Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 26 ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ten minutes earlier.

Squall was walking about the streets of Dollet. His posture very posh with his hands stuffed in his pockets and his head down, avoiding the humans at all cost. "Have you seen this guy?" A voice was saying through the crowd of people.

'Oh boo hoo, another missing human.' Thought Squall with a snort of a laugh. 'Probably some of my better work, too.' He kept his pace up feeling a hand landing on his shoulder. Spinning on his heels to face the person who owned the intrusive hand, he sees a larger man than himself, blond hair, very built stature, and a friendly face.

"Excuse me, but have..." He started but was cut off by Squall's swatting hand. "I haven't seen any lost boys, so take a hike." He answered.

"You didn't even look at the picture," the young man held the picture into as much light as he could to show Squall a good-looking, and very familiar blond in the photo.

The picture looked to be two years back, Zell was being held by a brunette girl with a huge grin on her face; while he was making what humans call a, 'duck face'. Squall smiled at the picture then a frown contorted his features. What was this human doing with a picture of Zell anyway?

"His name is Zell Dincht." The search team member was saying, seeing that Squall was looking over the picture. "Have you seen him?"

A thin smile spread across Squall's face and he nodded slowly. The vampire began to back up into an ally way, gesturing a finger for the man to follow him. The larger male did so thinking that he was being led to where Zell was, a smile came across his face. He couldn't wait to bring him home to Selphie and his family. Who, in his eyes, probably really missed their son deep down.

"Hhhhhaaa..." Squall hissed opening his mouth.

He lunged upward and grabbed the taller young man around his neck, hiking himself up to wrap his legs around the male's waist; he then ripped the guy's shirt at the shoulder before Squall dug his claws deep into the blond's skin.

"Aaaa!" Panicking, the blond tried pushing him off but it was futile. Squall's fangs dropped from their sheath puncturing down deep into the older male's throat. "Aaahh!" The pain hit him like nothing he'd ever felt before! "Aaahh...Aaahhh..." The man twisted himself back and forth trying to shake Squall loose, but the violent stranger was holding on with the strength of a bear. Pressing his hands into the vampire's stomach, the blond started to push him back but stopped when he felt that it was only making Squall's teeth snag and go deeper inside.

Hungry growls came from the vampire's mouth as he sucked harder and faster, his head bobbed up and down as he did so.

"Some bo..dy...he..." The victim's vitals were fading fast and his knees began to buckle underneath him.

Squall continued his attack on the weakening male and the two of them were sinking quickly to the ground as the blond's life slipped out of him. Pulling away, Squall ran a hand across his mouth and smiled. "Zell's with me now. You have nothing to worry about..." Stooping down, he stole the watch the man was wearing. He also removed the photo of Zell and the unknown female. Tearing it in half, Squall stuffed the half of the picture with Zell into his pants pocket, and dropped the half with Selphie onto the man's dead body. "Like I said, you have nothing to worry about."

A few scattered people glanced into the darkened void between buildings, they heard shouts, but none were brave enough to look. Dollet is presumed a peaceful town. Let it stay that way.

"1:14 a.m." Squall noted deciding to call it a night, he obviously wasn't gonna find Zell, and quite frankly he was pissed now. He thought the teen had been discarded and uncared for; people are looking for him. He has to find Zell again so that he can turn him completely, then nobody will have him... Nobody.


"Damn it Selphie," Seifer was saying.

"...Weeelll, what did you expect?" She threw her arms up in exasperation. "You didn't close your door, and I just didn't think my side was lock...ed." She cleared her throat after she spoke hearing the break in her voice.

The two of them were now standing outside of Seifer's car. Which is sitting in the middle of the street, still running and very much, locked. Selphie leaned on the car trying to cover up the fact that she still had a flood of tears left in her after their encounter with Zell. Seifer seemed a bit distracted too, and not just because of his car.

Running a hand under her nose, Selphie sniffled and sighed. "If you want, I could go to my house and get my dad's car and tow yours back home?" She offered.

The look Seifer gave her could only be put into two words... "Shut up." He muttered shaking his head. Running a hand through his hair he thought about just breaking the window, but decided against it. It was practically new, and all the want in the world was not about to make him wreck his car.

"Well, what are we supposed to do? You can't just leave it here." Selphie stated.

Biting his tongue from another smart remark, Seifer clenched his fist pulling it back. Selphie covered her eyes waiting for the impact, and the sound of Seifer's cries when he hurt his hand. 'Hmm?' She looked down noticing the lock in the back was up, just as Seifer's hand came down on the window Selphie piped up saying. "Wait!"

Seifer froze mid swing and looked over the car at the girl, who was yanking open the back door. "The back was unlocked." She smiled climbing in.

The angered car owner's mood slowly faded seeing Selphie climb into the car and unlock his door.

"See." She smiled up at him, half-heartedly happy.

Shaking his head, Seifer climbed in and pulled the door shut a little harder than he would have liked to, but he was still a bit upset. Seeing the girl making a trip between the seats, he placed his hand on her forehead pushing her back. "Oh no you don't, you're staying in the back." He said, and Selphie sat back in the seat pouting. "I need space to think."

"Hmph." Selphie crossed her arms and gazed out the window, watching all the passing buildings and late night people. Wishing that one of them was Zell.


