Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 33 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Epilogue: P.O.V.

One month later. I'm on a train heading out of town, it takes a while when your changing trains along the way, especially when you have to cross the ocean. Lord Edgar gave me the money... that night... I wasn't supposed to think about it anymore - - at least, that's what Edgar says. I wonder why? Guess it all is kind of fuzzy now. But still, some thing's continue to play in my mind from that night.


One month earlier. That night. Zell was on the ground crying his eyes out. The police swarmed over Squall like lions attacking a deer; each one carrying a tranquilizing gun as well as a net to hold the vampire in.

Squall's body lay limp and lifeless, as though he were dead. Zell hadn't seen him smiling at him, because his eyes were too blurred with tears.

Locke watched as the cops loaded Squall into a van and he remained with his arms around Zell's shaking body. "Let's get you something to eat, it'll you can calm down."

"I don't need food! You don't understand..." Zell cried out. Tears flooded his face as though they had no intentions of stopping.

Locke looked confused and he turned himself sideways to see the weeping blond's face. "What? What don't I understand?" He asked, feeling static running lightly through him. He couldn't believe Zell was actually talking to him. He thought that his ex had planned to stay mad at him forever... and even if he did, he at least would have this nice moment with him right now.

Zell began to sniffle and choke on his tears and snot. Locke pulled out a tissue from his pocket wiping his nose for him, then he handed it to Zell.

"Thank you." He replied, his voice still sounding heavy with tears.

Locke heaved a worried sigh then stood up, keeping one arm around Zell's shoulders and the other around his waist, he guided Zell to his feet. "Come on, let's go." He began to walk, hoping Zell would willingly walk with him. His friend seemed to wanna drag his feet but when they really started to move forward Zell walked along side of Locke normally, but still with some help from him.

Back to present.

I told him everything that night. About how it all began since he closed the door on my face, even the parts he already knew because he was part of them. And with Squall, I just told Locke he was a nice guy to me, and I didn't know that he was the escaped killer. I really didn't. But I made sure to tell him nothing about Squall being a vampire.

Which brought me to Edgar. After Locke had paid for a drink for us, I told him that I was gonna return to the shelter and just see what tomorrow brings. He asked if he could join me and I told him: "No."

Locke nodded as if he understood and I told him it wasn't like that, I just needed to be with my friends alone right now; that he could meet me at the park tomorrow. "I'll... probably need you."

That made him smile. Swaying back and forth on his feet he stated rather uncomfortably. "I should be heading home... my mom is worried about me."

We sat in a silence then turned on his heels and started away, pausing to look back at me to say.

"Thank you... For the second cha..." He just seemed to trail off as though he still couldn't believe it.

I waved a hand at his back then looked at the shelter door. I couldn't go in, if Terra was behind those doors crying I wouldn't know what to do, because I myself felt tears reforming about the whole thing. That's when I decided the right thing to do was tell Edgar what happened to Squall.


"So Squall has been arrested again?" He confirmed.

Zell nodded keeping his gaze low, he felt ashamed to be there telling Edgar that he had gotten Squall caught, and that he would probably be in jail forever or be given the death sentence.

"Gods... I'm such a fucking screw up!" His eyes watered again, he felt a cold torment building in his stomach. Surprisingly, Edgar placed a hand on top of Zell's head and gently stroked it back from his face.

"I like your tattoo, Squall would have liked it as well..."

Zell sniffed in hard; and wiped his forearm across his eyes. "Thank you." He still felt mopey and trying to hold himself together didn't hold up at all.

Lord Edgar brought his hand away from Zell's head and handed him a handkerchief. He then lowered his hand into his own pocket pulling a wad of money from it, a very LARGE wad. "Zell," He said quietly while slipping the money into Zell's pants pocket. "Forget about this night, and go on with your life."

"What?" He couldn't believe his ears, didn't he hear him. Doesn't he care. "But Squall is ..."

"He will be fine." Edgar assured cutting Zell's words off. "This is not the first time he has been jailed and it will not be the last, I'm sure." Stepping out of the house, Edgar reached down and patted Zell's pocket. "Take this money and live, if not for yourself than do it for Squall."

