Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Ever Where Ever ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When Ever Where Ever

}} A/N: An A/U fic here. Hojo Likes Sephy, Sephy acknowledges Hojo is his dad, They get along! (Way AU I know but it's my darn fic) Lucrecia the ho is still dead :P because I never liked her for the way she played those two. OC's and OOC-ness abound and possible Yaoi, shonen-ai straight sex situations and violence will be overflowing the edges of this thing. *Sweeps several severed limbs and a rolling head under the rug* The rating will go up as I go along so this will most likely move to the land of R ratings ~_^ Thanks! Enjoy and R/R!!!!!!! {{

}}A/n#2 For William who gave me a special Publish or perish type Challenge! Everyone Thank El Pinchi aka the scourge of god aka Atilla aka William aka My Boyfriend! For getting me to start working in earnest all of two days before school starts up again! ^_^ {{

Professor Hojo walked forward with determination. He had to keep up. His son was a speedy moving being even under normal circumstances. Now that he was eager to take command of his new unit he practically flew. So inspite being loaded down with his personal gear and several portable lab machines he had no choice but to break into an undignified sprinting jog to keep pace with his long limbed progeny.

"Damn it son slow down!" he hollered finally. Sephiroth slowed marginally, and seeing his father in difficulty, reached back and took several things from him. "You should try Mako enhancements father. Unlike myself you would not need regular injections, and I believe your strength and speed would improve greatly." Sephiroth said as they continued at a slower pace. "I need no enhancements, save in the area of respect I am owed by my son!" he snarled half jokingly. Sephiroth smirked at his father and continued onwards towards the freshly painted bunker of his new unit.

"Sarge!" the lookout shouted. The `Sarge' came out slowly having obviously been in the back of the headquarters building. What met Sephiroth's astonished gaze was a rare sight indeed. Before him stood a female SOLDIER! Her badges indicated that she was a staff Sargent and SOLDIER second class. His instincts screamed otherwise. He had never felt such potential threat from one of his own comrades before. Especially not from a single, second class, female, warrior. However that wasn't the only thing that struck him about the lady. She was tall equal to him in hight and radiantly well bronzed from constant outside exposure, with a dappling of freckles across her nose that made him think of farm girls instead of fighters. She had a thick mane of hair that was only allowed once a soldier reached second class and received several raises in rank. It was long and for the most part copper colored, falling down her back to her waist. Each bang though was a different color, the left being a metallic green and the right electric blue.

"Are we having an all day staring contest general or would you like to get yourself settled in before you review the grunts?" The woman asked in a smart assed way. "Please lead on Madam Mc'Niel" Hojo replied. He recognized when his son was deep in strategy and planning, and knew that unless his life or that of someone nearby was threatened you would get no reply from him. "This way then." She replied and he followed, tugging on his son's arm to get him to follow along.

Sammantha Sunnymoon was very frustrated. She had hoped that when it was proved that her former superiors were fools, and they finally got themselves slain, that she would receive a promotion and charge of her unit. However Shinra didn't promote women much. Just like every place else you had to work seventy times seven times harder to get the same recognition a man got with little or no effort. She had no problems with hard work. That was how she had been raised. "Work hard and receive your just dues." Was something deeply ingrained into the Sunnymoon makeup. She merely hated the lack of just dues she seemed to receive.

This caused her to reveal a lot more of her special tricks and secret ways the next morning during an `officers' training session with Sephiroth.

"This will be no holds barred, all out battle. We have the professor standing by with revive materia in case of any fatalities. Remember don't hold back!" The Silver haired general informed them, and then it was on! Sam smirked at the general as he came forward. The new lieutenant who had arrived six days previously was already under her thumb. He had been a desk jockey until very recently. The loss of so many officers in the war had resulted in desperate measures and pulling of bean counters into battle units. However he was skilled. It was only his need to wear glasses even after the Mako infusions that had chained him to a desk. At present he was standing a few feet to her left, in perfect formation, and of all things cracking his knuckles! It might have been a nervous habit or something meant to intimidate lessor warriors, yet is showed eagerness to fight anyway.

Sensing that the lieutenant was charging up an attack she began her trademark summon. The heralds summon materia glowed with an almost eager light. "Spirits of those gone before, announce our coming! Trumpets of victory!" The heralds appeared on their white horses the sun shining in dawn's glory just behind them. They brought their trumpets to their lips and blasted a cheerful victory call. They disappeared and for one second she saw that the general thought the strange summon had somehow failed. Then he looked again with his mako eyes gleaming in an attempt to distinguish magical enhancement. What he saw made an amused smirk cross his face. "Perhaps you will present a challenge after all." He whispered softly.

That wasn't what amused Sadie the most though, it was when the Lieutenant smirked at her and said, "Nice summon Sargent. Remind me to snag one for myself sometime." His completely casual attitude totally threw off their superior, because then he attacked with a limit break technique. The incredible spinning kicks and lightning charged punched were almost all blocked. Then the last part of the attack, a separate one really, but still in the same class as some of the higher level limits she had seen, actually broke through Sephiroth's defenses. "Bolt fist!" The lieutenant shouted and thunderclouds darkened the sky, then a flashing bolt of white-hot lightning streaked down and struck his upraised fist, charging it with energy. He brought that fist down on top of the general's head, the only opening that he was likely to get. It wasn't the best option for damaging an opponent but she saw the general's slight wince as the lieutenant leaped back to her side. He had managed to hurt the great Sephiroth!

