the teen vampires Caster and Pollux when they tried to mess around with humans, to resurrect some blood God La Magra." He extended his arms. "They're now six feet under, maybe more."

Squall shook his head. "The infusers? Surely you can't compare me with them. They were only out for themselves, and a foolish lust to have power over everyone. I merely wish for one boy; would you deny me him?" Squall's eyes welled with question as he watched his lord and lover walk over to the bed again.

"You know I can deny you nothing." Lord Edgar said, touching Squall's alabaster face. The pale young man basked in the touch until it was removed from him. "... Very well. You may have him." He now touched Zell lovingly, then sharply, around his neck. Drawing out a little blood that searched to see what was beyond the human skin.

Lust dreamed into the man's eyes as he leaned down whispering heatedly into the slits. "As you wish." His mouth parted as wide as it would go and all four of his sharp fangs dove deep onto Zell's neck! The bottom two slipping in where Squall's bite marks once were, adding two beside it and four more making new holes an inch or so above them.

Feeling a sharp jolt of pain Zell's eyes snapped open and he started to scream. Loud!

Other vampires in the mansion could smell his blood filling the air mixed with their lords sexual scent whenever he bit someone. They closed their eyes lusting for it themselves. Some of them found solace in touching themselves here or there. Others merely lay down on their beds acting as though they were the ones being touched with out actually doing it themselves.

As Squall watched Zell in pain writhing and struggling underneath Edgar's barely-there grip, he saw Zell turn his eyes on him and he reached out a hand. Squall saw the weak movement of his hand and scooped it up. Zell's color faded from his face and arms and the unseen rest of his body. Once his convulsions died, down Edgar pulled back panting and licking the blood from his teeth and mouth.

Without a word Edgar detached himself, then departed the room. Squall looked at Zell, his body limp but his eyes partially opened and he was panting heavy yet faintly heard inside his chest.

"Zell, I'm going to help you... but you have to help me first by doing everything I say, alright?" The human nodded the best he could and Squall reached beside him to a desk and grabbed a dagger, and with it he slit his wrist right across and shoved it to Zell's mouth. "Start sucking before it closes up, hurry!" With some effort Zell began to suck Squall's blood gagging at first but it only forced the wrist farther into his mouth.

Being at the human's side, Squall rolled Zell over onto his stomach so he wouldn't choke from laying on his back.

Zell was more than ready to stop the salty, metalic liquid from going down his throat, but Squall didn't remove his wrist. He had to replace the teen's drained blood with his own to start the first stages of the transformation. Mixed with the scent of his own blood and lust Squall nuzzled his face to Zell's ear and kissed it out of habit.

The vampire's free hand slipped around Zell's hips yanking his pants down exposing his ass. Squall lowered himself down a little and licked Dincht's round perfection, on, around, then inside. Zell's hips thrust backward feeling it and he continued to suck the blood from Squall's slit wrist.

Mounting him, Squall positioned himself so that his member was poking between Zell's legs. Not bothering with lubricant as he's still quite prepared he thrust inside of him. "Aaahh!" Zell cried out losing some of the blood from his mouth. Squall leaned forward kissing the back of Zell's neck while he moved in and out of him. Zell was moaning off and on with Squall but he kept his mouth clamped firmly around the vampires wrist.

Zell began to forget he was sucking on blood and fell into the pleasure of the sex. He humped the bed to stop the burning of his member. Squall reached under him grabbing ahold giving it swift jerks; glad Zell had enough of his blood in him to get hard.

"Ah...hhh...hhh." When the color was beginning to return in Zell's cheeks, Squall pulled his wrist away grabbing on to Zell's hips with both hands thrusting into him madly. The human panted into the pillow both from pleasure and letting his mouth take a break from the sucking.

Squall leaned forward licking the blood from around Zell's mouth, kissing him every once in a while. His thrust continued until he felt Zell spill over his red satin sheets. Giving the teen one last kiss, he felt the homeless teen slip into a deep sleep from exhaustion.

"I'll take you home now." Squall whispered into his Zell's ear.