Squall!" He bangs on the door of the home. "Squall, can you hear me!?" Trying the knob, he tugged at the locked door then banged his fist on the solid wood again. "Squuuaallll!? Please open the door!" Feeling a sudden tingle shoot up his spine, Zell spun around in a quick but staggered circle. No one was there.

"Squaaalll!" He returned to banging on the door. "Please, open the do-...Aaahhh!"

Someone grabbed him from behind, their arms were securely around his chest holding him in their grip. Whoever had him began to back up, with Zell screaming the entire way. "Noo, heeelp me, please... Squall!"

He struggled within the hold until the person backed against an iron gate. "Please, don't hurt me..." The frightened teen pleaded. A sharp laugh caught his ear and he was thrown to the ground.

"That's your best defense?" Squall mocked laying down on the grass with Zell.

The homeless teen was still shielding his face, until he heard the familiar voice. Dropping his defenses, Zell tried relaxing enough to turn on his side and face the near stranger, but Squall was way ahead of him. Wrapping an arm around Zell's waist, he pulled him to his side, hip to hip.

"Iiii," Squall emphasized. "have been looking for you all night." His voice was sweet with a hint of humor behind it. "I looked around by the stores, that restaurant you like to steal food from." He propped himself up on an elbow and looked down at Zell. "I picked up on your scent in that blond guy's apartment... what was his name, Cid?" He asked.

Zell nodded but kept his gaze away.

"That's good, I mean I checked everywhere.." Squall rambled on. "I gave up and came home, then what should I find?"

"Are you a vampire?" The words came from Zell's mouth as though he had not said them. But his curiosity was killing him at this point, as well as his stomach. He didn't know what Squall had done to him, but he was still in severe pain inside. With mild shock waves flowing through him, whenever he wanted to get comfortable.

"Does that bother you?" Inquired Squall. He himself wanted to tell Zell from the start, but he didn't wanna freak him out, so he said nothing for the mean time; but, since Zell had brought it up, they might as well discuss it.

"No... I mean, I'm fine with you being a vampire." Zell's voice lowered. "I just don't know if I'm cut out for it myself." He picked timidly at his fingernails.

'Damn it.' Squall ground his teeth a moment. "So you figured it out, huh?"

Zell shrugged. "I guess... earlier at Cid's.. I smelled his blood and I wanted to..." He held his stomach, just the thought of it made him wanna hurl. And he rolled away from Squall, out of his grip in case he did so.

Squall looked at his watch again, then got up he grabbed Zell's hand pulling him up to his feet as well. "Let's go inside, you need a bath." The vampire mentioned. Zell remained planted where he stood, keeping his gaze downcasted. Squall smiled faintly and pulled him into a hug. "Don't be sad." He hushed, though his actions were hardly innocent as he ran his hands up and down Zell's back, lower back and buttucks. Squall nuzzled his nose into Zell's face, parting his lips with the tip of his tongue before he plunged it inside of his mate's mouth.

The saddened teen was hesitant to kiss him back because every encounter with himself and Squall ended with his being bitten. Squall pressed on though, his fervent need for the homeless teen rising with the scent of Zell's sad emotions.

A low moan escaped Squall's mouth when he felt his manhood twitch to life. In their journey up and down the small blond's body, Squall's hands dipped into Zell's pockets feeling a slip of paper inside. Bringing the kiss to an abrupt halt, he backed away from Zell bringing the slip of paper with him.

"Mails in." He opened it and looked at the words. "...You want?" He held it out to Zell.

Zell blinked in shock, when did that get there. And more importantly who put it there. His mind had a sudden run through the day and it hit him. "Selphie." He said quietly. Taking the note from Squall, he opened it up and read:

Hey, Zell!

You asshole. I knew you wouldn't talk to me so I took the liberty of writing what I had to say to you then found a way to sneak it in your pocket; pretty smart of your best friend, huh? Everything is kinda up and down with me... now that your gone. Some days are good... Y'know, like nothing's changed, and you're still around just absent from school or spending the day at home while I go shopping with Rin'.

But other days, I just wanna roll over and die wishing that you were still around.

Squall watched the wave of emotions go across Zell's face as he read the note, first happy then sad then happy again. He watched as the lines in his face moved about to try avoiding an oncoming smile. And he could only think. 'Simply beautiful.'

I hope no matter how hard it is you're eating right. I don't wanna take a walk one day and find my friend dead on the streets, I chose food cause any other cause I would just lose it.

Zell... Just promise me one thing, if you never come back... can you at least find a way to let me know you're alright. Stop by my house from time to time. I can still pal around with you ya know. I've got food what more can I say.

Zell wiped a tear that formed in the corner of his eye and continued reading.

Cloud called, he's still thinking about you and misses you just as much as any of us do. Although in my confusion, he might think you're coming to visit him. Sorry. I have his new address written at the bottom and his phone number in case you wanna call.

Zell looked down at the bottom of the note seeing the number and address, his eyes went back up to the middle of the paper, needing a moment to find where he was. Then he read on.

I'm so bad for this stuff ya know, I hate sadness... so um.. see ya. Love you gator face. Selphie.

p.s. Your mom (there was a scratch over the word) is in the hospital. I personally don't care, but I thought I should tell you in case you did.

'My mom's...' Looking up at Squall who was staring at him with a smile, he said. "You have to take me to the hospital, please?"