"Ignoring him isn't doing anything for Squall," He felt a burn in the top of his head. "aren't you gonna break him out?"

"I will get Squall when he's ready to leave..." Edgar's tone had warning behind it, telling Zell the matter would be taken care of and he should drop it.

The blond still felt hurt inside. All of this would still be his fault even if he went away or knew everything was gonna be all right. He still had a guilty feeling, and a lonely one. Edgar cupped Zell's chin leaning down planting a kiss to the teen's cheek. A soft and promising one.

"That was from Squall... he promised you a good life." Patting Zell's pocket again to refresh his memory. "And with this money you can make one... Now go. Forget all of this and live."


It seemed right to go. He and Squall had such a close bond and the words sounded like something Squall would have told me... But just because I'm leaving doesn't mean I'm gonna forget. I'm gonna carry my feelings for Squall as long as my heart feels the need to... because who knows. Someday we may see each other again.

And as for Locke, he never showed up the next day so we could talk. I waited the entire day for him. Thinking that maybe he was held up by something. He never showed. I went to his house and his mother wasn't there, Conrad had been the one to answer the door.


"Zell was it?" He asked him.

Zell nodded. The man waved the homeless teen in turning his back to him walking down the hall. When the two got to the living room, Conrad walked over to one of the side tables. He pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it over to him.

"His mother found it in his room."

Zell took the slip of paper and turned his back to the man to read it.

/Dear Zell,

I really hope you and me can make up and be friends again, this whole thing really sucks. I never meant to hurt you or make you cry, or get you kicked out of your house. My mom is cool about a lot of things and I promise you that if you come by my house you'll have a room here and a home./

'Locke must have written this days ago.' Zell figured.

/My life is so screwed up when I have alone time, all these thoughts and feelings creep out of me like some kind of enclosing room, and it's not just the walls but the ceiling too and it sucks. So I push people away... I always thought when you're done with 'em than who cares, but you were so different to me.

You and I didn't hop into bed with each other right away, we waited... and it meant so much to me because it felt like you really liked me. I really liked you too. But gods, I was scared I couldn't handle being on the streets not even for a day.

But that's not the reason I pushed you away, forcing you out of my life seemed so natural to me. I didn't realize what you had really meant to me until everyday began to chip at me like peeling paint.

I... I love you. And even if we can't be together I would like to hope that some day we could be friends again./

A flash of Locke from the first day he'd met him flashed through his eyes. So confident, so cool. He had no idea what went on in his head. 'His father must have really done a number on his heart for him to be this way... That's it!' Turning to Conrad Zell stuffed the note in his pocket and asked.

"Sir, where is Locke right now?"

The man sighed heavily. "He's at the hospital, he suffered a severe loss of blood. We suspect suicide from the note he left his mother but..." He turned away and rubbed his temples.

"But..." Zell's heart was pounding out of his chest. It was all too much to take in, Locke wasn't suicidal, he just couldn't be. But if his mother found a note than it must be true. 'That must have been why he said I could stay here...'

"The police think someone may have broken into the house last night, his mother and I were gone when he got back." Conrad continued on. "We were out searching for him, before he could hurt himself... and... when we got home, we found him just lying there on the kitchen floor bleeding out of his neck."

Zell's attention was full swing now. If Locke were bleeding out of his neck did that mean Squall...? No he wouldn't have. "Is Locke going to be ok?" Zell asked.

"Yes, they're giving him blood right now. His mother told me to stay here in case the police call." The man sat down on the couch.

"Can I go see him?"

"Knock yourself out." The man replied.

He looked troubled so Zell left, he didn't wanna bother anyone else for a long time.


I went to the hospital. Locke was lying in bed looking cold and pale. His eyes were open and he seemed to smile when I walked in. His mother touched my shoulder and left us alone to talk. First thing Locke said to me was that he was sorry he didn't show up, and that he had some trouble when he got home.