"Your turn Sargent. Need a boost?" The lieutenant asked? Sam nodded and placed her boot clad foot into the pocket he made with his hands. She found herself launched into the air a good twenty yards above the surface of the ground. She ignored her fear of hights, only a mild one these days, thanks to years of intensive training, and pulled on the power of her limit. It had been half charged for days now from her fury at being passed over yet again. Seeing the handsome, arrogant general strolling in like he owned her and those she commanded pushed all the wrong buttons.

Sam had learned her fourth level limit break from her old instructor in martial arts during her last leave. "It is my special gift to you, my most gifted student, use it often, and with fury!" He had told her and now she was going to teach the general the meaning of the word. "Deadly Eclipse, Blade Beam Rain!" She shouted with intensity. The moon eclipsed the sun, and a rain of lasers and crescent shaped blades fell down upon the general.

Even the great general Sephiroth could not avoid all of the falling rain of death. Multiple slashes appeared on his person, cutting through armor, leather and cloth to reach the skin beneath. A single slash opened and bled upon his aristocratic cheekbone. This sight made Sam smile as her feet reconnected with the ground causing an echoing thud to ring across the battlefield. However, when the arrogant, but beautiful General realized his face had been cut the enjoyment of challenge faded from his eyes to be replaced by outrage.

"Uh-Oh Sarge!" Exclaimed one of the grunt Shinra privates. She knew what he meant without another word. Sephiroth's limit was breaking because of his outrage. Whatever limits the legendary General had Sam had no desire to see any of them executed upon her men. "Volunteers?" She inquired of the startled grunts. Half of them were quaking with terror and the other half looked to be concerned with trying to live through the battle. Only one was brave enough to see that they had no chance yet volunteer to try anyway. Phillipe Vagarson was eighteen years old, fresh from training, and yet he had enough battle experience to know the cause was lost. Still he took a step forward. She and the Lieutenant both nodded and he unleashed a brand new attack on Sephiroth. His limbs seemed to morph and shift, with the end result being that his two arms became six, and his twin swords followed suit. "Black fire hear your king and do my will! Dark Desire Attack!" He cried out and all six limbs launched the swords at the General. They landed in a ring around the transforming general and black fire leaped from all six pommels to stab at his flesh.

"Well that does it Vagarson. You are going to be my favorite corpse this session! Oh, and remind me I owe you a beer for bravery of service in the face of catastrophic events." Sadie shouted over to him at the end of the battle line. He had succeeded in making the general howl with agony, certainly earning him a wicked death. His six swords returned and his arms blurred back to normal two with fancy weapons intact. His laughter made her smile. She had taught even the least among the soldiery of Shinra to face death laughing. "Screw that Ma'am. You owe me a whole bottle of Vodka for what's coming now!" He exclaimed and then his body fell into two separate halves along with the rest of the grunts.

"Lieutenant! I think we stepped in it this time." She said nonchalantly to the one who stood at her side. He wasn't standing straight though. He clutched at his innards as they were all trying to jump out of his midriff. "So sorry Sargent. I am afraid it is up to you now." Then he fell over, unconscious and already next door to dead. She had been the only one to block the blindly fast Limit of the general.

"Impressive, that a second class warrior could block my level two limit. Maybe they under ranked you both in class and command." He commented as his eyes glow settled back to normal. She saw the wings disappearing from his back and knew now how he had been so very fast. She only got to catch a brief view of them, but it was enough to see their color. They started at an angelically pure white and slowly faded down to a blasphemous bloody red. "Duh General, of course they underrated, under ranked and under appreciated me. I am, after all is said and done only just a woman in their eyes!" She hissed in fury. Her limit was nearly full again. For the first time in ages she had gotten a C.O. that she could respect, and perhaps come to even like, and here he was lying dead at her feet, among her beloved men. Her head reminded her that they were all only moments away from revival and restoration, yet her heart still screamed deadly madness at the one who had so callously slain them. "Not just a woman that is for sure Sargent, however this is over for today." He said. Something like longing shone in his bright mako-green eyes, then he charged.

Sam blocked the first twenty strikes of Massamune with her gauntlets and a small round Mithrill shield. However, for once, twenty-one was not a lucky number, and she was split up the middle in similar fashion to the Lieutenant. She however refused to fall. "It is over brave Sargent. I know that pain you feel well enough to know that darkness would be friendly at this moment. Accept it's embrace without shame, the last to stand on a battlefield with me deserves all honors." The general said in her ear. His rich tones almost seduced her into acceptance of the offer of oblivion. Then Sam looked down at the stern and strong faces of her men, all mauled and horribly bloody. That made her limit snap. "I have only one answer for that dearest General. Sunnymoon Final Attack! Screaming Planet!!!!!!!!!"

A Mako geyser sprouted under her feet carrying her into the air. Then while she sat rather comfortably at its apex, a second spout formed and smashed into the general. The sound of the scream of the planet was loud in the ears of the two combatants and their scientific observer. Then finally the geyser faded with Sam's consciousness and she fell face first into the bloody, mako infused mud.