Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 28 ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

At first Zell thought he smelled the faint whiff of chicken. A smile came across his face, and his eyes slowly began to crack open as if he were waking up in the dream preparing himself to taste some of the mouth watering poultry. But the scent quickly became rancid. "Hmmm.." To his horror, the smell wasn't chicken at all, it was the latter scent. Cooking skin! His eyes snap open and he reached out for the cooking figure. "Squall wake up!" He shook the vampire.

The two of them had been asleep for hours without knowing it; the sun was just coming over the hill, ready to claim it's nocturnal victim. "Squall?! Squall!" He grabbed the vampire by his shirt shaking him furiously.

Dazed, Squall's eyes cracked open and he blinked in confusion feeling Zell shaking him. "Hmm...? Wha-What?" He asked, once coming into full consciousness he pushed the teen away. Noticing the smoke coming from his body, Squall made an inner yelp and began smacking at his chest.

Zell slid off the car rushing around to the side Squall was on patting him off as well. His frantic hands moved down to the poor guy's inflamed legs. Squall slid himself from the car; Zell backed away from him tugging at the doorknob. "Quick get in." He hurried him once it popped open.

Squall didn't waste anytime climbing into the shaded safety of the black car. Zell ran to the other side and slipped in as well, slamming the door after him.

"Hhh... hhh... hhh." Squall's chest rose and fell painfully. Grabbing a handful of his shirt, Squall began to fan himself with it, tugging the shirt in then out repeatedly.

Zell watched with sadness in worry thinking that it was all his fault Squall was trapped outside in the first place. He leaned forward and turned the air ducts, aiming the little vents towards the burning vampire, saying quietly. "Squall I..."

"Well," the vampire said cutting off Zell's words. "I may not have seen the sun coming up, but I sure felt it, huh kid?" He joked.

When Squall began to laugh Zell punched him on the shoulder, shaking his head in distaste. It really wasn't funny. "I hardly think that's funny. You could've died." He griped suddenly.

"Aaaww, there there." Placing a hand on Zell's cheek, Squall moved himself closer to his face and planted a simple kiss on his lips. "I'm not though, am I?" When backing away from the closeness to the blond, Squall's face tensed and he grunted in pain. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped. The vampire's hands clutched his stomach from pain, and he bent over the steering wheel coughing.

"Squall..." Zell pat the foolish nightwalker's back, giving it quick rubs every other pat.

"Zell, I..." The vampire spat blood from his mouth; peppering the steering wheel with patches and light specks of blood here and there.

"What do you need?" The homeless teen asked.

"Please, I need you to..." Another wave of nausea hit him and he took another moment to cough before saying. "drive me home."

"But..." Zell didn't have time to be a coward; Squall was in trouble and he had to help him, even if he didn't know what he was doing. He was never very good at driving, so he avoided it as often as he could. Thinking over how to get on the driver's side without getting out of the car to switch places, Squall started to get up and crawl to the backseat. Zell watched him a moment, then moved over to the driver's side of the car. Once firmly planted in the seat, Squall was moving back up to the front into the passenger's side.

"I'll help you," Squall mentioned. "don't be embarrassed."

Zell gave him a timid smile, then started the car. Gods how he hated backing up.


The car drove slowly down the streets of Dollet. It hastened only when no one was beside the driving disaster. Squall looked on the verge of recovery, he had even stopped smoking. The air conditioning had done the trick with cooling him off.

Zell unconsciously glanced at the time. '6:30.' He noted. 'The sun won't fully be up until at least six fifty.'

Squall smiled listening to Zell's words of concern. After a quick glance at novice, he returned his gaze out of the windshield. Reaching forwards, he yanked the shift into the reverse position, the gears in the car ground hard against each other. "You missed my house," he laughed softly.

"Uh... I did?" Looking over his shoulder, Zell saw the large mansion behind them. Looking ahead they were nearly at the edge of a dock.

"Relax, Zell, I'm not going anywhere for a long time." Squall assured, squeezing the teen's thigh.

Zell blushed slightly, and waited for the car to back up to the house, before he turned it up the drive way bringing it into the garage. Squall pushed the shift to park then turned off the car.

"Thank you." He said flatly. Sitting up, he grabbed his chest in pain that came from switching positions. Closing his eyes he leaned over to kiss Zell on the cheek as a better thank you, but the blond was already moving out of the car causing him to fall flat on his face. "Uuugh." He groaned.

Zell climbed out of the car, then walked around to the passenger's side. Opening the door, he helped the embarrassed vampire out of the vehicle, giving him support beneath his shoulders while his other arm held his torso.

"Is there a door into the house from here?" He asked.

"Over there." Squall pointed ahead.

Looking through the darkness, Zell saw the door at the other end of the room. Making a verbal smile, the teen walked the two of them over to the door.