I told him to shut up, he didn't have to apologize to me. I told him he shouldn't have tried to kill himself and he frowned. "It wasn't me... I had actually gone home feeling good." He said.

He then told me that there was some guy in his house. Dressed like a clown. He was hiding in his kitchen when he got home and then the guy just attacked him. A clown, why did that seem familiar to me? I couldn't place it then and I still can't now. I told Locke he and I will still keep in touch; and that, yes, I forgive him for what happened to me. I'm not happy about it, but I forgive him.

After all, I'm a nice guy and I rarely hold a grudge against people... Locke... I hope we do remain friends. Seifer and Selphie, I hope they're doing good. I wish I could have seen them one last time before...

"Your ticket sir." A woman asked me. I stuffed my hand into my pocket, digging out two ticket stubs.

"Here you go." I said handing over two. The woman checked them then handed them back.

"Thank you, dinner will be served in the main dining car in an hour." She said. "Be sure that you and your friend don't miss it." With that the woman walked away from us to check another persons tickets.

I looked at the person beside me and reached over moving hair from her sleeping eyes. She stirred a bit but remained asleep. I smiled to myself and looked out the window of the train at all the passing trees that were going by.

I don't know what Terra and me will make of our lives now, we've got enough money to get a home or something really small in a cheap town, but until we figure it out, Cloud offered us a place in his home for as long as we needed.

I think... I like how things turned out. I'm gonna call Seifer and Selphie the minute we get into town, and Locke too. I wish there was a way to call Shadow and the others. They're probably really confused about everything. But I'm wondering... since it's been a month and all... did Squall ever get out of jail...?

Out in the middle of the ocean, where a large prison building sits an officer is wandering down the halls of the cell blocks banging the bars with his nightstick reminding them to get into bed, because it was time to turn the lights out.

"Hey Highwind?!" The officer called. "Lights out, put that book down and get in bed."

Cid looked up from his book and shook his head. "Come in here and make me, I'm not going to sleep until that guy is removed." He said gesturing to the top bunk in his cell block. The cop flashed his light at the figure on the top bunk. Squall's eyes were closed and his body was still.

Scoffing the man pointed the light back at Cid saying, "Don't worry about that guy, he's gonna be out for a long long time. Now get to bed!"

Begrudgingly, Cid turned out the little light on the desk and climbed into the bed under Squall's bunk. The cop continued down the hall and the over head lights were turning off down the hall.

When the light over Cid's cell block went out he lit a match to see his book in the darkness but it soon blew out burning his fingers a bit. "Ah.." He shook his hand.

A light flick called his attention upward, dull orange and yellow light glowed beside him, it was from a lighter.

"Huh?" Looking up he saw Squall smiling down at him.

"Need a light." The vampire offered.

"Uh... thanks I... AA! AAAHHHH!"

An orange flame was glowing from the cell and three cops came running from the sound of Cid's screaming. When they got to the cell they covered their noses from the strong smell of burning flesh.

"What the hell happened in here!" One of them shouted waving his light through the cell. "Let's get this fire put out!"

They could see Cid's burning body writhing under his bunk but where was Squall? Neither one wanted to go in, but if Squall escaped they had to sound the alarm. Opening the cell door the two men held up their guns and went inside. The third officer returned with an extinguisher and began to put the fire out. But they still didn't see Squall.

A low heavy breathing sound grew in their ears and the three men looked around for where it was coming from. Aiming their lights at the ceiling they saw Squall standing upside down on the ceiling smiling at them.

"Dinner time."





X x X

Commentary: Thanks for reading. Seriously this is so old, and to me cringy lol, so thank you for reading. I have another old vampire fic with Seifer and Zell, if you're interested I'll post it too. Until then, see ya

Oh, sidebar, I am legit worried about this law to ban all LGBTQ+ content, and if that happens I guess I have to delete my stories because I ain't rich by any means and I cannot be jailed for my hobby, even if I stand firmly with my support. I hope that makes sense, but thank you all for loving, supporting and caring as well. I'm sorry the world has become like this.