Two dark figures appeared at the door before Zell had even had a chance to reach for the knob. It was two men, one rather large with an odd hair style and another, short with a lot of muscle. "Prince, Squall." One larger of the men said.

"Are you all right?" Asked the other, shooting Zell a venomous look.

Startled by the severe assumption, he thought about letting Squall go and running like the wind, but the vampire leaned his head on him forcing him to stay.

"Yes, I'm fine. Is Lord Edgar waiting for me?"

"Sorry, my Prince, but the Lord said that he was going to bed, and he'll speak to you later." Said the shorter man.

"Am I in trouble?" Squall wondered out loud, but sounded as though that wasn't what he was really thinking about.

"Not that we know of, my Prince." Affirmed the taller man.

Squall laughed slightly saying, "That's a relief."

Feeling suddenly out of place. Zell started to remove himself from Squall, shoving him forward towards the two men. "Can you make sure he gets some rest?" He asked the pair.

Squall started shaking his head in protest of the boys leaving.

"I uh... need to be getting home." Zell said, trying not to look at Squall to avoid the vampire's saddened expression.

"Zell, please don't go." It was a direct plead, and Zell didn't wanna say no... but, yes wasn't the best answer in his eyes. "Please..? You can use my bathroom, and take a shower."

'I really could use the bathroom... and a bath wouldn't be unwanted..' He thought it over.

Squall shakily walked over and pulled him into a soft kiss on the lips. "Please?" He was determined; and when he wanted something he always got it, courtesy of Lord Edgar for that one.

Sighing in defeat, the emotionally cornered nodded shyly.

A quick smile spread across the vampire's face. He snapped up Zell's wrist, he ran his guest inside and up to his room. "Ta Da!" The vampire announced when they were inside.

"Oh, wow!" Zell admired everything.

The lamps, the small dining table, and bed side drawers. From the smallest thing like jewelry to the biggest thing, a huge king-sized bed. With black silky sheets and satin pillow cases. The frame around the bed was done in gold, like the basic color scheme of the room. He just then noticed that everything was black and gold.

"I thought that..." Zell began, but Squall took his hands and led him, walking backwards, into the bathroom at the other end of the room.

It was gorgeous, and nearly as big as the room. The colors were creams and slightly orange from the bulb in the light over the sink. The tub was average and detached from the wall like those old ones at your grandparents house. The sink had the real vanity though with a large counter surrounding it, and big bulb lights outlining the mirror in the middle. Then there was the...

"Yeah right," Squall replied to the earlier statement, like he'd just now heard it. "like I'd let a stranger into my bedroom."

Letting go of Zell's hands, Squall leaned over the tub and turned the knobs. Testing the water, he waited until it was tolerably hot then he let it fill up on its own. Turning to Zell again, Squall grabbed the bottom of the homeless teen's shirt and yanked it up over his head.

"I thought you said I could take a shower?" He inquired hastely.

"Baths are better." He dropped the shirt to the floor. "Take your pants off."

Hesitant, Zell began to undo his belt. The fly of his pants was next then the button. Once that was done Zell swayed on his feet a moment. Squall yawned into his hand watching Zell, then he blinked seeing that he had stopped moving. With a smile, the vampire turned away so that Zell could take his pants off.

"The bubbles are beside the tub if you want further shielding from my eyes." Squall casually mentioned.

Zell looked down by his feet, surely enough there was a box of scented powdered bubble bath. Stooping down, he picked it up but not before catching Squall looking at him again on his way up.

Blushing deeply, Zell smiled shyly saying. "Are you gonna be doing that the whole time?"

"I could leave if you want." Offered the vampire.

"N-no it's okay. I just... I don't know." Zell opened the small box letting the scent fill his senses a moment, before he tipped the box over into the waterfall from the spigot. The flakes soaked up the water quickly turning into a nice sudsy cover over the tub water.

"After you." Squall put a hand in the water to check the height, then reached put to turn off the faucet.

Zell placed his left leg into the water than his right. It was nice and hot to his liking, not too much but not too little. Sinking deep into the water, Zell paused when it reached the bridge of his nose, then let his head fall completely under.

The water washed over him, clensing him of everything that had happened to him from day one. Being thrown out, bitten, attacked and beaten up. Mentally damaged from Locke, the confusion he recieved from Seifer, and the sadness of hurting Selphie. All of it washed from his body making him feel as though - - he personally, were now a clean slate.

Resurfacing, he saw Squall pouring liquid soap into a wash rag. The vampire dipped the rag under the water a moment, bringing it back out he then brushed the sides together lathering it up. "Lift your arms." He instructed.

'Well, that kinda takes away from the not seeing me naked thing.' Zell's cheeks heated from embarrassment, but did as Squall said.

The determined vampire got to work scrubbing under Zell's arms. It took everything in the blond teen's power not to laugh from the tickle, and he must have been making the stupidist face to avoid it.

"Hahaha, you can laugh if it tickles, you know." Commented Squall casually, as he took obvious note of the guest's restraint.

Zell shook his head laughing quietly.

Squall's mouth twisted watching as he still refused to laugh. "No no, you gotta really get it out there like..." He exampled a rather loud head throwing laugh. That got Zell to laugh out loud. The two of them waged an unspoken war of who could laugh the loudest and the best.



Their laughter died down after the fifth outburst and they both snickered quietly at their insanity. 'God being with him is natural... maybe, I mean... if he really is offering... maybe I could live a life this way.'

Squall looked vacantly at the suds and hid a knowing smile. Those words were just what he wanted to hear Zell say. With that out of the way, Squall let his body give in to the sleeping spell that was nagging the back of his mind.

"Can I do this myself," asked Zell taking the rag from Squall's slack grip. "I haven't had someone washing me since I was three... I mean, it's nothing personal, I just..."

Zell watched as Squall pressed his back to the wall and began to fall asleep. A light smile appeared at the corner of his mouth as he watched the sleeping figure, but it soon turned to a frown.

'I can't stay here with him, I just don't think I wanna be... one of them.' Zell shook his head from the thought of what Squall had secretly been trying to do to him, and the memory of what he had done due to the changes. 'Maybe my life is back home... well, not my home exactly; but, if Seifer really thinks that could work.. than maybe he should be my first choice..?'

Zell began to absently wash himself, as his mind went deeper into thought. 'And what about Locke? If I go with Seifer or Squall, where would that leave us?' He had to ponder it; as hopeless as it seemed, but, Locke practically said he missed him that night at the park. It had to have meant something.

"Did it...?" Wondered Zell out loud. 'Or is that what I'm telling myself to stay sane?' The blond's vision now fell on Squall. He had made some good points earlier this morning about his priorities and he wanted so much to believe that. But what is his goal in life?

'He sure is beautiful... How did I miss that before?' Wondered the homeless teen. His gaze lingered and assessed the vampire for a bit longer. His hand soon fell lower into the water from its steady massaging of his chest. The rag danced in the water, swaying back and forth brushing lightly over his sensative area.

'Maybe it's the mist in here,' Thought Zell still running the rag under the water, biting back a hiss from the sensual feeling it was giving him. It was never his style to have his way with himself. Not in this case or any, although... 'No, I can't.'

Squall turned his head slightly causing Zell to jump in start, but seeing that the vampire was still sleeping, he relaxed. 'I wonder if he'd know?' Zell's thoughts calmed, and returned instantly to what he had been thinking about doing before.

This time Squall's eyes snapped opened and he smiled at him, in a feindishly huge grin. "Aha."

He laughed uncomfortably. "Were you listening to my thoughts or something?" Zell wondered sincerely, he figured he said his thoughts out loud but didn't notice.

"Not all the time," Squall moved back over to the side of the tub. Dipping his hands into the water, he cupped the liquid within them then used it to splash over Zell's chest. The vampire knows what he's doing; so too does Zell. He had heard what he was thinking about.

Well, Zell Dincht was not going to give him the satisfaction of masturbating to the thought of him. 'Hmph.' He continued washing as though he had never stopped for a second. 'Let's see who does what first. I can last a lot longer than you.'

One of Squall's ears pricked up from those unspoken words, and a smile crackled across his lips. 'You're about to lose, Dincht. I can go a lot longer than you any day.'

Zell may not have heard him, but he watched Squall's expression changing, and kinda picked it up as obvious. So distracting himself from the sexy little vampire, Zell looked across the bathroom for distractions, his gaze fell upon a long mirror.

"Huh?!" Where was Squall?! Sticking out a hand, he waved a frightful hand past Squall's face, watching in the mirror that is reflecting only his hand moving back and forth. Squall cocked an eyebrow at Zell then turned his gaze to where his human was looking.

'A mirror?' Understanding what Zell was doing, he nodded knowingly. 'Oh, right. That reflection thing.' That's when a brilliant idea came over him. Standing, Squall left the bathroom and walked into the bedroom.

'Uh-oh, I hope I didn't offend him.' Ready to say he was sorry for... well, he's not entirely sure, but Zell stood up letting the water and suds run from his body.

Just as he was about to get out, Squall returned to the bathroom and placed a silver dish beside the tub on the floor. Zell doesn't fail to notice the fact that the vampire was now stark naked.

"Get out." Squall commanded. Sitting himself on the floor he waited for Zell to climb out of the tub. The confused guest looked around for a towel but didn't find one.

"Forget it, come here." Squall waved a hand.

Zell climbed out of the tub and stood before Squall. The vampire smiled at his human; placing his hands on the teen's hips, he lowered him down onto his lap. Grabbing a handful of the liquid in the dish, Squall rubbed his hands together then coated Zell's length, he then scooped more and smeared the liquid he held onto to his guest's hands. Squall placed Zell's hands on his member and instructed the motion which he wanted him to use while lubing him up. Zell ran his hands smoothly up and down the vampire's enlarged shaft receiving a low moan from him.

Liking his reaction Zell sped up with his strokes turning them into taut little jerks. Squall moaned lowly. His eyes closed, letting the feeling take over him a moment before returning his thoughts back to his original plan.

Joining his lips with Zell's, Squall kissed him heatedly. Zell's hands jerked Squall's member with every wave of heat he felt run through his own body. The vampire's hands found their way along the teen's back and down to his ass. Holding a piece of flesh in each hand Squall spread Zell as far as he would go then a little further.

Zell could tell what Squall was doing so he moved his hands and let himself be lowered onto the vampire's flaming erection. His eyes scrunched a bit when the head went inside, then he relaxed feeling the slippery shaft reside in his body.

Squall applied more lube in his hands, slipping them between their bodies, grabbing a hold of Zell's hard-on. He began to do the same jerking motion that Zell had been doing to him a minute ago. With luck Zell's body pressed against him and enraptured teen placed his hands over his. Squall kept one hand on Zell's hips to keep him moving up and down on his bucking hips while his other arm braced itself around Zell's back.

Squall leaned forward lying Zell on the floor, and he hiked the blond's legs around his hips. Zell's feet planted themselves on the wall behind them and Squall began to rock into him, lightly at first then thunderous. Making his light moans grow louder and louder. Squall on the other hand looked past them to the long mirror at the end of the bathroom.

Sparkle ran across his eyes seeing a picture that looked like Zell was jerking himself off, lying on the bathroom floor. Getting fucked by a phantom. To give his picture more depth, Squall broke their kiss moving his lips down to Zell's neck. Arching his body in pleasure, Zell titled his head back exsposing more of his neck for the vampire to taste.

They moaned in unison.

Squall continued watching the mirror ahead of them, laughing faintly as he kissed his human. The hand on Zell's hips moved to the side of them dipping a finger into the lubricant. Squall's coated fingertips traced little circles on Zell's neck leaving a candy flavor of black cherry for him to lick away. 'Dark and sweet, just like his blood.' Thought Squall.

Seeing the little circles appear on Zell from the mirror, it looked as though his skin had just broken then repaired itself. "Rrr.." Squall grunted feeling the base of his gender hit Zell's body. Their movements were thick and bulky with less pull and more push, as though Squall himself were trying to fit into the teen.

Zell's panting became more rapid and fulfilled, and just when he thought he couldn't take anymore Squall pulled out of him leaving only the head inside his human. Grabbing the leg that was at his left, Squall elevated it over his head pushing Zell's hips with it. He then grabbed the teen's right leg and moved it to the other side of him so that Zell was now on his hands and knees.

With a quick thrust, Squall returned to the depths of Zell where he had once been. Zell threw his head back in pure pleasure feeling his hole stretching more and more with each hammer into his body. Squall leaned completely over Zell's body pressing his upper half to the floor.

Zell stretched his arms out clawing at the floor by scrunching his fingers in and out. "Uuu, yes... yes..." He whispered in harsh tone into the air. Squall planted kisses between the blond's shoulder blades keeping his vision on the mirror watching his human's body rock forward and back with his movements. It was the sexiest and funniest thing he's ever seen in his life. Leaning back off of Zell, Squall stood on his knees bringing the teen up with him, so that they were both sitting. Zell rested his head back against Squall's shoulder while the vampire sucked away at his neck.

Both their hands were at Zell's lap, but they were both holding onto something different. Squall squeezed upon the sacks, while Zell held his own member twisting it like the screw cap of a bottle of soda.

Squall found it almost impossible to keep his eyes open under this much pleasure but he wanted so badly to watch as Zell finished himself off. Zell on the other hand was in a whole other world, feeling his body bending back over as Squall tugged his balls downward and only downward making his body bend over seeking to coax the pleasure deeper into his body.

'This is it.' Squall held an arm around Zell's chest, arching his lover's back while he continued to squeeze upon his genitals with his other hand. Zell jerked himself harder, faster, and harder still until...

"I win." Whispered Squall.

Zell opened his eyes hearing the vampire's voice in his ear. Seeing the mirror ahead of them a faint smile came across Zell's sweat soaked face seeing that he was in-fact jerking himself off. The image held long enough for Zell to admit defeat before being filled with Squall's burning love, shooting his own and they both fell over onto the floor.

The door to the bathroom opened. Looking up through a haze Squall saw that it was Lord Edgar!

"We need to talk." The man decreed.